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Last active December 24, 2015 20:39
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Save matslina/6859231 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#define EOF char* /* !\
cat >>/dev/null <<EOF
set K {
This is a 4-language polyglot; it is valid brainfuck, C, Bash and
Tcl. The program prints a Spotify banner when run.
2013-10-06 - Mats Linander - matslina at gmail dot com
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#if 0 /*[
O0=($(echo "$K"|sed -e"s/\(.\)/\\1 /g"));OO=($(for((i=0;i<65535;i++))
do echo "0";done));Oo=0;oo="";oO=0;o0=0;while [ $oO -lt ${#O0[@]} ];do
case ${O0[$oO]} in ">")o0=$((o0+1));;"<")o0=$((o0-1));;"+")OO[$o0]=$((
echo -ne "\0$(((${OO[$o0]}/64)%8))""$(((${OO[o0]}/8)%8))$((${OO[o0]}%8
))";;",")if ((${#oo}==0)); then oo=$(cat);fi;if ((${#oo}>0)); then OO[
$o0]=$(printf "%d" "'${oo:0:1}");oo=${oo:1};fi;;"[")if ((${OO[$o0]}==0
));then c=1;while (($c>0));do oO=$(($oO+1));if [ ${O0[$oO]} == \[ ] ;
then c=$((c+1));fi;if [ ${O0[$oO]} == \] ]; then ((c-- ));fi;done;else
O0O[$Oo]=$oO;((Oo++)); fi;;"]")((Oo--));if ((${OO[$o0]})); then oO=$((
cat >>/dev/null <<EoF
#define _K_(___,_K,__)(K[_KK]^(___))?_K_^_K_:_K _K_ __;
_K_,_KK,__K,____,__[4>>002<<020]; _(__){__K=____?__K:__;____=__;while(
+K]&1):__*__;_KK+=__;_(__);}}___(){while(K[++_KK]){ _K_('v'^']',__[
#define EoF
#if 0
fconfigure stdout -encoding binary;fconfigure stdin -encoding binary;set __ 0
set _ 0;set _1 {0};;for {set ___ 0} {$___<0xffff} {incr ___} {lappend _1 0}
lappend _1_ 0;;while {$_ < [string length $K]} {switch -exact -- \
[string index $K $_] {{>} {incr __} {<} {set __ [expr $__-1]} {,}
{set __1 [read stdin 1]; if {[string length $__1]==1} {lset _1 $__ [scan $__1 \
%c]}} {.} {puts -nonewline stdout [format %c [lindex $_1 $__]]} {[} {
if {[lindex $_1 $__] == 0} {set ___ 1; while {$___ != 0} {incr _;
set __1 [string index $K $_];if {[string equal $__1 {[} ]} {incr ___;} \
elseif {[string equal $__1 {]}]} {set ___ [expr $___-1]}}} else {
lappend _1_ [expr $_ - 1]}} {]} {if {[lindex $_1 $__] != 0} {
set _ [lindex $_1_ end]};set _1_ [lrange $_1_ 0 end-1]} {+} {
lset _1 $__ [expr ([lindex $_1 $__] + 1)%256]} {-} {lset _1 $__ [expr \
([lindex $_1 $__] - 1)%256]} default {}}; incr _}
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