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Created September 15, 2016 13:54
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(require :asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install :ltk)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require :ltk))
(in-package :ltk)
(defparameter *board-offset* 10)
(defparameter *cell-size* 30)
(defvar *current-turn* 'white)
(defvar *board* nil)
(defun update-text (tb txt)
(setf (text tb) (format nil "~A~%~A" txt (text tb))))
(defun change-turn (tb)
(block exit
(setq *current-turn* (reverse-color *current-turn*))
(when (null (get-puttable-list *board* *current-turn*))
(update-text tb "置けるところがありません。")
(if (null (get-puttable-list *board* (reverse-color *current-turn*)))
(multiple-value-bind (total black white) (count-cell *board*)
(do-msg (format nil "ゲームセット~%~A - ~A で~Aです。"
black white (cond ((> black white) "あなたの勝ち")
((= black white) "引き分け")
(t "あなたの負け"))))
(setf *exit-mainloop* t)
(return-from exit))
(setq *current-turn* (reverse-color *current-turn*))))
(if (eq *current-turn* 'white)
(update-text tb "コンピュータの番です。思考中...")
(multiple-value-bind (v pos) (search-ab *board* 'max 'white nil nil 0)
(update-text tb (format nil "コンピュータは(~A,~A)に置きました。"
(car pos) (cdr pos)))
(setq *board* (put *board* (car pos) (cdr pos) 'white)))
(change-turn tb))
(update-text tb "あなたの番です。"))))
(defun main ()
(setf *debug-tk* nil)
(setf *current-turn* 'white)
(setf *board* (make-board))
(with-ltk ()
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas))
(frame (make-instance 'frame))
(tb (make-text frame :width nil :height 2)))
(pack canvas)
(pack frame)
(pack tb)
(bind canvas "<ButtonPress-1>"
(lambda (evt)
(let* ((mouse-x (event-x evt)) (mouse-y (event-y evt))
(rx (- mouse-x *board-offset*))
(ry (- mouse-y *board-offset*))
(cx (truncate rx *cell-size*)) (cy (truncate ry *cell-size*))
(puttable (get-puttable-list *board* 'black)))
(if (and (eq *current-turn* 'black)
(member (cons cx cy) puttable :test #'equal))
(update-text tb (format nil "あなたは(~A,~A)に置きました。" cx cy))
(setq *board* (put *board* cx cy 'black))
(draw-board canvas)
(change-turn tb)
(draw-board canvas))
(do-msg "そこには置けません")))))
(draw-board canvas)
(change-turn tb))))
(defun draw-board (canvas)
(clear canvas)
(dotimes (x *board-xsize*)
(dotimes (y *board-ysize*)
(+ *board-offset* (* x *cell-size*))
(+ *board-offset* (* y *cell-size*))
(+ *board-offset* (* (1+ x) *cell-size*))
(+ *board-offset* (* (1+ y) *cell-size*)))
"outline" "black")))
(dolist (cell *board*)
(destructuring-bind (x y color) cell
(create-oval canvas
(+ *board-offset* (* x *cell-size*))
(+ *board-offset* (* y *cell-size*))
(+ *board-offset* (* x *cell-size*) *cell-size*)
(+ *board-offset* (* y *cell-size*) *cell-size*))
"fill" (if (eq color 'black) "black" "white")))))
(defparameter *board-xsize* 8)
(defparameter *board-ysize* 8)
(defparameter *depth-limit* 4)
(defun make-board ()
(assert (and (evenp *board-xsize*) (evenp *board-ysize*)
(> *board-xsize* 2) (> *board-ysize* 2)))
(list (list (/ *board-xsize* 2) (/ *board-ysize* 2) 'white)
(list (1- (/ *board-xsize* 2)) (/ *board-ysize* 2) 'black)
(list (/ *board-xsize* 2) (1- (/ *board-ysize* 2)) 'black)
(list (1- (/ *board-xsize* 2)) (1- (/ *board-ysize* 2)) 'white)))
(defun sign (n)
(cond ((plusp n) 1)
((zerop n) 0)
(t -1)))
(defun get-turn-list (board x y color)
(labels ((collect (dx dy)
(remove-if-not (lambda (item)
(or (= 0 (* dx dy))
(= (abs (- (first item) x))
(abs (- (second item) y))))
(= dx (sign (- (first item) x)))
(= dy (sign (- (second item) y))))) board))
(turn-list-sub (dx dy)
(let* ((sort-op (if (plusp (if (zerop dy) dx dy)) #'< #'>))
(line (sort (collect dx dy)
(lambda (a b)
(if (zerop dy)
(funcall sort-op (first a) (first b))
(funcall sort-op (second a) (second b))))))
(tlist nil))
(do ((current-x (+ x dx) (+ current-x dx))
(current-y (+ y dy) (+ current-y dy))
(line-ptr line (cdr line-ptr)))
(null line-ptr)
(/= (caar line-ptr) current-x)
(/= (cadar line-ptr) current-y))
(setq tlist nil))
(if (eq (caddar line-ptr) color)
(push (cons current-x current-y) tlist)))
(mapcan (lambda (x)
(mapcan (lambda (y)
(turn-list-sub x y)) '(-1 0 1))) '(-1 0 1))))
(defun reverse-color (c)
(if (eq c 'black) 'white 'black))
(defun reverse-phase (p)
(if (eq p 'max) 'min 'max))
(defun put (board x y color)
(let ((tl (get-turn-list board x y color)))
(cons (list x y color)
(mapcar (lambda (item)
(if (find-if (lambda (ti)
(and (= (car ti) (first item))
(= (cdr ti) (second item)))) tl)
(list (first item) (second item) color)
item)) board))))
(defun count-cell (board)
(let* ((total (length board))
(black (length (remove-if (lambda (item) (eq (third item) 'white)) board)))
(white (- total black)))
(values total black white)))
(defparameter bp
#2A((45 -11 4 -1 -1 4 -11 45)
(-11 -16 -1 -3 -3 2 -16 -11)
(4 -1 2 -1 -1 2 -1 4)
(-1 -3 -1 0 0 -1 -3 -1)
(-1 -3 -1 0 0 -1 -3 -1)
(4 -1 2 -1 -1 2 -1 4)
(-11 -16 -1 -3 -3 -1 -16 -11)
(45 -11 4 -1 -1 4 -11 45)))
(defun count-fixed (board color)
(let ((map (make-array '(8 8))))
(mapc (lambda (cell)
(if (eq (third cell) color)
(setf (aref map (first cell) (second cell)) 1))) board)
(mapc (lambda (c) (if (eq (aref map (car c) (cdr c)) 1)
(setf (aref map (car c) (cdr c)) 2)))
'((0 . 0) (7 . 7) (0 . 7) (7 . 0)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map i 0) 0)
(setf (aref map i 0) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map i 7) 0)
(setf (aref map i 7) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map 0 i) 0)
(setf (aref map 0 i) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map 7 i) 0)
(setf (aref map 7 i) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map (- 7 i) 0) 0)
(setf (aref map (- 7 i) 0) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map (- 7 i) 7) 0)
(setf (aref map (- 7 i) 7) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map 0 (- 7 i)) 0)
(setf (aref map 0 (- 7 i)) 2)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(if (eq (aref map 7 (- 7 i)) 0)
(setf (aref map 7 (- 7 i)) 2)))
(dotimes (x 8)
(dotimes (y 8)
(if (eq (aref map x y) 0)
(setf (aref map x y) 2))))
(dotimes (x 8)
(dotimes (y 8)
(if (eq (aref map x (- 7 y)) 0)
(setf (aref map x (- 7 y)) 2))))
(dotimes (y 8)
(dotimes (x 8)
(if (eq (aref map x y) 0)
(setf (aref map x y) 2))))
(dotimes (y 8)
(dotimes (x 8)
(if (eq (aref map (- 7 x) y) 0)
(setf (aref map (- 7 x) y) 2))))
(let ((sum 0))
(dotimes (x 8)
(dotimes (y 8)
(if (eq (aref map x y) 2)
(incf sum))))
(defun static-eval (board color)
(let ((bp-val (apply #'+
(mapcar (lambda (cell)
(let ((cx (first cell)) (cy (second cell))
(cc (third cell)))
(* (aref bp cy cx) (if (eq color cc) 1 -1)))) board)))
(fs-val (count-fixed board color)))
(+ (* bp-val 1) (* fs-val 3))))
(defun get-puttable-list (board color)
(let ((all-cells))
(dotimes (x *board-xsize*)
(dotimes (y *board-ysize*)
(push (cons x y) all-cells)))
(remove-if (lambda (pos)
(null (get-turn-list board (car pos) (cdr pos) color)))
(set-difference all-cells board :test (lambda (a b)
(and (= (car a) (first b))
(= (cdr a) (second b))))))))
(defun max-ignore-nil (&rest items)
(apply #'max (remove-if #'null items)))
(defun min-ignore-nil (&rest items)
(apply #'min (remove-if #'null items)))
(defun take (n list)
(if (>= n (length list))
(subseq list 0 n)))
(defun search-ab (board phase color alpha beta depth)
(if (< *depth-limit* depth)
(static-eval board color)
(let* ((puttable (get-puttable-list board color))
(sval (mapcar (lambda (pos)
(put board (car pos) (cdr pos) color) color)
(sorted-sval (take
(- 10 depth) ;;候補の上限数
(sort sval (lambda (a b)
(case phase
(max (> (car a) (car b)))
(min (< (car a) (car b)))))))))
(if (null puttable)
(static-eval board color)
(let ((current-top nil) (top-pos nil))
(block cut-exit
(dolist (candidate sorted-sval)
(let* ((cx (cadr candidate))
(cy (cddr candidate))
(new-alpha (if (eq phase 'min) current-top alpha))
(new-beta (if (eq phase 'max) current-top beta))
(child-result (search-ab (put board cx cy color)
(reverse-phase phase)
new-alpha new-beta (1+ depth))))
(when child-result
(case phase
(min (if (and (not (null alpha)) (>= alpha child-result))
;;(print "αカット!")
(return-from cut-exit))
(min-ignore-nil current-top child-result))
(if (= current-top child-result)
(setq top-pos (cons cx cy))))))
(max (if (and (not (null beta)) (<= beta child-result))
;;(print "βカット!")
(return-from cut-exit))
(max-ignore-nil current-top child-result))
(if (= current-top child-result)
(setq top-pos (cons cx cy)))))))))))
(values current-top top-pos))))))
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