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Last active November 23, 2022 10:28
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Uses DNS over HTTPS endpoint to lookup A records - PowerShell
$domain = ''
$url = ''+$domain+'&type=A';
$header = @{"accept"="application/dns-json"}
$response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $header -UseBasicParsing).Content
$r = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response) | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($item in $r.Answer)
Write-Host $item
$domain = ''
$url = ''+$domain + '&type=A';
$r = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($item in $r.Answer)
Write-Host $item
$domain = ""
$url = "$($domain)"
$r= (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($item in $r.Answer)
Write-Host $item
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corey-alford commented Aug 31, 2022

To fix the CloudFlare script update this line:
$r = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
To this:
$r = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response) | ConvertFrom-Json

Also I would just output recommend getting rid of the foreach and just putting $r.Answer so it stays an array, making it easier export to file and it also outputs in a table which is easier to read.

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Can't say if the Quad9 one will work because the port is blocked outbound where I am out atm, but this allows you to run it as a function and just select which provider you want. Also accepts multiple domains at once as a array.
Resolve-DnsSSL -Domains <Domains Array> -Provider <CloudFlare, Google, Quad9>

 Function Resolve-DnsSSL {
	 param (
	 [String]$Provider = "CloudFlare"
	 Foreach ($domain in $domains) {
		 switch ($Provider) {
			 "CloudFlare" {$url = ''+$domain+'&type=A'; break}
			 "Google"     {$url = ''+$domain + '&type=A'; break}
			 "Quad9"      {$url = "$($domain)"; break}
		 $header = @{"accept"="application/dns-json"}
		 $response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $header -UseBasicParsing)
		 if ($response.Content.GetType().name -eq "Byte[]") {
			 $json = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response.Content)
		 Else {
			 $json = $response.Content
		 $content = $json | ConvertFrom-Json

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CF, Goog & Quad9 all queries are working

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matt40k commented Aug 31, 2022

Cheers @corey-alford, you ok if I use that and add it to the PSGallery?

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Hey sorry missed the notification for this, yeah for sure. Would be cool if you could give me a credit on it or something but all good if too hard haha.

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Hey @matt40k

I have also updated it as well so now you can use -type and it'll resolve those records when using Google or CloudFlare, updated version is below:

Resolve-DnsSSL -Domains <Domains Array> -Type <DNS Record Type> -Provider <CloudFlare, Google, Quad9>

Function Resolve-DnsSSL{
 param (

	[array]$Type = 'A',
	[String]$Provider = "CloudFlare"

	Foreach ($domain in $domains) {
		switch ($Provider) {
			"CloudFlare" {$url = ''+$domain+'&type='+$type; break}
			"Google"     {$url = '' + $domain + '&type='+$type; break}
			"Quad9"      {$url = '' + $domain; break}
		$header = @{"accept"="application/dns-json"}
		$response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $header -UseBasicParsing)
		if ($response.Content.GetType().name -eq "Byte[]") {
			$json = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response.Content)
		Else {
			$json = $response.Content
		$content = $json | ConvertFrom-Json

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