This is an experiment. Is a GitHub Gist comment a good way to log publically how I fixed an installation or similar issue?
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This is an experiment. Is a GitHub Gist comment a good way to log publically how I fixed an installation or similar issue?
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CCP4 has coot, but why install the whole, when you need a part?
The following is more icky than the value of zeta(3), but CCP4 installation on Mac can be worse:
installing XQuartz traditionally has made my OS glitchier than a Windows machine running pirated software.
brew tap brewsci/bio
brew install coot
# find /opt/homebrew -iname '*coot*' --> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/coot/1.1.11_1.reinstall/bin/coot
# but when run it thinks itself in coot/1.1.11_1/
ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/coot/1.1.11_1.reinstall /opt/homebrew/Cellar/coot/1.1.11_1
export COOT_PATH='/opt/homebrew/Cellar/coot/1.1.11_1'
# link binaries to folder in PATH
ln -s $COOT_PATH/bin/coot /opt/homebrew/bin/coot
ln -s $COOT_PATH/libexec/MacCoot /opt/homebrew/bin/MacCoot
# boost error? Boost installed
#brew install boost-python3
#brew upgrade boost-python3
# linking it and crossing fingers...
ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost-python3/1.87.0_1/lib/libboost_python313.dylib \
APBS does not work out of the box on Rocky Linux 8.10