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Last active April 30, 2021 11:37
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An unofficial Python API to the Consurf DB that allows pandas output, chain changes, offset correction, conservation mapping to bfactors of a PyRosetta pose or PyMOL object etc. Can get offset from aligning or Swissmodel
from typing import *
import re
import requests
# not std lib imports in methods --> bad typehinting
class Consurfer:
Get and parse consurf data.
It takes 1.7 seconds to fetch a grades file off the web.
I do not know 100% if this is within the T&Cs of Consurf, but I believe it is.
It definitely isnt if commercial use though.
Either from web
>>> cp = ConsurfPoser.from_web('1UBQ', 'A')
or filename
>>> cp = ConsurfPoser.from_filename('grades.txt')
Data is in (dict of ``MET1:A`` to dict of values (see ``ConsurfPoser.keys`` class attribute))
and can be converted to pandas:
>>> cp = ConsurfPoser.from_web('1UBQ', 'A')
>>> cp.to_pandas()
If a residue appears in SEQPOS but no ATOM records are present, they will be like ``['___1:A']``.
The key is the ``3LATOM`` field, this is ATOM numbering, while POS is the SEQPOS numbering.
``apply_offset_from_swissmodel`` uses the latter and makes both Uniprot numbering.
Also can add a consurf conservation to a PyRosetta pose in place.
>>> cp.add_bfactor_to_pose(pose)
Or a pymol object
also, if chain number differs, e.g. V in consurf grades file and A in pose:
>>> cp.remap_chains({'B': 'A'})
Likewise with offset
>>> cp.offset({'A': 10})
If the Uniprot id is known, the offset can be taken from Swissmodel
>>> self.apply_offset_from_swissmodel(uniprot, code, chain)
Potentially support multi-chain operations, but not tested.
>>> cp = ConsurfPoser.merge([cp1, cp2, cp3])
# ----- init methods ---------
def __init__(self):
self.grades_block = '' = {}
self.present_chain = 'A' # fallback
def from_web(cls, code: str, chain: str):
Consurf DB. Two requests.
self = cls()
self.fetch(code, chain)
return self
def from_filename(cls, grades_filename: str):
dot grades file.
self = cls()
return self
def merge(cls, consufers: List['self']):
Merging into one.
self = cls()
# shoddy chaining. = {key: values for cs in consufers for key, values in cs.items()}
return self
# ----- inner methods: parse ---------
def parse(self) -> dict:
parses a grades block and fills self.conscores
# = {} # outer key is MET1:A
assert len(self.grades_block), 'self.grades_block is empty'
for row in self.grades_block.split('\n'):
row = row.strip()
# if pos is not a number it is not a row.
if not len(row) or not row[0].isdigit():
parts = dict(zip(self.keys, filter(len, row.split('\t'))))
name = parts['3LATOM'].strip()
if name == '-':
# missing density
# note: uses fallback present_chain
name = '___' + parts['POS'] + ':' + self.present_chain
self.present_chain = name[-1][name] = parts
# ----- inner methods: getters ---------
def get_conscore(self, key) -> float:
Key is the ATOM resn resi : Chain
if key in
return float([key]['SCORE'])
return float('nan')
def get_residue_chain(self, res: str) -> str:
return res[-1]
def get_residue_name(self, res: str) -> str:
return res[:3]
def get_residue_index(self, res: str) -> int:
return int(res[3:-2])
def get_color(self, res: str) -> int:
# COLOR is an integer... A wee more resolution with confidence range!
conf_colors =[res]['CONFIDENCE COLORS']
color = sum(map(int, conf_colors.strip().split(','))) / 2
# 9 is conserved 1 is not.
return color
def get_key(self, index: int, chain: str) -> str:
for entry in
if f'{index}:{chain}' in entry:
return entry
raise ValueError(f'Absent {index}:{chain}')
def get_variety(self, res: str) -> List[str]:
return[res]['RESIDUE VARIETY'].split(',')
# ----- inner methods: utils ---------
def to_pandas(self) -> 'pd.DataFrame':
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame(
def add_bfactor_to_pose(self, pose: 'pyrosetta.Pose', strict: bool = True):
Adds the conscores dictionary to bfactor in place.
If ``strict`` is True, an error is raised if a residue mismatches.
pdb_info = pose.pdb_info()
assert not pdb_info.obsolete(), 'The pdb_info is obsolete'
pdb2pose = pdb_info.pdb2pose
for con_res in
chain = self.get_residue_chain(con_res)
resi = self.get_residue_index(con_res)
resn = self.get_residue_name(con_res)
pose_res = pdb2pose(res=resi, chain=chain)
if pose_res == 0:
residue = pose.residue(pose_res)
if strict:
assert residue.name3() == resn, f'{residue.name3()} ≠ {resn}'
for i in range(residue.natoms()):
pdb_info.bfactor(pose_res, i, self.get_conscore(con_res))
def add_bfactor_to_pymol(self, pymol, add_score: bool = False):
pymol is a pymol2.PyMOL object.
>>> with pymol2.PyMOL() as pymol:
>>> pymol.cmd.fetch('3CMD', 'model')
>>> cp.offset_pymol()
``add_score`` True adds the score (zero centered), else the 10-1 color
for key, values in
resi = self.get_residue_index(key)
chain = self.get_residue_chain(key)
# COLOR is an integer... A wee more resolution with confidence range!
color = sum(map(int, values['CONFIDENCE COLORS'].strip().split(','))) / 2
# 9 is conserved 1 is not.
if add_score:
color = self.get_conscore(key)
# 9 is conserved 1 is not.
color = 10 - self.get_color(key)
pymol.cmd.alter(f'resi {resi} and chain {chain}', f'b={color}')
# ----- dependent methods: web
def fetch(self, code: str, chain: str) -> dict:
"""Uses so make sure you fall within its usage."""
first = self._fetch_initial(code, chain)
self.grades_block = self._fetch_final(first)
def _fetch_initial(self, code: str, chain: str) -> str:
reply = requests.get('',
self.assert_reply(reply, msg=f'matching {code}')
mapping = dict(re.findall('option value="(\w) (\w{5})"', reply.text))
assert chain in mapping, f'Chain {chain} is absent in {code} according to Consurf'
return mapping[chain]
def _fetch_final(self, final: str):
url = f'{final}/consurf_summary.txt'
reply = requests.get(url)
self.assert_reply(reply, msg=final)
return reply.text
def assert_reply(self, reply, msg):
if reply.status_code == 200:
elif reply.status_code == 404:
raise requests.exceptions.InvalidURL(f'{msg} could not be found in Consurf',
raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError(
f'{msg} gave a code {reply.status_code} with Consurf ({reply.text})',
# ----- dependent methods: file
def read(self, grades_filename: str) -> dict:
with open(grades_filename) as r:
self.grades_block =
# ---- offset correction
def remap_chains(self, chain_map: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
Say conscores is chain A based, but the model is not.
new_data = {}
for res, values in list(
old_chain = self.get_residue_chain(res)
if old_chain in chain_map:
new_name = res[:-2] + ':' + chain_map[old_chain]
new_data[new_name] = values
new_data[res] = values
if self.present_chain in chain_map:
self.chain_map = chain_map[self.chain_map] = new_data
def offset_atom(self, offset_map: Dict[str, int]) -> None:
offset the index (the ATOM record numbering)
new_data = {}
for res, values in list(
chain = self.get_residue_chain(res)
resi = self.get_residue_index(res)
resn = self.get_residue_name(res)
if chain in offset_map:
offset = offset_map[chain]
new_name = f'{resn}{resi + offset}:{chain}'
new_data[new_name] = values
new_data[res] = values = new_data
def offset_seqpos(self, offset_map: Dict[str, int]) -> None:
Offset the index (the SEQPOS record numbering and use that.
new_data = {}
for res, values in list(
chain = self.get_residue_chain(res)
resi = self.get_residue_index(res)
resn = self.get_residue_name(res)
if chain in offset_map:
offset = offset_map[chain]
if isinstance(values['POS'], str):
values['POS'] = int(values['POS'].strip())
new_resi = values['POS'] + offset
if new_resi < 1:
values['POS'] = new_resi
new_name = f'{resn}{new_resi}:{chain}'
new_data[new_name] = values
new_data[res] = values = new_data
def get_offset_from_swissmodel(self, uniprot, code, chain) -> int:
Swissmodel has the offset from the SEQPOS, SIFTS from the ATOM,
but if there is no ATOM, it is none, so this is safe.
sm_data = requests.get(f'{uniprot}.json').json()
segs_data = [structure['chains'] for structure in sm_data['result']['structures'] if
structure['template'].upper() == code]
chain_data = [seg for seg in segs_data[0] if seg['id'] == chain][0]['segments'][0]
pdb_from = chain_data['pdb']['from']
uniprot_from = chain_data['uniprot']['from']
return uniprot_from - pdb_from
def apply_offset_from_swissmodel(self, uniprot, code, chain) -> int:
offset = self.get_offset_from_swissmodel(uniprot, code, chain)
self.offset_seqpos({chain: offset})
return offset
def sequence(self):
return ''.join(row['SEQ'].strip() for row in
def get_offset_by_alignment(self, ref_sequence: str) -> int:
Offset by alignment. SEQPOS alignment
from Bio import pairwise2
# alignment = pairwise2.align.globalxx(ref_sequence, data_sequence)[0]
# 3 sequential mismatches make a gap favourable:
alignment = pairwise2.align.globalms(ref_sequence, self.sequence,
2, # match
-.5, # mismatch
-1, # open
0 # extend
ref_al, con_al, _, _, _ = alignment
offset = 0
for r, c in zip(ref_al, con_al):
if r == '-':
offset += 1 # number added to con numbering.
elif c == '-':
offset -= 1 # number added to con numbering.
return offset
def apply_offset_by_alignment(self, ref_sequence: str, chain: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
if chain is None:
chain = self.present_chain
offset = self.get_offset_by_alignment(ref_sequence)
self.offset_seqpos({chain: offset})
return offset
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matteoferla commented Apr 28, 2021

Do note that this does not call up SIFTS to get the offset relative to the Uniprot entry, but Swissmodel.
The numbering is SEQ based. Which may differ from residue index in the ATOM entries. If so, SIFT gets a None causing issues.

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