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Created August 4, 2022 15:38
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Example own Traversable
module Playground18 where
import DA.Foldable
import DA.Traversable
import Daml.Script
import Prelude hiding (mapA)
-- Goal : get a better understanding of the Traversable typeclass by implementing it on a binary tree
data Tree a
= Leaf
| Node with
value : a
left : Tree a
right : Tree a
-- first we define functoriality (with respect to the contained argument)
instance Functor Tree where
-- (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
fmap f Leaf = Leaf
fmap f Node{..} = Node with value = f value, left = fmap f left, right = fmap f right
-- secondly, we implement foldability (with respect to the contained argument)
instance Foldable Tree where
-- Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap f Leaf = mempty
foldMap f Node{..} = foldMap f left <> f value <> foldMap f right
-- thirdly, we want to traverse the tree
-- applicative : given f (a -> b) and f a, I can put them together with <*>
instance Traversable Tree where
-- basically by applying mapA with a carefully chosen action (my node builder + mapA f) I end up with the
-- applicative partially applied to the left part of the tree (because applicative operators are left associative)
-- we then use this applicative to build the rest of the tree
-- it would be easy to change the order of application (using do notation)
mapA f Leaf = pure Leaf
mapA f Node{..} =
let buildNode l c r = Node with left = l, value = c, right = r
in buildNode <$> mapA f left <*> f value <*> mapA f right
template T with
p : Party
t : Text
where signatory p
effectfulFunction : Party -> Text -> Script Text
effectfulFunction p t = do
submit p do createCmd T with p,t
pure t
script : Script ()
script = do
p <- allocateParty "p"
-- build tree
-- a
-- / \
-- b e
-- / \ / \
-- c d f g
let tree = Node
value = "a"
left = Node
value = "b"
left = Node
value = "c"
left = Leaf
right = Leaf
right = Node
value = "d"
left = Leaf
right = Leaf
right = Node
value = "e"
left = Node
value = "f"
left = Leaf
right = Leaf
right = Node
value = "g"
left = Leaf
right = Leaf
-- traverse the tree, creating one contract per node
x <- mapA (effectfulFunction p) tree
pure ()
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