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Last active March 20, 2017 20:33
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Apollo with React
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { ApolloClient, ApolloProvider } from "react-apollo";
import UserProfile from "user-profile"
const client = new ApolloClient();
const reactRoot = document.getElementById("react-root");
// Wrap components at the top level with ApolloProvider - this allows us
// to hook into its store locally.
// Also, statically passing a `userId` prop with the value of 1 to the
// UserProfile component.
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<UserProfile userId={1} />
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { gql, graphql } from "react-apollo";
class UserProfile extends Component {
render() {
// These props are coming from the Apollo store. Further down,
// the component is wrapped in a 'higher order' component that adds
// them to the current view.
const { data: { user, loading } } = this.props;
if (loading) { return <div>Loading…</div>; }
<p>The user is ID: {{}}</p>
const UserProfileForLayout = gql`
query UserProfileForLayout($id: ID!) {
user(id: $id) {
const WrapComponentWithQuery = graphql(
// Here, we set the variables that will be used by the query. The
// function receives `props` as an argument, and we destructure to retrieve
// the `userId` prop that's set statically in index.jsx
options: ({userId}) => ({ variables: { id: userID } })
export default WrapComponentWithQuery(UserProfile);
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