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Last active October 31, 2017 05:20
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An OID decoder
function ConvertTo-Oid {
Decodes a DER encoded ASN.1 object identifier (OID)
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
ConvertTo-Oid decodes a DER encoded ASN.1 object identifier (OID). This can be used as a helper function for binary certificate parsers.
Specifies the bytes of an absolute (starts with 6), encoded OID.
ConvertTo-Oid -EncodedOIDBytes @(0x06, 0x0A, 0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x82, 0x37, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x05)
ConvertTo-Oid outputs an OID object representing the decoded OID.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)]
# This only handles absolute encoded OIDs - those that start with 6.
# [Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig]::EncodeOID only handles absolute OIDs.
# This article describes the OID encoding/decoding process:
if (($EncodedOIDBytes.Length -lt 2) -or ($EncodedOIDBytes[0] -ne 6) -or ($EncodedOIDBytes[1] -ne ($EncodedOIDBytes.Length - 2))) {
throw 'Invalid encoded EKU OID value.'
$OIDComponents = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Int]'
$SecondComponent = $EncodedOIDBytes[2] % 40
$FirstComponent = ($EncodedOIDBytes[2] - $SecondComponent) / 40
$i = 3
while ($i -lt $EncodedOIDBytes.Length) {
if (-not ($EncodedOIDBytes[$i] -band 0x80)) {
# It is just singlebyte encoded
} else {
# It is either two or three byte encoded
$Byte1 = ($EncodedOIDBytes[$i] -shl 1) -shr 1 # Strip the high bit
$Byte2 = $EncodedOIDBytes[$i+1]
if ($Byte2 -band 0x80) {
# three byte encoded
$Byte3 = $EncodedOIDBytes[$i+2]
$i += 3
$Byte2 = $Byte2 -band 0x7F
if ($Byte2 -band 1) { $Byte3 = $Byte3 -bor 0x80 }
if ($Byte1 -band 1) { $Byte2 = $Byte2 -bor 0x80 }
$Byte2 = $Byte2 -shr 1
$Byte1 = $Byte1 -shr 1
if ($Byte2 -band 1) { $Byte2 = $Byte2 -bor 0x80 }
$Byte1 = $Byte1 -shr 1
$OIDComponents.Add([BitConverter]::ToInt32(@($Byte3, $Byte2, $Byte1, 0), 0))
} else {
# two byte encoded
$i +=2
# "Shift" the low bit from the high byte to the high bit of the low byte
if ($Byte1 -band 1) { $Byte2 -bor 0x80 }
$Byte1 = $Byte1 -shr 1
$OIDComponents.Add([BitConverter]::ToInt16(@($Byte2, $Byte1), 0))
[Security.Cryptography.Oid] ($OIDComponents -join '.')
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