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Created August 27, 2015 21:49
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WP Geshi Highlight Additions
Plugin Name: WP-GeSHi-Highlight
Plugin URI:
Description: Syntax highlighting for many languages. Based on GeSHi, a rock-solid, well-established highlighter engine. Produces clean, small, valid HTML output. Very simple to use, but customizable.
Author: Jan-Philip Gehrcke
Version: 1.3.0
Author URI:
WP-GeSHi-Highlight was originally based on WP-Syntax by Ryan McGeary.
These legacy code sections are labeled correspondingly.
# Contact: --
# Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Jan-Philip Gehrcke
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Ryan McGeary (lines are labeled)
# This file is part of WP-GeSHi-Highlight.
# You can use, modify, redistribute this program under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 (GPL2):
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
Advantages over comparable highlighters
- WP-GeSHi-Highlight filters & replaces code snippets as early as possible. The
highlighted code is inserted as late as possible. Hence, interference with
other plugins is minimized.
- No computing resources are wasted if the current view is free of code
Usage of GeSHi setting "GESHI_HEADER_PRE_VALID"
- Uses numbered lists for line numbering.
-> number-source shifts do not occur. Methods relying on tables for
number-source alignment often fail when showing long code blocks.
I had this problem with the original version of WP-Syntax.
Certain pastebins have this problem.
- Creates valid HTML code. Not trivial while using ordered lists for line
numbers. The challenge is discussed in many bugreports, e.g.
Usage of GeSHi's get_stylesheet()
- Creates short highlighting html code: styling is not based on long
<span style"..."> occurrences.
Possible issues
- Snippet search&replace is based on PHP's `preg_replace_callback()`.
"The pcre.backtrack_limit option (added in PHP 5.2) can trigger a NULL
return, with no errors."
That is, for very long code snippets, it might happen that this function
does not find/replace anything. These snippets will not get highlighted.
I have never observed this, but please let me know when you run into it.
- The "line" argument allows for numbers greater than 1. This starts the
numbering at the given number. And it breaks XHTML validity.
This is how the plugin works for all page requests
I) template_redirect hook:
1) The user has sent a request. Wordpress has set up its `$wp_query` object.
`$wp_query` contains information about all content potentially shown to the
2) This plugin iterates over this content, i.e. over each post, including each
(approved) comment belonging to this post.
3) While iterating over the post and comment texts, occurrences of the pattern
<pre args>CODE</pre> are being searched for.
4) If one such pattern is found, the information (args and CODE) is stored
in a global variable, together with a match index.
This has described the process which happens at the beginning of each page
request. The following steps only happen if there actually is a code snippet
to highlight.
5) The occurrence of the pattern in the original content (post/comment text)
is deleted and replaced by a unique identifier containing the corresponding
match index. Therefore, the content cannot be altered by any other plugin
6) GeSHi iterates over all code snippets and generates HTML code for each
snippet, according to the given programming language and line numbering
7) Additionally, GeSHi generates optimized CSS code for each snippet. All CSS
code generated by GeSHi ends up in one string.
8) For each code snippet, the HTML code and the corresponding match index is
stored in a global variable.
II) wp_enqueue_scripts hook:
Via this hook, the plugin instructs WordPress to print include the following
resources in the head section of the HTML document:
- A style tag referencing wp-geshi-highlight.css, from the theme or plugin
directory, for general styling of code blocks.
- If required via the `cssfile` option, other CSS files are included, too,
via style tags.
- All CSS code generated by GeSHi is included, inline.
III) content filters:
- The plugin defines three low priority filters on post text, post excerpt,
and comment text. These filters run after most other plugins have done
their job, i.e. shortly before the html code is delivered to the user's
- The filter code searches the content for the unique identifiers stored in
step I.5.
- If such an identifier is found, it gets replaced by the corresponding
highlighted code snippet.
// Entry point of the plugin (right after WordPress has finished processing
// the user request, set up `$wp_query`, and right before the template renders
// the HTML output).
add_action('template_redirect', 'wp_geshi_main');
function wp_geshi_main() {
global $wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays;
global $wp_geshi_run_token;
global $wp_geshi_comments;
global $wp_geshi_used_languages;
global $wp_geshi_requested_css_files;
$wp_geshi_requested_css_files = array();
$wp_geshi_comments = array();
$wp_geshi_used_languages = array();
// Snippets will temporarily be replaced by a uniqe token. Generate it.
$wp_geshi_run_token = uniqid(rand());
// Filter all post/comment texts and store and replace code snippets.
// Add filter for custom fields not already caught by wp_geshi_filter_and_replace_code_snippets
add_filter('geshi_highlight', 'wp_geshi_highlight_custom_fields', 10);
// If no snipptes to highlight were found, it is time to leave.
if (!count($wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays)) return;
// `$wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays` is populated. Process it. That is
// GeSHi's task: generate HTML and CSS code.
// Now, `$wp_geshi_css_code` and `$wp_geshi_highlighted_matches` are set.
// Add action to add CSS code to HTML header.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_geshi_add_css_to_head');
// In `wp_geshi_filter_and_replace_code_snippets()` the comments have been
// queried, filtered and stored in `$wp_geshi_comments`. But, in contrast to
// the posts, the comments become queried again when `comments_template()`
// is called by the theme -> comments are read two times from the database.
// No way to prevent this if the comments' content should be available
// before wp_head. After the second read, all changes -- and with that the
// "uuid replacement" -- are lost. The `comments_array` filter becomes
// triggered and can be used to set all comments to the state after the
// first filtering by wp-geshi-highlight (as saved in `$wp_geshi_comments`).
// --> Add high priority filter to replace comments with the ones stored in
// `$wp_geshi_comments`.
add_filter('comments_array', 'wp_geshi_insert_comments_with_uuid', 1);
// Add low priority filter to replace unique identifiers with highlighted
// code.
add_filter('the_content', 'wp_geshi_insert_highlighted_code_filter', 99);
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wp_geshi_insert_highlighted_code_filter', 99);
add_filter('comment_text', 'wp_geshi_insert_highlighted_code_filter', 99);
// Parse all post and comment texts related to the current query.
// While iterating over these texts, do the following:
// - Detect <pre args> code </pre> patterns.
// - Store these patterns in a global variable.
// - Modify post/comment texts: replace code patterns by a unique identifier.
function wp_geshi_filter_and_replace_code_snippets() {
global $wp_query;
global $wp_geshi_comments;
// Iterate over all posts in this query.
foreach ($wp_query->posts as $post) {
// Extract code snippets from the content. Replace them.
$post->post_content = wp_geshi_filter_replace_code($post->post_content);
// Iterate over all approved comments belonging to this post.
// Store comments with uuid (code replacement) in `$wp_geshi_comments`.
$comments = get_approved_comments($post->ID);
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$wp_geshi_comments[$comment->comment_ID] =
function wp_geshi_highlight_custom_fields( $content ) {
$content = wp_geshi_filter_replace_code( $content );
if ( ! wp_script_is( 'wpgeshi-wp-geshi-highlight.css', 'enqueued' ) ) {
return wp_geshi_insert_highlighted_code_filter( $content );
// This is called as comments_array filter: Replace comments coming from the
// second DB read-out with the ones stored in `$wp_geshi_comments`.
function wp_geshi_insert_comments_with_uuid($comments_2nd_read) {
global $wp_geshi_comments;
// Iterate over comments from 2nd read.
// Call by reference, otherwise changes have no effect.
foreach ($comments_2nd_read as &$comment) {
if (array_key_exists($comment->comment_ID, $wp_geshi_comments)) {
// Replace the comment content from 2nd read with the content
// that was created after the 1st read.
$comment->comment_content =
return $comments_2nd_read;
// Search all <pre args>code</pre> occurrences. Store them globally.
// Replace them with unique identifiers (uuid+snippet ID).
// Call `wp_geshi_substitute($match)` for each match.
// A `$match` is an array, following the sub-pattern of the regex:
// 0: all
// 1: language
// 2: line
// 3: escaped
// 4: cssfile (a filename without .css suffix)
// 5: code
function wp_geshi_filter_replace_code($s) {
return preg_replace_callback(
// Store snippet data. Return identifier for this snippet.
function wp_geshi_store_and_substitute($match_array) {
global $wp_geshi_run_token, $wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays;
// count() returns 0 if the variable is not set already.
// Index is required for building the identifier for this code snippet.
$match_index = count($wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays);
// Elements of `$match_array` are strings matching the sub-expressions in
// the regular expression searching <pre args>code</pre> (in function
// `wp_geshi_filter_replace_code()`. They contain the arguments of the
// <pre> tag and the code snippet itself. Store this array for later usage.
// Append the match index to `$match_array`.
$match_array[] = $match_index;
$wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays[$match_index] = $match_array;
// Return a string that identifies the match.
// This string is meant to replaces the <pre args>code</pre> pattern.
return "\n<p>".$wp_geshi_run_token."_".
sprintf("%06d",$match_index)."</p>\n"; // (C) Ryan McGeary
// Iterate through all match arrays in `$wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays`.
// Perform highlighting operation and store the resulting HTML in
// `$wp_geshi_highlighted_matches[$match_index]`.
// Generate CSS code and append it to global `$wp_geshi_css_code`.
function wp_geshi_highlight_and_generate_css() {
global $wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays;
global $wp_geshi_css_code;
global $wp_geshi_highlighted_matches;
global $wp_geshi_requested_css_files;
global $wp_geshi_used_languages;
// It is time to initialize the highlighting machinery.
// Check for `class_exists('GeSHi')` for preventing
// `Cannot redeclare class GeSHi` errors. Another plugin may already have
// included its own version of GeSHi.
// TODO: in this case, include GeSHi of WP-GeSHi-Highlight anyway, via
// namespacing or class renaming.
if (!class_exists('GeSHi')) include_once("geshi/geshi.php");
$wp_geshi_css_code = "";
foreach($wp_geshi_codesnipmatch_arrays as $match_index => $match) {
// Process match details. The array structure is explained in
// a comment to function `wp_geshi_filter_replace_code()`.
$language = strtolower(trim($match[1]));
$line = trim($match[2]);
$escaped = trim($match[3]);
$cssfile = trim($match[4]);
$code = wp_geshi_code_trim($match[5]);
if ($escaped == "true")
$code = htmlspecialchars_decode($code); // (C) Ryan McGeary
// Set up GeSHi.
$geshi = new GeSHi($code, $language);
// Output CSS code / do *not* create inline styles.
// Disable keyword links.
if ($line) {
// Set the output type. Reference:
// By default, geshi sets font size to 1em and line height to 1.2em.
// That does not fit many modern CSS architectures. Make this
// relative and, most importantly, customizable.
// If the current language has not been processed in a previous
// iteration:
// - create CSS code for this language
// - append this to the `$wp_geshi_css_code string`.
// $geshi->get_stylesheet(false) disables the economy mode, i.e.
// this will return the full CSS code for the given language.
// This allows for reusing the same CSS code for multiple code
// blocks of the same language.
if (!in_array($language, $wp_geshi_used_languages)) {
$wp_geshi_used_languages[] = $language;
$wp_geshi_css_code .= $geshi->get_stylesheet(false);
$output = "";
// cssfile "none" means no wrapping divs at all.
if ($cssfile != "none") {
if (empty($cssfile))
// For this code snippet the default css file is required.
$cssfile = "wp-geshi-highlight";
// Append "the css file" to the array.
$wp_geshi_requested_css_files[] = $cssfile;
$output .= "\n\n".'<div class="'.$cssfile.'-wrap5">'.
'<div class="'.$cssfile.'-wrap4">'.
'<div class="'.$cssfile.'-wrap3">'.
'<div class="'.$cssfile.'-wrap2">'.
'<div class="'.$cssfile.'-wrap">'.
'<div class="'.$cssfile.'">';
// Create highlighted HTML code.
$output .= $geshi->parse_code();
if ($cssfile != "none")
$output .= '</div></div></div></div></div></div>'."\n\n";
// Store highlighted HTML code for later usage.
$wp_geshi_highlighted_matches[$match_index] = $output;
// At this point, all code snippets are parsed. Highlighted code is stored.
// CSS code has been generated. Delete what is not required anymore.
// Replace snippet IDs with highlighted HTML.
function wp_geshi_insert_highlighted_code_filter($content){
global $wp_geshi_run_token;
return preg_replace_callback(
); // (C) Ryan McGeary
function wp_geshi_get_highlighted_code($match) {
global $wp_geshi_highlighted_matches;
// Found a unique identifier. Extract code snippet match index.
$match_index = intval($match[1]);
// Return corresponding highlighted code.
return $wp_geshi_highlighted_matches[$match_index];
function wp_geshi_code_trim($code) {
// Special ltrim because leading whitespace matters on 1st line of content.
$code = preg_replace("/^\s*\n/siU", "", $code); // (C) Ryan McGeary
$code = rtrim($code); // (C) Ryan McGeary
return $code;
function wp_geshi_add_css_to_head() {
global $wp_geshi_css_code;
global $wp_geshi_requested_css_files;
// Get absolute path to the directory this plugin resides in,
// with a trailing slash.
$plugin_dir = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__);
// Generate URL pointing to this plugin directory, with a trailing slash.
$plugin_dir_url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
// Get absolute path to the directory of the current (child) theme
// with a trailing slash.
$theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory();
// Get URL for the current (child) theme's stylesheet directory,
// *without* trailing slash, and *add* a trailing slash.
$theme_dir_url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri()+"/";
// Process array of requested CSS files (i.e. of file basenames w/o
// .css extension): remove duplicates.
$wp_geshi_requested_css_files = array_unique($wp_geshi_requested_css_files);
foreach($wp_geshi_requested_css_files as $cssfile) {
$cssfilename = $cssfile.".css";
// If the CSS file is found in the `get_stylesheet_directory()`,
// make it take precedence over the CSS file in the plugin directory.
$theme_css_path = $theme_dir.$cssfilename;
$plugin_css_path = $plugin_dir.$cssfilename;
if (file_exists($theme_css_path))
// Use the CSS file from the theme directory.
// Remember: $theme_dir_url has a trailing slash.
$cssurl = $theme_dir_url.$cssfilename;
elseif (file_exists($plugin_css_path))
// Use the CSS file from the plugin directory.
// Remember: $plugin_dir_url has a trailing slash.
$cssurl = $plugin_dir_url.$cssfilename;
// A CSS file was requested that does not reside in the file system.
$cssurl = false;
if ($cssurl) {
// Instruct WordPress to include this resource in the HTML head.
wp_enqueue_style("wpgeshi-".$cssfile, $cssurl);
// Echo GeSHi highlighting CSS code inline.
if (strlen($wp_geshi_css_code) > 0)
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n".$wp_geshi_css_code."</style>\n";
// Set allowed attributes for pre tags. For more info see wp-includes/kses.php
// Also see
// credits: wp-syntax (Ryan McGeary)
$allowedposttags['pre'] = array(
'lang' => array(),
'line' => array(),
'escaped' => array(),
'cssfile' => array()
// Allow plugin use in comments.
$allowedtags['pre'] = array(
'lang' => array(),
'line' => array(),
'escaped' => array(),
'cssfile' => array()
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