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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Build React Components using natural CoffeeScript syntax.
# Public: Define components as CoffeeScript classes
# Example:
# class UserChip extends Component
# @staticMethod: -> # becomes a static method on the React Component
# "hello"
# render: ->
# (@div null, "Hello")
# # This will create the React component based on the class definition,
# # including translating (@div XXX) calls into React.DOM.div(XXX) calls.
# module.exports= UserChip.reactify()
class Component
@reactify: (componentClass=this)->
React.createClass extractMethods componentClass
extractMethods= (comp)->
methods= extractInto {}, comp::
methods.displayName= or comp.displayName or 'UnnamedComponent'
methods.statics= extractInto Class:comp, comp
extractInto= (target, source)->
for key,val of source
continue if key in ignoredKeys
target[key]= translateTagCalls val
ignoredKeys= '__super__ constructor reactify'.split ' '
tagParser= /this\.(\w*)\(/g
translateTagCalls= (fn)->
return fn unless typeof(fn) is 'function'
source= fn.toString()
compiled= source.replace tagParser, (fragment, tag)->
if React.DOM[ tag ]? then "React.DOM.#{ tag }(" else fragment
if compiled isnt source
eval "(#{ compiled })" # Yes, this uses eval. Deal with it.
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