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Created February 3, 2015 06:31
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Asp.Net MVC controller pattern for typical CRUD actions
namespace {{lcControllersNameSpace}}
public class {{lcClassPlural}}Controller : {{lcAppBaseController}}
[HttpGet, Route("{{lcClassPlural}}")]
public ActionResult List()
var model = CreateViewModel<{{lcViewModelClass}}>();
model.UserIsAdmin = User.IsInRole("Administrator");
var {{lcLocalBoRef}} = new {{lcBusinessObjectClass}}();
model.{{lcClassPlural}} = {{lcLocalBoRef}}.GetAll{{lcClassPlural}}().ToList();
return View(model);
/// <summary>
/// Navigates to an entry screen to create a new {{lcClass}}
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
[HttpGet, Route("{{lcClassPlural}}/New")]
public ActionResult New()
return Show(-1);
[HttpGet, Route("{{lcClassPlural}}/{Id}")]
public ActionResult Show(int? Id)
var model = CreateViewModel<{{lcViewModelClass}}>();
model.UserIsAdmin = User.IsInRole("Administrator");
if (id == null)
var errorModel = new ErrorViewModel();
errorModel.Message = "Invalid {{lcClass}} ID reference passed.";
return View("Error", errorModel);
var {{lcLocalBoRef}} = new {{lcBusinessObjectClass}}();
{{lcClass}} {{lcClass}} = null;
if (Id < 0) // Creating a new one
{{lcClass}} = {{lcLocalBoRef}}.NewEntity();
{{lcClass}} = {{lcLocalBoRef}}.Load(Id);
if ({{lcClass}} == null)
var errorModel = new ErrorViewModel();
errorModel.Message = "Failed to load {{lcClass}} by passed value. " + {{lcLocalBoRef}}.ErrorMessage;
return View("Error", errorModel);
model.PageTitle = "{{lcClass}} Page Title";
model.{{lcClass}} = {{lcClass}};
return View("Show", model);
[HttpPost, Route("{{lcClassPlural}}/Save")]
public ActionResult Save({{lcViewModelClass}} model)
if (model.{{lcClass}} == null)
return View("Show", model);
model.UserIsAdmin = User.IsInRole("Administrator");
{{lcBusinessObjectClass}} {{lcLocalBoRef}} = new {{lcBusinessObjectClass}}();
bool new{{lcClass}} = false;
// Load the {{lcClass}} entity record from the database...
{{lcClass}} {{lcLocalEntityRef}} = {{lcLocalBoRef}}.Load(model.{{lcClass}}.ID);
// If we weren't able to load by the ID from page properties, then we assume we are creating a new {{lcClass}}.
if ({{lcLocalEntityRef}} == null)
{{lcLocalEntityRef}} = {{lcLocalBoRef}}.NewEntity();
new{{lcClass}} = true;
// Store this value as loaded from DB so we can restore it after applying values from Model Binder.
string _{{lcKeyField}} = {{lcLocalEntityRef}}.{{lcKeyField}};
// Set the {{lcClass}} instance on <{{lcViewModelClass}}> to the loaded {{lcClass}} entity
model.{{lcClass}} = {{lcLocalEntityRef}};
// Apply values from the page viewmodel to the loaded {{lcClass}} to apply user's changes
if (!new{{lcClass}})
{{lcLocalEntityRef}}.{{lcKeyField}} = _{{lcKeyField}}; // Restore this with what we read from the DB, because we will not allow the values on the viewModel
// to overwrite this field.
{{lcLocalBoRef}}.AutoValidate = true; // Will call validate method on BO when Saving to chack for valid data
//-- Attempt a Save, (OnValidate method on BO will be called)
if (!model.HasValidationErrors)
if (!{{lcLocalBoRef}}.Save())
ErrorDisplay.AddMessages({{lcLocalBoRef}}.ValidationErrors); // Validation error messages added by {{lcBusinessObjectClass}}.OnValidate() method.
model.HasValidationErrors = true;
model.ToasterErrorMessage = "Error saving {{lcClass}} record!";
// Need to update the posted var data for {{lcClass}}.ID in case we have created a new {{lcClass}} so the http var will have the newly assigned ID
ModelState.SetModelValue("{{lcClass}}.ID", new ValueProviderResult({{lcLocalEntityRef}}.ID, {{lcLocalEntityRef}}.ID.ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
if (new{{lcClass}})
model.ToasterMessage = "New {{lcClass}} record created.";
model.ToasterMessage = "{{lcClass}} record updated.";
return View("Show", model);
public void LoadSelectLists({{lcViewModelClass}} viewModel)
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