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name: vagrant
name: chef_solo
- name: win2k8r2
mattstratton / gist:11051196
Created April 18, 2014 15:54
SQL Server Challenges
The biggest challenge with the SQL install is that is monolithic. We install it with Chef using windows_package. This provider uses the package name ( in the registry uninstall key) to determine whether SQL is installed. This means that you can't really change the installed components or features because chef just sees it as SQL server. This not only limits our ability to add or remove features later, it also limits chefs ability to control configuration drift.
The install is also huge, and we have to map to a file share to do the install (as opposed to http). The install over the network takes over 30 minutes, and times out sometimes. I'm not sure how much anyone can really do about that though. Again, if there were a way to make it more modular, you could at least potentially install smaller packages, though more of them (perhaps similar to the way IIS features are installed?)
I haven't even attempted a multi-instance or clustered setup...
There were some challenges with the reporting services con
Set-ExplorerOptions -showHidenFilesFoldersDrives -showProtectedOSFiles -showFileExtensions
cinst git.install
cinst git-credential-winstore
cinst GoogleChrome
cinst console-devel
cinst jivkok.SublimeText3.Packages
cinst putty
cinst poshgit
set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
set -s escape-time 1
set -g base-index 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
bind C-a send-prefix
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
bind h select-pane -L
:color solarized
set wrap
set textwidth=79
set formatoptions=qrn1
set colorcolumn=85
set shortmess=a
set cmdheight=2
mattstratton / .kitchen.yml
Created July 8, 2014 16:18
kitchen yaml for testing the windoze
name: vagrant
name: chef_solo
- name: windows-2012r2
mattstratton /
Created August 5, 2014 23:10

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mattstratton on github.
  • I am mattstratton ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 162D A95C 22A7 6BC9 16BF E0FE 30BB AD4D 7EC7 9DF8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Windows feature "TelnetClient"
should be installed (FAILED - 1)
1) Windows feature "TelnetClient" should be installed
On host ``
Failure/Error: it{should be_installed}
$exitCode = 1
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
- vendor/**
- metadata.rb
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
"tab_size": 2,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true