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Last active June 10, 2020 14:18
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A benchmark comparing various methods of downloading popular Swift packages
"Alamofire": {
"name": "Alamofire",
"url": "",
"version": "5.2.1"
"Charts": {
"name": "Charts",
"url": "",
"version": "v3.5.0"
"SDWebImage": {
"name": "SDWebImage",
"url": "",
"version": "5.8.0"
"ReactiveCocoa": {
"name": "ReactiveCocoa",
"url": "",
"version": "10.3.0"
"lottie-ios": {
"name": "lottie-ios",
"url": "",
"version": "3.1.8"
"SwiftyJSON": {
"name": "SwiftyJSON",
"url": "",
"version": "5.0.0"
"vapor": {
"name": "vapor",
"url": "",
"version": "4.8.0"
"RxSwift": {
"name": "RxSwift",
"url": "",
"version": "5.1.1"
"Hero": {
"name": "Hero",
"url": "",
"version": "1.5.0"
"SnapKit": {
"name": "SnapKit",
"url": "",
"version": "5.0.1"
"Kingfisher": {
"name": "Kingfisher",
"url": "",
"version": "5.14.0"
"MBProgressHUD": {
"name": "MBProgressHUD",
"url": "",
"version": "1.2.0"
"IQKeyboardManager": {
"name": "IQKeyboardManager",
"url": "",
"version": "v6.5.0"
"realm-cocoa": {
"name": "realm-cocoa",
"url": "",
"version": "v5.0.2"
"Carthage": {
"name": "Carthage",
"url": "",
"version": "0.34.0"
"SwiftLint": {
"name": "SwiftLint",
"url": "",
"version": "0.39.2"
"PromiseKit": {
"name": "PromiseKit",
"url": "",
"version": "6.13.0"
"Moya": {
"name": "Moya",
"url": "",
"version": "14.0.0"
"CocoaAsyncSocket": {
"name": "CocoaAsyncSocket",
"url": "",
"version": "7.6.4"
"Eureka": {
"name": "Eureka",
"url": "",
"version": "5.2.1"
"folding-cell": {
"name": "folding-cell",
"url": "",
"version": "5.0.2"
"NVActivityIndicatorView": {
"name": "NVActivityIndicatorView",
"url": "",
"version": "4.8.0"
"SkeletonView": {
"name": "SkeletonView",
"url": "",
"version": "1.8.6"
"Quick": {
"name": "Quick",
"url": "",
"version": "v3.0.0"
"SwifterSwift": {
"name": "SwifterSwift",
"url": "",
"version": "5.2.0"
"ObjectMapper": {
"name": "ObjectMapper",
"url": "",
"version": "4.2.0"
"IBAnimatable": {
"name": "IBAnimatable",
"url": "",
"version": "6.1.0"
"CryptoSwift": {
"name": "CryptoSwift",
"url": "",
"version": "1.3.1"
"swift-package-manager": {
"name": "swift-package-manager",
"url": "",
"version": "0.6.0"
"R.swift": {
"name": "R.swift",
"url": "",
"version": "v5.2.2"
"PureLayout": {
"name": "PureLayout",
"url": "",
"version": "v3.1.6"
"Kitura": {
"name": "Kitura",
"url": "",
"version": "2.9.1"
"Cartography": {
"name": "Cartography",
"url": "",
"version": "4.0.0"
"SQLite.swift": {
"name": "SQLite.swift",
"url": "",
"version": "0.12.2"
"Reachability.swift": {
"name": "Reachability.swift",
"url": "",
"version": "v5.0.0"
"JTAppleCalendar": {
"name": "JTAppleCalendar",
"url": "",
"version": "8.0.3"
"ReSwift": {
"name": "ReSwift",
"url": "",
"version": "5.0.0"
"facebook-ios-sdk": {
"name": "facebook-ios-sdk",
"url": "",
"version": "v7.0.0"
"SwiftGen": {
"name": "SwiftGen",
"url": "",
"version": "6.1.0"
"Starscream": {
"name": "Starscream",
"url": "",
"version": "3.1.1"
"swift-nio": {
"name": "swift-nio",
"url": "",
"version": "2.18.0"
"ViewAnimator": {
"name": "ViewAnimator",
"url": "",
"version": "2.7.0"
"SwiftDate": {
"name": "SwiftDate",
"url": "",
"version": "6.1.0"
"KeychainAccess": {
"name": "KeychainAccess",
"url": "",
"version": "v4.2.0"
"Macaw": {
"name": "Macaw",
"url": "",
"version": "0.9.6"
"SwipeCellKit": {
"name": "SwipeCellKit",
"url": "",
"version": "2.7.1"
"Nuke": {
"name": "Nuke",
"url": "",
"version": "9.1.0"
"SwiftyStoreKit": {
"name": "SwiftyStoreKit",
"url": "",
"version": "0.16.0"
"SwiftyBeaver": {
"name": "SwiftyBeaver",
"url": "",
"version": "1.9.1"
"SwiftEntryKit": {
"name": "SwiftEntryKit",
"url": "",
"version": "1.2.3"
require 'benchmark'
require 'tmpdir'
require 'json'
include Benchmark
namespace :benchmark do
task all: %i[full_clone shallow_clone curl_unzip]
task full_clone: ['packages.json'] do
banner 'clone'
benchmark { |package| `git clone #{package['url']} --quiet` }
task shallow_clone: ['packages.json'] do
banner 'shallow clone'
benchmark { |package| `git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone --depth 1 --branch #{package['version']} #{package['url']} --quiet` }
task curl_unzip: ['packages.json'] do
banner 'curl + unzip'
benchmark { |package| `curl -s -L #{package['url']}/archive/#{package['version']}.zip -o #{package['name']}#{package['version']}.zip && unzip` }
task default: 'benchmark:all'
def banner(title)
puts title
puts '-' * title.length
def benchmark
raise unless block_given?
packages = JSON.parse('packages.json'))
length =
Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp|
Dir.chdir(tmp) do do |x|
packages.each do |name, package|, ' ')) { yield package }
user system total real
Alamofire 0.000136 0.000850 0.749258 ( 1.448588)
Charts 0.000083 0.000521 3.489720 ( 7.009554)
SDWebImage 0.000083 0.000522 0.518336 ( 1.374356)
ReactiveCocoa 0.000084 0.000533 1.125409 ( 1.682766)
lottie-ios 0.000080 0.000517 0.677848 ( 2.008858)
SwiftyJSON 0.000081 0.000541 0.115584 ( 0.580434)
vapor 0.000085 0.000532 0.724292 ( 1.157188)
RxSwift 0.000080 0.000515 1.008959 ( 1.230171)
Hero 0.000085 0.000542 0.528742 ( 1.768519)
SnapKit 0.000081 0.000551 0.129149 ( 0.513823)
Kingfisher 0.000084 0.000521 0.912013 ( 1.819731)
MBProgressHUD 0.000084 0.000536 0.122328 ( 0.452931)
IQKeyboardManager 0.000086 0.000530 0.632610 ( 1.380802)
realm-cocoa 0.000086 0.000527 2.343979 ( 3.209463)
Carthage 0.000084 0.000534 0.710062 ( 1.500694)
SwiftLint 0.000099 0.000572 1.575219 ( 3.197901)
PromiseKit 0.000084 0.000535 0.267489 ( 0.851714)
Moya 0.000084 0.000536 0.604540 ( 1.918609)
CocoaAsyncSocket 0.000081 0.000529 0.231591 ( 0.683557)
Eureka 0.000085 0.000539 0.502792 ( 2.481602)
folding-cell 0.000085 0.000545 0.343322 ( 1.333463)
NVActivityIndicatorView 0.000114 0.000539 0.176368 ( 0.759250)
SkeletonView 0.000086 0.000529 0.179957 ( 0.826394)
Quick 0.000083 0.000530 0.199310 ( 1.765293)
SwifterSwift 0.000081 0.000518 0.448863 ( 2.627493)
ObjectMapper 0.000082 0.000536 0.142047 ( 0.598192)
IBAnimatable 0.000082 0.000522 0.554057 ( 1.842749)
CryptoSwift 0.000078 0.000525 0.391980 ( 0.820891)
swift-package-manager 0.000087 0.000539 0.869737 ( 1.320884)
R.swift 0.000084 0.000542 0.220084 ( 0.672758)
PureLayout 0.000082 0.000522 0.112897 ( 0.474636)
Kitura 0.000079 0.000507 0.317610 ( 0.805428)
Cartography 0.000079 0.000511 0.104570 ( 0.481281)
SQLite.swift 0.000087 0.000541 0.169530 ( 0.624040)
Reachability.swift 0.000081 0.000537 0.073578 ( 0.400479)
JTAppleCalendar 0.000081 0.000516 0.174830 ( 0.546251)
ReSwift 0.000080 0.000556 0.222758 ( 0.825881)
facebook-ios-sdk 0.000096 0.000544 1.267827 ( 3.875306)
SwiftGen 0.000084 0.000528 1.407960 ( 2.657347)
Starscream 0.000087 0.000535 0.146574 ( 0.570999)
swift-nio 0.000082 0.000511 1.402005 ( 2.307524)
ViewAnimator 0.000082 0.000537 0.213198 ( 1.231248)
SwiftDate 0.000085 0.000517 0.621065 ( 1.530479)
KeychainAccess 0.000083 0.000527 0.122294 ( 0.525966)
Macaw 0.000086 0.000524 1.629218 ( 3.734845)
SwipeCellKit 0.000079 0.000563 0.219207 ( 0.787884)
Nuke 0.000084 0.000522 0.248210 ( 0.694805)
SwiftyStoreKit 0.000092 0.000584 0.150986 ( 0.707731)
SwiftyBeaver 0.000082 0.000546 0.116533 ( 0.615893)
SwiftEntryKit 0.000084 0.000518 0.654047 ( 2.576422)
shallow clone
user system total real
Alamofire 0.000089 0.000987 0.181577 ( 1.276130)
Charts 0.000099 0.000538 0.199058 ( 1.085956)
SDWebImage 0.000085 0.000542 0.199057 ( 1.268511)
ReactiveCocoa 0.000081 0.000538 0.101560 ( 0.747305)
lottie-ios 0.000088 0.000581 0.302069 ( 1.390870)
SwiftyJSON 0.000086 0.000539 0.099870 ( 0.649720)
vapor 0.000085 0.000549 0.092695 ( 0.667052)
RxSwift 0.000088 0.000557 0.208210 ( 1.160036)
Hero 0.000086 0.000537 0.434481 ( 1.937651)
SnapKit 0.000088 0.000566 0.098053 ( 0.615319)
Kingfisher 0.000085 0.000543 0.170360 ( 1.069342)
MBProgressHUD 0.000088 0.000552 0.073888 ( 0.597525)
IQKeyboardManager 0.000084 0.000525 0.126740 ( 0.866729)
realm-cocoa 0.000090 0.000533 0.241952 ( 1.360770)
Carthage 0.000085 0.000570 0.268701 ( 1.323958)
SwiftLint 0.000102 0.000580 0.141727 ( 1.198796)
PromiseKit 0.000084 0.000533 0.072695 ( 0.633645)
Moya 0.000085 0.000563 0.085157 ( 0.674803)
CocoaAsyncSocket 0.000087 0.000538 0.102473 ( 0.737209)
Eureka 0.000090 0.000554 0.400073 ( 1.611943)
folding-cell 0.000090 0.000541 0.324667 ( 2.043012)
NVActivityIndicatorView 0.000104 0.000549 0.088304 ( 0.630883)
SkeletonView 0.000083 0.000536 0.103810 ( 0.706556)
Quick 0.000084 0.000534 0.088923 ( 0.852848)
SwifterSwift 0.000087 0.000551 0.232277 ( 1.370784)
ObjectMapper 0.000085 0.000532 0.105336 ( 0.671433)
IBAnimatable 0.000084 0.000544 0.202773 ( 1.123856)
CryptoSwift 0.000079 0.000555 0.074655 ( 0.719163)
swift-package-manager 0.000082 0.000546 0.220772 ( 1.057774)
R.swift 0.000087 0.000575 0.128693 ( 0.838331)
PureLayout 0.000089 0.000571 0.070046 ( 0.621298)
Kitura 0.000086 0.000550 0.113094 ( 0.813256)
Cartography 0.000085 0.000542 0.125957 ( 0.660371)
SQLite.swift 0.000085 0.000540 0.068487 ( 0.618180)
Reachability.swift 0.000083 0.000540 0.085587 ( 0.559912)
JTAppleCalendar 0.000083 0.000531 0.109751 ( 0.794185)
ReSwift 0.000087 0.000694 0.093764 ( 0.679971)
facebook-ios-sdk 0.000090 0.000547 0.280746 ( 1.594408)
SwiftGen 0.000082 0.000524 0.416917 ( 2.401701)
Starscream 0.000085 0.000553 0.060371 ( 0.638762)
swift-nio 0.000086 0.000537 0.133366 ( 1.033090)
ViewAnimator 0.000086 0.000558 0.181537 ( 1.091609)
SwiftDate 0.000091 0.000589 0.094182 ( 0.739587)
KeychainAccess 0.000097 0.000566 0.073815 ( 0.635560)
Macaw 0.000084 0.000525 0.121431 ( 0.672766)
SwipeCellKit 0.000085 0.000527 0.171877 ( 0.888319)
Nuke 0.000086 0.000547 0.096800 ( 0.702987)
SwiftyStoreKit 0.000087 0.000535 0.078165 ( 0.649689)
SwiftyBeaver 0.000101 0.000731 0.080998 ( 0.603176)
SwiftEntryKit 0.000085 0.000556 0.123608 ( 0.810066)
curl + unzip
user system total real
Alamofire 0.000083 0.000578 0.047543 ( 0.438428)
Charts 0.000085 0.000475 0.073209 ( 0.673222)
SDWebImage 0.000085 0.000493 0.070839 ( 0.963911)
ReactiveCocoa 0.000085 0.000486 0.034548 ( 0.519555)
lottie-ios 0.000082 0.000471 0.121803 ( 1.087244)
SwiftyJSON 0.000081 0.000483 0.028744 ( 0.588119)
vapor 0.000093 0.000507 0.031894 ( 0.657963)
RxSwift 0.000082 0.000492 0.041618 ( 0.788529)
Hero 0.000096 0.000509 0.249148 ( 1.531092)
SnapKit 0.000097 0.000492 0.028509 ( 0.394953)
Kingfisher 0.000081 0.000472 0.055677 ( 0.929202)
MBProgressHUD 0.000085 0.000482 0.035029 ( 0.642001)
IQKeyboardManager 0.000081 0.000480 0.052291 ( 0.749722)
realm-cocoa 0.000083 0.000476 0.049941 ( 0.672720)
Carthage 0.000080 0.000504 0.105637 ( 1.503029)
SwiftLint 0.000080 0.000497 0.039125 ( 0.636095)
PromiseKit 0.000080 0.000476 0.030474 ( 0.447122)
Moya 0.000079 0.000500 0.033000 ( 0.475439)
CocoaAsyncSocket 0.000079 0.000500 0.036218 ( 0.640219)
Eureka 0.000082 0.000500 0.138553 ( 1.383653)
folding-cell 0.000124 0.000514 0.161265 ( 2.136727)
NVActivityIndicatorView 0.000095 0.000522 0.038232 ( 0.561053)
SkeletonView 0.000083 0.000507 0.049915 ( 0.623630)
Quick 0.000084 0.000566 0.039729 ( 0.498851)
SwifterSwift 0.000080 0.000518 0.066981 ( 1.434170)
ObjectMapper 0.000080 0.000496 0.028871 ( 0.523576)
IBAnimatable 0.000078 0.000479 0.081879 ( 1.143258)
CryptoSwift 0.000081 0.000529 0.031622 ( 0.535472)
swift-package-manager 0.000077 0.000480 0.040918 ( 0.593177)
R.swift 0.000079 0.000483 0.047464 ( 0.541360)
PureLayout 0.000079 0.000480 0.031533 ( 0.661279)
Kitura 0.000084 0.000532 0.041489 ( 0.598221)
Cartography 0.000081 0.000472 0.037126 ( 0.585534)
SQLite.swift 0.000079 0.000483 0.033331 ( 0.591542)
Reachability.swift 0.000079 0.000498 0.028668 ( 0.518653)
JTAppleCalendar 0.000081 0.000517 0.027403 ( 0.464183)
ReSwift 0.000095 0.000546 0.043128 ( 0.653240)
facebook-ios-sdk 0.000079 0.000481 0.080229 ( 1.435391)
SwiftGen 0.000110 0.000488 0.066499 ( 2.195309)
Starscream 0.000094 0.000525 0.029585 ( 0.442313)
swift-nio 0.000081 0.000515 0.041171 ( 0.601788)
ViewAnimator 0.000083 0.000513 0.109572 ( 0.990973)
SwiftDate 0.000080 0.000490 0.037179 ( 0.527112)
KeychainAccess 0.000080 0.000516 0.034888 ( 0.501061)
Macaw 0.000083 0.000501 0.037454 ( 0.574375)
SwipeCellKit 0.000080 0.000518 0.079586 ( 0.855079)
Nuke 0.000080 0.000488 0.044444 ( 0.539984)
SwiftyStoreKit 0.000078 0.000497 0.037934 ( 0.585002)
SwiftyBeaver 0.000079 0.000503 0.028810 ( 0.484051)
SwiftEntryKit 0.000080 0.000510 0.039134 ( 0.602307)
Copy link

richardgroves commented Jun 10, 2020

Screenshot 2020-06-10 at 15 06 07

VERY similar iMac (although mine escaped the Dark Mode infection), network is worse - joined 350/35 & 80/20 giving about 100-200Mbps at the desktop.


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