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Mathias Vagni mattvagni

View GitHub Profile
"$schema": "",
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2020",
"module": "commonjs",
"lib": [
"incremental": true,
"noEmit": true,
mattvagni /
Created May 7, 2023 18:23 — forked from aleclarson/
The best Rollup config for TypeScript libraries


🔥 Blazing fast builds
😇 CommonJS bundle
🌲 .mjs bundle
.d.ts bundle + type-checking
🧐 Source maps


import React from "react";
import Recipe from "./recipe";
export default function recipeTemplate(props) {
return (
# Make the default prompt with our custom colors
BLACK=$(tput setaf 0)
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
mattvagni / .bash_profile
Last active June 5, 2017 10:14
ma bash_profile
# Make the default prompt with our custom colors
BLACK=$(tput setaf 0)
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
BLUE=$(tput setaf 4)
MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5)
CYAN=$(tput setaf 6)
mattvagni / syntax-highlighting-jsx-jekyll-example.scss
Last active May 31, 2017 10:59
Syntax highlighting theme which works for JSX in Jekyll, Pygmentize etc.
$color00: #1B2B34;
$color01: #CDD3DE;
$color02: #93a1a1;
$color03: #99C794;
$color04: #EC5F67;
$color05: #FAC863;
$color06: #C594C5;
$color07: #6699CC;
$color08: #b58900;
"scripts": {
"build:client": "webpack --config webpack.config.js",
"build:server": "BABEL_ENV=server babel src --out-dir ./build/server",
"watch:client": "npm run build:client -- --watch",
"watch:server": "npm run build:server -- --watch"
._6de768fc {
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex; }
._8e1229bd {
color: red; }
._8e1229bd :hover {
color: green; }
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
browsers: [
'last 2 versions',
'IE >= 9',
'safari >= 8'
test: /\.scss$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
loader: [
loader: 'css-loader',
query: {
localIdentName: '[hash:8]',
modules: true