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Created November 12, 2018 03:25
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# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
import ujson as json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from moztelemetry.dataset import Dataset
get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
# We can look at the schema of the dataset we are interested in:
# In[2]:
# Let's create a Dataset of Telemetry submissions for a given submission date:
# In[3]:
pings_dataset = (
#.where(submissionDate ='20180925')
.where(submissionDate=lambda x: x > '20181100')
# Select only the properties we need and then take a 10% sample:
# In[4]:
pings = (
.records(sc, sample=1.)
# In[5]:
#pings = (
# pings_dataset
# .records(sc, sample=0.01)
# In[6]:
# In[7]:
# In[8]:
# We add two extra steps. The first rewrites the ping to have some
# information more easily accessible (like the primary adapter),
# and the second step removes any pings that don't have adapter
# information.
def rewrite_ping(p):
adapters = p.get('gfx', None).get('adapters', None)
if not adapters:
return None
adapter = adapters[0]
p['adapter'] = adapter
# Convert the version to a tuple of integers.
#if 'driverVersion' in adapter:
# p['driverVersion'] = [int(n) for n in adapter['driverVersion'].split('.') if n.isdigit()]
return p
def filter_ping(p):
return 'adapter' in p
#rpings =
#rpings = rpings.cache()
# To prevent pseudoreplication, let's consider only a single submission for each client. As this step requires a distributed shuffle, it should always be run only after extracting the attributes of interest with **.
# In[9]:
#subset = (
# rpings
# .map(lambda p: (p['clientId'], p))
# .reduceByKey(lambda p1, p2: p1)
# .map(lambda p: p[1])
# Caching is fundamental as it allows for an iterative, real-time development workflow:
# In[10]:
cached = pings.cache()
# How many pings are we looking at?
# In[11]:
# In[12]:
wrExperiment = cached.filter(lambda p: "experiments" in p and p["experiments"]).filter(lambda p: "prefflip-webrender-v1-2-1492568" in p["experiments"])
# In[13]:
cached = cached.filter(lambda p: "features" in p["gfx"])
cached = cached.filter(lambda p: "wrQualified" in p["gfx"]["features"])
# In[14]:
wrQualified = cached.filter(lambda p: p["gfx"]["features"]["wrQualified"]["status"] == "available" )
wrQualified = wrQualified.filter(lambda p: len(p["gfx"]["monitors"]) == 1)
# In[15]:
wrExperiment = cached.filter(lambda p: "experiments" in p and p["experiments"]).filter(lambda p: "prefflip-webrender-v1-2-1492568" in p["experiments"]) p: p["gfx"]["features"]["compositor"]).countByValue()
# In[16]:
wrExperiment = wrExperiment.filter(lambda p: p["gfx"]["features"]["wrQualified"]["status"] == "available")
wrExperiment = wrExperiment.filter(lambda p: len(p["gfx"]["monitors"]) == 1 and p["gfx"]["monitors"][0]["refreshRate"] == 60)
# In[17]: p: p["experiments"]["prefflip-webrender-v1-2-1492568"]["branch"]).countByValue()
# In[18]:
treatment = wrExperiment.filter(lambda p: p["experiments"]["prefflip-webrender-v1-2-1492568"]["branch"] == "enabled")
control = wrExperiment.filter(lambda p: p["experiments"]["prefflip-webrender-v1-2-1492568"]["branch"] == "disabled")
treatment.count(), control.count()
# In[19]: p: p["gfx"]["features"]["compositor"]).countByValue()
# In[20]:
# In[21]:
wrEnabled = treatment.filter(lambda p: p["gfx"]["features"]["compositor"] == "webrender")
wrDisabled = control.filter(lambda p: p["gfx"]["features"]["compositor"] == "d3d11")
wrEnabled.count(), wrDisabled.count()
# In[22]:
wrDisabled2 = wrDisabled.sample(False, wrEnabled.count()/(wrDisabled.count()*1.0))
wrDisabled3 = wrDisabled.sample(False, wrEnabled.count()/(wrDisabled.count()*1.0))
wrDisabled = wrDisabled.sample(False, wrEnabled.count()/(wrDisabled.count()*1.0))
# In[23]:
wrDisabled3.count(), wrDisabled.count(), wrDisabled2.count(), wrEnabled.count()
# In[24]:
def aggregate_series(s1, s2):
"""Function to sum up series; if one is None, return other"""
if s1 is None:
return s2
if s2 is None:
return s1
return s1.add(s2, fill_value=0)
def roundDict(x):
int_x = {int(k) : v for k, v in x.items()}
d = {}
lastValue = 0
for (key, value) in sorted(int_x.iteritems()):
if key < 100:
lastValue = value
rounded = key/100
if rounded in d:
d[rounded] += lastValue
d[rounded] = lastValue
lastValue = value
return d
# In[25]:
aggregated_enabled_svg = (
.filter(lambda p: p['frame_time_svg'])
.map(lambda p: pd.Series(roundDict(p['frame_time_svg'])))
aggregated_enabled_svg.index = [int(i) for i in aggregated_enabled_svg.index]
aggregated_enabled_svg = aggregated_enabled_svg.sort_index()
aggregated_enabled = (
.filter(lambda p: p['frame_time'])
.map(lambda p: pd.Series(roundDict(p['frame_time'])))
aggregated_enabled.index = [int(i) for i in aggregated_enabled.index]
aggregated_enabled = aggregated_enabled.sort_index()
aggregated_disabled = (
.filter(lambda p: p['frame_time'])
.map(lambda p: pd.Series(roundDict(p['frame_time'])))
aggregated_disabled.index = [int(i) for i in aggregated_disabled.index]
aggregated_disabled = aggregated_disabled.sort_index()
# In[26]:
# In[27]:
# In[28]:
# In[29]:
aggregated_enabled_no_svg = aggregated_enabled - aggregated_enabled_svg
# In[30]:
def percent_slow_frames(dataset1, dataset2):
percent_enabled = dataset1[1:].map(lambda x: 100*x/dataset1[0:].sum())
percent_disabled = dataset2[1:].map(lambda x: 100*x/dataset2[0:].sum())
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['enabled'] = percent_enabled
df['disabled'] = percent_disabled
p = df.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(15, 7))
p.set_ylabel("percentage of content paints that happen in x frames")
return p
def relative_change_slow_frames(dataset1, dataset2):
percent_enabled = dataset1[1:].map(lambda x: x/dataset1[0:].sum())
percent_disabled = dataset2[1:].map(lambda x: x/dataset2[0:].sum())
p = (100*(percent_enabled - percent_disabled) / percent_disabled).plot(kind='bar', figsize=(15, 7))
p.set_ylabel("% change in content paints of x frames from enabling WebRender")
# In[31]:
percent_slow_frames(aggregated_enabled, aggregated_disabled)
# In[32]:
percent_slow_frames(aggregated_enabled_svg, aggregated_disabled)
# In[33]:
percent_slow_frames(aggregated_enabled_no_svg, aggregated_disabled)
# In[34]:
relative_change_slow_frames(aggregated_enabled, aggregated_disabled)
# In[35]:
relative_change_slow_frames(aggregated_enabled_svg, aggregated_disabled)
# In[36]:
relative_change_slow_frames(aggregated_enabled_no_svg, aggregated_disabled)
# Compute the percentage of frames that took more than 2 frames (CONTENT_FRAME_TIME score > 200)
# In[45]:
def percent_frames_slower_than(count, dataset):
percent = dataset[count-1:].map(lambda x: 100*x/dataset[0:].sum())
return percent.sum()
percent_frames_slower_than(2, aggregated_enabled)
# In[46]:
percent_frames_slower_than(2, aggregated_enabled_svg)
# In[47]:
percent_frames_slower_than(2, aggregated_enabled_no_svg)
# In[48]:
percent_frames_slower_than(2, aggregated_disabled)
# Now try with some other thresholds:
# In[50]:
percent_frames_slower_than(3, aggregated_enabled), percent_frames_slower_than(3, aggregated_disabled)
# In[51]:
percent_frames_slower_than(4, aggregated_enabled), percent_frames_slower_than(4, aggregated_disabled)
# In[52]:
percent_frames_slower_than(8, aggregated_enabled), percent_frames_slower_than(8, aggregated_disabled)
# In[53]:
percent_frames_slower_than(16, aggregated_enabled), percent_frames_slower_than(16, aggregated_disabled)
# In[ ]:
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