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Created May 5, 2022 14:43
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path that requires canonicalization for unix and wasi
test "canonicalize path Unix" {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) // symlinks are not portable
return error.SkipZigTest;
// TODO testing partial solution to
const alloc = testing.allocator;
var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true }); // ie zig-cache/tmp/8DLgoSEqz593PAEE
defer tmp.cleanup();
const tmpdirpath = try tmp.getFullPath(alloc);
var cwd_buf: [fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; // maximum size of a UTF-8 encoded file path
const cwd = try std.process.getCwd(&cwd_buf);
const s_symlink = "br" ++ ("u" ** 98);
try tmp.dir.symLink(cwd, s_symlink, .{ .is_directory = true });
var ultralong_path = try fs.path.join(alloc, &[_][]const u8{ tmpdirpath, s_symlink });
// ensure symlink works
var buffer: [fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const given = try tmp.dir.readLink(s_symlink, buffer[0..]);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, cwd, given));
const append_path = try fs.path.join(alloc, &[_][]const u8{
std.debug.assert(fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES > ultralong_path.len);
var min_diff = fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES - ultralong_path.len;
var i: usize = min_diff / append_path.len + 1;
std.debug.print("ultralong_path needs {d} concatenations\n", .{i});
while (i > 0) : (i -= 1) {
// debug: add test here
const tmp_var = try fs.path.join(alloc, &[_][]const u8{ ultralong_path, append_path });;
ultralong_path = tmp_var;
std.debug.assert(fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES < ultralong_path.len);
//std.debug.print("ultralong_path: {s}\n", .{ultralong_path});
// TODO add final test here
// const canon_path1 = canonicalize(alloc, absolute_path);
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