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# Variation on Hashrocket's script for managing the git process
# as documented here:
# Create shell scripts out of each of these, put them in your path (~/bin for example)
# chmod 755 them and use like this:
# This version of hack is totally different than Hackrockets. I feel that hack implies
# that you are getting started, not finishing up. sink is Hashrockets hack.
# $ hack branch_name
# Test and Implement until done
# $ sink && rake
# $ ship
# An editor will be displayed with all of the commit messages allowing you to make one giant
# combined commit (merge --squash). Add the story (from xp) to the top and save.
# If any step fails, the && will prevent the next step from moving executing
# btw, sink == sync, sync is taken and I like the double entendre anyway
# Implementing squash in ship
# Making changes so that the commands are more error proof
# hack
#!/bin/sh -x
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b $1 master
# sink
#!/bin/sh -x
CURRENT=`git branch | grep "*" | awk '{print $2}'`
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout ${CURRENT}
git rebase master ${CURRENT}
# ship
#!/bin/sh -x
CURRENT=`git branch | grep "*" | awk '{print $2}'`
git checkout master
git merge --squash ${CURRENT} && git commit -a -v && git push origin master
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