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Created November 16, 2022 17:19
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schools.js data and questions
const schools = [
type: "elementary",
teachers: [
name: "Mr. Smith",
class: "Pirate History",
students: [
"Toya Whitebeard",
"Snooty Helge",
"Cutthroat Sue The Daring",
grades: [94, 99],
name: "Mr. Matthews",
class: "Coding for Youngin's",
students: ["Abigail Vera", "Estelle Sigmund"],
grades: [75, 100],
type: "middle",
teachers: [
name: "Ms. Johnson",
class: "Art",
students: ["James Garcia", "Robert Miller"],
grades: [90, 100],
name: "Mr. Williams",
class: "Science",
students: ["John Brown", "Andy Jones"],
grades: [60, 90],
type: "high",
teachers: [
name: "Ms. Thorne",
class: "Theoretical Programming",
students: ["Taylor Taylor", "Jackson Moore"],
grades: [30, 64],
//print out all the school types
//print out all the teachers in the middle school
//print out all the class names along with the type of the school
//print out all the students names
//print out the grade average for each teacher & school
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