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Created August 8, 2013 21:52
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Modified TDB helper.php file
* Tweet Display Back Module for Joomla!
* @package TweetDisplayBack
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Michael Babker. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL -
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* Helper class for Tweet Display Back
* @package TweetDisplayBack
* @since 1.0
class ModTweetDisplayBackHelper
* OAuth bearer token for use in API requests
* @var string
* @since 3.0
protected $bearer;
* BDHttp connector
* @var BDHttp
* @since 3.0
protected $http;
* Flag to determine whether data is cached or to load fresh
* @var boolean
* @since 3.0
public $isCached = false;
* Flag to determine whether data has been fully processed
* @var boolean
* @since 3.0
public $isProcessed = false;
* ID of the currently active module
* @var integer
* @since 3.0
public $moduleId;
* Module parameters
* @var JRegistry
* @since 3.0
protected $params;
* Container for the tweet response object
* @var object
* @since 3.0
public static $tweets;
* Container for the formatted module data
* @var array
* @since 3.0
public $twitter = array();
* Container for the user profile response object
* @var array
* @since 3.0
public static $user;
* Constructor
* @param JRegistry $params The module parameters
* @since 3.0
public function __construct($params)
// Store the module params
$this->params = $params;
// Start setting up the BDHttp connector
$transport = null;
// Set up our JRegistry object for the BDHttp connector
$options = new JRegistry;
// Set the user agent
$options->set('userAgent', 'TweetDisplayBack/3.0');
// Use a 30 second timeout
$options->set('timeout', 30);
// Include the BabDev library
JLoader::registerPrefix('BD', __DIR__ . '/libraries');
// If the user has forced a specific connector, use it, otherwise allow BDHttpFactory to decide
$connector = $this->params->get('overrideConnector', null);
// If the override is 'no', set to null
if ($connector == 'no')
$connector = null;
// Instantiate our BDHttp object
$this->connector = BDHttpFactory::getHttp($options, $connector);
* Function to compile the data to render a formatted object displaying a Twitter feed
* @return object An object with the formatted tweets
* @since 1.5
public function compileData()
// Load the parameters
$uname = $this->params->get('twitterName', '');
$list = $this->params->get('twitterList', '');
$count = $this->params->get('twitterCount', 3);
$retweet = $this->params->get('tweetRetweets', 1);
$feed = $this->params->get('twitterFeedType', 'user');
// Convert the list name to a usable string for the JSON
if ($list)
$flist = static::toAscii($list);
// Get the user info
// Check to see if we have an error
if (isset($this->twitter['error']))
return $this->twitter;
// Set the include RT's string
$incRT = '';
if ($retweet == 1)
$incRT = '&include_rts=1';
// Count the number of active filters
$activeFilters = 0;
// Mentions
if ($this->params->get('showMentions', 0) == 0)
// Replies
if ($this->params->get('showReplies', 0) == 0)
// Retweets
if ($retweet == 0)
// Determine whether the feed being returned is a user, favorites, or list feed
if ($feed == 'list')
// Get the list feed
$req = '' . $flist . '&owner_screen_name=' . $uname . $incRT . '&include_entities=1';
elseif ($feed == 'favorites')
// Get the favorites feed
$req = '' . $count . '&screen_name=' . $uname . '&include_entities=1';
* Get the user feed, we have to manually filter mentions, RTs and replies,
* so get additional tweets by multiplying $count based on the number
* of active filters
if ($activeFilters == 1)
$count = $count * 3;
elseif ($activeFilters == 2)
$count = $count * 4;
elseif ($activeFilters == 3)
$count = $count * 5;
* Determine whether the user has overridden the count parameter with a
* manual number of tweets to retrieve. Override the $count variable
* if this is the case
if ($this->params->get('overrideCount', 1) == 1)
$count = $this->params->get('tweetsToScan', 3);
$req = '' . $count . '&screen_name=' . $uname . '&include_entities=1';
// Fetch the decoded JSON
$obj = $this->getJSON($req);
catch (RuntimeException $e)
$this->twitter['error'] = '';
return $this->twitter;
// Check if we've reached an error
if (isset($obj->errors))
$this->twitter['error'] = array();
$this->twitter['error']['messages'] = array();
foreach ($obj->errors as $error)
$this->twitter['error']['messages'][] = $error->message;
return $this->twitter;
// Make sure we've got an array of data
elseif (is_array($obj))
// Store the twitter stream response object
static::$tweets = $obj;
// Check if $obj has data; if not, return an error
if (is_null($obj))
// Set an error
$this->twitter[0]->tweet->text = JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_ERROR_UNABLETOLOAD');
// If caching is enabled and we aren't using cached data, json_encode the object and write it to file
if ($this->params->get('cache') == 1)
$data = json_encode($obj);
file_put_contents(JPATH_CACHE . '/tweetdisplayback_tweets-' . $this->moduleId . '.json', $data);
// Process the filtering options and render the feed
// Flag that processing was successful
$this->isProcessed = true;
$this->twitter['error'] = '';
return $this->twitter;
* Function to compile the data from cache and format the object
* @return object An object with the formatted tweets
* @since 1.5
public function compileFromCache()
// Reset the $twitter object in case we errored out previously
$this->twitter = array();
// Get the user info
// Check to see if we have an error or are out of hits
if (isset($this->twitter['error']) || isset($this->twitter['hits']))
return $this->twitter;
// Retrieve the cached data and decode it
$obj = file_get_contents(JPATH_CACHE . '/tweetdisplayback_tweets-' . $this->moduleId . '.json');
$obj = json_decode($obj);
// Check if we've reached an error
if (isset($obj->errors))
$this->twitter['error'] = array();
$this->twitter['error']['messages'] = array();
foreach ($obj->errors as $error)
$this->twitter['error']['messages'][] = $error->message;
// Make sure we've got an array of data
elseif (is_array($obj))
// Store the twitter stream response object
static::$tweets = $obj;
// Check if $obj has data; if not, return an error
if (is_null($obj))
// Set an error
$this->twitter[0]->tweet->text = JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_ERROR_UNABLETOLOAD');
// Process the filtering options and render the feed
// Flag that processing was successful
$this->isProcessed = true;
$this->twitter['error'] = '';
return $this->twitter;
* Function to fetch a JSON feed
* @param string $req The URL of the feed to load
* @return object The fetched JSON query
* @since 1.0
* @throws RuntimeException
public function getJSON($req)
// Get the data
// If we haven't retrieved the bearer yet, get it if in the site application
if (($this->bearer == null) && JFactory::getApplication()->isSite())
$cacheFile = JPATH_CACHE . '/tweetdisplayback_bearer.json';
// Check if we have cached data and use it if unexpired
if (!file_exists($cacheFile) || (time() - @filemtime($cacheFile) > 86400))
$response = $this->connector->get('');
if ($response->code == 200)
$this->bearer = base64_decode($response->body);
throw new RuntimeException('Could not retrieve bearer token');
// Write the cache
file_put_contents($cacheFile, $this->bearer);
// Render from the cached data
$this->bearer = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
$headers = array(
'Authorization' => $this->bearer
$response = $this->connector->get($req, $headers);
catch (Exception $e)
return null;
// Return the decoded response body
return json_decode($response->body);
* Function to fetch the user JSON and render it
* @return void
* @since 1.5
protected function prepareUser()
$scheme = JUri::getInstance()->getScheme() . '://';
// Load the parameters
$uname = $this->params->get('twitterName', '');
$list = $this->params->get('twitterList', '');
$feed = $this->params->get('twitterFeedType', 'user');
// Initialize object containers
$this->twitter['header'] = new stdClass;
$this->twitter['footer'] = new stdClass;
$this->twitter['tweets'] = new stdClass;
// Convert the list name to a usable string for the URL
if ($list)
$flist = static::toAscii($list);
// Retrieve data from Twitter if the header is enabled
if ($this->params->get('headerDisplay', 1) == 1)
// Sanity check on user file cache
$cacheFile = JPATH_CACHE . '/tweetdisplayback_user-' . $this->moduleId . '.json';
$cacheTime = $this->params->get('cache_time', 15);
$cacheTime = $cacheTime * 60;
// Get the data
if ($this->isCached && (!file_exists($cacheFile) || time() - @filemtime($cacheFile) > $cacheTime))
// Fetch from cache
$obj = file_get_contents(JPATH_CACHE . '/tweetdisplayback_user-' . $this->moduleId . '.json');
$obj = json_decode($obj);
$req = '' . $uname;
$obj = $this->getJSON($req);
catch (RuntimeException $e)
$this->twitter['error'] = '';
// Check if we've reached an error
if (isset($obj->errors))
$this->twitter['error'] = array();
$this->twitter['error']['messages'] = array();
foreach ($obj->errors as $error)
$this->twitter['error']['messages'][] = $error->message;
// Check that we have the JSON, otherwise set an error
elseif (!$obj)
$this->twitter['error'] = '';
// Store the user profile response object so it can be accessed (for advanced use)
static::$user = $obj;
// If caching is enabled and we aren't using cached data, json_encode the object and write it to file
if ($this->params->get('cache') == 1 && !$this->isCached)
$data = json_encode($obj);
file_put_contents(JPATH_CACHE . '/tweetdisplayback_user-' . $this->moduleId . '.json', $data);
* Header info
if ($this->params->get('headerDisplay', 1) == 1)
if ($this->params->get('headerUser', 1) == 1)
// Check if the Intents action is bypassed
if ($this->params->get('bypassIntent', '0') == 1)
$this->twitter['header']->user = '<a href="' . $scheme . '' . $uname . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">';
$this->twitter['header']->user = '<a href="' . $scheme . '' . $uname . '" rel="nofollow">';
// Show the real name or the username
if ($this->params->get('headerName', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['header']->user .= $obj->name . '</a>';
$this->twitter['header']->user .= $uname . '</a>';
// Append the list name if being pulled
if ($feed == 'list')
$this->twitter['header']->user .= ' - <a href="' . $scheme . '' . $uname . '/' . $flist . '" rel="nofollow">' . $list . ' list</a>';
// Show the bio
if ($this->params->get('headerBio', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['header']->bio = $obj->description;
// Show the location
if ($this->params->get('headerLocation', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['header']->location = $obj->location;
// Show the user's URL
if ($this->params->get('headerWeb', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['header']->web = '<a href="' . $obj->url . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">' . $obj->url . '</a>';
// Get the profile image URL from the object
$avatar = $obj->profile_image_url;
// Switch from the normal size avatar (48px) to the large one (73px)
$avatar = str_replace('normal.jpg', 'bigger.jpg', $avatar);
$this->twitter['header']->avatar = '<img src="' . $avatar . '" alt="' . $uname . '" />';
* Footer info
// Display the Follow button
if ($this->params->get('footerFollowLink', 1) == 1)
// Don't display for a list feed
if ($feed != 'list')
$followParams = 'screen_name=' . $uname;
$followParams .= '&lang=' . substr(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag(), 0, 2);
if ($this->params->get('footerFollowCount', '1') == '1')
$followParams .= '&show_count=true';
$followParams .= '&show_count=false';
$followParams .= '&show_screen_name=' . (bool) $this->params->get('footerFollowUser', 1);
$iframe = '<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="' . $scheme . '' . $followParams . '" style="width: 300px; height: 20px;"></iframe>';
$this->twitter['footer']->follow_me = '<div class="TDB-footer-follow-link">' . $iframe . '</div>';
if ($this->params->get('footerPoweredBy', 1) == 1)
$site = '<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">' . JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK') . '</a>';
$this->twitter['footer']->powered_by = '<hr /><div class="TDB-footer-powered-text">' . JText::sprintf('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_POWERED_BY', $site) . '</div>';
* Function to render the Twitter feed into a formatted object
* @return void
* @since 2.0
protected function processFiltering()
// Initialize
$count = $this->params->get('twitterCount', 3);
$showMentions = $this->params->get('showMentions', 0);
$showReplies = $this->params->get('showReplies', 0);
$showRetweets = $this->params->get('tweetRetweets', 1);
$numberOfTweets = $this->params->get('twitterCount', 3);
$feedType = $this->params->get('twitterFeedType', 'user');
$obj = static::$tweets;
$i = 0;
// Process the feed
foreach ($obj as $o)
if ($count > 0)
// Check if we have all of the items we want
if ($i < $numberOfTweets)
// If we aren't filtering, just render the item
if (($showMentions == 1 && $showReplies == 1 && $showRetweets == 1) || ($feedType == 'list' || $feedType == 'favorites'))
$this->processItem($o, $i);
// Modify counts
// We're filtering, the fun starts here
// Set variables
// Tweets which contains a @reply
$tweetContainsReply = $o->in_reply_to_user_id != null;
// Tweets which contains a @mention and/or @reply
$tweetContainsMentionAndOrReply = $o->entities->user_mentions != null;
// Tweets which are a retweet
$tweetIsRetweet = isset($o->retweeted_status);
* Check if a reply tweet contains mentions
* NOTE: Works only for tweets where there is also a reply, since reply is at
* the position ['0'] and mentions begin at ['1'].
if (isset($o->entities->user_mentions['1']))
$replyTweetContainsMention = $o->entities->user_mentions['1'];
$replyTweetContainsMention = '0';
// Tweets with only @reply
$tweetOnlyReply = $tweetContainsReply && $replyTweetContainsMention == '0';
// Tweets which contains @mentions or @mentions+@reply
$tweetContainsMention = $tweetContainsMentionAndOrReply && !$tweetOnlyReply;
// Filter @mentions and @replies, leaving retweets unchanged
if ($showMentions == 0 && $showReplies == 0)
if (!$tweetContainsMentionAndOrReply || (isset($o->retweeted_status) && $showRetweets == 1))
$this->processItem($o, $i);
// Modify counts
// Filtering only @mentions or @replies
// Filter @mentions only leaving @replies and retweets unchanged
if ($showMentions == 0)
if (!$tweetContainsMention || (isset($o->retweeted_status) && $showRetweets == 1))
$this->processItem($o, $i);
// Modify counts
// Filter @replies only (including @replies with @mentions) leaving retweets unchanged
if ($showReplies == 0)
if (!$tweetContainsReply)
$this->processItem($o, $i);
// Modify counts
// Filter retweets
if ($showRetweets == 0)
if (!$tweetIsRetweet)
$this->processItem($o, $i);
// Modify counts
// Somehow, we got this far; process the tweet
if ($showMentions == 1 && $showReplies == 1 && $showRetweets == 1)
// No filtering required
$this->processItem($o, $i);
// Modify counts
* Function to process the Twitter feed into a formatted object
* @param object $o The item within the JSON feed
* @param integer $i Iteration of processFiltering
* @return void
* @since 2.0
protected function processItem($o, $i)
$scheme = JUri::getInstance()->getScheme() . '://';
// Set variables
$tweetName = $this->params->get('tweetName', 1);
$tweetReply = $this->params->get('tweetReply', 1);
$tweetRTCount = $this->params->get('tweetRetweetCount', 1);
// Initialize a new object
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i = new stdClass;
// Check if the item is a retweet, and if so gather data from the retweeted_status datapoint
if (isset($o->retweeted_status))
// Retweeted user
$tweetedBy = $o->retweeted_status->user->screen_name;
$avatar = $o->retweeted_status->user->profile_image_url;
$text = $o->retweeted_status->text;
$urls = $o->retweeted_status->entities->urls;
$RTs = $o->retweeted_status->retweet_count;
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created = JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_RETWEETED');
if (isset($o->retweeted_status->entities->media))
$media = $o->retweeted_status->entities->media;
// User
$tweetedBy = $o->user->screen_name;
$avatar = $o->user->profile_image_url;
$text = $o->text;
$urls = $o->entities->urls;
$RTs = $o->retweet_count;
if (isset($o->entities->media))
$media = $o->entities->media;
// Generate the object with the user data
if ($tweetName == 1)
// Check if the Intents action is bypassed
if ($this->params->get('bypassIntent', '0') == 1)
$userURL = $scheme . '' . $tweetedBy;
$userURL = $scheme . '' . $tweetedBy;
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->user = '<strong><a href="' . $userURL . '" rel="nofollow">' . $tweetedBy . '</a>' . $this->params->get('tweetUserSeparator') . '</strong>';
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->avatar = '<img alt="' . $tweetedBy . '" src="' . $avatar . '" width="32" />';
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text = $text;
// Make regular URLs in tweets a link
foreach ($urls as $url)
if (isset($url->display_url))
$d_url = $url->display_url;
$d_url = $url->url;
// We need to check to verify that the URL has the protocol, just in case
if (strpos($url->url, 'http') !== 0)
// Prepend http since there's no protocol
$link = 'http://' . $url->url;
$link = $url->url;
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text = str_replace($url->url, '<a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $d_url . '</a>', $this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text);
// Make media URLs in tweets a link
if (isset($media))
foreach ($media as $image)
if (isset($image->display_url))
$i_url = $image->display_url;
$i_url = $image->url;
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text = str_replace($image->url, '<a href="' . $image->url . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $i_url . '</a>', $this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text);
* Info below is specific to each tweet, so it isn't checked against a retweet
// Display the time the tweet was created
if ($this->params->get('tweetCreated', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= '<a href="' . $scheme . '' . $o->user->screen_name . '/status/' . $o->id_str . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">';
// Determine whether to display the time as a relative or static time
if ($this->params->get('tweetRelativeTime', 1) == 1)
$time = JFactory::getDate($o->created_at, 'UTC');
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= JHtml::_('date.relative', $time, null, JFactory::getDate('now', 'UTC')) . '</a>';
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= JHtml::date($o->created_at) . '</a>';
// Display the tweet source
if ($this->params->get('tweetSource', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= JText::sprintf('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_VIA', $o->source);
// Display the location the tweet was made from if set
if (($this->params->get('tweetLocation', 1) == 1) && (isset($o->place->full_name)))
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_FROM') . '<a href="' . $scheme . '' . $o->place->full_name . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $o->place->full_name . '</a>';
// If the tweet is a reply, display a link to the tweet it's in reply to
if ((($o->in_reply_to_screen_name) && ($o->in_reply_to_status_id_str)) && $this->params->get('tweetReplyLink', 1) == 1)
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_IN_REPLY_TO') . '<a href="' . $scheme . '' . $o->in_reply_to_screen_name . '/status/' . $o->in_reply_to_status_id_str . '" rel="nofollow">' . $o->in_reply_to_screen_name . '</a>';
// Display a separator bullet if there's a tweet time/source and a retweet count
if ((($this->params->get('tweetSource', 1) == 1)
|| (($this->params->get('tweetLocation', 1) == 1) && (isset($o->place->full_name)))
|| ((($o->in_reply_to_screen_name) && ($o->in_reply_to_status_id_str)) && $this->params->get('tweetReplyLink', 1) == 1))
&& (($tweetRTCount == 1) && ($RTs >= 1)))
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= ' &bull; ';
// Display the number of times the tweet has been retweeted
if (($tweetRTCount == 1) && ($RTs >= 1))
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->created .= JText::plural('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_RETWEETS', $RTs);
// Display Twitter Actions
if ($tweetReply == 1)
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->actions = '<span class="TDB-action TDB-reply"><a href="' . $scheme . '' . $o->id_str . '" title="' . JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_INTENT_REPLY') . '" rel="nofollow"></a></span>';
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->actions .= '<span class="TDB-action TDB-retweet"><a href="' . $scheme . '' . $o->id_str . '" title="' . JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_INTENT_RETWEET') . '" rel="nofollow"></a></span>';
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->actions .= '<span class="TDB-action TDB-favorite"><a href="' . $scheme . '' . $o->id_str . '" title="' . JText::_('MOD_TWEETDISPLAYBACK_INTENT_FAVORITE') . '" rel="nofollow"></a></span>';
// If set, convert user and hash tags into links
if ($this->params->get('tweetLinks', 1) == 1)
foreach ($o->entities->user_mentions as $mention)
// Check if the Intents action is bypassed
if ($this->params->get('bypassIntent', '0') == 1)
$mentionURL = $scheme . '' . $mention->screen_name;
$mentionURL = $scheme . '' . $mention->screen_name;
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text = str_ireplace('@' . $mention->screen_name, '@<a class="userlink" href="' . $mentionURL . '" rel="nofollow">' . $mention->screen_name . '</a>', $this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text);
foreach ($o->entities->hashtags as $hashtag)
$this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text = str_ireplace('#' . $hashtag->text, '#<a class="hashlink" href="' . $scheme . '' . $hashtag->text . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $hashtag->text . '</a>', $this->twitter['tweets']->$i->text);
* Function to convert a formatted list name into it's URL equivalent
* @param string $list The user inputted list name
* @return string The list name converted
* @since 1.6
public static function toAscii($list)
$clean = preg_replace("/[^a-z'A-Z0-9\/_|+ -]/", '', $list);
$clean = strtolower(trim($clean, '-'));
$list = preg_replace("/[\/_|+ -']+/", '-', $clean);
return $list;
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