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Created May 9, 2016 11:05
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Listings Stata language definition
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% Program: listings-stata.tex
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% Purpose: Stata language definition for LaTeX listings package
% Usage: Add \input{listings-stata.tex} to your preamble
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if ,else ,in ,foreach ,for ,forv ,forva ,forval ,forvalu ,forvalue
,forvalues ,by ,bys ,bysort ,xi ,quietly ,qui ,capture ,about
,ac ,ac_7 ,acprplot ,acprplot_7 adjust ,ado ,adopath ,adoupdate
,alpha ,ameans ,an ,ano ,anov ,anova ,anova_estat ,anova_terms
,anovadef ,aorder ,ap ,app ,appe ,appen ,append ,arch ,arch_dr
,arch_estat ,arch_p ,archlm ,areg ,areg_p ,args ,arima ,arima_dr
,arima_estat ,arima_p ,as ,asmprobit ,asmprobit_estat ,asmprobit_lf
,asmprobit_mfx__dlg ,asmprobit_p ,ass ,asse ,asser ,assert ,avplot
,avplot_7 ,avplots ,avplots_7 bcskew0 ,bgodfrey ,binreg ,bip0_lf
,biplot ,bipp_lf ,bipr_lf ,bipr_p ,biprobit ,bitest ,bitesti
,bitowt ,blogit ,bmemsize ,boot ,bootsamp ,bootstrap ,bootstrap_8
,boxco_l ,boxco_p ,boxcox ,boxcox_6 ,boxcox_p ,bprobit ,br ,break
,brier ,bro ,brow ,brows ,browse ,brr ,brrstat ,bs ,bs_7 ,bsampl_w
,bsample ,bsample_7 ,bsqreg ,bstat ,bstat_7 ,bstat_8 ,bstrap
,bstrap_7 ,ca ,ca_estat ,ca_p ,cabiplot ,camat ,canon ,canon_8
,canon_8_p ,canon_estat ,canon_p ,cap ,caprojection ,capt ,captu
,captur ,capture ,cat ,cc ,cchart ,cchart_7 ,cci ,cd ,censobs_table
,centile ,cf ,char ,chdir ,checkdlgfiles ,checkestimationsample
,checkhlpfiles ,checksum ,chelp ,ci ,cii ,cl ,class ,classutil
,clear ,cli ,clis ,clist ,clo ,clog ,clog_lf ,clog_p ,clogi
,clogi_sw ,clogit ,clogit_lf ,clogit_p ,clogitp ,clogl_sw ,cloglog
,clonevar ,clslistarray ,cluster ,cluster_measures ,cluster_stop
,cluster_tree ,cluster_tree_8 ,clustermat ,cmdlog ,cnr ,cnre
,cnreg ,cnreg_p ,cnreg_sw ,cnsreg ,codebook ,collaps4 ,collapse
,colormult_nb ,colormult_nw ,compare ,compress ,conf ,confi
,confir ,confirm ,conren ,cons ,const ,constr ,constra ,constrai
,constrain ,constraint ,continue ,contract ,copy ,copyright
,copysource ,cor ,corc ,corr ,corr2data ,corr_anti ,corr_kmo
,corr_smc ,corre ,correl ,correla ,correlat ,correlate ,corrgram
,cou ,coun ,count ,cox ,cox_p ,cox_sw ,coxbase ,coxhaz ,coxvar
,cprplot ,cprplot_7 ,crc ,cret ,cretu ,cretur ,creturn ,cross ,cs
,cscript ,cscript_log ,csi ,ct ,ct_is ,ctset ,ctst_5 ,ctst_st
,cttost ,cumsp ,cumsp_7 ,cumul ,cusum ,cusum_7 ,cutil ,d ,datasig
,datasign ,datasigna ,datasignat ,datasignatu ,datasignatur
,datasignature ,datetof ,db ,dbeta ,de ,dec ,deco ,decod ,decode
,deff ,des ,desc ,descr ,descri ,describ ,describe ,destring
,dfbeta ,dfgls ,dfuller ,di ,di_g ,dir ,dirstats ,dis ,discard
,disp ,disp_res ,disp_s ,displ ,displa ,display ,distinct ,do
,doe ,doed ,doedi ,doedit ,dotplot ,dotplot_7 ,dprobit ,drawnorm
,drop ,ds ,ds_util ,dstdize ,duplicates ,durbina ,dwstat ,dydx ,e
,ed ,edi ,edit ,egen ,eivreg ,emdef ,en ,enc ,enco ,encod ,encode
,eq ,erase ,ereg ,ereg_lf ,ereg_p ,ereg_sw ,ereghet ,ereghet_glf
,ereghet_glf_sh ,ereghet_gp ,ereghet_ilf ,ereghet_ilf_sh ,ereghet_ip
,eret ,eretu ,eretur ,ereturn ,err ,erro ,error ,est ,est_cfexist
,est_cfname ,est_clickable ,est_expand ,est_hold ,est_table
,est_unhold ,est_unholdok ,estat ,estat_default ,estat_summ
,estat_vce_only ,esti ,estimates ,etodow ,etof ,etomdy ,ex ,exi
,exit ,expand ,expandcl ,fac ,fact ,facto ,factor ,factor_estat
,factor_p ,factor_pca_rotated ,factor_rotate ,factormat ,fcast
,fcast_compute ,fcast_graph ,fdades ,fdadesc ,fdadescr ,fdadescri
,fdadescrib ,fdadescribe ,fdasav ,fdasave ,fdause ,fh_st ,file
,open ,file ,read ,file ,close ,file ,filefilter ,fillin
,find_hlp_file ,findfile ,findit ,findit_7 ,fit ,fl ,fli ,flis
,flist ,for5_0 ,form ,forma ,format ,fpredict ,frac_154 ,frac_adj
,frac_chk ,frac_cox ,frac_ddp ,frac_dis ,frac_dv ,frac_in ,frac_mun
,frac_pp ,frac_pq ,frac_pv ,frac_wgt ,frac_xo ,fracgen ,fracplot
,fracplot_7 ,fracpoly ,fracpred ,fron_ex ,fron_hn ,fron_p ,fron_tn
,fron_tn2 ,frontier ,ftodate ,ftoe ,ftomdy ,ftowdate ,g ,gamhet_glf
,gamhet_gp ,gamhet_ilf ,gamhet_ip ,gamma ,gamma_d2 ,gamma_p
,gamma_sw ,gammahet ,gdi_hexagon ,gdi_spokes ,ge ,gen ,gene ,gener
,genera ,generat ,generate ,genrank ,genstd ,genvmean ,gettoken
,gl ,gladder ,gladder_7 ,glim_l01 ,glim_l02 glim_l03 ,glim_l04
,glim_l05 ,glim_l06 ,glim_l07 ,glim_l08 ,glim_l09 ,glim_l10 glim_l11
,glim_l12 ,glim_lf ,glim_mu ,glim_nw1 ,glim_nw2 ,glim_nw3 ,glim_p
,glim_v1 ,glim_v2 ,glim_v3 ,glim_v4 ,glim_v5 ,glim_v6 ,glim_v7 ,glm
,glm_6 glm_p ,glm_sw ,glmpred ,glo ,glob ,globa ,global ,glogit
,glogit_8 ,glogit_p ,gmeans ,gnbre_lf ,gnbreg ,gnbreg_5 ,gnbreg_p
,gomp_lf ,gompe_sw ,gomper_p ,gompertz ,gompertzhet ,gomphet_glf
,gomphet_glf_sh ,gomphet_gp ,gomphet_ilf ,gomphet_ilf_sh ,gomphet_ip
,gphdot ,gphpen ,gphprint ,gprefs ,gprobi_p ,gprobit ,gprobit_8
,gr ,gr7 ,gr_copy ,gr_current ,gr_db ,gr_describe ,gr_dir ,gr_draw
,gr_draw_replay ,gr_drop ,gr_edit ,gr_editviewopts ,gr_example
,gr_example2 gr_export ,gr_print ,gr_qscheme ,gr_query ,gr_read
,gr_rename ,gr_replay ,gr_save ,gr_set ,gr_setscheme ,gr_table
,gr_undo ,gr_use ,graph ,graph7 grebar ,greigen ,greigen_7
,greigen_8 ,grmeanby ,grmeanby_7 ,gs_fileinfo ,gs_filetype
,gs_graphinfo ,gs_stat ,gsort ,gwood ,h ,hadimvo ,hareg ,hausman
,haver ,he ,heck_d2 ,heckma_p ,heckman ,heckp_lf ,heckpr_p ,heckprob
,hel ,help ,hereg ,hetpr_lf ,hetpr_p ,hetprob ,hettest ,hexdump
,hilite ,hist ,hist_7 histogram ,hlogit ,hlu ,hmeans ,hotel
,hotelling ,hprobit ,hreg ,hsearch ,icd9 ,icd9_ff ,icd9p ,iis
,impute ,imtest ,inbase ,include ,inf ,infi ,infil ,infile ,infix
,inp ,inpu ,input ,ins ,insheet ,insp ,inspe ,inspec ,inspect ,integ
,inten ,intreg ,intreg_7 ,intreg_p ,intrg2_ll ,intrg_ll ,intrg_ll2
,ipolate ,iqreg ,ir ,irf ,irf_create ,irfm ,iri ,is_svy ,is_svysum
,isid ,istdize ,ivprob_1_lf ,ivprob_lf ,ivprobit ,ivprobit_p ,ivreg
,ivreg_footnote ,ivtob_1_lf ,ivtob_lf ,ivtobit ,ivtobit_p ,jackknife
,jacknife ,jknife ,jknife_6 ,jknife_8 ,jkstat ,joinby ,kalarma1
,kap ,kap_3 ,kapmeier ,kappa ,kapwgt ,kdensity ,kdensity_7 keep
,ksm ,ksmirnov ,ktau ,kwallis ,l ,la ,lab ,labe ,label ,labelbook
,ladder ,levels ,levelsof ,leverage ,lfit ,lfit_p ,li ,lincom ,line
,linktest ,lis ,list ,lloghet_glf ,lloghet_glf_sh ,lloghet_gp
,lloghet_ilf ,lloghet_ilf_sh ,lloghet_ip ,llogi_sw ,llogis_p
,llogist ,llogistic ,llogistichet ,lnorm_lf ,lnorm_sw ,lnorma_p
,lnormal ,lnormalhet ,lnormhet_glf ,lnormhet_glf_sh ,lnormhet_gp
,lnormhet_ilf ,lnormhet_ilf_sh ,lnormhet_ip ,lnskew0 ,loadingplot
,loc ,loca ,local ,log ,logi ,logis_lf ,logistic ,logistic_p
,logit ,logit_estat ,logit_p ,loglogs ,logrank ,loneway ,lookfor
,lookup ,lowess ,lowess_7 ,lpredict ,lrecomp ,lroc ,lroc_7 ,lrtest
,ls ,lsens ,lsens_7 ,lsens_x ,lstat ,ltable ,ltable_7 ,ltriang
,lv ,lvr2plot ,lvr2plot_7 ,m ,ma ,mac ,macr ,macro ,makecns ,man
,manova ,manova_estat ,manova_p ,manovatest ,mantel ,mark ,markin
,markout ,marksample ,mat ,mat_capp ,mat_order ,mat_put_rr ,mat_rapp
,mata ,mata_clear ,mata_describe ,mata_drop ,mata_matdescribe
,mata_matsave ,mata_matuse ,mata_memory ,mata_mlib ,mata_mosave
,mata_rename ,mata_which ,matalabel ,matcproc ,matlist ,matname
,matr ,matri ,matrix ,matrix_input__dlg ,matstrik ,mcc ,mcci ,md0_
,md1_ ,md1debug_ ,md2_ ,md2debug_ ,mds ,mds_estat ,mds_p ,mdsconfig
,mdslong ,mdsmat ,mdsshepard ,mdytoe ,mdytof ,me_derd ,mean ,means
,median ,memory ,memsize ,meqparse ,mer ,merg ,merge ,mfp ,mfx
,mhelp ,mhodds ,minbound ,mixed_ll ,mixed_ll_reparm ,mkassert
,mkdir ,mkmat ,mkspline ,ml ,ml_5 ml_adjs ,ml_bhhhs ,ml_c_d
,ml_check ,ml_clear ,ml_cnt ,ml_debug ,ml_defd ,ml_e0 ml_e0_bfgs
,ml_e0_cycle ,ml_e0_dfp ,ml_e0i ,ml_e1 ,ml_e1_bfgs ,ml_e1_bhhh
,ml_e1_cycle ,ml_e1_dfp ,ml_e2 ,ml_e2_cycle ,ml_ebfg0 ,ml_ebfr0
,ml_ebfr1 ml_ebh0q ,ml_ebhh0 ,ml_ebhr0 ,ml_ebr0i ,ml_ecr0i ,ml_edfp0
,ml_edfr0 ,ml_edfr1 ml_edr0i ,ml_eds ,ml_eer0i ,ml_egr0i ,ml_elf
,ml_elf_bfgs ,ml_elf_bhhh ,ml_elf_cycle ,ml_elf_dfp ,ml_elfi
,ml_elfs ,ml_enr0i ,ml_enrr0 ,ml_erdu0 ml_erdu0_bfgs ,ml_erdu0_bhhh
,ml_erdu0_bhhhq ,ml_erdu0_cycle ,ml_erdu0_dfp ,ml_erdu0_nrbfgs
,ml_exde ,ml_footnote ,ml_geqnr ,ml_grad0 ,ml_graph ,ml_hbhhh
,ml_hd0 ,ml_hold ,ml_init ,ml_inv ,ml_log ,ml_max ,ml_mlout
,ml_mlout_8 ,ml_model ,ml_nb0 ,ml_opt ,ml_p ,ml_plot ,ml_query
,ml_rdgrd ,ml_repor ,ml_s_e ,ml_score ,ml_searc ,ml_technique
,ml_unhold ,mleval ,mlf_ ,mlmatbysum ,mlmatsum ,mlog ,mlogi ,mlogit
,mlogit_footnote ,mlogit_p ,mlopts ,mlsum ,mlvecsum ,mnl0_ ,mor
,more ,mov ,move ,mprobit ,mprobit_lf ,mprobit_p ,mrdu0_ ,mrdu1_
,mvdecode ,mvencode ,mvreg ,mvreg_estat ,n ,nbreg ,nbreg_al
,nbreg_lf ,nbreg_p ,nbreg_sw ,nestreg ,net ,newey ,newey_7 ,newey_p
,news ,nl ,nl_7 ,nl_9 ,nl_9_p ,nl_p ,nl_p_7 nlcom ,nlcom_p ,nlexp2
,nlexp2_7 ,nlexp2a ,nlexp2a_7 ,nlexp3 ,nlexp3_7 ,nlgom3 nlgom3_7
,nlgom4 ,nlgom4_7 ,nlinit ,nllog3 ,nllog3_7 ,nllog4 ,nllog4_7
,nlog_rd ,nlogit ,nlogit_p ,nlogitgen ,nlogittree ,nlpred ,no
,nobreak ,noi ,nois ,noisi ,noisil ,noisily ,note ,notes ,notes_dlg
,nptrend ,numlabel ,numlist ,odbc ,old_ver ,olo ,olog ,ologi
,ologi_sw ,ologit ,ologit_p ,ologitp ,on ,one ,onew ,onewa ,oneway
,op_colnm ,op_comp ,op_diff ,op_inv ,op_str ,opr ,opro ,oprob
,oprob_sw ,oprobi ,oprobi_p ,oprobit ,oprobitp ,opts_exclusive
,order ,orthog ,orthpoly ,ou ,out ,outf ,outfi ,outfil ,outfile
,outs ,outsh ,outshe ,outshee ,outsheet ,ovtest ,pac ,pac_7 ,palette
,parse ,parse_dissim ,pause ,pca ,pca_8 pca_display ,pca_estat
,pca_p ,pca_rotate ,pcamat ,pchart ,pchart_7 ,pchi ,pchi_7 ,pcorr
,pctile ,pentium ,pergram ,pergram_7 ,permute ,permute_8 ,personal
,peto_st ,pkcollapse ,pkcross ,pkequiv ,pkexamine ,pkexamine_7
,pkshape ,pksumm ,pksumm_7 ,pl ,plo ,plot ,plugin ,pnorm ,pnorm_7
,poisgof ,poiss_lf ,poiss_sw ,poisso_p ,poisson ,poisson_estat
,post ,postclose ,postfile ,postutil ,pperron ,pr ,prais ,prais_e
,prais_e2 ,prais_p ,predict ,predictnl ,preserve ,print ,pro ,prob
,probi ,probit ,probit_estat ,probit_p ,proc_time ,procoverlay
,procrustes ,procrustes_estat ,procrustes_p ,profiler ,prog ,progr
,progra ,program ,prop ,proportion ,prtest ,prtesti ,pwcorr ,pwd
,q ,s ,qby ,qbys ,qchi ,qchi_7 ,qladder ,qladder_7 ,qnorm ,qnorm_7
,qqplot ,qqplot_7 ,qreg ,qreg_c ,qreg_p ,qreg_sw ,qu ,quadchk
,quantile ,quantile_7 ,que ,quer ,query ,range ,ranksum ,ratio
,rchart ,rchart_7 ,rcof ,recast ,reclink ,recode ,reg ,reg3
,reg3_p ,regdw ,regr ,regre ,regre_p2 ,regres ,regres_p ,regress
,regress_estat ,regriv_p ,remap ,ren ,rena ,renam ,rename ,renpfix
,repeat ,replace ,report ,reshape ,restore ,ret ,retu ,retur ,return
,rm ,rmdir ,robvar ,roccomp ,roccomp_7 ,roccomp_8 ,rocf_lf ,rocfit
,rocfit_8 ,rocgold ,rocplot ,rocplot_7 ,roctab ,roctab_7 ,rolling
,rologit ,rologit_p ,rot ,rota ,rotat ,rotate ,rotatemat ,rreg
,rreg_p ,ru ,run ,runtest ,rvfplot ,rvfplot_7 ,rvpplot ,rvpplot_7
,sa ,safesum ,sample ,sampsi ,sav ,save ,savedresults ,saveold ,sc
,sca ,scal ,scala ,scalar ,scatter ,scm_mine ,sco ,scob_lf ,scob_p
,scobi_sw ,scobit ,scor ,score ,scoreplot ,scoreplot_help ,scree
,screeplot ,screeplot_help ,sdtest ,sdtesti ,se ,search ,separate
,seperate ,serrbar ,serrbar_7 ,serset ,set ,set_defaults ,sfrancia
,sh ,she ,shel ,shell ,shewhart ,shewhart_7 ,signestimationsample
,signrank ,signtest ,simul ,simul_7 simulate ,simulate_8 ,sktest
,sleep ,slogit ,slogit_d2 ,slogit_p ,smooth ,snapspan ,so ,sor
,sort ,spearman ,spikeplot ,spikeplot_7 ,spikeplt ,spline_x ,split
,sqreg ,sqreg_p ,sret ,sretu ,sretur ,sreturn ,ssc ,st ,st_ct ,st_hc
,st_hcd ,st_hcd_sh ,st_is ,st_issys ,st_note ,st_promo ,st_set
,st_show ,st_smpl ,st_subid ,stack ,statsby ,statsby_8 ,stbase
,stci ,stci_7 ,stcox ,stcox_estat ,stcox_fr ,stcox_fr_ll ,stcox_p
,stcox_sw ,stcoxkm ,stcoxkm_7 ,stcstat ,stcurv ,stcurve ,stcurve_7
,stdes ,stem ,stepwise ,stereg ,stfill ,stgen ,stir ,stjoin ,stmc
,stmh ,stphplot ,stphplot_7 ,stphtest ,stphtest_7 ,stptime ,strate
,strate_7 ,streg ,streg_sw ,streset ,sts ,sts_7 ,stset ,stsplit
,stsum ,sttocc ,sttoct ,stvary ,stweib ,su ,suest ,suest_8 ,sum
,summ ,summa ,summar ,summari ,summariz ,summarize ,sunflower
,sureg ,survcurv ,survsum ,svar ,svar_p ,svmat ,svy ,svy_disp
,svy_dreg ,svy_est ,svy_est_7 ,svy_estat ,svy_get ,svy_gnbreg_p
,svy_head ,svy_header ,svy_heckman_p ,svy_heckprob_p ,svy_intreg_p
,svy_ivreg_p ,svy_logistic_p ,svy_logit_p ,svy_mlogit_p ,svy_nbreg_p
,svy_ologit_p ,svy_oprobit_p ,svy_poisson_p ,svy_probit_p
,svy_regress_p ,svy_sub ,svy_sub_7 ,svy_x ,svy_x_7 ,svy_x_p ,svydes
,svydes_8 ,svygen ,svygnbreg ,svyheckman ,svyheckprob ,svyintreg
,svyintreg_7 ,svyintrg ,svyivreg ,svylc ,svylog_p ,svylogit
,svymarkout ,svymarkout_8 ,svymean ,svymlog ,svymlogit ,svynbreg
,svyolog ,svyologit ,svyoprob ,svyoprobit ,svyopts ,svypois
,svypois_7 svypoisson ,svyprobit ,svyprobt ,svyprop ,svyprop_7
,svyratio ,svyreg ,svyreg_p ,svyregress ,svyset ,svyset_7 ,svyset_8
,svytab ,svytab_7 ,svytest ,svytotal ,sw ,sw_8 ,swcnreg ,swcox
,swereg ,swilk ,swlogis ,swlogit ,swologit ,swoprbt ,swpois
,swprobit ,swqreg ,swtobit ,swweib ,symmetry ,symmi ,symplot
,symplot_7 syntax ,sysdescribe ,sysdir ,sysuse ,szroeter ,ta ,tab
,tab1 ,tab2 ,tab_or ,tabd ,tabdi ,tabdis ,tabdisp ,tabi ,table
,tabodds ,tabodds_7 ,tabstat ,tabu ,tabul ,tabula ,tabulat ,tabulate
,te ,tempfile ,tempname ,tempvar ,tes ,test ,testnl ,testparm
,teststd ,tetrachoric ,time_it ,timer ,tis ,tob ,tobi ,tobit
,tobit_p ,tobit_sw ,token ,tokeni ,tokeniz ,tokenize ,tostring
,total ,translate ,translator ,transmap ,treat_ll ,treatr_p
,treatreg ,trim ,trnb_cons ,trnb_mean ,trpoiss_d2 ,trunc_ll
,truncr_p ,truncreg ,tsappend ,tset ,tsfill ,tsline ,tsline_ex
,tsreport ,tsrevar ,tsrline ,tsset ,tssmooth ,tsunab ,ttest
,ttesti ,tut_chk ,tut_wait ,tutorial ,tw ,tware_st ,two ,twoway
,twoway__fpfit_serset ,twoway__function_gen ,twoway__histogram_gen
,twoway__ipoint_serset ,twoway__ipoints_serset ,twoway__kdensity_gen
,twoway__lfit_serset ,twoway__normgen_gen ,twoway__pci_serset
,twoway__qfit_serset ,twoway__scatteri_serset ,twoway__sunflower_gen
,twoway_ksm_serset ,ty ,typ ,type ,typeof ,u ,unab ,unabbrev
,unabcmd ,update ,us ,use ,uselabel ,var ,var_mkcompanion
,var_p ,varbasic ,varfcast ,vargranger ,varirf ,varirf_add
,varirf_cgraph ,varirf_create ,varirf_ctable ,varirf_describe
,varirf_dir ,varirf_drop ,varirf_erase ,varirf_graph ,varirf_ograph
,varirf_rename ,varirf_set ,varirf_table ,varlist ,varlmar
,varnorm ,varsoc ,varstable ,varstable_w ,varstable_w2 ,varwle
,vce ,vec ,vec_fevd ,vec_mkphi ,vec_p ,vec_p_w ,vecirf_create
,veclmar ,veclmar_w ,vecnorm ,vecnorm_w ,vecrank ,vecstable
,verinst ,vers ,versi ,versio ,version ,view ,viewsource ,vif
,vwls ,wdatetof ,webdescribe ,webseek ,webuse ,weib1_lf ,weib2_lf
,weib_lf ,weib_lf0 weibhet_glf ,weibhet_glf_sh ,weibhet_glfa
,weibhet_glfa_sh ,weibhet_gp ,weibhet_ilf ,weibhet_ilf_sh
,weibhet_ilfa ,weibhet_ilfa_sh ,weibhet_ip ,weibu_sw ,weibul_p
,weibull ,weibull_c ,weibull_s ,weibullhet ,wh ,whelp ,whi ,which
,whil ,while ,wilc_st ,wilcoxon ,win ,wind ,windo ,window ,winexec
,wntestb ,wntestb_7 ,wntestq ,xchart ,xchart_7 ,xcorr ,xcorr_7 ,xi
,xi_6 ,xmlsav ,xmlsave ,xmluse ,xpose ,xsh ,xshe ,xshel ,xshell
,xt_iis ,xt_tis ,xtab_p ,xtabond ,xtbin_p ,xtclog ,xtcloglog
,xtcloglog_8 ,xtcloglog_d2 ,xtcloglog_pa_p ,xtcloglog_re_p ,xtcnt_p
,xtcorr ,xtdata ,xtdes ,xtfront_p ,xtfrontier ,xtgee ,xtgee_elink
,xtgee_estat ,xtgee_makeivar ,xtgee_p ,xtgee_plink ,xtgls ,xtgls_p
,xthaus ,xthausman ,xtht_p ,xthtaylor ,xtile ,xtint_p ,xtintreg
,xtintreg_8 ,xtintreg_d2 xtintreg_p ,xtivp_1 ,xtivp_2 ,xtivreg
,xtline ,xtline_ex ,xtlogit ,xtlogit_8 xtlogit_d2 ,xtlogit_fe_p
,xtlogit_pa_p ,xtlogit_re_p ,xtmixed ,xtmixed_estat ,xtmixed_p
,xtnb_fe ,xtnb_lf ,xtnbreg ,xtnbreg_pa_p ,xtnbreg_refe_p ,xtpcse
,xtpcse_p ,xtpois ,xtpoisson ,xtpoisson_d2 ,xtpoisson_pa_p
,xtpoisson_refe_p ,xtpred ,xtprobit ,xtprobit_8 ,xtprobit_d2
,xtprobit_re_p ,xtps_fe ,xtps_lf ,xtps_ren ,xtps_ren_8 ,xtrar_p
,xtrc ,xtrc_p ,xtrchh ,xtrefe_p ,xtreg ,xtreg_be ,xtreg_fe
,xtreg_ml ,xtreg_pa_p ,xtreg_re ,xtregar ,xtrere_p ,xtset
,xtsf_ll ,xtsf_llti ,xtsum ,xttab ,xttest0 ,xttobit ,xttobit_8
,xttobit_p ,xttrans ,yx ,yxview__barlike_draw ,yxview_area_draw
,yxview_bar_draw ,yxview_dot_draw ,yxview_dropline_draw
,yxview_function_draw ,yxview_iarrow_draw ,yxview_ilabels_draw
,yxview_normal_draw ,yxview_pcarrow_draw ,yxview_pcbarrow_draw
,yxview_pccapsym_draw ,yxview_pcscatter_draw ,yxview_pcspike_draw
,yxview_rarea_draw ,yxview_rbar_draw ,yxview_rbarm_draw
,yxview_rcap_draw ,yxview_rcapsym_draw ,yxview_rconnected_draw
,yxview_rline_draw ,yxview_rscatter_draw ,yxview_rspike_draw
,yxview_spike_draw ,yxview_sunflower_draw ,zap_s ,zinb ,zinb_llf
,zinb_plf ,zip ,zip_llf ,zip_p ,zip_plf ,zt_ct_5 ,zt_hc_5 ,zt_hcd_5
,zt_is_5 ,zt_iss_5 ,zt_sho_5 zt_smp_5 ,ztbase_5 ,ztcox_5 ,ztdes_5
,ztereg_5 ,ztfill_5 ,ztgen_5 ,ztir_5 ztjoin_5 ,ztnb ,ztnb_p ,ztp
,ztp_p ,zts_5 ,ztset_5 ,ztspli_5 ,ztsum_5 ,zttoct_5 ztvary_5
% Built-in functions
Cdhms ,Chms ,Clock ,Cmdyhms ,Cofc ,Cofd ,F ,Fden ,Ftail ,I ,J
,_caller ,abbrev ,abs ,acos ,acosh ,asin ,asinh ,atan ,atan2
,atanh ,autocode ,betaden ,binomial ,binomialp ,binomialtail
,binormal ,bofd ,byteorder ,c ,ceil ,char ,chi2 ,chi2den ,chi2tail
,cholesky ,chop ,clip ,clock ,cloglog ,cofC ,cofd ,colnumb ,colsof
,comb ,cond ,corr ,cos ,cosh ,d ,daily ,date ,day ,det ,dgammapda
,dgammapdada ,dgammapdadx ,dgammapdx ,dgammapdxdx ,dhms ,diag
,diag0cnt ,digamma ,dofC ,dofb ,dofc ,dofh ,dofm ,dofq ,dofw ,dofy
,dow ,doy ,dunnettprob ,e ,el ,epsdouble ,epsfloat ,exp ,fileexists
,fileread ,filereaderror ,filewrite ,float ,floor ,fmtwidth
,gammaden ,gammap ,gammaptail ,get ,group ,h ,hadamard ,halfyear
,halfyearly ,has_eprop ,hh ,hhC ,hms ,hofd ,hours ,hypergeometric
,hypergeometricp ,ibeta ,ibetatail ,index ,indexnot ,inlist
,inrange ,int ,inv ,invF ,invFtail ,invbinomial ,invbinomialtail
,invchi2 ,invchi2tail ,invcloglog ,invdunnettprob ,invgammap
,invgammaptail ,invibeta ,invibetatail ,invlogit ,invnFtail
,invnbinomial ,invnbinomialtail ,invnchi2 ,invnchi2tail ,invnibeta
,invnorm ,invnormal ,invnttail ,invpoisson ,invpoissontail ,invsym
,invt ,invttail ,invtukeyprob ,irecode ,issym ,issymmetric ,itrim
,length ,ln ,lnfact ,lnfactorial ,lngamma ,lnnormal ,lnnormalden
,log ,log10 ,logit ,lower ,ltrim ,m ,match ,matmissing ,matrix
,matuniform ,max ,maxbyte ,maxdouble ,maxfloat ,maxint ,maxlong ,mdy
,mdyhms ,mi ,mi ,min ,minbyte ,mindouble ,minfloat ,minint ,minlong
,minutes ,missing ,mm ,mmC ,mod ,mofd ,month ,monthly ,mreldif
,msofhours ,msofminutes ,msofseconds ,nF ,nFden ,nFtail ,nbetaden
,nbinomial ,nbinomialp ,nbinomialtail ,nchi2 ,nchi2den ,nchi2tail
,nibeta ,norm ,normal ,normalden ,normd ,npnF ,npnchi2 ,npnt ,nt
,ntden ,nttail ,nullmat ,plural ,poisson ,poissonp ,poissontail
,proper ,q ,qofd ,quarter ,quarterly ,r ,rbeta ,rbinomial ,rchi2
real ,recode ,regexm ,regexr ,regexs ,reldif ,replay ,return
,reverse ,rgamma ,rhypergeometric ,rnbinomial ,rnormal ,round
,rownumb ,rowsof ,rpoisson ,rt ,rtrim ,runiform ,s ,scalar ,seconds
,sign ,sin ,sinh ,smallestdouble ,soundex ,soundex_nara ,sqrt ,ss
,ssC ,strcat ,strdup ,string ,strlen ,strlower ,strltrim ,strmatch
,strofreal ,strpos ,strproper ,strreverse ,strrtrim ,strtoname
,strtrim ,strupper ,subinstr ,subinword ,substr ,sum ,sweep ,syminv
,t ,tC ,tan ,tanh ,tc ,td ,tden ,th ,tin ,tm ,tq ,trace ,trigamma
,trim ,trunc ,ttail ,tukeyprob ,tw ,twithin ,uniform ,upper ,vec
,vecdiag ,w ,week ,weekly ,wofd ,word ,wordcount ,year ,yearly
,yh ,ym ,yofd ,yq ,yw
% Numbers
0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Stata editor style
% Global variables
% Add-ons system commands
% Built-in functions
% Numbers
% User macros (variables)
keywordstyle = [9]{\bfseries\color{LightSteelBlue}\let\textcolor\textcolordummy},
% Strings and comments
stringstyle = \color{Maroon},
commentstyle = \color{Green}\slshape,
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Suggested settings
% \lstset{
% basicstyle = \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}\footnotesize\ttfamily,
% tabsize = 4, % Tab size
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% lineskip = 1.5pt, % Sparing between lines of code
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Thanks for the listings stata language definition!

Just FYI, to use the \lstset example settings at the end, \setmonofont requires the fontspec package, which in turns requires running XeTeX or LuaTeX. For those that don't use XeTeX or LuaTeX, I merely removed \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono} from the basicstyle line in \lstset, and the rest worked find.

I am still unsure of how to get colored keywords, however. I noticed that the keywordsprefix is set to "$", so I tried using "$probit", "$probit", and simply "probit" in my lstlisting environment, but could not get any colored keywords. This is my first time using listings environments though, so I might just misunderstand how to specify keywords. I'll keep digging through the documentation to see if I can find out, but any help in using keywords would be very appreciated.

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mcaceresb commented Dec 8, 2018

Sorry, I'm just seeing this. This works for me; are you doing something else?


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aidanhorn commented Oct 20, 2020

Hi, I hope stupid questions are allowed. I'm new to GitHub Gist. I cloned this file (so that I can easily get future edits), uncommented the last part, and saved it. What does "commit to Master branch" mean? I can't see my fork. Should I just avoid committing my edit?

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@aidanhorn I think you can commit w/o much problems. "Commit to master branch" means saving the changes you have made in git. It won't interfere with the github version if you commit locally. If you cloned it then you wouldn't see a fork; you have to fork it to see a fork.

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