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Created March 26, 2014 14:50
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Patched Bootstrap flash helper to prevent XSS.
module BootstrapFlashHelperPatched
ALERT_TYPES = [:error, :info, :success, :warning] unless const_defined?(:ALERT_TYPES)
def bootstrap_flash_patched
flash_messages = []
flash.each do |type, message|
# Skip empty messages, e.g. for devise messages set to nothing in a locale file.
next if message.blank?
type = type.to_sym
type = :success if type == :notice
type = :error if type == :alert
next unless ALERT_TYPES.include?(type)
Array(message).each do |msg|
text = content_tag(:div,
content_tag(:button, raw("×"), :class => "close", "data-dismiss" => "alert") +
msg, :class => "alert fade in alert-#{type}")
flash_messages << text if msg
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