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Last active September 16, 2020 13:31
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Creates AD integrated DNS and DHCP records for vCenter based VMs. Uses runtime creds and assumes that DNS and DHCP are on the same server. Wild cards can be used for esx_vm_names.
param (
try {
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
} catch { "Error providing modules "}
if(test-connection $vcenter_build -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
connect-viserver $vcenter_build | Out-Null
} catch {
"Erorr connecting to vcenter server";exit
Function configure_reservation {
param (
try {
$dhcp_next_res = Get-DhcpServerv4FreeIPAddress -ScopeId $scope_id -ComputerName $dhcp_server
if(-not (Test-Connection $dhcp_next_res -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ComputerName $dhcp_server `
-IPAddress $dhcp_next_res -ClientId $mac_address `
-Description "ESX Autodeploy - $reservation_name" `
-ScopeId $scope_id -Name $reservation_name -WhatIf:$dry_run
} catch {
"Error setting IP reservation: $_"; exit
return $dhcp_next_res
function configure_dns_record {
param (
try {
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -AllowUpdateAny:$true `
-CreatePtr:$true -Name $record_name `
-ComputerName $dns_server -ZoneName $zone_name `
-IPv4Address $record_ip -WhatIf:$dry_run
$dns_record = (Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName $dns_server -ZoneName $zone_name -Name $record_name).RecordData
} catch {
"Error setting DNS record: $_"; exit
return $dns_record
try {
$dhcp_resmacs = (Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scope_id -ComputerName $dhcp_server).ClientId
} catch {
"Erorr retrieving reservations from DHCP";exit
Get-VM -server $vcenter_build -Name $esx_vm_name | ForEach-Object{
$vm_host = @{
name = $
mac = ($_ | Get-NetworkAdapter | Select-Object -First 1).macaddress.replace(":","-")
if($dhcp_resmacs -notcontains $vm_host.mac) {
$new_ip_addr = configure_reservation -mac_address $vm_host.mac.replace("-","") -reservation_name $ -scope_id $scope_id -dhcp_server $dhcp_server
if($new_ip_addr) {
"Successfully Configured reservation for reservation_name $($ with mac $($vm_host.mac) scope_id $scope_id on $dhcp_server"
try {
$replicate_scope = Invoke-DhcpServerv4FailoverReplication -ComputerName $dhcp_server -ScopeId $scope_id -Force
} catch {
"Error Replicating DHCP Scrope $scope_id to partner"; exit
if($replicate_scope) {
"Successfully replicated $scope_id on $dhcp_server"
$new_dns_record = configure_dns_record -record_name $ -record_ip $new_ip_addr -zone_name $zone_name -dns_server $dhcp_server
if($new_dns_record) {
"Successfully Configured dns record for reservation_name $($ with ip $new_ip_addr in zone $zone_name on $dhcp_server"
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