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Last active May 14, 2020 19:18
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Save mccbryan3/ca594126f069dff47d916849825c6314 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Take the SVC unformatted output for host to vdisk and use a name,capacity,FC_id vdisk list in anothe file to build the report.
$basepath = 'C:\Storage-Migration'
$content = gc "$basepath\mc\mcsvc01vdisks.txt"
gc "$basepath\mc\mcsvc01vdisksbyhost.txt" | %{
$line = $_
if($line -match "^\d+") {
$match = [regex]::Matches($line, "\S*(?>\s+)")
$vol_match = $content | sls -Pattern $(($match[4].value).Trim())
if($match) {
$vol_size = [regex]::Match($vol_match,'(?<=,)[\w\.\w]+(?=,[m\d])')
$hash = @{
vol_id = $match[0].Value.Trim()
host_id = $match[1].Value.Trim()
scsi_id = $match[2].Value.Trim()
vdisk_id = $match[3].Value.Trim()
vdisk_name = $match[4].Value.Trim()
vdisk_uuid = $match[5].Value.Trim()
vol_size = $vol_size
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $hash
} catch {"Error! - Line: $line`tSize: $vol_size"}
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