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Last active January 31, 2019 06:29
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# CONSIDER THIS AN EXAMPLE ... replace variables with own vals
az account set -s <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
az vm deallocate --resource-group TWEBBUILDER --name TWEBBUILDERVM
az vm list -g TWEBBUILDER --query '[].{Name:name,}' --output table
az disk create -g TWEBBUILDER_GALL --name TWEBBUILDER_GALL_disk --source /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/TWEBBUILDER/providers/Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/TWBSnap
az disk list -g TWEBBUILDER_GALL --output table
az network vnet create -g TWEBBUILDER_GALL --location westeurope --name TWBGALLVNet --address-prefix --subnet-name TWBGALLSubNet --subnet-prefix
az network public-ip create -g TWEBBUILDER_GALL --location westeurope --name TWBGALLIP --dns-name twbgallery --allocation-method static --idle-timeout 4
az network nic create -g TWEBBUILDER_GALL --location westeurope --name TWBGallNic --vnet-name TWBGALLVNet --subnet TWBGALLSubNet --public-ip-address TWBGALLIP
az vm create -g TWEBBUILDER_GALL --name TWBGALLERYVM --nics TWBGallNic --size Standard_DS1_v2 --os-type Linux --attach-os-disk TWEBBUILDER_GALL_disk
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