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Created January 24, 2016 11:56
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A bare metal example of blink written in rust for the teensy 3.1
use core::intrinsics::{volatile_store};
#[lang="stack_exhausted"] extern fn stack_exhausted() {}
#[lang="eh_personality"] extern fn eh_personality() {}
pub extern fn rust_begin_unwind(_fmt: &core::fmt::Arguments, _file_line: &(&'static str, usize)) -> !
loop {}
pub extern fn __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0() -> ()
loop {}
pub extern fn __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1() -> ()
loop {}
macro_rules! GPIOC_PDOR {() => (0x400FF080 as *mut u32);} // GPIOC_PDOR - page 1334,1335
macro_rules! WDOG_UNLOCK {() => (0x4005200E as *mut u16);} // Watchdog Unlock register
macro_rules! WDOG_STCTRLH {() => (0x40052000 as *mut u16);} // Watchdog Status and Control Register High
macro_rules! GPIO_CONFIG {() => (0x40048038 as *mut u32);}
macro_rules! PORTC_PCR5 {() => (0x4004B014 as *mut u32);} // PORTC_PCR5 - page 223/227
macro_rules! GPIOC_PDDR {() => (0x400FF094 as *mut u32);} // GPIOC_PDDR - page 1334,1337
macro_rules! GPIOC_PDOR {() => (0x400FF080 as *mut u32);} // GPIOC_PDOR - page 1334,1335
extern {
static mut _sflashdata: u32;
static mut _sdata: u32;
static mut _edata: u32;
static mut _sbss: u32;
static mut _ebss: u32;
fn _estack();
pub static ISRVectors: [Option<unsafe extern fn()>; 16] = [
Some(_estack), // Stack pointer
Some(startup), // Reset
Some(isr_nmi), // NMI
Some(isr_hardfault), // Hard Fault
Some(isr_mmfault), // CM3 Memory Management Fault
Some(isr_busfault), // CM3 Bus Fault
Some(isr_usagefault), // CM3 Usage Fault
Some(isr_reserved_1), // Reserved - Used as NXP Checksum
None, // Reserved
None, // Reserved
None, // Reserved
Some(isr_svcall), // SVCall
Some(isr_debugmon), // Reserved for debug
None, // Reserved
Some(isr_pendsv), // PendSV
Some(isr_systick), // SysTick
pub static flashconfigbytes: [usize; 4] = [
pub unsafe extern fn startup() {
let mut src: *mut u32 = &mut _sflashdata;
let mut dest: *mut u32 = &mut _sdata;
volatile_store(WDOG_UNLOCK!(), 0xC520);
volatile_store(WDOG_UNLOCK!(), 0xD928);
volatile_store(WDOG_STCTRLH!(), 0x01D2);
while dest < &mut _edata as *mut u32 {
*dest = *src;
dest = ((dest as u32) + 4) as *mut u32;
src = ((src as u32) + 4) as *mut u32;
dest = &mut _sbss as *mut u32;
while dest < &mut _edata as *mut u32 {
*dest = 0;
dest = ((dest as u32) + 4) as *mut u32;
// Enable system clock on all GPIO ports - page 254
*GPIO_CONFIG!() = 0x00043F82; // 0b1000011111110000010
// Configure the led pin
*PORTC_PCR5!() = 0x00000143; // Enables GPIO | DSE | PULL_ENABLE | PULL_SELECT - page 227
// Set the led pin to output
*GPIOC_PDDR!() = 0x20; // pin 5 on port c
pub fn led_on() {
unsafe {
volatile_store(GPIOC_PDOR!(), 0x20);
pub fn led_off() {
unsafe {
volatile_store(GPIOC_PDOR!(), 0x0);
pub fn delay(ms: i32) {
for _ in*250 {
unsafe {
pub fn rust_loop() {
loop {
fn lang_start(_: isize, _: *const *const u8) -> isize {
unsafe {
pub unsafe extern fn isr_nmi() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_hardfault() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_mmfault() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_busfault() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_usagefault() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_reserved_1() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_svcall() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_debugmon() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_pendsv() { loop {} }
pub unsafe extern fn isr_systick() { loop {} }
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