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import requests
import sys
import json
import pprint
from time import sleep
#This is the user ID going on vacation
vacationing_user = 'PR2D0IM'
#This is the user ID taking over the shifts
replacement_user = 'PX2FDC3'
#Specify the schedule or schedules to replace the vacationing user
#leave blank to operate on all schedules
#specify a single schedule like: ["SCHEDULEID"]
#specify multiple schedules like: ["SCHEDULEID1", "SCHEDULEID2"]
schedules = []
subdomain = 'PD_SUBDOMAIN'
auth_token = 'API_KEY_HERE'
since = '2016-04-15'
until = '2016-04-25'
schedule_id_name_cache = {}
def get_schedule_name(subdomain, auth_token, schedule):
if schedule in schedule_id_name_cache:
return schedule_id_name_cache[schedule]
success, schedule_data = do_get_request('https://{0}{1}'.format(subdomain, schedule), make_headers(auth_token), None)
if not success:
print("{0}: {1}".format(schedule_data.status_code, schedule_data.text))
return False
schedule_id_name_cache[schedule] = schedule_data['schedule']['name']
return schedule_data['schedule']['name']
def get_schedules(subdomain, auth_token, offset, limit):
params = {
'offset': offset,
'limit': limit,
success, schedules = do_get_request('https://{0}'.format(subdomain), make_headers(auth_token), params)
if not success:
print("{0}: {1}".format(schedules.status_code, schedules.text))
return False
return schedules['schedules']
def get_schedules_details(subdomain, auth_token):
success, schedules = do_get_request('https://{0}'.format(subdomain), make_headers(auth_token), None)
if not success:
print("{0}: {1}".format(schedules.status_code, schedules.text))
return False
return {'total': schedules['total'], 'limit': schedules['limit']}
def get_schedule_entries(subdomain, auth_token, schedule, user, since, until):
params = {
'since': since,
'until': until,
'user_id': user
success, entries = do_get_request('https://{0}{1}/entries'.format(subdomain, schedule), make_headers(auth_token), params)
if not success:
print("{0}: {1}".format(entries.status_code, entries.text))
return False
return entries['entries']
def create_schedule_override(subdomain, auth_token, schedule, user, start, end):
params = {
'override': {
'user_id': user,
'start': start,
'end': end
success, result = do_post_request('https://{0}{1}/overrides'.format(subdomain, schedule), make_headers(auth_token), params)
if not success:
print("{0}: {1}".format(result.status_code, result.text))
return False
return True
def return_entries(subdomain, auth_token, schedule_name, schedule_id, vacationing_user, since, until):
if schedule_name is None or schedule_name == '':
schedule_name = get_schedule_name(subdomain, auth_token, schedule_id)
if schedule_name is False:
print("Couldn't retrieve schedule name. Validate the schedule ID is correct: {0}".format(schedule_id))
print("Fetching entries for schedule {0}".format(schedule_name))
return get_schedule_entries(subdomain, auth_token, schedule_id, vacationing_user, since, until)
def schedule_override_for_vacationing_user(subdomain, auth_token, schedule_name, schedule_id, vacationing_user, replacement_user, entry):
if schedule_name is None or schedule_name == '':
schedule_name = get_schedule_name(subdomain, auth_token, schedule_id)
if schedule_name is False:
print("Couldn't retrieve schedule name. Validate the schedule ID is correct: {0}".format(schedule_id))
if entry['user']['id'] == vacationing_user:
print("Creating override for {0} on schedule {1}, shift: {2} to {3}".format(entry['user']['name'], schedule_name, entry['start'], entry['end']))
create_schedule_override(subdomain, auth_token, schedule_id, replacement_user, entry['start'], entry['end'])
def make_headers(auth_token):
return {
'Authorization': 'Token token={0}'.format(auth_token),
'Content-type': 'application/json'
def do_get_request(url, headers, params):
sleep_timer = 1.5
while True:
if not params:
get = requests.get(
get = requests.get(
if (get.status_code == 403):
sleep_timer = sleep_timer * 2
print "Recieved a 403; retrying in {0} seconds...".format(sleep_timer)
elif (get.status_code == 200):
return True, get.json()
return False, get
def do_post_request(url, headers, params):
sleep_timer = 1.5
while True:
post =
if (post.status_code == 403):
sleep_timer = sleep_timer * 2
print "Recieved a 403; retrying in {0} seconds...".format(sleep_timer)
elif (post.status_code == 201):
return True, post
return False, post
def main(schedules):
if len(schedules) == 0:
schedule_details = get_schedules_details(subdomain, auth_token)
print("Total of {0} schedules".format(schedule_details['total']))
for offset in xrange(0, schedule_details['total']):
if offset % schedule_details['limit'] == 0: # For each x, request the next x
print("Fetching up to the next {0} schedules".format(schedule_details['limit']))
schedules = get_schedules(subdomain, auth_token, offset, schedule_details['total'])
for schedule in schedules: # For each schedule
for entry in return_entries(subdomain, auth_token, schedule['name'], schedule['id'], vacationing_user, since, until):
schedule_override_for_vacationing_user(subdomain, auth_token, schedule['name'], schedule['id'], vacationing_user, replacement_user, entry)
for schedule in schedules: # For each schedule
for entry in return_entries(subdomain, auth_token, None, schedule, vacationing_user, since, until):
schedule_override_for_vacationing_user(subdomain, auth_token, None, schedule, vacationing_user, replacement_user, entry)
if __name__=='__main__':
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