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Created July 28, 2013 22:52
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Istanbul output
♢ cli
when given a config file
✓ should load the specified config file
when calling execute more than once
✓ should not print the results from previous execution
♢ eslint
when using events
✓ an error should be thrown when an error occurs inside of an event handler
when calling toSource()
✓ should retrieve all text when used without parameters
✓ should retrieve all text for root node
✓ should retrieve all text for binary expression
✓ should retrieve all text plus two characters before for binary expression
✓ should retrieve all text plus one character after for binary expression
✓ should retrieve all text plus two characters before and one character after for binary expression
when calling getTokens
✓ should retrieve all tokens when used without parameters
✓ should retrieve all tokens for root node
✓ should retrieve all tokens for binary expression
✓ should retrieve all tokens plus equals sign for binary expression
✓ should retrieve all tokens plus one character after for binary expression
✓ should retrieve all tokens plus two characters before and one character after for binary expression
when calling getAncestors
✓ should retrieve all ancestors when used
✓ should retrieve empty ancestors for root node
when calling getScope
✓ should retrieve the global scope correctly from a Program
✓ should retrieve the global scope correctly from a FunctionDeclaration
✓ should retrieve the function scope correctly from a LabeledStatement
when evaluating code
✓ events for each node type should fire
when passing in configuration values for rules
✓ should be configurable by only setting the boolean value
✓ should be configurable by passing in values as an array
after calling reset()
✓ previously registered event handlers should not be called
✓ text should not be available
✓ source for nodes should not be available
♢ options
when passed --help
✓ should return true for .h
when passed -h
✓ should return true for .h
when passed --config
✓ should return true for .c
when passed -c
✓ should return true for .c
when passed --rulesdir
✓ should return a string for .rulesdir
when passed --format
✓ should return a string for .f
when passed -f
✓ should return a string for .f
when passed -v
✓ should return true for .v
when passed --version
✓ should return true for .v
♢ formatter:checkstyle
when passed a single message
✓ should return a string in the format filename: line x, col y, Error - z for errors
✓ should return a string in the format filename: line x, col y, Warning - z for warnings
when passed a fatal error message
✓ should return a string in the format filename: line x, col y, Error - z
when passed multiple messages
✓ should return a string with multiple entries
when passed multiple files with 1 message each
✓ should return a string with multiple entries
♢ formatter:compact
when passed a single message
✓ should return a string in the format filename: line x, col y, Error - z for errors
✓ should return a string in the format filename: line x, col y, Warning - z for warnings
when passed a fatal error message
✓ should return a string in the format filename: line x, col y, Error - z
when passed multiple messages
✓ should return a string with multiple entries
when passed multiple files with 1 message each
✓ should return a string with multiple entries
when passed one file not found message
✓ should return a string without line and column
♢ formatter:junit
when there are no problems
✓ should not complain about anything
when passed a single message
✓ should return a single <testcase> with a message and the line and col number in the body (error)
✓ should return a single <testcase> with a message and the line and col number in the body (warning)
when passed a fatal error message
✓ should return a single <testcase> and an <error>
when passed a fatal error message with no line or column
✓ should return a single <testcase> and an <error>
when passed multiple messages
✓ should return a multiple <testcase>'s
when passed special characters
✓ should make them go away
when passed multiple files with 1 message each
✓ should return 2 <testsuite>'s
when passed multiple files with total 1 failure
✓ should return 1 <testsuite>'
♢ brace-style
when evaluating function declaration without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating function declaration with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating if statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating if statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating while statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating while statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating for statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating for statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating with statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating switch statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating switch statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating try statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating try/catch statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating do/while statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating do/while statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating for/in statement without one true brace style
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating for/in statement with one true brace style
✓ should not report a violation
♢ camelcase
when evaluating 'first_name = "Nicholas"'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'firstName = "Nicholas"'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'FIRST_NAME = "Nicholas"'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating '__myPrivateVariable = "Patrick"'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'myPrivateVariable_ = "Patrick"'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating '__private_first_name = "Patrick"'
✓ should report a violation
♢ complexity
When evaluating an empty function
✓ should report a complexity of 1
When evaluating an IF statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating an IF/ELSE statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating an IF/ELSE IF statement
✓ should report a complexity of 3
When evaluating a FOR statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating a FOR/IN statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating an IF in a FOR statement
✓ should report a complexity of 3
When evaluating an TRY/CATCH statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating an TRY/CATCH in a FOR in a IF statement
✓ should report a complexity of 4
When evaluating a ternary conditional expression
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating 2 ternary conditional expressions
✓ should report a complexity of 3
When evaluating a logical OR expression
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating a logical AND expression
✓ should report a complexity of 1
When evaluating a SWITCH/CASE statement
✓ should report a complexity of 3
When evaluating a SWITCH/CASE and IF statements
✓ should report a complexity of 4
When evaluating a WHILE statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating a DO/WHILE statement
✓ should report a complexity of 2
When evaluating a simple function with 2 complex inner functions
✓ should report 2 violations for the inner functions
When evaluating a simple function with 1 complex inner function and 1 simple inner function
✓ should report 1 violations for 1 inner function
♢ curly
when evaluating 'if (foo) bar()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if (foo) { bar() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'if (foo) { bar() } else baz()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if (foo) { bar() } else if (foo2) { baz() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'while (foo) bar()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (foo) { bar() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'for (;foo;) bar()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'for (;foo;) { bar() }'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ dot-notation
when evaluating a computed MemberExpression
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating a chained computed and uncomputed MemberExpression
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating an uncomputed MemberExpression
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a chained uncomputed MemberExpression
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a computed MemberExpression using numbers
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a computed MemberExpression using reserved word
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a computed MemberExpression using a function call
✓ should not report a violation
♢ eqeqeq
when evaluating 'a == b'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a != b'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a === b'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a !== b'
✓ should report a violation
♢ guard-for-in
when evaluating 'for (var x in o) {}'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'for (var x in o) { foo() }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'for (var x in o) foo();'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'for (var x in o) { if (x) {}}'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ max-statements
when evaluating FunctionDeclaration with 3 statements and max-statements set to 2
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating FunctionExpression with 3 statements and max-statements set to 2
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating FunctionDeclaration 2 statements and max-statements set to 2
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating with an inner function and max-statements set to 3
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating with nested if/while and max-statements set to 4
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with nested if/for and max-statements set to 4
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with nested if/else and max-statements set to 6
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with nested if/else and max-statements set to 5
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with function calls and nested function and max-statements set to 3
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with function calls and nested function and max-statements set to 4
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating with function calls and nested function and max-statements set to 5
✓ should report a violation
♢ new-cap
when evaluating 'var x = new c();'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = new C();'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = new foo.C();'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ new-parens
when evaluating 'var a = new Date'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Date()'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Date(function() {})'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-alert
when attempting to lint a bracket notation MemberExpression
✓ should not report violation or crash
when evaluating 'alert(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'window.alert(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'confirm(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'window.confirm(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'prompt(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'window.prompt(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'foo.alert(foo)'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'foo.confirm(foo)'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'foo.prompt(foo)'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-bitwise
when evaluating 'a ^ b'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a | b
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating '&
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating '+
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-caller
when evaluating 'var x = arguments.callee'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = arguments.caller'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = arguments.length'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = arguments'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-cond-assign
when evaluating 'var x; if (x = 0) { var b = 1; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x; while (x = 0) { var b = 1; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 0, y; do { y = x; } while (x = x + 1);'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 0; if (x == 0) { var b = 1; }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 5; while (x < 5) { x = x + 1; }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 0; do { x = x + 1; } while (x < 5);'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'if ((someNode = someNode.parentNode) !== null) { }'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-console
when evaluating 'console.log(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'console.error(foo)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating ''
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating ''
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-dangle
when evaluating object literal with a dangling comma
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating object literal passed to a function with a dangling comma
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating object literal without a dangling comma
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating array literal with a dangling comma
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating array literal without a dangling comma
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-debugger
when evaluating 'debugger;'
✓ should report a violation
♢ no-delete-var
when evaluating 'delete x'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating a string 'delete x.prop'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-empty
when evaluating 'if (foo) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if (foo) { bar() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'while (foo) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (foo) { bar() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'for (;foo;) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'for (;foo;) { bar() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'try {} catch (ex) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'try { foo() } catch (ex) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'try { foo() } catch (ex) { foo() }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'switch(foo) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'switch(foo) {case 'foo': break;}'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating '(function() { }())'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo() { }'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-eval
when evaluating 'eval(foo)
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'Eval(foo)
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-ex-assign
when evaluating 'try { } catch (e) { e = 10; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'try { } catch (ex) { ex = 10; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'try { } catch (e) { three = 2 + 1; }'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo() { try { } catch (e) { return false; } }'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-extra-semi
when evaluating 'var x = 5;;'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 5;'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo(){};'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo(){}'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-fallthrough
when evaluating switch(foo) { case 'foo':; }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating switch(foo) { case 'foo':; / falls through /}
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating switch(foo) { case 'foo':; return; }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating switch(foo) { case 'foo':; throw 'bar'; }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating switch(foo) { case 'bar': case 'foo':; break; }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating switch(foo) { case 'bar': case 'foo': break; }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating switch(foo) { }
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-floating-decimal
when evaluating 'var x = .5;'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = -.5;'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 2.;'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 2.5;'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = "2.5";'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-implied-eval
when evaluating 'setTimeout("x = 1;");'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'setTimeout("x = 1;", 100);'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'setInterval("x = 1;");'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'setInterval(function () { x = 1; }, 100);'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-label-var
when evaluating a label that is the same name as a global identifier
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating a label that is the same as identifier in function scope
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating a label that is the same as identifier function parameter
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating a label that has the same name as an identifier in a different scope
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a label that is that has a unique name
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-multi-str
when evaluating 'var x = "Line 1 \
Line 2"'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'test("Line 1 \
Line 2")'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = "Line 1 Line 2"'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-native-reassign
when evaluating "String = 'hello world'"
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating "string = 'hello world'"
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var String'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var string'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-new-array
when evaluating new Array
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating new foo.Array
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-new-func
when evaluating new Function
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating new _function
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-new-object
when evaluating new Object
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating new foo.Object
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-new-wrappers
when evaluating 'var a = new String("hello")'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Number(10)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Boolean(false)'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Math()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new JSON({ myProp: 10 })'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Object()'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = String("test"), b = String.fromCharCode(32);
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-new
when evaluating 'new Date()
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = new Date()
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var a; if (a === new Date()) { a=false; }
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-obj-calls
when evaluating 'var x = Math();'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = JSON();'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = Math.random();'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-octal
when evaluating a string
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = 01234'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var a = 0x1234'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'a = 1 + 01234'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating the literal 0
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-plusplus
when evaluating unary increment operator
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating unary decrement operator
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-return-assign
when evaluating 'function x() { return result = a * b; }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'function x() { var result = a * b; return result; }
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-self-compare
when evaluating 'if (x===x) { }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if (x!==x) { }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if (x > x) { }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if ("x" > "x") { }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'do {} while (x === x)
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'if (x === y) { }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'if (f() === f()) { }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'if (a[1] === a[1]) { }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'if (1 === 2) { }
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-ternary
when evaluating ternary assignment
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating ternary function call
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating ternary return statement
✓ should report a violation
♢ no-undef-init
when evaluating an empty var
✓ should not die
when evaluating 'var a = undefined'
✓ should report a violation
♢ no-unreachable
when evaluating a function which contains a function
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a function with no return
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a function with return at end
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo() { return; x = 1; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo() { throw error; x = 1; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (true) { break; x = 1; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (true) { continue; x = 1; }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo() { switch (foo) { case 1: return; x = 1; } }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'function foo() { switch (foo) { case 1: throw e; x = 1; } }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (true) { switch (foo) { case 1: break; x = 1; } }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (true) { switch (foo) { case 1: continue; x = 1; } }'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'while (true) { switch (foo) { case 1: x = 1; } }'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ no-with
when evaluating 'with(foo) { bar() }'
✓ should report a violation
♢ quote-props
when evaluating var x = { foo: 42 }
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating var x = { 'foo': 42 }
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating var x = { "foo": 42 }
✓ should not report a violation
♢ quotes
when evaluating var foo = 'bar'; with single-quotes on
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating var foo = "bar"; with single-quotes on
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating var foo = 'bar'; with double-quotes on
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating var foo = "bar"; with double-quotes on
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating var foo = 1; with a non-string literal
✓ should not report a violation
♢ radix
when evaluating 'parseInt("10");'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'parseInt("10", 10);'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ regex-spaces
when evaluating a regular expression with multiple spaces
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating a regular expression with the reptition operator
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating a regular expression with multiple non-space whitespace
✓ should not report a violation
♢ semi
when evaluating 'var x = 5'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 5, y'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'foo()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'x = foo()'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 5;'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = 5, y;'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'foo();'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'x = foo();'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluation 'setTimeout(function() {foo = "bar"; });'
✓ should not report and violation
when evaluation 'setTimeout(function() {foo = "bar";});'
✓ should not report and violation
♢ smarter-eqeqeq
when evaluating typeof
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating yoda comparison typeof
✓ should not report a violation
when comparing two literals of type string
✓ should not report a violation
when comparing two literals of type number
✓ should not report a violation
when comparing two literals of type boolean
✓ should not report a violation
when comparing two literals of mixed types boolean and number
✓ should report a violation
when comparing two literals of mixed types number and string
✓ should report a violation
when comparing a string and regexp
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a == b'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a != b'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'a === b'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'a !== b'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ max-params
when evaluating 'function test(a, b, c) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'function test(a, b, c, d) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var test = function(a, b, c, d) {}'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating '(function(a, b, c, d) {})'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var test = function(a, b, c) {}'
✓ should not report a violation
♢ use-isnan
when evaluating '123 === NaN;'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'NaN == "abc";'
✓ should report a violation
♢ wrap-iife
when evaluating 'var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}();'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = [function () { return { y: 1 };}()]'
✓ should report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})();'
✓ should not report a violation
when evaluating 'var x = test(function () { return { y: 1 };})();'
✓ should not report a violation
✓ OK » 327 honored (0.321s)
File | % Stmts |% Branches | % Funcs | % Lines |
lib/ | 80.69 | 67.74 | 85 | 80.69 |
cli.js | 66.23 | 52.5 | 76.92 | 66.23 |
eslint.js | 94.74 | 87.23 | 94.12 | 94.74 |
options.js | 94.12 | 100 | 50 | 94.12 |
rule-context.js | 64.71 | 0 | 80 | 64.71 |
rules.js | 86.67 | 50 | 100 | 86.67 |
lib/formatters/ | 100 | 97.37 | 100 | 100 |
checkstyle.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
compact.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
junit.js | 100 | 95 | 100 | 100 |
lib/rules/ | 100 | 98.91 | 100 | 100 |
brace-style.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
camelcase.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
complexity.js | 100 | 90 | 100 | 100 |
curly.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
dot-notation.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
eqeqeq.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
guard-for-in.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
max-params.js | 100 | 75 | 100 | 100 |
max-statements.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
new-cap.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
new-parens.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-alert.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-bitwise.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-caller.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-cond-assign.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-console.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-dangle.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-debugger.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-delete-var.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-empty.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-eval.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-ex-assign.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-extra-semi.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-fallthrough.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-floating-decimal.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-implied-eval.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-label-var.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-multi-str.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-native-reassign.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-new-array.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-new-func.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-new-object.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-new-wrappers.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-new.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-obj-calls.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-octal.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-plusplus.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-return-assign.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-self-compare.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-ternary.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-undef-init.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-unreachable.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
no-with.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
quote-props.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
quotes.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
radix.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
regex-spaces.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
semi.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
smarter-eqeqeq.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
use-isnan.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
wrap-iife.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
All files | 93.95 | 91.63 | 96.79 | 93.95 |
=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements : 93.95% ( 606/645 )
Branches : 91.63% ( 372/406 )
Functions : 96.79% ( 181/187 )
Lines : 93.95% ( 606/645 )
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