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Created June 29, 2022 21:09
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Helper functions for installing tools
#!/bin/bash -e
## File:
## Desc: Helper functions for installing tools
download_with_retries() {
# Due to restrictions of bash functions, positional arguments are used here.
# In case if you using latest argument NAME, you should also set value to all previous parameters.
# Example: download_with_retries $ANDROID_SDK_URL "." ""
local URL="$1"
local DEST="${2:-.}"
local NAME="${3:-${URL##*/}}"
local COMPRESSED="$4"
if [[ $COMPRESSED == "compressed" ]]; then
local COMMAND="curl $URL -4 -sL --compressed -o '$DEST/$NAME' -w '%{http_code}'"
local COMMAND="curl $URL -4 -sL -o '$DEST/$NAME' -w '%{http_code}'"
echo "Downloading '$URL' to '${DEST}/${NAME}'..."
while [ $retries -gt 0 ]; do
# Temporary disable exit on error to retry on non-zero exit code
set +e
http_code=$(eval $COMMAND)
if [ $http_code -eq 200 ] && [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Download completed"
return 0
echo "Error — Either HTTP response code for '$URL' is wrong - '$http_code' or exit code is not 0 - '$exit_code'. Waiting $interval seconds before the next attempt, $retries attempts left"
sleep 30
# Enable exit on error back
set -e
echo "Could not download $URL"
return 1
## Use dpkg to figure out if a package has already been installed
## Example use:
## if ! IsPackageInstalled packageName; then
## echo "packageName is not installed!"
## fi
IsPackageInstalled() {
dpkg -S $1 &> /dev/null
verlte() {
sortedVersion=$(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1)
[ "$1" = "$sortedVersion" ]
get_toolset_path() {
echo "/imagegeneration/installers/toolset.json"
get_toolset_value() {
local toolset_path=$(get_toolset_path)
local query=$1
echo "$(jq -r "$query" $toolset_path)"
get_github_package_download_url() {
local REPO_ORG=$1
local FILTER=$2
local VERSION=$3
local SEARCH_IN_COUNT="100"
json=$(curl -s "${REPO_ORG}/releases?per_page=${SEARCH_IN_COUNT}")
if [ -n "$VERSION" ]; then
tagName=$(echo $json | jq -r '.[] | select(.prerelease==false).tag_name' | sort --unique --version-sort | egrep -v ".*-[a-z]|beta" | egrep "\w*${VERSION}" | tail -1)
tagName=$(echo $json | jq -r '.[] | select((.prerelease==false) and (.assets | length > 0)).tag_name' | sort --unique --version-sort | egrep -v ".*-[a-z]|beta" | tail -1)
downloadUrl=$(echo $json | jq -r ".[] | select(.tag_name==\"${tagName}\").assets[].browser_download_url | select(${FILTER})" | head -n 1)
if [ -z "$downloadUrl" ]; then
echo "Failed to parse a download url for the '${tagName}' tag using '${FILTER}' filter"
exit 1
echo $downloadUrl
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