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Last active April 21, 2022 18:17
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Arc Onboarding Script - working version 1.2.3
# Login Into Azure Using Service Principal
az_cli_cmd login --service-principal -u az_client_id -p az_client_secret --tenant az_tenant_id
# Set Azure Subscription
az_cli_cmd account set --subscription az_subscription_id
# Create AZ Resource Group: Arc K8s
az_cli_cmd group create -l az_location -n az_resource_group
# OCP Login
oc login --server "https://api. cluster_name . base_domain :6443" --token admin_token --kubeconfig=''path-to-kubeconfig'' --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
# Set OpenShift Project to default
oc project default --kubeconfig=''path-to-kubeconfig''
# Assign Security Context Constraints
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:azure-arc:azure-arc-kube-aad-proxy-sa --kubeconfig=''path-to-kubeconfig'
# Connect ARC Cluster
az_cli_cmd connectedk8s connect --name az_cluster --resource-group az_resource_group
--proxy-http ''
--proxy-https ''
--proxy-cert proxy-cert.cer
--custom-locations-oid az_custom_locations_oid
--kube-config 'path-to-kubeconfig'
# Check the Status of Newly Connected ARC Cluster
az_cli_cmd connectedk8s show --resource-group az_resource_group --name az_cluster
# Create and set OpenShift Project for data services
oc project az_data_namespace --kubeconfig=''path-to-kubeconfig''
# Creates an Azure Kubernetes Extension
az_cli_cmd k8s-extension create -c az_cluster -g az_resource_group --name az_data_extension --cluster-type connectedClusters --extension-type microsoft.arcdataservices --auto-upgrade false --scope cluster --release-namespace az_data_namespace --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=sa-arc-bootstrapper
# Enable cluster-connect and custom-location connected cluster features
az_cli_cmd connectedk8s enable-features -n az_cluster -g az_resource_group --kube-config 'path-to-kubeconfig' --custom-locations-oid az_custom_locations_oid --features cluster-connect custom-locations
# Create AZ Resource Group: Arc Data
az_cli_cmd group create -l az_location -n az_data_resource_group
# Retrieve System Assigned Service Principal
az_k8s_extension_service_principal: " (az_k8s_extension_result.stdout | from_json).identity.principalId "
# Setup Monitoring RBAC for the Arc Data Controller
# Setup Contributor Role for Data Service Extension Service Principal
az_cli_cmd role assignment create --assignee az_k8s_extension_service_principal --role 'Contributor' --scope '/subscriptions/ az_subscription_id /resourceGroups/ az_data_resource_group
# Setup Monitoring Metrics Publisher Role for Data Service Extension Service Principal
az_cli_cmd role assignment create --assignee az_k8s_extension_service_principal --role 'Monitoring Metrics Publisher' --scope '/subscriptions/ az_subscription_id /resourceGroups/ az_data_resource_group
# Deploy Azure Custom Location
# Fetch Host Resource ID
az_cli_cmd connectedk8s show -g az_resource_group -n az_cluster --query id -o tsv
# Fetch Azure Kubernetes Cluster Extension ID
az_cli_cmd k8s-extension show -g az_resource_group -c az_cluster --cluster-type connectedClusters --name az_data_extension --query id -o tsv
# Create a new Azure Custom Location
az_cli_cmd customlocation create -g az_data_resource_group -n az_data_custom_location --namespace az_data_namespace
--host-resource-id az_host_resource_id_result.stdout
--cluster-extension-ids az_cluster_extension_id_result.stdout --location az_location
# Deploy Arc Data Controller Deployment
# Generate Default Data Controller Profile
az_cli_cmd arcdata dc config init --source azure-arc-openshift --force --path ' azure_tmp_dir /arc-dc-profile
# Tweak Data Controller Profile for OpenShift
az_cli_cmd arcdata dc config replace --path ' azure_tmp_dir /arc-dc-profile/control.json' -j ' item
- '$[?("controller")].serviceType= az_data_service_type '
- '$ az_data_storage_class '
- '$ az_data_storage_class '
# Create Azure Resource Manager deployment for Data Controller
az_cli_cmd arcdata dc create
--connectivity-mode direct
--location az_location
--name az_data_controller
--resource-group az_data_resource_group
--path " azure_tmp_dir /arc-dc-profile"
--custom-location az_data_custom_location
--infrastructure onpremises
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