import React, { Component } from 'react'; import LocalizaionView from './LocalixationView'; // import { ToastA/ndroid } from 'react-native'; import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, FlatList, Slider, TextInput, Keyboard, ToastAndroid } from "react-native"; import SpeechAndroid from 'react-native-kie-android-voice'; import Tts from 'react-native-tts'; import I18n from "i18n-js"; import styles from './Localizationstyles'; import * as RNLocalize from "react-native-localize"; import ar from '../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/ar.json'; import en from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/en.json"; import fr from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/fr.json"; import hi from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/hi.json"; import it from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/it.json"; import nl from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/nl.json"; import ja from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/ja.json"; import es from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/es.json"; import ru from "../../android/app/src/main/assets/translations/ru.json"; const locales = RNLocalize.getLocales(); if (Array.isArray(locales)) { I18n.locale = locales[0].languageTag; } I18n.fallbacks = true; I18n.translations = { en, fr, ar, hi, it, nl, ja, es, ru }; const desc = 'We at enappd deliver high quality app templates, themes and add-ons for you to jump start your startup, or take your business to the next level with an awesome app. We also offer multi-speciality teams for custom development projects ranging from Full stack development to virtual reality platforms.' class LocalixationContainer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { languageFrom: "", languageTo: "", languageCode: 'en', inputText: "", outputText: "", voices: [], ttsStatus: "initiliazing", selectedVoice: null, speechRate: 0.50, speechPitch: 1.02, text: desc, convertSentence: false, micOn: false, readTextInVoice: true, }; Tts.addEventListener("tts-start", event => this.setState({ ttsStatus: "started" }) ); Tts.addEventListener("tts-finish", event => this.setState({ ttsStatus: "finished" }) ); Tts.addEventListener("tts-cancel", event => this.setState({ ttsStatus: "cancelled" }) ); Tts.setDefaultRate(this.state.speechRate); Tts.setDefaultPitch(this.state.speechPitch); Tts.getInitStatus().then(this.initTts); } changeLanguage = (lang) => { console.log(lang); this.setState({ languageTo: lang, languageCode: lang, convertSentence: true }); } initTts = async () => { const voices = await Tts.voices(); const availableVoices = voices .filter(v => !v.networkConnectionRequired && !v.notInstalled) .map(v => { return { id:, name:, language: v.language }; }); let selectedVoice = null; if (voices && voices.length > 0) { selectedVoice = voices[4].id; try { await Tts.setDefaultLanguage(voices[0].language); } catch (err) { // My Samsung S9 has always this error: "Language is not supported" console.log(`setDefaultLanguage error `, err); } await Tts.setDefaultVoice(voices[0].id); this.setState({ voices: availableVoices, selectedVoice, ttsStatus: "initialized" }); } else { this.setState({ ttsStatus: "initialized" }); } }; readText = async () => { Tts.stop(); Tts.speak(this.state.text); }; setSpeechRate = async rate => { await Tts.setDefaultRate(rate); this.setState({ speechRate: rate }); }; setSpeechPitch = async rate => { await Tts.setDefaultPitch(rate); this.setState({ speechPitch: rate }); }; onVoicePress = async voice => { try { await Tts.setDefaultLanguage(voice.language); } catch (err) { // My Samsung S9 has always this error: "Language is not supported" console.log(`setDefaultLanguage error `, err); } await Tts.setDefaultVoice(; this.setState({ selectedVoice: }); }; renderVoiceItem = ({ item }) => { return ( <Button title={`${item.language} - ${ ||}`} color={this.state.selectedVoice === ? undefined : "#969696"} onPress={() => this.onVoicePress(item)} /> ); }; handleTextReader = () => { this.setState({ readTextInVoice: !this.state.readTextInVoice }) } SpeechText = (value) => { this.setState({ text: value }) } render() { const { languageTo, convertSentence, micOn, readTextInVoice, voices, ttsStatus, selectedVoice, speechRate, speechPitch, text } = this.state return ( <LocalizaionView languageTo={languageTo} changeLanguage={(lang) => this.changeLanguage(lang)} convertSentence={convertSentence} micOn={micOn} // _buttonClick={this._buttonClick} readTextInVoice={readTextInVoice} ttsStatus={ttsStatus} speechRate={speechRate} selectedVoice={selectedVoice} speechPitch={speechPitch} text={text} handleTextReader={this.handleTextReader} setSpeechRate={this.setSpeechRate} setSpeechPitch={this.setSpeechPitch} readText={this.readText} renderVoiceItem={this.renderVoiceItem} voices={voices} SpeechText={this.SpeechText} /> ); } } export default LocalixationContainer;