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Created April 17, 2018 07:33
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(function(global, factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
var wrapper = function(w) {
if (!w.document) {
throw Error('AnyChart requires a window with a document');
}, w, w.document);
try {
w.acgraph.isNodeJS = == "[object process]";
} catch (e) {};
return w.anychart;
module.exports = global.document ? wrapper(global) : wrapper;
} else {, window, document)
})(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function(window, document, opt_noGlobal) {
var $, _, $_ = this.anychart;
if ($_ && (_ = $_._)) {
$ = $_.$
} else {
$ = {};
_ = {}
if (!_.core) {
_.core = 1;
(function($) {
var pa, qa, Ia, La, Qa, Ya, ab, gb, wb, Bb, Db, Jb, Nb, Tb, Rb, dc, yc, zc, Dc, Fc, Yb, Ic, aaa, Zc, $c, ad, bd, cd, caa, ed, wd, iaa, zd, Ad, Bd, Cd, Id, jaa, Ld, Td, laa, Jd, Fd, Xd, fe, ke, le, ne, paa, Oe, Qe, gf, we, mf, nf, qf, Cf, zf, Of, Sf, Uf, Vf, Yf, $f, Zf, ag, fg, hg, ig, kg, lg, ng, rg, sg, ug, tg, pg, yg, xg, Bg, Eg, Aaa, Fg, Hg, Jg, Lg, Ng, Og, Pg, Kg, Mg, Ig, Sg, Wg, ah, bh, Zg, Yg, gh, jh, mh, nh, oh, qh, rh, sh, th, uh, wh, xh, Hh, Ih, Jh, Kh, Lh, Nh, ph, Mh, Oh, Ph, Qh, Uh, Vh, Wh, Xh, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, Sh, Th, li, mi, ni, ui, vi, wi, xi, Daa, Eaa, Faa, yi, Ai, Di, Ei, Fi, Ci, Haa, Gaa, Yi, $i, aj, bj, ej,
fj, gj, hj, jj, ij, Zi, mj, vj, $b, Bi, Hj, Rj, bba, jba, kba, ik, rk, sk, vk, Ck, Bk, Jk, Mk, Ok, qba, gl, ll, hl, ol, il, ql, sl, fb, Hl, Jl, Kl, Ll, Nl, Ul, Vl, Wl, Xl, gm, om, pm, qm, rm, sba, wm, xm, zm, ym, Am, Fm, Dm, Cm, Hm, Im, uba, vba, wba, Km, Lm, Mm, Wm, en, Aba, mn, Gn, Bba, Ml, Kn, Mn, Rn, Dba, Eba, Cba, Gba, Yn, bo, Hba, fo, go, Iba, io, lo, wo, xo, Co, Go, Ho, Jo, Lo, np, op, dp, fp, qp, Uo, tp, So, mp, lp, Gp, Lp, Mp, Np, Jba, Tp, Up, Vp, Wp, Yp, Lba, Zp, $p, aq, dq, bq, cq, Nba, eq, fq, gq, iq, kq, sq, uq, wq, Fq, xq, Oq, Sq, Vq, Xq, $q, ar, br, er, fr, Sba, tr, ur, vr, xr, Tba, Er, Fr, Gr, Hr, Qr, Rr, Sr, Tr, Ur, Lr, Vr, Pr, Wr, Xr,
Yr, cs, ds, hs, is, ks, ls, ns, Uba, Ds, Fs, Os, Rs, Ss, Qs, Ts, Wba, Vs, Ws, Ys, Zs, $s, at, bt, ct, dt, et, ft, ht, it, kt, Xba, lt, mt, nt, jt, Yba, Zba, aca, $ba, rt, tt, ut, zt, wt, At, Bt, Ct, Dt, yt, xt, bca, cca, dca, eca, Et, Ft, Ht, It, Lt, Mt, Nt, Ot, Pt, Rt, St, Qt, Tt, Ut, du, fca, ku, hu, fu, mu, lu, iu, cu, su, eu, uu, vu, nu, wu, au, ju, ru, xu, Au, Bu, hca, ica, jca, kca, Cu, lca, mca, Du, Eu, Gu, Hu, Iu, Ju, Ru, nca, Zu, av, bv, oca, fv, hv, iv, xv, yv, zv, Av, Bv, Dv, qca, rca, sca, tca, uca, Iv, Tv, Vv, cw, ew, hw, kw, nw, ow, qw, uw, wca, ww, xw, yw, zw, Bw, Dw, Ew, Fw, Iw, Ww, yca, Xw, Zw, dx, hx, jx, kx, mx, nx, sx, tx, ux, vx,
wx, yx, zx, Ax, Bx, Ex, Sw, Ix, Lx, Kx, Jx, Px, Qx, Tx, Ux, Vw, Tw, zca, by, Aca, Bca, dy, fy, hy, ky, Pw, Ow, Qw, Cca, Dca, my, py, ry, sy, ty, uy, wy, vy, xy, yy, zy, Ay, Dy, Oy, Py, Qy, Sy, Ty, Vy, Wy, $y, az, cz, ez, kz, lz, mz, dz, nz, oz, pz, qz, rz, sz, tz, uz, vz, wz, xz, yz, Bz, Hca, Gca, Ica, Fz, Gz, Cz, Hz, Iz, Jz, aa, ma, na;
$.ba = function(a) {
return function() {
return aa[a].apply(this, arguments)
$.ca = function(a, b) {
return aa[a] = b
$.n = function(a) {
return void 0 !== a
$.y = function(a) {
return "string" == typeof a
$.da = function(a) {
return "boolean" == typeof a
$.B = function(a) {
return "number" == typeof a
$.fa = function(a) {
a = a.split(".");
for (var b = $.ea, c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (b = b[a[c]], null == b) return null;
return b
$.ha = function() {};
$.ia = function(a) {
a.SR = void 0;
a.Ic = function() {
return a.SR ? a.SR : a.SR = new a
$.ja = function(a) {
var b = typeof a;
if ("object" == b)
if (a) {
if (a instanceof Array) return "array";
if (a instanceof Object) return b;
var c =;
if ("[object Window]" == c) return "object";
if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array";
if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) return "function"
} else return "null";
else if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof return "object";
return b
$.C = function(a) {
return "array" == $.ja(a)
$.ka = function(a) {
var b = $.ja(a);
return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length
$.la = function(a) {
return $.F(a) && "function" == typeof a.getFullYear
$.G = function(a) {
return "function" == $.ja(a)
$.F = function(a) {
var b = typeof a;
return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b
$.oa = function(a) {
return a[ma] || (a[ma] = ++na)
pa = function(a, b, c) {
return, arguments)
qa = function(a, b, c) {
if (!a) throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function() {
var c =;
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d);
return a.apply(b, c)
return function() {
return a.apply(b, arguments)
$.ra = function(a, b, c) {
Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? $.ra = pa : $.ra = qa;
return $.ra.apply(null, arguments)
$.sa = function(a, b) {
var c =, 1);
return function() {
var b = c.slice();
b.push.apply(b, arguments);
return a.apply(this, b)
$.ta = function(a, b) {
for (var c in b) a[c] = b[c]
$.H = function(a, b) {
var c = a.split("."),
d = $.ea;
c[0] in d || !d.execScript || d.execScript("var " + c[0]);
for (var e; c.length && (e = c.shift());) !c.length && $.n(b) ? d[e] = b : d[e] && d[e] !== Object.prototype[e] ? d = d[e] : d = d[e] = {}
$.I = function(a, b) {
function c() {}
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.F = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c;
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.YD = function(a, c, g) {
for (var d = Array(arguments.length - 2), e = 2; e < arguments.length; e++) d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
return b.prototype[c].apply(a, d)
$.va = function(a) {
return a[a.length - 1]
$.wa = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.length,
e = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a;
for (--d; 0 <= d; --d) d in e &&, e[d], d, a)
$.za = function(a, b) {
var c = 0;
(0, $.xa)(a, function(a, e, g) { 0, a, e, g) && ++c
}, void 0);
return c
$.Ba = function(a, b, c) {
b = $.Aa(a, b, c);
return 0 > b ? null : $.y(a) ? a.charAt(b) : a[b]
$.Aa = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a, g = 0; g < d; g++)
if (g in e &&, e[g], g, a)) return g;
return -1
$.Da = function(a, b) {
return 0 <= (0, $.Ca)(a, b)
$.Fa = function(a, b) {
$.Da(a, b) || a.push(b)
$.Ha = function(a, b, c) {
$.Ga(a, c, 0, b)
$.Ja = function(a, b) {
var c = (0, $.Ca)(a, b),
(d = 0 <= c) && Ia(a, c);
return d
Ia = function(a, b) {
return 1 ==, b, 1).length
$.Ka = function(a) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments)
La = function(a) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments)
$.Ma = function(a) {
var b = a.length;
if (0 < b) {
for (var c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++) c[d] = a[d];
return c
return []
$.Na = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var d = arguments[c];
if ($.ka(d)) {
var e = a.length || 0,
g = d.length || 0;
a.length = e + g;
for (var h = 0; h < g; h++) a[e + h] = d[h]
} else a.push(d)
$.Ga = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, $.Oa(arguments, 1))
$.Oa = function(a, b, c) {
return 2 >= arguments.length ?, b) :, b, c)
$.Pa = function(a, b, c) {
function d(a) {
return $.F(a) ? "o" + $.oa(a) : (typeof a).charAt(0) + a
b = b || a;
c = c || d;
for (var e = {}, g = 0, h = 0; h < a.length;) {
var k = a[h++],
l = c(k);, l) || (e[l] = !0, b[g++] = k)
b.length = g
$.Sa = function(a, b, c) {
return Qa(a, c || $.Ra, !1, b)
$.Ta = function(a, b, c) {
return Qa(a, b, !0, void 0, c)
Qa = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
for (var g = 0, h = a.length, k; g < h;) {
var l = g + h >> 1,
c ? m =, a[l], l, a) : m = b(d, a[l]);
0 < m ? g = l + 1 : (h = l, k = !m)
return k ? g : ~g
$.Ua = function(a, b) {
a.sort(b || $.Ra)
$.Va = function(a, b) {
for (var c = Array(a.length), d = 0; d < a.length; d++) c[d] = {
index: d,
value: a[d]
var e = b || $.Ra;
$.Ua(c, function(a, b) {
return e(a.value, b.value) || a.index - b.index
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) a[d] = c[d].value
Ya = function(a, b) {
var c = $.Ra;
$.Ua(a, function(a, e) {
return c(b(a), b(e))
$.Za = function(a) {
Ya(a, function(a) {
return a.offset
$.bb = function(a, b) {
if (!$.ka(a) || !$.ka(b) || a.length != b.length) return !1;
for (var c = a.length, d = ab, e = 0; e < c; e++)
if (!d(a[e], b[e])) return !1;
return !0
$.Ra = function(a, b) {
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
ab = function(a, b) {
return a === b
$.cb = function(a, b, c) {
c = $.Sa(a, b, c);
return 0 > c ? ($.Ha(a, b, -(c + 1)), !0) : !1
$.db = function(a, b) {
var c = [],
d = 0,
e = a;
void 0 !== b && (d = a, e = b);
if (0 > e - d) return [];
for (; d < e; d += 1) c.push(d);
return c
gb = function(a) {
return $.Ka.apply([], (0, $.eb)(a, fb, void 0))
$.hb = function(a, b, c) {
return Math.min(Math.max(a, b), c)
$.jb = function(a, b) {
var c = a % b;
return 0 > c * b ? c + b : c
$.kb = function(a) {
return $.jb(a, 360)
$.J = function(a) {
return a * Math.PI / 180
$.lb = function(a) {
return 180 * a / Math.PI
$.mb = function(a, b) {
return b * Math.cos($.J(a))
$.nb = function(a, b) {
return b * Math.sin($.J(a))
$.ob = function(a) {
return 0 < a ? 1 : 0 > a ? -1 : a
$.pb = function(a, b) {
this.x = $.n(a) ? a : 0;
this.y = $.n(b) ? b : 0
$.qb = function(a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a && b ? a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y : !1
$.rb = function(a, b, c, d) { = a;
this.right = b;
this.bottom = c;
this.left = d
$.sb = function(a, b) {
this.width = a;
this.height = b
$.tb = function(a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a && b ? a.width == b.width && a.height == b.height : !1
$.K = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.left = a; = b;
this.width = c;
this.height = d
$.ub = function(a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a && b ? a.left == b.left && a.width == b.width && == && a.height == b.height : !1
$.vb = function(a, b) {
var c = Math.max(a.left, b.left),
d = Math.min(a.left + a.width, b.left + b.width);
if (c <= d) {
var e = Math.max(,,
g = Math.min( + a.height, + b.height);
if (e <= g) return new $.K(c, e, d - c, g - e)
return null
wb = function(a, b) {
var c;
if ((c = $.vb(a, b)) && c.height && c.width) {
c = [];
var d =,
e = a.height,
g = a.left + a.width,
h = + a.height,
k = b.left + b.width,
l = + b.height; > && (c.push(new $.K(a.left,, a.width, -, d =, e -= -;
l < h && (c.push(new $.K(a.left, l, a.width, h - l)), e = l - d);
b.left > a.left && c.push(new $.K(a.left, d, b.left - a.left, e));
k < g && c.push(new $.K(k, d, g - k, e))
} else c = [a.clone()];
return c
$.xb = function(a, b) {
var c = Math.max(a.left + a.width, b.left + b.width),
d = Math.max( + a.height, + b.height);
a.left = Math.min(a.left, b.left); = Math.min(,;
a.width = c - a.left;
a.height = d -
$.yb = function(a, b) {
return b instanceof $.pb ? b.x >= a.left && b.x <= a.left + a.width && b.y >= && b.y <= + a.height : a.left <= b.left && a.left + a.width >= b.left + b.width && <= && + a.height >= + b.height
$.Ab = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k = $.J(g);
g = Math.ceil(Math.abs(k) / Math.PI * 2);
k /= g;
var l = $.J(e);
e = h ? [a + $.mb(e, c), b + $.nb(e, d)] : [];
for (h = 0; h < g; h++) {
var m = Math.cos(l),
p = Math.sin(l),
q = 4 / 3 * Math.sin(k / 2) / (1 + Math.cos(k / 2)),
r = a + (m - q * p) * c,
t = b + (p + q * m) * d;
l += k;
m = Math.cos(l);
p = Math.sin(l);
e.push(r, t, a + (m + q * p) * c, b + (p - q * m) * d, a + m * c, b + p * d)
return e
Bb = function(a) {
function b(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = 1 - e;
return g * g * g * a + 3 * g * g * e * b + 3 * g * e * e * c + e * e * e * d
for (var c = [
], d = 2, e = arguments.length; d < e; d += 6) {
var g = [arguments[d - 2], arguments[d - 1]],
h = [arguments[d], arguments[d + 1]],
k = [arguments[d + 2], arguments[d + 3]],
l = [arguments[d + 4], arguments[d + 5]];
for (var m, p = 0; 2 > p; p++) {
var q = -3 * g[p] + 9 * h[p] - 9 * k[p] + 3 * l[p],
r = 6 * g[p] - 12 * h[p] + 6 * k[p];
m = 3 * h[p] - 3 * g[p];
if (0 == q) 0 != r && (m = -m / r, 0 < m && 1 > m && c[p].push(b(g[p], h[p], k[p], l[p], m)));
else {
var t = r * r - 4 * m * q;
0 < t ? (m = (-r + Math.sqrt(t)) / (2 * q), 0 < m && 1 > m && c[p].push(b(g[p], h[p], k[p], l[p], m)), m = (-r - Math.sqrt(t)) / (2 * q), 0 < m && 1 > m && c[p].push(b(g[p], h[p], k[p], l[p], m))) : 0 == t && (m = -r / (2 * q), 0 < m && 1 > m && c[p].push(b(g[p], h[p], k[p], l[p], m)))
d = new $.K(Math.min.apply(null, c[0]), Math.min.apply(null, c[1]), 0, 0);
d.width = Math.max.apply(null, c[0]) - d.left;
d.height = Math.max.apply(null, c[1]) -;
return d
Db = function(a) {
if (0 == arguments.length) return null;
for (var b = null, c = !1, d = 0, e = arguments.length; d < e; d++) arguments[d] && (b ? (c || (c = !!(b = b.clone())), $.Cb(b, arguments[d])) : b = arguments[d]);
return b
$.Fb = function(a, b) {
if (!b || $.Eb(b)) return a;
var c = a.left,
d =,
e = c + a.width,
g = d + a.height;
g = [c, d, c, g, e, d, e, g];
b.transform(g, 0, g, 0, 4);
c = Math.min(g[0], g[2], g[4], g[6]);
d = Math.min(g[1], g[3], g[5], g[7]);
e = Math.max(g[0], g[2], g[4], g[6]);
g = Math.max(g[1], g[3], g[5], g[7]);
return new $.K(c, d, e - c, g - d)
$.Gb = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = (a * c + b * d) / (Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) * Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d));
e = $.hb(e, -1, 1);
e = $.lb(Math.acos(e));
return 0 < a * d - b * c ? e : -e
$.Hb = function(a) {
return a ? $.lb(Math.atan2(a.Ue, a.Ne)) : 0
$.Ib = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (6 == arguments.length) this.setTransform(a, b, c, d, e, g);
else {
if (0 != arguments.length) throw Error("Insufficient matrix parameters");
this.Pd = this.Ne = 1;
this.Ue = this.Ze = this.Qd = this.Rd = 0
$.Eb = function(a) {
return 1 == a.Pd && 0 == a.Ue && 0 == a.Ze && 1 == a.Ne && 0 == a.Qd && 0 == a.Rd
Jb = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.Pd,
e = a.Ue;
a.Pd += c * a.Ze;
a.Ue += c * a.Ne;
a.Ze += b * d;
a.Ne += b * e
$.Cb = function(a, b) {
var c = a.Pd,
d = a.Ze;
a.Pd = b.Pd * c + b.Ue * d;
a.Ze = b.Ze * c + b.Ne * d;
a.Qd += b.Qd * c + b.Rd * d;
c = a.Ue;
d = a.Ne;
a.Ue = b.Pd * c + b.Ue * d;
a.Ne = b.Ze * c + b.Ne * d;
a.Rd += b.Qd * c + b.Rd * d;
return a
$.Kb = function(a, b) {
var c = a.Pd,
d = a.Ue;
a.Pd = b.Pd * c + b.Ze * d;
a.Ue = b.Ue * c + b.Ne * d;
c = a.Ze;
d = a.Ne;
a.Ze = b.Pd * c + b.Ze * d;
a.Ne = b.Ue * c + b.Ne * d;
c = a.Qd;
d = a.Rd;
a.Qd = b.Pd * c + b.Ze * d + b.Qd;
a.Rd = b.Ue * c + b.Ne * d + b.Rd
$.Lb = function(a) {
var b = a.Pd * a.Ne - a.Ze * a.Ue;
return new $.Ib(a.Ne / b, -a.Ue / b, -a.Ze / b, a.Pd / b, (a.Ze * a.Rd - a.Ne * a.Qd) / b, (a.Ue * a.Qd - a.Pd * a.Rd) / b)
$.Mb = function(a, b, c) {
var d = new $.Ib,
e = Math.cos(a);
a = Math.sin(a);
return d.setTransform(e, a, -a, e, b - b * e + c * a, c - b * a - c * e)
Nb = function(a, b) {
var c = a.left,
d =;
b = b.toLowerCase();
switch (b) {
case "left-center":
d += a.height / 2;
case "left-bottom":
d += a.height;
case "center-top":
c += a.width / 2;
case "center":
c += a.width / 2;
d += a.height / 2;
case "center-bottom":
c += a.width / 2;
d += a.height;
case "right-top":
c += a.width;
case "right-center":
c += a.width;
d += a.height / 2;
case "right-bottom":
c += a.width, d += a.height
return [c, d]
$.Pb = function(a) {
var b, c, d = a.trim().replace(/\(\s+/gi, "(").replace(/\s+\)/gi, ")").replace(/(\s+,\s+)|(\s+)/gi, ",").replace(/(\)),*(\w)/gi, "$1 $2").split(" "),
e = new $.Ib;
a = 0;
for (c = d.length; a < c; a++) {
var g = /^(matrix|translate|rotate|scale|skewX|skewY)\(([e\d.,-]+)\)/i.exec(d[a]);
var h = g[1],
k = g[2].split(",");
g = 0;
for (b = k.length; g < b; g++) k[g] = (0, window.parseFloat)(k[g]);
switch (h) {
case "matrix":
h = new $.Ib(k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5]);
$.Cb(e, h);
case "translate":
e.translate(k[0], k[1] || 0);
case "rotate":
k[1] || 0, k[2] || 0);
case "scale":
e.scale(k[0], k[1] || 0);
case "skewX":
Jb(e, Math.tan($.J(k[0])), 0);
case "skewY":
Jb(e, 0, Math.tan($.J(k[0])))
return e
$.Xb = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k, l;
if ($.y(a)) {
var m = $.Qb(a, !1);
$.y(m) && $.n(b) && (d = (0, window.parseFloat)(b), m = {
color: a,
opacity: (0, window.isNaN)(d) ? 1 : $.hb(d, 0, 1)
} else if ($.C(a)) {
var p = $.Oa(a, 0);
for (k = p.length; k--;) {
var q = p[k];
$.y(q) && (q = Rb(q));
(0, window.isNaN)(q.offset) && (q.offset = k / (p.length - 1 || 1));
p[k] = q
q = $.Oa(p, 0);
q.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.offset - b.offset
if (0 != q[0].offset) {
var r = {
offset: 0,
color: p[0].color
$.n(p[0].opacity) && !(0, window.isNaN)(p[0].opacity) && (r.opacity = $.hb(p[0].opacity,
0, 1));
1 != q[q.length - 1].offset && (r = {
offset: 1,
color: p[p.length - 1].color
}, $.n(p[p.length - 1].opacity) && !(0, window.isNaN)(p[p.length - 1].opacity) && (r.opacity = $.hb(p[p.length - 1].opacity, 0, 1)), p.push(r));
$.B(b) && !(0, window.isNaN)(b) && $.B(c) && !(0, window.isNaN)(c) ? (b = b || 0, c = c || 0, m = {
keys: p,
cx: b,
cy: c,
mode: Tb(d),
fx: (0, window.isNaN)(g) ? b : +g,
fy: (0, window.isNaN)(h) ? c : +h,
opacity: $.hb($.n(e) ? e : 1, 0, 1)
}) : m = {
keys: p,
angle: +b || 0,
mode: Tb(c) || !!c,
opacity: $.hb((0, window.isNaN)(+d) ? 1 : +d, 0, 1)
} else if ($.F(a))
if ($.L(a,
$.Ub)) m = a;
else if ("pattern" == a.type) delete, m = a.bounds, m = new $.K(m.left,, m.width, m.height), m = $.Vb(m), m.Md(a);
else if ("keys" in a) {
p = $.Oa(a.keys, 0);
for (k = p.length; k--;) q = p[k], $.y(q) ? r = Rb(q) : ($.y(q.color) ? l = q.color : l = $.C(q.color) ? $.Wb(q.color) : "black", r = {
offset: q.offset,
color: l
}, (0, window.isNaN)(q.opacity) || (r.opacity = $.hb(q.opacity, 0, 1))), (0, window.isNaN)(r.offset) && (r.offset = k / (p.length - 1 || 1)), p[k] = r;
q = $.Oa(p, 0);
q.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.offset - b.offset
0 != q[0].offset && (r = {
offset: 0,
color: p[0].color
}, $.n(p[0].opacity) && !(0, window.isNaN)(p[0].opacity) && (r.opacity = $.hb(p[0].opacity, 0, 1)), p.unshift(r));
1 != q[q.length - 1].offset && (r = {
offset: 1,
color: p[p.length - 1].color
}, $.n(p[p.length - 1].opacity) && !(0, window.isNaN)(p[p.length - 1].opacity) && (r.opacity = $.hb(p[p.length - 1].opacity, 0, 1)), p.push(r));
d = $.hb($.n(a.opacity) ? a.opacity : 1, 0, 1);
e = Tb(a.mode);
b =;
c =;
$.B(b) && !(0, window.isNaN)(b) && $.B(c) && !(0, window.isNaN)(c) ? m = {
keys: p,
cx: +b,
cy: +c,
mode: e,
fx: (0, window.isNaN)(a.fx) ? : +a.fx,
fy: (0, window.isNaN)(a.fy) ? : +a.fy,
opacity: d
} : m = {
keys: p,
angle: +a.angle || 0,
mode: e || !!a.mode,
opacity: d
a = a.transform;
null != a && ($.L(a, $.Ib) ? m.transform = a : $.F(a) ? (m.transform = new $.Ib, m.transform.setTransform(a.m00, a.m10, a.m01, a.m11, a.m02, a.m12)) : $.y(a) && (m.transform = $.Pb(a)))
} else "src" in a ? m = {
src: a.src,
mode: $.n(a.mode) ? a.mode : "stretch",
opacity: $.hb($.n(a.opacity) ? a.opacity : 1, 0, 1)
} : (l = $.y(a.color) ? a.color : "black", (0, window.isNaN)(a.opacity) ? m = l : m = {
color: l,
opacity: $.hb(a.opacity, 0, 1)
else m = "none";
return m
$.Zb = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (null === a) var g = "none";
else {
if ($.y(a)) {
g = Yb(a, 1);
var h = (0, window.parseFloat)(g[0]);
(0, window.isNaN)(h) || (a = g[1], b = h)
g = $.F(a);
b = (0, window.parseFloat)(g && "thickness" in a ? a.thickness : b);
if (!(0, window.isNaN)(b) && !b) return "none";
h = g && "dash" in a;
var k = g && "lineJoin" in a,
l = g && "lineCap" in a;
g = $.Xb(a);
if ("none" == g) return g;
g = $.L(g, $.Ub) ? "black" : g;
if (!(0, window.isNaN)(b) || h || k || l || $.n(c) || $.n(d) || $.n(e)) $.y(g) && (g = {
color: g
}), (0, window.isNaN)(b) || (g.thickness = b), h ? g.dash = a.dash || "none" :
null != c && (g.dash = c || "none"), k ? g.lineJoin = a.lineJoin || "none" : null != d && (g.lineJoin = d || "none"), l ? g.lineCap = a.lineCap || "none" : null != e && (g.lineCap = e || "none")
return g
$.ac = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ($.y(a) && "none" == a.toLowerCase()) return null;
$.y(a) || $.B(a) ? b = $b(a, b, $.n(c) ? (0, window.parseFloat)(c) : void 0, $.n(d) ? (0, window.parseFloat)(d) : void 0) : $.L(a, $.Ub) ? b = a : $.F(a) ? "pattern" == a.type ? (delete, b = a.bounds, b = new $.K(b.left,, b.width, b.height), b = $.Vb(b), b.Md(a)) : b = $b(a.type, a.color, a.thickness, a.size) : b = null;
return b
Tb = function(a) {
if (null != a) {
if ($.L(a, $.K)) return a;
if ($.F(a) && !(0, window.isNaN)(a.left) && !(0, window.isNaN)( && !(0, window.isNaN)(a.width) && !(0, window.isNaN)(a.height)) return new $.K(a.left,, a.width, a.height)
return null
$.Qb = function(a, b) {
var c = a.split(" "),
d = 1 < c.length ? $.hb(+c[c.length - 1], 0, 1) : window.NaN;
if ((0, window.isNaN)(d)) {
if (b) return {
color: a
d = 1
} else c.pop(), a = c.join(" ");
return b || 1 != d ? {
color: a,
opacity: d
} : a
Rb = function(a) {
var b = Yb(a, 1),
c = window.NaN;
1 < b.length && (c = (0, window.parseFloat)(b[0]), a = (0, window.isNaN)(c) ? a : b[1]);
a = $.Qb(a, !0);
(0, window.isNaN)(c) || (a.offset = $.hb(c, 0, 1));
return a
$.bc = function(a) {
var b;
return a && "none" != a ? (0, window.isNaN)(b = a.thickness) || null === b ? 1 : b : 0
$.cc = function() {};
$.ec = function(a, b, c) {
return b[a.b] || (b[a.b] = dc(a, b, c))
dc = function(a, b, c) {
return ["ac", $.n(c) ? c : ? : "", (a.g++).toString(36)].join("_")
$.fc = function(a, b) {
return 0 == a.lastIndexOf(b, 0)
$.gc = function(a, b) {
var c = a.length - b.length;
return 0 <= c && a.indexOf(b, c) == c
$.hc = function(a, b) {
return a.toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase()
$.ic = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.split("%s"), d = "", e =, 1); e.length && 1 < c.length;) d += c.shift() + e.shift();
return d + c.join("%s")
$.jc = function(a) {
return a.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "\n")
$.lc = function(a) {
return a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+/, "")
$.mc = function(a, b) {
return a.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, b ? "<br />" : "<br>")
$.vc = function(a) {
if (!nc.test(a)) return a; - 1 != a.indexOf("&") && (a = a.replace(oc, "&amp;")); - 1 != a.indexOf("<") && (a = a.replace(pc, "&lt;")); - 1 != a.indexOf(">") && (a = a.replace(qc, "&gt;")); - 1 != a.indexOf('"') && (a = a.replace(rc, "&quot;")); - 1 != a.indexOf("'") && (a = a.replace(tc, "&#39;")); - 1 != a.indexOf("\x00") && (a = a.replace(uc, "&#0;"));
return a
yc = function(a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = c;
var e = a.charAt(c);
if (e in wc) e = wc[e];
else if (e in xc) e = wc[e] = xc[e];
else {
var g = e.charCodeAt(0);
if (31 < g && 127 > g) var h = e;
else {
if (256 > g) {
if (h = "\\x", 16 > g || 256 < g) h += "0"
} else h = "\\u", 4096 > g && (h += "0");
h += g.toString(16).toUpperCase()
e = wc[e] = h
b[d] = e
return b.join("")
zc = function(a) {
return String(a).replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08")
$.Bc = function(a, b) {
var c = $.n(void 0) ? a.toFixed(void 0) : String(a),
d = c.indexOf("."); - 1 == d && (d = c.length);
return (0, $.Ac)("0", Math.max(0, b - d)) + c
$.Ec = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = (0, $.Cc)(String(a)).split("."), e = (0, $.Cc)(String(b)).split("."), g = Math.max(d.length, e.length), h = 0; 0 == c && h < g; h++) {
var k = d[h] || "",
l = e[h] || "";
do {
k = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(k) || ["", "", "", ""];
l = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(l) || ["", "", "", ""];
if (0 == k[0].length && 0 == l[0].length) break;
c = Dc(0 == k[1].length ? 0 : (0, window.parseInt)(k[1], 10), 0 == l[1].length ? 0 : (0, window.parseInt)(l[1], 10)) || Dc(0 == k[2].length, 0 == l[2].length) || Dc(k[2], l[2]);
k = k[3];
l = l[3]
} while (0 == c)
return c
Dc = function(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
Fc = function(a) {
return String(a).replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function(a, c) {
return c.toUpperCase()
$.Gc = function(a) {
var b = $.y(void 0) ? zc(void 0) : "\\s";
return a.replace(new RegExp("(^" + (b ? "|[" + b + "]+" : "") + ")([a-z])", "g"), function(a, b, e) {
return b + e.toUpperCase()
Yb = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.split(" "), d = []; 0 < b && c.length;) d.push(c.shift()), b--;
c.length && d.push(c.join(" "));
return d
Ic = function(a) {
return -1 != Hc.indexOf(a)
$.Jc = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d in a), a[d], d, a)
aaa = function(a, b) {
var c = {},
for (d in a) 0, a[d], d, a) && (c[d] = a[d]);
return c
$.Kc = function(a) {
var b = [],
c = 0,
for (d in a) b[c++] = a[d];
return b
$.Lc = function(a) {
var b = [],
c = 0,
for (d in a) b[c++] = d;
return b
$.Pc = function(a, b) {
return null !== a && b in a
$.Qc = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d in a)
if (, a[d], d, a)) return d
$.Rc = function(a) {
for (var b in a) return !1;
return !0
$.Sc = function(a) {
for (var b in a) delete a[b]
$.Tc = function(a, b) {
b in a && delete a[b]
$.Uc = function(a, b, c) {
if (null !== a && b in a) throw Error('The object already contains the key "' + b + '"');
a[b] = c
$.Vc = function(a) {
var b = {},
for (c in a) b[c] = a[c];
return b
$.Xc = function(a, b) {
for (var c, d, e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
d = arguments[e];
for (c in d) a[c] = d[c];
for (var g = 0; g < Wc.length; g++) c = Wc[g],, c) && (a[c] = d[c])
Zc = function(a) {
var b = arguments.length;
if (1 == b && $.C(arguments[0])) return Zc.apply(null, arguments[0]);
for (var c = {}, d = 0; d < b; d++) c[arguments[d]] = !0;
return c
$c = function() {
return (Ic("Chrome") || Ic("CriOS")) && !Ic("Edge")
ad = function() {
return Ic("iPhone") && !Ic("iPod") && !Ic("iPad")
bd = function() {
return ad() || Ic("iPad") || Ic("iPod")
cd = function(a) {
cd[" "](a);
return a
$.dd = function(a, b) {
try {
return cd(a[b]), !0
} catch (c) {}
return !1
caa = function(a, b) {
var c = baa;
return, a) ? c[a] : c[a] = b(a)
ed = function() {
var a = $.ea.document;
return a ? a.documentMode : void 0
$.gd = function(a) {
return caa(a, function() {
return 0 <= $.Ec($.fd, a)
$.id = function(a) {
return Number(hd) >= a
$.jd = function(a) {
var b = $.ja(a);
if ("array" == b) {
b = [];
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) c in a && (b[c] = $.jd(a[c]))
} else if ("object" == b)
for (c in b = {}, a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] = $.jd(a[c]));
else return a;
return b
$.md = function(a, b, c) {
if ($.kd || $.ld) a.apply(c, b);
for (var d = 0, e = 5E4, g = Math.ceil(b.length / 5E4), h = 0; h < g; h++) a.apply(c, b.slice(d, e)), d += 5E4, e += 5E4
$.L = function(a, b) {
return !!a && a instanceof b
$.nd = function(a) {
return daa[a] || "Unknown error happened"
$.qd = function() {
0 != od && (pd[$.oa(this)] = this);
this.Ld = this.Ld; =
$.O = function(a, b) {
var c = $.sa($.M, b);
a.Ld ? $.n(void 0) ? 0) : c() : ( || ( = []),$.n(void 0) ? (0, $.ra)(c, void 0) : c))
$.M = function(a) {
a && "function" == typeof a.Hc && a.Hc()
$.rd = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = arguments.length; b < c; ++b) {
var d = arguments[b];
$.ka(d) ? $.rd.apply(null, d) : $.M(d)
$.sd = function(a, b) {
this.type = a;
this.b = = b;
this.R = this.D = !1;
this.K0 = !0
$.vd = function(a, b) {
$, a ? a.type : "");
this.relatedTarget = this.b = = null;
this.button = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = this.offsetY = this.offsetX = 0;
this.key = "";
this.g = this.keyCode = 0;
this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey = !1;
this.state = null;
this.G = !1;
this.pointerId = 0;
this.pointerType = "";
this.Fi = null;
if (a) {
var c = this.type = a.type,
d = a.changedTouches ? a.changedTouches[0] : null; = || a.srcElement;
this.b = b;
var e = a.relatedTarget;
e ? $.kd && ($.dd(e,
"nodeName") || (e = null)) : "mouseover" == c ? e = a.fromElement : "mouseout" == c && (e = a.toElement);
this.relatedTarget = e;
null === d ? (this.offsetX = $.td || void 0 !== a.offsetX ? a.offsetX : a.layerX, this.offsetY = $.td || void 0 !== a.offsetY ? a.offsetY : a.layerY, this.clientX = void 0 !== a.clientX ? a.clientX : a.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== a.clientY ? a.clientY : a.pageY, this.screenX = a.screenX || 0, this.screenY = a.screenY || 0) : (this.clientX = void 0 !== d.clientX ? d.clientX : d.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== d.clientY ? d.clientY : d.pageY, this.screenX = d.screenX ||
0, this.screenY = d.screenY || 0);
this.button = a.button;
this.keyCode = a.keyCode || 0;
this.key = a.key || "";
this.g = a.charCode || ("keypress" == c ? a.keyCode : 0);
this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey;
this.altKey = a.altKey;
this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey;
this.metaKey = a.metaKey;
this.G = ud ? a.metaKey : a.ctrlKey;
this.pointerId = a.pointerId || 0;
this.pointerType = $.y(a.pointerType) ? a.pointerType : eaa[a.pointerType] || "";
this.state = a.state;
this.Fi = a;
a.defaultPrevented && this.preventDefault()
wd = function(a, b) {
return faa ? a.Fi.button == b : "click" == a.type ? 0 == b : !!(a.Fi.button & gaa[b])
$.yd = function(a) {
return !(!a || !a[xd])
iaa = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.listener = a;
this.proxy = null;
this.src = b;
this.type = c;
this.capture = !!d;
this.Rw = e;
this.key = ++haa;
this.xC = this.OI = !1
zd = function(a) {
a.xC = !0;
a.listener = null;
a.proxy = null;
a.src = null;
a.Rw = null
Ad = function(a) {
this.src = a;
this.b = {};
this.g = 0
Bd = function(a, b) {
var c = b.type;
if (!(c in a.b)) return !1;
var d = $.Ja(a.b[c], b);
d && (zd(b), 0 == a.b[c].length && (delete a.b[c], a.g--));
return d
Cd = function(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) {
var g = a[e];
if (!g.xC && g.listener == b && g.capture == !!c && g.Rw == d) return e
return -1
$.Ed = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (d && d.once) return $.Dd(a, b, c, d, e);
if ($.C(b)) {
for (var g = 0; g < b.length; g++) $.Ed(a, b[g], c, d, e);
return null
c = Fd(c);
return $.yd(a) ?, c, $.F(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : Id(a, b, c, !1, d, e)
Id = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (!b) throw Error("Invalid event type");
var h = $.F(e) ? !!e.capture : !!e,
k = Jd(a);
k || (a[Kd] = k = new Ad(a));
c = k.add(b, c, d, h, g);
if (c.proxy) return c;
d = jaa();
c.proxy = d;
d.src = a;
d.listener = c;
if (a.addEventListener) kaa || (e = h), void 0 === e && (e = !1), a.addEventListener(b.toString(), d, e);
else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(Ld(b.toString()), d);
else if (a.addListener && a.removeListener) a.addListener(d);
else throw Error("addEventListener and attachEvent are unavailable.");
return c
jaa = function() {
var a = laa,
b = Nd ? function(c) {
return, b.listener, c)
} : function(c) {
c =, b.listener, c);
if (!c) return c
return b
$.Dd = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ($.C(b)) {
for (var g = 0; g < b.length; g++) $.Dd(a, b[g], c, d, e);
return null
c = Fd(c);
return $.yd(a) ? a.Ae(b, c, $.F(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : Id(a, b, c, !0, d, e)
$.Od = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ($.C(b)) {
for (var g = 0; g < b.length; g++) $.Od(a, b[g], c, d, e);
return null
d = $.F(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d;
c = Fd(c);
if ($.yd(a)) return a.Cc(b, c, d, e);
if (!a) return !1;
if (a = Jd(a))
if (b = a.mF(b, c, d, e)) return $.Pd(b);
return !1
$.Pd = function(a) {
if ($.B(a) || !a || a.xC) return !1;
var b = a.src;
if ($.yd(b)) return b.Dt(a);
var c = a.type,
d = a.proxy;
b.removeEventListener ? b.removeEventListener(c, d, a.capture) : b.detachEvent ? b.detachEvent(Ld(c), d) : b.addListener && b.removeListener && b.removeListener(d);
(c = Jd(b)) ? (Bd(c, a), 0 == c.g && (c.src = null, b[Kd] = null)) : zd(a);
return !0
$.Qd = function(a, b) {
if (!a) return 0;
if ($.yd(a)) return a.Dj(b);
var c = Jd(a);
if (!c) return 0;
var d = 0,
e = b && b.toString(),
for (g in c.b)
if (!e || g == e)
for (var h = c.b[g].concat(), k = 0; k < h.length; ++k) $.Pd(h[k]) && ++d;
return d
$.Rd = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
c = Fd(c);
d = !!d;
return $.yd(a) ? a.mF(b, c, d, e) : a ? (a = Jd(a)) ? a.mF(b, c, d, e) : null : null
Ld = function(a) {
return a in Sd ? Sd[a] : Sd[a] = "on" + a
$.Ud = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = !0;
if (a = Jd(a))
if (b = a.b[b.toString()])
for (b = b.concat(), a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
var g = b[a];
g && g.capture == c && !g.xC && (g = Td(g, d), e = e && !1 !== g)
return e
Td = function(a, b) {
var c = a.listener,
d = a.Rw || a.src;
a.OI && $.Pd(a);
return, b)
laa = function(a, b) {
if (a.xC) return !0;
if (!Nd) {
var c = b || $.fa("window.event"),
d = new $.vd(c, this),
e = !0;
if (!(0 > c.keyCode || void 0 != c.returnValue)) {
a: {
var g = !1;
if (0 == c.keyCode) try {
c.keyCode = -1;
break a
} catch (l) {
g = !0
if (g || void 0 == c.returnValue) c.returnValue = !0
c = [];
for (g = d.b; g; g = g.parentNode) c.push(g);g = a.type;
for (var h = c.length - 1; !d.D && 0 <= h; h--) {
d.b = c[h];
var k = $.Ud(c[h], g, !0, d);
e = e && k
for (h = 0; !d.D && h < c.length; h++) d.b = c[h],
k = $.Ud(c[h], g, !1, d),
e = e && k
return e
return Td(a, new $.vd(b, this))
Jd = function(a) {
a = a[Kd];
return a instanceof Ad ? a : null
Fd = function(a) {
if ($.G(a)) return a;
a[Vd] || (a[Vd] = function(b) {
return a.handleEvent(b)
return a[Vd]
Xd = function() {
this.b = "";
this.g = Wd
$.Yd = function(a) {
return a instanceof Xd && a.constructor === Xd && a.g === Wd ? a.b : "type_error:Const"
$.ae = function(a) {
var b = new Xd;
b.b = a;
return b
$.ce = function() {
this.b = "";
this.g = be
$.de = function(a) {
if (a instanceof $.ce && a.constructor === $.ce && a.g === be) return a.b;
return "type_error:TrustedResourceUrl"
fe = function() {
this.b = "";
this.g = ee
$.ge = function(a) {
if (a instanceof fe && a.constructor === fe && a.g === ee) return a.b;
return "type_error:SafeUrl"
$.ie = function(a) {
if (a instanceof fe) return a;
a = a.Tw ? a.Ss() : String(a);
maa.test(a) || (a = "about:invalid#zClosurez");
return $.he(a)
$.he = function(a) {
var b = new fe;
b.b = a;
return b
ke = function() {
this.b = "";
this.g = je
le = function(a) {
var b = new ke;
b.b = a;
return b
ne = function(a) {
if (a instanceof fe) a = 'url("' + $.ge(a).replace(/</g, "%3c").replace(/[\\"]/g, "\\$&") + '")';
else if (a instanceof Xd) a = $.Yd(a);
else {
a = String(a);
var b = a.replace(naa, "$1").replace(me, "url");
if (b = oaa.test(b)) {
for (var c = b = !0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a.charAt(d);
"'" == e && c ? b = !b : '"' == e && b && (c = !c)
b = b && c
a = b ? paa(a) : "zClosurez"
return a
paa = function(a) {
return a.replace(me, function(a, c, d, e) {
var b = "";
d = d.replace(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/, function(a, c, d) {
b = c;
return d
a = $.ie(d).Ss();
return c + b + a + b + e
$.pe = function() {
this.b = "";
this.j = oe;
this.g = null
$.qe = function(a) {
if (a instanceof $.pe && a.constructor === $.pe && a.j === oe) return a.b;
return "type_error:SafeHtml"
$.se = function(a) {
if (a instanceof $.pe) return a;
var b = null;
a.PR && (b = a.BB());
a = $.vc(a.Tw ? a.Ss() : String(a));
return $.re(a, b)
$.ve = function(a, b, c) {
var d = String(a);
if (!te.test(d)) throw Error("Invalid tag name <" + d + ">.");
if (d.toUpperCase() in qaa) throw Error("Tag name <" + d + "> is not allowed for SafeHtml.");
a = String(a);
d = null;
var e = "<" + a,
g = "";
if (b)
for (q in b) {
if (!te.test(q)) throw Error('Invalid attribute name "' + q + '".');
var h = b[q];
if (null != h) {
var k = a;
var l = q;
var m = h;
if (m instanceof Xd) m = $.Yd(m);
else if ("style" == l.toLowerCase()) {
h = void 0;
k = m;
if (!$.F(k)) throw Error('The "style" attribute requires goog.html.SafeStyle or map of style properties, ' +
typeof k + " given: " + k);
if (!(k instanceof ke)) {
m = "";
for (h in k) {
if (!/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(h)) throw Error("Name allows only [-_a-zA-Z0-9], got: " + h);
var p = k[h];
null != p && (p = $.C(p) ? (0, $.eb)(p, ne).join(" ") : ne(p), m += h + ":" + p + ";")
k = m ? le(m) : raa
k instanceof ke && k.constructor === ke && k.g === je ? m = k.b : ($.ja(k), m = "type_error:SafeStyle")
} else {
if (/^on/i.test(l)) throw Error('Attribute "' + l + '" requires goog.string.Const value, "' + m + '" given.');
if (l.toLowerCase() in saa)
if (m instanceof $.ce) m = $.de(m);
else if (m instanceof fe) m = $.ge(m);
else if ($.y(m)) m = $.ie(m).Ss();
else throw Error('Attribute "' + l + '" on tag "' + k + '" requires goog.html.SafeUrl, goog.string.Const, or string, value "' + m + '" given.');
m.Tw && (m = m.Ss());
l = l + '="' + $.vc(String(m)) + '"';
g += " " + l
var q = e + g;
null != c ? $.C(c) || (c = [c]) : c = [];
!0 === taa[a.toLowerCase()] ? q += ">" : (c = $.ue(c), q += ">" + $.qe(c) + "</" + a + ">", d = c.BB());
(b = b && b.dir) && (/^(ltr|rtl|auto)$/i.test(b) ? d = 0 : d = null);
return $.re(q, d)
$.ue = function(a) {
function b(a) {
$.C(a) ? (0, $.xa)(a, b) : (a = $.se(a), d += $.qe(a), a = a.BB(), 0 == c ? c = a : 0 != a && c != a && (c = null))
var c = 0,
d = "";
(0, $.xa)(arguments, b);
return $.re(d, c)
$.re = function(a, b) {
var c = new $.pe;
c.b = a;
c.g = b;
return c
$.ze = function(a) {
return a ? new we($.xe(a)) : ye || (ye = new we)
$.Ae = function(a, b) {
return $.y(b) ? a.getElementById(b) : b
$.Be = function(a, b) {
return (b || window.document).getElementsByTagName(String(a))
$.De = function(a, b, c) {
return $.Ce(window.document, a, b, c)
$.Ce = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = d || a;
b = b && "*" != b ? String(b).toUpperCase() : "";
if (a.querySelectorAll && a.querySelector && (b || c)) return a.querySelectorAll(b + (c ? "." + c : ""));
if (c && a.getElementsByClassName) {
a = a.getElementsByClassName(c);
if (b) {
d = {};
for (var e = 0, g = 0, h; h = a[g]; g++) b == h.nodeName && (d[e++] = h);
d.length = e;
return d
return a
a = a.getElementsByTagName(b || "*");
if (c) {
d = {};
for (g = e = 0; h = a[g]; g++) b = h.className, "function" == typeof b.split && $.Da(b.split(/\s+/), c) && (d[e++] = h);
d.length = e;
return d
return a
$.Ge = function(a, b) {
$.Jc(b, function(b, d) {
b && b.Tw && (b = b.Ss());
"style" == d ? = b : "class" == d ? a.className = b : "for" == d ? a.htmlFor = b : Fe.hasOwnProperty(d) ? a.setAttribute(Fe[d], b) : $.fc(d, "aria-") || $.fc(d, "data-") ? a.setAttribute(d, b) : a[d] = b
$.Je = function(a) {
a = (a || window).document;
a = $.Ie(a) ? a.documentElement : a.body;
return new $.sb(a.clientWidth, a.clientHeight)
$.Me = function(a) {
var b = $.Ke(a);
a = $.Le(a);
return $.ld && $.gd("10") && a.pageYOffset != b.scrollTop ? new $.pb(b.scrollLeft, b.scrollTop) : new $.pb(a.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft, a.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop)
$.Ke = function(a) {
return a.scrollingElement ? a.scrollingElement : !$.td && $.Ie(a) ? a.documentElement : a.body || a.documentElement
$.Ne = function(a) {
return a ? $.Le(a) : window
$.Le = function(a) {
return a.parentWindow || a.defaultView
$.Pe = function(a, b, c) {
return Oe(window.document, arguments)
Oe = function(a, b) {
var c = String(b[0]),
d = b[1];
if (!uaa && d && ( || d.type)) {
c = ["<", c]; && c.push(' name="', $.vc(, '"');
if (d.type) {
c.push(' type="', $.vc(d.type), '"');
var e = {};
$.Xc(e, d);
delete e.type;
d = e
c = c.join("")
c = a.createElement(c);
d && ($.y(d) ? c.className = d : $.C(d) ? c.className = d.join(" ") : $.Ge(c, d));
2 < b.length && Qe(a, c, b, 2);
return c
Qe = function(a, b, c, d) {
function e(c) {
c && b.appendChild($.y(c) ? a.createTextNode(c) : c)
for (; d < c.length; d++) {
var g = c[d];
$.ka(g) && !$.Re(g) ? (0, $.xa)($.Se(g) ? $.Ma(g) : g, e) : e(g)
$.Ie = function(a) {
return "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode
$.Te = function(a, b) {
$.Ue = function(a, b) {
Qe($.xe(a), a, arguments, 1)
$.Ve = function(a) {
for (var b; b = a.firstChild;) a.removeChild(b)
$.We = function(a, b, c) {
a.insertBefore(b, a.childNodes[c] || null)
$.Xe = function(a) {
return a && a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : null
$.af = function(a) {
return vaa && void 0 != a.children ? a.children : (0, $.Ze)(a.childNodes, function(a) {
return 1 == a.nodeType
$.bf = function(a) {
if ($.n(a.firstElementChild)) a = a.firstElementChild;
for (a = a.firstChild; a && 1 != a.nodeType;) a = a.nextSibling;
return a
$.Re = function(a) {
return $.F(a) && 0 < a.nodeType
$.cf = function(a) {
return $.F(a) && 1 == a.nodeType
$.df = function(a) {
var b;
if (waa && !($.ld && $.gd("9") && !$.gd("10") && $.ea.SVGElement && a instanceof $.ea.SVGElement) && (b = a.parentElement)) return b;
b = a.parentNode;
return $.cf(b) ? b : null
$.ef = function(a, b) {
if (!a || !b) return !1;
if (a.contains && 1 == b.nodeType) return a == b || a.contains(b);
if ("undefined" != typeof a.compareDocumentPosition) return a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
for (; b && a != b;) b = b.parentNode;
return b == a
$.xe = function(a) {
return 9 == a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument || a.document
$.ff = function(a, b) {
if ("textContent" in a) a.textContent = b;
else if (3 == a.nodeType) = String(b);
else if (a.firstChild && 3 == a.firstChild.nodeType) {
for (; a.lastChild != a.firstChild;) a.removeChild(a.lastChild); = String(b)
} else $.Ve(a), a.appendChild($.xe(a).createTextNode(String(b)))
gf = function(a) {
if ("outerHTML" in a) return a.outerHTML;
var b = $.xe(a).createElement("DIV");
return b.innerHTML
$.jf = function(a) {
var b = [];
$.hf(a, b, !1);
return b.join("")
$.hf = function(a, b, c) {
if (!(a.nodeName in xaa))
if (3 == a.nodeType) c ? b.push(String(a.nodeValue).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "")) : b.push(a.nodeValue);
else if (a.nodeName in kf) b.push(kf[a.nodeName]);
for (a = a.firstChild; a;) $.hf(a, b, c), a = a.nextSibling
$.Se = function(a) {
if (a && "number" == typeof a.length) {
if ($.F(a)) return "function" == typeof a.item || "string" == typeof a.item;
if ($.G(a)) return "function" == typeof a.item
return !1
we = function(a) {
this.b = a || $.ea.document || window.document
$.lf = function(a) {
this.rn = a;
this.b = {}
mf = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if ($.C(c))
for (var h = 0; h < c.length; h++) mf(a, b, c[h], d, e, g);
else {
b = $.Dd(b, c, d || a.handleEvent, e, g || a.rn || a);
if (!b) return a;
a.b[b.key] = b
return a
nf = function(a) {
$.Jc(a.b, function(a, c) {
this.b.hasOwnProperty(c) && $.Pd(a)
}, a);
a.b = {}
$.of = function() {
$; = new Ad(this);
this.V5 = this;
this.eT = null
$.pf = function(a, b, c, d) {
b =[String(b)];
if (!b) return !0;
b = b.concat();
for (var e = !0, g = 0; g < b.length; ++g) {
var h = b[g];
if (h && !h.xC && h.capture == c) {
var k = h.listener,
l = h.Rw || h.src;
h.OI && a.Dt(h);
e = !1 !==, d) && e
return e && 0 != d.K0
$.tf = function(a, b, c) {
if ($.y(b))(b = qf(a, b)) && ([b] = c);
for (var d in b) {
c = a;
var e = b[d],
g = qf(c, d);
g && ([g] = e)
qf = function(a, b) {
var c = uf[b];
if (!c) {
var d = Fc(b);
c = d;
void 0 ===[d] && (d = ($.td ? "Webkit" : $.kd ? "Moz" : $.ld ? "ms" : $.vf ? "O" : null) + $.Gc(d), void 0 !==[d] && (c = d));
uf[b] = c
return c
$.wf = function(a, b) {
var c =[Fc(b)];
return "undefined" !== typeof c ? c :[qf(a, b)] || ""
$.xf = function(a, b) {
var c = $.xe(a);
return c.defaultView && c.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (c = c.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, null)) ? c[b] || c.getPropertyValue(b) || "" : ""
$.yf = function(a, b) {
return $.xf(a, b) || (a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b] : null) || &&[b]
$.Af = function(a, b, c) {
if (b instanceof $.pb) {
var d = b.x;
b = b.y
} else d = b, b = c; = zf(d, !1); = zf(b, !1)
$.Bf = function(a) {
a = a ? $.xe(a) : window.document;
return !$.ld || $.id(9) || $.Ie($.ze(a).b) ? a.documentElement : a.body
Cf = function(a) {
try {
var b = a.getBoundingClientRect()
} catch (c) {
return {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
$.ld && a.ownerDocument.body && (a = a.ownerDocument, b.left -= a.documentElement.clientLeft + a.body.clientLeft, -= a.documentElement.clientTop + a.body.clientTop);
return b
$.Df = function(a) {
var b = $.xe(a),
c = new $.pb(0, 0),
d = $.Bf(b);
if (a == d) return c;
a = Cf(a);
b = $.Me($.ze(b).b);
c.x = a.left + b.x;
c.y = + b.y;
return c
$.Ef = function(a) {
a = Cf(a);
return new $.pb(a.left,
$.Ff = function(a) {
if (1 == a.nodeType) return $.Ef(a);
a = a.changedTouches ? a.changedTouches[0] : a;
return new $.pb(a.clientX, a.clientY)
$.Gf = function(a, b, c) {
if (b instanceof $.sb) c = b.height, b = b.width;
else if (void 0 == c) throw Error("missing height argument"); = zf(b, !0); = zf(c, !0)
zf = function(a, b) {
"number" == typeof a && (a = (b ? Math.round(a) : a) + "px");
return a
$.If = function(a) {
var b = $.Hf;
if ("none" != $.yf(a, "display")) return b(a);
var c =,
d = c.display,
e = c.visibility,
g = c.position;
c.visibility = "hidden";
c.position = "absolute";
c.display = "inline";
a = b(a);
c.display = d;
c.position = g;
c.visibility = e;
return a
$.Hf = function(a) {
var b = a.offsetWidth,
c = a.offsetHeight,
d = $.td && !b && !c;
return $.n(b) && !d || !a.getBoundingClientRect ? new $.sb(b, c) : (a = Cf(a), new $.sb(a.right - a.left, a.bottom -
$.Jf = function(a) {
var b = $.Df(a);
a = $.If(a);
return new $.K(b.x, b.y, a.width, a.height)
$.Kf = function(a, b) { = b ? "" : "none"
$.Lf = function(a) {
return "rtl" == $.yf(a, "direction")
$.Nf = function(a, b, c) {
c = c ? null : a.getElementsByTagName("*");
if (Mf) {
if (b = b ? "none" : "", && ([Mf] = b), c) {
a = 0;
for (var d; d = c[a]; a++) && ([Mf] = b)
} else if ($.ld || $.vf)
if (b = b ? "on" : "", a.setAttribute("unselectable", b), c)
for (a = 0; d = c[a]; a++) d.setAttribute("unselectable", b)
$.Rf = function(a) {
var b = $.xe(a),
c = $.ld && a.currentStyle;
if (c && $.Ie($.ze(b).b) && "auto" != c.width && "auto" != c.height && !c.boxSizing) return b = Of(a, c.width, "width", "pixelWidth"), a = Of(a, c.height, "height", "pixelHeight"), new $.sb(b, a);
c = new $.sb(a.offsetWidth, a.offsetHeight);
b = $.Pf(a);
a = $.Qf(a);
return new $.sb(c.width - a.left - b.left - b.right - a.right, c.height - - - b.bottom - a.bottom)
Of = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (/^\d+px?$/.test(b)) return (0, window.parseInt)(b, 10);
var e =[c],
g = a.runtimeStyle[c];
a.runtimeStyle[c] = a.currentStyle[c];[c] = b;
b =[d];[c] = e;
a.runtimeStyle[c] = g;
return +b
Sf = function(a, b) {
var c = a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b] : null;
return c ? Of(a, c, "left", "pixelLeft") : 0
$.Pf = function(a) {
if ($.ld) {
var b = Sf(a, "paddingLeft"),
c = Sf(a, "paddingRight"),
d = Sf(a, "paddingTop");
a = Sf(a, "paddingBottom");
return new $.rb(d, c, a, b)
b = $.xf(a, "paddingLeft");
c = $.xf(a, "paddingRight");
d = $.xf(a, "paddingTop");
a = $.xf(a, "paddingBottom");
return new $.rb((0, window.parseFloat)(d), (0, window.parseFloat)(c), (0, window.parseFloat)(a), (0, window.parseFloat)(b))
Uf = function(a, b) {
if ("none" == (a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b + "Style"] : null)) return 0;
var c = a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle[b + "Width"] : null;
return c in Tf ? Tf[c] : Of(a, c, "left", "pixelLeft")
$.Qf = function(a) {
if ($.ld && !$.id(9)) {
var b = Uf(a, "borderLeft"),
c = Uf(a, "borderRight"),
d = Uf(a, "borderTop");
a = Uf(a, "borderBottom");
return new $.rb(d, c, a, b)
b = $.xf(a, "borderLeftWidth");
c = $.xf(a, "borderRightWidth");
d = $.xf(a, "borderTopWidth");
a = $.xf(a, "borderBottomWidth");
return new $.rb((0, window.parseFloat)(d), (0, window.parseFloat)(c), (0, window.parseFloat)(a), (0, window.parseFloat)(b))
Vf = function(a) {
return (a = a.exec(Hc)) ? a[1] : ""
$.Wf = function(a, b, c) {
$; = a;
this.K = b || a;
this.g = c || new $.K(window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN);
this.G = $.xe(a);
this.Af = new $.lf(this);
$.O(this, this.Af);
this.deltaY = this.deltaX = this.ka = = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = 0;
this.od = !0;
this.Bu = !1;
this.Y = 0;
$.Ed(this.K, ["touchstart", "mousedown"], this.Fk, !1, this);
this.R = yaa
$.Xf = function(a) {
a.Y = Math.pow(3, 2)
Yf = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.Me($.ze(a.G).b);
b += d.x - a.X.x;
c += d.y - a.X.y;
a.X = d;
a.deltaX += b;
a.deltaY += c;
b = a.dC(a.deltaX);
a =;
return new $.pb(b, a)
$f = function(a, b, c, d) {
a.Es(c, d);
a.dispatchEvent(new Zf("drag", a, b.clientX, b.clientY, b, c, d))
Zf = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
$, a);
this.clientX = c;
this.clientY = d;
this.g = e;
this.left = $.n(g) ? g : b.deltaX; = $.n(h) ? h : b.deltaY;
this.K = b;
this.Y = !!k
ag = function(a) {
$, a.fa());
this.j = a;
this.b = [window.NaN, window.NaN];"earlycancel", this.Nfa, !1, this);"start", this.pM, !1, this);"beforedrag", this.pM, !1, this);"drag", this.pM, !1, this);"end", this.pM, !1, this)
$.cg = function() {
this.GA = {};
$.dg = function(a, b) {
a.XA &= ~b
fg = function(a, b) {
a.Ez && (b && a.Ez.NG(a), a.Ez = null);
a.Ld && a.pB()
hg = function(a) {
$.gg().QS() && (a.Nh ? (a.ea && a.ea.dE(), a.Eb(512)) : a.ea && a.ea.dE())
ig = function(a) {
if (!a.UR) {
var b = a.Zf();
a.UR = b ? $.Lb(b) : null
return a.UR
$.jg = function() {
this.Vb = "none";
this.ib = "black";
this.K = 0;
kg = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.g = new $.pb(a || 0, b || 0);
this.b = c || 0;
this.j = d || 0;
lg = function(a, b, c) {, a, b, c, c)
$.mg = function() {
this.g = [];
this.Ua = [];
this.j = [];
ng = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = 0;
e = e || null;
for (var k = 0, l = b.length; k < l; k++) {
var m = b[k],
p = zaa[m] * c[k];
g && 1 != m ?, m, d.slice(h - 2, h + p)) :, m, d.slice(h, h + p));
h += p
$.og = function(a) {
return 0 == a.g.length
rg = function(a) {
if (!a.gU) {
var b = a.j,
c = a.g,
d = a.Ua;
a.j = [];
a.g = [];
a.Ua = [];
ng((0, $.ra)(function(a, b) {
qg[a].apply(this, b)
}, a), c, d, b);
sg = function(a) {
$.og(a) || (pg(a), a.Eb(32));
return a
ug = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
if (0 == d || 0 == e) return a.Pr(b, c);
if (0 == a.g.length) throw $.nd(9);
var k = a.uf[0],
l = a.uf[1];
if (k == b && l == c) return a;
d = Math.abs(d);
e = Math.abs(e);
b = (k - b) / 2;
c = (l - c) / 2;
l = b * b;
k = c * c;
var m = d * d,
p = e * e,
q = l / m + k / p;
1 < q && (q = Math.sqrt(q), d *= q, e *= q, m = d * d, p = e * e);
l = (m * p - m * k - p * l) / (m * k + p * l);
0 > l && (l = 0);
l = Math.sqrt(l);
g == h && (l = -l);
g = l * d * c / e;
k = -l * e * b / d;
l = $.Gb(1, 0, (b - g) / d, (c - k) / e);
b = $.Gb((b - g) / d, (c - k) / e, (-b - g) / d, (-c - k) / e) % 360;
!h && 0 < b ? b -= 360 : h && 0 > b && (b += 360);
return tg(a, d, e, l, b)
tg = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (0 == a.g.length) throw $.nd(9);
if (0 == e) return a;
var g = a.uf[0] - $.mb(d, b),
h = a.uf[1] - $.nb(d, c);
var k = Math.ceil(Math.abs(e) / 359.999 - 2E-15);
for (var l = e / k, m = 0; m < k; m++) {
e = d + l;
var p = g + $.mb(e, b);
var q = h + $.nb(e, c);
a.j.push(b, c, d, l, p, q);
d = e
a.gU = !1;
a.uf = [p, q];
a.he(); = null;
return a
$.vg = function(a, b) {
var c = b || {};
c.closePoint = a.bu ? a.bu.slice() : [];
c.currentPoint = a.uf ? a.uf.slice() : [];
c.segments = a.g.slice();
c.count = a.Ua.slice();
c.arguments = a.j.slice();
return c
pg = function(a) {
a.g.length = 0;
a.Ua.length = 0;
a.j.length = 0;
a.he(); = null;
delete a.bu;
delete a.uf;
delete a.gU
$.wg = function() {
yg = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.b = new $.K(a || 0, b || 0, c || 0, d || 0);
this.D = [];
this.G = [0, 0, 0, 0];
xg = function(a) {
var b = !a.Ea() || a.Ea().Se();
b || a.Ea().suspend();
var c = a.G[0];
a.HL(a.b.left + c,;
c = a.G[1];
a.Pr(a.b.left + a.b.width - a.G[1],;
if (a.D[1]) switch (a.D[1]) {
case "round":
ug(a, a.b.left + a.b.width, + c, c, c, !1, !0);
case "round-inner":
ug(a, a.b.left + a.b.width, + c, c, c, !1, !1);
case "cut":
a.Pr(a.b.left + a.b.width, + c)
c = a.G[2];
a.Pr(a.b.left + a.b.width, + a.b.height - c);
if (a.D[2]) switch (a.D[2]) {
case "round":
ug(a, a.b.left + a.b.width - c, + a.b.height, c, c, !1, !0);
case "round-inner":
ug(a, a.b.left + a.b.width - c, + a.b.height, c, c, !1, !1);
case "cut":
a.Pr(a.b.left + a.b.width - c, + a.b.height)
c = a.G[3];
a.Pr(a.b.left + c, + a.b.height);
if (a.D[3]) switch (a.D[3]) {
case "round":
ug(a, a.b.left, + a.b.height - c, c, c, !1, !0);
case "round-inner":
ug(a, a.b.left, + a.b.height - c, c, c, !1, !1);
case "cut":
a.Pr(a.b.left, + a.b.height - c)
c = a.G[0];
a.Pr(a.b.left, + c);
if (a.D[0]) switch (a.D[0]) {
case "round":
ug(a, a.b.left + c,, c,
c, !1, !0);
case "round-inner":
ug(a, a.b.left + c,, c, c, !1, !1)
b || a.Ea().resume()
$.zg = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.g = a;
this.j = !1;
this.elements = [];
this.b = this.Fd = null;
this.shape.apply(this, $.Oa(arguments, 1))
$.Ag = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b)) {
a.g = b;
if (a.j) {
var c = a.g;
c.Se() ? c.iw.push(a) :
return a
return a.g
Bg = function(a) {
if (!a.j && (a.j = !0, a.g)) {
var b = a.g;
b.Se() ? b.iw.push(a) :
$.Cg = function() {
this.children = [];
this.sq = [];
Eg = function(a) {
(0, $.Dg)(a.children, function(a, c) {
c.Gq() &&;
return a || c.Gq()
}, !1) || $.dg(a, 64)
Aaa = function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
var b = a.fa();
b && ($.Xe(b), k++);
fg(a, !1);
function d(a) {
var b = a.fa();
b ? (e.appendChild(b), k++, q.push(l), fg(a, !0)) : p = !1;
return !!e
var e = a.fa(),
g, h, k = 0;
if (!a.YJ) {
a.YJ = {};
var l = 0;
for (g = a.children.length; l < g; l++) a.YJ[$.oa(a.children[l])] = !0
var m = !1,
p = !0,
q = [],
r = [];
var t = !0;
l = 0;
for (g = a.children.length - 1; l < g; l++)
if (a.children[l + 1].zIndex() < a.children[l].zIndex()) {
t = !1;
if (t) var u = a.children;
else u = $.Ma(a.children), $.Va(u, function(a, b) {
return a.zIndex() - b.zIndex()
l = 0;
g = u.length;
var v = 0;
for (h = a.sq.length; l < g && v < h && k < b; v++) {
t = u[l];
var x = a.sq[v];
if ($.oa(x) in a.YJ) {
if (x != t || m) {
if (!d(t)) break;
m = !0
} else c(x)
k >= b && (p = !1);
if (p) {
for (; l < g && k < b && d(u[l]); l++);
for (; v < h && k < b; v++) c(a.sq[v]);
if (l < g || v < h) p = !1
if (p) a.sq = $.Oa(u, 0), a.YJ = null, $.dg(a, 128);
else {
for (l = r.length; l--;) $.Ga(a.sq, r[l], 1);
for (l = 0; l < q.length; l++) a.sq.push(u[q[l]])
return k
Fg = function(a) {
for (var b = a.children.length; b--;) a.children[b].kx()
$.Ub = function(a) {
this.Jb = a;
this.Cn = !1;
Hg = function(a, b, c, d) {
a: {
a = (a || "").toLowerCase();
for (e in Gg)
if (Gg[e].toLowerCase() == a || Gg[e].toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, "") == a) {
var e = Gg[e];
break a
e = "backward-diagonal"
this.type = e;this.color = String(null != b ? b : "black 0.5"); = null != c ? c : 1;this.size = null != d ? d : 10;$, new $.K(0, 0, this.size, this.size));
(b = Baa[this.type]) &&
Jg = function(a, b, c) {
this.Jb = new $.K(0, 0, a, b);
Ig(this, c)
Lg = function(a, b, c) {
this.Jb = new $.K(0, 0, a, b);
Kg(this, a, b);
Ig(this, c, "white")
Ng = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = Mg(a, d);
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
a.moveTo(e[0], e[1]);
for (var g = 2; g < e.length; g += 2) a.lineTo(e[g], e[g + 1])
c && a.close()
Og = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = Mg(a), e = 0; e < b.length; e += 5) {
var g = d,
h = b[e],
k = b[e + 1],
l = b[e + 2],
m = b[e + 3],
p = b[e + 4];
h === l && (h = l = Math.round(h) + p % 2 / 2);
k === m && (k = m = Math.round(k) + p % 2 / 2);
g.moveTo(h, k).lineTo(l, m)
c && a.rotate(c)
Pg = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c += 3) {
var d = b[c + 2];
Kg(a, d, d, b[c], b[c + 1])
Kg = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a.rect(d || 0, e || 0, b, c).fill(a.color).stroke("none")
Mg = function(a, b) {
return b ? a.path().fill(a.color).stroke("none") : a.path().fill("none").stroke(a.color,
Ig = function(a, b, c) {
a = a.path().fill(c || a.color).stroke("none");
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c += 2) {
var d = b[c],
e = b[c + 1];
a.moveTo(d, e).lineTo(d, e + 1, d + 1, e + 1, d + 1, e).close()
Sg = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
this.j = a || null;
this.D = g || $.Qg;
this.b = h || $.Rg;
this.uc = new $.K(b || 0, c || 0, d || 0, e || 0);
this.g = 1;
$.Tg = function(a) {
this.g = {};
this.b = {};
this.rn = new $.lf(this);
this.ea = a
$.Ug = function(a, b, c) {
(c = $.y(c) ? c : c.src) && (a.g[b] = {
src: c,
mX: $.n(void 0) ? void 0 : null
Wg = function(a, b) {
delete a.g[b];
var c = a.b[b];
c && (delete a.b[b], a.rn.Cc(c, Vg, a.j), $.Rc(a.b) && $.Rc(a.g) && a.dispatchEvent("complete"))
$.Xg = function() {
this.G = {};
this.D = "fontStyle fontVariant fontFamily fontSize fontWeight letterSpacing decoration".split(" ")
$.$g = function(a, b) {
if (Yg(a, " ", b)) var c = Zg(a, " ", b);
else {
c = a.measure("a a", b);
var d = a.measure("aa", b);
c = new $.K(0,, c.width - d.width, c.height);
Zg(a, " ", b, c)
return c
ah = function(a, b) {
if (Yg(a, "", b)) var c = Zg(a, "", b);
else c = a.measure("a", b), c = new $.K(0,, 0, c.height), Zg(a, "", b, c);
return c
bh = function(a, b) {
for (var c = "", d = 0, e = a.D.length; d < e; d++) {
var g = b[a.D[d]];
$.n(g) && (c += g + "|")
return c
Zg = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.G,
g = bh(a, c),
h = e[g];
h || (h = e[g] = {});
return (e = h[b]) ? e : h[b] = d ? d : a.measure(b, c)
Yg = function(a, b, c) {
a = a.G[bh(a, c)];
return !(!a || !a[b])
$.ch = function(a, b) {
a = $.kb(a);
if (b.height == b.width) return a;
if (b.height < b.width) {
var c = b.width;
var d = b.height;
d /= c
} else c = b.height, d = b.width, d = c / d;
c /= 2;
c = $.lb(Math.atan(Math.tan($.J(a)) * c / c * d));
90 < a && 270 >= a ? c = 180 + c : 270 < a && 360 >= a && (c = 360 + c);
return c % 360
$.dh = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d in c) a.Rb(b, d, c[d])
$.eh = function(a, b, c) {
b && (c ? a.Rb(b, "id", c) : b.removeAttribute("id"))
$.fh = function(a, b, c) {
if ($.og(b)) return null;
var d = [],
e = a.c0;
(c ? b.Eaa : b.EQ).call(b, function(a, b) {
var c = e[a];
c && (d.push(c), 4 == a ? this.p0(d, b) : 5 != a && this.t0(d, b))
}, a);
return d.join(" ")
gh = function(a) {
if (! || = new $.Tg($.ea.document.body);
$.hh = function() {
this.Jb = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0);
jh = function() {};
mh = function(a) { || ( = a.G.length ? $.Vc(a.G[a.G.length - 1]) : {})
nh = function(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case "b":
case "strong":
mh(a); = "bold";
case "i":
case "em":
mh(a), = "italic"
oh = function(a, b, c) {
switch (b) {
case "font-style":
mh(a); = c || "normal";
case "font-variant":
mh(a); = c || "normal";
case "font-family":
mh(a); = c || $.ea.acgraph.fontFamily;
case "font-size":
mh(a); = c || $.ea.acgraph.fontSize;
case "font-weight":
mh(a); = c || "normal";
case "color":
mh(a); = c || $.ea.acgraph.color;
case "letter-spacing":
mh(a); = c || "normal";
case "text-decoration":
mh(a); = c || "none";
case "opacity":
mh(a), = null != c ? (0, window.parseFloat)(c) : 1
qh = function(a) {
"" != a.b && (ph(a.Lb, a.b, a.G.length ? a.G[a.G.length - 1] : null), a.b = "", a.ka = !1)
rh = function(a) {
a.R == (a.Y.length ? a.Y[a.Y.length - 1] : null) && (qh(a), a.G.pop(), a.Y.pop(), a.tagName = "");
a.R = "";
a.state = 1
sh = function(a, b) {
nh(a, a.tagName);
b && (a.g = "");
a.tagName = ""; = null;
a.state = 1
th = function(a, b, c) {
oh(a, a.D, a.K || "");
a.D = "";
a.K = "";
c && (a.g = "");
a.state = b
uh = function(a) {
nh(a, a.tagName);
oh(a, a.D, a.K || "");
a.tagName = ""; = null;
a.g = "";
a.D = "";
a.K = "";
a.state = 1
wh = function(a, b, c) {
var d;
if (a.X) {
var e = vh[a.j];
$.n(e) ? d = e : a.b += "&" + a.j + c
} else a.j ? d = (0, window.parseInt)(a.j, 10) : a.b += "&#" + c;
d && (a.b += String.fromCharCode(d) + (";" == c ? "" : c));
a.state = b;
a.j = "";
a.X = !0
xh = function(a, b) {
this.b = b || {};
this.text = a;
this.D = !1;
this.y = this.x = this.g = this.uq = this.height = this.width = this.j = 0
$.Eh = function(a, b) {
this.X = !1;
this.Xm = a || 0;
this.Zm = b || 0;
this.Jb = new $.K(this.Xm, this.Zm, 0, 0);
this.qb = this.Y = this.Qe = this.G = 0;
this.Nd = !1;
this.b = [];
this.j = [];
this.ka = this.Hf = this.R = 0;
this.wc = !0;
this.Cg = = this.$a = this.xd = 0; = []; = 1;
this.Qb = yh;
this.D = 0; = this.K = !1;
this.Yb = this.Ii = {
fontSize: $.ea.acgraph.fontSize,
color: $.ea.acgraph.fontColor,
fontFamily: $.ea.acgraph.fontFamily,
direction: $.ea.acgraph.textDirection,
textOverflow: yh,
wordBreak: Caa,
wordWrap: zh,
selectable: !0,
hAlign: $.Dh
this.Fa = null;
Hh = function(a, b, c) {
if ($.n(c)) {
if (c !== a.Yb[b]) {
var d = !a.Ea() || a.Ea().Se();
d || a.Ea().suspend();
a.Yb[b] = c;
a.X = !1;
d || a.Ea().resume()
return a
return a.Yb[b]
Ih = function(a) {
var b = (0, window.parseFloat)(a);
return (0, window.isNaN)(b) || 0 > b ? 1 : $.y(a) && $.gc(a, "%") ? 1 + (0, window.parseFloat)(a) / 100 : a
Jh = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k, l = Math.floor((e - d) / (g.width / b.length));
var m = b.substring(0, l);
for (k =, c); d + k.width < e && 1 < l;) l++, m = b.substring(0, l), k =, c);
for (; d + k.width > e && 1 < l;) l--, m = b.substring(0, l), k =, c);
d = a.u_(a.Yb, c);
c = b.substring(l, b.length);
k = g.width - k.width;
g = g.clone();
g.width = k;
Zg($.gg(), c, d, g);
g = a.Yb.wordWrap != zh;
k = "keep-all" == a.Yb.wordBreak;
"break-all" == a.Yb.wordBreak || h || (a = /\s+/g, h = /\S+/g, e = /[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uffef\u4e00-\u9faf\uAC00-\uD7A3\u1100–\u11FF\u3130-\u318F\uA960-\uA97F\uD7B0-\uD7FF]+/g,
d = m[m.length - 1], c = c[0], k = !k && (e.test(d) || e.test(c)), a.test(d) || a.test(c) || k || (a.test(m) ? (l = m.match(h), l = m.lastIndexOf(l[l.length - 1])) : (m = h.exec(b)[0], g || (l = m.length))));
return l
Kh = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
c = new xh(b, c);
c.j =;
c.height = d.height;
c.width = d.width;
a.D && 0 == a.b.length && (e = e || 0, a.D = && a.D + d.width + e > ? - d.width - e : a.D, 0 > a.D && (a.D = 0));
a.ka = Math.max(a.ka, d.height);
a.R += d.width;
0 == a.b.length && (a.R += a.D); = Math.max(, c.j);
a.wc = a.j.length ? a.wc && 0 == b.length : 0 == b.length;
return c
Lh = function(a, b) {
var c, d = b || $.va(,
e = $.va(d),
g =, e.b),
h = a.Qb,
k = 1 < d.length && d[d.length - 2];
if (k && k.paa) {
var l = (0, $.Ca)(a.b, e) + 1;
$.Ga(a.b, l, a.b.length - l)
} else {
if (g.width > a.Ma) {
var m = Jh(a, a.Qb, e.b, 0, a.Ma, g, !0);
h = a.Qb.substring(0, m)
m = a.Hf;
var p = a.Ma;
if ("" == h) l = (0, $.Ca)(a.b, e) + 1, $.Ga(a.b, l, a.b.length - l);
else if (p - m >= g.width) {
a.j = d;
l = (0, $.Ca)(a.b, e) + 1;
$.Ga(a.b, l, a.b.length - l);
var q = Kh(a, h, e.b, g);
2 == a.j.length && "" == a.j[0].text && (q.g = a.$a - a.j[0].height, q.D = !0)
} else {
for (k = d.length - 1; !c && 0 <= k;) e =
d[k], g =, e.b), l =, e.b), m - l.width + g.width <= a.Ma && (c = e), m -= l.width, k--;
c || 1 != || (c = d[0], m -= l.width);
c && (a.j = d, k = a.j[0].g, p -= g.width, l = (0, $.Ca)(d, c), $.Ga(d, l, d.length - l), l = (0, $.Ca)(a.b, c), $.Ga(a.b, l, a.b.length - l), a.ka = 0, a.R = 0, = 0, l =, c.b), m = Jh(a, c.text, c.b, m, p, l, !0), 1 > m && (m = 1), l = c.text.substring(0, m), d =, c.b), l = Kh(a, l, c.b, d, g.width), l.x = c.x, l.y = c.y, l.paa = !0, d.width + g.width > a.Ma && (m = Jh(a, a.Qb, e.b, d.width, a.Ma, g, !0), h = a.Qb.substring(0, m)), 0 < m && (q = Kh(a, h, c.b, g),
q.x = l.x + d.width, q.y = l.y), a.j[0].D = !0, a.j[0].g = k)
a.K && q && (c = a.j[0], q.D = c.D, q.x = c.x, q.g = c.g, c.g = 0, c.x = 0, c.D = !1, $.Ja(a.b, q), l = (0, $.Ca)(a.b, c), $.Ha(a.b, q, l))
Nh = function(a) {
ph(a, "", null, !0);
var b = a.j[0] ? a.j[0].height : 0;
a.$a += $.y( ? (0, window.parseInt)(, 0) + b : * b
ph = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (! {
c = c || {};
var e =, c),
g = 0 == a.b.length ? a.D : 0;
if (a.Zh)
for (; a.R + e.width + g > a.Ma && !;) {
var h = Jh(a, b, c, g + a.R, a.Ma, e);
1 > h && 0 == a.j.length && (h = 1);
0 != h && (g = $.lc(b.substring(0, h)), e =, c), Kh(a, g, c, e));
1 == b.length && ( = !0);
g = 0;
b = $.lc(b.substring(h, b.length));
e =, c)
} || !b.length && !d || Kh(a, b, c, e)
Mh = function(a) {
if (! && 0 != a.j.length) {
var b = 0 ==;
if (a.Jc && a.G + a.ka > a.Jc && 0 != Lh(a), = !0;
else {
a.ka = $.y( ? (0, window.parseInt)(, 0) + a.ka : * a.ka;
if ($.gg().D_()) {
var c;
var d = a.K && a.Yb.hAlign == $.Dh || !a.K && "end" == a.Yb.hAlign || "right" == a.Yb.hAlign;
var e = "center" == a.Yb.hAlign;
if (a.K && "end" == a.Yb.hAlign || !a.K && a.Yb.hAlign == $.Dh || "left" == a.Yb.hAlign) {
e = a.K ? 0 : a.D && b ? a.D : 0;
var g = 0;
for (c = a.j.length; g < c; g++) d = a.j[g], d.x = e, d.y = a.G + + d.height - 1.5 * d.j, e += d.width
} else if (e)
for (e = -a.R / 2, !a.K && a.D && b && (e += a.D), g = 0, c = a.j.length; g < c; g++) d = a.j[g], d.x = e + d.width / 2, d.y = a.G + + d.height - 1.5 * d.j, e += d.width;
else if (d)
for (e = a.K ? a.D && b ? -a.D : 0 : 0, g = a.j.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) d = a.j[g], d.x = e, d.y = a.G + + d.height - 1.5 * d.j, e -= d.width
if (b) {
var h = a.j[0];
h.j =;
h.D = !0;
a.D && "center" == a.Yb.hAlign && (h.uq = a.K ? -a.D / 2 : a.D / 2)
} else {
for (g = 0; g < a.j.length; g++)
if ("" != a.j[g].text) {
h = a.j[g];
h && (h.D = !0, a.wc || (h.g = a.$a && 1 < a.xd ? a.$a : a.Cg +
a.Zh && a.Yb.wordWrap == zh && a.R > a.Ma && (1 < a.j.length && !a.j[0].text.length &&
(d = (0, $.Ca)(a.b, a.j[0]), Ia(a.j, 0), Ia(a.b, d)), d = $.va(a.j), b =, d.b), b = Jh(a, d.text, d.b, 0, a.Ma - (a.R - b.width), b, !0), e = d.text.substring(0, b), b =, d.b), d.text = e, d.width = b.width, a.R = b.width, a.Hf = a.R, Lh(a, a.j));
a.path() && (h.uq = "start" == a.align ? 0 : "middle" == a.align ? a.path().Eh() / 2 - a.R / 2 : a.path().Eh() - a.R);
a.G += a.ka;
a.Qe = Math.max(a.Qe, a.R);
a.Cg = a.ka -;
a.Hf = a.R;
a.wc || (a.$a = 0, a.xd = 0);
a.wc = !0;
a.ka = 0;
a.R = 0; = 0;;
a.j = []
Oh = function(a) {
a.Y = a.Xm;
a.Yb.hAlign == $.Dh ? a.Y += a.K ? : 0 : "center" == a.Yb.hAlign ? a.Y += / 2 : "end" == a.Yb.hAlign ? a.Y += a.K ? 0 : : "right" == a.Yb.hAlign && (a.Y +=
Ph = function(a) {
if (a.path()) {
if (a.Yb.vAlign) {
var b = a.b[0];
"middle" == a.Yb.vAlign ? b.g += b.j - a.G / 2 : "bottom" == a.Yb.vAlign ? b.g += b.j - a.G : "top" == a.Yb.vAlign && (b.g += b.j)
} else a.qb = a.Zm + (0 == a.b.length ? 0 : a.b[0].j), a.Yb.vAlign && a.G < a.Yb.height && ("middle" == a.Yb.vAlign ? a.qb += a.Jc / 2 - a.G / 2 : "bottom" == a.Yb.vAlign && (a.qb += a.Jc - a.G))
Qh = function(a) {
$.dg(a, 1024)
$.Rh = function(a) {
this.gc = $.n(a) ? a : ""
Uh = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
if (2 > g) return a;
h = h || 0;
var l = $.mb(h, d),
m = $.nb(h, d),
p = 360 / (2 * g),
a.moveTo(l + b, m + c);
if (k)
for (q = 0; q < g; q++) {
var r = h;
h += p;
var t = l,
u = m,
v = $.mb(r, e),
x = $.nb(r, e),
w = $.mb(h, d),
z = $.nb(h, d);
l = $.mb(h, e);
m = $.nb(h, e);
var A = (w - v) * (u - x) - (z - x) * (t - v);
A /= (z - x) * (l - t) - (w - v) * (m - u);
t = Sh(e, d, r, h, k, 1 - A);
r = Th(e, d, r, h, k, 1 - A); + t, c + r, b + l, c + m);
r = h;
h += p;
t = l;
u = m;
v = $.mb(h, e);
x = $.nb(h, e);
w = $.mb(r, d);
z = $.nb(r, d);
l = $.mb(h, d);
m = $.nb(h, d);
A = (w - v) * (u - x) - (z - x) * (t - v);
A /= (z - x) * (l - t) - (w -
v) * (m - u);
t = Sh(e, d, h, r, k, A);
r = Th(e, d, h, r, k, A); + t, c + r, b + l, c + m)
} else
for (q = 0; q < g; q++) h += p, l = $.mb(h, e), m = $.nb(h, e), a.lineTo(b + l, c + m), h += p, l = $.mb(h, d), m = $.nb(h, d), a.lineTo(b + l, c + m);
return a
Vh = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, d / 2, 4)
Wh = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, d / 2, 5, -90)
Xh = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, .5773502691896258 * d, 6, -90)
Yh = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, d / 2, 7, -90)
Zh = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, .8506508083520399 * d, 10)
$h = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, .5 * d, 3, -90)
ai = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, .5 * d, 3, 90)
bi = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, .5 * d, 3, 0)
ci = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, .5 * d, 3, 180)
di = function(a, b, c, d) {
return Uh(a, b, c, d, d * Math.SQRT1_2, 4)
ei = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
var e = d / 4,
g = b - d,
h = b + d,
k = c - d;
d = c + d;
a.moveTo(b - e, k).lineTo(b - e, c - e).lineTo(g, c - e).lineTo(g, c + e).lineTo(b - e, c + e).lineTo(b - e, d).lineTo(b + e, d).lineTo(b + e, c + e).lineTo(h, c + e).lineTo(h, c - e).lineTo(b + e, c - e).lineTo(b + e, k).close();
return a
fi = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
var e = d * Math.SQRT1_2 / 2,
g = b - d,
h = b + d,
k = c - d;
d = c + d;
a.moveTo(g + e, k).lineTo(b, c - e).lineTo(h - e, k).lineTo(h, k + e).lineTo(b + e, c).lineTo(h, d - e).lineTo(h - e, d).lineTo(b, c + e).lineTo(g + e, d).lineTo(g, d - e).lineTo(b - e, c).lineTo(g, k + e).close();
return a
gi = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
var e = d / 4,
g = b - d;
b += d;
a.moveTo(b, c - e).lineTo(b, c + e).lineTo(g, c + e).lineTo(g, c - e).close();
return a
hi = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
var e = d / 4,
g = c - d;
c += d;
a.moveTo(b - e, g).lineTo(b + e, g).lineTo(b + e, c).lineTo(b - e, c).close();
return a
ii = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
g = $.hb(g, -360, 360);
360 == Math.abs(g) ? a.Kd(b, c, d, d, e, g, !1) : a.moveTo(b, c).Kd(b, c, d, d, e, g, !0).close();
return a
$.ji = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
0 > d && (d = 0);
0 > e && (e = 0);
if (d < e) {
var k = d;
d = e;
e = k
if (0 >= e) return ii(a, b, c, d, g, h);
a = a.path ? a.path() : a;
h = $.hb(h, -360, 360);
k = 360 > Math.abs(h);
a.Kd(b, c, d, d, g, h).Kd(b, c, e, e, g + h, -h, k);
k && a.close();
return a
Sh = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
a = $.mb(c, a);
b = $.mb(d, b) - a;
return 0 <= e ? a + b * (g + e - g * e) : a + b * g * (e + 1)
Th = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
a = $.nb(c, a);
b = $.nb(d, b) - a;
return 0 <= e ? a + b * (g + e - g * e) : a + b * g * (e + 1)
li = function(a) {
var b, c;
switch (a.length) {
case 1:
var d = b = c = a[0];
a.push(d, b, c);
case 2:
b = a[0];
c = a[1];
a.push(b, c);
case 3:
c = a[1];
case 4:
a.push(5, 5, 5, 5)
mi = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.path ? a.path() : a;
if (6 == arguments.length) {
var e = arguments[2];
var g = arguments[3];
var h = arguments[4];
var k = arguments[5];
d.moveTo(b.left + e, + b.width - g, + b.width, + g).lineTo(b.left + b.width, + b.height - h).lineTo(b.left + b.width - h, + b.height).lineTo(b.left + k, + b.height).lineTo(b.left, + b.height - k).lineTo(b.left, + e).close()
} else k = $.Oa(arguments, 2, 6), li(k), e = k[0], g = k[1], h = k[2], k = k[3], mi(d, b, e, g, h, k);
return d
ni = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.path ? a.path() : a;
if (6 == arguments.length) {
var e = arguments[2];
var g = arguments[3];
var h = arguments[4];
var k = arguments[5];
d.moveTo(b.left + e, + b.width - g, + b.width, + g, g, g, !1, !0).lineTo(b.left + b.width, + b.height - h).bf(b.left + b.width - h, + b.height, h, h, !1, !0).lineTo(b.left + k, + b.height).bf(b.left, + b.height - k, k, k, !1, !0);
0 != e && (d.lineTo(b.left, + e), + e,, e, e, !1, !0));
} else k = $.Oa(arguments, 2, 6), li(k), e =
k[0], g = k[1], h = k[2], k = k[3], ni(d, b, e, g, h, k);
return d
ui = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.path ? a.path() : a;
if (6 == arguments.length) {
var e = arguments[2];
var g = arguments[3];
var h = arguments[4];
var k = arguments[5];
d.moveTo(b.left + e, + b.width - g, + b.width, + g, g, g, !1, !1).lineTo(b.left + b.width, + b.height - h).bf(b.left + b.width - h, + b.height, h, h, !1, !1).lineTo(b.left + k, + b.height).bf(b.left, + b.height - k, k, k, !1, !1);
0 != e && d.lineTo(b.left, + e).bf(b.left + e,, e, e, !1, !1);
} else k = $.Oa(arguments, 2, 6), li(k), e = k[0],
g = k[1], h = k[2], k = k[3], ui(d, b, e, g, h, k);
return d
vi = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.Ht = a;
this.Ql = b;
this.ns = c;
this.Ym = d
wi = function() {
xi = function(a) {
return $.ea.document.createElementNS("", a)
Daa = function() {
var a = $.gg();
a.Ij = null;
a.pz = null;
a.j = null;
a.g = null;
a.yo = null;
a.Nn = null
Eaa = function(a) {
var b = $.J(a),
c = Math.tan(b);
a = 1 / (2 * c);
c /= 2;.5 >= Math.abs(c) ? (a = -.5, b = 0 > Math.cos(b)) : (c = -.5, b = 0 < Math.sin(b));
b && (a = -a, c = -c);
return new vi(.5 + a, .5 + c, .5 - a, .5 - c)
Faa = function(a, b) {
var c = a % 90,
d = $.J(a),
e = 1,
g = b.left + b.width / 2,
h = + b.height / 2,
k = 0 > Math.sin(d) || 180 == a || 360 == a;
if (90 == a || 270 == a) c += 1E-6;
180 != a && (0 > Math.tan(d) || 90 == a || 270 == a) && (e = -1, c = 90 - c);
c = $.J(c);
d = Math.sin(c) * (b.height / 2 - Math.tan(c) * b.width / 2) + b.width / 2 / Math.cos(c);
e *= Math.cos(c) * d;
c = Math.sin(c) * d;
k && (e = -e, c = -c);
return new vi(Math.round(g - e), Math.round(h + c), Math.round(g + e), Math.round(h - c))
yi = function(a, b, c) {
var d = Gaa(c, b.keys,,, b.fx, b.fy, b.opacity, b.mode, b.transform);
if (!d.Cn) {
var e = xi("radialGradient");
$.eh(a, e,;
$.Te(c.fa(), e);
d.oD = c;
d.Cn = !0;
(0, $.xa)(d.keys, function(a) {
var b = xi("stop");
$.dh(this, b, {
offset: a.offset,
style: "stop-color:" + a.color + ";stop-opacity:" + ((0, window.isNaN)(a.opacity) ? d.opacity : a.opacity)
}, a);
d.Jb ? $.dh(a, e, {
cx: d.rc * d.Jb.width + d.Jb.left,
cy: d.oc * d.Jb.height +,
fx: * d.Jb.width + d.Jb.left,
fy: d.j * d.Jb.height +,
r: Math.min(d.Jb.width,
d.Jb.height) / 2,
spreadMethod: "pad",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
}) : $.dh(a, e, {
cx: d.rc,
cy: d.oc,
fy: d.j,
gradientUnits: "objectBoundingBox"
d.transform && a.Rb(e, "gradientTransform", d.transform.toString())
Ai = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = $.zi(c, b.keys, b.opacity, !0 === b.mode ? $.ch(b.angle, d) : b.angle, b.mode, b.transform);
if (!e.Cn) {
var g = a.vX();
$.eh(a, g,;
$.Te(c.fa(), g);
e.nD = c;
e.Cn = !0;
(0, $.xa)(e.keys, function(a) {
var b = xi("stop");
$.dh(this, b, {
offset: a.offset,
style: "stop-color:" + a.color + ";stop-opacity:" + ((0, window.isNaN)(a.opacity) ? e.opacity : a.opacity)
}, a);
e.Jb ? (b = Faa(e.angle, e.Jb), $.dh(a, g, {
x1: b.Ht,
y1: b.Ql,
x2: b.ns,
y2: b.Ym,
spreadMethod: "pad",
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
})) : (b = Eaa(e.angle),
$.dh(a, g, {
x1: b.Ht,
y1: b.Ql,
x2: b.ns,
y2: b.Ym,
gradientUnits: "objectBoundingBox"
e.transform && a.Rb(g, "gradientTransform", e.transform.toString())
Di = function(a, b) {
var c = b.fill(),
d = b.Ea().ep,
e = "url(" + Bi() + "#";
c && c.opacity && 1E-4 >= c.opacity && $.ld && $.gd("9") && (c.opacity = 1E-4);
if ($.y(c)) a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill", c), b.fa().removeAttribute("fill-opacity");
else if ($.C(c.keys) && && a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill", e + yi(a, c, d) + ")"), a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill-opacity", $.n(c.opacity) ? c.opacity : 1);
else if ($.C(c.keys)) b.hb() && (a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill", e + Ai(a, c, d, b.hb()) + ")"), a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill-opacity", $.n(c.opacity) ? c.opacity : 1));
else if (c.src) {
var g = b.Zi();
g ? (g.width = g.width || 0, g.height =
g.height || 0, g.left = g.left || 0, = || 0) : g = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0);
"tile" == c.mode ? Ci(d, c.src, g, c.mode, c.opacity, function(a) {;
$.gg().Rb(b.fa(), "fill", e + + ")")
}) : (d = Ci(d, c.src, g, c.mode, c.opacity),, d.parent(b.Ea()).mc(), a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill", e + + ")"), a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill-opacity", $.n(c.opacity) ? c.opacity : 1))
} else $.L(c, Hg) ? (c = Haa(d, c.type, c.color,, c.size),, c.parent(b.Ea()).mc(), a.Rb(b.fa(), "fill", e + + ")")) : $.L(c, $.Ub) ? (, c.parent(b.Ea()).mc(), a.Rb(b.fa(),
"fill", e + + ")")) : $.dh(a, b.fa(), {
fill: c.color,
"fill-opacity": c.opacity
Ei = function(a, b) {
var c = b.stroke(),
d = b.Ea().ep,
e = b.fa(),
g = "url(" + Bi() + "#";
if ($.y(c)) a.Rb(e, "stroke", c);
else if ($.C(c.keys) && && a.Rb(e, "stroke", g + yi(a, c, d) + ")");
else if ($.C(c.keys)) {
if (!b.hb()) return;
a.Rb(e, "stroke", g + Ai(a, c, d, b.hb()) + ")")
} else a.Rb(e, "stroke", c.color);
c.lineJoin ? a.Rb(e, "stroke-linejoin", c.lineJoin) : e.removeAttribute("stroke-linejoin");
c.lineCap ? a.Rb(e, "stroke-linecap", c.lineCap) : e.removeAttribute("stroke-linecap");
c.opacity ? a.Rb(e, "stroke-opacity", c.opacity) : e.removeAttribute("stroke-opacity");
c.thickness ? a.Rb(e, "stroke-width", c.thickness) : e.removeAttribute("stroke-width");
c.dash ? a.Rb(e, "stroke-dasharray", c.dash) : e.removeAttribute("stroke-dasharray")
Fi = function(a) {
$.Ii = function(a, b) {
$, a.type); = $.Gi(, b) ||;
this.relatedTarget = $.Gi(a.relatedTarget || null, b) || a.relatedTarget;
this.offsetX = a.offsetX;
this.offsetY = a.offsetY;
this.clientX = a.clientX;
this.clientY = a.clientY;
this.screenX = a.screenX;
this.screenY = a.screenY;
this.button = wd(a, 0) ? $.Hi : wd(a, 1) ? Iaa : wd(a, 2) ? Jaa : Kaa;
this.actionButton = a.j();
this.keyCode = a.keyCode;
this.charCode = a.g;
this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey;
this.altKey = a.altKey;
this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey;
this.metaKey = a.metaKey;
this.platformModifierKey =
this.kk = a
$.Ki = function(a, b, c) {
if ($.G(a)) c && (a = (0, $.ra)(a, c));
else if (a && "function" == typeof a.handleEvent) a = (0, $.ra)(a.handleEvent, a);
else throw Error("Invalid listener argument");
return 2147483647 < Number(b) ? -1 : $.Ji.setTimeout(a, b || 0)
$.Li = function(a) {
$.Mi = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.keys = a;
this.opacity = null != b ? $.hb(b, 0, 1) : 1;
this.angle = null != c ? $.kb(c) : 0;
this.mode = null != d ? d : !1;
this.Jb = d && $.L(d, $.K) ? d : null;
this.transform = null != e ? e : null
$.Ni = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
c = null != c ? $.kb(c) : 0;
b = null != b ? $.hb(b, 0, 1) : 1;
var g = !!d;
d = null != d ? $.L(d, $.K) ? d : null : null;
var h = [];
(0, $.xa)(a, function(a) {
h.push(String(a.offset) + a.color + (a.opacity ? a.opacity : null))
return h.join("") + b + c + g + (d ? String(d.left) + + d.width + d.height : "") + (e ? e.toString() : "")
$.Oi = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
this.rc = b;
this.oc = c; = d;
this.j = e;
this.keys = a;
this.opacity = null != g ? $.hb(g, 0, 1) : 1;
this.Jb = null != h ? h : null;
this.transform = null != k ? k : null
$.Pi = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
g = null != g ? $.hb(g, 0, 1) : 1;
var l = [];
(0, $.xa)(a, function(a) {
l.push(String(a.offset) + a.color + (a.opacity ? a.opacity : 1))
return l.join("") + g + b + c + d + e + (h ? String(h.left) + + h.width + h.height : "") + (k ? k.toString() : "")
$.Si = function(a) {
this.g = {};
this.G = {};
this.D = {};
this.b = {};
this.R = a
Ci = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
e = $.n(e) ? e : 1;
d = null != d ? d : "stretch";
var h = [b, c.left,, c.width, c.height, d, e].join(),
k = null,
l = $.ha;
if ("tile" == d) l = function(d, k) {
if ($.Pc(a.b, h)) var l = a.b[h];
else l = new $.Ub(new $.K(c.left,, d, k)), l.Rc().src(b).opacity(e).width(d).height(k), a.b[h] = l;
g &&, l)
else {
if ($.Pc(a.b, h)) return a.b[h];
k = new $.Ub(c);
switch (d) {
case "stretch":
case "fit-max":
case "fit":
a.b[h] = k
$.gg().EL(b, l);
l = null;
return a.b[h]
Haa = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
b = null != b ? b : "backward-diagonal";
c = null != c ? c : "black";
d = null != d ? d : 1;
e = null != e ? e : 10;
var g = [b, c, d, e].join();
return $.Pc(a.D, g) ? a.D[g] : a.D[g] = new Hg(b, c, d, e)
$.zi = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = $.Ni(b, c, d, e, g);
return $.Pc(a.g, h) ? a.g[h] : a.g[h] = new $.Mi(b, c, d, e, g)
Gaa = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l) {
var m = $.Pi(b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l);
return $.Pc(a.G, m) ? a.G[m] : a.G[m] = new $.Oi(b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l)
$.Ti = function(a) {
if (a.classList) return a.classList;
a = a.className;
return $.y(a) && a.match(/\S+/g) || []
$.Ui = function(a, b) {
return a.classList ? a.classList.contains(b) : $.Da($.Ti(a), b)
$.Vi = function(a, b) {
a.classList ? a.classList.add(b) : $.Ui(a, b) || (a.className += 0 < a.className.length ? " " + b : b)
$.Wi = function(a, b) {
a.classList ? a.classList.remove(b) : $.Ui(a, b) && (a.className = (0, $.Ze)($.Ti(a), function(a) {
return a != b
}).join(" "))
$.Xi = function(a, b, c) {
c ? $.Vi(a, b) : $.Wi(a, b)
Yi = function() {
var a = $.ze().b,
b = a.body;
return !!(b.webkitRequestFullscreen || b.mozRequestFullScreen && a.mozFullScreenEnabled || b.msRequestFullscreen && a.msFullscreenEnabled || b.requestFullscreen && a.fullscreenEnabled)
$.cj = function(a, b, c) {
this.rM = (0, $.ra)(this.rM, this); = (0, $.ra)(, this);
var d = $.ea.document;
$.ea.acgraph.XM || ($.ea.acgraph.XM = {});
var e = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), this, "stage");
$.ea.acgraph.XM[e] = this;
this.cX = {};
this.Af = new $.lf(this); = d.createElement("DIV");
$.tf(, {
position: "relative",
left: 0,
top: 0,
overflow: "hidden"
this.Ed = $.gg().CX();
$.gg().KM(this.Ed, "100%", "100%");
$.tf(this.Ed, "display", "block");
$.Vi(this.Ed, "anychart-ui-support");;
this.Ed.setAttribute("ac-id", e);
this.iw = [];
this.ep = this.pX();;
this.Ya = new $.Cg;
e = this.Ya.fa();
$.gg().As();, "mousedown mouseover mouseout click dblclick touchstart touchend touchcancel MSPointerDown MSPointerUp pointerdown pointerup contextmenu".split(" "), this.Iu, !1);
$i(this, b || "100%");
aj(this, c || "100%");
(this.kd = $.y(a) ? d.getElementById(a) : a) && bj(this);!0, !0);
$i = function(a, b) {
if (a.nJ != b) {
var c = (0, window.parseFloat)(b);
if (!(0, window.isNaN)(c)) return a.nJ = $.B(b) ? b : String(b), a.eK = $.y(b) && $.gc(b, "%") ? window.NaN : c, = zf(a.nJ, !0), !0
return !1
aj = function(a, b) {
if (a.lJ != b) {
var c = (0, window.parseFloat)(b);
if (!(0, window.isNaN)(c)) return a.lJ = $.B(b) ? b : String(b), a.dK = $.y(b) && $.gc(b, "%") ? window.NaN : c, = zf(a.lJ, !0), !0
return !1
$.dj = function(a) {
return ? $.Ff( : new $.pb(0, 0)
bj = function(a) {
a.kd ? != a.kd && a.kd.appendChild( : $.Xe(
ej = function(a) {
a.Vu = !1;
var b = gh($.gg()),
c = $.gg().TZ();
b && c ? a.JZ || (a.JZ = !0, $.Dd(b, "complete", function() {
this.JZ = !1;
this.Vu || this.dispatchEvent("stagerendered")
}, !1, a)) : a.dispatchEvent("stagerendered")
fj = function(a) {
$, a);
this.j = {}
gj = function(a, b) {
var c = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), b),
d = a.j[c];
if (!d) {
d = a.j;
var e = xi("clipPath");
d[c] = d = e
return d
hj = function(a, b, c) {
$, a, b, c)
$.kj = function() {
for (var a = window.document.styleSheets, b = [], c = ij(a), d = 0; a = c[d]; d++) {
var e = jj(a);
if (e && e.length)
for (var g = 0, h = 0, k = e.length, l; h < k; h++) l = e[h], l.href || ( && (l.parentStyleSheet || (["-closure-parent-stylesheet"] = a),["-closure-rule-index"] = g), b.push(l)), g++
return b
jj = function(a) {
var b = null;
try {
b = a.cssRules || a.rules
} catch (c) {
if (15 == c.code) throw c.styleSheet = a, c;
return b
ij = function(a) {
var b = [];
a = a || window.document.styleSheets;
var c = $.n(void 0) ? void 0 : !1;
if (a.imports && a.imports.length)
for (var d = 0, e = a.imports.length; d < e; d++) $.Na(b, ij(a.imports[d]));
else if (a.length)
for (d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) $.Na(b, ij(a[d]));
else {
var g = jj(a);
if (g && g.length) {
d = 0;
e = g.length;
for (var h; d < e; d++) h = g[d], h.styleSheet && $.Na(b, ij(h.styleSheet))
}!(a.type || a.rules || a.cssRules) || a.disabled && !c || b.push(a);
return b
Zi = function(a) {
var b = a.fa();
if (b) {
var c = String($.oa(a));
lj[c] = a;
b.setAttribute("data-ac-wrapper-id", c)
mj = function(a) {
delete lj[String($.oa(a))];
(a = a.fa()) && a.removeAttribute("data-ac-wrapper-id")
$.Gi = function(a, b) {
for (var c, d = b.fa().parentNode; a && a != d;) {
c = a.getAttribute && a.getAttribute("data-ac-wrapper-id") || null;
if (null != c) break;
a = a.parentNode
return (c = lj[c || ""] || null) && c.fa() == a ? c : null
$.gg = function() {
if (!nj)
if ("vml" == $.oj) {
var a = $.ea.acgraph.vml;
if (a) nj = a.getRenderer();
else throw Error("VML module should be included to render AnyChart in IE8-");
} else nj = wi.Ic();
return nj
$.pj = function(a, b, c) {
if ("vml" == $.oj) {
var d = $.ea.acgraph.vml;
if (d) a = new d.Stage(a, b, c);
else throw Error("VML module should be included to render AnyChart in IE8-");
} else a = new hj(a, b, c);
return a
$.qj = function(a, b, c, d) {
return new yg(a, b, c, d)
$.rj = function(a, b, c) {
return new lg(a, b, c)
$.sj = function() {
return new $.Cg
$.tj = function(a, b, c, d) {
return new kg(a, b, c, d)
$.uj = function() {
return new $.wg
vj = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return new Sg(a, b, c, d, e)
$.wj = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ("vml" == $.oj) {
var e = $.ea.acgraph.vml;
if (e) a = new e.Text(a, b);
else throw Error("VML module should be included to render AnyChart in IE8-");
} else a = new $.Eh(a, b);
d &&;
c && a.text(c);
return a
$b = function(a, b, c, d) {
return new Hg(a, b, c, d)
$.Vb = function(a) {
return new $.Ub(a)
$.xj = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ("vml" == $.oj) {
var e = $.ea.acgraph.vml;
if (e) return new e.Clip(null, a, b, c, d);
throw Error("VML module should be included to render AnyChart in IE8-");
return new $.zg(null, a, b, c, d)
Bi = function() {
return $.n(yj) ? yj : $.ld && $.gd("9") && !$.gd("10") ? yj = "" : yj = zj || null === zj && $.De("base").length ? $.ea.location.origin + $.ea.location.pathname + $ : ""
$.Bj = function() {
return !$.Aj() && (Ic("iPod") || Ic("iPhone") || Ic("Android") || Ic("IEMobile"))
$.Aj = function() {
return Ic("iPad") || Ic("Android") && !Ic("Mobile") || Ic("Silk")
$.Cj = function(a, b, c) {
if (!a.pV) {
var d = {},
for (e in a) {
var g = a[e],
h = g.toLowerCase();
d[h] = g;
d[h.replace(/-/g, "")] = g
a.pV = d
return a.pV[String(b).toLowerCase()] || c
$.Dj = function(a) {
return $.Cj(Laa, a, "by-x")
$.Ej = function(a) {
return $.Cj(Maa, a, "none")
Hj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Naa, a, b || "default")
$.Ij = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Oaa, a, $.n(b) ? b : "left-top")
$.Jj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Paa, a, b)
$.Kj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Qaa, a, b || "center")
$.Lj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Raa, a, b || "vertical")
$.Mj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Saa, a, b || "top")
$.Nj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Taa, a, b || "none")
$.Pj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Oj, a, b || "star5")
Rj = function(a) {
return $.Cj(Oj, a, null) || $.Cj($.Qj, a, null)
$.Sj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Uaa, a, b || "circle")
$.Tj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Vaa, a, b || "auto")
$.Uj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Waa, a, b || "axis")
$.Vj = function(a, b, c) {
b = "auto-width" != String(a).toLowerCase() || c ? b : void 0;
a = "auto-width" != String(a).toLowerCase() || c ? a : b;
return $.Cj(Xaa, a, b || "allow-overlap")
$.Wj = function(a) {
return $.Cj(Yaa, a, "square")
$.Xj = function(a, b) {
return $.Cj(Zaa, a, b || "inside")
$.Zj = function(a) {
return $.Cj($aa, a, null) || $.Yj(a)
$.ak = function(a, b, c) {
a = String(a).toLowerCase();
switch (a) {
case "years":
case "year":
case "yyyy":
case "yy":
case "y":
return "year";
case "semesters":
case "semester":
case "sem":
return "semester";
case "quarters":
case "quarter":
case "q":
return "quarter";
case "months":
case "month":
case "mm":
case "m":
return "month";
case "thirdofmonths":
case "third-of-month":
case "thirdofmonth":
case "decades":
case "decade":
case "tom":
case "dec":
return "third-of-month";
case "weeks":
case "week":
case "w":
return "week";
case "days":
case "day":
case "dd":
case "d":
return "day";
case "hours":
case "hour":
case "hh":
case "h":
return c ? "day" : "hour";
case "minutes":
case "minute":
case "min":
case "n":
return c ? "day" : "minute";
case "seconds":
case "second":
case "secs":
case "sec":
case "s":
return c ? "day" : "second";
case "milliseconds":
case "millisecond":
case "millis":
case "milli":
case "ms":
return c ? "day" : "millisecond"
return $.n(b) ? b : "year"
bba = function(a) {
$.F(a) && (a = a.mode);
return $.Cj(aba, a, "csv")
$.bk = function(a) {
return $.Cj(cba, a, "start")
$.ck = function(a) {
return $.Cj(dba, a, "top")
$.dk = function(a) {
return $.Cj(eba, a, "none")
$.ek = function(a) {
return $.Cj(fba, a, "normal")
$.fk = function(a) {
return $.Cj(gba, a, "normal")
$.gk = function(a) {
return $.Cj(hba, a, "ltr")
$.hk = function(a) {
return $.Cj(iba, a, $.n(void 0) ? void 0 : "last-date")
$.jk = function(a, b, c) {
ik("error", "Error: " + a + "\nDescription: " + jba(a, c), b || "")
jba = function(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
return "Container is not set or can not be properly recognized. Use container() method to set it.";
case 2:
return "Scale is not set. Use scale() method to set it.";
case 3:
return "Table.contents() accepts only an Array of Arrays as it's first argument.";
case 4:
return 'Feature "' + b[0] + '" is not supported in this module. See modules list at for details.';
case 5:
return b[0] + " should be only " + b[1] + " type" + (b[2] ? " (" + b[2] + ")." :
case 7:
return "Empty config passed to anychart.fromJson() or anychart.fromXml() method.";
case 8:
return "Bullet, Sparkline and Circular Gauge charts do not support Legend. Please use anychart.standalones.Legend component for a group of charts instead.";
case 51:
return "Stock chart itself doesn't support legend - stock plots do. So use stock.plot().legend() instead.";
case 9:
return "Bullet and Sparkline charts do not support Credits.";
case 10:
return "Invalid GeoJSON object:";
case 100:
return "Double quotes in separator are not allowed.";
case 101:
return "CSV parsing failed.";
case 200:
return "Cannot create a computer on the table with the mapping of another table.";
case 201:
return 'Cannot create computed field "' + b[0] + '" - field name should be unique for the table';
case 202:
return 'Cannot create output field "' + b[0] + '" on the computer - field with this name already exists';
case 300:
var c = b[2],
d = [],
for (e in c) d.push(e + " (" + c[e] + ")");
return ['Series "', b[0], '" of type "', b[1], '" cannot be drawn, because it requires ', c.length, " shapes with the following names: ",
d.join(", ")
return "Unknown error occurred. Please, contact support team at\nWe will be very grateful for your report."
$.lk = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e;
d && !kk[e = kba(a, c)] && (kk[e] = !0, ik("warn", "Warning: " + a + "\nDescription: " + e, b || ""))
kba = function(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
return "Data item with ID='" + b[0] + "' already exists in the tree and will be used as the parent for all related data items.";
case 2:
return "Data item with ID='" + b[0] + "' is not unique. First met object will be used.";
case 3:
return "One of the data items was looking for the parent with ID='" + b[0] + "', but did not find it. Please check the data.\nPLEASE NOTE: this data item will be added as the root to avoid loss of information.";
case 4:
return "Data item {ID='" + b[0] + "', PARENT='" +
b[1] + "'} belongs to a cycle and will not be added to the tree.";
case 5:
return "Can not set value for the '" + b[0] + "' field to an array row if it is not mapped.";
case 6:
return "Setting complex value to the default '" + b[0] + "' field changes row behaviour.";
case 7:
return "Can not set value for the '" + b[0] + "' field to a row that is not an object or an array.";
case 8:
return "We can not serialize '" + b[0] + "' function, please reset it manually.";
case 9:
return "Data grid incorrect method '" + b[0] + "()' usage: You use not standalone data grid. Perform all operations on data grid using the controller, but not directly. In current case, use '" +
b[1] + "()' instead. " + b[2];
case 404:
return b[0] + " with id='" + b[1] + "' is not found in data tree. Please check what you are looking for.";
case 11:
return "Can not fit gantt chart timeline to task with id '" + b[0] + "' because both fields 'actualStart' and 'actualEnd' must be correctly specified in data item.";
case 12:
return 'Series type "' + b[0] + '" does not support error settings - only Area, Bar, Column, Line, Marker, Spline, SplineArea, StepLine and StepLineArea do.';
case 13:
return "Toolbar container is not specified. Please set a container using toolbar.container() method.";
case 14:
return "Target chart has not method " + b[0] + "(). PLease make sure that you use correct instance of chart.";
case 15:
return "No chart is assigned for toolbar. Please set a target chart using method.";
case 405:
return (b[3] || "Method") + " " + b[0] + " is deprecated. Use " + b[1] + " instead" + (b[2] ? b[2] + "." : ".");
case 407:
return (b[3] || "Method") + " " + b[0] + " is deprecated.";
case 19:
return "The projection that used cannot work correctly without Proj4. Please include Proj4 binary ( into your page, or use another projection";
case 17:
return "Incorrect arguments passed to treeDataItem.set() method. You try to set a value by path in complex structure, but path contains errors (It can be not string and not numeric values, or invalid path in existing structure, or incorrect number of path's elements etc). Please, see the documentation for treeDataItem.set() method and carefully check your data.";
case 101:
return "Table is already in transaction mode. Calling startTransaction() multiple times does nothing.";
case 201:
return "Wrong mapping passed to " +
b[0] + ' series - required "' + b[1] + "' field is missing.";
case 406:
return 'Could not parse date time value "' + b[0] + '".' + (b[1] ? "Symbols parsed: " + b[1] : "");
case 500:
return "Scale is immutable for this type of axis marker and scale will not be set.";
case 501:
return "Layout is immutable for this type of axis marker and layout will not be set.";
case 18:
return "There should be only one root in tree map data. First node has been taken as root.";
case 301:
return 'Feature with id "' + b[0] + '" not found';
case 20:
var c =
return "Current scale ticks settings resulted in too many ticks: trying to generate about " + b[0] / c + " ticks with interval " + c;
case 21:
return "Data item with ID='" + b[0] + "' already exists. You should use another key.";
case 22:
return "Area " + b[0] + " not represented on screen.";
return "Unknown error. Please, contact support team at\nWe will be very grateful for your report!"
ik = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.mk.console;
d && (a = d[a] || d.log, "object" != typeof a &&, b, c))
rk = function(a, b) {
this.g = a;
this.K = b;
this.ka = lba.test($.mk.location.hostname);
this.od = !(this.K || this.ka); = nk | ok | pk | qk
sk = function() {
return ("https:" == $.mk.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + ""
$.yk = function(a) {
var b = {};
a = String(a);
var c = $.tk(a);
if ($.uk.test(c)) return b.Wh = vk(c), b.type = "hex", b;
c = $.wk(a);
if (c.length) return b.Wh = $.Wb(c), b.type = "rgb", b;
if ($.xk && (c = $.xk[a.toLowerCase()])) return b.Wh = c, b.type = "named", b;
throw Error(a + " is not a valid color string");
vk = function(a) {
if (!$.uk.test(a)) throw Error("'" + a + "' is not a valid hex color");
4 == a.length && (a = a.replace(mba, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3"));
return a.toLowerCase()
$.Ak = function(a) {
a = vk(a);
return [(0, window.parseInt)(a.substr(1, 2), 16), (0, window.parseInt)(a.substr(3, 2), 16), (0, window.parseInt)(a.substr(5, 2), 16)]
$.Wb = function(a) {
var b = a[0],
c = a[1];
a = a[2];
b = Number(b);
c = Number(c);
a = Number(a);
if (b != (b & 255) || c != (c & 255) || a != (a & 255)) throw Error('"(' + b + "," + c + "," + a + '") is not a valid RGB color');
b = Bk(b.toString(16));
c = Bk(c.toString(16));
a = Bk(a.toString(16));
return "#" + b + c + a
Ck = function(a, b, c) {
0 > c ? c += 1 : 1 < c && --c;
return 1 > 6 * c ? a + 6 * (b - a) * c : 1 > 2 * c ? b : 2 > 3 * c ? a + (b - a) * (2 / 3 - c) * 6 : a
$.wk = function(a) {
var b = a.match(nba);
if (b) {
a = Number(b[1]);
var c = Number(b[2]);
b = Number(b[3]);
if (0 <= a && 255 >= a && 0 <= c && 255 >= c && 0 <= b && 255 >= b) return [a, c, b]
return []
Bk = function(a) {
return 1 == a.length ? "0" + a : a
$.tk = function(a) {
return "#" == a.charAt(0) ? a : "#" + a
$.Hk = function(a, b, c) {
c = $.hb(c, 0, 1);
return [Math.round(c * a[0] + (1 - c) * b[0]), Math.round(c * a[1] + (1 - c) * b[1]), Math.round(c * a[2] + (1 - c) * b[2])]
$.Ik = function(a, b) {
return $.Hk([0, 0, 0], a, b)
$.Kk = function(a, b, c) {
a = Jk(a);
b = Jk(b);
var d = (a.opacity + b.opacity) / 2;
return {
color: $.Wb($.Hk(a.L0, b.L0, $.n(c) ? c : .5)),
opacity: d
Jk = function(a) {
var b = a,
c = 1;
$.C(a) || ($.y(a) ? b = a : (b = a.color || "#000", c = $.n(a.opacity) ? a.opacity : 1), a = $.Lk(b).Wh, b = $.Ak(a));
return {
L0: b,
opacity: c
Mk = function(a, b, c, d) {
b = null == b || (0, window.isNaN)(+b) ? 7 : +b;
d = null != d ? $.hb(d, 0, 1) : window.NaN;
a = $.Lk(a || "#000").Wh;
var e = $.Ak(a);
a = e[0] / 255;
var g = e[1] / 255;
e = e[2] / 255;
var h = Math.max(a, g, e),
k = Math.min(a, g, e),
l = 0,
m = 0,
p = .5 * (h + k);
h != k && (h == a ? l = 60 * (g - e) / (h - k) : h == g ? l = 60 * (e - a) / (h - k) + 120 : h == e && (l = 60 * (a - g) / (h - k) + 240), m = 0 < p && .5 >= p ? (h - k) / (2 * p) : (h - k) / (2 - 2 * p));
e = [Math.round(l + 360) % 360, m, p];
a = e[0];
g = e[1];
e = e[2];
(0, window.isNaN)(d) ? (d = e, c = null != c ? $.hb(c, 0, 1) : .95) : c = null != c ? $.hb(c, 0, 1) : e;
e = 1 < b ? Math.abs(d - c) / (b - 1) : 0;
h = [];
d = c < d ? 1 : -1;
for (k = 0; k < b; k++) {
m = c + d * e * k;
var q = a / 360;
if (0 == g) p = m = l = 255 * m;
else {
l = .5 > m ? m * (1 + g) : m + g - g * m;
var r = 2 * m - l;
p = 255 * Ck(r, l, q + 1 / 3);
m = 255 * Ck(r, l, q);
l = 255 * Ck(r, l, q - 1 / 3)
h.push($.Wb([Math.round(p), Math.round(m), Math.round(l)]))
return h
$.Nk = function(a, b, c) {
c = $.n(c) ? c : 7;
a = $.Lk(a || "yellow").Wh;
b = $.Lk(b || "brown").Wh;
for (var d = [a], e = 1 / c, g = 1; g < c - 1; g++) {
var h = $.Kk(b, a, e * g);
return d
Ok = function(a) {
if ($.F(a))
if (a.color) a = a.color;
else return null;
if ($.y(a)) try {
return $.yk(a).Wh
} catch (b) {}
return null
$.Pk = function(a, b) {
if ($.F(a) && $.n(a.keys)) {
for (var c = $.Vc(a), d = c.keys, e = [], g = 0, h = d.length; g < h; g++) {
var k = $.Vc(d[g]);
k.color = $.Pk(k.color);
c.keys = e;
return c
if (null === (c = Ok(a))) return a;
c = $.Ak(c);
null != b || (b = .3);
return $.Wb($.Hk([255, 255, 255], c, +b))
$.Qk = function(a, b) {
if ($.F(a) && $.n(a.keys)) {
for (var c = $.Vc(a), d = c.keys, e = [], g = 0, h = d.length; g < h; g++) {
var k = $.Vc(d[g]);
k.color = $.Qk(k.color);
c.keys = e;
return c
if (null === (c = Ok(a))) return a;
c = $.Ak(c);
null != b || (b = .3);
return $.Wb($.Ik(c, +b))
$.Rk = function(a) {
var b;
$.L(a, Hg) ? b = {
type: a.type,
color: $.Rk(a.color),
size: a.size
} : $.L(a, $.Ub) ? b = a.J() : $.F(a) ? b = $.Sk(a) : b = $.da(a) ? a : String(a || "none");
return b
$.Tk = function(a) {
return $.F(a) ? a.J ? JSON.stringify(a.J()) : JSON.stringify(a) : (typeof a).charAt(0) + a
$.Lk = function(a) {
var b = {};
a = String(a);
var c = $.tk(a);
if (oba.test(c)) return b.Wh = vk(c), b.type = "hex", b;
a: {
var d = a.match(pba);
if (d) {
c = Number(d[1]);
var e = Number(d[2]);
d = Number(d[3]);
if (0 <= c && 255 >= c && 0 <= e && 255 >= e && 0 <= d && 255 >= d) {
c = [c, e, d];
break a
c = []
return c.length ? (b.Wh = $.Wb(c), b.type = "rgb", b) : $.xk && (a = $.xk[a.toLowerCase()]) ? (b.Wh = a, b.type = "named", b) : null
$.Uk = function(a, b, c) {
var d;
c ? d = $.Xb(a) : d = $.Zb(a);
$.y(d) ? d = {
color: d,
opacity: b
} : $.F(d) && (d.opacity = b);
return d
$.Vk = function(a, b, c) {
a = $.Zb(a);
$.y(a) ? a = {
color: a,
thickness: b
} : $.F(a) && (a.thickness = b);
c && (a.opacity = c);
return a
$.bl = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (!a) return $.Wk;
if ($.y(a)) {
var e = b + "|" + a + "|" + c + (d ? "|" + d : "");
var g = Xk[e];
if (!g) {
switch (b) {
case 2:
g = $.Yk;
case 3:
g = $.Zk;
case 1:
g = $.$k
Xk[e] = g = $.sa(qba, a, g, 3 == b, c, !!d)
} else(g = Xk.transparent) || (g = Xk.transparent = function() {
return $.al
return g
$.Wk = function() {
return "none"
qba = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l) {
h = $.cl(h);
if (d && h != $.dl) {
var m = g.Gc(a, h, g.da(), b, e, void 0, k);
c && !0 === m && (m = b(g.xg()));
if ($.n(m)) {
if (!$.G(m)) return m;
if (c) return c = g.Sh(k), b(, c))
a = g.Gc(a, 0, g.da(), b, e, void 0, k);
c && !0 === a && (a = b(g.xg()));
$.G(a) && (c = c ? g.Sh(k) : 0, k, l), a = b(, c)));
m && (c =, k, l), a = b(, c)));
return a
$.el = function(a, b) {
a && (b = b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.substr(1));
return a ? (a ? 1 == a ? "hover" : "select" : "") + b : b
gl = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b.split(".");
b = fl[d[0]];
if (!b) return fl[d[0]] = {
yC: [],
SA: c,
yG: 0
}, !0;
if (d = b.SA <= c) {
b.SA = c + 1;
for (var e = b.yC, g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
var h = e[g];
gl(a, h.Cb, c);
var k = h.Bb;
h = h.Cb.split(".");
for (var l = 0; l < k.length; l++) {
var m = k[l].split(".");
hl(a, m, il($.jl(a, m), $.jl(a, h)))
return d || b.yG < c
$.jl = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a, d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
if ($.F(c)) c = c[b[d]];
else return;
return c
$.nl = function(a, b, c) {
c = $.kl(c);
b = $.jl(c, ["scales", b]);
a = ll(a);
if (b) {
c = a.type;
var d = b.type;
$.n(c) && $.n(d) && "ordinal" == d ^ "ordinal" == c || (a = il(a, b))
c = a.type || "linear";
var e;
"ordinal-color" == c ? $.kl("defaultOrdinalColorScale") : "linear-color" == c ? $.kl("defaultLinearColorScale") : e = $.jl($.kl("defaultScaleSettings"), [$.ml(c)]);
return il(a, e)
ll = function(a) {
if ("object" == $.ja(a)) {
var b = {},
for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] = ll(a[c]));
return b
return a
hl = function(a, b, c) {
if ($.n(c)) {
a = $.F(a) ? a : {};
for (var d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d++) {
var e = b[d];
$.F(a[e]) || (a[e] = {});
a = a[e]
a[b[b.length - 1]] = c
ol = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a = $.F(a) ? a : {}, d = [c], e = b.length - 1, g = 0; g < e; g++) {
var h = b[g];
if (!$.F(c[h])) return a;
c = c[h];
for (g = e + 1; g--;) {
c = d.pop();
delete c[b[g]];
e = !1;
for (var k in c) {
e = !0;
if (e) break
return a
il = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(a)) {
if ("object" == $.ja(a)) {
if ("object" == $.ja(b))
for (var c in b) c in a && c in pl || (a[c] = il(a[c], b[c]))
} else if (($.da(a) || null === a) && "object" == $.ja(b)) return il({
enabled: !!a
}, b);
return a
return $.Sk(b)
$.vl = function(a, b) {
var c = a = ql(a, b),
d, e;
for (e in rl) {
var g = e.split("."),
h = $.jl(c, g);
if ($.C(h)) {
var k = h.length;
var l = $.jl(b, g),
m = $.jl(b, rl[e].split(".")),
p = !0,
q = $.C(l) ? l.length : 0;
if (q == k)
for (d = 0; d < k; d++) {
var r = $.Sk(l[d]);
r = il(r, m);
if (!sl(h[d], r)) {
p = !1;
} else p = !1;
if (p) c = ol(c, g);
for (d = 0; d < k; d++) d < q ? (r = $.Sk(l[d]), r = il(r, m)) : r = m, h[d] = ql(h[d], r) || {}
for (e = 0; e < tl.length; e++)
if (g = tl[e].split("."), h = $.jl(c, g), $.C(h)) {
l = $.jl(b, g);
k = l.length;
for (d = 0; d < k; d++) m = l[d].type, m = $.jl($.kl("defaultScaleSettings"), [m]), l[d] = il(l[d], m);
k = h.length;
m = !0;
if ($.C(l) && l.length == k)
for (d = 0; d < k; d++) {
if (!sl(h[d], l[d])) {
m = !1;
} else m = !1;
if (m) c = ol(c, g);
for (d = 0; d < k; d++) h[d] = ql(h[d], l[d]) || {}
a: {
if (c) {
d = c.chart || c.gauge || c.gantt ||;
if (!d) {
a = c;
break a
k = $.ja(d.credits);
e = $.ja($.kl("stageCredits"));
"object" == k && "object" == e && (k = $.kl("stageCredits"), k = ql(d.credits, k), $.n(k) && (d.credits = k))
a = c
c = a;
for (var t in ul)
if (d = ul[t], k = t.split("."), g = $.jl(c, k), h = $.jl(b, d.AJ.split(".")), $.C(g) && $.n(h))
for (e = g.length, k = 0; k <
e; k++) l = $.jl(g, [k, d.uN]), $.n(l) && (g[k] = ql(g[k], $.jl(h, [l])) || {});
return c
ql = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.ja(a),
e = $.ja(b),
if ("object" == d && "object" == e) {
d = !0;
for (var h in a)
if (h in b) {
e = b[h];
if (h in pl) {
var k = pl[h];
switch (k) {
case wl:
e = $.G(e) ? void 0 : $.Xb(e);
case xl:
e = $.G(e) ? void 0 : $.Rk($.ac(e));
case yl:
e = $.G(e) ? void 0 : $.Zb(e);
case zl:
e = $.Dl(e)
} else k = El;
k != El ? g = sl(a[h], e, k) ? void 0 : a[h] : g = ql(a[h], e, k || c);
$.n(g) ? (a[h] = g, d = !1) : "xScale" == h || "yScale" == h || "colorScale" == h ? d = !1 : "enabled" != h && delete a[h]
} else $.n(a[h]) && (d = !1);
if (d) return
} else {
if ($.n(c) && "array" == d &&
"array" == e) return sl(a, b, c) ? void 0 : a;
if (a == b) return
return a
sl = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.ja(a),
e = $.ja(b);
if (d == e) {
if ("object" == d)
for (var g in a) {
d = b[g];
if (g in pl) switch (pl[g]) {
case wl:
d = $.G(d) ? void 0 : $.Xb(d);
case xl:
d = $.G(d) ? void 0 : $.Rk($.ac(d));
case yl:
d = $.G(d) ? void 0 : $.Zb(d)
if (!sl(a[g], d, c)) return !1
} else if ("array" == d) {
g = a.length;
if (g != b.length) return !1;
for (e = 0; e < g; e++) {
d = b[e];
switch (c) {
case Fl:
d = $.Xb(d);
case Gl:
d = $.Rk($.ac(d))
if (!sl(a[e], d)) return !1
} else return a === b;
return !0
return !1
fb = function(a) {
if ($.y(a)) var b = [a];
else {
b = [];
var c = a[0];
a = a[1];
c = $.y(c) ? [c] : gb(c);
a = $.y(a) ? [a] : gb(a);
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) b.push(c[d] + a[e])
return b
Hl = function() {};
$.Il = function() {
this.YG = this.Mz.length - 1;
this.iE = this.oy.length - 1;
this.iM = (0, $.ra)(this.iM, this)
Jl = function(a) {
for (var b = a.length, c = Array(b), d = c[0] = -1, e = 1; e < b; e++) {
var g = a.charAt(e);
if ('"' == g) throw $.jk(100), Error("Double quotes in separator are not allowed");
for (; 0 < d && a.charAt(d + 1) != g;) d = c[d];
a.charAt(d + 1) == g && d++;
c[e] = d
return c
Kl = function(a, b) {
for (; - 1 < a.Un && a.oy.charAt(a.Un + 1) != b;) a.Un = a.g[a.Un];
a.oy.charAt(a.Un + 1) == b && a.Un++;
return a.Un == a.iE
Ll = function(a, b) {
for (; - 1 < a.Vn && a.Mz.charAt(a.Vn + 1) != b;) a.Vn = a.j[a.Vn];
a.Mz.charAt(a.Vn + 1) == b && a.Vn++;
return a.Vn == a.YG
Nl = function(a) {
if (a.bK) return !1;
var b = 0,
c = - 1;
a.Vn = -1;
a.Un = -1;
for (var d = 0, e = "", g = 0; ++c < a.ty;) {
var h = a.gc.charAt(c);
switch (d) {
case 0:
if ('"' == h) {
++c < a.ty ? h = a.gc.charAt(c) : c--; = c;
'"' == h ? d = 1 : (d = 2, c--);
if (Kl(a, h)) {
a.b(b++, null);
e = "";
a.Un = -1;
a.Vn = -1; = c + 1;
if (Ll(a, h)) {
a.Un = -1;
a.Vn = -1; = c + 1;
if (0 < b) return a.b(b, null), !0;
e = "";
if (!a.Ru || " " != h && "\t" != h) = c, d = 1;
case 1:
if (Kl(a, h)) {
h = c - - a.iE;
0 < a.iE && a.Ru ? (e = Ml(a.gc.substr(, h))) || (e = null) : (a.Ru && (h -= g), e = 0 < h ? a.gc.substr(,
h) : null);
a.b(b++, e);
e = "";
a.Un = -1;
a.Vn = -1; = c + 1;
d = g = 0;
if (Ll(a, h))
if (h = c - - a.YG, !b && 0 >= h) {
e = "";
d = 0;
a.Un = -1;
a.Vn = -1; = c + 1;
g = 0;
} else return 0 < a.YG && a.Ru ? (e = Ml(a.gc.substr(, h))) || (e = null) : (a.Ru && (h -= g), e = 0 < h ? a.gc.substr(, h) : null), a.b(b, e), = c + 1, !0;
!a.Ru || " " != h && "\t" != h ? g = 0 : g++;
case 2:
if ('"' == h) {
if (++c < a.ty) h = a.gc.charAt(c);
else return h = c - - 1, a.b(b, 0 < h ? a.gc.substr(, h) : null), = c, a.bK = !0;
'"' == h ? (e += a.gc.substr(, c -, = c + 1) : (a.Un = -1, a.Vn = -1, d = 3, e +=
a.gc.substr(, c - - 1), a.b(b++, e ? e : null), e = "", c--)
case 3:
if (Kl(a, h)) e = "", a.Un = -1, a.Vn = -1, = c + 1, d = g = 0;
else if (Ll(a, h)) return = c + 1, !0
h = a.ty -;
2 != d && 1 != d || !h || (e += a.gc.substr(, h), a.Ru && (e = Ml(a.gc.substr(, h))), a.b(b++, e ? e : null), = a.ty);
a.bK = !0;
return 0 < b
$.Ol = function(a) {
return $.L(a, $.pb) ? a : $.C(a) ? new $.pb(a[0], a[1]) : $.F(a) ? new $.pb(a.x, a.y) : new $.pb(0, 0)
$.Pl = function(a, b) {
var c = Math.pow(10, Math.min(b || 0, 14 - Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(a)) * Math.LOG10E)));
return Math.round(a * c) / c || 0
$.Ql = function(a, b) {
return $.Pl(a, b ? b : 13 - Math.max(Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(a)) * Math.LOG10E), 7))
$.Rl = function(a) {
if (!(0, window.isFinite)(a)) return 0;
for (var b = 1, c = 0; Math.round(a * b) / b !== a;) b *= 10, c++;
return c
$.Sl = function(a, b, c) {
return Math.abs(a - b) < (c || .01)
$.Tl = function(a, b) {
var c = Math.log(Math.max(1E-7, a));
return b ? c / Math.log(b) : c
Ul = function(a, b) {
return $.Pl(Math.pow(a, b), 7)
Vl = function(a) {
a = $.Ma(a);
var b = Math.floor(a.length / 2);
return a.length % 2 ? a[b] : (a[b - 1] + a[b]) / 2
Wl = function(a) {
for (var b = {}, c = a[0], d = 1, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var g = a[e];
$.n(b[g]) ? b[g]++ : b[g] = 1;
b[g] > d && (c = g, d = b[g])
return c
$.Yl = function(a, b) {
var c = !1,
if (!a || !b) return !1;
var e = 0;
for (d = a.length; e < d - 1; e += 2) {
var g = e == d - 2 ? 0 : e + 2;
var h = e == d - 2 ? 1 : e + 3;
c = c || Xl(a[e], a[e + 1], a[g], a[h], b)
e = 0;
for (d = b.length; e < d - 1; e += 2) g = e == d - 2 ? 0 : e + 2, h = e == d - 2 ? 1 : e + 3, c = c || Xl(b[e], b[e + 1], b[g], b[h], a);
return !c
Xl = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
for (var g = !0, h = 0, k = e.length; h < k - 1; h += 2) g = g && 0 >= $.Zl(a, b, c, d, e[h], e[h + 1]);
return g
$.Zl = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
return (a = (b - d) * e + (c - a) * g + (a * d - c * b)) ? 0 < a ? 1 : -1 : 0
$.$l = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = c - a;
b = d - b;
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
$.am = function(a, b, c) {
return (c || 0) + b * $.Pl(Math.cos(a), 8)
$.bm = function(a, b, c) {
return (c || 0) + b * $.Pl(Math.sin(a), 8)
$.cm = function(a) {
return [a.left,, a.left + a.width,, a.left + a.width, + a.height, a.left, + a.height]
$.dm = function(a) {
for (var b = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0), c = new $.K(a[0], a[1], 0, 0), d = 2, e = a.length; d < e; d += 2) b.left = a[d], = a[d + 1], $.xb(c, b);
return c
$.em = function(a) {
return new $.K(+a.left || 0, || 0, +a.width || 0, +a.height || 0)
$.fm = function(a, b, c, d) {
return new $.K(a, b, c, d)
gm = function(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 1:
return 0 != a % 4 || 0 == a % 100 && 0 != a % 400 ? 28 : 29;
case 5:
case 8:
case 10:
case 3:
return 30
return 31
$.nm = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
$.y(a) ? (this.ik = a == hm ? b : 0, = a == im ? b : 0, this.Ah = a == jm ? b : 0, = a == km ? b : 0, this.Ji = a == lm ? b : 0, this.Ig = a == mm ? b : 0) : (this.ik = a || 0, = b || 0, this.Ah = c || 0, = d || 0, this.Ji = e || 0, this.Ig = g || 0)
om = function(a) {
a = a.match(rba);
if (!a) return null;
var b = !(a[6] || a[7] || a[8]);
if (b && !(a[2] || a[3] || a[4]) || b && a[5]) return null;
b = (0, window.parseInt)(a[2], 10) || 0;
var c = (0, window.parseInt)(a[3], 10) || 0,
d = (0, window.parseInt)(a[4], 10) || 0,
e = (0, window.parseInt)(a[6], 10) || 0,
g = (0, window.parseInt)(a[7], 10) || 0,
h = (0, window.parseFloat)(a[8]) || 0;
return a[1] ? new $.nm(-b, -c, -d, -e, -g, -h) : new $.nm(b, c, d, e, g, h)
pm = function(a, b) {
var c = Math.min(a.ik,, a.Ah,, a.Ji, a.Ig),
d = Math.max(a.ik,, a.Ah,, a.Ji, a.Ig);
if (0 > c && 0 < d) return null;
if (!b && 0 == c && 0 == d) return "PT0S";
d = [];
0 > c && d.push("-");
(a.ik || b) && d.push(Math.abs(a.ik) + "Y");
( || b) && d.push(Math.abs( + "M");
(a.Ah || b) && d.push(Math.abs(a.Ah) + "D");
if ( || a.Ji || a.Ig || b) d.push("T"), ( || b) && d.push(Math.abs( + "H"), (a.Ji || b) && d.push(Math.abs(a.Ji) + "M"), (a.Ig || b) && d.push(Math.abs(a.Ig) + "S");
return d.join("")
$.tm = function(a, b, c) {
$.B(a) ? (this.b = qm(a, b || 0, c || 1), rm(this, c || 1)) : $.F(a) ? (this.b = qm(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()), rm(this, a.getDate())) : (this.b = new Date((0, $.sm)()), a = this.b.getDate(), this.b.setHours(0), this.b.setMinutes(0), this.b.setSeconds(0), this.b.setMilliseconds(0), rm(this, a))
qm = function(a, b, c) {
b = new Date(a, b, c);
0 <= a && 100 > a && b.setFullYear(b.getFullYear() - 1900);
return b
rm = function(a, b) {
if (a.getDate() != b) {
var c = a.getDate() < b ? 1 : -1;
a.b.setUTCHours(a.b.getUTCHours() + c)
$.um = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
this.b = $.B(a) ? new Date(a, b || 0, c || 1, d || 0, e || 0, g || 0, h || 0) : new Date(a && a.getTime ? a.getTime() : (0, $.sm)())
$.vm = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
a = $.B(a) ? Date.UTC(a, b || 0, c || 1, d || 0, e || 0, g || 0, h || 0) : a ? a.getTime() : (0, $.sm)();
this.b = new Date(a)
sba = function() {
if (!$.ld) return !1;
try {
return new window.ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"), !0
} catch (a) {
return !1
wm = function() {
var a = new window.ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
a.resolveExternals = !1;
a.validateOnParse = !1;
try {
a.setProperty("ProhibitDTD", !0), a.setProperty("MaxXMLSize", 2048), a.setProperty("MaxElementDepth", 256)
} catch (b) {}
return a
xm = function() {};
zm = function(a) {
if ("number" == typeof a) {
var b = new xm;
b.g = a;
var c = a;
if (0 == c) c = "Etc/GMT";
else {
var d = ["Etc/GMT", 0 > c ? "-" : "+"];
c = Math.abs(c);
d.push(Math.floor(c / 60) % 100);
c %= 60;
0 != c && d.push(":", $.Bc(c, 2));
c = d.join("")
b.D = c;
c = a;
0 == c ? c = "UTC" : (d = ["UTC", 0 > c ? "+" : "-"], c = Math.abs(c), d.push(Math.floor(c / 60) % 100), c %= 60, 0 != c && d.push(":", c), c = d.join(""));
a = ym(a);
b.G = [c, c];
b.b = {
dla: a,
kV: a
b.j = [];
return b
b = new xm;
b.D =;
b.g = -a.std_offset;
b.G = a.names;
b.b = a.names_ext;
b.j = a.transitions;
return b
ym = function(a) {
var b = ["GMT"];
b.push(0 >= a ? "+" : "-");
a = Math.abs(a);
b.push($.Bc(Math.floor(a / 60) % 100, 2), ":", $.Bc(a % 60, 2));
return b.join("")
Am = function(a, b) {
for (var c = Date.UTC(b.getUTCFullYear(), b.getUTCMonth(), b.getUTCDate(), b.getUTCHours(), b.getUTCMinutes()) / 36E5, d = 0; d < a.j.length && c >= a.j[d];) d += 2;
return 0 == d ? 0 : a.j[d - 1]
$.Em = function(a, b) {
this.g = [];
this.b = b || Bm;
"number" == typeof a ? Cm(this, a) : Dm(this, a)
Fm = function(a) {
return a.getHours ? a.getHours() : 0
Dm = function(a, b) {
for (tba && (b = b.replace(/\u200f/g, "")); b;) {
for (var c = b, d = 0; d < Gm.length; ++d) {
var e = b.match(Gm[d]);
if (e) {
var g = e[0];
b = b.substring(g.length);
0 == d && ("''" == g ? g = "'" : (g = g.substring(1, "'" == e[1] ? g.length - 1 : g.length), g = g.replace(/''/g, "'")));
text: g,
type: d
if (c === b) throw Error("Malformed pattern part: " + b);
Cm = function(a, b) {
if (4 > b) var c = a.b.iD[b];
else if (8 > b) c = a.b.jD[b - 4];
else if (12 > b) c = a.b.PN[b - 8], c = c.replace("{1}", a.b.iD[b - 8]), c = c.replace("{0}", a.b.jD[b - 8]);
else {
Cm(a, 10);
Dm(a, c)
Hm = function(a, b) {
var c = String(b);
var d = a.b || Bm;
if (void 0 !== d.iO) {
for (var e = [], g = 0; g < c.length; g++) {
var h = c.charCodeAt(g);
e.push(48 <= h && 57 >= h ? String.fromCharCode(d.iO + h - 48) : c.charAt(g))
c = e.join("")
return c
Im = function(a) {
if (!(a.getHours && a.getSeconds && a.getMinutes)) throw Error("The date to format has no time (probably a Use Date or, or use a pattern without time fields.");
uba = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = b.length;
switch (b.charAt(0)) {
case "G":
return c = 0 < d.getFullYear() ? 1 : 0, 4 <= h ? a.b.SU[c] : a.b.QN[c];
case "y":
return c = d.getFullYear(), 0 > c && (c = -c), 2 == h && (c %= 100), Hm(a, $.Bc(c, h));
case "M":
a: switch (c = d.getMonth(), h) {
case 5:
h = a.b.WU[c];
break a;
case 4:
h = a.b.WN[c];
break a;
case 3:
h = a.b.$N[c];
break a;
h = Hm(a, $.Bc(c + 1, h))
return h;
case "k":
return Im(e), c = Fm(e) || 24, Hm(a, $.Bc(c, h));
case "S":
return Hm(a, (e.getTime() % 1E3 / 1E3).toFixed(Math.min(3, h)).substr(2) + (3 < h ? $.Bc(0, h - 3) : ""));
case "E":
return c = d.getDay(), 4 <= h ? a.b.hO[c] : a.b.bO[c];
case "a":
return Im(e), h = Fm(e), a.b.KN[12 <= h && 24 > h ? 1 : 0];
case "h":
return Im(e), c = Fm(e) % 12 || 12, Hm(a, $.Bc(c, h));
case "K":
return Im(e), c = Fm(e) % 12, Hm(a, $.Bc(c, h));
case "H":
return Im(e), c = Fm(e), Hm(a, $.Bc(c, h));
case "c":
a: switch (c = d.getDay(), h) {
case 5:
h = a.b.hV[c];
break a;
case 4:
h = a.b.jV[c];
break a;
case 3:
h = a.b.iV[c];
break a;
h = Hm(a, $.Bc(c, 1))
return h;
case "L":
a: switch (c = d.getMonth(), h) {
case 5:
h = a.b.gV[c];
break a;
case 4:
h = a.b.dO[c];
break a;
case 3:
h =
break a;
h = Hm(a, $.Bc(c + 1, h))
return h;
case "Q":
return c = Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 3), 4 > h ? a.b.aO[c] : a.b.XN[c];
case "d":
return Hm(a, $.Bc(d.getDate(), h));
case "m":
return Im(e), Hm(a, $.Bc(e.getMinutes(), h));
case "s":
return Im(e), Hm(a, $.Bc(e.getSeconds(), h));
case "v":
return h = g || zm(c.getTimezoneOffset()), h.D;
case "V":
return a = g || zm(c.getTimezoneOffset()), 2 >= h ? a.D : 0 < Am(a, c) ? $.n(a.b.m3) ? a.b.m3 : a.b.DST_GENERIC_LOCATION : $.n(a.b.kV) ? a.b.kV : a.b.STD_GENERIC_LOCATION;
case "w":
return c = e.getFullYear(),
b = e.getMonth(), d = e.getDate(), e = a.b.SN, c = new Date(c, b, d), e = $.n(e) ? e : 3, b = a.b.RN || 0, d = ((c.getDay() + 6) % 7 - b + 7) % 7, c = c.valueOf() + 864E5 * ((e - b + 7) % 7 - d), e = (new Date((new Date(c)).getFullYear(), 0, 1)).valueOf(), Hm(a, $.Bc(Math.floor(Math.round((c - e) / 864E5) / 7) + 1, h));
case "z":
return a = g || zm(c.getTimezoneOffset()), 4 > h ? a.G[0 < Am(a, c) ? 2 : 0] : a.G[0 < Am(a, c) ? 3 : 1];
case "Z":
return e = g || zm(c.getTimezoneOffset()), 4 > h ? (h = -(e.g - Am(e, c)), a = [0 > h ? "-" : "+"], h = Math.abs(h), a.push($.Bc(Math.floor(h / 60) % 100, 2), $.Bc(h % 60, 2)), h = a.join("")) :
h = Hm(a, ym(e.g - Am(e, c))), h;
return ""
vba = function(a) {
return /^\s*$/.test(a) ? !1 : /^[\],:{}\s\u2028\u2029]*$/.test(a.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/(?:"[^"\\\n\r\u2028\u2029\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)[\s\u2028\u2029]*(?=:|,|]|}|$)/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:[\s\u2028\u2029]*\[)+/g, ""))
wba = function(a) {
a = String(a);
if (vba(a)) try {
return eval("(" + a + ")")
} catch (b) {}
throw Error("Invalid JSON string: " + a);
Km = function(a) {
return (new $.Jm(void 0)).J(a)
$.Jm = function(a) {
this.b = a
Lm = function(a, b, c) {
if (null == b) c.push("null");
else {
if ("object" == typeof b) {
if ($.C(b)) {
var d = b;
b = d.length;
for (var e = "", g = 0; g < b; g++) c.push(e), e = d[g], Lm(a, a.b ?, String(g), e) : e, c), e = ",";
if (b instanceof String || b instanceof Number || b instanceof Boolean) b = b.valueOf();
else {
g = "";
for (d in b), d) && (e = b[d], "function" != typeof e && (c.push(g), Mm(d, c), c.push(":"), Lm(a, a.b ?, d, e) : e, c), g = ","));
switch (typeof b) {
case "string":
case "number":
c.push((0, window.isFinite)(b) && !(0, window.isNaN)(b) ? String(b) : "null");
case "boolean":
case "function":
throw Error("Unknown type: " + typeof b);
Mm = function(a, b) {
b.push('"', a.replace(xba, function(a) {
var b = Nm[a];
b || (b = "\\u" + (a.charCodeAt(0) | 65536).toString(16).substr(1), Nm[a] = b);
return b
}), '"')
$.Pm = function(a) {
if ($.ea.JSON) try {
return $.ea.JSON.stringify(a)
} catch (b) {}
return Km(a)
$.Qm = function(a) {
if ($.ea.JSON) try {
return $.ea.JSON.parse(a)
} catch (b) {}
return wba(a)
$.Vm = function(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d += 2) {
var e = a[d],
g = void 0,
h = a[d + 1];
if (h == yba) g = e;
else if (e) {
switch (h) {
case $.Rm:
e = e.ja;
case $.Sm:
e = e.Ra;
case $.Tm:
e = e.Xd
b ? h == zba ? g = e.get(b) : (g = e[b], h == Um && (g = g ? : void 0)) : g = e
return c
Wm = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (c)
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var g = c[e];
if (g in a) {
b = g;
return 3 < arguments.length ? (e = a[b], a[b] = d, e) : a[b]
en = function(a, b) {
if ("number" == typeof a && "number" == typeof b) return $.cn(a, b);
a = $.dn(a);
b = $.dn(b);
return a > b ? 1 : a == b ? 0 : -1
Aba = function(a, b) {
return -en(a, b)
$.cn = function(a, b) {
return (0, window.isNaN)(a) ? (0, window.isNaN)(b) ? 0 : 1 : (0, window.isNaN)(b) ? -1 : a - b
$.fn = function(a) {
for (var b; $.L(a, $.cg);) {
b = a.tag;
if ($.n(b)) return b;
a = a.parent()
$.gn = function(a, b) {
if (!a) return !1;
for (; $.L(b, $.of) && b != a;) b = b.Th();
return b == a
$.dn = function(a) {
return $.F(a) ? "o" + $.oa(a) : (typeof a).charAt(0) + a
$.P = function(a, b, c) {
a = $.B(a) ? a : !(0, window.isNaN)(b) && $.hn(a) ? b * (0, window.parseFloat)(a) / 100 : (0, window.parseFloat)(a);
return c && !(0, window.isNaN)(b) ? b - a : a
$.hn = function(a) {
return $.y(a) && $.gc(a, "%") && !(0, window.isNaN)((0, window.parseFloat)(a))
$.jn = function(a, b) {
if (null === a) return null;
a = $.n(a) ? a : 0;
b = $.n(b) ? b : 0;
var c = $.hn(a),
d = (0, window.parseFloat)(a);
return (0, window.isNaN)(d) ? b : c ? a : d
$.kn = function(a, b) {
if ($.hn(a)) return a;
$.B(a) || (a = (0, window.parseFloat)(a));
return (0, window.isNaN)(a) ? b ? window.NaN : "0%" : a + "%"
$.Q = function(a) {
return null == a || $.da(a) ? window.NaN : +a
$.ln = function(a) {
return $.y(a) ? a : $.Q(a)
mn = function(a) {
return $.B(a) && !(0, window.isNaN)(a) || $.y(a) && "" != (0, $.Cc)(a) ? a : null
$.nn = function(a) {
return (0, window.isNaN)($.Q(a))
$.on = function(a, b, c) {
$.B(a) || (a = (0, window.parseFloat)(a));
a = Math.round(a);
return !(0, window.isNaN)(a) && (0 < a || c && !a) ? a : $.n(b) ? b : c ? 0 : 1
$.Yj = function(a) {
if ($.B(a)) var b = a;
else $.y(a) ? (b = +new Date(a), (0, window.isNaN)(b) && (b = +a)) : b = null != a ? Number(a) : window.NaN;
return b
$.pn = function(a, b) {
var c = a.left,
d =;
switch ($.Ij(b)) {
case "left-center":
d += a.height / 2;
case "left-bottom":
d += a.height;
case "center-top":
c += a.width / 2;
case "center":
c += a.width / 2;
d += a.height / 2;
case "center-bottom":
c += a.width / 2;
d += a.height;
case "right-top":
c += a.width;
case "right-center":
c += a.width;
d += a.height / 2;
case "right-bottom":
c += a.width, d += a.height
return {
x: c,
y: d
$.rn = function(a) {
a = $.kb(a);
a /= 90;
a != ~~a && (a = Math.round(a - .5) + .5);
return $.qn[(a + a + 6) % 8]
$.sn = function(a, b) {
var c = $.kb(-b) / 90;
if (c) {
var d = (0, $.Ca)($.qn, a);
0 <= d && (c != ~~c && (c = Math.round(c - .5) + .5), a = $.qn[(d + (c + c)) % $.qn.length])
return a
$.tn = function(a) {
return "left-top" == a || "center-top" == a || "right-top" == a
$.un = function(a) {
return "left-bottom" == a || "center-bottom" == a || "right-bottom" == a
$.vn = function(a) {
return "left-top" == a || "left-center" == a || "left-bottom" == a
$.wn = function(a) {
return "right-top" == a || "right-center" == a || "right-bottom" == a
$.xn = function(a, b, c, d) {
c = c || 0;
d = 7 <= d ? d : 7;
return $.Pl(b * Math.floor($.Pl((a - c) / b, d)) + c, d)
$.yn = function(a, b, c, d) {
c = c || 0;
d = 7 <= d ? d : 7;
return $.Pl(b * Math.ceil($.Pl((a - c) / b, d)) + c, d)
$.Bn = function(a, b, c) {
var d = new Date(a),
e = d.getUTCFullYear(),
g = d.getUTCMonth(),
h = d.getUTCDate(),
k = d.getUTCHours(),
l = d.getUTCMinutes(),
m = d.getUTCSeconds(),
p = d.getUTCMilliseconds();
return b.ik ? (e = $.xn(e, b.ik, (new Date(c)).getUTCFullYear()), Date.UTC(e, 0)) : ? (g = $.xn(g,, Date.UTC(e, g)) : b.Ah && 0 == b.Ah % 7 ? (a = $.zn($.An()), $.xn(d.getTime(), 864E5 * b.Ah, Date.UTC(2E3, 0, 2 + (a ? a.firstDayOfWeek : 0)))) : b.Ah ? (h = $.xn(h, b.Ah), Date.UTC(e, g, h)) : ? (k = $.xn(k,, Date.UTC(e, g, h, k)) : b.Ji ? (l = $.xn(l, b.Ji), Date.UTC(e,
g, h, k, l)) : 1 <= b.Ig ? (m = $.xn(m, b.Ig), Date.UTC(e, g, h, k, l, m)) : b.Ig ? (p = $.xn(p, 1E3 * b.Ig), Date.UTC(e, g, h, k, l, m, p)) : a
$.Cn = function(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case "year":
var c = hm;
var d = b;
case "semester":
c = im;
d = 6 * b;
case "quarter":
c = im;
d = 3 * b;
case "month":
c = im;
d = b;
case "third-of-month":
c = jm;
d = 10 * b;
case "week":
c = jm;
d = 7 * b;
case "day":
c = jm;
d = b;
case "hour":
c = km;
d = b;
case "minute":
c = lm;
d = b;
case "second":
c = mm;
d = b;
case "millisecond":
c = mm;
d = b / 1E3;
c = hm, d = b
return new $.nm(c, d)
$.Dn = function(a, b, c) {
b = (b & 1) / 2;
return .5 <= a % 1 ? Math.ceil(a) - (c ? -b : b) : Math.floor(a) + (c ? -b : b)
$.En = function(a, b, c, d) {
switch (b) {
case "left-top":
case "left-center":
case "center-top":
case "center":
a.x += c;
a.y += d;
case "left-bottom":
case "center-bottom":
a.x += c;
a.y -= d;
case "right-center":
case "right-top":
a.x -= c;
a.y += d;
case "right-bottom":
a.x -= c, a.y -= d
$.Fn = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = arguments.length; b < c; b++) {
var d = arguments[b];
if ($.n(d)) return d
Gn = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = arguments.length; b < c; b++) {
var d = arguments[b];
$.C(d) && (d = Gn.apply(null, d));
if (null != d) return d
Bba = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = arguments.length; b < c; b++) {
var d = arguments[b];
$.C(d) && (d = Gn.apply(null, d));
if (null != d) return d
$.Sk = function(a) {
var b = $.ja(a);
if ("array" == b) {
b = [];
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) c in a && (b[c] = $.Sk(a[c]))
} else if ("object" == b)
for (c in b = {}, a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] = $.Sk(a[c]));
else return a;
return b
$.Hn = function(a) {
return null === a || $.y(a) && "none" == a.toLowerCase()
$.In = function(a) {
a = $.Zb(a);
return $.Hn(a) ? 0 : $.F(a) ? $.bc(a) : 1
$.Jn = function() {
return this.value
Ml = function(a) {
return a.replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/, "")
Kn = function(a) {
return a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "")
$.Ln = function(a) {
var b = !0; - 1 != a.indexOf('"') && ($.jk(100), b = !1);
return b
Mn = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
for (var h = 0; h < d; h++) {
var k = a[h],
l = e ? e[h] : void 0;
g && l && ($.G(g) ? k = g(l, k) : "object" == $.ja(g) && (l = g[l]) && (k = l(k)));
if (null != k) {
if ($.y(k) || (k = String(k)), -1 != k.indexOf(b) || -1 != k.indexOf(c)) k = k.split('"').join('""'), k = '"' + k + '"'
} else k = "";
a[h] = k
return a.join(b)
$.Nn = function(a, b, c) {
var d = c && c.rowsSeparator || "\n",
e = c && c.columnsSeparator || ",",
g = c && c.ignoreFirstRow || !1;
c = c && c.formats || void 0;
if (!b.length || !$.Ln(d) || !$.Ln(e)) return "";
var h = [];
g || h.push(Mn(a, e, d, a.length));
for (g = 0; g < b.length; g++) h.push(Mn(b[g], e, d, a.length, a, c));
return h.join(d)
$.Qn = function(a) {
if ($.y(a))
if ("undefined" != typeof window.DOMParser) a = (new window.DOMParser).parseFromString(a, "application/xml");
else if (On) {
var b = wm();
a = b
} else throw Error("Your browser does not support loading xml documents");
if (!a) return null;
switch (a.nodeType) {
case 1:
b = {};
var c = !!a.getAttribute(Pn);
c && (b = []);
var d = {},
e, g = !0;
var h = a.childNodes.length;
var k = "";
for (e = 0; e < h; e++) {
var l = a.childNodes[e];
var m = $.Qn(l);
l = l.nodeName;
if ("#" == l.charAt(0)) k += m;
else if (c && "item" == l) g = !1, "" == m ?
b.push(m) : $.C(m) || (0, window.isNaN)(+m) ? "true" == m ? b.push(!0) : "false" == m ? b.push(!1) : "null" == m ? b.push(null) : b.push(m) : b.push(+m);
else if ((null !== m || "point" == l) && !c) {
g = !1;
var p;
l = $.ml(l, !0);
(p = Cba(l)) ? (l = m[p[1]], $.C(l) || (l = $.n(l) ? [l] : []), b[p[0]] = l) : l in b ? d[l] ? b[l].push(m) : (b[l] = [b[l], m], d[l] = !0) : b[l] = m
h = null == a.attributes ? 0 : a.attributes.length;
for (e = 0; e < h; e++) c = a.attributes[e], l = String(c.nodeName).toLowerCase(), "xmlns" != l && l != Pn && (l = $.ml(c.nodeName, !0), l in b || (m = c.value, b[l] = "" == m ? m : (0, window.isNaN)(+m) ?
"true" == m ? !0 : "false" == m ? !1 : "null" == m ? null : m : +m, g = !1));
return g ? 0 < k.length ? Dba(k) : {} : b;
case 3:
return a = Kn(a.nodeValue), "" == a ? null : a;
case 4:
return a.nodeValue;
case 9:
return $.Qn(a.documentElement);
return null
$.Sn = function(a, b, c) {
$.y(a) && (a = $.Qm(a));
a: if (window.document.implementation && window.document.implementation.createDocument) var d = window.document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
else {
if (On && (d = wm())) break a;
throw Error("Your browser does not support creating new documents");
if (a = Rn(a, b || "anychart", d)) b || a.setAttribute("xmlns", ""), d.appendChild(a);
if (c) b = d;
else if (b = d, c = b.xml) b = c;
else if ("undefined" != typeof window.XMLSerializer) b = (new window.XMLSerializer).serializeToString(b);
else throw Error("Your browser does not support serializing XML documents");
return b
Rn = function(a, b, c) {
b = String(b).replace(/([A-Z])/g, "_$1").toLowerCase();
b = c.createElement(b);
var d, e;
if ($.y(a) || $.B(a)) b.appendChild(c.createCDATASection(yc(String(a))));
else if ($.C(a))
for (b.setAttribute(Pn, "true"), d = 0; d < a.length; d++) $.n(a[d]) && b.appendChild(Rn(a[d], "item", c));
else if (null != a)
for (d in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
var g = a[d],
if ($.C(g) && (h = Eba(d))) {
var k = c.createElement(h[0]);
var l = h[1];
for (e = 0; e < g.length; e++) k.appendChild(Rn(g[e], l, c))
} else $.n(g) && ($.F(g) || !Fba.test(g) ?
b.appendChild(Rn(g, d, c)) : b.setAttribute(String(d).replace(/([A-Z])/g, "_$1").toLowerCase(), g))
return b
Dba = function(a) {
return a.replace(/\\([0bfnrt"'\\]|x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}))/g, function(a, c, d, e) {
switch (c.charAt(0)) {
case "0":
return "\x00";
case "b":
return "\b";
case "f":
return "\f";
case "n":
return "\n";
case "r":
return "\r";
case "t":
return "\t";
case '"':
return '"';
case "'":
return "'";
case "\\":
return "\\";
case "x":
return String.fromCharCode((0, window.parseInt)(d, 16));
case "u":
return String.fromCharCode((0, window.parseInt)(e, 16))
Eba = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case "series":
return ["series_list", "series"];
case "annotationsList":
return ["annotations_list", "annotation"];
case "keys":
return ["keys", "key"];
case "data":
return ["data", "point"];
case "lineAxesMarkers":
return ["line_axes_markers", "line_axes_marker"];
case "rangeAxesMarkers":
return ["range_axes_markers", "range_axes_marker"];
case "textAxesMarkers":
return ["text_axes_markers", "text_axes_marker"];
case "xGrids":
return ["x_grids", "grid"];
case "yGrids":
return ["y_grids", "grid"];
case "xMinorGrids":
return ["x_minor_grids",
case "yMinorGrids":
return ["y_minor_grids", "grid"];
case "xAxes":
return ["x_axes", "axis"];
case "yAxes":
return ["y_axes", "axis"];
case "axes":
return ["axes", "axis"];
case "bars":
return ["bar_pointers", "pointer"];
case "markers":
return ["marker_pointers", "pointer"];
case "needles":
return ["needle_pointers", "pointer"];
case "knobs":
return ["knob_pointers", "pointer"];
case "pointers":
return ["pointers", "pointer"];
case "scaleBars":
return ["scale_bars", "scale_bar"];
case "points":
return ["points", "point"];
case "scales":
return ["scales",
case "colorScales":
return ["color_scales", "scale"];
case "explicit":
return ["explicit", "tick"];
case "values":
return ["values", "value"];
case "names":
return ["names", "name"];
case "ranges":
return ["ranges", "range"];
case "chartLabels":
return ["chart_labels", "label"];
case "items":
return ["items", "item"];
case "columns":
return ["columns", "column"];
case "colors":
return ["colors", "color"];
case "children":
return ["children", "data_item"];
case "index":
return ["index", "key"];
case "outliers":
return ["outliers", "outlier"];
case "inverted":
return ["inverted_list", "inverted"];
case "drillTo":
return ["drill_to", "item"];
case "extraClassNames":
return ["extra_class_names", "class_name"];
case "dependsOn":
return ["depends_on", "item"];
case "precision":
return ["precision_list", "precision"];
case "labels":
return ["quarter_labels", "label"];
case "weights":
return ["weights", "weight"];
case "angles":
return ["angles", "angle"];
case "levels":
return ["levels", "level"];
case "xLabels":
return ["x_labels", "item"];
case "yLabels":
return ["y_labels", "item"]
return null
Cba = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case "seriesList":
return ["series", "series"];
case "annotationsList":
return ["annotationsList", "annotation"];
case "keys":
return ["keys", "key"];
case "data":
return ["data", "point"];
case "lineAxesMarkers":
return ["lineAxesMarkers", "lineAxesMarker"];
case "rangeAxesMarkers":
return ["rangeAxesMarkers", "rangeAxesMarker"];
case "textAxesMarkers":
return ["textAxesMarkers", "textAxesMarker"];
case "xGrids":
return ["xGrids", "grid"];
case "yGrids":
return ["yGrids", "grid"];
case "xMinorGrids":
return ["xMinorGrids",
case "yMinorGrids":
return ["yMinorGrids", "grid"];
case "xAxes":
return ["xAxes", "axis"];
case "yAxes":
return ["yAxes", "axis"];
case "axes":
return ["axes", "axis"];
case "barPointers":
return ["bars", "pointer"];
case "markerPointers":
return ["markers", "pointer"];
case "needlePointers":
return ["needles", "pointer"];
case "knobPointers":
return ["knobs", "pointer"];
case "pointers":
return ["pointers", "pointer"];
case "scaleBars":
return ["scaleBars", "scaleBar"];
case "points":
return ["points", "point"];
case "scales":
return ["scales",
case "explicit":
return ["explicit", "tick"];
case "values":
return ["values", "value"];
case "names":
return ["names", "name"];
case "ranges":
return ["ranges", "range"];
case "chartLabels":
return ["chartLabels", "label"];
case "items":
return ["items", "item"];
case "columns":
return ["columns", "column"];
case "colors":
return ["colors", "color"];
case "children":
return ["children", "dataItem"];
case "index":
return ["index", "key"];
case "outliers":
return ["outliers", "outlier"];
case "invertedList":
return ["inverted", "inverted"];
case "colorScales":
return ["colorScales", "scale"];
case "drillTo":
return ["drillTo", "item"];
case "extraClassNames":
return ["extraClassNames", "className"];
case "dependsOn":
return ["dependsOn", "item"];
case "precisionList":
return ["precision", "precision"];
case "quarterLabels":
return ["labels", "label"];
case "weights":
return ["weights", "weight"];
case "angles":
return ["angles", "angle"];
case "levels":
return ["levels", "level"];
case "xLabels":
return ["xLabels", "item"];
case "yLabels":
return ["yLabels", "item"]
return null
$.ml = function(a, b) {
return String(a).replace(b ? /[_]([a-z])/g : /[-_]([a-z|\d])/g, function(a, b) {
return b.toUpperCase()
Gba = function() {
if (Tn) return Tn;
var a = Un.length,
b = 0 == a % 2 ? a / 2 : a + .5;
return Tn = (0, $.eb)((0, $.eb)(Un, function(a, d) {
return a + d % b * (d % 2 ? -1 : 1)
}), function(a) {
return String.fromCharCode(a)
$.Vn = function(a, b) {
switch (a) {
case "year":
return 315576E5 * b;
case "semester":
return 315576E5 * b / 2;
case "quarter":
return 315576E5 * b / 4;
case "month":
return 315576E5 * b / 12;
case "third-of-month":
return 315576E5 * b / 36;
case "week":
return 6048E5 * b;
case "day":
return 864E5 * b;
case "hour":
return 36E5 * b;
case "minute":
return 6E4 * b;
case "second":
return 1E3 * b;
return b
$.Xn = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < $.Wn.length && $.Wn[c].yi != a; c++);
return $.Wn[$.hb(c - (b || 1), 0, $.Wn.length)].yi
Yn = function(a) {
var b = a.ik;
b = 365.25 * b +;
b = 365.25 * b / 12 + a.Ah;
b = 24 * b +;
b = 60 * b + a.Ji;
b = 60 * b + a.Ig;
return 1E3 * b
$.ao = function(a) {
a = String(a).toLowerCase();
switch (a) {
case "arrowhead":
return function(a, c, d, e) {
var b = c - e / 2,
h = d - e / 3,
k = c - e / 2,
l = d + e / 3;
a.moveTo(c + e / 2, d).lineTo(b, h).lineTo(k, l).close();
return a
case "star4":
return Vh;
case "star6":
return Xh;
case "star7":
return Yh;
case "star10":
return Zh;
case "diamond":
return di;
case "triangle-up":
return $h;
case "triangle-down":
return ai;
case "triangle-right":
return bi;
case "triangle-left":
return ci;
case "cross":
return ei;
case "diagonal-cross":
return fi;
case "circle":
return function(a,
c, d, e) {
return ii(a, c, d, e, 0, 360)
case "trapezium":
return function(a, c, d, e) {
var b = e / 3;
c -= e / 2;
d -= e / 2;
a.moveTo(c + b, d + e);
a.lineTo(c + e - b, d + e);
a.lineTo(c + e, d);
a.lineTo(c, d);
return a
case "pentagon":
return function(a, c, d, e) {
c -= e;
d -= e;
a.moveTo(c + e * Zn[0], d + e * $n[0]);
for (var b = 1; 5 > b; b++) a.lineTo(c + e * Zn[b], d + e * $n[b]);
a.lineTo(c + e * Zn[0], d + e * $n[0]);
return a
case "square":
return function(a, c, d, e, g) {
var b = c - e,
k = d - e;
c += e;
d += e;
$.n(g) && (g = g || 0, b = $.Dn(b, g), k = $.Dn(k, g), c = $.Dn(c, g), d = $.Dn(d, g));
k).lineTo(c, k).lineTo(c, d).lineTo(b, d).lineTo(b, k).close();
return a
case "v-line":
case "line":
return function(a, c, d, e, g) {
g = g || 0;
e *= 2;
var b = e / 2;
c -= b / 2;
d -= e / 2;
b = c + b;
e = d + e;
$.n(g) && (g = g || 0, c = $.Dn(c, g), d = $.Dn(d, g), b = $.Dn(b, g), e = $.Dn(e, g));
a.moveTo(c, d).lineTo(b, d).lineTo(b, e).lineTo(c, e).lineTo(c, d).close();
return a
case "arrow-up":
return function(a, c, d, e, g) {
var b = e / 2,
k = b / 2;
e = c + b;
var l = c - b,
m = d + b;
b = d - b;
var p = c + k;
k = c - k;
$.n(g) && (g = g || 0, e = $.Dn(e, g), l = $.Dn(l, g), m = $.Dn(m, g), b = $.Dn(b, g), p = $.Dn(p, g), k = $.Dn(k,
g), c = $.Dn(c, g), d = $.Dn(d, g));
a.moveTo(c, b);
a.lineTo(e, d, p, d, p, m, k, m, k, d, l, d);
return a
case "arrow-down":
return function(a, c, d, e, g) {
var b = e / 2,
k = b / 2;
e = c + b;
var l = c - b,
m = d + b;
b = d - b;
var p = c + k;
k = c - k;
$.n(g) && (g = g || 0, e = $.Dn(e, g), l = $.Dn(l, g), m = $.Dn(m, g), b = $.Dn(b, g), p = $.Dn(p, g), k = $.Dn(k, g), c = $.Dn(c, g), d = $.Dn(d, g));
a.moveTo(c, m);
a.lineTo(e, d, p, d, p, b, k, b, k, d, l, d);
return a
case "arrow-left":
return function(a, c, d, e, g) {
var b = e / 2,
k = b / 2;
e = c + b;
var l = c - b,
m = d + b;
b = d - b;
var p = d + k;
k = d - k;
$.n(g) && (g = g ||
0, e = $.Dn(e, g), l = $.Dn(l, g), m = $.Dn(m, g), b = $.Dn(b, g), p = $.Dn(p, g), k = $.Dn(k, g), c = $.Dn(c, g), d = $.Dn(d, g));
a.moveTo(l, d);
a.lineTo(c, m, c, p, e, p, e, k, c, k, c, b);
return a
case "arrow-right":
return function(a, c, d, e, g) {
var b = e / 2,
k = b / 2;
e = c + b;
var l = c - b,
m = d + b;
b = d - b;
var p = d + k;
k = d - k;
$.n(g) && (g = g || 0, e = $.Dn(e, g), l = $.Dn(l, g), m = $.Dn(m, g), b = $.Dn(b, g), p = $.Dn(p, g), k = $.Dn(k, g), c = $.Dn(c, g), d = $.Dn(d, g));
a.moveTo(e, d);
a.lineTo(c, m, c, p, l, p, l, k, c, k, c, b);
return a
return Wh
bo = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = new $.Il;
c = !0;
$.F(d) && (e.ZG(d.rowsSeparator), e.jE(d.columnsSeparator), e.TF(d.ignoreTrailingSpaces), c = !d.ignoreFirstRow, e.RF(c));
if (a = e.DD(a)) {
d = $.Pe("table");
b && (e = $.Pe("caption"), $.Ue(e, b), d.appendChild(e));
if (c) {
var g = $.Pe("thead");
var h = $.Pe("tr");
b = $.Pe("tbody");
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var k = a[e],
if (e || !c) {
var m = $.Pe("tr");
for (l = 0; l < k.length; l++) {
var p = k[l];
var q = $.Pe(l ? "td" : "th");
$.Ue(q, p);
} else if (c)
for (l = 0; l < k.length; l++) p =
k[l], m = $.Pe("th"), $.Ue(m, p), h.appendChild(m)
c && d.appendChild(g);
return d
return null
$.co = function() {
for (var a = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], b = 0, c; c = a[b] && !$.ea.requestAnimationFrame; ++b) $.ea.requestAnimationFrame = $.ea[c + "RequestAnimationFrame"], $.ea.cancelAnimationFrame = $.ea[c + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || $.ea[c + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
if (!$.ea.requestAnimationFrame) {
var d = 0;
$.ea.requestAnimationFrame = function(a) {
var b = (new Date).getTime(),
c = Math.max(0, 16 - (b - d));
d = b + c;
return $.ea.setTimeout(function() {
a(b + c)
}, c)
$.ea.cancelAnimationFrame || ($.ea.cancelAnimationFrame = function(a) {
(0, window.clearTimeout)(a)
Hba = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (!($.ld || $.eo || $.td && $.gd("525"))) return !0;
if (ud && e) return fo(a);
if (e && !d) return !1;
$.B(b) && (b = go(b));
e = 17 == b || 18 == b || ud && 91 == b;
if ((!c || ud) && e || ud && 16 == b && (d || g)) return !1;
if (($.td || $.eo) && d && c) switch (a) {
case 220:
case 219:
case 221:
case 192:
case 186:
case 189:
case 187:
case 188:
case 190:
case 191:
case 192:
case 222:
return !1
if ($.ld && d && b == a) return !1;
switch (a) {
case 13:
return !0;
case 27:
return !($.td || $.eo)
return fo(a)
fo = function(a) {
if (48 <= a && 57 >= a || 96 <= a && 106 >= a || 65 <= a && 90 >= a || ($.td || $.eo) && 0 == a) return !0;
switch (a) {
case 32:
case 43:
case 63:
case 64:
case 107:
case 109:
case 110:
case 111:
case 186:
case 59:
case 189:
case 187:
case 61:
case 188:
case 190:
case 191:
case 192:
case 222:
case 219:
case 220:
case 221:
return !0;
return !1
go = function(a) {
if ($.kd) a = Iba(a);
else if (ud && $.td) switch (a) {
case 93:
a = 91
return a
Iba = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case 61:
return 187;
case 59:
return 186;
case 173:
return 189;
case 224:
return 91;
case 0:
return 224;
return a
$.ho = function(a, b) {
a && this.BF(a, b)
io = function(a, b, c, d) {
$, d);
this.type = "key";
this.keyCode = a;
this.g = b;
this.repeat = c
lo = function(a, b) {
$.jo ? ko.push((0, $.ra)(a, b)) : a.apply(b)
$.mo = function() {
if (!$.jo)
for (var a = ko.slice(0), b = ko.length = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b]()
$.uo = function(a) {
var b;
$.y(a) ? b = $.Qm(a) : $.F(a) && !$.G(a) && (b = a);
a = null;
if (b) {
var c = b.chart,
d = b.gauge,
e = b.gantt,
g =;
if (c)
if (b = c.type, a = $.qo[b]) a = a();
else throw "Unknown chart type: " + b + "\nProbably it is in some other module, see module list for details.";
else if (d)
if (b = d.type, a = $.ro[b]) a = a();
else throw "Unknown gauge type: " + b + "\nProbably it is in some other module, see module list for details.";
else if (e)
if ("project" == e.type ? e.type = "gantt-project" : "resource" == e.type && (e.type = "gantt-resource"), b =
e.type, a = $.so[b]) a = a();
else throw "Unknown gantt type: " + b + "\nProbably it is in some other module, see module list for details.";
else if (g)
if (b = g.type, a = $.to[b]) a = a();
else throw "Unknown map type: " + b + "\nProbably it is in some other module, see module list for details.";
a ? a.ia(!1, c || d || e || g) : $.jk(7);
return a
wo = function(a) {
var b = $.vo;
if (b.addEventListener || "load" === $.mk.event.type || "complete" === b.readyState) b = $.mk, $.Od($.vo, ["DOMContentLoaded", "readystatechange"], wo, !1), $.Od(b, "load", wo, !1), xo(a)
xo = function(a) {
if (!yo) {
if (!$.vo.body) return (0, window.setTimeout)(function() {
}, 1);
yo = !0;
for (var b = 0, c = zo.length; b < c; b++) {
var d = zo[b];
d[0].apply(d[1], [a])
Co = function() {
if (null == Ao || !$.y(Ao)) return !1;
var a = Ao.lastIndexOf("-"),
b = Ao.substr(a + 1);
a = Ao.substr(0, a) + Gba();
if (!Bo) {
for (var c, d = [], e = 0; 256 > e; e++) {
c = e;
for (var g = 0; 8 > g; g++) c = c & 1 ? 3988292384 ^ c >>> 1 : c >>> 1;
d[e] = c
Bo = d
c = -1;
for (d = 0; d < a.length;) c = c >>> 8 ^ Bo[(c ^ a.charCodeAt(d++)) & 255];
a = ((c ^ -1) >>> 0).toString(16);
return b == a
$.kl = function(a) {
a = $.ml(a);
var b;
Do.length || (Do.push($.mk.anychart.themes.defaultTheme || {}), Eo.push(Do[0]));
for (b = Do.length - 1; b < Fo.length; b++) {
var c = Fo[b];
c = $.Sk($.y(c) ? $.mk.anychart.themes[c] : c);
Do.push($.F(c) ? c : {});
c = window.Infinity;
for (b = 0; b < Do.length; b++) gl(Do[b], a, b) && (c = Math.min(c, b));
for (b = Math.max(1, c); b < Eo.length; b++) {
c = a.split(".");
hl(Eo[b], [c[0]], il($.Sk($.jl(Do[b], c[0].split("."))), $.jl(Eo[b - 1], c[0].split("."))));
c = b;
var d = a.split("."),
e = fl[d[0]];
e || (fl[d[0]] = {
yC: [],
yG: 0,
SA: 0
e.yG = c
return $.jl(Eo[Eo.length - 1], a.split("."))
Go = function(a, b) {
return function(c) {
b && c || $.jk(4, null, [a])
Ho = function(a, b, c) {
a = a.split(".");
for (var d = $.mk, e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
if (d = d[a[e]], !d) return Go(b, c);
return d
Jo = function(a) {
return (a = Io[a]) ? a : Go("Exporting")
Lo = function(a, b) {
Ko[b] && Ko[b] == a && delete Ko[b]
$.T = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ($.C(b)) return $.T.apply(null, $.Ka(a, b));
b = {
Rw: b,
rT: c,
Oq: d
$.n(e) && (c = b.F$ = e);
return a[c] = b
$.Mo = function(a, b) {
for (var c = {}, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) c[b[d][1]] = $.T.apply(null, $.Ka(a, b[d]));
return c
$.No = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
c = {
o$: c,
sga: d
$.n(e) && (c.wb = e);
$.n(g) && $.G(g) && (c.SW = g, c.context = h);
a[b] = c
$.Oo = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) $.No.apply(null, $.Ka(a, b[c]))
$.Qo = function() {
return $.Mo({}, $.Po())
$.Po = function() {
return [
[0, "minFontSize", $.Ro],
[0, "maxFontSize", $.Ro],
[1, "adjustFontSize", So],
[0, "fontSize", $.Ro],
[0, "fontFamily", $.To],
[0, "fontColor", Uo],
[0, "fontOpacity", $.Vo],
[0, "fontDecoration", $.dk],
[0, "fontStyle", $.ek],
[0, "fontVariant", $.fk],
[0, "fontWeight", $.Ro],
[0, "letterSpacing", $.Ro],
[0, "textDirection", $.gk],
[0, "lineHeight", $.Ro],
[0, "textIndent", $.Vo],
[0, "vAlign", $.ck],
[0, "hAlign", $.bk],
[0, "wordWrap", $.Wo],
[0, "wordBreak", $.Wo],
[0, "textOverflow", $.To],
[0, "selectable", $.Xo],
[0, "disablePointerEvents",
[0, "useHtml", $.Xo]
$.Yo = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
$.Oo(a, [
["minFontSize", b, d, void 0, g],
["maxFontSize", b, d, void 0, g],
["adjustFontSize", b, d, void 0, g],
["fontSize", b, d, void 0, g],
["fontFamily", b, d, void 0, g],
["fontColor", c, e],
["fontOpacity", c, e],
["fontDecoration", b, d, void 0, g],
["fontStyle", b, d, void 0, g],
["fontVariant", b, d, void 0, g],
["fontWeight", b, d, void 0, g],
["letterSpacing", b, d, void 0, g],
["textDirection", b, d, void 0, g],
["lineHeight", b, d, void 0, g],
["textIndent", b, d, void 0, g],
["vAlign", b, d, void 0, g],
["hAlign", b, d, void 0, g],
b, d, void 0, g
["wordBreak", b, d, void 0, g],
["textOverflow", b, d, void 0, g],
["selectable", c, e],
["disablePointerEvents", c, e],
["useHtml", b, d, void 0, g]
$.$o = function(a, b, c) {
c || (a = a.prototype);
for (var d in b) c = b[d], a[d] = $.sa(Zo[c.Rw], c.rT, c.F$, c.Oq)
$.ap = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
a.prototype[e] = function(a) {
return function(b) {
var d = this[c]();
return $.n(arguments[0]) ? (d[a].apply(d, arguments), this) : d[a]()
$.cp = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (d && a.Ra) $.bp(a.Ra, b, c);
for (var e in b) b = c[e], $.n(b) && (a.I ? a[e](b) : a[e] = b)
$.kp = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h;
e = $.n(e) ? e : b;
for (h in e) {
e = void 0;
var k = b[h];
a.Bg(h) && (e = a.Ff(h), $.G(e) && $.lk(8, null, [(d ? d + " " : "") + h]));
$.n(e) || g || !a.check(a.getCapabilities(h)) || (e = a.Lw(h));
$.n(e) && !$.G(e) && (k.Oq == dp || k.Oq == $.ep || k.Oq == fp || k.Oq == $.gp || k.Oq == $.hp || k.Oq == $.ip ? e = $.Rk(k.Oq([e])) : k.Oq != $.jp || null === e ? k.Oq == So && (e = k.Oq([e])) : e = $.Rk(k.Oq(e)), c[h] = e)
$.bp = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d in b) b = c[d], $.n(b) && (a[d] = b)
np = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $.n(d) ? (d =, d), this.Ff(a) !== d && (this.ja[a] = d, this.check(this.getCapabilities(a)) && (lp(this, a).call(mp(this, a)), b = this.Au(a), (a = this.lK(a)) ? this.B(a, b) :, this) : this.I(a)
op = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ($.n(d)) {
for (var g = [], h = 3; h < arguments.length; h++) g.push(arguments[h]);
d =, g);
this.Ff(a) !== d && (this.ja[a] = d, this.check(this.getCapabilities(a)) && (lp(this, a).call(mp(this, a)), g = this.Au(a), (h = this.lK(a)) ? this.B(h, g) :;
return this
return this.I(a)
$.Wo = function(a) {
return a
$.jp = function(a) {
return null === a ? a : $.Xb(a)
$.gp = function(a) {
return $.Zb.apply(null, a)
dp = function(a) {
return $.G(a[0]) ? a[0] : $.Zb.apply(null, a)
$.Yk = function(a) {
return $.G(a) ? a : $.Zb(a)
$.hp = function(a) {
return $.Xb.apply(null, a)
$.ep = function(a) {
return $.G(a[0]) ? a[0] : $.Xb.apply(null, a)
$.$k = function(a) {
return $.G(a) ? a : $.Xb(a)
fp = function(a) {
return $.G(a[0]) || !0 === a[0] ? a[0] : $.ac.apply(null, a)
$.Zk = function(a) {
return $.G(a) || !0 === a ? a : $.ac(a)
$.ip = function(a) {
return $.ac.apply(null, a)
$.Xo = function(a) {
return !!a
$.pp = function(a) {
return null === a ? a : !!a
$.Vo = function(a) {
return Number(a)
qp = function(a) {
return mn(a) || 0
$.To = function(a) {
return String(a)
Uo = function(a) {
return null === a ? a : String(a)
$.rp = function(a) {
return $.G(a) ? a : String(a)
$.sp = function(a) {
return $.jn(a, null)
tp = function(a) {
return $.G(a) ? a : $.Pj(a)
So = function(a) {
var b = a[0];
return 1 == a.length ? $.C(b) ? {
width: 0 < b.length ? b[0] : void 0,
height: 1 < b.length ? b[1] : b[0]
} : $.F(b) ? {
width: b.width,
height: b.height
} : {
width: !!b,
height: !!b
} : {
width: !!b,
height: !!a[1]
$.Ro = function(a) {
return $.ln(a)
$.up = function(a) {
return $.hb($.Q(a), 0, 1)
$.vp = function(a) {
return $.C(a[0]) ? a[0] : a
$.wp = function(a) {
return $.G(a) ? a : null
$.xp = function() {
var a = this.rg();
a || (a = $.Ka(this.ce(),, this.rg(a));
return a
$.yp = function(a) {
for (var b = this.Uh(), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
if (d && (d = d[a], $.n(d))) return d
$.zp = function() {
this.ja = {};
this.Ra = {};
this.Ha = {};
this.F_ = !1
$.Ap = function(a, b, c) {
a.ja[b] = c
mp = function(a, b) {
var c = a.Ha[b];
return c ? c.context || a : a
lp = function(a, b) {
var c = a.Ha[b];
return c ? c.SW || $.ha : $.ha
$.U = function(a, b, c) {"signal", b, !1, c)
$.Bp = function(a, b, c) {
a.Cc("signal", b, !1, c)
$.V = function(a) {
(0, window.isNaN)(a.In) && (a.In = 0);
return a
$.Cp = function(a, b) {
var c = (0, window.setTimeout)(function() {
a.Ld || a.dispatchEvent(b);
(0, window.clearTimeout)(c)
}, 0)
$.Dp = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length; b--;) {
var c = arguments[b];
$.C(c) ? $.Dp.apply(null, c) : $.L(c, $.zp) && $.V(c)
$.Ep = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length; b--;) {
var c = arguments[b];
$.C(c) ? $.Ep.apply(null, c) : $.L(c, $.zp) &&!0)
$.Fp = function(a) {
for (var b = arguments.length; b--;) {
var c = arguments[b];
$.C(c) ? $.Fp.apply(null, c) : $.L(c, $.zp) &&!1)
Gp = function(a, b) {
$, "signal", a);
this.g = b
$.W = function(a, b) {
return !!(a.g & b)
$.Hp = function(a) {
this.view = a;
$.Ip = function(a) {
this.Gd = a;"signal", this.OG, !1, this);
$.Jp = function(a) { || (a.gC && (a.gC.length = 0), a.dv = null, a.zn = a.ZD(), a.N(1))
$.Kp = function(a, b, c) {
var d = [];
if ($.n(b)) {
a = a.da();
var e = window.Infinity;
c || (b = $.Q(b));
for (a.reset(); a.advance();) {
var g =;
var h = a.get("x");
if (c) h == b && d.push(g);
else if (h = $.Q(h), !(0, window.isNaN)(h)) {
var k = Math.abs(h - b);
if (k < e) {
e = k;
var l = h;
d.length = 0
h == l && d.push(g)
return d
Lp = function(a, b) {
var c;
var d = a.Rf(b);
if ($.C(d)) {
var e = a.Zk(b);
if (e.G) {
var g = {};
e = e.Aq();
for (k in e) {
var h = e[k];
for (c = 0; c < h.length; c++)
if (h[c] in d) {
h = a.GM(d[h[c]]);
g[k] = h;
} else g = (0, $.eb)(d, a.GM)
} else if ($.F(d))
if (e = a.Zk(b), e.G) {
g = {};
e = e.Aq();
for (k in e)
for (h = e[k], c = 0; c < h.length; c++)
if (h[c] in d) {
h = d[h[c]];
$.L(h, Date) && (h = h.getTime());
if (!$.n(h) || $.B(h) && (0, window.isNaN)(h)) h = null;
g[k] = h;
for (k in d) !d.hasOwnProperty(k) || k in e && k in g || (h = a.GM(d[k]), g[k] = h)
} else {
var k = a.GM;
e = {};
for (g in d) e[g] = 0, d[g], g, d);
g = e
} else {
if (!$.n(d) || $.B(d) && (0, window.isNaN)(d)) d = null;
g = d
return g
Mp = function(a, b) {
$, a);
this.b = b;"signal", this.OG, !1, this)
Np = function(a, b, c) {
$, a);
this.b = b;
this.g = c
$.Pp = function(a, b) {
$, a);
$.Op(this, b)
Jba = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = $.ja(b);
if ("array" == e) {
if (a = a.j[c]) {
c = a[0];
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
if (a[e] < b.length) return b[a[e]] = d, b;
a[e] < c && (c = a[e])
b[c] = d;
return b
$.lk(5, null, [c])
} else "object" == e ? void 0 === Wm(b, c, a.j[c], d) && b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (d = a.Gd, d.ts || (d.ts = {}), d.ts[c] = !0) : -1 < (0, $.Ca)(Qp, c) ? b = d : $.lk(7, null, [c]);
return b
$.Op = function(a, b) {
var c;
if ($.F(b))
for (c in b) $.C(b[c]) || (b[c] = [b[c]]);
else b = void 0;
a.G = !!b;
a.j = b || Rp
$.Sp = function(a, b) {
$; || null, b)
Tp = function(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
if ($.C(e)) {
var g = e.length;
a.lI < g && (a.lI = g);
g = $.Oa(e, 0)
} else if ($.F(e)) {
a.ts || (a.ts = {});
g = {};
for (var h in e) g[h] = e[h], a.ts[h] = !0
} else a.fU = !0, g = e;
return c
Up = function(a, b) {
return new $.Sp(a, b)
Vp = function(a, b, c) {
$, a);
this.b = b;
var d = $.G(c) ? c : "desc" == $.Nj(c, "asc") ? Aba : en;
this.g = function(a, b) {
return d(a.value, b.value) || a.index - b.index
Wp = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
c = {
x: e ? e[0] : 0
for (var g = 0, h = d.length; g < h; g++) c[d[g]] = e ? e[b] : b, b++;
return a.Oe(c)
Yp = function(a, b) {
var c = bba(b);
if ("csv" == c) try {
var d = new $.Il;
$.F(b) && (d.ZG(b.rowsSeparator), d.jE(b.columnsSeparator), d.TF(b.ignoreTrailingSpaces), d.RF(b.ignoreFirstRow));
var e = d.DD(a)
} catch (r) {
e = null, $.jk(101)
} else {
var g = {},
h = 0,
k = window.NaN,
l = window.NaN;
d = window.NaN;
var m;
b && ((m = b.ignoreItems) && (m = new RegExp("^(" + m.join("|") + ")$")), b.minLength && (h = b.minLength), b.maxLength && (k = b.maxLength), b.cutLength && (l = b.cutLength), b.maxItems && (d = b.maxItems));
if ("by-word" == c) a.split(Xp).forEach(function(a) {
a = a.replace(Kba,
var b = a.length;
m && m.test(a.toLowerCase()) || b > k || b < h || ((0, window.isNaN)(l) || (a = a.substr(0, l)), g[a = a.toLowerCase()] = (g[a] || 0) + 1)
else {
a = a.replace(Xp, "");
c = 0;
for (var p = a.length; c < p; c++) {
var q = a[c];
m && m.test(q.toLowerCase()) || (g[q = q.toLowerCase()] = (g[q] || 0) + 1)
e = [];
$.Jc(g, function(a, b) {
e.push([b, a])
e = e.sort(function(a, b) {
return b[1] - a[1]
e.length = Math.min(e.length, d || window.Infinity)
return e
Lba = function(a, b) {
this.b = [];
this.g = b || Bm;
if ("number" == typeof a) {
var c = a;
11 < c && (c = 10);
if (4 > c) var d = this.g.iD[c];
else 8 > c ? d = this.g.jD[c - 4] : (d = this.g.PN[c - 8], d = d.replace("{1}", this.g.iD[c - 8]), d = d.replace("{0}", this.g.jD[c - 8]));
Zp(this, d)
} else Zp(this, a)
Zp = function(a, b) {
for (var c = !1, d = "", e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var g = b.charAt(e);
if (" " == g)
for (0 < d.length && (a.b.push({
text: d,
count: 0,
vA: !1
}), d = ""), a.b.push({
text: " ",
count: 0,
vA: !1
}); e < b.length - 1 && " " == b.charAt(e + 1);) e++;
else if (c) "'" == g ? e + 1 < b.length && "'" == b.charAt(e + 1) ? (d += "'", e++) : c = !1 : d += g;
else if (0 <= Mba.indexOf(g)) {
0 < d.length && (a.b.push({
text: d,
count: 0,
vA: !1
}), d = "");
var h = b.charAt(e);
for (var k = e + 1; k < b.length && b.charAt(k) == h;) k++;
h = k - e;
text: g,
count: h,
vA: !1
e += h - 1
} else "'" == g ? e + 1 < b.length && "'" ==
b.charAt(e + 1) ? (d += "'", e++) : c = !0 : d += g
0 < d.length && a.b.push({
text: d,
count: 0,
vA: !1
c = !1;
for (d = 0; d < a.b.length; d++) $p(a.b[d]) ? !c && d + 1 < a.b.length && $p(a.b[d + 1]) && (c = !0, a.b[d].vA = !0) : c = !1
$p = function(a) {
if (0 >= a.count) return !1;
var b = "MydhHmsSDkK".indexOf(a.text.charAt(0));
return 0 < b || 0 == b && 3 > a.count
aq = function(a, b) {
var c = a.substring(b[0]).match(/^\s+/);
c && (b[0] += c[0].length)
dq = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
aq(b, c);
var h = c[0],
k = d.text.charAt(0),
l = -1;
if ($p(d))
if (0 < e) {
if (h + e > b.length) return !1;
l = bq(a, b.substring(0, h + e), c)
} else l = bq(a, b, c);
switch (k) {
case "G":
return l = cq(b, c, a.g.QN), 0 <= l && (g.era = l), !0;
case "M":
case "L":
a: {
d = l;
if (0 > d) {
a = a.g.WN.concat(a.g.dO).concat(a.g.$N).concat(a.g.eO);
d = cq(b, c, a);
if (0 > d) {
g = !1;
break a
g.month = d % 12
} else g.month = d - 1;
g = !0
return g;
case "E":
return d = cq(b, c, a.g.hO), 0 > d && (d = cq(b, c, a.g.bO)), 0 > d ? g = !1 : (g.b = d, g = !0), g;
case "a":
return l = cq(b, c, a.g.KN), 0 <= l &&
(g.j = l), !0;
case "y":
a: {
if (0 > l) {
var m = b.charAt(c[0]);
if ("+" != m && "-" != m) {
g = !1;
break a
l = bq(a, b, c);
if (0 > l) {
g = !1;
break a
"-" == m && (l = -l)
m || 2 != c[0] - h || 2 != d.count ? g.year = l : (b = l, c = (new Date).getFullYear() - 80, a = c % 100, g.G = b == a, b += 100 * Math.floor(c / 100) + (b < a ? 100 : 0), g.year = b);
g = !0
return g;
case "Q":
return 0 > l ? (d = cq(b, c, a.g.XN), 0 > d && (d = cq(b, c, a.g.aO)), 0 > d ? g = !1 : (g.month = 3 * d, = 1, g = !0)) : g = !1, g;
case "d":
return 0 <= l && ( = l), !0;
case "S":
return b = c[0] - h, g.D = 3 > b ? l * Math.pow(10, 3 - b) : Math.round(l / Math.pow(10,
b - 3)), !0;
case "h":
12 == l && (l = 0);
case "K":
case "H":
case "k":
return 0 <= l && ( = l), !0;
case "m":
return 0 <= l && (g.Ji = l), !0;
case "s":
return 0 <= l && (g.Ig = l), !0;
case "z":
case "Z":
case "v":
b.indexOf("GMT", c[0]) == c[0] && (c[0] += 3);
a: if (c[0] >= b.length) g.g = 0, g = !0;
else {
d = 1;
switch (b.charAt(c[0])) {
case "-":
d = -1;
case "+":
h = c[0];
l = bq(a, b, c);
if (0 > l) g = !1;
else {
if (c[0] < b.length && ":" == b.charAt(c[0])) {
m = 60 * l;
l = bq(a, b, c);
if (0 > l) {
g = !1;
break a
m += l
} else m = l, m = 24 > m && 2 >= c[0] - h ? 60 * m : m % 100 + m / 100 * 60;
g.g = -(m * d);
g = !0
return g;
return !1
bq = function(a, b, c) {
if (a.g.iO) {
for (var d = [], e = c[0]; e < b.length; e++) {
var g = b.charCodeAt(e) - a.g.iO;
d.push(0 <= g && 9 >= g ? String.fromCharCode(g + 48) : b.charAt(e))
b = d.join("")
} else b = b.substring(c[0]);
a = b.match(/^\d+/);
if (!a) return -1;
c[0] += a[0].length;
return (0, window.parseInt)(a[0], 10)
cq = function(a, b, c) {
var d = 0,
e = -1;
a = a.substring(b[0]).toLowerCase();
for (var g = 0; g < c.length; g++) {
var h = c[g].length;
h > d && 0 == a.indexOf(c[g].toLowerCase()) && (e = g, d = h)
0 <= e && (b[0] += d);
return e
Nba = function() {};
eq = function(a) {
$.F(a) || (a = $.mk.anychart.format.locales[String(a)]);
return a || null
$.zn = function(a) {
return (a = eq(a)) && a.dateTimeLocale || null
fq = function(a) {
return (a = eq(a)) && a.numberLocale || null
gq = function(a, b) {
var c = $.zn(a);
return c && c[b || "dateTimeFormat"] || null
iq = function(a) {
if (!a) return Bm;
var b = $.oa(a);
b in hq || (hq[b] = {
QN: a.eras,
SU: a.eraNames,
WU: a.narrowMonths,
gV: a.standaloneNarrowMonths,
WN: a.months,
dO: a.standaloneMonths,
$N: a.shortMonths,
eO: a.standaloneShortMonths,
hO: a.weekdays,
jV: a.standaloneWeekdays,
bO: a.shortWeekdays,
iV: a.standaloneShortWeekdays,
m4: a.narrowWeekdays,
hV: a.standaloneNarrowWeekdays,
aO: a.shortQuarters,
XN: a.quarters,
KN: a.ampms || a.amPmS,
iD: a.dateFormats || [],
jD: a.timeFormats || [],
PN: a.dateTimeFormats || [],
RN: a.firstDayOfWeek,
C5: a.weekendRange,
SN: a.firstWeekCutOffDay || a.firstWeekCutOfDay
return hq[b]
kq = function(a) {
$.n(a) && (jq = $.la(a) ? a.getTime() : $.Q(a));
return (0, window.isNaN)(jq) ? (a = new Date, a.setTime(Date.UTC(a.getUTCFullYear(), a.getUTCMonth())), a) : new Date(jq)
$.An = function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.y(a) || $.F(a) ? lq = a : lq = "default");
return lq
sq = function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.y(a) ? mq = a : mq = null);
return mq || gq(lq) || gq("default") || "yyyy.MM.dd"
uq = function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.y(a) ? tq = a : tq = null);
return tq || gq(lq, "dateFormat") || gq("default", "dateFormat") || "yyyy.MM.dd"
wq = function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.y(a) ? vq = a : vq = null);
return vq || gq(lq, "timeFormat") || gq("default", "timeFormat") || "HH:mm:ss"
$.yq = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $.la(a) ? a : $.B(a) ? (0, window.isNaN)(a) ? null : new Date(a) : $.y(a) ? xq(a, b, c, d) : null
$.zq = function(a) {
var b = eq(lq);
return (b = b && b.messages) && a in b ? b[a] : a
$.Aq = function(a, b, c) {
b = $.ak(b);
a = $.ak(a);
return ((c ? c + "_" : "") + (a == b ? a : b + "_" + a)).replace(/-/g, "_")
$.Bq = function(a, b, c) {
a = (c = $.zn(c) || $.zn(lq) || $.zn("default")) && c.formats && c.formats[a];
return ($.C(a) ? a[Math.min(a.length - 1, b || 0)] : $.y(a) ? a : "") || "yyyy/MM/dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"
$.Cq = function(a, b) {
var c = $.zn(b) || $.zn(lq) || $.zn("default");
c = c && c.formats && c.formats[a];
return $.C(c) ? c : $.y(c) ? [c] : []
$.Eq = function(a, b, c) {
return $.Dq(a, uq(), b, c)
Fq = function(a, b, c) {
return $.Dq(a, wq(), b, c)
$.Dq = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = $.L(a, Date) ? a : new Date(a);
if ((0, window.isNaN)(a.getTime())) return String(a);
d = $.zn(d) || $.zn(lq) || $.zn("default");
b = b || mq || sq() || "yyyy.MM.dd";
var e = b + $.oa(d);
e in Gq || (d = iq(d), Gq[e] = new $.Em(b, d));
d = Gq[e];
c = c || Hq;
c in Iq || (Iq[c] = zm(c));
return d.format(a, Iq[c])
$.Kq = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
var l;
$.y(b) ? l = fq(b) : $.F(b) && (l = b);
var m = fq(lq) || fq("default");
b = $.B(b) ? b : l && $.B(l.decimalsCount) ? l.decimalsCount : m.decimalsCount;
c = $.y(c) ? c : l && $.y(l.decimalPoint) ? l.decimalPoint : m.decimalPoint;
d = $.y(d) ? d : l && $.y(l.groupsSeparator) ? l.groupsSeparator : m.groupsSeparator;
e = $.F(e) || $.da(e) ? e : l && ($.F(l.scale) || $.da(l.scale)) ? l.scale : m.scale;
g = $.da(g) ? g : l && $.da(l.zeroFillDecimals) ? l.zeroFillDecimals : m.zeroFillDecimals;
h = $.y(h) ? h : l && $.y(l.scaleSuffixSeparator) ? l.scaleSuffixSeparator :
k = $.da(k) ? k : l && $.da(l.useBracketsForNegative) ? l.useBracketsForNegative : m.useBracketsForNegative;
!0 === e && (e = Jq);
a = Number(a);
(l = 0 > a) && (a = -a);
m = "";
if ($.F(e) && $.C(e.factors) && $.C(e.suffixes)) {
var p = 1,
q = e.factors;
e = e.suffixes;
for (var r = Math.min(q.length, e.length), t = 0; t < r; t++)
if (p = q[t], a >= p || 1 >= p && a > .1 * p) {
m = e[t];
m ? m = h + m : p = 1;
a /= p
g = g ? a.toFixed(b) : $.Pl(a, b).toString();
a = "";
/(e+|e-)/.test(g) && (b = g.split("e"), g = b[0], a = "e" + b[1]);
b = g.split(".");
if (d) {
g = b[0];
for (h = []; 0 < (e = g.substr(0,
g.length - 3)).length;) h.unshift(g.substr(-3)), g = e;
g && h.unshift(g);
b[0] = h.join(d)
d = l ? "-" : "";
c = b.join(c) + a + m;
l && k && (c = ["(", c, ")"].join(""), d = "");
return d + c
xq = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (b = ($.n(b) ? b : Lq) || null) {
d = $.zn(d) || $.zn(Mq) || $.zn("default");
var e = $.oa(d);
e = b + e;
e in Nq || (d = iq(d), Nq[e] = new Lba(b, d));
var g = Nq[e];
c = $.la(c) ? c : kq();
(b = -1 == b.replace(/'.+?'/g, "").search(/z+/i)) && c.setTime(c.getTime() + 6E4 * c.getTimezoneOffset());
d = a.length;
a: {
var h = new Nba;
e = [0];
for (var k = -1, l = 0, m = 0, p = 0; p < g.b.length; p++)
if (0 < g.b[p].count)
if (0 > k && g.b[p].vA && (k = p, m = l = 0), 0 <= k) {
var q = g.b[p].count;
if (p == k && (q -= m, m++, 0 == q)) {
a = 0;
break a
dq(g, a, e, g.b[p], q, h) || (p = k - 1, e[0] = l)
} else {
if (k = -1, !dq(g, a, e, g.b[p], 0, h)) {
a = 0;
break a
} else {
k = -1;
if (" " == g.b[p].text.charAt(0)) {
if (q = e[0], aq(a, e), e[0] > q) continue
} else if (a.indexOf(g.b[p].text, e[0]) == e[0]) {
e[0] += g.b[p].text.length;
a = 0;
break a
b: {
if (null == c) throw Error("Parameter 'date' should not be null.");
void 0 != h.era && void 0 != h.year && 0 == h.era && 0 < h.year && (h.year = -(h.year - 1));
void 0 != h.year && c.setFullYear(h.year);
a = c.getDate();
void 0 != h.month && c.setMonth(h.month);
void 0 != ? c.setDate( : (g = gm(c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth()),
c.setDate(a > g ? g : a));
$.G(c.setHours) && (void 0 == && ( = c.getHours()), void 0 != h.j && 0 < h.j && 12 > && ( += 12), c.setHours(;
$.G(c.setMinutes) && void 0 != h.Ji && c.setMinutes(h.Ji);
$.G(c.setSeconds) && void 0 != h.Ig && c.setSeconds(h.Ig);
$.G(c.setMilliseconds) && void 0 != h.D && c.setMilliseconds(h.D);
void 0 != h.g && c.setTime(c.getTime() + 6E4 * (h.g - c.getTimezoneOffset()));
h.G && (a = new Date, a.setFullYear(a.getFullYear() - 80), c.getTime() < a.getTime() && c.setFullYear(a.getFullYear() + 100));
if (void 0 != h.b)
if (void 0 == a =
(7 + h.b - c.getDay()) % 7, 3 < a && (a -= 7), h = c.getMonth(), c.setDate(c.getDate() + a), c.getMonth() != h && c.setDate(c.getDate() + (0 < a ? -7 : 7));
else if (h.b != c.getDay()) {
a = !1;
break b
a = !0
a = a ? e[0] - 0 : 0
return d == a ? (b && c.setTime(c.getTime() - 6E4 * c.getTimezoneOffset()), c) : null
c = Number(a);
a = new Date((0, window.isNaN)(c) ? a : c);
return (0, window.isNaN)(a.getTime()) ? null : a
Oq = function(a) {
$.y(a) && (a = xq(a));
return Number(a)
$.Pq = function() {
this.qe = null;
this.qe = $.Ma($.kl("palette.items"));
$.Qq = function() {
this.b = []
$.Rq = function() {
$; = [];
for (var a in Oj)[a])
$.Tq = function() {
this.b = [];
this.Ua = window.NaN;
this.qe = "#1D8BD1 #F1683C #2AD62A #DBDC25 #8FBC8B #D2B48C #FAF0E6 #20B2AA #B0C4DE #DDA0DD #9C9AFF #9C3063 #FFFFCE #CEFFFF #630063 #FF8284 #0065CE #CECFFF #000084 #FF00FF #FFFF00 #00FFFF #840084 #840000 #008284 #0000FF #00CFFF #CEFFFF #CEFFCE #FFFF9C #9CCFFF #FF9ACE #CE9AFF #FFCF9C #3165FF #31CFCE #9CCF00 #FFCF00 #FF9A00 #FF6500".split(" ");
Sq = function(a) {
if (a.qe && 0 != a.Ua) {
var b = [],
c = $.C(a.qe) ? a.qe : a.qe.keys;
if ($.C(c) && c.length) {
(0, window.isNaN)(a.Ua) && (a.Ua = c.length);
for (var d = 1 / (c.length - 1), e, g = 0; g < c.length; g++) {
var h = c[g];
$.y(h) ? (e = $.Lk(h), b.push({
color: e ? e.Wh : "#000000",
offset: g * d
})) : (e = $.Lk(h.color), b.push({
color: e ? e.Wh : "#000000",
offset: $.n(h.offset) ? h.offset : g * d
a.b = [];
if (1 == b.length)
for (g = 0; g < a.Ua; g++) a.b[g] = {
color: b[0].color
for (g = 0; g < a.Ua; g++) {
e = 1 == a.Ua ? 0 : g / (a.Ua - 1);
d = c = null;
for (h = 0; h < b.length; h++) e >= b[h].offset &&
(c = b[h]), e <= b[h].offset && null == d && (d = b[h]);
c || (c = b[0]);
d || (d = b[b.length - 1]);
d.offset == c.offset ? a.b[g] = {
color: c.color
} : (e = 1 - (e - c.offset) / (d.offset - c.offset), a.b[g] = {
color: $.Wb($.Hk($.Ak(c.color), $.Ak(d.color), e))
Vq = function() {
this.K = [0, 1];
this.D = [0, 1];
this.G = [];
this.j = Uq;
this.b = this.g = null
$.Wq = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) && (a.K = $.Oa(b, 0), a.g = a.b = null)
Xq = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) && ($.C(b) ? (a.G = $.Oa(b, 0), a.j = Uq) : (a.G = [], a.j = Number(b) || Oba), a.g = a.b = null)
$q = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
var h = Math.min(a.length, b.length) - 1;
a[0] > a[h] && (a = $.Oa(a, 0).reverse(), b = $.Oa(b, 0).reverse());
for (var k = [], l = [], m = 0; m < h; m++) k.push(Yq[c[m] || d](a[m], a[m + 1])), l.push(Zq[e[m] || g](b[m], b[m + 1]));
return 1 == h ? function(a) {
a = k[0](a);
return l[0](a)
} : function(b) {
var c = $.Sa(a, b, void 0);
0 > c && (c = ~c);
c = $.hb(c, 1, h) - 1;
b = k[c](b);
return l[c](b)
ar = function(a) {
this.scale = a;
this.D = Pba;
this.j = Qba;
this.g = Rba
br = function(a, b, c, d) {
b = Math.abs(c - b) / a.Ua;
c = a.g.length;
for (var e = 0; e < c; e++)
if (b <= a.g[e]) return d ? a.D[e].clone() : a.j[e].clone();
return d ? new $.nm(hm, Math.ceil(b / 31536E6) / 4) : new $.nm(hm, Math.ceil(b / 31536E6))
$.cr = function() {
$; = 0;
this.WB = !1;
this.Sv = 1;
this.RH = 0;
this.nU = "none";
this.mU = "direct"
$.dr = function(a, b, c) {
if (a.Sv != b || a.RH != c) a.Sv = b, a.RH = c, a.aL(),
er = function(a, b) {
a.WB && (b = 1 - b);
return b / a.Sv + a.RH
$.jr = function(a, b) {
return fr(gr[a], b ? $.hr : ir)
fr = function(a, b) {
kr || (kr = {}, kr[ir] = $.lr, kr[2] = $.mr, kr[4] = $.nr, kr[$.hr] = $.or, kr[32] = function() {
var a;
return (a = $.mk.anychart.scales.linearColor) ? a() : $.jk(4, null, ["Color scales"])
}, kr[16] = function() {
var a;
return (a = $.mk.anychart.scales.ordinalColor) ? a() : $.jk(4, null, ["Color scales"])
var c = kr[a] || kr[b] || null;
return c && c() || null
$.pr = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k = null;
if (a != b) {
d = d || 15;
var l = a ? a.Sa() : null,
var p = m = null;
if ($.y(b)) var q = b || l;
else $.L(b, $.cr) ? (q = b.Sa(), m = b) : $.F(b) && (q = b.type || l || c, p = b);
b = gr[q];
b & d ? (m || q == l || (m = fr(b, gr[c] || null)), m && ($.V(m), g && (a && $.Bp(a, g, h), $.U(m, g, h)),, k = a = m), a && p && (m || $.V(a), a.$(p), k = a)) : e && $.jk(5, void 0, e)
return k
$.qr = function() {
this.yp = window.NaN;
this.zy = 0;
this.yy = 1;
this.Pm = this.Qm = this.JT = !0;
this.wG = this.CG = .1;
this.Xp = this.js = this.max = this.min = window.NaN;
this.cq = null;
this.pH = this.Pc = !1
$.rr = function() {
this.fl = this.ol = null;
$.nr = function() {
var a = new $.rr;
return a
$.sr = function(a) {
this.ra = a
Sba = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
function k(a) {
return 0 > a ? -m(-a + e - 1) : a ? m(a + e - 1) : 0
function l(a) {
return -m(a)
function m(a) {
return Ul(d, a)
var p = $.Tl(Math.abs(b), d),
q = $.Tl(Math.abs(c), d),
r = b * c,
t = !1;
0 < r ? 0 < b ? (a = tr(a, p, q, g, h), k = m, e = a.result[0]) : (a = tr(a, q, p, g, h), k = l, t = !0, e = a.result[1]) : a = 0 > r ? tr(a, -(p - (e - 1)), q - (e - 1), g, h) : c ? tr(a, 0, q - (e - 1), g, h) : tr(a, -(p - (e - 1)), 0, g, h);
a.Ia = (0, $.eb)(a.Ia, k);
a.result = (0, $.eb)(a.result, k);
t && (a.Ia.reverse(), t = a.result[0], a.result[0] = a.result[1], a.result[1] = t, t = a.result[2], a.result[2] =
a.result[3], a.result[3] = t);
a.result[4] = e;
return a
tr = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
h = h || 0;
var k = a.Ok,
l = a.lg,
m =,
p = c - b;
!(0, window.isNaN)(k) && p / k > a.ra.xo() && ($.lk(20, null, [p, k]), k = window.NaN, l = 4, m = 6);
if ((0, window.isNaN)(k)) {
var q = window.NaN;
for (a = window.NaN; l <= m; l++) {
q = $.Ql(p / (l - 1));
var r = Math.log(q),
t = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(r * Math.LOG10E));
r = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(r * Math.LOG10E));
var u = $.Tl(q / r, 2);
t = [t, r, q < t + t ? t / 2 : window.Infinity, Math.pow(2, Math.floor(u)) * r, Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(u)) * r];
t = (0, $.eb)(t, function(a) {
return $.yn(q, a) || window.Infinity
g || (t =
(0, $.eb)(t, function(a) {
return (0, window.isFinite)(a) && ~~a == a ? a : window.Infinity
(t = Math.min.apply(null, t)) && (0, window.isFinite)(t) ? q = t: g || (q = Math.round(q) || 1);
t = $.Ql($.xn(b, q, h)) - b;
t *= t;
r = $.Ql($.yn(c, q, h)) - c;
r *= r;
t += r;
if ((0, window.isNaN)(a) || t < a) a = t, k = q
g = [b, c];
m = [];
p = $.Rl(k);
a = $.Ql($.xn(b, k, h, p), p);
d ? g[0] = b = a : 1E-7 < b - a && (m.push(b), g[2] = a);
d = $.Ql($.yn(c, k, h, p), p);
e ? g[1] = c = d : 1E-7 < d - c && (g[3] = d);
for (b = $.Ql($.yn(b, k, h, p), p); b <= c; b = $.Ql(b + k, p)) m.push(b);
3 in g && m.push(c);
return {
Ia: m,
result: g
ur = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
e = e || [];
b = $.Pl(b, 7);
var g, h = 0;
for (g = a = $.Pl(a, 7); g <= b; g = $.Pl(g + c, 7)) {
d != g && e.push(g);
if (h && a == g) break;
return e
vr = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.Ok;
(0, window.isNaN)(a) && (a = (c - b) / (d - 1));
return Math.max(a, 1E-7)
$.wr = function() {
this.fl = this.ol = null;
this.nP = !0; = 10;
this.pH = !0;
this.EI = this.k_
$.lr = function() {
var a = new $.wr;
return a
xr = function() {
$.mr = function() {
var a = new xr;
return a
$.yr = function(a) {
this.scale = a
$.zr = function(a) {
a.dy = null;
a.$v = null;
a.Lj = null
$.Ar = function() {
this.zf = [];
this.qf = []; = []; = [];
this.Ix = [];
this.hP = !0;
this.YC = {};
this.M_ = null;
this.UD = !0;
this.vb = null;
$.Br = function(a, b) {
null === b ? = 0 : $.C(b) && ( = $.Ma(b));
a.hw() || ( = 0); = 0;
a.Ix.length = 0;
$.Cr = function(a) {
if (!a.Ix || a.Ix.length != a.zf.length) {
var b = a.HU(),
c = 0,
for (d in b) c += b[d];
a.Ix = {
return a / c
a.IH = [0];
for (b = 0; b < a.Ix.length; b++) a.IH.push(a.Ix[b] + a.IH[b])
return a.Ix
$.Dr = function(a) {
return $.C(a.qf) ? null : a.qf
Tba = function(a, b, c) {
a.YC = b;
a.zf = c
$.or = function() {
var a = new $.Ar;
return a
Er = function() {
this.b = []
Fr = function(a) {
this.K = a;
this.g = [-1];
this.b = void 0;
this.G = this.HX;
this.j = this.JX;
this.D = -1
Gr = function(a, b) {
if (!b.length || !a.g.length) return null;
var c = b[++a.g[a.g.length - 1]];
if (!c) return a.g.pop(), Gr(a, Hr(a));
var d = b;
c.ic() && a.j(c) && (a.g.push(-1), d = c.Ky());
return a.G(c) ? c : Gr(a, d)
Hr = function(a) {
var b = a.K.Ky();
a.D = 0;
if (1 < a.g.length)
for (var c = 0; c < a.g.length - 1; c++) b = b[a.g[c]], a.D = c + 1, b = b.Ky();
return b
$.Ir = function(a, b) {
this.b = a;
this.g = b;"treeItemMove", this.UL, !1, this);"treeItemUpdate", this.UL, !1, this);"treeItemCreate", this.UL, !1, this);"treeItemRemove", this.UL, !1, this);
$.U(this.b,, this)
$.Jr = function(a, b, c) {
this.Ct = a;
this.Gd = c;
this.vl = b;
this.Ih = {}
$.Kr = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.g = d || {};
this.b = [];
this.Yd = {};
this.K = {};
this.G = {};
this.R = this.Nw();
this.j = null;
this.D = !0;
this.FP("id", !0);
a && this.qs(a, b, c)
$.Mr = function(a) {
var b = new $.Kr;
"rootMapping" in a && (b.g = a.rootMapping);
if ("index" in a)
for (var c = a.index, d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) b.FP(c[d]);
if ("children" in a)
for (c = a.children, d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) b.fb(Lr(b, c[d]));!1);
return "mapping" in a ? b.Oe(a.mapping) : b
Qr = function(a, b) {
var c = new $.Nr(a, b),
d = b[a.g[Or.Tv] || Or.Tv];
if (d)
for (var e = 0, g = d.length; e < g; e++) Pr(c, Qr(a, d[e]));
return c
Rr = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (c) {
if (d)
for (var e = b.ic(); e--;) Rr(a, b.Yc(e), c, d);
if (d = a.Yd[c]) e = b.get(c), a.K[c] && (e = String(e)), a = $.Sa(d, e, a.G[c]), c = {
key: e,
value: b
}, 0 > a ? $.Ha(d, c, ~a) : (a = d[a], $.C(a.value) ? $.Fa(a.value, b) : a.value != b && (a.value = [a.value], a.value.push(b)))
} else
for (e in a.Yd) Rr(a, b, e, d)
Sr = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (c) {
if (d)
for (var e = b.ic(); e--;) Sr(a, b.Yc(e), c, d);
if (d = a.Yd[c]) e = b.get(c), a.K[c] && (e = String(e)), b.get(c), e = $.Sa(d, e, a.G[c]), (d = d[e]) && ($.C(d.value) && 1 < d.value.length ? $.Ja(d.value, b) : Ia(a.Yd[c], e))
} else
for (e in a.Yd) Sr(a, b, e, d)
Tr = function(a, b) {
Rr(a, b);
b.o("nc", !0);
for (var c = 0; c < b.ic(); c++) Tr(a, b.Yc(c))
Ur = function(a) {
return function(b, c) {
return a(b, c.key)
$.Nr = function(a, b) {
this.b = a;
this.ea = null;
this.g = [];
this.Ih = {};
var c = $.Vc(b);
delete c[this.b.g[Or.Tv] || Or.Tv];
delete c[this.b.g[Or.tA] || Or.tA];
this.Ga = c;
this.j = {}
Lr = function(a, b) {
var c = new $.Nr(a, "treeDataItemData" in b ? b.treeDataItemData : {});
if ("treeDataItemMeta" in b) {
var d = b.treeDataItemMeta,
for (e in d) c.o(e, d[e])
d = b[a.g[Or.Tv] || Or.Tv];
if ($.C(d))
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
var g = Lr(a, d[e]);
return c
Vr = function(a) {
null != a.ea && (a.ea = null,
Pr = function(a, b) {
$.Ha(a.g, b, a.ic());
b.ea = a
Wr = function(a, b) {
a.b = b;
for (var c = 0, d = a.ic(); c < d; c++) Wr(a.g[c], b)
Xr = function(a, b) {
var c = String($.oa(b));
if (c in a.j) return a.j[c][1];
var d = null === a.getParent() ? null : Xr(a.getParent(), b);
d = new $.Jr(b, a, d);
a.j[c] = [b, d];
return d
Yr = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k = $.Vc(b.treeDataItemData);
$.n( || (a.HS++, a.QF = -1);
k.parent = [a.gx, g, h];
g = a.gx++;
for (var l in k) l in d || (d[l] = e++);
if ((b = b.children) && b.length)
for (h = 0, l = b.length; h < l; h++) Yr(a, b[h], c, d, e, g,
$.Zr = function(a, b) {
if (!a) return "";
var c = a.J().children,
d = [],
e = {},
g, h = {
QF: 1,
HS: 0,
gx: 0
}; = 0;
e.parent = 1;
for (g = 0; g < c.length; g++) Yr(h, c[g], d, e, 2, null, null);
h.HS === h.gx ? h.QF = 0 : 0 === h.HS && (h.QF = 1);
c = [];
for (k in e) c[e[k]] = k;
var k = [];
0 > h.QF && (e.__original_id__ = c.length, e.__original_parent__ = c.length + 1, c.push("__original_id__", "__original_parent__"));
for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) {
var l = Array(c.length);
var m = d[g];
var p = m.parent;
if (0 >= h.QF) {
var q = p[0];
var r = p[1]
} else q =, r = p[2];
for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var t = c[e];
var u = $.F(m[t]) ? Km(m[t]) : m[t];
l[e] = "id" === t ? q : "parent" === t ? null === r ? void 0 : r : "__original_parent__" === t ? p[2] : "__original_id__" === t ? : u
return $.Nn(c, k, b)
$.X = function() {
this.yc = new $.lf(this);
this.sH = this.Ra.enabled = !0;
$.$r = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
b.tag = a;, "click", e || a.Ug);, "dblclick", a.Ug);, "mouseover", c || a.Ug);, "mouseout", d || a.Ug);, "mousedown", h || a.Ug);, "mouseup", k || a.Ug);, "mousemove", g || a.Ug);, "touchstart", a.Ug);, "touchend", a.Ug);, "touchcancel", a.Ug);, "touchmove", a.Ug);, "contextmenu", a.Ug)
$.as = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {, "click", e || h || a.Fh);, "dblclick", h || a.Fh);, "mouseover", c || h || a.Fh);, "mouseout", d || h || a.Fh);, "mousedown", k || h || a.Fh);, "mouseup", h || a.Fh);, "mousemove", g || h || a.Fh);, "touchstart", h || a.Fh);, "touchend", h || a.Fh);, "touchcancel", h || a.Fh);, "touchmove", h || a.Fh);, "contextmenu", h || a.Fh)
$.bs = function(a, b, c, d) {
arguments.length && this.set.apply(this, arguments)
cs = function(a, b, c) {
null === a.zo || (b = Math.max(b, $.P(a.zo, c)));
null === a.Dg || (b = Math.min(b, $.P(a.Dg, c)));
return b
ds = function(a, b, c) {
null === a.hv || (b = Math.max(b, $.P(a.hv, c)));
null === || (b = Math.min(b, $.P(, c)));
return b
$.es = function() {
$.fs = function(a, b) {
function c() {
function d() {
lo(this.aa, this)
a.prototype.aa = function() {;
var a = this.U();
(a = a ? a.Ea() : null) && (this.rq() ?"stageresize", c, !1, this) : a.Cc("stageresize", c, !1, this));
$.U(this, d, this);
return this
$.gs = function() {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.fc = this.ea = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["fill", 16],
["stroke", 20],
["topStroke", 20],
["rightStroke", 20],
["bottomStroke", 20],
["leftStroke", 20],
["disablePointerEvents", 64],
["cornerType", 4]
hs = function(a, b) {
var c = a.AP();
return c ? (0, window.parseFloat)(4 > c.length ? c[0] : c[b]) : 0
is = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
switch (a.I("cornerType")) {
case "round":, g, h, h, !1, !0);
case "round-inner":, g, h, h, !1, !1);
case "cut":
b.lineTo(e, g);
b.lineTo(c, d).lineTo(e, g)
$.js = function(a, b) {
$.bp(a.Ra, a.dI, b);
"corners" in b && (a.Ra.corners = a.lX(b.corners))
ks = function() {
ls = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.fc = this.ea = null;
($.n(a) || $.n(b) || $.n(c) || $.n(d)) && this.set.apply(this, arguments);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
$.Dl = function(a) {
var b = arguments[0],
c = arguments[1],
d = arguments[2],
e = arguments[3];
if ($.C(b)) {
var g = b;
b = g[0];
c = g[1];
d = g[2];
e = g[3];
g = g.length
} else g = arguments.length;
if (!g) return {};
if ("object" == $.ja(b)) {
var h = || 0;
var k = b.right || 0;
var l = b.bottom || 0;
var m = b.left || 0
} else 1 == g ? m = l = k = h = b || 0 : 2 == g ? (l = h = b || 0, m = k = c || 0) : 3 == g ? (h = b || 0, m = k = c || 0, l = d || 0) : 4 <= g && (h = b || 0, k = c || 0, l = d || 0, m = e || 0);
return {
top: h,
left: m,
bottom: l,
right: k
ns = function(a, b) {
for (var c in ms) {
var d = b[c];
$.n(d) && (a.Ra[c] = d)
$.os = function(a, b, c, d) {, a, b, c, d)
$.ps = function() {
this.b = {}
Uba = function(a) {
function b(a) {
var b = [],
c, d;
for (d in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
var e = a[d];
if (d in l) {
var g = l[d];
"number" == g && (e = $.Q(e));
"boolean" == g && (e = k[Kn(e).toLowerCase()], e = "useNegativeSign" == d ? !e : e);
if ("scale" == g) {
var h = Kn(e);
if (h in k) e = k[h];
else {
e = {};
h = h.split("|");
var p = function(a, b) {
return 0 != b % 2
g = (0, $.Ze)(h[0].split(/\(([ \w\+\-]*)\)/), p);
h = (0, $.Ze)(h[1].split(/\(([^\)]*)\)/), p);
g = (0, $.eb)(g, function(a) {
return +a
var q = g[0];
p = [q];
for (c = 1; c < g.length; c++) q *= g[c], p.push(q);
p.length != h.length &&
(g = Math.min(p.length, h.length), p.length = g, h.length = g);
e.factors = p;
e.suffixes = h
g = d;
d in m && m[d] && (g = m[d], g != d && b.push(d));
a[g] = e
for (c = b.length; c--;) delete a[b[c]]
function c(a, b, c) {
var d = "%" == a.charAt(0) ? a.substr(1) : a;
var e = d.toLowerCase();
var g = c.Xb.Ml[a],
h = c.Xb.Nl[g] || c.Xb.values[g] || c.Xb.Nl[a] || c.Xb.values[a] || c.Xb.Nl[d] || c.Xb.values[d];
if (h) e = h.value;
else {
b: {
for (var k in c.Xb.Nl)
if (c.Xb.Nl.hasOwnProperty(k) && k.toLowerCase() == e) {
h = c.Xb.Nl[k].value;
break b
for (k in c.Xb.values)
if (c.Xb.values.hasOwnProperty(k) &&
k.toLowerCase() == e) {
h = c.Xb.values[k].value;
break b
h = void 0
$.n(h) ? e = h : (d = g ? c.AD(g) || c.AD(d) : c.AD(d), e = $.n(d) ? d :
if (!$.n(e)) return "";
b = b || {};
d = $.n(b.dateTimeFormat) || $.n(b.timeZone);
b.type && (b.type = Kn(b.type));
if (!(g = p[String(b.type).toLowerCase()])) {
if (d) c = "date-time";
else {
g = "%" == a.charAt(0) ? a.substr(1) : a;
d = g.toLowerCase();
h = c.Xb.Ml[a];
g = (a = c.Xb.Nl[h] || c.Xb.values[h] || c.Xb.Nl[a] || c.Xb.values[a] || c.Xb.Nl[g] || c.Xb.values[g] || c.Xb.Nl[d] || c.Xb.values[d]) && $.n(a.type) ? a.type : "string";
if (!a && c.Xb.ek.length) switch (d) {
case qs.rja:
case qs.zja:
case qs.g3:
case qs.h3:
case qs.i3:
case qs.M4:
case qs.N4:
case qs.P4:
case qs.Q4:
case qs.Y4:
case qs.L4:
case qs.U4:
case qs.W4:
case qs.G4:
case qs.H4:
case qs.T4:
case qs.I4:
case qs.d5:
case qs.V4:
case qs.J4:
case qs.f5:
case qs.X4:
case qs.K4:
case qs.g5:
case qs.h5:
case qs.i5:
case qs.K2:
case qs.B2:
case qs.C2:
case qs.D2:
case qs.G2:
case qs.H2:
case qs.J2:
case qs.c3:
case qs.U2:
case qs.Y2:
case qs.Z2:
case qs.R2:
case qs.S2:
case qs.X2:
case qs.T2:
case qs.gO:
case qs.O5:
case qs.T3:
case qs.h4:
case qs.OPEN:
case qs.N2:
case qs.K5:
case qs.v2:
case qs.W3:
case qs.w4:
case qs.v4:
case qs.ZU:
case qs.j5:
case qs.c5:
case qs.e5:
case qs.Z4:
case qs.S4:
case qs.R4:
case qs.j3:
case qs.e3:
case qs.f3:
case qs.d3:
case qs.V2:
case qs.W2:
case qs.w2:
case qs.z2:
case qs.A2:
case qs.E2:
case qs.I2:
case qs.L5:
case qs.M5:
case qs.N5:
case qs.I5:
case qs.J5:
case qs.t4:
g =
c = g
g = c
switch (g) {
case "":
return "";
case "string":
return String(e);
case "date-time":
return $.Dq(e, b.dateTimeFormat, b.timeZone);
case "date":
return $.Eq(e, b.timeZone);
case "time":
return Fq(e, b.timeZone);
case "number":
return $.Kq(e, b.decimalsCount, b.decimalPoint, b.groupsSeparator, b.scale, b.zeroFillDecimals, b.scaleSuffixSeparator, b.useBracketsForNegative);
case "percent":
return $.kn($.Pl(100 * e, 2))
function d(a) {
return a
function e(a, d) {
var e = z,
g = [],
for (k in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
var l = Kn(k);
l != k && (e[l] = e[k], g.push(k))
for (k = g.length; k--;) delete e[g[k]];
h.push($.sa(c, a, d))
function g(a) {
h.push($.sa(d, a))
for (var h = [], k = {
"true": !0,
"false": !1
}, l = {
numDecimals: "number",
decimalsCount: "number",
useNegativeSign: "boolean",
useBracketsForNegative: "boolean",
leadingZeros: "number",
trailingZeros: "boolean",
zeroFillDecimals: "boolean",
scale: "scale"
}, m = {
numDecimals: "decimalsCount",
decimalSeparator: "decimalPoint",
thousandsSeparator: "groupsSeparator",
useNegativeSign: "useBracketsForNegative",
trailingZeros: "zeroFillDecimals"
p = {
number: "number",
string: "string",
datetime: "date-time",
date: "date",
time: "time",
percent: "percent"
}, q = a.length, r = 0, t, u = "", v, x, w, z, A = !1, E = 0; E < q; E++) switch (t = a.charAt(E), r) {
case 0:
"{" == t ? r = 1 : u += t;
case 1:
"%" == t ? (0 < u.length && g(u), u = "%", r = 2) : (u += "{" + t, r = 0);
case 2:
"}" == t ? 1 < u.length ? (v = u, u = "", r = 3) : (u = "{%}", r = 0) : u += t;
case 3:
"{" == t ? r = 4 : (e(v, null), u = t, r = 0);
case 4:
"%" == t ? (e(v, null), u = "%", r = 2) : (x = "{" + t, u = t, r = w = "", z = {}, A = "\\" == t, r = 5);
case 5:
x += t;
A ? (u += t, A = !1) : "\\" == t ? A = !0 : ":" == t ? (w =
u, u = "", r = 6) : "}" == t ? (w = Kn(u), z[w] = "", e(v, z), x = u = r = w = "", r = 0) : u += t;
case 6:
x += t, A ? (u += t, A = !1) : "\\" == t ? A = !0 : "," == t ? (r = u, z[w] = r, r = w = u = "", r = 5) : "}" == t ? (r = u, z[w] = r, e(v, z), x = u = r = w = "", r = 0) : u += t
switch (r) {
case 0:
0 < u.length && g(u);
case 1:
case 2:
g("{" + u);
case 3:
e(v, null);
case 4:
e(v, null);
case 5:
case 6:
return h
$.rs = function(a, b) {
if (!a.b[b]) {
var c = Uba(b);
a.b[b] = function(a) {
return (0, $.eb)(c, function(b) {
return b(a)
return a.b[b]
$.ts = function() {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.Hb = null;
this.$T = "background padding height width offsetY offsetX position anchor rotation format positionFormatter minFontSize maxFontSize clip connectorStroke adjustFontSize useHtml fontSize fontWeight fontFamily fontColor textDirection wordWrap wordBreak fontOpacity fontDecoration fontStyle fontVariant letterSpacing lineHeight textIndent vAlign hAlign textOverflow selectable disablePointerEvents".split(" ");
this.Xd = {};
$.Yo(this.Ha, 20, 20, 9, 1);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["format", 20, 9],
["positionFormatter", 4, 9],
["position", 4, 9],
["anchor", 4, 9],
["offsetX", 4, 9],
["offsetY", 4, 9],
["connectorStroke", 512, 1],
["rotation", 4, 9],
["width", 4, 9],
["height", 4, 9],
["clip", 256, 1]
Ds = function(a) {
a = $.Ij(a, "auto");
"auto" == a && (a = void 0);
return a
$.Es = function(a) {
a = a.I("adjustFontSize");
return !!a && (a.width || a.height)
$.ss = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (b = $.Cj(Vba, b, "different"), a.R != b && (a.R = b, $.Es(a) && a.B(4, 9)), a) : a.R
Fs = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) && (a.Y = b);
return a.Y
$.Gs = function(a) {
var b = {};
$.Jc(a.ja, function(a, d) {
if ($.n(a)) {
if ("adjustByHeight" == d || "adjustByWidth" == d) d = "adjustFontSize";
b[d] = this[d]();
b[d] = "padding" == d || "background" == d ? this.Ff(d).J() : this.Ff(d)
}, a);
return b
$.Ks = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0),
h = a.oa();
if (h) {
var k = h.width;
var l = h.height
if ($.L(b, $.Hs) && !d) {
var m = b;
var p = m.Ei();
var q = m.Of();
b = c || m.Bc() || {
value: {
x: 0,
y: 0
m = $.Is(m);
var r = m.useHtml;
var t = m.width;
var u = m.height;
d = m.offsetY;
c = m.offsetX;
var v = m.anchor;
var x = m.format;
var w = m.padding;
$.L(w, $.os) || (w = new $.os(w));
} else a.D ? a.D.clear() : (a.D = a.gJ(), = a), a.G || (a.G = $.wj(),"aria-hidden", "true")), m = a.D, p = a.G, $.L(b, $.Hs) ? (a.D.P($.Is(b)), q = b.Of(), b = c || b.Bc() || {
value: {
x: 0,
y: 0
}) : (q = b, b = c || {
value: {
x: 0,
y: 0
}), a.D.P(d), r = $.n(m.I("useHtml")) ? m.I("useHtml") : a.I("useHtml"), w = m.I("padding") || a.I("padding") || null, t = $.n(m.I("width")) ? m.I("width") : a.I("width"), u = $.n(m.I("height")) ? m.I("height") : a.I("height"), d = m.I("offsetY") || a.I("offsetY") || 0, c = m.I("offsetX") || a.I("offsetX") || 0, v = m.I("anchor") || a.I("anchor"), x = m.I("format") || a.I("format"), m.Qg(p, !0, a.Ra),, p, !1), m.Qg(p, !1);
e = $.Js(a, x, q, e);
r ? p.htmlText(null != e ? String(e) : null) : p.text(null !=
e ? String(e) : null);
m = null !== t;
e = null !== u;
q = p.hb();
if (m) {
k = Math.ceil($.P(t, k));
var z = w ? : k;
g.width = k
} else k = q.width, g.width = w ? : k;
$.n(z) && p.width(z);
q = p.hb();
if (e) {
z = Math.ceil($.P(u, l));
var A = w ? w.Zg(z) : z;
g.height = z
} else z = q.height, g.height = w ? w.kj(z) : z;
$.n(A) && p.height(A);
A = $.Vc(a.I("positionFormatter").call(b, b));
return a.TY(g, A, h, c, d, v)
$.Js = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.y(b) && (b = $.rs($.ps.Ic(), b));
a.g || (a.g = {});
if (null != d) {
if (!$.n(a.g[d])) {
if ($.n(c) && c.series) {
var e = c.series.da();
$.G( &&$.n(c.index) ? c.index : d)
a.g[d] =, c)
return a.g[d]
return, c)
$.Ls = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) ? a.g && $.n(a.g[b]) && delete a.g[b] : a.g = {}
$.Hs = function() {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.Dv = {};
this.Xd = {}; = "pointState seriesState chartState pointNormal seriesNormal chartNormal seriesStateTheme chartStateTheme auto seriesNormalTheme chartNormalTheme".split(" ");
this.R = $.Oa(, 0);;
$.Yo(this.Ha, 20, 20, 9, 1);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["format", 1044, 9],
["positionFormatter", 4, 9],
["position", 4, 9],
["anchor", 4, 9],
["offsetX", 4, 9],
["offsetY", 4, 9],
["connectorStroke", 512, 1],
["rotation", 4, 9],
["width", 4, 9],
["height", 4,
["clip", 256, 1],
["enabled", 1, 9]
$.Ms = function(a, b) {
return null != b ? (a.state("seriesNormal") != b && ( = b, a.state("seriesNormal", b), a.state("seriesNormalTheme", b ? b.Ra : null), a.B(16, 1)), a) : a.state("seriesNormal")
$.Ns = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.state("seriesState") != b && (a.state("seriesState", b), a.state("seriesStateTheme", b ? b.Ra : null), a.B(16, 1)), a) : a.state("seriesState")
Os = function(a) {
return a.R || (a.R = $.Oa(, 0))
$.Ps = function(a, b, c) {
var d = !1,
e = Os(a);
$.n(c) && $.y(b) ? (c = $.Q(c), a = (0, $.Ca)(e, b), a != c && (c = (0, window.isNaN)(c) ? e.length - 1 : c, e.length <= c && (e.length = c + 1), -1 != a && delete e[a], e[c] = b)) : ($.C(b) ? (a.R = $.Oa(b, 0), d = !0) : null === b && (a.R = $.Oa(, 0), d = !0), d && a.B(17, 9))
Rs = function(a, b) {
return Qs(a, function(a, d) {
if (($.L(d, $.Hs) || $.L(d, $.ts)) && d.O(b)) return !0
}) || a.O(b)
Ss = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b)) {
var c = !!b;
a.Xd.vertical !== c && (a.Xd.vertical = c, $.n(a.Xd.vertical) || a.B(16, 8));
return a
return a.Xd.vertical
Qs = function(a, b) {
var c = void 0;
$.wa(Os(a), function(a, e) {
var d = $.y(a) ? "auto" == a ? this.Xd : this.Dv[a] : a;
d && (d =, a, d, e), $.n(d) && ($.F(d) && !$.G(d) ? (null != c && $.Xc(c, d), c = d) : c = d))
}, a);
return c
Ts = function(a, b, c) {
return Qs(a, function(a, e) {
if ($.L(e, $.Hs) || $.L(e, $.ts)) var d = "enabled" == b ? null === e[b]() ? void 0 : e[b]() : e.VQ(b);
else if ($.F(e))
if ("adjustFontSize" == b) {
var h = e[b];
$.n(h) ? $.C(h) ? (d = h[0], h = h[1]) : $.F(h) ? (d = h.width, h = h.height) : (d = !!h, h = !!h) : h = d = void 0;
d = {
width: d,
height: h
} else d = e[b], "enabled" == b && null === d && (d = void 0);
d && $.G(d.J) && (d = d.J());
c && $.n(d) && (d = c(d));
return d
$.Is = function(a) {
var b = Os(a);
1 == b.length && (b = b[0], a.b = $.y(b) ? a.Dv[b] : b);
if (a.b) return $.Vc(a.b);
b =$T;
for (var c = {}, d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) {
var g = b[d],
h =;
"adjustFontSize" == g ? (c.adjustByWidth = h.width, c.adjustByHeight = h.height) : c[g] = h
a.b = c;
return $.Vc(a.b)
$.Us = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k = Wba(a);
a = $.db(d, e + 1);
d = $.Ta(a, function(a) {
var d = k.hb();
a = d.width;
d = d.height;
return g && a > b || h && d > c ? -1 : g && a == b || h && d == c ? 0 : 1
0 > d && (d = ~d - 1);
return a[$.hb(d, 0, a.length)]
Wba = function(a) {
var b = $.Is(a),
c = b.useHtml,
d = a.Of();
a.O(1024) && ($.Ls(,, a.N(1024));
b = $.Js(, b.format, d,;
a.Jy || (a.Jy = $.wj(),"aria-hidden", "true"));
c ? a.Jy.htmlText($.n(b) ? String(b) : "") : a.Jy.text($.n(b) ? String(b) : "");
Qs(a, function(a, b, c) {
a = 0 == c;
$.L(b, $.ts) || $.L(b, $.Hs) ?, this.Jy, a) : this.Qg(this.Jy, a, b)
return a.Jy
Vs = function() {
Ws = function() {
$.Xs = function(a) {
this.b = a
Ys = function(a) {
this.Qa = a;
Zs = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.Qa.U() ? a.Qa.U().Ea().Rn() : null;
return d ? $.n(c) ? (d[b](c), a) : d[b]() : $.n(c) ? (a[b + "_"] !== c && (a[b + "_"] = c), a.B(16, 2), a) : a[b + "_"]
$s = function(a) {
var b = {},
c = a.text_,
d = a.url_,
e = a.alt_,
g = a.imgAlt_,
h = a.logoSrc_;
a = a.enabled_;
$.n(c) && (b.text = c);
$.n(d) && (b.url = d);
$.n(e) && (b.alt = e);
$.n(g) && (b.imgAlt = g);
$.n(h) && (b.logoSrc = h);
$.n(a) && (b.enabled = a);
return b
at = function() {
this.ea = null;
this.Qe = {};
this.fc = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["fontSize", 20, 9],
["fontFamily", 20, 9],
["fontColor", 16, 1],
["fontOpacity", 16, 1],
["fontDecoration", 20, 9],
["fontStyle", 20, 9],
["fontVariant", 20, 9],
["fontWeight", 20, 9],
["letterSpacing", 20, 9],
["textDirection", 20, 9],
["lineHeight", 20, 9],
["textIndent", 20, 9],
["vAlign", 20, 9],
["hAlign", 20, 9],
["wordWrap", 20, 9],
["wordBreak", 20, 9],
["textOverflow", 20, 9],
["selectable", 16, 1],
["disablePointerEvents", 16, 1],
["useHtml", 20, 9]
bt = function() {;
this.Lb = this.ab = this.Na = null;
this.Ya = $.sj();
$.$r(this, this.Ya);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["text", 20, 9],
["position", 4, 9],
["width", 4, 9],
["height", 4, 9],
["anchor", 4, 9],
["offsetX", 4, 9],
["offsetY", 4, 9],
["rotation", 4, 9],
["adjustFontSize", 4, 9],
["minFontSize", 0, 0, 0, this.Y],
["maxFontSize", 0, 0, 0, this.Y]
this.Ha.disablePointerEvents.SW = function() {
ct = function(a) {
return a.I("anchor") ||
dt = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (a = a.I("adjustFontSize"))
if (a.width && a.height) {
if (b > d || c > e) return 1;
if (b < d || c < e) return -1
} else if (a.width) {
if (b < d) return -1;
if (b > d) return 1
} else if (a.height) {
if (c < e) return -1;
if (c > e) return 1
return 0
et = function(a) {
var b = a.oa(),
var d = a.I("width");
var e = a.I("height");
if (b) {
var g = b.width;
b = b.height;
null != d ? (a.g = d = $.P(d, g), g = !1) : (d = 0, g = !0);
null != e ? (a.b = c = $.P(e, b), b = !1) : (c = 0, b = !0)
} else $.nn(d) ? (g = !0, d = 0) : (g = !1, a.g = d = $.Q(d)), $.nn(e) ? (b = !0, c = 0) : (b = !1, a.b = c = $.Q(e));
e = a.padding();
g ? (d += a.Lb.hb().width, a.G = d, a.g = : d = a.G =;
b ? (c += a.Lb.hb().height, a.j = c, a.b = e.kj(c)) : c = a.j = e.Zg(c);
var h = !g,
k = !b,
l = a.I("adjustFontSize");
h = l &&
h && l.width || k && l.height;
if (h) {
h = a.I("minFontSize");
var m = a.I("maxFontSize");
l = Math.round((m + h) / 2);
k = m;
var p = $.wj();"aria-hidden", "true");
a.Qg(p, !0);
if (0 >= dt(a, p.hb().width, p.hb().height, d, c)) d = m;
else {
for (var q = m = dt(a, p.hb().width, p.hb().height, d, c); h != k;) {
if (0 > m) h = Math.min(l + 1, k), l += Math.floor((k - l) / 2);
else if (0 < m) k = Math.max(l - 1, h), l -= Math.ceil((l - h) / 2);
else break;
m = dt(a, p.hb().width, p.hb().height, d, c);
if (0 >= q * m) break
if (m) {
do l += q, p.fontSize(l),
m = dt(a, p.hb().width, p.hb().height, d, c); while (0 > q * m);
0 < q && (l -= q)
} else $.M(p);
d = l
g && (a.Lb.width(null), a.G = a.Lb.hb().width, a.Lb.width(a.G), a.g =;
b && (a.Lb.height(null), a.j = a.Lb.hb().height, a.Lb.height(a.j), a.b = e.kj(a.j))
} else l && (l.width || l.height) && (a.fontSize(a.I("minFontSize")), a.Lb.fontSize(a.I("minFontSize")), g && (a.Lb.width(null), a.G = a.Lb.hb().width, a.Lb.width(a.G), a.g =, b && (a.Lb.height(null), a.j = a.Lb.hb().height, a.Lb.height(a.j), a.b = e.kj(a.j)));!1);
a.Mg = $.P(e.I("left"), a.g);
a.Ng = $.P(e.I("top"), a.b)
ft = function(a) {
var b;
if (b = !a.Lb) a.Lb = $.wj(),"aria-hidden", "true");
return b
$.gt = function() {;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["visible", 128, 1]
this.Ra.visible = !0
ht = function() {
it = function() {;
this.Hb = $.sj();
this.Wc = this.Hb.text();"aria-hidden", "true");
this.I_ = {
line: "black",
spline: "black",
"step-line": "black",
ohlc: "black",
candlestick: "black"
this.pga = {
line: !0,
spline: !0,
"step-line": !0,
ohlc: !0
this.ZA = {
iconStroke: "#999",
iconFill: "#999",
iconHatchFill: "none",
iconMarkerStroke: "#999",
iconMarkerFill: "#999",
fontColor: "#999"
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["text", 20, 9]
kt = function(a, b, c) {
a.Ie ? a.Ie.clear() : a.Ie = b.parent().path();
a.Pu && (jt(a, a.Ja), b = a.Pu, ($.y(b) ? $.ao(b) : b).call(a, a.Ie, c / 2, c / 2, c / 6))
Xba = function(a) {
switch (a) {
case "step-area":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .6 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .6 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .1 * b).lineTo(b, .1 * b).lineTo(b, b).lineTo(0, b).lineTo(0, .6 * b).close()
case "area":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .7 * b).lineTo(.35 * b, .3 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .5 * b).lineTo(b, 0).lineTo(b, b).lineTo(0, b).lineTo(0, .7 * b).close()
case "range-step-area":
case "range-spline-area":
case "range-area":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .2 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .4 * b).lineTo(b, .2 * b).lineTo(b, .8 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .6 * b).lineTo(0,
.8 * b).close()
case "spline-area":
a = function(a, b) {
var c = b / 2;
a.moveTo(b, .6 * c).lineTo(b, b).lineTo(0, b).lineTo(0, 1.3 * c).Kd(0, c, c, .3 * c, 90, -90).Kd(b, c, c, .4 * c, 180, 90).moveTo(0, 0).close()
case "range-bar":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(.35 * b, 0).lineTo(.65 * b, 0).lineTo(.65 * b, .15 * b).lineTo(.35 * b, .15 * b).close().moveTo(.1 * b, .4 * b).lineTo(.9 * b, .4 * b).lineTo(.9 * b, .55 * b).lineTo(.1 * b, .55 * b).close().moveTo(.25 * b, .8 * b).lineTo(.75 * b, .8 * b).lineTo(.75 * b, .95 * b).lineTo(.25 * b, .95 * b).close()
case "range-column":
a =
function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .6 * b).lineTo(0, .4 * b).lineTo(.15 * b, .4 * b).lineTo(.15 * b, .6 * b).lineTo(0, .6 * b).close().moveTo(.4 * b, .9 * b).lineTo(.4 * b, .1 * b).lineTo(.55 * b, .1 * b).lineTo(.55 * b, .9 * b).lineTo(.4 * b, .9 * b).close().moveTo(.8 * b, .7 * b).lineTo(.8 * b, .3 * b).lineTo(.95 * b, .3 * b).lineTo(.95 * b, .7 * b).lineTo(.8 * b, .7 * b).close()
case "bar":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(.6 * b, 0).lineTo(.6 * b, .15 * b).lineTo(0, .15 * b).close().moveTo(0, .4 * b).lineTo(b, .4 * b).lineTo(b, .55 * b).lineTo(0, .55 * b).close().moveTo(0, .8 * b).lineTo(.8 *
b, .8 * b).lineTo(.8 * b, .95 * b).lineTo(0, .95 * b).close()
case "column":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, b).lineTo(0, .4 * b).lineTo(.15 * b, .4 * b).lineTo(.15 * b, b).close().moveTo(.4 * b, b).lineTo(.4 * b, 0).lineTo(.55 * b, 0).lineTo(.55 * b, b).close().moveTo(.8 * b, b).lineTo(.8 * b, .2 * b).lineTo(.95 * b, .2 * b).lineTo(.95 * b, b).close()
case "step-line":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .8 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .8 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .2 * b).lineTo(b, .2 * b).moveTo(0, 0).close();
kt(this, a, b)
case "line":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .5 * b).lineTo(b,
.5 * b).close();
kt(this, a, b)
case "spline":
a = function(a, b) {
var c = b / 2;
a.Kd(0, c, c, .8 * c, 90, -90).Kd(b, c, c, .6 * c, 180, 90).moveTo(0, 0).close();
kt(this, a, b)
case "bubble":
case "circle":
a = function(a, b) {
var c = b / 2;
a.Kd(c, c, c, c, 0, 360).close()
case "candlestick":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(.5 * b, 0).lineTo(.5 * b, b).moveTo(0, .3 * b).lineTo(b, .3 * b).lineTo(b, .7 * b).lineTo(0, .7 * b).lineTo(0, .3 * b).close()
case "ohlc":
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, .2 * b).lineTo(.5 * b, .2 * b).moveTo(.5 * b, 0).lineTo(.5 * b, b).moveTo(.5 *
b, .8 * b).lineTo(b, .8 * b).close()
case "triangle-up":
case "triangle-down":
case "diamond":
case "cross":
case "diagonal-cross":
case "star4":
case "star5":
case "star6":
case "star7":
case "star10":
case "pentagon":
case "trapezium":
case "arrowhead":
case "v-line":
a = $.Pj(a);
var b = $.ao(a);
a = function(a, d) {
return b(a, d / 2, d / 2, d / 2)
a = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(b, 0).lineTo(b, b).lineTo(0, b).close()
return a
lt = function(a, b) {
a.Ie && a.Ie.clear();
a.rp ? (, a.Qu.clear(), a.yk), a.Kr &&, a.Kr.clear(), a.yk)) : (a.Qu.clear(), a.Kr && a.Kr.clear())
mt = function(a, b, c) {
a.Qg(a.Wc, !!c);
c = a.I("fontColor");
b = ? a.ZA.fontColor : b ? $.Pk(c) : c;
nt = function(a, b) {
a.Qu.stroke(Yba(a, b));
a.Qu.fill(Zba(a, b));
a.Kr && a.Kr.fill( ? a.ZA.iconHatchFill : a.Ys)
jt = function(a, b) {
a.Ie && (a.Ie.fill($ba(a, b)), a.Ie.stroke(aca(a, b)))
Yba = function(a, b) {
return ? a.ZA.iconStroke : $.Hn(a.Lr) && in a.I_ ? a.I_[] : b ? $.Pk(a.Lr) : a.Lr
Zba = function(a, b) {
return in a.pga ? null : ? a.ZA.iconFill : b ? $.Pk(a.Ju) : a.Ju
aca = function(a, b) {
return ? a.ZA.iconMarkerStroke : b ? $.Pk(a.Lu) : a.Lu
$ba = function(a, b) {
return ? a.ZA.iconMarkerFill : b ? $.Pk(a.Ku) : a.Ku
$.pt = function() {;
this.Jc = = null; = ot;
this.tC = this.XI = !1;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["text", 20, 9]
$.qt = function(a, b, c) {
return $.n(c) ? (!c && a.state(b) && a.state(b, !1), a.At = c ? a.At | b : a.At & ~b, a) : !!(a.At & b)
rt = function(a) {
var b = a.oa();
if (b) {
var c = b.width;
var d = b.height
} else c = d = void 0;
var e = !!a.Lb;
if (e) {
var g = a.Lb.hb();
var h = g.width;
var k = g.height
var l = null !=,
m = null != a.Jc;
g = a.padding();
l ? (h = $.hn( && !$.n(c) ? e ? h : 0 : $.P(, c), e && (a.Mg = $.P(g.I("left"), h))) : (h = e ? h : 0, e && (a.Mg = $.P(g.I("left"), h)), h =;
b && c < h && (h = c);
m ? (k = $.hn(a.Jc) && !$.n(d) ? e ? k : 0 : $.P(a.Jc, d), e && (a.Ng = $.P(g.I("top"), k))) : (k = e ? k : 0, e && (a.Ng = $.P(g.I("top"), k)), k = g.kj(k));
b && d < k && (k = d);
e && (a.Lb.width(h), a.Lb.height(k));
b = $.Ol(a.pc);
b.x = c ? $.P(b.x, c) : 0;
b.y = d ? $.P(b.y, d) : 0;
a.LA = new $.K(b.x, b.y, h, k)
$.st = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) && (a.NL = b)
tt = function() {
this.b = $.ha;
$.qt(this, 16, !1)
ut = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) && a.b != b && (a.b = b, a.B(64, 1))
$.vt = function(a, b, c, d) {
ls.apply(this, arguments)
zt = function() {;
this.qc = null;
wt(this, 1);
this.G = new tt;
$.st(this.G, (0, $.ra)(xt, this));
$.O(this, this.G);
$.U(this.G, yt, this.G);
this.D = new tt;
$.st(this.D, (0, $.ra)(xt, this));
$.O(this, this.D);
$.U(this.D, yt, this.D);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["text", 20, 9]
wt = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b) && (b = Math.ceil((0, window.isNaN)((0, window.parseFloat)(b)) ? 1 : +b), a.X != b)) {
if ($.n(a.X))
if (0 < b) b < + 1 && ( = b - 1), a.X = b;
else throw Error("incorrect pageCount value!! Should be more than 0");
else a.X = b;
a.B(20, 9)
At = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.ka != b && (a.ka = b, a.B(1, a.Ew())), a) : a.ka
Bt = function(a) {
return a.enabled() ? At(a) : !1
Ct = function(a, b) {
var c = a.padding(),
d = a.margin(),
e = a.oa();
if (e) {
var g = e.width;
var h = e.height
a.Y || (a.Y = {});
var k = $.n(b) ? b : a.X;
var l = k + a.b.substr(0, 1);
if (a.Y[l]) k = a.Y[l];
else {
var m = $.wj();"aria-hidden", "true");
a.Qg(m, !0);
m.text(k + " / " + k);
k = m.hb();
var p = k.height;
"horizontal" == a.b ? (m = 2 * p + 20 + k.width, k = k.height) : (m = Math.max(p, k.width), k = 2 * p + 20 + k.height);
k = a.Y[l] = [m, k]
l = k[0];
k = k[1];
a.j =;
a.g = c.kj(k);
e && g < a.j && (a.j =;
e && h < a.g && (a.g = d.Zg(a.g));
c =;
l = d.kj(a.g);
k = e ? $.P(d.I("left"),
a.j) : 0;
d = e ? $.P(d.I("top"), a.g) : 0;
if (e) {
switch (a.Fc) {
case "top":
a.K = e.ob() + (g - c) / 2 + k;
a.R = e.Ob() + d;
case "right":
a.K = e.Xa() - c + k;
a.R = e.Ob() + (h - l) / 2 + d;
case "bottom":
a.K = e.ob() + (g - c) / 2 + k;
a.R = e.Ka() - l + d;
case "left":
a.K = e.ob() + k, a.R = e.Ob() + (h - l) / 2 + d
a.Ib = new $.K(a.K - k, a.R - d, c, l)
} else a.K = k, a.R = d, a.Ib = new $.K(0, 0, c, l)
Dt = function(a, b) {
a.Ib && !a.O(4) || Ct(a, b);
return a.Ib
yt = function(a) {
$.W(a, 1) && this.aa()
xt = function(a) {
var b = this.VA(),
c = this.cZ();
switch (a) {
case this.G:
0 < b && this.VA(b - 1);
case this.D:
b < c && this.VA(b + 1);
throw Error("Something wrong with onClickListener!");
bca = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(b.Xa(), b.Ob()).lineTo(b.Xa(), b.Ka()).lineTo(b.ob(), b.Ob() + b.height / 2).close()
cca = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(b.ob(), b.Ob()).lineTo(b.Xa(), b.Ob() + b.height / 2).lineTo(b.ob(), b.Ka()).close()
dca = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(b.ob() + b.width / 2, b.Ob()).lineTo(b.Xa(), b.Ka()).lineTo(b.ob(), b.Ka()).close()
eca = function(a, b) {
a.moveTo(b.ob(), b.Ob()).lineTo(b.Xa(), b.Ob()).lineTo(b.ob() + b.width / 2, b.Ka()).close()
Et = function() {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.g = null;
this.R = this.K = window.NaN;
this.fc = this.ea = this.Ib = null;
var a = (0, $.ra)(function(a, c) {
c = c.clone().round();
if (!this.Gb()) {
var b = 1 == c.width ? .5 : 0;
c.left -= b;
c.width += 2 * b
a.moveTo(c.left, + c.width, + c.width, + c.height).lineTo(c.left, + c.height).close()
}, this);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["fill", 16, 1],
["stroke", 16, 1],
["width", 20, 9],
["height", 20, 9],
["orientation", 20, 9]
Ft = function(a) {
var b = a.margin(),
c = a.oa();
if (c)
if (a.Gb()) {
var d = c.width;
var e = c.height
} else d = c.height, e = c.width;
else d = e = void 0;
var g = a.I("width"),
h = a.I("height");
h = $.Hn(h) || !$.n(h) ? "100%" : h;
g = $.P($.Hn(g) || !$.n(g) ? "100%" : g, d);
c && d < && (g =;
h = $.P(h, e);
c && e < b.kj(h) && (h = b.Zg(e));
var k =,
l = b.kj(h);
d = $.P(b.I("left"), d);
b = $.P(b.I("top"), e);
e = a.I("orientation") || "top";
if (c) switch (e) {
case "top":
a.K = c.ob() + d;
a.R = c.Ob() + b;
a.D = g;
a.j = h;
a.Ib = new $.K(c.ob(), c.Ob(), k, l);
case "bottom":
a.K =
c.ob() + d;
a.R = c.Ka() - l + b;
a.D = g;
a.j = h;
a.Ib = new $.K(c.ob(), c.Ka() - l, k, l);
case "left":
a.K = c.ob() + b;
a.R = c.Ka() - d - g;
a.D = h;
a.j = g;
a.Ib = new $.K(c.ob(), c.Ob(), l, k);
case "right":
a.K = c.Xa() - b - h, a.R = c.Ob() + d, a.D = h, a.j = g, a.Ib = new $.K(c.Xa() - l, c.Ob(), l, k)
} else a.K = d, a.R = b, a.Gb() ? a.Ib = new $.K(0, 0, k, l) : a.Ib = new $.K(0, 0, l, k)
$.Gt = function() {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.R = this.X = this.Hb = this.Na = null;
this.G = this.K = this.g = this.j = window.NaN;
this.b = this.ab = this.fd = this.Ib = null;
this.Xd = {};
this.Xd.orientation = "top";
this.fc = this.ea = null;
$.Yo(this.Ha, 20, 16, 9, 1);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["width", 4],
["height", 4],
["align", 4],
["orientation", 4],
["rotation", 4],
["text", 20]
Ht = function(a, b) {
a.X = 0 > b ? null : b;
$.n(a.width()) || a.B(4)
It = function(a, b) {
a.R = 0 > b ? null : b;
$.n(a.height()) || a.B(4)
$.Jt = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b)) {
var c = a.I("orientation") != b;
a.Xd.orientation = b;
c && a.B(4);
return a
return a.Xd.orientation
$.Kt = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b)) {
var c = null == b ? "" : String(b);
a.Y != c && (a.Y = c, a.B(20, 9));
return a
return a.Y
Lt = function(a) {
var b = !1;
a.Hb || (b = !0, a.Hb = $.sj(), a.background().U(a.Hb), a.qc = a.Hb.text(), a.qc.zIndex(.1),"aria-hidden", "true"), $.O(a, a.Hb), $.$r(a, a.Hb));
return b
Mt = function(a) {
var b = a.padding(),
c = a.margin(),
d = a.oa(),
e = a.I("orientation"),
g = 0 == a.Py() % 180;
var h = 0 == (a.Py() + 90) % 180;
if (d)
if (h) {
var k = d.height;
h = d.width
} else k = d.width, h = d.height;
else k = h = void 0;
var l = Lt(a);
if (l || a.O(16)) a.Qg(l), a.N(16);
a.qc.height(null);, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
l = a.qc.hb();
var m = a.Bg("width") ? a.Ff("width") : a.X || null;
null === m ? (a.K = l.width, a.j = : (a.j = $.P(m, k), a.K =;
d && k < ? (a.j =, a.K =, a.qc.width(a.K)) : null === m || a.qc.width(a.K);,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
l = a.qc.hb();
k = a.Bg("height") ? a.Ff("height") : a.R || null;
null === k ? (a.G = l.height, a.g = b.kj(a.G)) : (a.g = $.P(k, h), a.G = b.Zg(a.g));
d && h < c.kj(a.g) ? (a.g = c.Zg(h), a.G = b.Zg(a.g), a.qc.height(a.G)) : null === k || a.qc.height(a.G);
a.Ib = new $.K(-a.j / 2, -a.g / 2, a.j, a.g);
b = $.Mb($.J(a.Py()), 0, 0);
var p = $.Fb(a.Ib, b);
h = $.P(c.I("left"), a.j);
k = $.P(c.I("right"), a.j);
l = $.P(c.I("top"), a.g);
c = $.P(c.I("bottom"), a.g);
m = p.width / 2;
p = p.height / 2;
var q = h + m,
r = l + p,
t = "top" == e || "bottom" == e;
if (d)
if (t || g)
if (t) {
switch (a.I("align")) {
case "left":
q =
d.ob() + h + m;
case "right":
q = d.Xa() - k - m;
q = (d.ob() + d.Xa() + h - k) / 2
"top" == e ? r = d.Ob() + l + p : "bottom" == e && (r = d.Ka() - c - p)
} else switch ("right" == e ? q = d.Xa() - k - m : "left" == e && (q = d.ob() + h + m), a.I("align")) {
case "top":
case "left":
r = d.Ob() + l + p;
case "bottom":
case "right":
r = d.Ka() - c - p;
r = (d.Ob() + d.Ka() + l - c) / 2
} else if ("left" == e) {
switch (a.I("align")) {
case "top":
case "right":
r = d.Ob() + k + p;
case "bottom":
case "left":
r = d.Ka() - h - p;
r = (d.Ob() + d.Ka() - h + k) / 2
q = d.ob() + l + m
} else {
switch (a.I("align")) {
case "top":
case "left":
r =
d.Ob() + h + p;
case "bottom":
case "right":
r = d.Ka() - k - p;
r = (d.Ob() + d.Ka() + h - k) / 2
q = d.Xa() - l - m
d = [q, r, 0, 0];
$.Lb(b).transform(d, 0, d, 0, 2);
a.b = b.translate(d[0] - d[2], d[1] - d[3]);
a.Ib = $.Fb(a.Ib, a.b);
a.b.translate(-a.j / 2, -a.g / 2);
"top" == e || "bottom" == e || g ? (a.Ib.left -= h, -= l, a.Ib.width += h + k, a.Ib.height += l + c) : (a.Ib.left -= l, -= k, a.Ib.width += l + c, a.Ib.height += h + k)
Nt = function() {
Ot = function() {
this.D = !1;
this.g = $.Pe("div");
this.b = $.ld && !$.gd("9") ? $.pj(null, 1, 1) : $.pj();
this.b.Vv = !0;
this.b.dma = !0;
this.kd = null
Pt = function(a, b, c) {
this.b = a;
this.j = b || 0;
this.rn = c;
this.g = (0, $.ra)(this.hba, this)
Rt = function(a, b) {
this.j = a;
this.b = Qt(this.j);
this.R = b || 100;
this.D = $.Ed(a, "resize", this.G, !1, this)
St = function(a) {
this.b = a || window;
this.g = $.Ed(this.b, "resize", this.j, !1, this);
this.Lh = $.Je(this.b)
Qt = function(a) {
return a.Lh ? a.Lh.clone() : null
Tt = function() {;
this.K = new St;
$.O(this, this.K);
this.j = new Rt(this.K);
$.O(this, this.j);
$.Ed(this.j, "resize", this.G, !1, this)
Ut = function(a, b, c) {
this.Xb = {
values: a || {},
Sj: b || null,
ek: c || [],
Ml: {},
Nl: {}
this.Xb.Ml["%Value"] = "value";
this.Xb.Ml["%YValue"] = "value";
this.Xb.Ml["%Index"] = "index"
$.Vt = function(a, b) {
var c;
if ($.n(b)) {
for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && !$.G(a[c]) && a[c] != a.Xb && delete a[c];
a.Xb.values = b
for (c in a.Xb.values) a[c] = a.Xb.values[c].value;
return a
$.$t = function(a) {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.Ma = a;
this.ha = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.ea = null;
this.D = {};
this.g = this.fc = = this.b = null;
Wt[String($.oa(this))] = this;
$.Yo(this.Ha, Xt, 640, 1, 1, this.zC);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["width", Xt, 9],
["height", Xt, 9],
["titleFormat", Xt, 1],
["format", Xt, 1],
["unionFormat", Xt, 1],
["valuePrefix", Xt, 1],
["valuePostfix", Xt, 1],
["position", 64, 1],
["anchor", 64, 1],
["offsetX", 64, 1],
["offsetY", 64, 1],
["x", 64, 1],
["y", 64, 1],
["allowLeaveScreen", 2, 1],
["allowLeaveChart", 2, 1],
2, 1
["displayMode", 4096, 1, Yt],
["positionMode", 64, 1, Zt]
du = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = b.parent() ? au(b) : a,
h = g.I("positionMode") || "float";
g = g.wa() || $.bu(a);
a = g.pb();
g = g.U().Ea();
var k = $.dj(g);
g = g.hb();
var l = cu(b),
m = b.I("allowLeaveStage"),
p = b.I("allowLeaveScreen"),
q = b.I("allowLeaveChart"),
r = b.I("offsetX"),
t = b.I("offsetY"),
u = b.I("position");
switch (h) {
case "float":
var v = l ? c : c - k.x;
var x = l ? d : d - k.y;
case "point":
var w;
e ? w = e.Pj(u, !0).value : w = {
x: c,
y: d
v = l ? w.x + k.x : w.x;
x = l ? w.y + k.y : w.y;
case "chart":
x = $.pn(a, u), v = x.x + (l ? k.x : 0), x = x.y + (l ? k.y : 0)
p || (b.x(v),
b.y(x), c = l ? 0 : k.x, e = l ? 0 : k.y, d = b.pb(), h = $.Je(), 0 > d.left - r + c && (v -= d.left - r + c), 0 > - t + e && (x -= - t + e), d.Xa() - r + c > h.width && (v -= d.Xa() - r + c - h.width), d.Ka() - t + e > h.height && (x -= d.Ka() - t + e - h.height));
m || (b.x(v), b.y(x), d = b.pb(), d.left < r && (v -= d.left - r), < t && (x -= - t), d.Xa() > g.width + r && (v -= d.Xa() - g.width - r), d.Ka() > g.height + t && (x -= d.Ka() - g.height - t));
q || (b.x(v), b.y(x), d = b.pb(), d.left < a.left + r && (v -= d.left - r - a.left), < + t && (x -= - t -, d.Xa() > a.Xa() + r && (v -= d.Xa() - r - a.Xa()), d.Ka() > a.Ka() +
t && (x -= d.Ka() - t - a.Ka()));
fca = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (a.check(Yt | Zt) && (a.b = e ? e.jb() : a, eu(a, [a.b]), a.b.enabled())) {
for (var h = {
clientX: {
value: c,
type: "number"
clientY: {
value: d,
type: "number"
formattedValues: {
value: [],
type: ""
points: {
value: [],
type: ""
}, k = [], l = 0; l < b.length; l++) {
var m = b[l];
if (m) {
var p = m.series,
q = p.jb();
if (p.enabled() && q.enabled()) {
if (!$.n(p.Qj)) return;
var r = p.Qj();
h.formattedValues.value.push(fu(q, r));
l || (h.x = {
value: r.Sj().Bl(),
type: "string"
}, = {
value: r.AD("name"),
type: "string"
$.C(m.points) && k.push({
series: p,
points: (0, $.eb)(m.points, function(a) {
return p.Qj(!0)
k.length == b.length && (h.allPoints = {
value: k,
type: ""
h.formattedValues.value.length && (g && $.Xc(h, g), k = e && e.hc && e.hc() || b[0] && b[0].series && b[0].series.hc && b[0].series.hc() || void 0, g = [], !e && b[0] && b[0].series && g.push(b[0].series), e && g.push(e), k && g.push(k), b = new $.gu(h), b.ek(g), $.Vt(b), a.b.Oj().text(fu(a, b, !0)), $.Kt(a.b.title(), hu(a, b)), eu(a.b), iu(a.b).parent() || a.b.B(2), ju(a, a.b), du(a, a.b, c, d, e),
ku(a.b, c, d))
$.ou = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
if ((!a.g || || ! || a.check(Yt)) && 0 != b.length) {
var k = a.I("displayMode");
if ("single" == k) b = b[0].series, a.b = g ? a : b.jb(), a.b.enabled() && $.n(b.Qj) && (g = b.Qj(), g.clientX = c, g.clientY = d, $.Kt(a.b.title(), hu(a.b, g)), a.b.Oj().text(fu(a.b, g)), a.b == a ? eu(a) : (mu(a), eu(a, [a.b])), iu(a.b).parent() || a.b.B(2), ju(a, a.b), du(a, a.b, c, d, b), ku(a.b, c, d));
else if ("union" == k) fca(a, b, c, d, e, h);
else if ("separated" == k)
for (mu(a), g = 0; g < b.length; g++) {
e = b[g].series;
h = e.jb();
if (!h.enabled()) break;
if (!$.n(e.Qj)) break;
k = e.Qj();
k.clientX = c;
k.clientY = d;
$.Kt(h.title(), hu(h, k));
h.Oj().text(fu(h, k));
iu(h).parent() || h.B(2);
ju(a, h);
nu(a, h, c, d, e);
ku(h, c, d)
ku = function(a, b, c) {
if (a.enabled()) {
iu(a).parent() || a.B(2);
ju(a, a);
a.j && a.j.qo() && a.j.stop();
var d = iu(a),
e = d.fa();
if (a.I("selectable") && e) {!1);
a: {
d = a.pb();
if (b < d.ob())
if (c < d.Ob()) {
e = d.Xa();
var g = d.ob();
var h = d.Ob();
var k = d.Ka();
c -= 2
} else c > d.Ka() ? (e = d.ob(), g = d.Xa(), h = d.Ob(), k = d.Ka(), c += 2) : (e = g = d.ob() + 2, h = d.Ob(), k = d.Ka(), b -= 2);
else if (b > d.Xa()) c < d.Ob() ? (e = d.Xa(), g = d.ob(), h = d.Ka(), k = d.Ob(), c -= 2) : c > d.Ka() ? (e = d.ob(), g = d.Xa(), h = d.Ka(), k = d.Ob(), c += 2) : (e = g = d.Xa() - 2, h = d.Ob(), k = d.Ka(), b +=
else if (c < d.Ob()) h = k = d.Ob() + 2, e = d.Xa(), g = d.ob(), c -= 2;
else if (c > d.Ka()) h = k = d.Ka() - 2, e = d.ob(), g = d.Xa(), c += 2;
else break a;
a.G = [e, h, g, k, b, c]
$.Od(window.document, "mousemove", a.IL, !1, a)
} else e &&!0)
$.pu = function(a, b, c, d) {
a.b = a;
d && (d.clientX = b, d.clientY = c, $.Kt(a.title(), hu(a, d)), a.Oj().text(fu(a, d)));
ju(a, a);
du(a, a, b, c);
ku(a, b, c)
$.qu = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.I("displayMode");
"single" == d && (du(a, a.b, b, c), ku(a.b, b, c));
if ("union" == d) du(a, a.b, b, c), ku(a.b, b, c);
else if ("separated" == d)
for (var e in a.D)
if (d = a.D[e]) nu(a, d, b, c), ku(d, b, c)
hu = function(a, b) {
b.values().titleText = {
value: a.cb.I("text"),
type: "string"
var c = a.I("titleFormat");
$.y(c) && (c = $.rs($.ps.Ic(), c));
return, b)
fu = function(a, b, c) {
b.values().valuePrefix = {
value: a.I("valuePrefix") || "",
type: "string"
b.values().valuePostfix = {
value: a.I("valuePostfix") || "",
type: "string"
a = c ? a.I("unionFormat") : a.I("format");
$.y(a) && (a = $.rs($.ps.Ic(), a));
return, b)
mu = function(a, b, c) {
if (b) return a.j && a.j.stop(), a.remove(), !0;
if (a.I("selectable") && c) {
b = c.originalEvent.clientX;
c = c.originalEvent.clientY;
var d = a.pb().Ef(new $.pb(b, c)),
e = iu(a).fa();
if (e && !d) return $.Ed(e, "mouseleave", a.WK, !1, a), a.G = null, !1;
if (ru(a, b, c)) return $.Ed(window.document, "mousemove", a.IL, !1, a), e && ($.Ed(iu(a).fa(), "mouseenter", a.zU, !1, a), $.Ed(iu(a).fa(), "mouseleave", a.AU, !1, a)), !1;
a.G = null
if (a.QB()) return su(a), a.j.qo() || a.j.start(), !1;
return !0
lu = function(a) {
var b = a.dx();
iu = function(a) {
if (!a.Ya) {
a.Ya = $.sj();
$.O(a, a.Ya);
$.$r(a, a.Ya);
var b = a.background(),
c = a.title(),
d =,
e = a.Oj();
return a.Ya
$.bu = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? ( = b, a) :
cu = function(a) {
return gca && a.I("allowLeaveStage") && a.I("allowLeaveChart")
su = function(a) {
a.j && a.j.qo() ? a.Fa = !0 : ($.M(a.j), a.j = new Pt(function() {
this.Fa && (this.Fa = !1, su(this))
}, a.QB(), a))
eu = function(a, b) {
b = b || [];
for (var c in a.D) tu(b, function(a) {
return String($.oa(a)) == c
}) || a.D[c].Bd(!0)
uu = function(a) {
if (!a.R) {
var b = a.I("width"),
c = a.I("height"),
d = (a.Qa || $.bu(a)).pb();
b = $.P(b, d.width);
c = $.P(c, d.height);
d = !(0, window.isNaN)(b);
var e = !(0, window.isNaN)(c),
g = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0),
h = null,
k = null,
l = a.title(),
m =,
p = a.Oj();
if (!d || !e) {
if (l.enabled()) {
"svg" == $.oj ? l.oa(null) : l.oa(a.Qa && a.Qa.U() ? a.Qa.U().Ea().hb() : null);
var q = l.I("width");
var r = null != l.Ff("width");
var t = l.I("height");
var u = null != l.Ff("height");
$.hn(q) && (h = q, d ? (q = a.padding().sg(b),
l.width(q)) : l.width(null));
$.hn(t) && (k = t, e ? (q = a.padding().Zg(c), l.height(q)) : l.height(null));
t = l.Qh();
g.width = b || Math.max(g.width, t.width);
r ? l.width(h) : delete l.ja.width;
u ? l.height(k) : delete l.ja.height;
k = h = null;
e || (g.height += t.height)
if (p.enabled()) {
var v = (r = a.ea ? a.ea.Oj() : null) ? r.width() : void 0;
r = r ? r.height() : void 0;
v = p.width() || v;
r = p.height() || r;
$.hn(v) && (h = v, d ? (q = a.padding().sg(b), p.width(q)) : p.width(null));
$.hn(r) && (k = r, e ? (q = a.padding().Zg(c), p.height(q)) : p.height(null));
v = p.Qh();
g.width = b || Math.max(g.width, v.width);
h && p.width(h);
k && p.height(k);
e || (g.height += v.height)
l.enabled() && l.oa(new $.K(0, 0, g.width, t.height));
p.enabled() && p.oa(new $.K(0, 0, g.width, v.height));
m.enabled() && (m.oa(l.enabled() || p.enabled() ? g : null), t = m.Qh(), g.width = b || Math.max(g.width, t.width), e || (g.height += t.height))
g = a.padding().IU(g);
d && (g.width = b);
e && (g.height = c);
g.left = 0; = 0;
a.R = g;!1);!1);!1)
vu = function(a) {
if (!a.Y) {
var b = a.I("anchor"),
c = a.I("offsetX"),
d = a.I("offsetY"),
e = a.I("x"),
g = a.I("y");
e = new $.pb(e, g);
$.En(e, b, c, d);
b = $.pn(a.R, b);
e.x -= b.x;
e.y -= b.y;
a.Y = e
nu = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = c,
h = d,
k = a.I("positionMode") || "float",
l = a.I("displayMode"),
m = (a.wa() || $.bu(a)).pb(),
p =,
q = p.hb();
var r = $.dj(p);
var t = cu(b);
p = b.I("allowLeaveStage");
var u = b.I("allowLeaveScreen"),
v = b.I("allowLeaveChart"),
x = b.I("offsetX"),
w = b.I("offsetY");
"float" == k ? (g = t ? c : c - r.x, h = t ? d : d - r.y) : "point" == k ? (h = "union" == l ? a.I("position") : b.I("position"), h = e.Pj(h, !0).value, g = t ? h.x + r.x : h.x, h = t ? h.y + r.y : h.y) : "chart" == k && (g = a.wa().pb(), h = "union" == l ? a.I("position") : b.I("position"), h = $.pn(g,
h), g = h.x + (t ? r.x : 0), h = h.y + (t ? r.y : 0));
u || (b.x(g), b.y(h), u = t ? 0 : r.x, t = t ? 0 : r.y, r = b.pb(), a = $.Je(), 0 > r.left - x + u && (g -= r.left - x + u), 0 > - w + t && (h -= - w + t), r.Xa() - x + u > a.width && (g -= r.Xa() - x + u - a.width), r.Ka() - w + t > a.height && (h -= r.Ka() - w + t - a.height));
p || (b.x(g), b.y(h), r = b.pb(), r.left < x && (g -= r.left - x), < w && (h -= - w), r.Xa() > q.width + x && (g -= r.Xa() - q.width - x), r.Ka() > q.height + w && (h -= r.Ka() - q.height - w));
v || (b.x(g), b.y(h), r = b.pb(), r.left < m.left + x && (g -= r.left - x - m.left), < + w && (h -= - w -, r.Xa() >
m.Xa() + x && (g -= r.Xa() - x - m.Xa()), r.Ka() > m.Ka() + w && (h -= r.Ka() - w - m.Ka()));
wu = function(a) {
var b = null;
$.bu(a) ? b = $.bu(a).U() : a.wa() ? b = a.wa().U() : a.parent() && (a = au(a), $.bu(a) ? b = $.bu(a).U() : a.wa() && (b = a.wa().U()));
return b
au = function(a) {
for (; a.parent();) a = a.parent();
return a
ju = function(a, b) {
if (b.O(2))
if (cu(b) || "vml" == $.oj) {
var c = Tt.Ic();
a.g && && b.g.U(null);
b.g = c;
} else {
var d = wu(b);
if (d) {
var e = xu(b);
c = yu[e];
c || (c = new Ot, yu[e] = c);
b.g = c;
d = d.Ea().yl();
ru = function(a, b, c) {
if (!a.G) return !1;
var d = a.G[0],
e = a.G[1],
g = a.G[2],
h = a.G[3],
k = a.G[4],
l = a.G[5];
a = $.Zl(g, h, k, l, b, c);
k = $.Zl(k, l, d, e, b, c);
return $.Zl(d, e, g, h, b, c) == a && a == k
xu = function(a) {
a = wu(a).Ea();
return "stg" + $.oa(a)
$.zu = function() {;
this.em = this.g = window.NaN;
this.X = this.b = this.Dg = this.Jc = = = null; = window.NaN;
this.wc = null;
this.xd = !0; = null;
this.G = !1;
$.as(this, this, this.Yba, this.S6, null, this.Xba, null, this.R6)
Au = function(a, b) {
if (!a.R || !b || a.R.length != b.length) return !1;
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
if (a.R[c] != b[c]) return !1;
return !0
Bu = function(a, b) {
var c = a.jb();
if (c.enabled()) {
var d = b.itemIndex,
e = a.b[d];
e && b && (d = {
value: {
value: e.text(),
type: "string"
iconType: {
type: "string"
iconStroke: {
type: ""
iconFill: {
type: ""
iconHatchFill: {
value: e.un(),
type: ""
iconMarkerType: {
value: e.Ou(),
type: "string"
iconMarkerStroke: {
value: e.$s(),
type: ""
iconMarkerFill: {
value: e.Zs(),
type: ""
meta: {
value: a.Cg[d],
type: ""
}, d = new $.gu(d), $.pu(c, b.clientX, b.clientY, $.Vt(d)))
hca = function(a, b, c) {
if (null == a.b) return $.fm(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (var d = 0, e, g = -Number.MAX_VALUE, h = 0, k, l = -Number.MAX_VALUE, m = 0, p = 0, q = 1, r = 0, t = 0, u = 1, v = 0, x = 0, w = 0, z = a.b.length; w < z; w++) w in || (k = a.b[w].pb(), e = k.width, d += e + a.g, g = Math.max(g, e), k = k.height, h += k + a.g, l = Math.max(l, k), "horizontal-expandable" == a.K ? p + e > b ? (v = Math.max(v, p), x += m, q++, p = e + a.g, m = k + a.g) : (p += e + a.g, m = Math.max(m, k + a.g)) : "vertical-expandable" == a.K && (r + k > c ? (x = Math.max(x, r), v += t, u++, t = e + a.g, r = k + a.g) : (r += k + a.g, t = Math.max(t, e + a.g))));
!d || 0 > g ? g = d = 0 :
d -= a.g;
!h || 0 > l ? l = h = 0 : h -= a.g;
a.Sq = u;
return "vertical" == a.K ? $.fm(0, 0, Math.max(0, g), Math.max(0, h)) : "horizontal" == a.K ? $.fm(0, 0, Math.max(0, d), Math.max(0, l)) : "vertical-expandable" == a.K ? (v += t - a.g, x = Math.max(x, r) - a.g, $.fm(0, 0, Math.max(0, v), Math.max(0, x))) : "horizontal-expandable" == a.K ? (v = Math.max(v, p) - a.g, x += m - a.g, $.fm(0, 0, Math.max(0, v), Math.max(0, x))) : $.fm(0, 0, 0, 0)
ica = function(a) {
if ($.C(a.qb)) return a.qb;
if (null != a.R) {
for (var b, c = [], d = 0; d < a.R.length; d++)
if (b = a.R[d], null !== b && $.G(b.Vl)) {
var e = a.wc;
$.y(e) && (e = $.rs($.ps.Ic(), e));
c = $.Ka(c, b.Vl(a.Uc, e))
return c
return []
jca = function(a, b) {
if (!$.C(b)) return [];
for (var c = [], d, e = a.Hd(), g = 0; g < b.length; g++)(0, window.isNaN)(b[g].iconSize) && (b[g].iconSize = a.yk), d = {
iconTextSpacing: a.em,
iconSize: a.yk,
hoverCursor: a.RB
}, $.Xc(d, e, b[g]), c.push(d);
return c
kca = function(a, b) {
a.b || (a.Y = [], a.b = []);
var c; = {};
if (!a.xd && a.b) {
var d = 0;
for (c = b.length; d < c; d++) {
$.n(b[d].enabled) && !b[d].enabled && ([d] = !0);
for (var e = 0; e < a.b.length; e++) {
var g = a.b[e];
var h = g.hH(),
k = g.Mh();
if ($.n(h) && $.n(k) && h == b[d].sourceUid && k == b[d].sourceKey) {
mt(g, g.Ja, void 0);
g.Hb.tag = {
index: a.G ? b.length - 1 - d : d
} else if (b && 0 < b.length)
for (Cu(a), a.Cg = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
$.n(b[d].enabled) && !b[d].enabled && ([d] = !0);
a: {
g = a;
c = b[d];
e = 0;
for (h = g.Y.length; e < h; e++)
if (k =
g.Y[e], k.yfa == c.sourceUid && k.xfa == c.sourceKey) {
$.Ga(g.Y, e, 1);
g = k;
break a
g = g.Y.pop() || new it
b[d].enabled = !1;
g.Bg("text") || (g.ja.text = "Legend Item");
g.Qg(g.Ei(), !0);
g.Hb.tag = {
index: a.G ? b.length - 1 - d : d
a.Cg.push(b[d].meta ? b[d].meta : {})
} else Cu(a);
a.xd = !1;
Cu = function(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = a.b.length; b < c; b++) a.Y.push(a.b[b].clear());
a.b.length = 0
lca = function(a) {
if (null != && !(0, window.isNaN)( && (a = a.j[]))
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b].enabled(!1).aa()
mca = function(a, b, c) {
if (null != a.b) {, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
var d = 0,
e = 0,
g = 0,
h = 0,
k, l = a.j[b];
if (l) switch (a.K) {
case "horizontal":
for (k = 0; k < l.length; k++) {
var m = l[k];
d += l[k].pb().ve() + a.g
case "vertical":
for (k = 0; k < l.length; k++) m = l[k], m.B(4), $.V(m).oa(c).x(d).y(e).enabled(!0).ga(!1).aa(), e += l[k].pb().te() + a.g;
case "horizontal-expandable":
for (k = 0; k < l.length; k++) {
m = l[k];
var p = m.pb();
d + > c.width && (e += g, g = d = 0);
d += m.pb().ve() + a.g;
g = Math.max(g, p.te() + a.g)
case "vertical-expandable":
for (k = 0; k < l.length; k++) m = l[k], p = m.pb(), e + p.te() > c.height && (d += h, h = e = 0), m.B(4), $.V(m).oa(c).x(d).y(e).enabled(!0).ga(!1).aa(), e += l[k].pb().te() + a.g, h = Math.max(h, + a.g)
if (a.title().enabled() && (c = a.title().I("orientation") || $.Jt(a.title()), "top" != c && "bottom" != c)) {
d = c = 0;
if (e = a.Za.ud) c = e.Qd, d = e.Rd;
e =;
g = a.cb.Qh(); += d;
g.left += c;
c = + g.height / 2 - ( + e.height / 2);
c = Math.min(a.Tq.height - e.height, Math.max(c, 0));, 0, 0, 1, 0, c)
} = b
Du = function(a, b) {
var c = $.Q(b.itemIndex);
if ((0, window.isNaN)(c)) return null;
var d = b.type;
switch (d) {
case "mouseout":
d = "legenditemmouseout";
case "mouseover":
d = "legenditemmouseover";
case "mousemove":
d = "legenditemmousemove";
case "mousedown":
d = "legenditemmousedown";
case "mouseup":
d = "legenditemmouseup";
case "click":
d = "legenditemclick";
case "dblclick":
d = "legenditemdblclick";
return null
c = a.G ? a.b.length - 1 - c : c;
var e = null,
g = window.NaN,
h = a.b[c];
if (h && a.R)
for (var k =
0; k < a.R.length; k++) {
var l = a.R[k];
if ($.oa(l) == h.hH() && $.G(l.Or) && l.Or(a.Uc)) {
e = l;
g = h.Mh();
return {
type: d,
itemIndex: c,
itemSource: e,
itemIndexInSource: g,
target: a,
originalEvent: b
Eu = function() {
$.Fu = function() {
this.od = !1;
this.b = 1E3
Gu = function(a) {
this.wa = a;
this.od = !0; = "";
this.Xr = null
Hu = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.Xr != b && (a.Xr && $.Bp(a.Xr, a.$S, a), a.Xr = b, $.U(a.Xr, a.$S, a)), a) : a.Xr
Iu = function(a) {, a);
this.Gl = "chart-elements";
this.wC = null
Ju = function(a) {, a.hc());
this.Da = a;
this.b = null
$.Ku = function(a) {
this.ea = a
$.Lu = function(a) { = a;
this.g = [];
this.b = [];
this.kc = $.dl
$.Ou = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ((0, window.isNaN)(c)) return e;
var g = $.Sa(a.g, c);
if (b == $.dl) 0 < g && (e = $.Mu(a, b, g, e));
else {
var h = !0,
k = $.Nu(a, window.NaN);
0 > g ? ($.Ha(a.g, c, ~g), $.Ha(a.b, b, ~g)) : (h = !(a.b[g] & b)) ? a.b[g] |= b : $.n(d) && (a.b[g] = d); && && ( || "single" != || (k ? : $.n(d) && !k && $.Nu(a, window.NaN) &&, h ? e =, e) : $.n(d) && (e =, e)))
return e
$.Nu = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b)) {
if ((0, window.isNaN)(b)) return !$.Pu(a, 2) && !(a.kc & 2);
var c = $.Qu(a, +b)
} else c = a.kc;
return !(c & 2)
Ru = function(a, b, c) {
if (! return c;
var d = $.Sa(a.g, b);
1 != $.dl && (0 > d ? ($.Ha(a.g, b, ~d), $.Ha(a.b, 1, ~d), a.kc == $.dl && (c =, c)), $.Nu(a, window.NaN) && ! && "single" == && : a.b[d] |= 1);
return c
$.Tu = function(a, b) {
var c;
if ($.n(b)) {
if (!(b >= {
var d =;
if ($.C(b))
for ($.Ua(b), c = b.length; c--;) d = Ru(a, +b[c], d);
else d = Ru(a, +b, d);
} else if (a.kc & 1) {
for (c = a.b.length; c--;) $.Su(a, 1, c) && ($.Ga(a.b, c, 1), $.Ga(a.g, c, 1));
a.kc = $.dl
} else {
for (c = a.b.length; c--;) $.Su(a, 1, c) && ($.Ga(a.b, c, 1), $.Ga(a.g, c, 1));
a.kc = 1
$.Su = function(a, b, c) {
return !(a.b[c] &= ~b)
$.Mu = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.g[c];
$.Su(a, b, c) ? ($.Ga(a.g, c, 1), $.Ga(a.b, c, 1), && && a.kc == $.dl && (d =$.dl, d))) : && && a.kc == $.dl && (d =[c], d));
return d
$.Uu = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ((0, window.isNaN)(c)) return d;
c = $.Sa(a.g, c);
0 <= c && (d = $.Mu(a, b, c, d));
return d
$.Vu = function(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0, e = a.b.length; d < e; d++) b & a.b[d] && c.push(a.g[d]);
return c
$.Qu = function(a, b) {
var c = +b;
return (0, window.isNaN)(c) ? $.dl : (c = $.Sa(a.g, c), 0 <= c ? a.b[c] : $.dl)
$.Wu = function(a, b, c) {
c = $.Sa(a.g, c);
return !!(b & a.b[c])
$.Pu = function(a, b) {
return 0 <= $.Aa(a.b, function(a) {
return !!(a & b)
$.cl = function(a) {
return Math.min(a & 3, 2)
$.Xu = function() {
this.ab = this.cb = this.fd = this.MM = this.Na = this.Za = null; = [];
this.dw = !0;
this.Jk = this.TI = this.Wv = null;
this.fP = !1;
this.Og = = 0;
this.Gn = {};
this.Sn = null;
this.Vv = !1;
this.Km = this.Wr = this.Mr = null;
this.nT = !1;
this.Fd = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["selectMarqueeFill", 0, 0, 0, function() {
this.ZK() && this.Km.fill(this.I("selectMarqueeFill"))
["selectMarqueeStroke", 0, 0, 0, function() {
this.ZK() && this.Km.stroke(this.I("selectMarqueeStroke"))
nca = function(a) {
switch (a.Sa().toLowerCase()) {
case "map":
return "map";
case "gantt-resource":
case "gantt-project":
return "gantt";
case "circular-gauge":
case "linear-gauge":
case "thermometer":
case "tank":
case "led":
return "gauge";
return "chart"
$.Yu = function(a, b) {
b ? (a.Wr || (a.Wr = $.qj(0, 0, 0, 0), a.Wr.zIndex(1E4)),!1), a.Wr.cursor("wait"), a.Wr.fill($.al), a.Wr.stroke(null), a.Wr.Bf(a.pb()), a.Wr.parent(a.U())) : a.Wr && a.Wr.remove()
$.$u = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l, m) {
if (!a.Za) return !1;
a.bL = !!m;
a.VR = !1;
a.Mr = e ? $.Ka(e) : [a.Pf()];
a.QZ = !1;
a.$R = b;
a.YR = c;
a.ZR = d;
a.SZ = !!h;
a.Km || (a.Km = $.qj(0, 0, 0, 0), a.Km.zIndex(10001),!0));
a.Km.stroke(k || "3 red");
a.Km.fill(l || "red 0.5");
b = a.Za;
a.XR = b;
a.WR = g || null; = new $.lf(a);
a.WR && (, "mouseover", a.cL, !0),, "mousemove", a.cL, !0),, "touchmove", a.cL, !0),, "mouseout", a.cL, !0));, "touchstart", a.RZ, !0);, "mousedown",
a.RZ, !0);
return !0
Zu = function(a) {
a.Mr && (a.bL = !1, a.SZ = !1, a.VR = !1, a.QZ && $.Yu(a, !1), a.QZ = !1, a.$R = a.YR = a.ZR = null, a.Km && a.Km.parent(null), a.WR = null, $.rd(a.Xw,, a.Mr = a.Xw = = null, a.XR.cursor(null), a.XR = null)
av = function(a, b, c) {
if (a.Mr && a.U()) {
var d = $.dj(a.U().Ea());
b -= d.x;
c -= d.y;
for (d = 0; d < a.Mr.length; d++) {
var e = a.Mr[d];
if (e && e.left < b && b < e.left + e.width && < c && c < + e.height) return d + 1
return 0
bv = function(a) {
$, a.fa());
$.Od(this.K, ["touchstart", "mousedown"], this.Fk, !1, this)
$.cv = function(a) {
var b = a.gZ(),
c = {},
d = 0,
e = 1 < b.length;
e && (c["#"] = d++);
var g;
for (g = 0; g < b.length; g++) d = b[g].$L(c, d);
var h = [];
for (k in c) h[c[k]] = k;
var k = [];
for (g = 0; g < b.length; g++)
for (var l = b[g], m = 0, p = l.Nb(); m < p; m++) {
var q = Array(d);
a.gT(q,, c);
e && (q[0] = g);
return {
headers: h,
data: k
oca = function(a, b, c, d) {
return ($.L(b, $.dv) ? : "series" + String(c)) + (1 < d ? " (" + a + ")" : "")
$.ev = function() {
this.ej = null;
this.gN() && $.as(this, this, this.Gh, this.fh, null, this.Gh, null, this.Ag)
fv = function(a, b) {
var c = a.Te();
!c.U() && c.enabled() && c.U(a.Za);
c.XB() || c.XB(a);!1);
a.O(512) && c.B(1024);
c = c.yd();
$.ub(a.Lca, c) || (a.Lca = c, a.B(4));
$.gv = function(a, b) {
this.Wb = a;
var c = $.cf(this.Wb) ? this.Wb : this.Wb ? this.Wb.body : null;
this.G = !!c && $.Lf(c);
this.g = $.Ed(this.Wb, $.kd ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel", this, b)
hv = function(a) {
return $.td && (ud || pca) && 0 != a % 40 ? a : a / 40
iv = function(a, b, c, d) {
$, b);
this.type = "mousewheel";
this.detail = a;
this.deltaX = c;
this.deltaY = d
$.jv = function() {
$.Da(this.$T, "autoRotate") || this.$T.push("autoRotate");
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["autoRotate", 4, 9]
$.kv = function() {
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["autoRotate", 16, 9]
$.lv = function(a, b) {
delete this.Ra.enabled; = !!b; = !a;
this.R = this.Hb = null;
this.j = {};
$.mv = function() {
delete this.Ra.enabled;
this.b = {};
$.nv = function(a, b) {
return null != b ? (a.D != b && (a.D = b, a.B(16, 1)), a) : a.D
$.wv = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.K != b && (a.K = b, a.B(16, 1)), a) : a.K
xv = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
return $.wv(a) && $.nv(a) != $.wv(a) ? $.n(c) ? c : g ? e : $.n(b) ? b : d : $.n(b) ? b : d
yv = function() {
zv = function() {
Av = function() {
this.fc = this.ea = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["stroke", 0, 1],
["fill", 0, 1],
["width", 0, 1],
["offset", 0, 1],
["enabled", 0, 1]
Bv = function() {
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["stroke", 16, 1],
["length", 16, 1]
$.Cv = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.Si = a;
this.Ha = b;
this.K = c;
if ($.n(d)) {
a = {};
for (var e in this.uA) a[e] = this.uA[e];
d = $.Mo(a, d);
this.uA = a;
$.$o(this, d, !0)
Dv = function() {
return new $.ts
$.Ev = function() {
return new $.jv
qca = function() {
return new $.lv
rca = function() {
return new Av
$.Fv = function(a) {
$.U(a,, this);
sca = function(a) {
$.U(a,, this);
$.Gv = function(a) {
$.U(a, this.wo, this);
tca = function(a) {
$.U(a, this.ffa, this);
uca = function(a) {
$.U(a, this.Rg, this)
$.Hv = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) $.No.apply(null, $.Ka(a.Ha, b[c]))
Iv = function(a) {
!$.F(a) || "enabled" in a || (a.enabled = !0)
$.Kv = function(a, b, c) {
$.C(c) && (c = c.join(" "));
var d = "aria-" + b;
"" === c || void 0 == c ? (Jv || (Jv = {
atomic: !1,
autocomplete: "none",
dropeffect: "none",
haspopup: !1,
live: "off",
multiline: !1,
multiselectable: !1,
orientation: "vertical",
readonly: !1,
relevant: "additions text",
required: !1,
sort: "none",
busy: !1,
disabled: !1,
hidden: !1,
invalid: "false"
}), c = Jv, b in c ? a.setAttribute(d, c[b]) : a.removeAttribute(d)) : a.setAttribute(d, c)
$.Lv = function() {};
$.Mv = function(a) {
this.g = a || $.ze(); = vca;
this.Fd = null; = !1;
this.Wb = null;
this.Y = void 0;
this.R = this.D = this.ea = this.Fm = null;
this.Nd = !1
$.Nv = function(a) {
a.Y || (a.Y = new $.lf(a));
return a.Y
$.Ov = function(a) {
return a.D ? a.D.length : 0
$.Pv = function(a, b) {
if (a.R && b) {
var c = a.R;
c = (null !== c && b in c ? c[b] : void 0) || null
} else c = null;
return c
$.Qv = function(a, b) {
$, b);
this.Vd = a || ""
$.Sv = function() {
null != Rv || (Rv = "placeholder" in window.document.createElement("INPUT"));
return Rv
Tv = function(a) {
!a.G && a.Af && && (, "submit", a.Qba), a.G = !0)
$.Uv = function(a) {
return !! && "" != && != a.Vd
Vv = function(a) {
var b =;
$.Sv() ? != a.Vd && ( = a.Vd) : Tv(a);
$.Kv(b, "label", a.Vd);
$.Uv(a) ? (b =, $.Wi(b, a.$B)) : (a.b || a.MF || (b =, $.Vi(b, a.$B)), $.Sv() || $.Ki(a.Vfa, 10, a))
$.Wv = function() {
this.Qa = this.rd = null
$.Xv = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.g !== b && (a.g = b, a.B(4, 9)), a) : a.g
$.Zv = function(a) {
var b = a.g,
c = a.scale();
if (c) {
var d = $.Yv(a);
var e = b.Le,
g = b.from,
h = c.transform(g),
k = c.transform(e);
h > k && (e = b.from, g = b.Le);
g = c.transform(g, 0);
c = c.transform(e, 1);
b = Math.min(c, g);
g = Math.max(c, g);
!(0, window.isNaN)(b) && !(0, window.isNaN)(g) && 0 <= g && 1 >= b && (b = $.hb(b, 0, 1), g = $.hb(g, 0, 1), c = a.oa(), e = a.dn(), a.Gb() ? (a = Math.floor(c.Ka() - c.height * g), b = Math.ceil(c.Ka() - c.height * b), g = c.ob(), h = c.Xa(), d.moveTo(g, a).lineTo(h, a).lineTo(h, b).lineTo(g, b).close()) : (a = c.Ka(), h = c.Ob(), b = Math.floor(c.ob() +
c.width * b), g = Math.ceil(c.ob() + c.width * g), d.moveTo(b, a).lineTo(b, h).lineTo(g, h).lineTo(g, a).close()), d.clip(e.jj(c)))
} else $.jk(2)
$.Yv = function(a) {
a.D || (a.D = $.uj(), $.O(a, a.D));
return a.D
$.$v = function() {
this.path = $.uj();
$.$r(this, this.path);
$.O(this, this.path)
$.aw = function() {
$; = [];
this.Aj = [];
this.Ce = 980;!1)
$.bw = function(a, b) {
var c = a.RP != b && !a.Fc;
a.RP = b;
c && a.B(a.Ce)
cw = function(a, b) {
if (a.dA())
if (a.b) var c = a.b;
else {
var d = a.scale();
if (d && a.labels().enabled()) {
a.mH = 1;
a.K = 1;
d = d.Ia().get();
var e = d.length,
g, h, k, l;
if (null === a.QC) {
var m = !1;
for (g = 1; !m && g <= e;)
for (m = !0, k = 0; k < g; k++) {
for (h = k; h < e - g; h += g) {
var p = a.ed(h, !0, d, b);
var q = a.ed(h + g, !0, d, b);
if ($.Yl(p, q)) {
m = !1;
if (!m) break
a.mH = m ? g : e;
a.K = null !== a.zx && a.mH > a.zx ? a.zx : a.mH
} else a.K = a.QC;
if ((null !== a.QC || null !== a.zx && a.mH > a.zx) && "no-overlap" == {
c = [];
for (h = 0; h < a.K; h++)
for (k = -1, g = h; g < e; g += a.K) p = a.ed(g, !0, d,
b), -1 != k ? q = a.ed(k, !0, d, b) : q = null, g != e - 1 && a.hg() ? l = a.ed(e - 1, !0, d, b) : l = null, g ? g == e - 1 ? a.hg() ? (k = g, c[g] = !0) : c[g] = !1 : $.Yl(p, q) || $.Yl(p, l) ? c[g] = !1 : (k = g, c[g] = !0) : a.Ch() ? (k = g, c[g] = !0) : c[g] = !1;
a.Ch() || (c[0] = !1);
a.hg() || (c[c.length - 1] = !1);
q = {
labels: c,
gb: !1
} else {
if (!a.Ch() || !a.hg())
for (c = [], g = 0; g < e; g++) g || a.Ch() ? g != e - 1 || a.hg() ? c[g] = !0 : c[g] = !1 : c[g] = !1;
q = {
labels: c ? c : !0,
gb: !1
a.R = [];
a.X = [];
a.g || (a.g = []);
for (g = k = 0; g < e; g++)
if (!c || c && c[g]) {
a.g[g] ? l = a.g[g] : (l = a.ed(g, !0, d, b), a.g[g] = l = $.dm(l));
l = a.Gb() ? l.height : l.width;
if (!a.R[k] || a.R[k] < l) a.R[k] = l;
a.X[k] || (a.X[k] = []);
(k + 1) % a.K ? k++ : k = 0
c = a.b = q
} else c = a.b = {
labels: !1,
gb: !1
} else c = a.Jw(b);
return c
$.dw = function(a, b, c) {
var d = 0,
e = 0,
g = 0;
var h = a.title();
var k = a.labels();
var l =,
m = a.orientation();
h.enabled() && (h.U() || h.U(a.U()), $.V(h), h.oa(b), $.Jt(h, m), g = a.Gb() ? h.Qh().height : h.Qh().width,!1));
b = a.scale();
k = k.enabled() && $.n(b);
l = l.enabled() && $.n(b) && $.L(b, $.qr);
h = a.Gb() ? c : 0;
c = a.Gb() ? 0 : c;
c = new $.K(0, 0, h, c);
m = cw(a, c);
if (k && b) {
var p = b.Ia().get();
var q = $.F(m) ? m.labels : !m;
if (a.dA())
for (k = 0; k < a.R.length; k++) d += a.R[k];
for (k = 0, h = p.length; k < h; k++)
if ($.C(q) ? q[k] : q) {
var r = $.dm(a.ed(k, !0, p, c));
r = a.Gb() ? r.height : r.width;
r > d && (d = r)
if (l && !a.dA())
for (l = $.F(m) ? : !m, p =, k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; k++)
if ($.C(l) ? l[k] : l) r = $.dm(a.ed(k, !1, p, c)), r = a.Gb() ? r.height : r.width, r > e && (e = r);
return a.XW(d, e) + g
ew = function() {
$.fw = function() {;
this.Jc = = this.g = this.Qa = this.rd = null;
this.K = "horizontal";
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["text", 20, 9]
$.gw = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.G !== b && (a.G = b, a.B(4, 9)), a) : a.G
hw = function(a) {
a.j || (a.j = $.wj(),"aria-hidden", "true"), $.O(a, a.j));
return a.j
$.iw = function() {
this.j = null;
this.uJ = "horizontal";
this.La = this.fc = this.ea = null;
this.D = {};
this.G = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["stroke", 16],
["fill", 4],
["drawFirstLine", 64],
["drawLastLine", 64],
["isMinor", 80, 9]
$.jw = function(a, b) {
var c = !a.b && a.uJ != b;
a.uJ = b;
c && a.B(64)
kw = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b ? a.G : a.ra;
if ($.n(c)) {
var e = c && $.G(c.Sa) && c.Sa(),
g = (e = "stock-scatter-date-time" == e || "stock-ordinal-date-time" == e) ? c == d ? null : c : $.pr(d, c, null, 15, null, a.Hg, a);
if (g || null === c && d) c = d == g, g || $.Bp(d, a.Hg, a), d = g, b ? a.G = d : a.ra = d, g && !e &&, c || a.B(20, 9)
$.lw = function(a) {
$.Jc(a.D, function(a) {
$.mw = function(a, b) {
var c = a.I("fill");
if ($.G(c)) {
var d = {
index: b,
grid: a,
palette: a.La ||
c =
d = b in a.D ? a.D[b.toString()] : a.D[b.toString()] = a.XV();
return d
nw = function() {
ow = function() {
qw = function() {
$; = $.pw;
this.G = this.D = null
$.tw = function(a) {
a = $.oa(a);
delete rw[a];
$.Rc(rw) && sw && sw.stop()
uw = function() {
sw || (sw = new Pt(function() {
}, 20));
var a = sw;
a.qo() || a.start()
wca = function() {
var a = (0, $.sm)();
$.Jc(rw, function(b) {
$.Rc(rw) || uw()
$.vw = function(a, b, c, d) {;
if (!$.C(a) || !$.C(b)) throw Error("Start and end parameters must be arrays");
if (a.length != b.length) throw Error("Start and end points must be the same length");
this.b = a;
this.g = b;
this.duration = c;
this.R = d;
this.coords = [];
this.qd = 0
ww = function(a, b) {
$.G(a.R) && (b = a.R(b));
a.coords = Array(a.b.length);
for (var c = 0; c < a.b.length; c++) a.coords[c] = (a.g[c] - a.b[c]) * b + a.b[c]
xw = function(a, b) {
$, a);
this.coords = b.coords;
this.x = b.coords[0];
this.y = b.coords[1];
this.duration = b.duration;
this.qd = b.qd;
this.state =
yw = function() {;
this.jc = []
zw = function() {;
this.b = 0
$.Aw = function() {;
this.b = 0
Bw = function() {
$.Cw = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
$, b, c, d, e); = a
Dw = function(a, b, c) {
$, a, [], [], b, c)
Ew = function(a, b, c) {
$, a, [0, 0], [0, 0], b, c);
this.K = window.NaN
Fw = function(a, b, c) {
$, a, [], [], b, c)
$.Gw = function() {
this.eb = [];
this.fg = this.Ad = this.$e = this.La = null;
var a = {};
$.Oo(a, [
["labels", 0, 0],
["minLabels", 0, 0],
["maxLabels", 0, 0]
]); = new $.Cv(this, a, $.dl);
$.Ap(, "labelsAfterInitCallback", function(a) {
$.U(a,, this)
a = {};
$.Oo(a, [
["labels", 0, 0],
["minLabels", 0, 0],
["maxLabels", 0, 0]
this.Ja = new $.Cv(this, a, 1);
$.Oo(a, [
["labels", 0, 0],
["minLabels", 0, 0],
["maxLabels", 0, 0]
this.Oa = new $.Cv(this, a, 2);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["defaultSeriesType", 0, 0],
32768, 1, 0, this.Ww
["maxPointWidth", 32768, 1, 0, this.Ww],
["minPointLength", 32768, 1, 0, this.Jz]
$.Hw = function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
return function(b, c) {
return, b, c)
var d = a.prototype,
for (e in b) {
var g = $.ml(e);
d[g] = c(e)
Iw = function(a) {
for (var b = a.eb.length; b--;) a.eb[b].wj() && a.eb[b].B(1028)
$.Jw = function(a) {
var b, c = [Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE];
for (b = a.eb.length; b--;)
if (a.eb[b].wj()) {
var d = a.eb[b],
e = c;
if (d.O(512)) {
for (var g = d.Xf(); g.advance();) {
var h = Number(g.get("size"));
!(0, window.isNaN)(h) && (0 <= h || d.I("displayNegative")) && (h = Math.abs(h), h > d.EM && (d.EM = h), h < d.FM && (d.FM = h))
e[0] = Math.min(e[0], d.FM);
e[1] = Math.max(e[1], d.EM)
for (b = a.eb.length; b--;) a.eb[b].wj() && (d = a.eb[b], e = c[1], g = a.wc, h =, d.FS = c[0], d.s_ = e, d.xda = g,
d.gda = h)
$.Kw = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g;
if (a.O(32768)) {
var h = 0;
for (g = a.eb.length; h < g; h++) {
var k = a.eb[h];
a.v1(k, b, c, d, e)
$.Lw = function(a) {
function b() {
this.el = !1;
this.Qn = a;
this.Xc = this.mb = null;
this.OB = !1;
this.ja.barGroupsPadding = 0;
this.ja.barsPadding = 0;
this.Ro = {};
this.Pl = {};
this.xm = [];
this.Zn = {};
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["barGroupsPadding", 32772, 9, 0, b],
["barsPadding", 32772, 9, 0, b]
$.Mw = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0; d < a.eb.length; d++) {
var e = a.eb[d];
!e || !e.enabled() || b && e.pp() != b && != b || (c |= e.B(1024))
c && a.B(32768, 1)
$.Nw = function(a) {
if (a.O(131072)) {
var b, c, d = a.eb.length,
e = !d,
g = {},
h = {};
for (b = 0; b < d; b++)
if (c = a.eb[b]) {
var k = c.Wa(),
l = $.oa(k);
g[l] = k;
l in a.Pl || (e = !0);
k =;
l = $.oa(k);
h[l] = k;
l in a.Ro || (e = !0)
a.Ro = h;
a.Pl = g;
e && (, a.B(302350336));
Ww = function(a) {
if (a.O(65536)) {
var b, c, d = a.eb.length,
a.xm = [];
a.Zn = {};
a.RJ = {};
for (h in a.Pl) {
var g = a.Pl[h]; && g.Yg()
for (b = 0; b < d; b++)
if ((c = a.eb[b]) && c.enabled()) {
g = c.Wa();
var h = $.oa(g);
(e = a.Zn[h]) || (a.Zn[h] = e = []);
if ($.L(g, $.Ar)) {
var k = !;
if (e.length) {
var l = e[e.length - 1];
var m = l.qA;
var p = l.FN
} else k ? (p = g.values(), m = g.YC) : (p = [], m = {});
l = Ow(c, m, p, k)
} else l = Pw(c, !0, $.L(g, $.rr));
(g = a.RJ[h]) || (a.RJ[h] = g = {});
h = $.oa(;
(e = g[h]) || (g[h] = e = []);
for (h in a.Zn) {
e =
g = e[0].ca.Wa();
if (1 < e.length)
if (l = e[e.length - 1], $.L(g, $.Ar))
for (d = l.FN, b = 0; b < e.length - 1; b++)
for (l = e[b], c =; c < d.length; c++)[c]));
else {
d = [];
var q;
m = e[0].data;
l = e[1].data;
c = m.length;
var r = l.length;
var t = p = 0;
k = p < c ? m[p].data.x : window.NaN;
for (q = t < r ? l[t].data.x : window.NaN; !(0, window.isNaN)(k) && !(0, window.isNaN)(q);) {
var u = k <= q;
var v = k >= q;
d.push(u ? k : q);
u && (p++, k = p < c ? m[p].data.x : window.NaN);
v && (t++, q = t < r ? l[t].data.x : window.NaN)
for (; !(0, window.isNaN)(k);) d.push(k), p++, k =
p < c ? m[p].data.x : window.NaN;
for (; !(0, window.isNaN)(q);) d.push(q), t++, q = t < r ? l[t].data.x : window.NaN;
for (b = 2; b < e.length; b++) {
var x = [];
m = d;
l = e[b].data;
c = m.length;
r = l.length;
t = p = 0;
k = p < c ? m[p] : window.NaN;
for (q = t < r ? l[t].data.x : window.NaN; !(0, window.isNaN)(k) && !(0, window.isNaN)(q);) u = k <= q, v = k >= q, x.push(u ? k : q), u && (p++, k = p < c ? m[p] : window.NaN), v && (t++, q = t < r ? l[t].data.x : window.NaN);
for (; !(0, window.isNaN)(k);) x.push(k), p++, k = p < c ? m[p] : window.NaN;
for (; !(0, window.isNaN)(q);) x.push(q), t++, q = t < r ? l[t].data.x : window.NaN;
d = x
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++)
if (l = e[b], m =, c = m.length, c < d.length) {
t = [];
p = 0;
k = (r = m[p]) ? : window.NaN;
for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) q = d[c], k <= q ? (t.push(r), p++, k = (r = m[p]) ? : window.NaN) : t.push(Qw(q)); = t
m = !1;
d = {};
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++)
if (l = e[b], c =, p = c.Xl || [], p.length)
for (m = !0, c = 0; c < p.length; c++) k = p[c], d[k] = !0,[k].o.missing = (Number([k].o.missing) || 0) | (Number(Rw) || 0);
m && (d = aaa(d, function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < e.length; c++)
if (!Sw(e[c].data[+b].o.missing, xca)) return !1;
return !0
l = e[0];
if (
if ($.L(g, $.Ar)) {
if (m)
for (m = {}, p = [], b = 0; b <; b++) b in d || (c =[b].data.x, m[$.dn(c)] = p.length, p.push(c));
else m = l.qA, p = l.FN;
Tba(g, m, p)
} else if ( {
if (m)
for (b = 0; b <; b++) b in d || g.ld([b].data.x);
else g.ld([0].data.x,[ - 1].data.x);
if (Tw(
if (l.DZ)
for (b =; b.advance();) {
if (!Sw(b.o("missing"), Uw)) {
c =!0);
var w = b.get("x");
g.ld(w - c[0], w + c[1])
} else Vw( && (b =,, c =!0),
w = b.get("x"), g.ld(w - c[0], w + c[1]), - 1), c =!0), w = b.get("x"), g.ld(w - c[0], w + c[1]))
if ($.L(g, $.Ar) && (l = $.Dr(g))) {
d = e[0].FN.length;
m = Array(d);
for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++)
if (p = e[b].data, 0 < d)
for (c = 0; c < p.length; c++) !$.n(m[c]) && $.n(w = p[c].data[l]) && (m[c] = w, d--);
g.Lj = m
for (h in a.Pl) g = a.Pl[h], && g.dh();
$.Rc(a.Pl) && a.Wa().pg() && (a.Wa().Yg(), a.Wa().dh());
yca = function(a) {
if (a.O(262144)) {
var b, c;
a.OB = !1;
for (c in a.Ro) {
var d = a.Ro[c]; && d.Yg()
for (var e in a.RJ) {
var g = a.Zn[e][0].data;
d = g.length;
var h = a.Pl[e];
if ($.L(h, $.Ar))
if (d) {
var k = $.hb(Math.floor(a.kR() * d - 1), 0, d - 1);
var l = $.hb(Math.ceil(a.jR() * d + 1), 0, d - 1);
h = $.hb(Math.floor(a.kR() * d + .5), 0, d - 1);
var m = $.hb(Math.floor(a.jR() * d - .5), 0, d - 1)
} else k = l = h = m = window.NaN;
else {
k = h.Vc(0);
l = h.Vc(1);
if (d) {
var p = function(a, b) {
return a -
k = $.Sa(g, k, p);
0 > k && (k = ~k - 1);
k = $.hb(k, 0, d - 1);
l = $.Sa(g, l, p);
0 > l && (l = ~l);
l = $.hb(l, 0, d - 1);
h.inverted() && (g = k, k = l, l = g)
} else k = l = window.NaN;
h = k;
m = l
var q = a.RJ[e];
for (var r in q) {
p = q[r];
d = a.Ro[r];
g = a.AF(d);
var t =;
var u = "none" != g,
v = "direct" == t,
x = "percent" == g;
if (u) {
var w = [];
for (b = k; b <= l; b++) w.push({
pv: 0,
Co: 0,
lv: 0,
ov: 0,
Bo: 0,
kv: 0,
sC: !1,
jC: !1,
Rr: !1,
MC: {
Dz: window.NaN,
uz: window.NaN,
NF: !1,
UX: !1
for (t = 0; t < p.length; t++) {
var z = p[v ? p.length - t - 1 : t];
var A =;
z.Ph = k;
z.lastIndex = l;
z.lH = u && A.check(32);
z.jt = window.Infinity; = -window.Infinity;
a.OB = a.OB || z.lH;
g =;
if (z.lH ||
for (b = k; b <= l; b++) {
var E = g[b];
var D = w[b - k];
E.o.shared = D.MC;
E.o.stackedMissing = D.Rr;
if (Sw(E.o.missing, Uw)) D.Rr = !0;
else {
A = a.fZ(E);
b >= h && b <= m && (z.jt > A && (z.jt = A), < A && ( = A));
0 <= A ? (E.o.stackedZero = D.Co, D.Co += A, E.o.stackedValue = D.Co, x || (D.sC ? (E.o.stackedZeroPrev = D.pv, E.o.stackedValuePrev = D.pv + A) : E.o.stackedZeroPrev = E.o.stackedValuePrev = window.NaN, D.jC ? (E.o.stackedZeroNext =, E.o.stackedValueNext = + A) : E.o.stackedZeroNext = E.o.stackedValueNext = window.NaN)) : (E.o.stackedZero = D.Bo, D.Bo += A, E.o.stackedValue =
D.Bo, x || (D.sC ? (E.o.stackedZeroPrev = D.ov, E.o.stackedValuePrev = D.ov + A) : E.o.stackedZeroPrev = E.o.stackedValuePrev = window.NaN, D.jC ? (E.o.stackedZeroNext = D.kv, E.o.stackedValueNext = D.kv + A) : E.o.stackedZeroNext = E.o.stackedValueNext = window.NaN));
if (!x) {
a.zr(d, E.o.stackedValuePrev);
a.zr(d, E.o.stackedValue);
a.zr(d, E.o.stackedValueNext);
if (E = g[b - 1]) Sw(E.o.missing, Uw) ? D.sC = !0 : 0 <= A ? D.pv += A : D.ov += A;
if (E = g[b + 1]) Sw(E.o.missing, Uw) ? D.jC = !0 : 0 <= A ? += A : D.kv += A
D.Rr = !1;
D.MC.NF = D.MC.NF || !(!D.Co && !D.Bo)
} else {
var R = A.uj();
for (b = k; b <= l; b++)
if (E = g[b], !Sw(E.o.missing, Uw)) {
for (D = 0; D < R.length; D++) a.zr(d,[R[D]]);
if (b >= h && b <= m)
for (D = 0; D < R.length; D++) A = $.Q([R[D]]), z.jt > A && (z.jt = A), < A && ( = A)
if (
for (b = k; b <= l; b++)
if (E = g[b], A =, !Sw(E.o.missing, Uw) && $.C(A))
for (D = 0; D < A.length; D++) a.zr(d, A[D]);
if (Tw( && (Vw( || z.qca))
for (g =; g.advance();) Sw(g.o("missing"), Uw) || (b =!1), A = $.Q(g.get("value")), a.zr(d, A - b[0]), a.zr(d, A + b[1]))
if (x)
for (a.zr(d, 0), t = 0; t <
p.length; t++)
for (z = p[t], g =, b = k; b <= l; b++) E = g[b], D = w[b - k], Sw(E.o.missing, Uw) ? (E.o.stackedPositiveZero = E.o.stackedPositiveZero / D.Co * 100 || 0, E.o.stackedNegativeZero = E.o.stackedNegativeZero / D.Bo * 100 || 0) : (A = E.o.stackedValue, 0 <= A ? (v = D.Co, A && a.zr(d, 100)) : (v = -D.Bo, a.zr(d, -100)), E.o.stackedZero = E.o.stackedZero / v * 100 || 0, E.o.stackedValue = E.o.stackedValue / v * 100 || 0);
u && a.k0(p, k, l, d)
for (c in a.Ro) d = a.Ro[c], && d.dh();
$.Rc(a.Ro) && && (,;
Xw = function(a) {
var b = [],
for (c in a) b.push(a[c]);
return b
Zw = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.fg || $.fm(0, 0, 0, 0),
e = d.left,
g =,
h = d.width,
k = d.height;
d = $.dj(a.U().Ea());
b -= d.x;
c -= d.y;
d = a.el ? (k - (c - g)) / k : (b - e) / h;
if (b < e || b > e + h || c < g || c > g + k) return null;
e = [];
g = 0;
for (h = a.eb.length; g < h; g++)
if ((k = a.eb[g]) && k.enabled()) {
var l = k.Wa().Vc(d);
if (a.Qn) {
l = $.Yw(k, l);
var m = 0 <= l ? [l] : []
} else m = $.Kp(, l, $.L(k.Wa(), $.Ar));
l = k.da();
var p = window.Infinity;
if (m.length) {
for (var q = 0; q < m.length; q++)
if ([q])) {
var r = l.o("x");
var t = k.uj();
for (var u = 0; u < t.length; u++) {
var v = l.o(t[u]);
v = $.$l(r, v, b, c);
if (v < p) {
p = v;
var x = m[q]
ca: k,
gd: m,
Om: m[m.length - 1],
Zd: {
index: x,
Ef: p
return e
$.$w = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ($.C(b))
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var g = b[e],
h =, e);
$.F(g) && "scale" in g && g.scale > a.yJ() && h.scale(d[g.scale])
$.ax = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
for (var l = [], m = 0; m < d.length; m++) {
var p = d[m];
p && l.push(, p, g, h, k))
l.length && (b[c] = l)
$.bx = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (c) {
var g = $.oa(c);
g in e || (e[g] = d.length, d.push(c.J()));
a[b] = e[g]
$.cx = function() {
this.g = 0;
this.j = "horizontal"
dx = function() {
$.fx = function() {
this.g = {
from: 0,
Le: 0
this.j = "black";
this.G = "horizontal";
$.ex(this, "#c1c1c1 0.4")
$.gx = function(a, b) {
var c = !a.b && a.G != b;
a.G = b;
c && a.B(4)
$.ex = function(a, b) {
var c = !a.Vb && a.j != b;
a.j = b;
c && a.B(16)
hx = function() {
$.ix = function() {
jx = function() {
kx = function() {;
this.Vo = 0;
this.Zm = this.Xm = window.NaN;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["format", 20, 9]
$.lx = function() {
this.Dc = = null; = $.uj();
this.dr = $.uj();
this.gk = []; = [];!0);!0);
this.LU = !0;
this.ea = this.fc = null;
this.YI = {};
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["xStroke", 16, 1],
["yStroke", 16, 1],
["displayMode", 0, 0]
mx = function(a, b, c) {
a = c ? a.gk :;
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c] && a[c] && a[c].parent(b[c])
nx = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e;
for (e in a.YI) {
var g = a.YI[e];
var h = d ? g.gk :;
(h = h[c]) || (h = d ? g.LH(c) : g.NH(c));
a.ea && (h = d ? a.ea.gk :, (e = h[c]) || (e = d ? a.ea.LH(c) : a.ea.NH(c)), b.parent(e))
$.ox = function(a) {
switch (a.orientation()) {
case "left":
return "right-center";
case "top":
return "center-bottom";
case "right":
return "left-center";
case "bottom":
return "center-top";
return "left-top"
$.px = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) {
var e = a[d];
e && e.U(b)
$.qx = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) {
var e = a[d];
e && e.oa(b)
$.rx = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? ( != b && ( && ("mouseover", a.Gh, !1, a),"mousemove", a.Gh, !1, a),"mouseout", a.fh, !1, a)), = b, && ("mouseover", a.Gh, !1, a),"mousemove", a.Gh, !1, a),"mouseout", a.fh, !1, a))), a) :
sx = function(a, b) {
if ($.n(b)) b.U(null), b.remove();
for (var c = 0; c < a.gk.length; c++) {
var d = a.gk[c];
d && (d.U(null), d.remove())
tx = function(a) {
a = ct(a);
return "left-top" == a || "center-top" == a || "right-top" == a
ux = function() {
vx = function() {
this.ab = this.fd = this.cb = null;
this.ya = []
wx = function(a) {
this.Qa = a;
this.j = this.b = this.g = this.D = null;
this.G = []
$.xx = function(a) {
$, a);
this.Tf = null;
this.b = [];
this.sf = [];
this.uo = [];
this.Eo = [];
this.Mo = [];
this.lj = [];
this.mj = [];
this.Fj = [];
this.Hj = [];
this.G = null;
this.D = $.mk.anychart.annotations
yx = function(a, b) {
var c = b.Gb() ^ a.el ? : a.Wa();
$.L(b, $.iw) ? kw(b, !0, c) : b.scale(c)
zx = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? ( = b, a) : || {}
Ax = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (a.ow = b, a) : a.ow || {}
Bx = function(a, b, c) {
b = $.Vc(b);
var d = $.Ka(a.uo, a.Eo, a.Mo, a.lj, a.mj, a.Fj, a.Hj),
e, g;
for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++)
if (e = d[g]) {
var h = !!(e.Gb() ^ a.el);
c ^ h && (h = e.scale()) && (e = String($.oa(h)), e in b || (b[e] = h))
a = c ? a.b : a.sf;
for (g = 0; g < a.length; g++)
if (h = a[g] && a[g].scale()) e = String($.oa(h)), e in b || (b[e] = h);
return b
$.Cx = function(a, b) {
this.wa = a;
this.index = $.on(b, 0, !0);
this.Gn = {}
$.Dx = function(a, b) {
$, a.hc(), b); = a
Ex = function(a, b) {
$, a, b)
$.Fx = function(a, b, c, d) {
b ? a.moveTo(d, c) : a.moveTo(c, d)
$.Gx = function(a, b, c) {
if (b) {
var d = 1;
var e = 0
} else d = 0, e = 1;
for (var g = 2; g < arguments.length; g += 2) a.lineTo(arguments[g + d], arguments[g + e])
$.Hx = function(a) {
$; = a
Sw = function(a, b) {
return !!((Number(a) || 0) & (b || 255))
Ix = function(a) {
this.Da = a;
this.b = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["start", 0, 1],
["point", 0, 1],
["updatePoint", 0, 1],
["finish", 0, 1],
["needsZero", 0, 4],
["needsWidth", 0, 4],
["yValues", 0, 4]
Lx = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (a) {
var g = void 0;
if (e && (g = c.o("shapes"), !g)) return;
b = c ? new Jx(b, c, d || $.dl, g) : new Kx(b);, b)
Kx = function(a) {
this.series = a;
this.seriesState = a.$i()
Jx = function(a, b, c, d) {, a);
this.b = b;
for (var e = a.uj(), g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
var h = e[g];
this[h] = b.o(h)
a.check(2) && (this.size = b.o("size"));
this.x = b.o("x");
this.pointState = c;
this.missing = !!b.o("missing");
this.categoryWidth = a.aX; && (this.pointWidth = a.Zr);
$.Mx(a) && ( = b.o("zero"));
d && (this.shapes = d)
$.Nx = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.R = d || "shapes";
this.yb = e || $.ha; = a;
this.He = null;
this.Y = c;
this.g = {};
this.G = {};
this.K = {};
this.j = {};
this.YA = !!g;
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
c = b[a];
d = $.bl(c.dd, c.Kc ? 3 : 1, c.$c, c.En);
e = $.bl(c.jd, 2, c.$c, c.En);
g = c.Mc;
switch (String(g).toLowerCase()) {
case "none":
var h = null;
case "rect":
h = $.qj;
case "circle":
h = $.rj;
case "ellipse":
h = $.tj;
h = $.uj
this.g[g] || (this.g[g] = [], this.G[g] = [], this.K[g] = 0);
this.j[] = {
fill: d,
stroke: e,
zIndex: +c.zIndex,
Kc: c.Kc,
sP: h,
Mc: g
$.Ox = function(a, b) {
if (a.He != b) {
a.He = b;
for (var c in a.g)
for (var d = a.g[c], e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e].parent(b)
Px = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
b = a.j[b];
var k = b.fill(, c),
l = b.stroke(, c);
g.zIndex(b.zIndex + e);
a.Y && a.LM(g, b.Kc, d);
c = !(k || c != $.dl && b.fill(, $.dl) || 1 != c && b.fill(, 1) || 2 != c && b.fill(, 2));
(h ? b.Kc && c : b.Kc) ? c ? g.parent(null) : g.parent(a.He): h && g.parent(a.He);
return g
Qx = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d in c) {
var e = a.j[d],
g = c[d],
h = e.fill(, b),
k = e.stroke(, b);
e.Kc && ("none" == g.fill() && "none" == g.stroke() ? g.visible(!1) : g.visible(!0));
e.Kc || (e =, e.o("fill", h), e.o("stroke", k))
a.yb(, c, b)
$.Rx = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
$, a, b, c, d, e, g)
$.Sx = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
$, a, b, c, d, e, g);
this.D = this.b = null
Tx = function(a) {
this.Da = a;
this.Gl = "both"; = null;
this.j = this.D = void 0;
this.R = null;
this.b = this.g = void 0;
this.K = this.X = 10;
this.G = this.Y = "#1D8BD1"
Ux = function(a) {
return $.L(a, $.qr) && !$.L(a, $.rr) && "none" == a.Yp()
Vw = function(a) {
var b = a.aD(),
c = a.bD(),
d = a.cD(),
e = a.VC(),
g = a.WC();
a = a.XC();
e = $.n(g) || $.n(a) || $.hn(e) || !$.nn(e);
return $.n(c) || $.n(d) || $.hn(b) || !$.nn(b) || e
$.Vx = function() {;
this.ja = {};
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["text", 20, 9]
$.dv = function(a, b, c, d) {
function e(a) {
this.wa = a;
this.vf = b;
this.Xd = {};
this.Xd.pointWidth = "90%";
this.Xd.isVertical =;
this.Xd.minPointLength = 0;
this.Mf = !1;
this.Gn = {};
this.nB = this.Ey = null;
this.Id = c;
this.Nh = null;
this.RA = 0;
this.Jk = null; = [];
this.fp = !1;
this.ut = new Ix(this);
$.U(this.ut, this.Sfa, this);
a = {};
$.Oo(a, [
["fill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["negativeFill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["risingFill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["fallingFill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["stroke", 2048,
65, 4294967295
["lowStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["highStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["negativeStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["risingStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["fallingStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["medianStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["stemStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["whiskerStroke", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["hatchFill", 3072, 65, 4294967295],
["negativeHatchFill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["risingHatchFill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["fallingHatchFill", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["whiskerWidth", 1024, 1, 256],
["type", 1024, 65, 8192],
["size", 1024, 1, 8192],
["labels", 0, 0],
["minLabels", 0, 0],
["maxLabels", 0, 0],
["markers", 0, 0],
["outlierMarkers", 0, 0]
]); = new $.Cv(this, a, $.dl); = $.Fv; = $.Gv; = tca;
a = {};
$.Oo(a, [
["fill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["negativeFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["risingFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["fallingFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["stroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["lowStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["highStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
0, 0, 4294967295
["risingStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["fallingStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["medianStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["stemStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["whiskerStroke", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["hatchFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["negativeHatchFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["risingHatchFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["fallingHatchFill", 0, 0, 4294967295],
["whiskerWidth", 0, 0, 256],
["type", 0, 0, 8192],
["size", 0, 0, 8192],
["labels", 0, 0],
["minLabels", 0, 0],
["maxLabels", 0, 0],
["markers", 0, 0],
["outlierMarkers", 0, 0]
this.Ja = new $.Cv(this, a, 1);
this.Oa =
new $.Cv(this, a, 2);
this.Ja.ja.labelsAfterInitCallback = e;
this.Ja.ja.markersAfterInitCallback = e;
this.Oa.ja.labelsAfterInitCallback = e;
this.Oa.ja.markersAfterInitCallback = e;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["color", 2048, 65, 4294967295],
["xPointPosition", 1024, 1, 4294967295],
["pointWidth", 1024, 1, 1024],
["maxPointWidth", 1024, 1, 1024],
["minPointLength", 1024, 5, 1024, this.tM],
["connectMissingPoints", 1024, 1, 16],
["displayNegative", 1024, 5, 2],
["stepDirection", 1024, 1, 131072],
["isVertical", 1024, 5, 4294967295]
this.hy(d, !0)
$.Wx = function(a) {
var b = 1E-5 *;
b = a.vf.jK(a) + b;
a.xh = b
Tw = function(a) {
return a.check(128) && a.check(2097152)
$.Mx = function(a) {
return !!a.ut.I("needsZero")
$.Xx = function(a, b) {
a.Xd.pointWidth = String(100 * b) + "%"
$.Yx = function(a, b) {
a.Xd.xPointPosition = b
$.Zx = function(a, b) {
a.Xd.type = b; = b;
a.check(8192) && a.B(1024)
$.ay = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (!a) return zca;
var e = $.oa(b) + "|" + a + "|" + c + (d ? "|" + d : "");
d = d || a;
var g = $x[e];
g || ($x[e] = g = function(e, g, l) {
l = $.cl(l);
return l != $.dl && c && (l = e.Gc(a, l, g, b, !1, d), $.n(l)) ? l : e.Gc(a, 0, g, b, !1, d)
return g
zca = function() {};
by = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (a.check(e) && (!1 !== b.enabled() || c || d)) {
if (b.U(a.VY()), a.O(g)) return b.clear(), b.oa(a.ha), !0
} else b.clear(), b.U(null);
return !1
$.cy = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l, m) {
var p;
var q =;
h && ((p = a.UF[q]) || (p = a.UF[q] = []));
var r;
b[0] && (r = b[0].call(;
var t, u, v, x, w, z, A;
if (k.o("missing") || k.o("skipDrawing")) b = !1;
else {
l = $.cl(l);
var E = e && a.Hn();
c[0] && (t = c[0].call(;
var D = r;
if (E) var R = (e = k.get("normal")) ? e[d[0]] : k.get(d[0]);
if (3 < b.length && (c[3] && (x = c[3].call(, b[3] && (w = b[3].call(, E)) var N = (e = k.get("normal")) ? e[d[3]] : k.get(d[3]);
if (l) {
var S = 1 == l ? "hovered" : "selected";
c[l] && (u = c[l].call(a.wa[S]()));
b[l] && (v = b[l].call(a[S]()));
if (E) var ya = (e = k.get(S)) ? e[d[0]] : k.get(d[l]);
if (3 < b.length && (c[l + 3] && (z = c[l + 3].call(a.wa[S]())), b[l + 3] && (A = b[l + 3].call(a[S]())), E)) var ua = (e = k.get(S)) ? e[d[3]] : k.get(d[l + 3])
ua = (0, $.eb)([R, N, ya, ua], function(a) {
!$.F(a) || "enabled" in a || (a = $.Vc(a), a.enabled = !0);
return a
R = ua[0];
N = ua[1];
ya = ua[2];
ua = ua[3];
b = Bba($.Vm([ua, 0, ya, 0, A, Um, v, Um, z, Um, u, Um, N, 0, R, 0, w, Um, D, Um, x, Um, t, Um], "enabled"))
if (b)
if (r = g ? a.tX() : null, b = [D, v, R, ya], c = [t, D, R, u, v, ya, x, w, N, z, A, ua], h)
if (g = k.o("x"), a.I("isVertical"))
for (q = 0; q < h.length; q++) p[q] =
a.PJ(b, c, p[q], {
value: {
x: h[q],
y: g
}, r, m).na();
for (q = 0; q < h.length; q++) p[q] = a.PJ(b, c, p[q], {
value: {
x: g,
y: h[q]
}, r, m).na();
else return p = g ? Gn($.Vm([ua, 0, ya, 0, A, $.Rm, v, $.Rm, z, $.Rm, u, $.Rm, N, 0, R, 0, w, $.Rm, D, $.Rm, x, $.Rm, t, $.Rm, A, $.Sm, v, $.Sm, u, $.Sm, w, $.Sm, D, $.Sm, t, $.Sm], "position"), "auto") : Gn($.Vm([ya, 0, v, Um, R, 0, D, Um], "position"), "auto"), h = a.Pj(p, !0), a.PJ(b, c, q, h, r, m, p);
else if (h)
for (q = 0; q < p.length; q++) r.clear(p[q]);
else r.clear(q);
return null
Aca = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.Jj(b, null);
d ? a = a.H0(d) : (b = a.qP(b), a = a.UY(b), a = $.rn(a));
return $.sn(a, c)
Bca = function(a, b) {
return +$.Qc(a.UF, function(a) {
return tu(a, function(a) {
return a == b
dy = function(a) {
a && (a = a.o("shared")) && (a.Dz = window.NaN, = window.NaN)
fy = function(a) {
var b = a.Mf;
if ($.da(b) && (b = a.KA, a.check($.ey))) {
b = b.clone();
a = a.wa;
var c = a.Og; -= c;
b.height += c;
b.width +=
return b
$.gy = function(a, b, c) {
c = c || a.da();
return $.Vt(b,, c))
hy = function(a) {
this.Da = a;
$.iy = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
$, a, b, c, d);
this.state = new $.Lu(this);
this.wga = e;
ky = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g =,
h = g.da(),
k =,
l = !1,
m = !1,
p = a.wj(),
q, r = [];
a.ih() && a.Hn() && r.push("zIndex");
p && r.push("size");
a.check(256) && r.push("outliers");
Tw(a) && (Ux(a.Wa()) && (g.df("xError") && (r.push("xError"), l = !0), g.df("xLowerError") && (r.push("xLowerError"), l = !0), g.df("xUpperError") && (r.push("xUpperError"), l = !0)), Ux( && (g.df("valueError") && (r.push("valueError"), m = !0), g.df("valueLowerError") && (r.push("valueLowerError"), m = !0), g.df("valueUpperError") && (r.push("valueUpperError"), m = !0)));
$.L(k, $.Ar) && (q = $.Dr(k)) && g.df(q) && r.push(q);
var t = a.Wa();
$.L(t, $.Ar) && (q = $.Dr(t)) && g.df(q) && r.push(q);
for (t = a.NZ(); h.advance();) {
var u = d(h.get("x"));
if (!e(u)) {
var v = {};
v.x = u;
var x;
u = !1;
var w = a.uj();
var z = 0;
for (x = w.length; z < x; z++) {
q = w[z];
var A = a.K_(h.get(q));
u = u || k.vj(A);
v[q] = A
z = 0;
for (x = r.length; z < x; z++) q = r[z], v[q] = h.get(q);
p && (z = $.Q(v.size = h.get("size")), (0, window.isNaN)(z) || 0 > z && !a.I("displayNegative")) && (u = !0);
z = {};
z.missing = u ? 1 : 0;
z.rawIndex =;
v = {
data: v,
o: z
a.j0(h, v, t);
c(b, v)
return a.xe = {
data: b,
ca: a,
nca: a.check($.jy) && (g.df("normal") || g.df("hovered") || g.df("selected") || g.df("label") || g.df("hoverLabel") || g.df("selectLabel") || g.df("minLabel") || g.df("hoverMinLabel") || g.df("selectMinLabel") || g.df("maxLabel") || g.df("hoverMaxLabel") || g.df("selectMaxLabel")),
oca: a.check(4194304) && (g.df("normal") || g.df("hovered") || g.df("selected") || g.df("marker") || g.df("hoverMarker") || g.df("selectMarker")),
pca: a.check(256) && (g.df("outliers") || g.df("normal") || g.df("hovered") || g.df("selected") ||
g.df("outlierMarker") || g.df("hoverOutlierMarker") || g.df("selectOutlierMarker")),
DZ: l,
qca: m,
mca: l || m
Pw = function(a, b, c) {
if (b) {
var d = {},
e = -window.Infinity;
b = function(a, b) {
var c =;
if (c in d) {
var h = a[d[c]];
a[d[c]] = b
} else d[c] = a.length, a.push(b), c < e && (g = !0), e = c;
return h || null
} else b = function(a, b) {
return null
var g = !1;
a = ky(a, [], b, c ? function(a) {
return (a = $.yq(a)) ? a.getTime() : window.NaN
} : function(a) {
return a
}, window.isNaN);
g && $.Ua(, Cca);
return a
Ow = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a = ky(a, Array(c.length), d ? function(a, c) {
var d = $.dn(;
if (d in b) {
var e = a[b[d]];
a[b[d]] = c
return e || null
} : e ? function(a, b) {
return null
} : function(a, d) {
var e =,
g = $.dn(e);
if (g in b) {
var h = a[b[g]];
a[b[g]] = d
} else b[g] = c.length, c.push(e), a.push(d);
return h || null
}, function(a) {
return a
}, function(a) {
return void 0 === a
d =;
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e] || (d[e] = Qw(c[e]));
a.qA = b;
a.FN = c;
return a
Qw = function(a) {
var b = {};
b.missing = ly;
return {
data: {
x: a
o: b
Cca = function(a, b) {
return $.cn(,
$.Yw = function(a, b) {
if (a.xe) {
if (a.xe.qA) {
var c = a.xe.qA[$.dn(b)];
return (0, window.isNaN)(c) ? -1 : c
return ? (c = $.Ta(, function(a) {
return b -
}), 0 > c && (c = ~c, 0 < c && (c == ? c-- :[c].data.x - b > b -[c - 1].data.x && c--)), c) : -1
return a.yE.find("x", b)
Dca = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = a.da();
for (var h = []; g.advance();) {
var k = void 0,
l = a,
m = g,
p = b,
q = c,
r = d,
t = e;
if ($.L(l.Xg, $.Rx) && (k = m.o(l.Xg.R))) a: {
var u = void 0;
var v = k,
x = p;
l = q;
var w = r,
z = t;
for (u in v) {
var A = v[u];
if ($.L(A, $.cg) && (A = A.hb(), A.left <= x + w && x <= A.left + A.width && <= l + z && l <= + A.height)) {
u = !0;
break a
u = !1
} else u = m.o(l.zi.tb + "X"), v = m.o(l.zi.tb), l.zi.tb == l.zi.ub ? u = p <= u && u <= p + r && q <= v && v <= q + t : (x = m.o(l.zi.ub + "X"), l = m.o(l.zi.ub), u = $.Yl([u, v, x, l], [p, q, p + r, q, p + r, q + t, p, q + t]));
!u && (k = m.o("marker")) &&
(u = k.Yf().hb().oo(new $.K(p, q, r, t)));
u && h.push(
return h
my = function(a, b, c) {
if (!a.enabled()) return a;
$.C(b) ? (c || a.Jd(), a.state.Jg(2, b, c ? void 0 : 1)) : $.B(b) && a.state.Jg(2, b, c ? void 0 : 1);
return a
$.oy = function(a) {
$; = this.Fa = !1;
this.Nz = this.LL = this.R = = this.X = this.b = this.g = this.Ba = null;
this.K = 0;
this.D = ny;
this.ha = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.j = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0); = this.ka = = null;
this.Ma = 0;
this.wc = this.xd = this.Uc = !1;
this.ab = this.Aa = null;
this.Fc = "bottom";
this.Y = !0;
this.Nd = !!a;
this.G = !1
py = function(a) {
return a.Gb() ? "ew-resize" : "ns-resize"
$.qy = function(a, b, c) {
b = $.hb(Math.round(b * ny), 0, ny);
c = $.hb(Math.round(c * ny), 0, ny);
if (b > c) {
var d = b;
b = c;
c = d
if (b != a.K || c != a.D) a.K = b, a.D = c, a.B(16, 1)
ry = function(a) { || (a.Ba.fb(a.g), a.Ba.fb(a.b), = !0)
sy = function(a) { && a.Cx().I("autoHide") && !a.Ma && !a.Uc && (a.Ba.removeChild(a.g), a.Ba.removeChild(a.b), = !1)
ty = function(a, b, c) {
a = a.Cx();
a.I("enabled") ? c ? (c ="fill"), a ="stroke")) : (c = a.Ta().I("fill"), a = a.Ta().I("stroke")) : (c = $.al, a = "none");
uy = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return a.dispatchEvent(a.m_(c, ($.n(d) ? d : a.K) / ny, ($.n(e) ? e : a.D) / ny, b))
wy = function(a, b, c) {
c = vy(a, b, c);
var d = a.ha;
switch (a.Fc) {
case "right":
d = ( + d.height - c) / d.height;
case "left":
d = (c - / d.height;
d = (c - d.left) / d.width
a.G && (d = 1 - d);
if (a.Y && b == a.g) c = d, d = a.D / ny, b = "thumb-drag";
else if (a.Y && b == a.b) c = a.K / ny, b = "thumb-drag";
else {
var e = (a.D - a.K) / ny / 2;
c = d - e;
d += e;
b = !0 === b ? "selected-range-drag" : "background-click"
c = $.hb(Math.round(c * ny), 0, ny);
d = $.hb(Math.round(d * ny), 0, ny);
c == d && (d += d < ny ? 1 : -1);
c > d && (e = a.g, a.g = a.b, a.b = e, e =, = a.ka, a.ka = e, e = c, c = d, d = e);
c == a.K && d == a.D || !uy(a, b, "scrollerchange", c, d) || (a.K = c, a.D = d, a.B(16, 1))
vy = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.ha,
e = a.Gb();
a = $.da(b) || !a.Y ? (a.D - a.K) / ny * (e ? d.width : d.height) / 2 : 0;
return e ? $.hb(c, d.left + a, d.left + d.width - a) : $.hb(c, + a, + d.height - a)
xy = function(a, b) {
var c = a.Y && b == a.g ? a.K : a.Y && b == a.b ? a.D : (a.K + a.D) / 2;
c /= ny;
a.G && (c = 1 - c);
var d = a.ha;
return a.Gb() ? d.left + d.width * c : "left" == a.Fc ? + d.height * c : + d.height * (1 - c)
yy = function(a, b, c) {
$, b.fa());
this.b = a;
this.j = c ? b : null;
this.Ci = void 0;
this.Ar = (0, $.ra)(function() {
this.Ci = void 0;
wy(this.b, this.j || !0, this.D)
}, this);
$.Xf(this);"end", this.T6)
zy = function(a) {
this.b = a;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["enabled", 16, 1],
["autoHide", 16, 1]
a = {};
$.Oo(a, [
["fill", 16, 1],
["stroke", 16, 1]
]); = new $.Cv(this, a, $.dl);
this.Ja = new $.Cv(this, a, $.dl)
Ay = function() {
$.By = function() {
$, !0);
this.pc = "after-axes"
$.Cy = function(a, b) {
this.D = b;
this.Qa = a;
this.g = 0;
this.b = 1;
this.j = !0;
this.Kl = null
Dy = function(a) {
if (a.Kl) {
var b;
(b = a.Kl.scale) || (b = a.Qa, b = a.D ? b.Wa() :;
if (a.Kl.count && $.L(b, $.Ar)) b = a.Kl.count / b.values().length, a.Kl.Haa ? a.yx(1 - b, 1) : a.yx(0, b);
else if ($.n(a.Kl.start) && $.n(a.Kl.end) && b) {
var c = er(b, b.transform(a.Kl.start, 0)),
d = er(b, b.transform(a.Kl.end, 1));
c > d && (c = er(b, b.transform(a.Kl.end, 0)), d = er(b, b.transform(a.Kl.start, 1)));
a.yx(c, d)
} else a.Kl = null
$.Ey = function(a) {
$, $.n(a) ? a : !0); = new $.Cy(this, !0);
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["zAngle", 4, 9],
["zAspect", 4, 9],
["zDistribution", 131076, 9],
["zPadding", 4, 9]
$.Fy = function(a, b) {
var c = "before-axes" == a.position();
var d = a.Gb(),
e = window.NaN;
c ? e = d ? b.height - a.yd().height : b.width - a.yd().width : b = a.yd();
return {
kX: b,
X0: e
$.Gy = function(a, b, c, d) {
if ("before-axes" == c.position()) switch (c.orientation()) {
case "top":
c.padding().top(b[0] + ( || 0));
b[0] += d;
case "bottom":
c.padding().bottom(b[2] + (a.Y || 0));
b[2] += d;
case "left":
c.padding().left(b[3] + ( || 0));
b[3] += d;
case "right":
c.padding().left(0), c.padding().right(b[1] + (a.ka || 0)), b[1] += d
c.Gb() ? (c.padding().left(b[3]), c.padding().right(b[1])) : (c.padding().top(b[0]), c.padding().bottom(b[2]));
return b
$.Hy = function(a, b) {
this.g = {};
this.b = [];
this.j = this.Ua = 0;
var c = arguments.length;
if (1 < c) {
if (c % 2) throw Error("Uneven number of arguments");
for (var d = 0; d < c; d += 2) this.set(arguments[d], arguments[d + 1])
} else if (a)
if (a instanceof $.Hy)
for (c = a.Qs(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.set(c[d], a.get(c[d]));
for (d in a) this.set(d, a[d])
$.Jy = function(a) {
if (a.Ua != a.b.length) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < a.b.length;) {
var d = a.b[b];
$.Iy(a.g, d) && (a.b[c++] = d);
a.b.length = c
if (a.Ua != a.b.length) {
var e = {};
for (c = b = 0; b < a.b.length;) d = a.b[b], $.Iy(e, d) || (a.b[c++] = d, e[d] = 1), b++;
a.b.length = c
$.Iy = function(a, b) {
return, b)
$.Ky = function() {
$.Ly = function(a) {
this.wa = a;
this.fc = this.ea = null;
$.Oo(this.Ha, [
["stroke", 0, 1],
["fill", 0, 1]
$.My = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.D = a;
this.j = b || $.ha;
this.g = $.n(d) ? d : this;
this.b = []
$.Ny = function(a) {
var b = a.b.pop();
b ?, b) : b =;
return b
Oy = function(a) {
$, a)
Py = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
$.Fx(b.fill,, e, g);
$.Gx(b.fill,, c, d);
$.Fx(b.hatchFill,, e, g);
$.Gx(b.hatchFill,, c, d);
$.Fx(b.stroke,, c, d)
Qy = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.Gx(b.fill,, c, d);
$.Gx(b.hatchFill,, c, d);
$.Gx(b.stroke,, c, d)
$.Ry = function(a) {
$, a)
Sy = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b.o("x"),
e = b.o("value");
b = b.o("size");
b = Math.abs(b); && (a = d, d = e, e = a);
for (var g in c) {
a = c[g];
var h = a.ud;
h && !$.Eb(h) &&, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
Ty = function(a) {
$, a)
$.Uy = function(a) {
$, a);
this.D = !0
Vy = function(a) {
$, a)
Wy = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b.o("x");
b = b.o("value");
d -= a.j / 2;
var e = d + a.j,
g = $.bc(c.stroke.stroke());
d = $.Dn(d, g);
e = $.Dn(e, g);
b = $.Dn(b, g);
c = c.stroke;
$.Fx(c,, d, b);
$.Gx(c,, e, b)
$.Xy = function(a) {
$, a)
$.Yy = function(a) {
$, a);
this.g = $.ay("type", tp, !0);
this.b = $.ay("markerSize", $.Vo, !0, "size")
$.Zy = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = b.o("x"),
g = b.o("value"),
h = a.g(, b, c);
b = a.b(, b, c);
h = $.G(h) ? h : $.ao(h); && (a = e, e = g, g = a);
h(d.path, e, g, b);
h(d.hatchFill, e, g, b)
$y = function(a) {
$, a)
az = function(a) {
$, a)
$.bz = function(a) {
$, a)
cz = function() { = 0;
this.D = this.j = this.X = this.Y = window.NaN; = this.R = !1; = []; = [];
this.g = [];
this.G = [];
this.K = 1
ez = function(a, b, c) {
switch ( {
case 3:
if (a.j == b && a.D == c) break;
var d = a.Y,
e = a.X,
g = a.j,
h = a.D;
dz(a, d, e, g, h, b, c);
d += a.G[0];
e += a.G[1];
var k = g - a.g[0] * a.K,
l = h - a.g[1] * a.K,
m = (d + k) / 2,
p = (e + l) / 2,
if (a.R)
for (q = 0; q < a.b.length; q++) a.b[q].ir(e, d, p, m).ir(l, k, h, g);
for (q = 0; q < a.b.length; q++) a.b[q].ir(d, e, m, p).ir(k, l, g, h);
a.K = (b - g) * a.ka;
a.G[0] = a.g[0] * a.K;
a.G[1] = a.g[1] * a.K;
a.Y = a.j;
a.X = a.D;
a.j = b;
a.D = c;
case 2:
if (a.j == b && a.D == c) break;
d = a.Y;
g = a.j;
h = a.D;
dz(a, d, a.X, g, h, b, c);
e = (g - d) * a.ka;
d = -a.g[0] * e;
e *= -a.g[1];
if (a.R)
for (k =
0; k < a.b.length; k++) a.b[k].ir(h + e, g + d, h, g);
for (k = 0; k < a.b.length; k++) a.b[k].ir(g + d, h + e, g, h);
a.K = (b - g) * a.ka;
a.G[0] = a.g[0] * a.K;
a.G[1] = a.g[1] * a.K;
a.Y = a.j;
a.X = a.D;
a.j = b;
a.D = c; = 3;
case 1:
if (a.Y == b && a.X == c) break;
a.j = b;
a.D = c; = 2;
case 0:
a.Y = b, a.X = c, = 1
kz = function(a) {
switch ( {
case 3:
var b = a.Y,
c = a.X,
d = a.j,
e = a.D,
if (a.R)
for (g = 0; g < a.b.length; g++) a.b[g].ir(c + a.G[1], b + a.G[0], e, d);
for (g = 0; g < a.b.length; g++) a.b[g].ir(b + a.G[0], c + a.G[1], d, e);
case 2:
if (b = a.j, c = a.D, a.R)
for (d = 0; d < a.b.length; d++) a.b[d].lineTo(c, b);
for (d = 0; d < a.b.length; d++) a.b[d].lineTo(b, c)
} = 0
lz = function(a, b) { ^ a.R && (b = !b);
a.ka = b ? -.25 : .25
mz = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a[0] = d - b;
a[1] = e - c;
b = Math.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1]);
a[0] /= b;
a[1] /= b
dz = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
mz(, d, e, b, c);
mz(, d, e, g, h);
0 <=[1] *[1] ? (a.g[0] = 0 > a.ka ? -1 : 1, a.g[1] = 0) : mz(a.g,[0],[1],[0],[1])
nz = function(a) {
$, a);
this.b = new cz
oz = function(a) {
$, a)
pz = function(a) {
$, a)
qz = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b.o("x"),
e = b.o("high");
b = b.o("low");
var g = $.bc(c.stroke.stroke()); && (d = $.Dn(d, g));
e = $.Dn(e, g);
b = $.Dn(b, g);
c = c.stroke;
$.Fx(c,, d, b);
$.Gx(c,, d, e)
rz = function(a) {
$, a);
this.b = new cz
sz = function(a) {
$, a);
this.g = new cz
tz = function(a) {
$, a)
uz = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
$.Fx(b.fill,, c, e);
$.Gx(b.fill,, c, d);
$.Fx(b.hatchFill,, c, e);
$.Gx(b.hatchFill,, c, d);
$.Fx(b.stroke,, c, d)
vz = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = b.fill,
g = b.hatchFill;
b = b.stroke;
switch (a.G) {
case "forward":
$.Gx(e,, c, a.g);
$.Gx(g,, c, a.g);
$.Gx(b,, c, a.g);
case "backward":
$.Gx(e,, a.D, d);
$.Gx(g,, a.D, d);
$.Gx(b,, a.D, d);
var h = (c + a.D) / 2;
$.Gx(e,, h, a.g, h, d);
$.Gx(g,, h, a.g, h, d);
$.Gx(b,, h, a.g, h, d)
$.Gx(e,, c, d);
$.Gx(g,, c, d);
$.Gx(b,, c, d)
wz = function(a) {
$, a)
xz = function(a) {
$, a)
yz = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b.o("x"),
e = b.o("zero");
b = b.o("value");
var g = $.bc(c.stroke.stroke()); && (d = $.Dn(d, g));
c = c.stroke;
$.Fx(c,, d, b);
$.Gx(c,, d, e)
$.Az = function(a) {
this.g = this.j = {};
this.D = 0; = Zc(Eca); = Zc(Fca);
this.R = !0;
this.K = this.Y = !1;
this.X = !0;
this.G = null;
this.b = a;
$.Ed(this.b, "keydown", this.JK, void 0, this);
$.zz && $.Ed(this.b, "keypress", this.AZ, void 0, this);
$.Ed(this.b, "keyup", this.wZ, void 0, this)
Bz = function(a) {
this.b = a || null; = a ? null : {}
Hca = function(a) {
if ($.y(a[1])) a = (0, $.eb)(Gca(a[1]), function(a) {
return Cz(a.key || "", a.keyCode, a.Cda)
else {
var b = a,
c = 1;
$.C(a[1]) && (b = a[1], c = 0);
for (a = []; c < b.length; c += 2) a.push(Cz("", b[c], b[c + 1]))
return a
Gca = function(a) {
a = a.replace(/[ +]*\+[ +]*/g, "+").replace(/[ ]+/g, " ").toLowerCase();
a = a.split(" ");
for (var b = [], c, d = 0; c = a[d]; d++) {
var e = c.split("+"),
g = null,
h = null;
c = 0;
for (var k, l = 0; k = e[l]; l++) {
switch (k) {
case "shift":
c |= 1;
case "ctrl":
c |= 2;
case "alt":
c |= 4;
case "meta":
c |= 8;
e = void 0;
g = k;
if (!Dz) {
h = {};
for (e in Ez) h[Ez[e]] = go((0, window.parseInt)(e, 10));
Dz = h
h = Dz[g];
g = k;
key: g,
keyCode: h,
Cda: c
return b
Ica = function(a, b) {
if (ud) {
if (224 == b.keyCode) {
a.ka = !0;
$.Ki(function() {
this.ka = !1
}, 400, a);
var c = b.metaKey || a.ka;
67 != b.keyCode && 88 != b.keyCode && 86 != b.keyCode || !c || (b.metaKey = c, a.JK(b))
32 == a.G && 32 == b.keyCode && b.preventDefault();
a.G = null
Fz = function(a, b, c) {
var d = b.shift();
(0, $.xa)(d, function(c) {
if ((c = a[c]) && (0 == b.length || c.b)) throw Error("Keyboard shortcut conflicts with existing shortcut");
b.length ? (0, $.xa)(d, function(d) {
d = d.toString();
var e = new Bz;
d = d in a ? a[d] : a[d] = e;
Fz(, b.slice(0), c)
}) : (0, $.xa)(d, function(b) {
a[b] = new Bz(c)
Gz = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = a[b[c]];
if (d) return d
Cz = function(a, b, c) {
c = c || 0;
b = ["c_" + b + "_" + c];
"" != a && b.push("n_" + a + "_" + c);
return b
Hz = function(a, b, c) {
$, a, c);
this.identifier = b
Iz = function(a) {
this.b = a;
Jz = function(a, b) {
$, a, b.o("index"));
this.node = b
$.Kz = function(a, b) {
this.Mp = ["x", "value"];
this.Qf = 0;
this.X = [];
this.qb = [];, b)
$.Lz = function(a, b) {
var c = [];
if (b) {
for (var d = b; d = d.getParent();) c.unshift(a.Td(d.o("index")));
return c
aa = [];
$.Mz = $.Mz || {};
$.ea = this;
ma = "closure_uid_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0);
na = 0;
$.sm = || function() {
return +new Date
var nj, zj = null;
var ye;
var tu;
$.Ca = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function(a, b) {
return, b, void 0)
} : function(a, b) {
if ($.y(a)) return $.y(b) && 1 == b.length ? a.indexOf(b, 0) : -1;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
return -1
$.xa = Array.prototype.forEach ? function(a, b, c) {, b, c)
} : function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a, g = 0; g < d; g++) g in e &&, e[g], g, a)
$.Ze = Array.prototype.filter ? function(a, b, c) {
return, b, c)
} : function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = [], g = 0, h = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a, k = 0; k < d; k++)
if (k in h) {
var l = h[k];, l, k, a) && (e[g++] = l)
return e
$.eb = ? function(a, b, c) {
return, b, c)
} : function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = Array(d), g = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a, h = 0; h < d; h++) h in g && (e[h] =, g[h], h, a));
return e
$.Dg = Array.prototype.reduce ? function(a, b, c) {
return, b, c)
} : function(a, b, c) {
var d = c;
(0, $.xa)(a, function(c, g) {
d = 0, d, c, g, a)
return d
tu = Array.prototype.some ? function(a, b) {
return, b, void 0)
} : function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.length, d = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++)
if (e in d && 0, d[e], e, a)) return !0;
return !1
$.Nz = Array.prototype.every ? function(a, b, c) {
return, b, c)
} : function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = $.y(a) ? a.split("") : a, g = 0; g < d; g++)
if (g in e && !, e[g], g, a)) return !1;
return !0
$.f = $.pb.prototype;
$.f.clone = function() {
return new $.pb(this.x, this.y)
$.f.ceil = function() {
this.x = Math.ceil(this.x);
this.y = Math.ceil(this.y);
return this
$.f.floor = function() {
this.x = Math.floor(this.x);
this.y = Math.floor(this.y);
return this
$.f.round = function() {
this.x = Math.round(this.x);
this.y = Math.round(this.y);
return this
$.f.translate = function(a, b) {
a instanceof $.pb ? (this.x += a.x, this.y += a.y) : (this.x += Number(a), $.B(b) && (this.y += b));
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b) {
var c = $.B(b) ? b : a;
this.x *= a;
this.y *= c;
return this
$.f = $.rb.prototype;
$ = function() {
return this.right - this.left
$.f.te = function() {
return this.bottom -
$.f.clone = function() {
return new $.rb(, this.right, this.bottom, this.left)
$.f.ceil = function() { = Math.ceil(;
this.right = Math.ceil(this.right);
this.bottom = Math.ceil(this.bottom);
this.left = Math.ceil(this.left);
return this
$.f.floor = function() { = Math.floor(;
this.right = Math.floor(this.right);
this.bottom = Math.floor(this.bottom);
this.left = Math.floor(this.left);
return this
$.f.round = function() { = Math.round(;
this.right = Math.round(this.right);
this.bottom = Math.round(this.bottom);
this.left = Math.round(this.left);
return this
$.f.translate = function(a, b) {
a instanceof $.pb ? (this.left += a.x, this.right += a.x, += a.y, this.bottom += a.y) : (this.left += a, this.right += a, $.B(b) && ( += b, this.bottom += b));
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b) {
var c = $.B(b) ? b : a;
this.left *= a;
this.right *= a; *= c;
this.bottom *= c;
return this
$.f = $.sb.prototype;
$.f.clone = function() {
return new $.sb(this.width, this.height)
$.f.TD = function() {
return this.width * this.height
$.f.aspectRatio = function() {
return this.width / this.height
$.f.ceil = function() {
this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
return this
$.f.floor = function() {
this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
return this
$.f.round = function() {
this.width = Math.round(this.width);
this.height = Math.round(this.height);
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b) {
var c = $.B(b) ? b : a;
this.width *= a;
this.height *= c;
return this
$.f = $.K.prototype;
$.f.clone = function() {
return new $.K(this.left,, this.width, this.height)
$.f.oo = function(a) {
return this.left <= a.left + a.width && a.left <= this.left + this.width && <= + a.height && <= + this.height
$.f.Ef = function(a) {
var b = a.x < this.left ? this.left - a.x : Math.max(a.x - (this.left + this.width), 0);
a = a.y < ? - a.y : Math.max(a.y - ( + this.height), 0);
return Math.sqrt(b * b + a * a)
$.f.ceil = function() {
this.left = Math.ceil(this.left); = Math.ceil(;
this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
return this
$.f.floor = function() {
this.left = Math.floor(this.left); = Math.floor(;
this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
return this
$.f.round = function() {
this.left = Math.round(this.left); = Math.round(;
this.width = Math.round(this.width);
this.height = Math.round(this.height);
return this
$.f.translate = function(a, b) {
a instanceof $.pb ? (this.left += a.x, += a.y) : (this.left += a, $.B(b) && ( += b));
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b) {
var c = $.B(b) ? b : a;
this.left *= a;
this.width *= a; *= c;
this.height *= c;
return this
$.pb.prototype.Bl = function() {
return this.x
$.pb.prototype.Ty = function() {
return this.y
$.f = $.K.prototype;
$.f.ob = function() {
return this.left
$.f.Ob = function() {
$ = function() {
return this.width
$.f.te = function() {
return this.height
$.f.Xa = function() {
return this.left + this.width
$.f.Ka = function() {
return + this.height
$ = function() {
return this.width
$.sb.prototype.te = function() {
return this.height
$.H("acgraph.math.Coordinate", $.pb);
$.H("acgraph.math.Rect", $.K);
$.H("acgraph.math.Size", $.sb);
var Oz = $.pb.prototype;
Oz.getX = Oz.Bl;
Oz.getY = Oz.Ty;
Oz = $.K.prototype;
Oz.getWidth =;
Oz.getHeight = Oz.te;
Oz.getLeft = Oz.ob;
Oz.getTop = Oz.Ob;
Oz.getWidth =;
Oz.getHeight = Oz.te;
Oz.getRight = Oz.Xa;
Oz.getBottom = Oz.Ka;
$.f = $.Ib.prototype;
$.f.clone = function() {
return new $.Ib(this.Pd, this.Ue, this.Ze, this.Ne, this.Qd, this.Rd)
$.f.setTransform = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (!($.B(a) && $.B(b) && $.B(c) && $.B(d) && $.B(e) && $.B(g))) throw Error("Invalid transform parameters");
this.Pd = a;
this.Ue = b;
this.Ze = c;
this.Ne = d;
this.Qd = e;
this.Rd = g;
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b) {
this.Pd *= a;
this.Ue *= a;
this.Ze *= b;
this.Ne *= b;
return this
$.f.translate = function(a, b) {
this.Qd += a * this.Pd + b * this.Ze;
this.Rd += a * this.Ue + b * this.Ne;
return this
$.f.rotate = function(a, b, c) {
return $.Cb(this, $.Mb(a, b, c))
$.f.toString = function() {
return "matrix(" + [this.Pd, this.Ue, this.Ze, this.Ne, this.Qd, this.Rd].join() + ")"
$.f.transform = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = b;
for (b += 2 * e; g < b;) {
e = a[g++];
var h = a[g++];
c[d++] = e * this.Pd + h * this.Ze + this.Qd;
c[d++] = e * this.Ue + h * this.Ne + this.Rd
$.H("acgraph.vector.normalizeFill", $.Xb);
$.H("acgraph.vector.normalizeStroke", $.Zb);
$.H("acgraph.vector.normalizeHatchFill", $.ac);
$.cc.prototype.g = 0;
$.cc.prototype.b = "ac_uid_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0);
var oc, pc, qc, rc, tc, uc, nc, xc, wc;
$.Cc = String.prototype.trim ? function(a) {
return a.trim()
} : function(a) {
return /^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/.exec(a)[1]
oc = /&/g;
pc = /</g;
qc = />/g;
rc = /"/g;
tc = /'/g;
uc = /\x00/g;
nc = /[\x00&<>"']/;
xc = {
"\x00": "\\0",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
"\t": "\\t",
"\x0B": "\\x0B",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\",
"<": "<"
wc = {
"'": "\\'"
$.Ac = String.prototype.repeat ? function(a, b) {
return a.repeat(b)
} : function(a, b) {
return Array(b + 1).join(a)
var Hc;
a: {
var Pz = $.ea.navigator;
if (Pz) {
var Qz = Pz.userAgent;
if (Qz) {
Hc = Qz;
break a
Hc = ""
var Wc = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" ");
cd[" "] = $.ha;
var ud, pca, Kca, Lca, Mca, Nca;
$.vf = Ic("Opera");
$.ld = Ic("Trident") || Ic("MSIE");
$.eo = Ic("Edge");
$.Jca = $.eo || $.ld;
$.kd = Ic("Gecko") && !(-1 != Hc.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") && !Ic("Edge")) && !(Ic("Trident") || Ic("MSIE")) && !Ic("Edge");
$.td = -1 != Hc.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") && !Ic("Edge");
ud = Ic("Macintosh");
$.zz = Ic("Windows");
pca = Ic("Linux") || Ic("CrOS");
Kca = Ic("Android");
Lca = ad();
Mca = Ic("iPad");
Nca = Ic("iPod");
$.Oca = bd();
a: {
var Rz = "",
Sz = function() {
var a = Hc;
if ($.kd) return /rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if ($.eo) return /Edge\/([\d\.]+)/.exec(a);
if ($.ld) return /\b(?:MSIE|rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if ($.td) return /WebKit\/(\S+)/.exec(a);
if ($.vf) return /(?:Version)[ \/]?(\S+)/.exec(a)
Sz && (Rz = Sz ? Sz[1] : "");
if ($.ld) {
var Tz = ed();
if (null != Tz && Tz > (0, window.parseFloat)(Rz)) {
$.fd = String(Tz);
break a
$.fd = Rz
var baa = {},
var Vz = $.ea.document;
Uz = Vz && $.ld ? ed() || ("CSS1Compat" == Vz.compatMode ? (0, window.parseInt)($.fd, 10) : 5) : void 0;
var hd = Uz;
var daa = {
0: "Can't find an error message that corresponds to the specified error code",
1: "Requested stage type is not supported",
2: "Container should be defined to render stage",
3: "Stage should have a DOM element",
4: "Unable to set the parent component",
5: "Trying to perform an operation with the disposed element",
6: "Synchronous rendering didn't clean up all dirty states",
7: "Can't add an element constructed by another Stage",
8: "Wrong arguments passed to swapChildren",
9: "Path must start with moveTo command",
10: "Method must be implemented",
11: "Missing required parameter",
12: "Parameter type mismatch",
13: "Required parameter is null or undefined",
14: "Invalid number of parameters",
15: "Sorry, this feature in not supported in VML oriented browsers"
var faa = !$.ld || $.id(9),
Nd = !$.ld || $.id(9),
Pca = $.ld && !$.gd("9"),
kaa = function() {
if (!$.ea.addEventListener || !Object.defineProperty) return !1;
var a = !1,
b = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function() {
a = !0
$.ea.addEventListener("test", $.ha, b);
$.ea.removeEventListener("test", $.ha, b);
return a
var od = 0,
pd = {};
$.qd.prototype.Ld = !1;
$.qd.prototype.Hc = function() {
if (!this.Ld && (this.Ld = !0, this.W(), 0 != od)) {
var a = $.oa(this);
if (0 != od && && 0 < throw Error(this + " did not empty its onDisposeCallbacks queue. This probably means it overrode dispose() or disposeInternal() without calling the superclass' method.");
delete pd[a]
$.qd.prototype.W = function() {
if (
for (;;)
$.sd.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
this.D = !0
$.sd.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
this.R = !0;
this.K0 = !1
$.I($.vd, $.sd);
var gaa = [1, 4, 2],
eaa = {
2: "touch",
3: "pen",
4: "mouse"
$.vd.prototype.j = function() {
return wd(this, 0) && !($.td && ud && this.ctrlKey)
$.vd.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
this.Fi.stopPropagation ? this.Fi.stopPropagation() : this.Fi.cancelBubble = !0
$.vd.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
var a = this.Fi;
if (a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();
else if (a.returnValue = !1, Pca) try {
if (a.ctrlKey || 112 <= a.keyCode && 123 >= a.keyCode) a.keyCode = -1
} catch (b) {}
$.vd.prototype.IY = $.ba(0);
var xd = "closure_listenable_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0),
haa = 0;
Ad.prototype.add = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
var g = a.toString();
a = this.b[g];
a || (a = this.b[g] = [], this.g++);
var h = Cd(a, b, d, e); - 1 < h ? (b = a[h], c || (b.OI = !1)) : (b = new iaa(b, this.src, g, !!d, e), b.OI = c, a.push(b));
return b
Ad.prototype.remove = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.toString();
if (!(a in this.b)) return !1;
var e = this.b[a];
b = Cd(e, b, c, d);
return -1 < b ? (zd(e[b]), Ia(e, b), 0 == e.length && (delete this.b[a], this.g--), !0) : !1
Ad.prototype.mF = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = this.b[a.toString()];
var e = -1;
a && (e = Cd(a, b, c, d));
return -1 < e ? a[e] : null
var Kd = "closure_lm_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0),
Sd = {},
Md = 0,
Vd = "__closure_events_fn_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0);
$.H("", $.Ed);
$.H("", $.Dd);
$.H("", $.Od);
$.H("", $.Pd);
$.H("", $.Qd);
var uaa, vaa, waa;
uaa = !$.ld || $.id(9);
vaa = !$.kd && !$.ld || $.ld && $.id(9) || $.kd && $.gd("1.9.1");
$.Wz = $.ld && !$.gd("9");
waa = $.ld || $.vf || $.td;
var taa = {
area: !0,
base: !0,
br: !0,
col: !0,
command: !0,
embed: !0,
hr: !0,
img: !0,
input: !0,
keygen: !0,
link: !0,
meta: !0,
param: !0,
source: !0,
track: !0,
wbr: !0
Xd.prototype.Tw = !0;
Xd.prototype.Ss = function() {
return this.b
Xd.prototype.toString = function() {
return "Const{" + this.b + "}"
var Wd = {};
$.ce.prototype.Tw = !0;
$.ce.prototype.Ss = function() {
return this.b
$.ce.prototype.PR = !0;
$.ce.prototype.BB = function() {
return 1
var be = {};
fe.prototype.Tw = !0;
fe.prototype.Ss = function() {
return this.b
fe.prototype.PR = !0;
fe.prototype.BB = function() {
return 1
var maa = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i,
ee = {};
ke.prototype.Tw = !0;
var je = {};
ke.prototype.Ss = function() {
return this.b
var raa = le(""),
oaa = /^[-,."'%_!# a-zA-Z0-9]+$/,
me = RegExp("\\b(url\\([ \t\n]*)('[ -&(-\\[\\]-~]*'|\"[ !#-\\[\\]-~]*\"|[!#-&*-\\[\\]-~]*)([ \t\n]*\\))", "g"),
naa = RegExp("\\b(hsl|hsla|rgb|rgba|(rotate|scale|translate)(X|Y|Z|3d)?)\\([-0-9a-z.%, ]+\\)", "g");
$.pe.prototype.PR = !0;
$.pe.prototype.BB = function() {
return this.g
$.pe.prototype.Tw = !0;
$.pe.prototype.Ss = function() {
return this.b
var te = /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/,
saa = {
action: !0,
cite: !0,
data: !0,
formaction: !0,
href: !0,
manifest: !0,
poster: !0,
src: !0
qaa = {
BASE: !0,
EMBED: !0,
LINK: !0,
MATH: !0,
META: !0,
STYLE: !0,
SVG: !0,
oe = {};
$.re("<!DOCTYPE html>", 0);
$.Xz = $.re("", 0);
$.re("<br>", 0);
var Fe = {
cellpadding: "cellPadding",
cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
colspan: "colSpan",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
height: "height",
maxlength: "maxLength",
nonce: "nonce",
role: "role",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
type: "type",
usemap: "useMap",
valign: "vAlign",
width: "width"
xaa = {
HEAD: 1,
kf = {
IMG: " ",
BR: "\n"
$.f = we.prototype;
$ = function(a) {
return $.Ae(this.b, a)
$.f.getElementsByTagName = function(a, b) {
return (b || this.b).getElementsByTagName(String(a))
$ = function(a, b, c) {
return Oe(this.b, arguments)
$.f.createElement = function(a) {
return this.b.createElement(String(a))
$.f.appendChild = $.Te;
$.f.canHaveChildren = function(a) {
if (1 != a.nodeType) return !1;
switch (a.tagName) {
case "APPLET":
case "AREA":
case "BASE":
case "BR":
case "COL":
case "COMMAND":
case "EMBED":
case "FRAME":
case "HR":
case "IMG":
case "INPUT":
case "IFRAME":
case "ISINDEX":
case "KEYGEN":
case "LINK":
case "NOFRAMES":
case "NOSCRIPT":
case "META":
case "OBJECT":
case "PARAM":
case "SCRIPT":
case "SOURCE":
case "STYLE":
case "TRACK":
case "WBR":
return !1
return !0
$.f.Ki = $.Ve;
$.f.nZ = $.Xe;
$.f.Xk = $.af;
$.f.WY = $.bf;
$.f.UB = $.cf;
$.f.lba = $.ef;
$.I($.lf, $.qd);
var Yz = [];
$.f = $.lf.prototype;
$ = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.C(b) || (b && (Yz[0] = b.toString()), b = Yz);
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var g = $.Ed(a, b[e], c || this.handleEvent, d || !1, this.rn || this);
if (!g) break;
this.b[g.key] = g
return this
$.f.Ae = function(a, b, c, d) {
return mf(this, a, b, c, d)
$.f.Cc = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if ($.C(b))
for (var g = 0; g < b.length; g++) this.Cc(a, b[g], c, d, e);
else if (a = $.Rd(a, b, c || this.handleEvent, $.F(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e || this.rn || this)) $.Pd(a), delete this.b[a.key];
return this
$.f.W = function() {
$.f.handleEvent = function() {
throw Error("EventHandler.handleEvent not implemented");
$.I($.of, $.qd);
$.of.prototype[xd] = !0;
$.f = $.of.prototype;
$.f.Th = function() {
return this.eT
$.f.kb = function(a) {
this.eT = a
$.f.addEventListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.Ed(this, a, b, c, d)
$.f.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.Od(this, a, b, c, d)
$.f.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
var b, c = this.Th();
if (c)
for (b = []; c; c = c.Th()) b.push(c);
c = this.V5;
var d = a.type || a;
if ($.y(a)) a = new $.sd(a, c);
else if (a instanceof $.sd) = || c;
else {
var e = a;
a = new $.sd(d, c);
$.Xc(a, e)
e = !0;
if (b)
for (var g = b.length - 1; !a.D && 0 <= g; g--) {
var h = a.b = b[g];
e = $.pf(h, d, !0, a) && e
a.D || (h = a.b = c, e = $.pf(h, d, !0, a) && e, a.D || (e = $.pf(h, d, !1, a) && e));
if (b)
for (g = 0; !a.D && g < b.length; g++) h = a.b = b[g], e = $.pf(h, d, !1, a) && e;
return e
$.f.W = function() {
this.eT = null
$ = function(a, b, c, d) {
return, b, !1, c, d)
$.f.Ae = function(a, b, c, d) {
return, b, !0, c, d)
$.f.Cc = function(a, b, c, d) {
return, b, c, d)
$.f.Dt = function(a) {
return Bd(, a)
$.f.Dj = function(a) {
if ( {
var b =;
a = a && a.toString();
var c = 0,
for (d in b.b)
if (!a || d == a) {
for (var e = b.b[d], g = 0; g < e.length; g++) ++c, zd(e[g]);
delete b.b[d];
b = c
} else b = 0;
return b
$.f.mF = function(a, b, c, d) {
return, b, c, d)
var uf = {},
Mf = $.kd ? "MozUserSelect" : $.td || $.eo ? "WebkitUserSelect" : null,
Tf = {
thin: 2,
medium: 4,
thick: 6
$.Qca = function() {
if ($.zz) {
var a = /Windows NT ([0-9.]+)/;
return (a = a.exec(Hc)) ? a[1] : "0"
return ud ? (a = /10[_.][0-9_.]+/, (a = a.exec(Hc)) ? a[0].replace(/_/g, ".") : "10") : Kca ? (a = /Android\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/, (a = a.exec(Hc)) ? a[1] : "") : Lca || Mca || Nca ? (a = /(?:iPhone|CPU)\s+OS\s+(\S+)/, (a = a.exec(Hc)) ? a[1].replace(/_/g, ".") : "") : ""
var Rca, Sca, Tca;
Rca = Ic("Firefox");
$.Zz = ad() || Ic("iPod");
$.$z = Ic("iPad");
Sca = Ic("Android") && !($c() || Ic("Firefox") || Ic("Opera") || Ic("Silk"));
Tca = $c();
$.aA = Ic("Safari") && !($c() || Ic("Coast") || Ic("Opera") || Ic("Edge") || Ic("Silk") || Ic("Android")) && !bd();
$.Uca = function() {
if (Rca) return Vf(/Firefox\/([0-9.]+)/);
if ($.ld || $.eo || $.vf) return $.fd;
if (Tca) return bd() ? Vf(/CriOS\/([0-9.]+)/) : Vf(/Chrome\/([0-9.]+)/);
if ($.aA && !bd()) return Vf(/Version\/([0-9.]+)/);
if ($.Zz || $.$z) {
var a = /Version\/(\S+).*Mobile\/(\S+)/.exec(Hc);
if (a) return a[1] + "." + a[2]
} else if (Sca) return (a = Vf(/Android\s+([0-9.]+)/)) ? a : Vf(/Version\/([0-9.]+)/);
return ""
$.I($.Wf, $.of);
var yaa = $.ea.document && $.ea.document.documentElement && !!$.ea.document.documentElement.setCapture && !!$.ea.document.releaseCapture;
$.f = $.Wf.prototype;
$.f.cH = function(a) {
this.g = a || new $.K(window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN)
$.f.Je = function(a) {
this.od = a
$.f.W = function() {
$.Od(this.K, ["touchstart", "mousedown"], this.Fk, !1, this);
this.R && this.G.releaseCapture();
this.K = = null
$.f.Fk = function(a) {
var b = "mousedown" == a.type;
if (!this.od || this.Bu || b && !a.j()) this.dispatchEvent("earlycancel");
else {
if (0 == this.Y)
if (this.dispatchEvent(new Zf("start", this, a.clientX, a.clientY, a))) this.Bu = !0, b && a.preventDefault();
else return;
else b && a.preventDefault();
b = this.G;
var c = b.documentElement,
d = !this.R;, ["touchmove", "mousemove"], this.Zba, {
capture: d,
passive: !1
});, ["touchend", "mouseup"], this.yw, d);
this.R ? (c.setCapture(!1),, "losecapture", this.yw)) :$.Ne(b),
"blur", this.yw);
this.W0 &&, "scroll", this.Sea, d);
this.clientX = = a.clientX;
this.clientY = this.ka = a.clientY;
this.screenX = a.screenX;
this.screenY = a.screenY;;
this.X = $.Me($.ze(this.G).b)
$.f.yw = function(a, b) {
this.R && this.G.releaseCapture();
if (this.Bu) {
this.Bu = !1;
var c = this.dC(this.deltaX),
d =;
this.dispatchEvent(new Zf("end", this, a.clientX, a.clientY, a, c, d, b || "touchcancel" == a.type))
} else this.dispatchEvent("earlycancel")
$.f.Zba = function(a) {
if (this.od) {
var b = a.clientX - this.clientX,
c = a.clientY - this.clientY;
this.clientX = a.clientX;
this.clientY = a.clientY;
this.screenX = a.screenX;
this.screenY = a.screenY;
if (!this.Bu) {
var d = - this.clientX,
e = this.ka - this.clientY;
if (d * d + e * e > this.Y)
if (this.dispatchEvent(new Zf("start", this, a.clientX, a.clientY, a))) this.Bu = !0;
else {
this.Ld || this.yw(a);
c = Yf(this, b, c);
b = c.x;
c = c.y;
this.Bu && this.dispatchEvent(new Zf("beforedrag", this, a.clientX, a.clientY, a, b, c)) && ($f(this, a, b, c), a.preventDefault())
$.f.Sea = function(a) {
var b = Yf(this, 0, 0);
a.clientX = this.clientX;
a.clientY = this.clientY;
$f(this, a, b.x, b.y)
$.f.dC = function(a) {
var b = this.g,
c = (0, window.isNaN)(b.left) ? null : b.left;
b = (0, window.isNaN)(b.width) ? 0 : b.width;
return Math.min(null != c ? c + b : window.Infinity, Math.max(null != c ? c : -window.Infinity, a))
$ = function(a) {
var b = this.g,
c = (0, window.isNaN)( ? null :;
b = (0, window.isNaN)(b.height) ? 0 : b.height;
return Math.min(null != c ? c + b : window.Infinity, Math.max(null != c ? c : -window.Infinity, a))
$ = function() {
this.deltaX =;
this.deltaY =
$.f.Es = function(a, b) { = a + "px"; = b + "px"
$.I(Zf, $.sd);
$.I(ag, $.Wf);
$.f = ag.prototype;
$.f.Nfa = function() {
return this.j.dispatchEvent("earlycancel")
$.f.pM = function(a) {
return this.j.dispatchEvent(new Zf(a.type, this, a.clientX, a.clientY, a.g, a.left,, a.Y))
$.f.cH = function(a) {
this.g = a || new $.K(window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN)
$ = function() {
this.deltaX = this.j.EY();
this.deltaY = this.j.FY()
$.f.dC = function() {
this.b[0] = this.deltaX;
this.b[1] = this.deltaY;
if (!(0, window.isNaN)(this.g.left) || !(0, window.isNaN)( {
var a = this.j.parent().Zf();
a && ig(this.j.parent()).transform(this.b, 0, this.b, 0, 1);
var b = this.g,
c = (0, window.isNaN)(b.left) ? null : b.left,
d = (0, window.isNaN)(b.width) ? 0 : b.width,
e = (0, window.isNaN)( ? null :;
b = (0, window.isNaN)(b.height) ? 0 : b.height;
d -=;
b -= this.j.te();
b = null != e ? e + b : window.Infinity;
e = null != e ? e : -window.Infinity;
this.b[0] = Math.min(null != c ? c + d : window.Infinity,
Math.max(null != c ? c : -window.Infinity, this.b[0]));
this.b[1] = Math.min(b, Math.max(e, this.b[1]));
a && a.transform(this.b, 0, this.b, 0, 1)
return this.b[0]
$ = function() {
return this.b[1]
$.f.Es = function(a, b) {
var c = ig(this.j.parent());
if (c) {
var d = [a, b];
c.transform(d, 0, d, 0, 1);
a = d[0];
b = d[1]
this.j.setPosition(a, b)
$.I($.cg, $.of);
var bg = 4294967295;
$.f = $.cg.prototype;
$.f.By = !1;
$.f.YA = !1;
$.f.Hv = null;
$.f.Iv = null;
$.f.fu = null;
$ = null;
$.f.Vu = !1;
$.f.WA = null;
$.f.mC = null;
$.f.Ed = null;
$.f.ea = null;
$.f.Ez = null;
$ = !0;
$.f.Nh = null;
$.f.DJ = !1;
$.f.ud = null;
$.f.cF = null;
$.f.NU = 0;
$.f.jk = 506631;
$.f.XA = 0;
$ = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) return a = a || "", this.Fd != a && (this.Fd = a, this.Eb(2048)), this;
$.n(this.Fd) ||$.cc.Ic(), this));
return this.Fd
$.f.Ea = function() {
var a = this.parent();
return a ? a.Ea() : null
$.f.fa = function() {
return this.Ed
$.f.parent = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) {
if (a) {
if (a != this.ea) {
var b = this.Ea();
b = b && b != a.Ea();
b && this.jM()
} else this.remove();
return this
return this.ea
$.f.jM = function() {
var a = this.clip();
a &&;
$.f.TK = function() {
return !!this.ea
$.f.remove = function() {
this.ea && this.ea.removeChild(this);
return this
$.f.title = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Iv != a && (this.Iv = a, this.Eb(65536)), this) : this.Iv
$.f.YP = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ( != a && ( = a, this.Eb(131072)), this) :
$ = function(a, b) {
return $.n(b) ? (this.GA[a] !== b && (this.GA[a] = b, this.Eb(262144)), this) : a in this.GA ? this.GA[a] : $.gg().getAttribute(this.Ed, a)
$.f.cursor = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.WA = a, this.vE(), this) : this.WA
$.f.vE = function() {
$.f.Gq = function() {
return !!this.XA
$.f.Xe = function(a) {
return !!(this.XA & a)
$.f.Eb = function(a) {
if (a &= this.jk) this.XA |= a, this.ea && this.ea.Eb(64), a = this.Ea(), !a || a.Se() || a.gL() || this.gL() ||
$.f.Qi = function(a) {
this.ea && this.ea == a || (this.Ez ? this.Ez == a && (this.Ez = null) : this.Ez = this.ea, this.ea = a, this.kb(a));
return this
$.f.Wt = $.ha;
$.f.Xq = function() {
this.UR = this.cF = null;
$.f.kx = function() {
this.cF = null;
$.gg().HG() && this.Eb(256);
$.f.Zf = function() {
if (!this.cF) {
var a = this.ea ? this.ea.Zf() : null;
this.cF = Db(a, this.ud)
return this.cF
$.f.rotate = function(a, b, c) {
a = $.Mb($.J(a), b || 0, c || 0);
this.ud ? $.Kb(this.ud, a) : this.ud = a;
return this
$.f.vt = function(a, b) {
var c = Nb(this.hb(), b || "center");
return this.rotate(a, c[0], c[1])
$.f.Rz = function(a, b, c) {
return this.rotate(a - this.FB(), b, c)
$.f.dH = function(a, b) {
return this.vt(a - this.FB(), b)
$.f.translate = function(a, b) {
this.ud ? this.ud.translate(a, b) : this.ud = (new $.Ib).setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, a, b);
return this
$.f.setPosition = function(a, b) {
var c = [a, b, this.Bl(), this.Ty()];
this.ud && $.Lb(this.ud).transform(c, 0, c, 0, 2);
return this.translate(c[0] - c[2], c[1] - c[3])
$.f.oga = function(a, b) {
if (this.ud) {
var c = this.ud.Qd,
d = this.ud.Rd;
if (a == c && b == d) return this;
var e = this.ud;
e.Qd += a - c;
e.Rd += b - d
} else this.ud = (new $.Ib).setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, a, b);
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.ud || (this.ud = new $.Ib);
var e = this.ud;
e.Pd *= a;
e.Ze *= a;
e.Qd *= a;
e.Ue *= b;
e.Ne *= b;
e.Rd *= b;
e = this.ud;
e.Qd += (c || 0) * (1 - a);
e.Rd += (d || 0) * (1 - b);
return this
$.f.CM = function(a, b, c) {
c = Nb(this.hb(), c || "center");
return this.scale(a, b, c[0], c[1])
$.f.PD = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.ud ? $.Cb(this.ud, new $.Ib(a, b, c, d, e, g)) : this.ud = new $.Ib(a, b, c, d, e, g);
return this
$ = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.ud ? this.ud.setTransform(a, b, c, d, e, g) : this.ud = new $.Ib(a, b, c, d, e, g);
return this
$.f.FB = function() {
return $.Hb(this.ud)
$.f.yF = function() {
return this.ud ? [this.ud.Pd, this.ud.Ue, this.ud.Ze, this.ud.Ne, this.ud.Qd, this.ud.Rd] : [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
$ = function(a) {
var b = this.Ea(),
if (c = b) c = bA, c = c == bA || 2 == c || 3 == c ? 0 < b.qD(1) : !0;
if (c || a) this.Ed = this.zs(), Zi(this), $.dg(this, 1)
$.f.zs = function() {
return null
$.f.gL = function() {
return this.Vu
$ = function() {
this.Vu = !0;
if (this.Ld || !this.Ea()) return this;
if (this.Xe(1)) {;
if (this.Xe(1)) return this;
this.By && this.Tg(this.By)
this.Vu = !1;
return this
$.f.TW = function() {};
$.f.hj = function() {
if (this.Xe(262144)) {
var a = $.gg(),
b = this.GA,
c = this.fa();
if (c && $.F(b))
for (var d in b) {
var e = b[d];
null === e ? c.removeAttribute(d) : a.Rb(c, d, e)
this.GA = {};
$.dg(this, 262144)
this.Xe(2) && ($.gg().tV(this), $.dg(this, 2));
this.Xe(4096) && this.D0();
this.Xe(8192) && ($.gg().n1(this), $.dg(this, 8192));
(this.Xe(4) || this.Xe(256)) && this.rv();
this.Xe(512) && ($.gg().PT(this), $.dg(this, 512));
this.Xe(32768) && ($.gg().e1(this, this.YA), $.dg(this, 32768));
this.Xe(65536) && ($.gg().jO(this, this.Iv), $.dg(this, 65536));
this.Xe(131072) && ($.gg().RT(this,, $.dg(this, 131072));
this.Xe(2048) && (a = $.gg(), $.eh(a, this.fa(),, $.dg(this, 2048))
$.f.rv = function() {
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
$.f.D0 = function() {
$.gg().d1(this, this.WA || this.mC);
$.dg(this, 4096)
$ = function(a) {
if (!$.n(a)) return this.DJ;
this.DJ = !!a;
return this
$.f.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
$.y(a) ? a = a.toLowerCase() : "type" in a && (a.type = String(a.type).toLowerCase());
return $, a)
$ = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Ae = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Cc = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Dj = function(a) {
$.n(a) && (a = String(a).toLowerCase());
return $, a)
$.f.zIndex = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = +a || 0, this.NU != a && (this.NU = a, this.ea && this.ea.Eb(128)), this) : this.NU || 0
$.f.visible = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = !!a, != a && ( = a, this.Eb(2)), this) :
$.f.fp = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = !!a, this.YA != a && (this.YA = null != a ? a : !0, this.Eb(32768)), this) : this.YA
$.f.clip = function(a) {
if (0 == arguments.length) return this.Nh;
var b = "none" == a ? null : a;
if (!this.Nh && !b || this.Nh && this.Nh === b) return this;
b && !$.L(b, $.zg) ? $.L(b, $.jg) && b.TK() && $.L(b.parent(), $.zg) ? (this.Nh && !this.Nh.Ld && $.Ja(this.Nh.elements, this), this.Nh = b.parent(), $.Fa(this.Nh.elements, this)) : this.Nh ? this.Nh.shape(b) : (this.Nh = $.xj(b), $.Fa(this.Nh.elements, this)) : this.Nh = b || null;
this.ea && this.ea.dE();
return this
$.f.nk = null;
$.f.Bl = function() {
return this.hb().left
$.f.Ty = function() {
return this.hb().top
$ = function() {
return this.hb().width
$.f.te = function() {
return this.hb().height
$.f.hb = function() {
return this.nk || this.Ns(this.ud)
$.f.mD = null;
$.f.EY = function() {
$.f.FY = function() {
$.f.JQ = function() {
$.f.IQ = function() {
$ = function() {
return this.mD || this.Ns(this.Zf())
$.f.Ns = function(a) {
var b = a == this.ud;
if (this.nk && b) a = this.nk.clone();
else {
var c = a == this.Zf();
this.mD && c ? a = this.mD.clone() : (a = this.MA(a), b && (this.nk = a.clone()), c && (this.mD = a.clone()))
return a
$.f.MA = function(a) {
return $.Fb(this.Zi(), a)
$.f.Zi = function() {
return this.Ns(null)
$.f.he = function() {
this.mD = this.nk = null
$.f.Tg = function(a) {
return null != a ? ((this.By = a) && !this.Xe(1) ? (a = $.L(a, $.K) ? this.By : null, this.wg || (this.wg = new ag(this)), this.wg.Je(!0), this.wg.cH(a)) : this.wg && this.wg.Je(!1), this) : this.By
$.f.Md = function(a) {
"id" in a &&;
if ("clip" in a) {
var b = $.xj();
"drag" in a && (b = a.drag, this.Tg($.da(b) ? b : new $.K(b.left,, b.width, b.height)));
"cursor" in a && this.cursor(a.cursor);
"transformation" in a &&, a.transformation)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = {};
this.Fd && ( = this.Fd);
var b = this.clip();
b && (a.clip = b.J());
(b = this.cursor()) && (a.cursor = b);
(b = this.Tg()) && (a.drag = b);
(b = this.ud) && (a.transformation = [b.Pd, b.Ue, b.Ze, b.Pd, b.Qd, b.Rd]);
return a
$.f.Hc = function() {
$.f.W = function() {
this.TK() ? this.remove() : this.pB();
$.f.pB = function() {
this.rn = null;
this.ud = this.Nh = this.$z = this.Ed = null
var cA = $.cg.prototype; =;
cA.visible = cA.visible;
cA.disableStrokeScaling = cA.fp;
cA.domElement = cA.fa;
cA.parent = cA.parent;
cA.hasParent = cA.TK;
cA.remove = cA.remove;
cA.attr =;
cA.title = cA.title;
cA.desc = cA.YP;
cA.getStage = cA.Ea;
cA.cursor = cA.cursor;
cA.disablePointerEvents =;
cA.rotate = cA.rotate;
cA.rotateByAnchor = cA.vt;
cA.setRotation = cA.Rz;
cA.setRotationByAnchor = cA.dH;
cA.translate = cA.translate;
cA.setTranslation = cA.oga;
cA.setPosition = cA.setPosition;
cA.scale = cA.scale;
cA.scaleByAnchor = cA.CM;
cA.appendTransformationMatrix = cA.PD;
cA.setTransformationMatrix =;
cA.getRotationAngle = cA.FB;
cA.getTransformationMatrix = cA.yF;
cA.clip = cA.clip;
cA.zIndex = cA.zIndex;
cA.getX = cA.Bl;
cA.getY = cA.Ty;
cA.getWidth =;
cA.getHeight = cA.te;
cA.getBounds = cA.hb;
cA.getAbsoluteX = cA.EY;
cA.getAbsoluteY = cA.FY;
cA.getAbsoluteWidth = cA.JQ;
cA.getAbsoluteHeight = cA.IQ;
cA.getAbsoluteBounds =;
cA.listen =;
cA.listenOnce = cA.Ae;
cA.unlisten = cA.Cc;
cA.unlistenByKey = cA.Dt;
cA.removeAllListeners = cA.Dj;
cA.drag = cA.Tg;
cA.dispose = cA.Hc;
$.I($.jg, $.cg);
$.f = $.jg.prototype;
$.f.jk = $.cg.prototype.jk | 24;
$.f.fill = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
if (!$.n(a)) return this.Vb;
var k = $.Xb.apply(this, arguments);
this.Vb != k && (this.Vb = k, this.K = this.K & 2 | !(!k.mode && !k.src), this.Eb(8));
return this
$.f.stroke = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (!$.n(a)) return this.ib;
var g = $.Zb.apply(this, arguments);
this.ib != g && (this.ib = g, this.K = this.K & 1 | g.mode << 1, this.Eb(16));
return this
$.f.Ev = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.y(this.ib) ? this.ib = {
color: this.ib,
thickness: (0, window.isNaN)(a) ? 1 : +a
} : this.ib.thickness = (0, window.isNaN)(a) ? 1 : +a, this.Eb(16), this) : $.y(this.ib) ? 1 : $.bc(this.ib)
$.f.TW = function() {
this.K && this.Xe(32) && (this.K & 1 && this.Eb(8), this.K & 2 && this.Eb(16))
$.f.hj = function() {
if (this.Xe(8) || this.Xe(16)) $.gg().HW(this), $.dg(this, 8), $.dg(this, 16)
$.f.Md = function(a) {
if ("fill" in a) {
var b = a.fill;
var c = b.type;
"pattern" == c ? (c = b.bounds, c = $.Vb(new $.K(c.left,, c.width, c.height)), c.Md(b)) : "hatchFill" == c ? c = $b(b.hatchType, b.color, b.thickness, b.size) : ($.F(b) && "type" in b && delete b.type, c = b);
"stroke" in a && this.stroke(a.stroke);
$, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
if (this.Vb) {
if ($.L(this.Vb, Hg)) var b = {
type: "hatchFill",
hatchType: this.Vb.type,
color: this.Vb.color,
size: this.Vb.size
else $.L(this.Vb, $.Ub) ? b = this.Vb.J() : $.F(this.Vb) && "keys" in this.Vb ? "cx" in this.Vb && "cy" in this.Vb ? (b = $.jd(this.Vb), b.type = "RadialGradientFill") : (b = $.jd(this.Vb), b.type = "LinearGradientFill") : b = this.Vb;
b && (a.fill = b)
this.ib ? a.stroke = this.ib : $.F(this.ib) && "keys" in this.ib && ("cx" in this.ib && "cy" in this.ib ? (b = $.jd(this.ib),
b.type = "RadialGradientFill") : (b = $.jd(this.ib), b.type = "LinearGradientFill"), a.stroke = b);
return a
$.f.W = function() {
delete this.Vb;
delete this.ib;
var dA = $.jg.prototype;
dA.stroke = dA.stroke;
dA.strokeThickness = dA.Ev;
dA.fill = dA.fill;
dA.attr =;
$.I(kg, $.jg);
$.f = kg.prototype;
$.f.jk = $.jg.prototype.jk | 32;
$ = function() {
return "ellipse"
$.f.kq = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.g.x != a && (this.g.x = a, this.he(), this.Eb(32)), this) : this.g.x
$.f.lq = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.g.y != a && (this.g.y = a, this.he(), this.Eb(32)), this) : this.g.y
$.f.S5 = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.qb(this.g, a) || (this.g.x = a.x, this.g.y = a.y, this.he(), this.Eb(32)), this) : this.g.clone()
$ = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.b != a && (this.b = a, this.he(), this.Eb(32)), this) : this.b
$.f.Uv = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.j != a && (this.j = a, this.he(), this.Eb(32)), this) : this.j
$.f.nga = function(a, b) {;
return this
$.f.Zi = function() {
return new $.K(this.g.x - this.b, this.g.y - this.j, this.b + this.b, this.j + this.j)
$.f.MA = function(a) {
if (a) {
var b = $.Ab(this.g.x, this.g.y, this.b, this.j, 0, 360, !0);
a.transform(b, 0, b, 0, b.length / 2);
a = Bb.apply(null, b)
} else a = this.Zi();
return a
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().qX()
$.f.hj = function() {
this.Xe(32) && (this.Bn(), this.fill() && this.fill().src && this.Eb(8));
$.f.rv = function() {
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
$.f.Bn = function() {
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.Md = function(a) {
"rx" in a &&;
"ry" in a && this.Uv(a.ry);, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a =;
a.type = "ellipse"; = this.kq(); = this.lq();
a.rx =;
a.ry = this.Uv();
return a
$.f.W = function() {
this.g = null;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Ellipse", kg);
var eA = kg.prototype; = eA.S5;
eA.centerX = eA.kq;
eA.centerY = eA.lq;
eA.radiusX =;
eA.radiusY = eA.Uv;
eA.setRadius = eA.nga;
$.I(lg, kg);
$.f = lg.prototype;
$ = function() {
return "circle"
$.f.rb = function(a) {
return null != a ? (, this.Uv(a), this) :
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().nX()
$.f.Bn = function() {
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.Md = function(a) {;, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a =;
a.type = "circle";
delete a.rx;
delete a.ry;
a.radius =;
return a
$.H("acgraph.vector.Circle", lg);
var fA = lg.prototype;
fA.radius = fA.rb;
$.I($.mg, $.jg);
var zaa = [, 2, 2, 6, 6, 2];
$.f = $.mg.prototype;
$.f.EQ = function(a, b, c) {
ng(a, this.g, this.Ua, this.j, b, c)
$.f.Eaa = function(a, b, c) {
if ( var d =;
else {
var e = this.Zf();
e && !$.Eb(e) ? (d = [], rg(this), e.transform(this.j, 0, d, 0, this.j.length / 2)) : d = this.j
ng(a, this.g, this.Ua, d, b, c)
$.f.jk = $.jg.prototype.jk | 32;
$.f.bu = null;
$.f.uf = null;
$.f.gU = !0;
$ = null;
$ = function() {
return "path"
$.f.HL = function(a, b) {
1 == $.va(this.g) ? this.j.length -= 2 : (this.g.push(1), this.Ua.push(1));
this.j.push(a, b);
this.uf = this.bu = [a, b]; = null;
return this
$.f.Pr = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.va(this.g);
if (null == d) throw $.nd(9);
2 != d && (this.g.push(2), this.Ua.push(0));
for (d = 0; d < arguments.length; d += 2) a = arguments[d], b = arguments[d + 1], this.j.push(a, b);
this.Ua[this.Ua.length - 1] += d / 2;
this.uf = [a, b];
this.he(); = null;
return this
$.f.oJ = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
var k = $.va(this.g);
if (null == k) throw $.nd(9);
3 != k && (this.g.push(3), this.Ua.push(0));
for (k = 0; k < arguments.length; k += 6) {
var l = arguments[k + 4],
m = arguments[k + 5];
this.j.push(arguments[k], arguments[k + 1], arguments[k + 2], arguments[k + 3], l, m)
this.Ua[this.Ua.length - 1] += k / 6;
this.uf = [l, m];
this.he(); = null;
return this
$.f.Kfa = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (0 == this.g.length) throw $.nd(9);
for (var g = this.uf[0], h = this.uf[1], k = 0; k < arguments.length; k += 4) {
a = arguments[k];
b = arguments[k + 1];
var l = arguments[k + 2],
m = arguments[k + 3];
this.oJ(g + 2 * (a - g) / 3, h + 2 * (b - h) / 3, a + (l - a) / 3, b + (m - b) / 3, l, m);
g = l;
h = m
return this
$.f.KW = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = $.Ab(this.uf[0] - $.mb(c, a), this.uf[1] - $.nb(c, b), a, b, c, d);
this.oJ.apply(this, a);
this.he(); = null;
return this
$.f.rP = function() {
var a = $.va(this.g);
if (null == a) throw $.nd(9);
5 != a && (this.j.push(this.bu[0], this.bu[1]), this.g.push(5), this.Ua.push(1), this.uf = this.bu, this.Eb(32));
return this
$.f.MA = function(a) {
if (this.uf) {
if (a && !$.Eb(a)) {
var b = [this.uf[0], this.uf[1]];
a.transform(b, 0, b, 0, 1);
b = new $.K(b[0], b[1], 0, 0);
} else b = new $.K(this.uf[0], this.uf[1], 0, 0);
this.EQ(function(a, b) {
$.md(gA[a], b, this)
}, {
rect: b,
transform: a
}, !0)
} else b = new $.K(window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN, window.NaN);
return b
$.f.Xq = function() {
$; = null
$.f.kx = function() {
$; = null
$.f.rv = function() {
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().xX()
$.f.hj = function() {
this.Xe(32) && ($.gg().WT(this), $.dg(this, 32))
var qg, hA = [];
hA[1] = $.mg.prototype.HL;
hA[2] = $.mg.prototype.Pr;
hA[5] = $.mg.prototype.rP;
hA[3] = $.mg.prototype.oJ;
hA[4] = $.mg.prototype.KW;
qg = hA;
var gA, iA = [];
iA[1] = $.ha;
iA[2] = function(a) {
var b = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (this.transform) {
var c = arguments;
this.transform.transform(c, 0, c, 0, Math.floor(arguments.length / 2))
c = 0;
for (var d = arguments.length; c < d; c += 2) b.left = arguments[c], = arguments[c + 1], $.xb(this.rect, b)
iA[5] = $.ha;
iA[3] = function(a) {
if (this.transform) {
var b = arguments;
this.transform.transform(b, 0, b, 0, Math.floor(arguments.length / 2))
$.xb(this.rect, Bb.apply(null, arguments))
iA[4] = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k) {
var l = new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0);
h = [a, h];
k = [b, k];
a -= $.mb(e, c);
b -= $.nb(e, d);
var m = 0 < g ? 90 : -90,
p = 90 * (0 < g ? Math.ceil(e / 90) : Math.floor(e / 90));
for (e += g; p < e ^ 0 > g; p += m) switch ((Math.floor(p / 90) + 4) % 4) {
case 0:
h.push(a + c);
case 1:
k.push(b + d);
case 2:
h.push(a - c);
case 3:
k.push(b - d)
l.left = Math.min.apply(null, h);
l.width = Math.max.apply(null, h) - l.left; = Math.min.apply(null, k);
l.height = Math.max.apply(null, k) -;
$.xb(this.rect, l)
gA = iA;
$.mg.prototype.Eh = function() {
var a = 0;
if ($.og(this)) return a;
var b = [];
this.EQ(function(c, d) {
if (1 != c) {
var e = $.Oa(b, b.length - 2);
if (4 == c) {
var g = 6;
d = $.Ab(e[0] - $.mb(d[2], d[0]), e[1] - $.nb(d[2], d[1]), d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3])
} else 2 == c ? g = 2 : 3 == c && (g = 6);
for (var h = 0, k = d.length - (g - 1); h < k; h += g) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(e, $.Oa(d, h, h + g));
var l = a,
m, p = e;
var q = p.length;
var r = q / 2 - 1;
var t = [];
for (m = 0; m < q; m += 2) t.push({
x: p[m],
y: p[m + 1]
p = [];
for (q = 0; 100 >= q; q++) {
m = q / 100;
var u = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (0 === m) p.push(t[0]);
else if (1 === m) p.push(t[r]);
else {
var v = t,
x = 1 - m;
if (1 === r) m = {
x: x * v[0].x + m * v[1].x,
y: x * v[0].y + m * v[1].y
}, p.push(m);
else if (4 > r) {
var w = x * x,
z = m * m,
A = 0;
if (2 === r) {
v = [v[0], v[1], v[2], u];
var E = w;
var D = x * m * 2;
var R = z
} else 3 === r && (E = w * x, D = w * m * 3, R = x * z * 3, A = m * z);
m = {
x: E * v[0].x + D * v[1].x + R * v[2].x + A * v[3].x,
y: E * v[0].y + D * v[1].y + R * v[2].y + A * v[3].y
} else {
for (v = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)); 1 < v.length;) {
for (u = 0; u < v.length - 1; u++) v[u] = {
x: v[u].x + (v[u + 1].x - v[u].x) * m,
y: v[u].y + (v[u + 1].y - v[u].y) * m
v.splice(v.length - 1, 1)
for (u = t = 0; u < p.length -
1; u++) m = p[u], q = p[u + 1], r = q.x - m.x, q = q.y - m.y, t += Math.sqrt(r * r + q * q);
a = l + (100 * t | 0) / 100;
e = $.Oa(e, e.length - 2)
$.md(Array.prototype.push, d, b)
return a
$.mg.prototype.Md = function(a) {
this.bu = a.closePoint;
this.uf = a.currentPoint;
this.g = a.segments;
this.Ua = a.count;
this.j = a.arguments;
$, a)
$.mg.prototype.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.type = "path";
return a = $.vg(this, a)
$.mg.prototype.W = function() {
this.uf = this.bu = null;
this.he(); = null;
delete this.g;
delete this.Ua;
delete this.j;
$.I($.wg, $.mg);
$.f = $.wg.prototype;
$.f.clear = function() {
return sg(this)
$.f.moveTo = function(a, b) {
return this.HL(a, b)
$.f.lineTo = function(a, b, c) {
return $.mg.prototype.Pr.apply(this, arguments)
$ = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
return $.mg.prototype.oJ.apply(this, arguments)
$ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return $.mg.prototype.Kfa.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.Kd = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
a += $.mb(e, c);
b += $.nb(e, d);
this.uf && this.uf[0] == a && this.uf[1] == b || (h ? this.Pr(a, b) : this.HL(a, b));
return tg(this, c, d, e, g)
$ = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
return ug(this, a, b, c, d, e, g)
$.f.arcTo = function(a, b, c, d) {
return tg(this, a, b, c, d)
$.f.cP = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this.KW(a, b, c, d)
$.f.close = function() {
return this.rP()
$.f.qV = function() {
return this.uf ? new $.pb(this.uf[0], this.uf[1]) : null
var jA = $.wg.prototype;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Path", $.wg);
jA.moveTo = jA.moveTo;
jA.lineTo = jA.lineTo;
jA.curveTo =;
jA.quadraticCurveTo =;
jA.arcTo = jA.arcTo;
jA.arcToByEndPoint =;
jA.arcToAsCurves = jA.cP;
jA.circularArc = jA.Kd;
jA.close = jA.close;
jA.clear = jA.clear;
jA.getCurrentPoint = jA.qV;
jA.getLength = jA.Eh;
$.I(yg, $.mg);
$.f = yg.prototype;
$.f.jk = $.jg.prototype.jk | 32;
$ = function() {
return "rect"
$.f.Vp = function(a) {
a != this.b.left && (this.b.left = a, xg(this));
return this
$.f.Wp = function(a) {
a != && ( = a, xg(this));
return this
$.f.Tp = function(a) {
this.b.width != a && (this.b.width = a, xg(this));
return this
$.f.Sp = function(a) {
this.b.height != a && (this.b.height = a, xg(this));
return this
$.f.Bf = function(a) {
$.ub(this.b, a) || (this.b.left = a.left, =, this.b.width = a.width, this.b.height = a.height, xg(this));
return this
$.f.QT = function(a, b) {
var c, d;
var e = $.Oa(arguments, 1);
var g = e[0];
$.y(g) ? d = Yb(g, 4) : d = e;
4 > d.length ? d = c = g = e = (0, window.parseFloat)(d[0]) : (e = (0, window.parseFloat)(d[0]), g = (0, window.parseFloat)(d[1]), c = (0, window.parseFloat)(d[2]), d = (0, window.parseFloat)(d[3]));
this.G[0] = e ? e : 0;
this.D[0] = e ? a : void 0;
this.G[1] = g ? g : 0;
this.D[1] = g ? a : void 0;
this.G[2] = c ? c : 0;
this.D[2] = c ? a : void 0;
this.G[3] = d ? d : 0;
this.D[3] = d ? a : void 0
$.f.round = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.Ga(arguments, 0, 0, "round");
this.QT.apply(this, arguments);
return this
$.f.Yfa = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.Ga(arguments, 0, 0, "round-inner");
this.QT.apply(this, arguments);
return this
$.f.v$ = function(a, b, c, d) {
$.Ga(arguments, 0, 0, "cut");
this.QT.apply(this, arguments);
return this
$.f.Md = function(a) {, a);
a.cornerTypes && (this.D = Yb(a.cornerTypes, 4), a = Yb(a.cornerSizes, 4), (0, $.xa)(a, function(a, c, d) {
d[c] = (0, window.parseFloat)(a)
}), this.G = a, xg(this))
$.f.J = function() {
var a =;
a.type = "rect";
a.x = this.b.left;
a.y =;
a.width = this.b.width;
a.height = this.b.height;
a.cornerTypes = this.D.join(" ");
a.cornerSizes = this.G.join(" ");
return a
$.f.W = function() {
this.b = this.D = this.G = null;
var kA = yg.prototype;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Rect", yg);
kA.setX = kA.Vp;
kA.setY = kA.Wp;
kA.setWidth = kA.Tp;
kA.setHeight = kA.Sp;
kA.setBounds = kA.Bf;
kA.cut = kA.v$;
kA.round = kA.round;
kA.roundInner = kA.Yfa;
$.I($.zg, $.qd);
var lA = {
rect: yg,
circle: lg,
ellipse: kg,
path: $.wg
$.f = $.zg.prototype;
$.f.shape = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (arguments.length) {
if ($.L(a, $.jg))
if (this.b) {
var e = !1;
for (h in lA) {
var g = lA[h];
if ($.L(this.b, g) && $.L(a, g)) {
e = !0;
e ? this.b.Md(a.J()) : (this.b.parent(null), this.b = a, this.b.parent(this))
} else this.b = a, this.b.parent(this);
else {
if ($.L(a, $.K)) {
e = a.left;
var h =;
g = a.width;
var k = a.height
} else $.C(a) ? (e = null != a[0] ? a[0] : 0, h = null != a[1] ? a[1] : 0, g = null != a[2] ? a[2] : 0, k = null != a[3] ? a[3] : 0) : $.F(a) ? (e = null != a.left ? a.left : 0, h = null != ? : 0, g = null != a.width ? a.width : 0, k = null !=
a.height ? a.height : 0) : (e = null != a ? a : 0, h = null != b ? b : 0, g = null != c ? c : 0, k = null != d ? d : 0);
this.b ? $.L(this.b, yg) ? this.b.Vp(e).Wp(h).Tp(g).Sp(k) : (this.b.parent(null), this.b = $.qj(e, h, g, k), this.b.parent(this)) : (this.b = $.qj(e, h, g, k), this.b.parent(this))
return this
return this.b
$.f.Gq = function() {
return this.j
$ = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Fd = a, this) : this.Fd
$ = function() {
this.j = !1;
if (this.Fd) {
var a = this.shape();
if (a.fa()) this.shape().mc();
else {
var b = gj(this.Ea().ep, this);;
a = a.fa();
$.f.J = function() {
return this.b.J()
$.f.Md = function(a) {
var b = lA[a.type];
b && (b = new b, b.Md(a), this.shape(b))
$.f.fb = function(a) {
fg(a, !0);
return this
$.f.removeChild = function(a) {
var b = a.fa();
b && $.Xe(b);
fg(a, !1);
return a
$.f.Zf = function() {
return null
$.f.NG = function() {};
$.f.Ea = function() {
return $.Ag(this)
$.f.Eb = function() {
$.f.Hc = function() {
$.f.W = function() {
this.g && $.Ja(this.g.iw, this);
delete this.g;
delete this.Fd;
delete this.elements;
delete this.j;
delete this.b;
var mA = $.zg.prototype;
mA.shape = mA.shape;
mA.dispose = mA.Hc;
$.I($.Cg, $.cg);
$.f = $.Cg.prototype;
$ = function() {
return "layer"
$.f.jk = $.cg.prototype.jk | 224;
$.f.jM = function() {
for (var a = 0; a < this.children.length; a++) this.children[a].jM();
$.f.Eb = function(a) {
$, a);
a & 192 && this.he()
$.f.fb = function(a) {
return, this.ic())
$ = function(a, b) {
b = $.hb(b, 0, this.ic());
$.Ha(this.children, a, b);
a.Gq() && this.Eb(64);
var c = this.cursor() || this.mC;
a.mC != c && (a.mC = c, a.vE());
return this
$.f.Yc = function(a) {
return this.children[a] || null
$.f.Re = function(a) {
return (0, $.Ca)(this.children, a)
$.f.removeChild = function(a) {
return this.gj(this.Re(a))
$.f.gj = function(a) {
var b = null;
0 <= a && a < this.ic() && (b = this.Ld ? this.children[a] : $.Ga(this.children, a, 1)[0], b.Qi(null), this.Eb(128));
return b
$.f.Ki = function() {
for (var a = 0; a < this.ic(); a++) this.children[a].Qi(null);
a = this.children;
this.Ld || (this.children = []);
return a
$.f.iN = function(a, b) {
return this.uH(this.Re(a), this.Re(b))
$.f.uH = function(a, b) {
if (0 > a || a >= this.ic() || 0 > b || b >= this.ic()) throw $.nd(8);
if (a != b) {
var c = this.children[a];
this.children[a] = this.children[b];
this.children[b] = c;
return this
$.f.SK = function(a) {
return !!a && $.Da(this.children, a)
$.f.ic = function() {
return this.children.length
$.f.Wf = function(a, b) {
$.n(b) || (b = this);
(0, $.xa)(this.children, a, b);
return this
$.f.He = function() {
var a = $.sj();
return a
$.f.vN = function() {
var a = new $.Rh(void 0);
return a
$.f.text = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = $.wj(a, b);
d &&;
c && a.text(c);
return a
$.f.YK = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = $.wj(a, b);
d &&;
c && a.htmlText(c);
return a
$.f.rect = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = $.qj(a, b, c, d);
return a
$.f.Rc = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a = vj(a, b, c, d, e);
return a
$.f.xM = function(a, b) {
$.Ha(arguments, this.path(), 0);
return ni.apply(this, arguments).parent(this)
$.f.wM = function(a, b) {
$.Ha(arguments, this.path(), 0);
return ui.apply(this, arguments).parent(this)
$.f.tN = function(a, b) {
$.Ha(arguments, this.path(), 0);
return mi.apply(this, arguments).parent(this)
$ = function(a, b, c) {
a = $.rj(a, b, c);
return a
$.f.ellipse = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = $.tj(a, b, c, d);
return a
$.f.path = function() {
return $.uj().parent(this)
$.f.YM = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
return Uh(this.path(), a, b, c, d, e, g, h).parent(this)
$.f.$M = function(a, b, c) {
return Vh(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.aN = function(a, b, c) {
return Wh(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.bN = function(a, b, c) {
return Xh(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.cN = function(a, b, c) {
return Yh(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.ZM = function(a, b, c) {
return Zh(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.sN = function(a, b, c) {
return $h(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.pN = function(a, b, c) {
return ai(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.rN = function(a, b, c) {
return bi(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.qN = function(a, b, c) {
return ci(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.CJ = function(a, b, c) {
return di(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.jJ = function(a, b, c) {
return ei(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.BJ = function(a, b, c) {
return fi(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.PK = function(a, b, c) {
return gi(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.BN = function(a, b, c) {
return hi(this.path(), a, b, c).parent(this)
$.f.Kf = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return ii(this.path(), a, b, c, d, e).parent(this)
$.f.HJ = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
return $.ji(this.path(), a, b, c, d, e, g).parent(this)
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().rE()
$.f.hj = function() {
this.Xe(32) && this.Bn();
var a = this.Ea();
a = a.qD(Math.floor(Math.max(500 - a.ur, 0) / 3));
this.Xe(64) && Eg(this);
var b = this.Ea();
b.ur -= a;
if (this.Xe(128) && (a = this.Ea().qD(this.children.length + this.sq.length + 1), b = Aaa(this, a), b < a)) {
var c = this.Ea();
c.ur -= a - b
this.Xe(64) && Eg(this);
$.f.vE = function() {
for (var a = this.children.length; a--;) this.children[a].mC = this.cursor() || this.mC, this.children[a].vE()
$.f.D0 = function() {
$.dg(this, 4096)
$.f.NG = function(a) {
this.Ld || (a = (0, $.Ca)(this.sq, a), 0 <= a && $.Ga(this.sq, a, 1))
$.f.Bn = function() {
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.rv = function() {
this.Xe(4) && $.gg().k1(this);
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
$.f.MA = function(a) {
for (var b = null, c = 0, d = this.children.length; c < d; c++) {
var e = this.children[c];
e = e.Ns(Db(a, e.ud));
(0, window.isNaN)(e.left) || (0, window.isNaN)( || (0, window.isNaN)(e.width) || (0, window.isNaN)(e.height) || (b ? $.xb(b, e) : b = e)
b || (b = $.Fb(new $.K(0, 0, 0, 0), a));
return b
$.f.Wt = function() {
for (var a = this.children.length; a--;) this.children[a].Wt()
$.f.Xq = function() {
$.f.kx = function() {
$.f.dE = function() {
$.gg().QS() && (this.Eb(512), this.TK() && this.parent().dE())
$.f.Md = function(a) {
(0, $.xa)(a.children, function(a) {
switch (a.type) {
case "rect":
var b = this.rect();
case "circle":
b =;
case "ellipse":
b = this.ellipse();
case "image":
b = this.Rc();
case "text":
b = this.text();
case "path":
b = this.path();
case "layer":
b = this.He();
b = null
b && b.Md(a)
}, this);
$, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $,
b = [];
this.Wf(function(a) {
a.type = "layer";
a.children = b;
return a
$.f.W = function() {
this.children && $.rd.apply(null, this.children);
this.sq && delete this.sq;
$.f.pB = function() {
this.children && (0, $.xa)(this.children, function(a) {
delete this.sq;
delete this.children;
var nA = $.Cg.prototype;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Layer", $.Cg);
nA.addChild = nA.fb;
nA.addChildAt =;
nA.removeChild = nA.removeChild;
nA.removeChildAt = nA.gj;
nA.removeChildren = nA.Ki;
nA.swapChildren = nA.iN;
nA.swapChildrenAt = nA.uH;
nA.getChildAt = nA.Yc;
nA.hasChild = nA.SK;
nA.forEachChild = nA.Wf;
nA.indexOfChild = nA.Re;
nA.numChildren = nA.ic; =;
nA.layer = nA.He;
nA.unmanagedLayer = nA.vN;
nA.ellipse = nA.ellipse;
nA.rect = nA.rect;
nA.truncatedRect = nA.tN;
nA.roundedRect = nA.xM;
nA.roundedInnerRect = nA.wM;
nA.path = nA.path; = nA.YM;
$.Cg.prototype.star4 = $.Cg.prototype.$M;
$.Cg.prototype.star5 = $.Cg.prototype.aN;
$.Cg.prototype.star6 = $.Cg.prototype.bN;
$.Cg.prototype.star7 = $.Cg.prototype.cN;
$.Cg.prototype.star10 = $.Cg.prototype.ZM;
nA.diamond = nA.CJ;
nA.triangleUp = nA.sN;
nA.triangleDown = nA.pN;
nA.triangleRight = nA.rN;
nA.triangleLeft = nA.qN;
nA.cross = nA.jJ;
nA.diagonalCross = nA.BJ;
nA.hLine = nA.PK;
nA.vLine = nA.BN;
nA.pie = nA.Kf;
nA.donut = nA.HJ;
nA.text = nA.text;
nA.html = nA.YK;
nA.image = nA.Rc;
$.I($.Ub, $.Cg);
$.f = $.Ub.prototype;
$.f.jk = 2277;
$ = function() {
return "fill-pattern"
$.f.parent = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a ? this.Qi(a) : this.remove(), this) : $
$.f.Zi = function() {
return this.Jb.clone()
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().rX()
$.f.Bn = function() {
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.hj = function() {
if (!this.Cn) {
var a = this.Ea().ep.fa(),
b = this.fa();
this.Cn = !0;
$.f.rv = function() {
this.Xe(4) && $.gg().m1(this);
$.dg(this, 4)
$.f.Md = function(a) {
$, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $,
b = this.Zi();
a.type = "pattern";
a.bounds = b;
return a
$.f.W = function() {
this.uc = null;
var oA = $.Ub.prototype;
$.H("acgraph.vector.PatternFill", $.Ub);
oA.addChild = oA.fb;
oA.dispose = oA.Hc;
$.I(Hg, $.Ub);
var Gg = {
Qha: "backward-diagonal",
oja: "forward-diagonal",
VU: "horizontal",
oV: "vertical",
Eia: "dashed-backward-diagonal",
UU: "grid",
Fia: "dashed-forward-diagonal",
Gia: "dashed-horizontal",
Hia: "dashed-vertical",
RU: "diagonal-cross",
Tia: "diagonal-brick",
Xia: "divot",
wja: "horizontal-brick",
xla: "vertical-brick",
uia: "checker-board",
yia: "confetti",
rka: "plaid",
bla: "solid-diamond",
Lla: "zig-zag",
Bla: "weave",
cka: "percent-05",
dka: "percent-10",
eka: "percent-20",
fka: "percent-25",
gka: "percent-30",
hka: "percent-40",
ika: "percent-50",
jka: "percent-60",
kka: "percent-70",
lka: "percent-75",
mka: "percent-80",
nka: "percent-90"
Baa = function() {
var a = {
"backward-diagonal": function() {
Og(this, [-1, 0, this.size + 1, 0,], -45)
"forward-diagonal": function() {
Og(this, [-1, 0, this.size + 1, 0,], 45)
horizontal: function() {
Og(this, [-1, this.size / 2, this.size + 1, this.size / 2,])
vertical: function() {
Og(this, [this.size / 2, -1, this.size / 2, this.size + 1,])
"diagonal-cross": function() {
Og(this, [0, this.size / 2, this.size, this.size / 2,, this.size /
2, 0, this.size / 2, this.size,
], 45)
grid: function() {
Og(this, [-1, this.size / 2, this.size + 1, this.size / 2,, this.size / 2, -1, this.size / 2, this.size + 1,])
"horizontal-brick": function() {
Og(this, [0, 0, 0, this.size / 2 - 1,, 0, this.size / 2 - 1, this.size, this.size / 2 - 1,, this.size / 2, this.size / 2 - 1, this.size / 2, this.size - 1,, 0, this.size - 1, this.size, this.size - 1,])
"vertical-brick": function() {
Og(this, [0, 0, 0, this.size / 2 - 1,, 0, this.size / 2 - 1, this.size, this.size / 2 - 1,, this.size /
2, this.size / 2 - 1, this.size / 2, this.size - 1,, 0, this.size - 1, this.size, this.size - 1,
], 90)
"diagonal-brick": function() {
Og(this, [0, 0, 0, this.size / 2 - 1,, 0, this.size / 2 - 1, this.size, this.size / 2 - 1,, this.size / 2, this.size / 2 - 1, this.size / 2, this.size - 1,, 0, this.size - 1, this.size, this.size - 1,], 45)
"checker-board": function() {
Pg(this, [0, 0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size])
confetti: function() {
var a = this.size / 8,
c = this.size / 4;
Pg(this, [0, 2 * a, c, a, 5 * a, c, 2 * a, 0, c, 4 * a, 4 * a,
c, 5 * a, a, c, 6 * a, 6 * a, c
plaid: function() {
Kg(this, this.size / 2, this.size / 2);
for (var a = this.size / 8, c, d = 0; 2 > d; d++) {
c = !1;
for (var e = 0; 4 > e; e++) {
c = !c;
for (var g = 0; 4 > g; g++) c && Kg(this, a, a, e * a + d * this.size / 2, g * a + this.size / 2), c = !c
"solid-diamond": function() {
Ng(this, [
[this.size / 2, 0, 0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size, this.size, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, 0]
], !0, !0)
"dashed-forward-diagonal": function() {
Og(this, [0, 0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2,])
"dashed-backward-diagonal": function() {
Og(this, [this.size / 2, 0, 0, this.size /
"dashed-horizontal": function() {
Og(this, [0, 0, this.size / 2, 0,, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size, this.size / 2,])
"dashed-vertical": function() {
Og(this, [0, 0, 0, this.size / 2,, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size,])
divot: function() {
var a = .1 * this.size,
c = this.size * (.8 - .2) / 2;
Ng(this, [
[a + c, a, a, a + c / 2, a + c, a + c],
[this.size - a - c, this.size - a - c, this.size - a, this.size - a - c / 2, this.size - a - c, this.size - a]
"zig-zag": function() {
Ng(this, [
[0, 0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size,
[0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size, this.size, this.size / 2]
weave: function() {
Ng(this, [
[0, 0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size, 0],
[0, this.size / 2, this.size / 2, this.size, this.size, this.size / 2],
[this.size / 2, this.size / 2, 3 * this.size / 4, 3 * this.size / 4],
[this.size, this.size / 2, 3 * this.size / 4, this.size / 4]
a["percent-05"] = $.sa(Jg, 8, 8, [0, 0, 4, 4]);
a["percent-10"] = $.sa(Jg, 8, 4, [0, 0, 4, 2]);
a["percent-20"] = $.sa(Jg, 4, 4, [0, 0, 2, 2]);
a["percent-25"] = $.sa(Jg, 4, 2, [0, 0, 2, 1]);
a["percent-30"] = $.sa(Jg, 4, 4, [0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0,
2, 2, 2, 1, 3
a["percent-40"] = $.sa(Jg, 4, 8, [0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 0, 4, 2, 4, 1, 5, 3, 5, 0, 6, 2, 6, 1, 7, 3, 7]);
a["percent-50"] = $.sa(Jg, 2, 2, [0, 0, 1, 1]);
a["percent-60"] = $.sa(Jg, 4, 4, [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3]);
a["percent-70"] = $.sa(Jg, 4, 4, [0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3]);
a["percent-75"] = $.sa(Lg, 4, 4, [0, 0, 2, 2]);
a["percent-80"] = $.sa(Lg, 8, 4, [0, 0, 4, 2]);
a["percent-90"] = $.sa(Lg, 8, 8, [7, 7, 4, 3]);
return a
}(); = function() {
return "hatch-fill"
Hg.prototype.W = function() {
if (this.Ea()) {
var a = this.Ea().ep,
b = [this.type, this.color,, this.size].join();
$.Pc(a.D, b) && $.Tc(a.D, b);
a = $.Ae(window.document,;
var pA = Hg.prototype;
pA.dispose = pA.Hc;
$.I(Sg, $.cg);
$.Rg = "meet";
$.Qg = "none";
$.f = Sg.prototype;
$.f.jk = $.cg.prototype.jk | 32;
$ = function() {
return "image"
$.f.tB = function(a) {
return null != a ? (a != this.b && (this.b = a, this.Eb(32)), this) : this.b
$.f.align = function(a) {
return null != a ? (a != this.D && (this.D = a, this.Eb(32)), this) : this.D
$.f.x = function(a) {
return null != a ? (a != this.uc.left && (this.uc.left = a, this.Eb(32), this.he()), this) : this.uc.left
$.f.y = function(a) {
return null != a ? (a != && ( = a, this.Eb(32), this.he()), this) :
$.f.width = function(a) {
return null != a ? (a != this.uc.width && (this.uc.width = a, this.Eb(32), this.he()), this) : this.uc.width
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return null != a ? (a != this.uc.height && (this.uc.height = a, this.Eb(32), this.he()), this) : this.uc.height
$.f.src = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a != this.j && (this.j = a, this.Eb(32)), this) : this.j
$.f.opacity = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a != this.g && (this.g = a, this.Eb(32)), this) : this.g
$.f.Zi = function() {
return this.uc.clone()
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().sX()
$.f.hj = function() {
this.Xe(32) && ($.gg().HG() && this.Eb(4), this.Bn());
$.f.rv = function() {
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
$.f.Bn = function() {
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.Md = function(a) {
var b = a.bounds;
this.x(b.left).y(;, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a =;
a.type = "image";
a.bounds = this.Zi();
a.src = this.src();
a.align = this.align();
a.fittingMode = this.tB();
return a
$.f.W = function() {
this.uc = null;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Image", Sg);
var qA = Sg.prototype;
qA.fittingMode = qA.tB;
qA.align = qA.align;
qA.x = qA.x;
qA.y = qA.y;
qA.width = qA.width;
qA.height = qA.height;
qA.src = qA.src;
$.I($.Tg, $.of);
var Vg = [$.ld && !$.gd("11") ? "readystatechange" : "load", "abort", "error"];
$.Tg.prototype.start = function() {
var a = this.g;
(0, $.xa)($.Lc(a), function(b) {
var c = a[b];
if (c && (delete a[b], !this.Ld)) {
var d;
this.ea ? d = $.ze(this.ea).za("IMG") : d = new window.Image;
c.mX && (d.crossOrigin = c.mX);, Vg, this.j);
this.b[b] = d; = b;
d.src = c.src
}, this)
$.Tg.prototype.j = function(a) {
var b = a.b;
if (b) {
if ("readystatechange" == a.type)
if ("complete" == b.readyState) a.type = "load";
else return;
"undefined" == typeof b.naturalWidth && ("load" == a.type ? (b.naturalWidth = b.width, b.naturalHeight = b.height) : (b.naturalWidth = 0, b.naturalHeight = 0));
type: a.type,
target: b
this.Ld || Wg(this,
$.Tg.prototype.W = function() {
delete this.g;
delete this.b;
$.f = $.Xg.prototype;
$.f.HY = function(a, b, c) {
return Zg(this, b, c)
$.f.e1 = $.ha;
$.f.jO = $.ha;
$.f.RT = $.ha;
$.f.getAttribute = function(a, b) {
return a ? a.getAttribute(b) : void 0
$.f.Rb = function(a, b, c) {
a.setAttribute(b, c)
$.f.p0 = function(a, b) {
var c = b[3];
a.push(b[0], b[1], 0, 180 < Math.abs(c) ? 1 : 0, 0 < c ? 1 : 0, b[4], b[5])
$.f.t0 = function(a, b) {
$.md(Array.prototype.push, b, a)
$.f.EX = function() {
return null
$.f.D_ = function() {
return !1
$.f.TZ = function() {
return !1
$.f.HG = function() {
return !1
$.f.QS = function() {
return !1
$.I($.hh, $.cg);
$.f = $.hh.prototype;
$.f.qc = null;
$.f.jk = $.cg.prototype.jk | 32;
$ = function() {
return "simple-text"
$.f.Zi = function() {
return this.Jb.clone()
$.f.text = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a != this.qc && (this.qc = String(a), (a = !this.Ea() || this.Ea().Se()) || this.Ea().suspend(), this.Eb(32), a || this.Ea().resume()), this) : this.qc
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().hJ()
$.f.hj = function() {
this.Xe(32) && ($.gg(), this.fa().textContent = this.text(), $.dg(this, 32));
$.f.rv = function() {
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
var rA = $.hh.prototype;
rA.text = rA.text;
$.H("acgraph.vector.SimpleText", $.hh);
var vh = {
quot: 34,
amp: 38,
apos: 39,
lt: 60,
gt: 62,
nbsp: 160,
iexcl: 161,
cent: 162,
pound: 163,
curren: 164,
yen: 165,
brvbar: 166,
sect: 167,
uml: 168,
copy: 169,
ordf: 170,
laquo: 171,
not: 172,
shy: 173,
reg: 174,
macr: 175,
deg: 176,
plusmn: 177,
sup2: 178,
sup3: 179,
acute: 180,
micro: 181,
para: 182,
middot: 183,
cedil: 184,
sup1: 185,
ordm: 186,
raquo: 187,
frac14: 188,
frac12: 189,
frac34: 190,
iquest: 191,
Agrave: 192,
Aacute: 193,
Acirc: 194,
Atilde: 195,
Auml: 196,
Aring: 197,
AElig: 198,
Ccedil: 199,
Egrave: 200,
Eacute: 201,
Ecirc: 202,
Euml: 203,
Igrave: 204,
Iacute: 205,
Icirc: 206,
Iuml: 207,
ETH: 208,
Ntilde: 209,
Ograve: 210,
Oacute: 211,
Ocirc: 212,
Otilde: 213,
Ouml: 214,
times: 215,
Oslash: 216,
Ugrave: 217,
Uacute: 218,
Ucirc: 219,
Uuml: 220,
Yacute: 221,
THORN: 222,
szlig: 223,
agrave: 224,
aacute: 225,
acirc: 226,
atilde: 227,
auml: 228,
aring: 229,
aelig: 230,
ccedil: 231,
egrave: 232,
eacute: 233,
ecirc: 234,
euml: 235,
igrave: 236,
iacute: 237,
icirc: 238,
iuml: 239,
eth: 240,
ntilde: 241,
ograve: 242,
oacute: 243,
ocirc: 244,
otilde: 245,
ouml: 246,
divide: 247,
oslash: 248,
ugrave: 249,
uacute: 250,
ucirc: 251,
uuml: 252,
yacute: 253,
thorn: 254,
yuml: 255,
OElig: 338,
oelig: 339,
Scaron: 352,
scaron: 353,
Yuml: 376,
fnof: 402,
circ: 710,
tilde: 732,
Alpha: 913,
Beta: 914,
Gamma: 915,
Delta: 916,
Epsilon: 917,
Zeta: 918,
Eta: 919,
Theta: 920,
Iota: 921,
Kappa: 922,
Lambda: 923,
Mu: 924,
Nu: 925,
Xi: 926,
Omicron: 927,
Pi: 928,
Rho: 929,
Sigma: 931,
Tau: 932,
Upsilon: 933,
Phi: 934,
Chi: 935,
Psi: 936,
Omega: 937,
alpha: 945,
beta: 946,
gamma: 947,
delta: 948,
epsilon: 949,
zeta: 950,
eta: 951,
theta: 952,
iota: 953,
kappa: 954,
lambda: 955,
mu: 956,
nu: 957,
xi: 958,
omicron: 959,
pi: 960,
rho: 961,
sigmaf: 962,
sigma: 963,
tau: 964,
upsilon: 965,
phi: 966,
chi: 967,
psi: 968,
omega: 969,
thetasym: 977,
upsih: 978,
piv: 982,
ensp: 8194,
emsp: 8195,
thinsp: 8201,
zwnj: 8204,
zwj: 8205,
lrm: 8206,
rlm: 8207,
ndash: 8211,
mdash: 8212,
lsquo: 8216,
rsquo: 8217,
sbquo: 8218,
ldquo: 8220,
rdquo: 8221,
bdquo: 8222,
dagger: 8224,
Dagger: 8225,
bull: 8226,
hellip: 8230,
permil: 8240,
prime: 8242,
Prime: 8243,
lsaquo: 8249,
rsaquo: 8250,
oline: 8254,
frasl: 8260,
euro: 8364,
image: 8465,
weierp: 8472,
real: 8476,
trade: 8482,
alefsym: 8501,
larr: 8592,
uarr: 8593,
rarr: 8594,
darr: 8595,
harr: 8596,
crarr: 8629,
lArr: 8656,
uArr: 8657,
rArr: 8658,
dArr: 8659,
hArr: 8660,
forall: 8704,
part: 8706,
exist: 8707,
empty: 8709,
nabla: 8711,
isin: 8712,
notin: 8713,
ni: 8715,
prod: 8719,
sum: 8721,
minus: 8722,
lowast: 8727,
radic: 8730,
prop: 8733,
infin: 8734,
ang: 8736,
and: 8743,
or: 8744,
cap: 8745,
cup: 8746,
"int": 8747,
there4: 8756,
sim: 8764,
cong: 8773,
asymp: 8776,
ne: 8800,
equiv: 8801,
le: 8804,
ge: 8805,
sub: 8834,
sup: 8835,
nsub: 8836,
sube: 8838,
supe: 8839,
oplus: 8853,
otimes: 8855,
perp: 8869,
sdot: 8901,
lceil: 8968,
rceil: 8969,
lfloor: 8970,
rfloor: 8971,
lang: 9001,
rang: 9002,
loz: 9674,
spades: 9824,
clubs: 9827,
hearts: 9829,
diams: 9830
jh.prototype.Lb = null;
$.I(xh, $.qd);
$.f = xh.prototype;
$.f.Ed = null;
$.f.ea = null;
$.f.parent = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.ea = a, this) : this.ea
$.f.fa = function() {
return this.Ed
$ = function() {
return "t-segment"
$.f.Bn = function() {
"" != this.text && (this.Ed = $.gg().MP()) && $.gg().sV(this)
$.f.W = function() {
this.Ed = null;
var Caa, zh, yh, sA, tA;
$.I($.Eh, $.cg);
Caa = "normal";
zh = "normal";
yh = "";
$.Dh = "start";
sA = {
VN: "left",
s5: $.Dh,
Qx: "center",
u3: "end",
ZN: "right"
tA = {
fO: "top",
l4: "middle",
LN: "bottom"
$.f = $.Eh.prototype;
$.f.jk = $.cg.prototype.jk | 17504;
$.f.Yb = null;
$.f.qc = null;
$.f.x = function(a) {
return null != a ? (this.Xm != a && (this.Xm = a, this.X && Oh(this), this.Jb.left = a, this.Eb(16384), this.he()), this) : this.Xm
$.f.y = function(a) {
return null != a ? (this.Zm != a && (this.Zm = a, this.X && Ph(this), = a, this.Eb(16384), this.he()), this) : this.Zm
$.f.Kv = function() {
if ($.gg().HG()) {
var a = this.Zf();
a && !$.Eb(a) && this.Eb(4)
$.f.width = function(a) {
$.n(a) && Hh(this, "width") != a && (null === a || (a = Math.max((0, window.parseFloat)(a), 0) || 0), = a);
return Hh(this, "width", a)
$.f.height = function(a) {
$.n(a) && (Hh(this, "height") == a || null !== a && (a = Math.max((0, window.parseFloat)(a), 0) || 0), this.Jc = a);
return Hh(this, "height", a)
$.f.opacity = function(a) {
return null != a ? (this.Yb.opacity = a, this.Eb(1024), this) : this.Yb.opacity
$.f.color = function(a) {
return null != a ? (this.Yb.color = a, this.Eb(1024), this) : this.Yb.color
$.f.fontSize = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "fontSize", a)
$.f.fontFamily = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "fontFamily", a)
$.f.direction = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "direction", a)
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return Hh(this, "fontStyle", a)
$.f.fontVariant = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "fontVariant", a)
$.f.fontWeight = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "fontWeight", a)
$.f.letterSpacing = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "letterSpacing", a)
$.f.wr = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "decoration", a)
$.f.lineHeight = function(a) {
null != a && ( = Ih(a));
return Hh(this, "lineHeight", a)
$.f.textIndent = function(a) {
null != a && (this.D = a);
return Hh(this, "textIndent", a)
$.f.vAlign = function(a) {
if ($.n(a))
if ("center" == a) a = "middle";
else {
var b = !1;
$.Jc(tA, function(c) {
a == c && (b = !0)
b || (a = "top")
return Hh(this, "vAlign", a)
$.f.Cl = function(a) {
if ($.n(a))
if ("middle" == a) a = "center";
else {
var b = !1;
$.Jc(sA, function(c) {
a == c && (b = !0)
b || (a = $.Dh)
return Hh(this, "hAlign", a)
$.f.Gt = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "wordBreak", a)
$.f.wordWrap = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "wordWrap", a)
$.f.textOverflow = function(a) {
null != a && (this.Qb = a);
return Hh(this, "textOverflow", a)
$ = function(a) {
return Hh(this, "selectable", a)
$.f.path = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.g = a, this.Ea() && this.g.parent(this.Ea().ep), (a = !this.Ea() || this.Ea().Se()) || this.Ea().suspend(), this.X = !1, this.Eb(17504), this.Kv(), a || this.Ea().resume(), this) : this.g
$ = function(a) {
if (null != a) {
$.Jc(a, function(a, b) {
var c = b;
switch (b) {
case "fontDecoration":
case "textDecoration":
c = "decoration";
case "fontColor":
c = "color";
case "fontOpacity":
c = "opacity"
this.Yb[c] = a
}, this); = (0, window.parseFloat)(this.Yb.width) || 0;
this.Jc = (0, window.parseFloat)(this.Yb.height) || 0;
this.Yb.lineHeight && ( = Ih(this.Yb.lineHeight));
var b = this.Yb.vAlign;
if (null != b)
if ("center" == b) this.Yb.vAlign = "middle";
else {
var c = !1;
$.Jc(tA, function(a) {
b == a && (c = !0)
c || (this.Yb.vAlign =
var d = this.Yb.hAlign;
null != d && ("middle" == d ? this.Yb.hAlign = "center" : (c = !1, $.Jc(sA, function(a) {
d == a && (c = !0)
}), c || (this.Yb.hAlign = $.Dh)));
null != this.Yb.direction && (this.K = "rtl" == this.Yb.direction);
null != this.Yb.textOverflow && (this.Qb = this.Yb.textOverflow);
null != this.Yb.textIndent && (this.D = this.Yb.textIndent);
this.K && (this.D = 0);
(a = !this.Ea() || this.Ea().Se()) || this.Ea().suspend();
this.X = !1;
a || this.Ea().resume();
return this
return this.Yb
$.f.text = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a != this.qc && (this.qc = String(a), this.Nd = !1, (a = !this.Ea() || this.Ea().Se()) || this.Ea().suspend(), this.X = !1, this.Eb(1024), this.Eb(32), this.Eb(16384), this.Kv(), a || this.Ea().resume()), this) : this.qc
$.f.htmlText = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a != this.qc && (this.qc = String(a), this.Nd = !0, (a = !this.Ea() || this.Ea().Se()) || this.Ea().suspend(), this.X = !1, this.Eb(1024), this.Eb(32), this.Eb(16384), this.Kv(), a || this.Ea().resume()), this) : this.qc
$ = function() {
return "text"
$.f.Zi = function() {
return this.Jb.clone()
$.f.Ns = function(a) {
this.X || this.fA();
return a ? $, a) : this.MA(null)
$.f.MA = function(a) {
if (this.path())
if (this.jh) var b = this.jh;
else {
b = $.gg();
b.Nn || b.As();
this.X || this.fA();
var c = this.path();
c.fa() ||!0);
var d = c.fa().parentNode;
var e = c.fa();
d || (d = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), c.fa(), "path"), $.eh(b, c.fa(), d));
this.fa() ||!0);
d = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), c.fa(), "path");
c = Bi();
this.Fa.setAttributeNS("", "href", c + "#" + d);
c = this.fa();
d = c.parentNode;
b = this.fa().getBBox();
d && d.appendChild(c);
b = new $.K(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height)
} else b = this.Jb.clone();
return $.Fb(b, a)
$.f.pF = $.ba(2);
$.f.he = function() {
this.jh = null
$.f.u_ = function(a) {
for (var b = $.gg().D, c = arguments, d = {}, e = 0, g = b.length; e < g; e++)
for (var h = c.length; h--;) {
var k = c[h];
if (k && (k = k[b[e]], $.n(k))) {
d[b[e]] = k;
return d
$ = function(a, b) {
var c = this.u_(this.Yb, b);
return Zg($.gg(), a, c)
$.f.fba = function() {
this.X || this.fA();
return this.Qe
$.f.hR = function() {
this.X || this.fA();
return this.G
$.f.fA = function() {
0 != this.b.length && ($.rd(this.b,, = [], this.b = []);
null != this.Yb.direction && (this.K = "rtl" == this.Yb.direction);
null != this.Yb.textIndent && (this.D = this.Yb.textIndent);
this.K && (this.D = 0); = (0, window.parseFloat)(this.Yb.width) || 0;
this.Jc = (0, window.parseFloat)(this.Yb.height) || 0; = !1; = this.R = this.ka = this.xd = this.$a = this.G = this.Qe = this.Cg = this.Hf = 0;
this.j = [];
this.qb = this.Y = 0;
this.jh = null;
this.align = "start";
this.Yb.hAlign && (this.align = "rtl" == this.Yb.direction ?
$.kd || $.ld ? "end" == this.Yb.hAlign || "left" == this.Yb.hAlign ? $.Dh : this.Yb.hAlign == $.Dh || "right" == this.Yb.hAlign ? "end" : "middle" : "end" == this.Yb.hAlign || "left" == this.Yb.hAlign ? "end" : this.Yb.hAlign == $.Dh || "right" == this.Yb.hAlign ? $.Dh : "middle" : "end" == this.Yb.hAlign || "right" == this.Yb.hAlign ? "end" : this.Yb.hAlign == $.Dh || "left" == this.Yb.hAlign ? $.Dh : "middle");
var a = null != this.Yb.width;
this.Zh = this.path() || a;
a = a ? (0, window.parseFloat)(this.Yb.width) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
this.Ma = Math.max(this.path() ? Math.min(this.path().Eh(),
a) :, 0);
if (null != this.qc) {
if (this.Nd) {
a = jh.Ic();
a.G = [];
a.Y = [];
a.tagName = "";
a.R = "";
a.g = ""; = "'";
a.D = "";
a.K = "";
a.b = ""; = null;
a.Lb = null;
a.state = 1;
a.ka = !1;
a.j = "";
a.X = !0; = !1;
a.Lb = this;
var b = this.text();
for (var c = b.length, d = -1, e, g, h, k = !1; ++d < c;) switch (e = b.charAt(d), g = /\xa0|\s/.test(e), h = /[^a-zA-Z]/.test(e), a.state) {
case 1:
if ("<" == e) {
a.state = 2;
if (a.ka && g) break;
if ("&" == e) {
a.state = 14;
if ( && ( = !1, ";" == e)) break;
a.b += e;
a.ka = g;
case 14:
if (a.X && !a.j && "#" == e) {
a.X = !1;
if ("&" ==
e) {
wh(a, 14, "");
if (/(_|\W)/.test(e)) {
wh(a, "<" == e ? 2 : 1, e);
g = /\d/.test(e);
if (!a.X && !g) {
wh(a, 1, e);
a.j += e;
vh[a.j] && ( = !0, wh(a, 1, ""));
case 2:
if (k) {
if (">" != e) break;
"br" == a.tagName && Nh(a.Lb);
a.tagName = "";
k = !1;
a.state = 1;
if (!a.tagName && "<" == e) {
a.b += "<";
if (!a.tagName && h && "/" != e) {
a.b += "<" + e;
a.state = 1;
if (!a.tagName && "/" == e) {
a.state = 3;
if ("br" == a.tagName && ">" == e) {
a.tagName = "";
a.state = 1;
if ("br" == a.tagName && ("/" == e || g)) {
k = !0;
a.tagName && qh(a);
if (a.tagName &&
g) {
a.state = 4;
if (">" == e) {
a.tagName += e.toLowerCase();
case 3:
if (k) {
if (">" != e) break;
k = !1;
if (!a.R && h) {
a.b += "</" + e;
a.state = 1;
if (a.R && g) {
k = !0;
if (">" == e) {
k = !1;
a.R += e.toLowerCase();
case 4:
if (k) {
if (">" != e) break;
sh(a, !0);
k = !1;
if (">" == e) {
sh(a, !0);
if (g) {
a.state = 5;
if ("=" == e) {
a.g && (a.state = "style" == a.g ? 6 : 8);
a.g += e.toLowerCase();
case 5:
if (">" == e) {
sh(a, !0);
if (g) break;
if (a.g && !h) {
a.g = e;
a.state = 4;
if ("=" == e) {
a.g &&
(a.state = "style" == a.g ? 6 : 8);
a.g += e;
a.state = 4;
case 6:
if (g) break;
if (">" == e) {
sh(a, !0);
if ("'" == e || '"' == e) { = e;
a.state = 9;
a.D = e;
a.state = 10;
case 8:
if (g) break;
if (">" == e) {
a.g = "";
a.tagName = "";
a.state = 1;
if ("'" == e || '"' == e) { = e;
a.state = 7;
a.state = 11;
case 9:
if (g) break;
if (e == {
k = !0;
th(a, 4, !0);
if (":" == e) {
a.state = 12;
a.D += e.toLowerCase();
case 12:
if (g) break;
if (e == {
k = !0;
th(a, 4, !0);
if (";" == e) {
th(a, 9);
a.K += e.toLowerCase();
case 7:
e == && (a.g = "", a.state = 4);
case 10:
if (g) {
k = !0;
th(a, 4, !0);
if (">" == e) {
if (":" == e) {
a.state = 13;
a.D += e;
case 11:
if (g) {
th(a, 4, !0);
">" == e && sh(a);
case 13:
if (g) {
k = !0;
th(a, 4, !0);
if (">" == e) {
if (";" == e) {
th(a, 10);
a.K += e.toLowerCase();
throw "Error while parsing HTML: Symbol '" + e + "', position: " + (d - 1);
} else if (this.qc = $.jc(this.qc.replace(/\xa0|[ \t]+/g, " ")), c = this.qc.split(/\n/g), 1 != c.length || $.n(this.Yb.width) ||
for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) a = $.lc(c[b]), null != a && ("" != a && ph(this, a), Nh(this));
else this.fa() ||!0), this.Xe(1024) && Qh(this), a = new xh(this.qc, {}), this.j.push(a), this.b.push(a), a.parent(this), this.Xe(32) && this.Bn(), b = $.gg().HY(this.fa(), this.qc, this.Yb), a.j =, a.height = b.height, a.width = b.width, this.ka = b.height, this.R = b.width + this.D, = a.j, this.wc = 0 == this.qc.length, Mh(this), this.xd++, a = this.j[0] ? this.j[0].height : 0, this.$a += $.y( ? (0, window.parseInt)(, 0) + a : *
this.D && 0 < && (a =[0][0], this.K ? this.Yb.hAlign && this.Yb.hAlign != $.Dh && "right" != this.Yb.hAlign || (a.uq -= this.D) : this.Yb.hAlign && this.Yb.hAlign != $.Dh && "left" != this.Yb.hAlign || (a.uq += this.D));
this.Yb.width || ( = this.Qe);
this.Yb.height || (this.Jc = this.G);
this.Jb = new $.K(this.Xm, this.Zm,, this.Jc);
this.X = !0
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().hJ()
$.f.hj = function() {
this.X || this.fA();
this.Xe(64) && this.AT();
this.Xe(1024) && Qh(this);
this.Xe(32) && this.Bn();
this.Xe(16384) && this.sM();
$.f.AT = function() {
this.g && !this.Fa ? this.Fa = $.gg().EX() : this.g || ($.Xe(this.Fa), this.Fa = null);
$.dg(this, 64)
$.f.sM = function() {
for (var a = 0, b = this.b.length; a < b; a++) {
var c = this.b[a];
c.Ed && $.gg().rV(c)
$.dg(this, 16384)
$.f.Bn = function() {
this.fa() && $.Ve(this.fa());
this.Fa && ($.Ve(this.Fa), this.fa().appendChild(this.Fa));
for (var a = 0, b = this.b.length; a < b; a++) this.b[a].Bn();
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.rv = function() {
$.dg(this, 4);
$.dg(this, 256)
$.f.Md = function(a) {
a.html ? this.htmlText(a.text) : this.text(a.text);
$, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.type = "text";
a.x = this.x();
a.y = this.y();
a.html = this.Nd;
a.text = this.text(); =;
return a
$.f.W = function() {
delete this.b;
delete this.Jb;
var uA = $.Eh.prototype;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Text", $.Eh);
uA.text = uA.text; =;
uA.htmlText = uA.htmlText;
uA.path = uA.path;
uA.x = uA.x;
uA.y = uA.y;
uA.fontSize = uA.fontSize;
uA.color = uA.color;
uA.fontFamily = uA.fontFamily;
uA.direction = uA.direction;
uA.fontStyle = uA.fontStyle;
uA.fontVariant = uA.fontVariant;
uA.fontWeight = uA.fontWeight;
uA.letterSpacing = uA.letterSpacing;
uA.decoration = uA.wr;
uA.opacity = uA.opacity;
uA.lineHeight = uA.lineHeight;
uA.textIndent = uA.textIndent;
uA.vAlign = uA.vAlign;
uA.hAlign = uA.Cl;
uA.width = uA.width;
uA.height = uA.height;
uA.getTextHeight = uA.hR;
uA.getTextWidth = uA.fba;
uA.wordWrap = uA.wordWrap;
uA.wordBreak = uA.Gt;
uA.textOverflow = uA.textOverflow;
uA.selectable =;
$.I($.Rh, $.cg);
$.f = $.Rh.prototype;
$ = function() {
return "unmanageable-layer"
$.f.jk = $.cg.prototype.jk | 32;
$.f.content = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a != this.gc && (this.gc = a, this.Eb(32)), this) : this.gc
$.f.zs = function() {
return $.gg().rE()
$.f.hj = function() {
if (this.Xe(32)) {
var a = this.fa();
$.y(this.gc) ? a.innerHTML = this.gc : a.appendChild(this.gc);
$.dg(this, 32)
$.f.Zi = function() {
return $.gg().BS(this.gc)
$.f.Md = function(a) {
"content" in a && this.content(a.content);
$, a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.content = $.y(this.gc) ? this.gc : this.gc.outerHTML;
return a
var vA = $.Rh.prototype;
vA.content = vA.content;
$.H("", Uh);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.star4", Vh);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.star5", Wh);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.star6", Xh);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.star7", Yh);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.star10", Zh);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.diamond", di);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.triangleUp", $h);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.triangleDown", ai);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.triangleRight", bi);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.triangleLeft", ci);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.cross", ei);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.diagonalCross", fi);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.hLine", gi);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.vLine", hi);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.pie", ii);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.donut", $.ji);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.truncatedRect", mi);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.roundedRect", ni);
$.H("acgraph.vector.primitives.roundedInnerRect", ui);
vi.prototype.clone = function() {
return new vi(this.Ht, this.Ql, this.ns, this.Ym)
$.I(wi, $.Xg);
$.f = wi.prototype;
$.f.Nn = null;
$.f.Ij = null;
$.f.pz = null;
$.f.yo = null;
$ = null;
$.f.As = function() {
this.Nn = xi("svg");
this.Ij = this.hJ();
this.pz = this.pD("");
this.j = this.DP();
this.g = this.rE();
$.dh(this, this.Nn, {
display: "block",
width: 0,
height: 0
this.yo = this.rE();
$.f.measure = function(a, b) {
this.Nn || this.As();
var c = null,
d = 0;
if (0 == a.length) return ah(this, b);
if (" " == a) return $.$g(this, b);
$.fc(a, " ") && (d += c = $.$g(this, b).width);
$.gc(a, " ") && (d += c || $.$g(this, b).width);
b.fontStyle ? this.Rb(this.Ij, "font-style", b.fontStyle) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("font-style");
b.fontVariant ? this.Rb(this.Ij, "font-variant", b.fontVariant) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("font-variant");
b.fontFamily ? this.Rb(this.Ij, "font-family", b.fontFamily) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("font-family");
b.fontSize ?
this.Rb(this.Ij, "font-size", b.fontSize) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("font-size");
b.fontWeight ? this.Rb(this.Ij, "font-weight", b.fontWeight) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("font-weight");
b.letterSpacing ? this.Rb(this.Ij, "letter-spacing", b.letterSpacing) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("letter-spacing");
b.decoration ? this.Rb(this.Ij, "text-decoration", b.decoration) : this.Ij.removeAttribute("text-decoration");
this.pz.nodeValue = a;
c = this.Ij.getBBox();
this.pz.nodeValue = "";
b.fontVariant && $.vf && (this.pz.nodeValue = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase(),
c.height = this.Ij.getBBox().height);
return new $.K(c.x, c.y, c.width + d, c.height)
$.f.HY = function(a, b, c) {
this.Nn || this.As();
var d = this.G,
e = bh(this, c),
g = d[e];
g || (g = d[e] = {});
if (d = g[b]) return d;
e = null;
d = 0;
if (0 == b.length) return ah(this, c);
if (" " == b) return $.$g(this, c);
$.fc(b, " ") && (d += e = $.$g(this, c).width);
$.gc(b, " ") && (d += e || $.$g(this, c).width);
e = a.parentNode;
c = a.getBBox();
e && e.appendChild(a);
e = a.getAttribute("x") || 0;
a = a.getAttribute("y") || 0;
return g[b] = new $.K(c.x - e, c.y - a, c.width + d, c.height)
$.f.BS = function(a) {
this.Nn || this.As();
$.y(a) ? this.yo.innerHTML = a : (a = a.cloneNode(!0), this.yo.appendChild(a));
a = this.yo.getBBox();
return new $.K(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height)
$.f.EL = function(a, b) {
this.b || (gh(this), this.b = {}, $.Ed(, "complete", function() {
this.K = !1
}, !1, this), $.Ed(, "load", this.T5, !1, this));
this.b[$.oa(b)] = [a, b];
this.K = !0;
$.Ug(, a, a);
$.f.T5 = function(a) {
var b =;
$.Jc(this.b, function(a, d) {
a[0] == && (a[1].call(this, b.naturalWidth, b.naturalHeight), delete this.b[d])
}, this)
$.f.TZ = function() {
return this.K
$.f.c0 = {
1: "M",
2: "L",
3: "C",
4: "A",
5: "Z"
$.f.CX = function() {
var a = xi("svg");
$.ld || this.Rb(a, "xmlns", "");
this.Rb(a, "border", "0");
return a
$.f.vX = function() {
return xi("linearGradient")
$.f.rX = function() {
return xi("pattern")
$.f.sX = function() {
return xi("image")
$.f.rE = function() {
return xi("g")
$.f.nX = function() {
return xi("circle")
$.f.xX = function() {
return xi("path")
$.f.qX = function() {
return xi("ellipse")
$.f.DP = function() {
return xi("defs")
$.f.hJ = function() {
return xi("text")
$.f.EX = function() {
return xi("textPath")
$.f.MP = function() {
return xi("tspan")
$.f.pD = function(a) {
return window.document.createTextNode(String(a))
$.f.g1 = function(a) {
var b = a.Zi();
$.dh(this, a.fa(), {
x: b.left,
width: b.width,
height: b.height,
patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
$.f.h1 = function(a) {
var b = a.Zi();
this.EL(a.src(), $.ha);
var c = a.src() || "",
d = a.fa(),
e = b.left,
g =,
h = b.width;
b = b.height;
switch (a.align()) {
case "x-min-y-min":
var k = "xMinYMin";
case "x-mid-y-min":
k = "xMidYMin";
case "x-max-y-min":
k = "xMaxYMin";
case "x-min-y-mid":
k = "xMinYMid";
case "x-mid-y-mid":
k = "xMidYMid";
case "x-max-y-mid":
k = "xMaxYMid";
case "x-min-y-max":
k = "xMinYMax";
case "x-mid-y-max":
k =
case "x-max-y-max":
k = "xMaxYMax";
k = "none"
k = k + " " + a.tB();
$.dh(this, d, {
x: e,
y: g,
width: h,
height: b,
"image-rendering": "optimizeQuality",
preserveAspectRatio: k,
opacity: a.opacity()
d.setAttributeNS("", "href", c)
$.f.d1 = function(a, b) {
var c = a.fa();
c && ( = b || "")
$.f.YT = function(a) {
var b = a.fa();
this.Rb(b, "x", a.Y);
this.Rb(b, "y", a.qb)
$.f.o1 = function(a) {
var b =,
c = a.path(),
d = a.fa();
if (c && a.Ea()) {
var e = a.Ea().ep;
$.dg(c, bg);
var g = c.fa();
e = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), g, "path");
$.eh(this, g, e);
g = Bi();
a.Fa.setAttributeNS("", "href", g + "#" + e)
if ( {
if (["-webkit-touch-callout"] = "",["-webkit-user-select"] = "",["-khtml-user-select"] = "",["-moz-user-select"] = "",["-ms-user-select"] = "",["-o-user-select"] = "",["user-select"] = "", $.ld &&
9 == hd || $.vf) d.removeAttribute("unselectable"), d.removeAttribute("onselectstart")
} else if (["-webkit-touch-callout"] = "none",["-webkit-user-select"] = "none",["-khtml-user-select"] = "none",["-moz-user-select"] = "moz-none",["-ms-user-select"] = "none",["-o-user-select"] = "none",["user-select"] = "none", $.ld && 9 == hd || $.vf) this.Rb(d, "unselectable", "on"), this.Rb(d, "onselectstart", "return false;");
b.fontStyle ? this.Rb(d, "font-style", b.fontStyle) : d.removeAttribute("font-style");
b.fontVariant ? $.kd ?["font-variant"] = b.fontVariant : this.Rb(d, "font-variant", b.fontVariant) : $.kd ?["font-variant"] = "" : d.removeAttribute("font-variant");
b.fontFamily ? this.Rb(d, "font-family", b.fontFamily) : d.removeAttribute("font-family");
b.fontSize ? this.Rb(d, "font-size", b.fontSize) : d.removeAttribute("font-size");
b.fontWeight ? this.Rb(d, "font-weight", b.fontWeight) : d.removeAttribute("font-weight");
b.color ? this.Rb(d, "fill", b.color) : d.removeAttribute("fill");
b.letterSpacing ? this.Rb(d, "letter-spacing",
b.letterSpacing) : d.removeAttribute("letter-spacing");
b.decoration ? this.Rb(d, "text-decoration", b.decoration) : d.removeAttribute("text-decoration");
b.direction ? this.Rb(d, "direction", b.direction) : d.removeAttribute("direction");
b.hAlign && !c ? this.Rb(d, "text-anchor", "rtl" == b.direction ? $.kd || $.ld ? "end" == b.hAlign || "left" == b.hAlign ? $.Dh : b.hAlign == $.Dh || "right" == b.hAlign ? "end" : "middle" : "end" == b.hAlign || "left" == b.hAlign ? "end" : b.hAlign == $.Dh || "right" == b.hAlign ? $.Dh : "middle" : "end" == b.hAlign || "right" == b.hAlign ?
"end" : b.hAlign == $.Dh || "left" == b.hAlign ? $.Dh : "middle") : d.removeAttribute("text-anchor"); = b.opacity ? b.opacity : "1"
$.f.rV = function(a) {
var b = a.fa(),
c = a.parent();
(a.D || a.uq) && this.Rb(b, "x", c.path() ? a.uq : c.Y + a.uq);
this.Rb(b, "dy", a.g)
$.f.sV = function(a) {
var b = a.b,
c = a.fa(),
d = a.parent(),
e = this.pD(a.text);
if ($.ld && 9 == hd || $.vf) ? (c.removeAttribute("onselectstart"), c.removeAttribute("unselectable")) : (this.Rb(c, "onselectstart", "return false;"), this.Rb(c, "unselectable", "on"));
b.fontStyle && this.Rb(c, "font-style", b.fontStyle);
b.fontVariant && this.Rb(c, "font-variant", b.fontVariant);
b.fontFamily && this.Rb(c, "font-family", b.fontFamily);
b.fontSize && this.Rb(c, "font-size", b.fontSize);
b.fontWeight && this.Rb(c, "font-weight",
b.color && this.Rb(c, "fill", b.color);
b.letterSpacing && this.Rb(c, "letter-spacing", b.letterSpacing);
b.wr && this.Rb(c, "text-decoration", b.wr);
(a.parent().path() ? a.parent().Fa : a.parent().fa()).appendChild(c)
$.f.HW = function(a) {
Di(this, a);
Ei(this, a)
$.f.tV = function(a) {
a.visible() ? a.fa().removeAttribute("visibility") : this.Rb(a.fa(), "visibility", "hidden")
$.f.Tz = function(a) {
var b = a.ud;
b && !$.Eb(b) ? this.Rb(a.fa(), "transform", b.toString()) : a.fa().removeAttribute("transform")
$.f.m1 = function(a) {
var b = a.ud;
b && !$.Eb(b) ? this.Rb(a.fa(), "patternTransform", b.toString()) : a.fa().removeAttribute("patternTransform")
$.f.l1 = wi.prototype.Tz;
$.f.i1 = wi.prototype.Tz;
$.f.k1 = wi.prototype.Tz;
$.f.p1 = wi.prototype.Tz;
$.f.f1 = wi.prototype.Tz;
$.f.KM = function(a, b, c) {
$.dh(this, a, {
width: b,
height: c
$.f.jO = function(a, b) {
var c = a.fa();
c && (null != b ? (a.Hv || (a.Hv = xi("title"), this.Rb(a.Hv, "aria-label", "")), $.df(a.Hv) || $.We(c, a.Hv, 0), a.Hv.innerHTML = b) : a.Hv && c.removeChild(a.Hv))
$.f.RT = function(a, b) {
var c = a.fa();
c && (null != b ? (a.fu || (a.fu = xi("desc"), this.Rb(a.fu, "aria-label", "")), $.df(a.fu) || $.We(c, a.fu, 0), a.fu.innerHTML = b) : a.fu && c.removeChild(a.fu))
$.f.e1 = function(a, b) {
var c = a.fa();
c && (b ? this.Rb(c, "vector-effect", "non-scaling-stroke") : c.removeAttribute("vector-effect"))
$.f.j1 = $.ha;
$.f.c1 = function(a) {
$.dh(this, a.fa(), {
cx: a.kq(),
cy: a.lq(),
r: a.rb()
$.f.ST = function(a) {
$.dh(this, a.fa(), {
cx: a.kq(),
cy: a.lq(),
ry: a.Uv()
$.f.WT = function(a) {
var b = $.fh(this, a, !1);
b ? this.Rb(a.fa(), "d", b) : this.Rb(a.fa(), "d", "M 0,0")
$.f.OX = function(a) {
for (var b = a.elements, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c].fa() && Fi(b[c]), b[c].clip(null);
a =;
if (a = $.Ae(window.document, a)) $.Xe($.bf(a)), $.Xe(a)
$.f.PT = function(a) {
var b = a.clip();
if (b) {
var c;
$.L(b, $.zg) && (c =;
if (!c) {
c = a.Ea().ep;
var d = gj(c, b),
e = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), d, "clip");
$.df(d) != c.fa() && (this.Rb(d, "clip-rule", "nonzero"), $.eh(this, d, e));
$.Ag(b, a.Ea());;
b = b.shape();;
if (b = b.fa()) d.appendChild(b), c.fa().appendChild(d);
c = e
d = Bi();
$.dh(this, a.fa(), {
"clip-path": "url(" + d + "#" + c + ")",
clipPathUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
} else Fi(a)
$.f.n1 = function(a) { ? this.Rb(a.fa(), "pointer-events", "none") : a.fa().removeAttribute("pointer-events")
var Iaa, Jaa, Kaa;
$.I($.Ii, $.sd);
$.Hi = "left";
Iaa = "middle";
Jaa = "right";
Kaa = "none";
$.Ii.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
$.Ii.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
$.Ii.prototype.g = function() {
$.Ii.prototype.j = function() {
return this.kk.j()
var wA = $.Ii.prototype;
wA.stopPropagation = wA.stopPropagation;
wA.stopWrapperPropagation = wA.g;
wA.preventDefault = wA.preventDefault;
$.Ji = $.ea;
$.I($.Mi, $.qd);
$.f = $.Mi.prototype;
$.f.Cn = !1;
$.f.nD = null;
$ = function() {
return this.Fd || (this.Fd = dc($.cc.Ic(), this))
$ = function() {
return "linear-gradient"
$.f.Hc = function() {
$.f.W = function() {
this.nD && (this.nD.A0(this), this.nD = null);
this.transform = this.Jb = null;
delete this.keys;
this.mode = !1;
var xA = $.Mi.prototype;
xA.dispose = xA.Hc;
$.I($.Oi, $.qd);
$.f = $.Oi.prototype;
$.f.Cn = !1;
$.f.oD = null;
$ = function() {
return this.Fd || (this.Fd = dc($.cc.Ic(), this))
$ = function() {
return "radial-gradient"
$.f.Hc = function() {
$.f.W = function() {
this.oD && (this.oD.B0(this), this.oD = null);
this.transform = this.Jb = null;
delete this.keys;
var yA = $.Oi.prototype;
yA.dispose = yA.Hc;
$.I($.Si, $.qd);
$.f = $.Si.prototype;
$.f.Ed = null;
$.f.fa = function() {
return this.Ed
$ = function() {
this.Ed = $.gg().DP()
$.f.clear = function() {
$.f.A0 = function(a) {
var b = $.Ni(a.keys, a.opacity, a.angle, a.mode, a.transform);
$.Pc(this.g, b) && $.Tc(this.g, b);
a = $.Ae(window.document,;
$.f.B0 = function(a) {
var b = $.Pi(a.keys, a.rc, a.oc,, a.j, a.opacity, a.Jb, a.transform);
$.Pc(this.G, b) && $.Tc(this.G, b);
a = $.Ae(window.document,;
$ = function() {;
var a = this.R.fa(),
b = this.fa();
$.f.fb = function(a) {
return this
$.f.removeChild = function(a) {
return a
$.f.Zf = function() {
return null
$.f.NG = $.ha;
$.f.Ea = function() {
return this.R
$.f.Eb = $.ha;
$.f.W = function() {
this.Ed = null;
$.Jc(this.g, function(a) {
$.Jc(this.G, function(a) {
$.Jc(this.b, function(a) {
$.Jc(this.D, function(a) {
this.D = this.b = this.G = this.g = null;
delete this.R
$.I($.cj, $.of);
var bA = 1;
$.f = $.cj.prototype;
$ = window.NaN;
$.f.Jc = window.NaN;
$.f.eK = window.NaN;
$.f.dK = window.NaN;
$.f.nJ = window.NaN;
$.f.lJ = window.NaN;
$.f.CL = 100;
$.f.OA = window.NaN;
$.f.ur = 0;
$.cj.prototype.pathToRadialGradientImage = "RadialGradient.png";
$.f = $.cj.prototype;
$.f.Fd = void 0;
$.f.tH = 1;
$.f.kd = null;
$.f.Hv = null;
$.f.Iv = void 0;
$.f.fu = null;
$ = void 0;
$.f.dP = !1;
$.f.Vu = !1;
$ = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) return a = a || "", this.Fd != a && (this.Fd = a, $.eh($.gg(), this.Ed, this.Fd)), this;
$.n(this.Fd) ||$.cc.Ic(), this));
return this.Fd
$.f.Ea = function() {
return this
$.f.parent = function() {
return this
$.f.fa = function() {
return this.Ed
$.f.width = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ($i(this, a) &&!0), this) : || 0
$.f.height = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (aj(this, a) &&!0), this) : this.Jc || 0
$.f.resize = function(a, b) {
var c = $i(this, a),
d = aj(this, b);
(c || d) &&!0)
$.f.fda = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = (0, window.parseFloat)(a), 0 <= a && (this.CL > a && !(0, window.isNaN)(this.OA) && (0, window.clearTimeout)(this.OA), this.CL = a,!0)), this) : this.CL
$.f.U = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.Ae(window.document, a || null), this.kd != a && (this.kd = a, bj(this),!0),, this) : this.kd ? : null
$.f.Paa = function() {
return this.kd
$.f.yl = function() {
$.f.suspend = function() {
return this
$.f.resume = function(a) {
this.tH = a ? 0 : Math.max(this.tH - 1, 0);;
return this
$.f.y9 = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.dP = !!a, this) : this.dP
$.f.Se = function() {
return !!this.tH
$.f.gL = function() {
return this.Vu
$.f.title = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Iv != a && (this.Iv = a, $.gg().jO(this, this.Iv)), this) : this.Iv
$.f.YP = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ( != a && ( = a, $.gg().RT(this,, this) :
$.f.visible = function(a) {
if (0 == arguments.length) return this.Ya.visible();
return this
$ = function(a) {
if (0 == arguments.length) return this.J();
var b = a.type;
if (b) switch (b) {
case "rect":
var c = this.rect();
case "circle":
c =;
case "ellipse":
c = this.ellipse();
case "image":
c = this.Rc();
case "text":
c = this.text();
case "path":
c = this.path();
case "layer":
c = this.He();
c = null
} else this.Md(a);
c && c.Md(a);
return this
$.f.remove = function() {
return this.U(null)
$.f.Bl = function() {
return 0
$.f.Ty = function() {
return 0
$.f.hb = function() {
return new $.K(0, 0, this.width(), this.height())
$.f.clip = function(a) {
return this.Ya.clip(a)
$.f.kK = function() {
return this.cX
$.f.fullScreen = function(a) {
var b = this.yl();
if ($.n(a)) return b && this.bG() && (a = !!a, this.fullScreen() != a && (a ? b.mozRequestFullScreenWithKeys ? b.mozRequestFullScreenWithKeys() : b.webkitRequestFullscreen ? b.webkitRequestFullscreen() : b.webkitRequestFullscreen ? b.webkitRequestFullscreen() : b.mozRequestFullScreen ? b.mozRequestFullScreen() : b.msRequestFullscreen ? b.msRequestFullscreen() : b.requestFullscreen && b.requestFullscreen() : (b = $.ze().b, b.webkitCancelFullScreen ? b.webkitCancelFullScreen() : b.mozCancelFullScreen ?
b.mozCancelFullScreen() : b.msExitFullscreen ? b.msExitFullscreen() : b.exitFullscreen && b.exitFullscreen()))), this;
if (!(a = !b)) {
a: {
a = $.ze().b;
a = [a.webkitFullscreenElement, a.mozFullScreenElement, a.msFullscreenElement, a.fullscreenElement];
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (null != a[c]) {
a = a[c];
break a
a = null
a = a != b
return !a
$.f.bG = function() {
return Yi()
$ = function() {
return "stage"
$.f.Al = function() {
return this.Ya
$.f.NG = function(a) {
$.f.dE = $.ha;
$ = function(a, b) {
a && !(0, window.isNaN)(this.OA) && (0, window.clearTimeout)(this.OA);
this.OA = window.NaN;
var c = (0, window.isNaN)(this.eK);
var d = (0, window.isNaN)(this.dK);
var e = c || d;
if (e) {
var g = this.fullScreen() ? $.Rf( : this.kd ? $.Rf(this.kd) : new $.sb(window.NaN, window.NaN);
g.width = Math.max(g.width || 0, 0);
g.height = Math.max(g.height || 0, 0);
var h = !g.width && !g.height;
c = c ? g.width : this.eK;
d = d ? g.height : this.dK
} else c = this.eK, d = this.dK, h = !1;
c == && d == this.Jc || h || ( = c, this.Jc = d, b || this.dispatchEvent("stageresize"));
this.kd && e && !$.ea.acgraph.isNodeJS && (this.OA = (0, window.setTimeout)(, this.CL))
$.f.e$ = function() {
$.f.Md = function(a) {
a.type = "layer";
"id" in a &&
$.f.J = function() {
var a = this.Al().J();
this.Fd && ( = this.Fd);
a.width = this.nJ;
a.height = this.lJ;
delete a.type;
return a
$.f.uV = function(a) {
this.ur += a;
return a
$.f.U5 = function(a) {
a = Math.min(500 - this.ur, a);
this.ur += a;
return a
$.f.qD = $.cj.prototype.uV;
$ = function() {
if (!this.tH && this.kd && !this.Vu)
if (this.Vu = !0, this.dispatchEvent("renderstart"), this.ur = 0, this.dP) this.qD = this.U5, (0, window.setTimeout)(this.rM, 0);
else {
this.qD = this.uV;
if (this.Gq()) throw $.nd(6);
$.f.rM = function() {
this.Gq() ? (0, window.setTimeout)(this.rM, 0) : ej(this)
$.f.hj = function() {
if (this.iw && this.iw.length) {
for (var a = 0; a < this.iw.length; a++) {
var b = this.iw[a];
b.Gq() &&
this.iw.length = 0
this.Ya.Gq() &&;
this.Rn && this.Rn().mc()
$.f.Eb = function() {};
$.f.Gq = function() {
return this.Ya.Gq()
$.f.Xe = function(a) {
return this.Ya.Xe(a)
$.f.He = $.Cg.prototype.He;
$.f.vN = $.Cg.prototype.vN;
$.f.text = $.Cg.prototype.text;
$.f.YK = $.Cg.prototype.YK;
$.f.rect = $.Cg.prototype.rect;
$.f.Rc = $.Cg.prototype.Rc;
$.f.xM = $.Cg.prototype.xM;
$.f.wM = $.Cg.prototype.wM;
$.f.tN = $.Cg.prototype.tN;
$ = $;
$.f.ellipse = $.Cg.prototype.ellipse;
$.f.path = $.Cg.prototype.path;
$.f.YM = $.Cg.prototype.YM;
$.f.$M = $.Cg.prototype.$M;
$.f.aN = $.Cg.prototype.aN;
$.f.bN = $.Cg.prototype.bN;
$.f.cN = $.Cg.prototype.cN;
$.f.ZM = $.Cg.prototype.ZM;
$.f.sN = $.Cg.prototype.sN;
$.f.pN = $.Cg.prototype.pN;
$.f.rN = $.Cg.prototype.rN;
$.f.qN = $.Cg.prototype.qN;
$.f.CJ = $.Cg.prototype.CJ;
$.f.jJ = $.Cg.prototype.jJ;
$.f.BJ = $.Cg.prototype.BJ;
$.f.PK = $.Cg.prototype.PK;
$.f.BN = $.Cg.prototype.BN;
$.f.Kf = $.Cg.prototype.Kf;
$.f.HJ = $.Cg.prototype.HJ;
$.f.oX = function(a, b, c, d) {
return new $.zg(this, a, b, c, d)
$.f.pattern = function(a) {
return new $.Ub(a)
$.f.oi = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $b(a, b, c, d)
$.f.ic = function() {
return this.Ya.ic()
$.f.fb = function(a) {
return this
$ = function(a, b) {, b);
return this
$.f.Yc = function(a) {
return this.Ya.Yc(a)
$.f.removeChild = function(a) {
return this.Ya.removeChild(a)
$.f.gj = function(a) {
return this.Ya.gj(a)
$.f.Ki = function() {
return this.Ya.Ki()
$.f.SK = function(a) {
return this.Ya.SK(a)
$.f.Re = function(a) {
return this.Ya.Re(a)
$.f.iN = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.iN(a, b);
return this
$.f.uH = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.uH(a, b);
return this
$.f.Wf = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.Wf(a, b);
return this
$.f.rotate = function(a, b, c) {
this.Ya.rotate(a, b, c);
return this
$.f.vt = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.vt(a, b);
return this
$.f.Rz = function(a, b, c) {
this.Ya.Rz(a, b, c);
return this
$.f.dH = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.dH(a, b);
return this
$.f.translate = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.translate(a, b);
return this
$.f.setPosition = function(a, b) {
this.Ya.setPosition(a, b);
return this
$.f.scale = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.Ya.scale(a, b, c, d);
return this
$.f.CM = function(a, b, c) {
this.Ya.CM(a, b, c);
return this
$.f.PD = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.Ya.PD(a, b, c, d, e, g);
return this
$ = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {, b, c, d, e, g);
return this
$.f.FB = function() {
return this.Ya.FB()
$.f.yF = function() {
return this.Ya.yF()
$.f.Zf = function() {
return null
$.f.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
$.y(a) ? a = a.toLowerCase() : "type" in a && (a.type = String(a.type).toLowerCase());
return $, a)
$ = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Ae = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Cc = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Dj = function(a) {
$.n(a) && (a = String(a).toLowerCase());
return $, a)
$.f.Iu = function(a) {
var b = new $.Ii(a, this);
if ($.L(, $.cg)) {;
var c = b.type;
b.R && a.preventDefault();
$.L(b.relatedTarget, $.cg) && b.relatedTarget.Ea() == this || ("mouseover" == c ?, "mousemove", this.Iu, !1) : "mouseout" == c && this.Af.Cc(window.document, "mousemove", this.Iu, !1));
switch (c) {
case "mousedown":, "mouseup", this.Iu, !1);
case "mouseup":
this.Af.Cc(window.document, "mouseup", this.Iu, !1);
case "touchstart":,
"touchmove", this.Iu, {
capture: !1,
passive: !1
case "touchend":
this.Af.Cc(window.document, "touchmove", this.Iu, {
capture: !1,
passive: !1
case "pointerdown":, "pointermove", this.Iu, !1);
case "pointerup":
this.Af.Cc(window.document, "pointermove", this.Iu, !1)
$.f.Hc = function() {
$.f.W = function() {
$.Jc(this.cX, function(a, c, d) {
delete d[a]
this.Af = null;
delete this.ep;
delete this.Ya;
var a = $.ec($.cc.Ic(), this, "stage");
delete $.ea.acgraph.XM[a];
this.kd = null;
this.Ed = null;
this.Sn && (this.Sn.Hc(), this.Sn = null)
var Y = $.cj.prototype;
$.H("acgraph.vector.Stage", $.cj); =;
Y.container = Y.U;
Y.getContainerElement = Y.Paa;
Y.getDomWrapper = Y.yl;
Y.maxResizeDelay = Y.fda;
Y.dispose = Y.Hc;
Y.getBounds = Y.hb;
Y.layer = Y.He;
Y.unmanagedLayer = Y.vN; =;
Y.ellipse = Y.ellipse;
Y.rect = Y.rect;
Y.truncatedRect = Y.tN;
Y.roundedRect = Y.xM;
Y.roundedInnerRect = Y.wM;
Y.path = Y.path; = Y.YM;
Y.star4 = Y.$M;
Y.star5 = Y.aN;
Y.star6 = Y.bN;
Y.star7 = Y.cN;
Y.star10 = Y.ZM;
Y.diamond = Y.CJ;
Y.triangleUp = Y.sN;
Y.triangleDown = Y.pN;
Y.triangleRight = Y.rN;
Y.triangleLeft = Y.qN;
Y.cross = Y.jJ;
Y.diagonalCross = Y.BJ;
Y.hLine = Y.PK;
Y.vLine = Y.BN;
Y.pie = Y.Kf;
Y.donut = Y.HJ;
Y.text = Y.text;
Y.html = Y.YK;
Y.image = Y.Rc; =;
Y.pattern = Y.pattern;
Y.hatchFill = Y.oi;
Y.clearDefs = Y.e$;
Y.numChildren = Y.ic;
Y.addChild = Y.fb;
Y.addChildAt =;
Y.removeChild = Y.removeChild;
Y.removeChildAt = Y.gj;
Y.removeChildren = Y.Ki;
Y.swapChildren = Y.iN;
Y.swapChildrenAt = Y.uH;
Y.getChildAt = Y.Yc;
Y.hasChild = Y.SK;
Y.forEachChild = Y.Wf;
Y.indexOfChild = Y.Re;
Y.getX = Y.Bl;
Y.getY = Y.Ty;
Y.width = Y.width;
Y.height = Y.height;
Y.getBounds = Y.hb;
Y.resize = Y.resize;
Y.asyncMode = Y.y9;
Y.resume = Y.resume;
Y.suspend = Y.suspend;
Y.isRendering = Y.gL;
Y.isSuspended = Y.Se;
Y.remove = Y.remove;
Y.domElement = Y.fa;
Y.visible = Y.visible;
Y.rotate = Y.rotate;
Y.rotateByAnchor = Y.vt;
Y.setRotation = Y.Rz;
Y.setRotationByAnchor = Y.dH;
Y.translate = Y.translate;
Y.setPosition = Y.setPosition;
Y.scale = Y.scale;
Y.scaleByAnchor = Y.CM;
Y.appendTransformationMatrix = Y.PD;
Y.setTransformationMatrix =;
Y.getRotationAngle = Y.FB;
Y.getTransformationMatrix = Y.yF;
Y.clip = Y.clip;
Y.createClip = Y.oX;
Y.parent = Y.parent;
Y.getStage = Y.Ea;
Y.listen =;
Y.listenOnce = Y.Ae;
Y.unlisten = Y.Cc;
Y.unlistenByKey = Y.Dt;
Y.removeAllListeners = Y.Dj;
Y.title = Y.title;
Y.desc = Y.YP;
Y.getCharts = Y.kK;
Y.fullScreen = Y.fullScreen;
Y.isFullScreenAvailable = Y.bG;
$.I(fj, $.Si);
fj.prototype.clear = function() {
fj.prototype.W = function() {;
for (var a in this.j) delete this.j[a];
delete this.j
$.I(hj, $.cj);
hj.prototype.pX = function() {
return new fj(this)
var lj;
lj = {};
$.oj = null;
$.oj = $.ld && !$.gd("9") ? "vml" : "svg";
$.ea.acgraph = $.ea.acgraph || {};
$.ea.acgraph.fontSize = "10px";
$.ea.acgraph.fontColor = "#000";
$.ea.acgraph.textDirection = "ltr";
$.ea.acgraph.fontFamily = "Verdana";
var yj = void 0;
$.H("acgraph.create", $.pj);
$.H("acgraph.getStage", function(a) {
return $.ea.acgraph.XM[a]
$.H("acgraph.type", function() {
return $.oj
$.H("acgraph.rect", $.qj);
$.H("", $.rj);
$.H("acgraph.ellipse", $.tj);
$.H("acgraph.path", $.uj);
$.H("acgraph.text", $.wj);
$.H("acgraph.layer", $.sj);
$.H("acgraph.image", vj);
$.H("acgraph.hatchFill", $b);
$.H("acgraph.patternFill", $.Vb);
$.H("acgraph.clip", $.xj);
$.H("acgraph.useAbsoluteReferences", function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) zj = a;
else return !!Bi()
$.H("acgraph.updateReferences", function() {
var a = yj;
yj = void 0;
if ($.n(a) && Bi() != a) {
var b = $.gg(),
for (c in lj)
if (lj.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
a = lj[c];
var d = a.Ea();
d && ($.L(a, $.cg) && (d.Se() ? a.Eb(512) : a.Xe(512) || b.PT(a)), $.L(a, $.jg) && (d.Se() ? a.Eb(24) : (a.Xe(8) || Di(b, a), a.Xe(16) || Ei(b, a))))
var zA, zo;
$.mk = $.ea;
$.vo = $.mk.document;
$.H("anychart.VERSION", "");
$.H("anychart.DEVELOP", !1);
$.H("anychart.DEFAULT_THEME", "defaultTheme");
var Laa, Maa, Naa, Oaa, Paa, Vca, Qaa, Raa, Wca, Saa, Xca, Taa, Oj, Uaa, Vaa, Waa, Xaa, Yca, Yaa, Zca, Zaa, BA, $aa, $ca, ada, Or, bda, cda, aba, cba, dba, eba, fba, gba, hba, iba, dda, eda, fda, Vba, gda, DA, qs, EA;
Laa = {
Wha: "by-spot",
Yha: "by-x",
k5: "single"
Maa = {
NONE: "none",
Yka: "single-select",
Mja: "multi-select",
Zia: "drill-down"
Naa = {
QU: "default",
Bia: "crosshair",
tka: "pointer",
Kja: "move",
kla: "text",
Ala: "wait",
uja: "help",
Uja: "n-resize",
Qja: "ne-resize",
fja: "e-resize",
Xka: "se-resize",
ila: "s-resize",
hla: "sw-resize",
Ela: "w-resize",
Tja: "nw-resize",
Rja: "ns-resize",
bja: "ew-resize",
Sja: "nwse-resize",
Pja: "nesw-resize"
Oaa = {
e4: "left-top",
d4: "left-center",
c4: "left-bottom",
M2: "center-top",
Qx: "center",
L2: "center-bottom",
B4: "right-top",
A4: "right-center",
z4: "right-bottom",
u2: "auto"
Paa = {
e4: "left-top",
d4: "left-center",
c4: "left-bottom",
M2: "center-top",
Qx: "center",
L2: "center-bottom",
B4: "right-top",
A4: "right-center",
z4: "right-bottom"
Vca = {
Rha: "before-axes",
zha: "after-axes"
Qaa = {
Qx: "center",
VN: "left",
ZN: "right",
fO: "top",
LN: "bottom"
Raa = {
oV: "vertical",
VU: "horizontal"
Wca = {
oV: "vertical",
VU: "horizontal",
yla: "vertical-expandable",
xja: "horizontal-expandable"
Saa = {
VN: "left",
ZN: "right",
fO: "top",
LN: "bottom"
Xca = {
TN: "inside",
YU: "outside"
Taa = {
Iha: "asc",
Sia: "desc",
NONE: "none"
Oj = {
ON: "circle",
m5: "square",
k3: "diamond",
z5: "triangle-up",
y5: "triangle-down",
pla: "triangle-right",
ola: "triangle-left",
O2: "cross",
RU: "diagonal-cross",
o5: "star4",
p5: "star5",
q5: "star6",
r5: "star7",
n5: "star10",
s4: "pentagon",
w5: "trapezium",
ps: "line",
B5: "v-line",
t2: "arrowhead",
Hha: "arrow-up",
Gha: "arrow-right",
Eha: "arrow-down",
Fha: "arrow-left"
Uaa = {
ON: "circle",
x4: "rect",
qka: "pin",
mja: "flag"
Vaa = {
vla: "up",
Yia: "down",
u2: "auto"
Waa = {
Kka: "series",
Rka: "series-positive",
Qka: "series-negative",
ZERO: "zero",
Oha: "axis"
Xaa = {
r4: "no-overlap",
s2: "allow-overlap",
Kha: "auto-width"
Yca = {
NONE: "none",
Eka: "round",
Dia: "cut",
Fka: "round-inner"
Yaa = {
sA: "area",
gD: "bar",
NN: "bubble",
PU: "candlestick",
hD: "column",
ps: "line",
XU: "ohlc",
$U: "range-area",
aV: "range-bar",
YN: "range-column",
bV: "range-spline-area",
cV: "range-step-area",
eV: "spline",
fV: "spline-area",
mV: "step-line",
lV: "step-area",
ON: "circle",
m5: "square",
z5: "triangle-up",
y5: "triangle-down",
k3: "diamond",
O2: "cross",
RU: "diagonal-cross",
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QU: "default",
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ula: "unit",
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FLOAT: "float",
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ria: "chart"
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FLOAT: "float",
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X4: "seriesXMode",
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c5: "seriesYMax",
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f5: "seriesYMode",
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g5: "seriesYRangeMax",
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h5: "seriesYRangeMin",
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i5: "seriesYRangeSum",
j5: "seriesYSum",
gla: "sum",
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t4: "percentValue",
I5: "xPercentOfSeries",
J5: "xPercentOfTotal",
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M5: "yPercentOfSeries",
N5: "yPercentOfTotal",
O5: "yValue",
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Fla: "xScalesMax",
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qia: "catYSumArr_",
fia: "catYMinArr_",
cia: "catYMaxArr_",
aia: "catYAvgArr_",
dia: "catYMedianArr_",
gia: "catYModeArr_",
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mia: "catYRangeMinArr_",
jia: "catYRangeMaxArr_",
iia: "catYRangeAvgArr_",
lia: "catYRangeMedianArr_",
oia: "catYRangeModeArr_"
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Qia: "data-table"
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$.I(rk, $.qd);
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FA = !1,
nk = 1,
ok = 2,
pk = 4,
qk = 8;
$.f = rk.prototype;
$ = function() {
return !
$.f.O = function(a) {
return !!( & a)
$.f.N = function(a) { &= ~a
$.f.B = function(a, b) {
var c = a &; |= c;
!this.Ld && !this.g.Se() && c && b &&
$.f.enabled = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.od != a && (this.od = a, (this.Xu() || this.K) && this.B(nk, !0)), this) : this.od
$.f.text = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.qc != a && (this.qc = a, this.Xu() && this.B(pk, !0)), this) : this.qc
$.f.jI = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ( != a && ( = a, this.Xu() && this.B(ok, !0)), this) :
$.f.hI = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Y != a && (this.Y = a, this.Xu() && this.B(ok, !0)), this) : this.Y
$.f.iI = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.X != a && (this.X = a, this.Xu() && this.B(ok, !0)), this) : this.X
$.f.CD = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? ( != a && ( = a, this.Xu() && this.B(qk, !0)), this) :
$.f.Ea = function() {
return this.g
$.f.fa = function() {
return this.Ed
$ = function() {
var a = this.Xu();
a && $.n( && ! && this.B(nk, !1); = a;
if ( || this.Ld || !this.g || this.g.Se()) return this;
if (!this.enabled() && (this.K || a)) return this.O(nk) && ($.Xe(this.Ed), this.N(nk)), this;
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FA = !0
this.Ed || (this.Ed = $.Pe("DIV", "anychart-credits"));
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this.O(nk) && (b && b.appendChild(this.Ed), this.N(nk));
this.O(ok) && (b = $.ic.apply(null, [", v%s.%s.%s.%s"].concat(["8", "2", "1", "1853"])), c = a ? this.hI() : "AnyChart - JavaScript Charts designed to be embedded and integrated{{anychart-version}}",
$.Ge(this.j, {
href: a ? this.jI() : "",
title: c.replace("{{anychart-version}}", b),
target: "_blank"
}), $.Ge(this.b, {
alt: a ? this.iI() : "AnyChart - JavaScript Charts"
}), this.N(ok));
this.O(pk) && (a = a ? this.text() : "AnyChart Trial Version", $.ff(this.G, a), this.N(pk));
if (this.O(qk)) {
if (a = this.Xu() ? this.CD() : sk()) {
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} else $.Xe(this.b);
return this
$.f.Xu = function() {
return Co() || this.ka
$.f.aW = function(a) {
var b = this.R; == b && (this.Ld || (this.Xu() ? this.CD() : sk()) != b || this.b.parentNode || $.We(this.j, this.b, 0), $.Ge(this.b, {
src: b
}), this.D = !1)
$.f.R_ = function(a) { == this.R && (this.D = !1)
$.f.S_ = function(a) { == this.R && $.Xe(this.b)
$.f.P = function(a) {
$.y(a) ? (this.text(a), this.enabled(!0)) : $.da(a) || null === a ? this.enabled(!!a) : $.F(a) && (this.jI(a.url), this.text(a.text), this.hI(a.alt), this.iI(a.imgAlt), this.CD(a.logoSrc), this.enabled(a.enabled));
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var a = {};
a.url = this.jI();
a.alt = this.hI();
a.imgAlt = this.iI();
a.text = this.text();
a.logoSrc = this.CD();
a.enabled = this.enabled();
return a
$.f.W = function() {
var a = $.gg(); && ! && (a = gh($.gg()), $.Od(a, "load", this.aW, !1, this), $.Od(a, "complete", this.R_, !1, this), $.Od(a, "error", this.S_, !1, this));
this.g = this.Ed = this.j = this.b = this.G = null;
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GA.url = GA.jI;
GA.alt = GA.hI;
GA.imgAlt = GA.iI;
GA.logoSrc = GA.CD;
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var mba, nba;
mba = /#(.)(.)(.)/;
$.uk = /^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
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$.al = {
color: "#fff",
opacity: 1E-5
oba = /^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
pba = /^(?:rgb)?\((0|[1-9]\d{0,2}),\s?(0|[1-9]\d{0,2}),\s?(0|[1-9]\d{0,2})\)$/i;
Xk = {};
$.H("anychart.color.blend", $.Kk);
$.H("anychart.color.lighten", $.Pk);
$.H("anychart.color.darken", $.Qk);
$.H("anychart.color.setThickness", $.Vk);
$.H("anychart.color.setOpacity", $.Uk);
$.H("anychart.color.singleHueProgression", Mk);
$.H("anychart.color.bipolarHueProgression", function(a, b, c) {
c = $.n(c) ? c : 7;
a = Mk(a || "blue", Math.floor(c / 2) + 1, null, 1);
b = Mk(b || "red", Math.floor(c / 2) + 1, 1);
0 == c % 2 && $.Ga(a, a.length - 1, 1);
$.Ga(b, 0, 1);
return a.concat(b)
$.H("anychart.color.blendedHueProgression", $.Nk);
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["", "defaultQuarterSettings."], "defaultLabelSettings"
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["chart", ["", ".defaultAnnotationSettings.label", [
["", ".defaultQuarterSettings"], ".defaultLabelSettings"
["stock.", [
["defaultPlotSettings", "scroller"], ".xAxis"
["resource.", ["grid", "timeLine", "resourceList"]],
["standalones", ["", ".label", ".resourceList"]]
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["minorL", "l"], "abels"
["Timeline.", ["header", "labels"]], "DataGrid.defaultColumnSettings.labels"
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["l", "minorL"], "abels"
["pert.milestones", ["resource.", ["activities", "conflicts"]]], ".labels"
["pert.tasks.", [
["upper", "lower"], "Labels"
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["venn", "pieFunnelPyramidBase", "sunburst", [
["heat", "tree"], "Map"
["chart.defaultAnnotation", "linearGauge.defaultPointer", [
["chart", "map"], ".defaultSeries"
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["venn", "pieFunnelPyramidBase", [
["heat", "tree"], "Map"
["chart.defaultAnnotation", [
["chart", "map"], ".defaultSeries"
]], "Settings.base"
], ".normal.markers"
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["default", ["Tooltip", "Axis", "Legend", "DataGrid.defaultColumnSettings"]],
["chart", ["", ".defaultQuarterSettings"]],
"standalones", "map.axesSettings"
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["Tooltip.s", "Legend.titleS"], "eparator"
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["default", ["Legend", "DataGrid", "Timeline"]], "chart", "pieFunnelPyramidBase", ["pert.", ["milestones", "tasks"]], "stock.eventMarkers"
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["chart", "standalones"], ".legend"
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Cb: "palette",
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["chart", "stock.scroller", ["default", ["DataGrid", "Timeline"]]], ".palette"
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["chart", "stock.scroller"],
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["chart", "stock.defaultPlotSettings"], ".markerPalette"
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["defaultMinor", ["cartesianBase scatter polar radar heatMap stock.defaultPlotSettings".split(" "), ".default"]], "GridSettings"
], "map.gridsSettings", ["standalones.", [
["linear", "radar", "polar"], "Grid"
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["cartesianBase", "scatter", "polar", "radar", "stock.defaultPlotSettings"],
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Cb: "defaultLineMarkerSettings",
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["cartesianBase", "scatter", "mekko", "sparkline", "defaultTimeline"], ".defaultLineMarkerSettings"
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["cartesianBase", "scatter", "mekko", "sparkline", "defaultTimeline"], ".defaultTextMarkerSettings"
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[".default", ["X", "Y"]]
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["stock", "standalones"], ".scroller"
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["stock", ["", ".defaultPlotSettings"]],
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["circular", "linear"], "Gauge"
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["", "Spline", "Step"], "Area"
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["cartesianBase.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["a", "splineA", "stepA"], "rea"
["range", [
["", "Spline", "Step"], "Area"
}, {
Cb: "cartesianBase.defaultSeriesSettings.barLike",
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["cartesianBase.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["bar", "column", "box", ["range", ["Bar", "Column"]], "candlestick"]]
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Cb: "cartesianBase.defaultSeriesSettings.lineLike",
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["cartesianBase.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["", "sp"], "line"
["step", "jump"], "Line"
], "ohlc", "stick", "hilo"
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Cb: "cartesianBase",
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}, {
Cb: "waterfall.defaultSeriesSettings.barLike",
Bb: ["waterfall.defaultSeriesSettings.waterfall"]
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Cb: "cartesian3dBase.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["cartesian3dBase.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["bar", "column", "area", "line", "line2d"]]
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["area", "bar", "column", "line", "cartesian"], "3d"
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Cb: "area",
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["area", "line"], "3d"
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Cb: "mekko.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["mekko.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["mosaic", [
["", "bar"], "mekko"
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["scatter.defaultAnnotationSettings.", ["ray", "line", [
["infinite", "vertical", "horizontal"], "Line"
], "rectangle", "ellipse", "triangle", "trendChannel", "andrewsPitchfork", ["fibonacci", ["Fan", "Arc", "Retracement", "Timezones"]], "marker", "label"]]
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["scatter.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["bubble", "lineLike", "marker"]]
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Cb: "radar.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["radar.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["area", "line"], "Like"
], "marker"
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Cb: "radar.defaultSeriesSettings.areaLike",
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Cb: "radar.defaultSeriesSettings.lineLike",
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Cb: "polar.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["polar.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["area", "line", "bar"], "Like"
], "marker"
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Cb: "polar.defaultSeriesSettings.rangeLike",
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["polar.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["area", "polygon"]]
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Cb: "polar.defaultSeriesSettings.lineLike",
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["polar.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["", "poly"], "line"
}, {
Cb: "polar.defaultSeriesSettings.barLike",
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["polar.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["c", "rangeC"], "olumn"
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Cb: "chart.normal.labels",
Bb: ["sparkline.labels"]
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Cb: "chart.normal.markers",
Bb: ["sparkline.markers"]
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Cb: "chart.defaultSeriesSettings.base.normal",
Bb: ["sparkline.defaultSeriesSettings.base"]
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Cb: "chart.defaultSeriesSettings.area.normal",
Bb: ["sparkline.defaultSeriesSettings.area"]
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Cb: "chart.defaultSeriesSettings.line.normal",
Bb: ["sparkline.defaultSeriesSettings.line"]
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Cb: "chart.defaultSeriesSettings.column.normal",
Bb: ["sparkline.defaultSeriesSettings.column"]
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Cb: "sparkline.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["sparkline.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["area", "line", "column", "winLoss"]]
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Cb: "circularGauge.defaultPointerSettings.base",
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["circularGauge.defaultPointerSettings.", ["bar", "marker",
"needle", "knob"
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Cb: "map.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["map.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["choropleth", "bubble", "marker", "connector"]]
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["bubble", "marker", "seat"], "Map"
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Cb: "heatMap.defaultAnnotationSettings.base",
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["heatMap.defaultAnnotationSettings.", ["ray", "line", [
["infinite", "vertical", "horizontal"], "Line"
], "rectangle", "ellipse", "triangle", "trendChannel", "andrewsPitchfork", ["fibonacci", ["Fan", "Arc", "Retracement", "Timezones"]], "marker", "label"]]
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Cb: "stock.defaultAnnotationSettings.base",
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["stock.defaultAnnotationSettings.", ["ray", "line", [
["infinite", "vertical", "horizontal"], "Line"
], "rectangle", "ellipse", "triangle", "trendChannel", "andrewsPitchfork", ["fibonacci", ["Fan", "Arc", "Retracement", "Timezones"]], "marker", "label"]]
}, {
Cb: "stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
Bb: [
["stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["area", "bar", "line"], "Like"
], "marker"
}, {
Cb: "stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.rangeLike",
Bb: [
["stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["range", ["Column", [
["", "Spline", "Step"], "Area"
]]], "hilo"
}, {
Cb: "stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.areaLike",
Bb: [
["stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["a", "splineA", "stepA"], "rea"
["range", [
["", "Spline", "Step"], "Area"
}, {
Cb: "stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.barLike",
Bb: [
["stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["column", "rangeColumn", "candlestick"]]
}, {
Cb: "stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.lineLike",
Bb: [
["stock.defaultPlotSettings.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["", "sp"], "line"
["step", "jump"], "Line"
], "ohlc", "stick", "hilo"
}, {
Cb: "stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.base",
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["stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["area", "bar", "line"], "Like"
], "marker"
}, {
Cb: "stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.areaLike",
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["stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["a", "splineA", "stepA"], "rea"
["range", [
["", "Spline", "Step"], "Area"
}, {
Cb: "stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.barLike",
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["stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.", ["column", "rangeColumn", "candlestick"]]
}, {
Cb: "stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.lineLike",
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["stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["", "sp"], "line"
["step", "jump"], "Line"
], "ohlc", "stick", "hilo"
}, {
Cb: "stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.rangeLike",
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["stock.scroller.defaultSeriesSettings.", [
["range", ["Column", [
["", "Spline", "Step"], "Area"
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Cb: "defaultScrollBar",
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["default", ["DataGrid", "Timeline"]], "standalones.timeline"
[".horizontal", ".vertical"], "ScrollBar"
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Cb: "defaultDataGrid",
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["ganttBase", "standalones"], ".dataGrid"
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Cb: "defaultTimeline",
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["ganttBase.t", ["standalones.", ["projectT", "resourceT"]]], "imeline"
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Cb: "defaultTimeline.elements",
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["defaultTimeline.", ["tasks", "baselines", "milestones", "periods"]]
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Cb: "defaultTimeline.tasks",
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["defaultTimeline.", ["groupingTasks"]]
}, {
Cb: "ganttBase",
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["gantt", ["Resource", "Project"]]
}, {
Cb: "defaultGroupingSettings",
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["stock.", [
["g", "scrollerG"], "rouping"
}, {
Cb: "linearGauge.defaultPointerSettings.base",
Bb: [
["linearGauge.defaultPointerSettings.", "bar rangeBar marker tank thermometer led".split(" ")]
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Cb: "linearGauge",
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Cb: "standalones.resourceList.baseSettings",
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["names", "types", "descriptions", "tags"]
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Cb: "resource.resourceList.baseSettings",
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["names", "types", "descriptions", "tags"]
}, {
Cb: "chart.defaultQuarterSettings",
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["chart.quarters.", [
["right", "left"], "Top"
["right", "left"], "Bottom"
}, {
Cb: "mekko",
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Cb: "mekko.defaultAnnotationSettings.base",
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["mekko.defaultAnnotationSettings.", ["ray", "line", [
["infinite", "vertical", "horizontal"], "Line"
], "rectangle", "ellipse", "triangle", "trendChannel", "andrewsPitchfork", ["fibonacci", ["Fan", "Arc", "Retracement", "Timezones"]], "marker", "label"]]
}], IA = 0; IA < HA.length; IA++) HA[IA].Bb = gb(HA[IA].Bb);
for (var JA = {}, KA = 0; KA < HA.length; KA++)
for (var LA = HA[KA].Cb, MA = HA[KA].Bb, NA = 0; NA < MA.length; NA++) {
var OA = MA[NA],
PA = OA.split(".")[0],
QA = JA[PA];
QA || (JA[PA] = QA = {
yC: [],
SA: 0,
yG: 0
var RA = QA.yC[QA.yC.length - 1];
RA && RA.Cb == LA ? RA.Bb.push(OA) : QA.yC.push({
Cb: LA,
Bb: [OA]
var fl = JA,
El = 0,
wl = 1,
yl = 2,
xl = 3,
Fl = 4,
Gl = 5,
zl = 8,
pl = function() {
function a(a, d) {
for (var c = fb(a), g = 0; g < c.length; g++) b[c[g]] = d
var b = {
padding: zl,
margin: zl,
scale: 7,
palette: Fl,
fill: wl,
stroke: yl,
hatchFill: xl,
hatchFillPalette: Gl,
shapes: 9
["x", "y", "color"], "Scale"
], 7);
["range", "marker"], "Palette"
], Fl);
["negative", "first", "last", "max", "min", "rising", "falling", "background", "progress", "milestone", "parent", "connector", "odd", "even", "title", "slider", "cell", ["row", ["", "Odd", "Even", "Hover", "Selected"]],
["base", ["", "line"]],
["icon", ["", "Marker"]],
["drag", ["Preview", "Area"]],
["hover", ["", "Negative", "Rising", "Falling"]],
["select", " ed edElement Negative Rising Falling Marquee".split(" ")]
], "Fill"
], wl);
["negative", "first", "last", "max", "min", "rising", "falling", "icon", ["hover", ["", "Negative", "Rising", "Falling"]],
["select", ["", "ed", "Negative", "Rising", "Falling"]]
], "HatchFill"
], xl);
["column", "row", "connector", "median", "stem", "whisker", "negative", "high", "low", "rising", "falling", "progress", "milestone", "parent",
"slider", "background", [
["", "line"], "base"
["hover", " Median Stem Whisker Negative High Low Rising Falling".split(" ")],
["icon", ["", "Marker"]],
["drag", ["Preview", "Area"]],
["x", "value"], "Error"
["select", " ed edElement Low High Negative Rising Falling edRising edFalling Median Stem Whisker Marquee".split(" ")]
], "Stroke"
], yl);
return b
rl = {
"chart.chartLabels": "chart.defaultLabelSettings",
"chart.grids": "chart.defaultGridSettings",
"chart.minorGrids": "chart.defaultMinorGridSettings",
"chart.xAxes": "chart.defaultXAxisSettings",
"chart.yAxes": "chart.defaultYAxisSettings",
"chart.axes": "chart.defaultAxisSettings",
"chart.lineAxesMarkers": "chart.defaultLineMarkerSettings",
"chart.rangeAxesMarkers": "chart.defaultRangeMarkerSettings",
"chart.textAxesMarkers": "chart.defaultTextMarkerSettings",
"chart.ranges": "chart.defaultRangeSettings",
"gauge.bars": "gauge.defaultPointerSettings",
"gauge.markers": "gauge.defaultPointerSettings",
"gauge.needles": "gauge.defaultPointerSettings",
"gauge.knobs": "gauge.defaultPointerSettings",
"gauge.ranges": "gauge.defaultRangeSettings",
"gauge.axes": "gauge.defaultAxisSettings",
"gauge.scaleBars": "gauge.defaultScaleBarSettings",
"map.callouts": "map.defaultCalloutSettings",
"chart.quarters.rightTop.labels": "chart.defaultQuarterSettings.defaultLabelSettings",
"chart.quarters.leftTop.labels": "chart.defaultQuarterSettings.defaultLabelSettings",
"chart.quarters.leftBottom.labels": "chart.defaultQuarterSettings.defaultLabelSettings",
"chart.quarters.rightBottom.labels": "chart.defaultQuarterSettings.defaultLabelSettings"
tl = ["chart.scales", "gauge.scales"],
ul = {
"chart.series": {
AJ: "chart.defaultSeriesSettings",
uN: "seriesType"
"map.series": {
AJ: "map.defaultSeriesSettings",
uN: "seriesType"
"gauge.pointers": {
AJ: "gauge.defaultPointerSettings",
uN: "pointerType"
annotationsList: {
AJ: "defaultAnnotationSettings",
uN: "type"
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this.g = []
$.f.oT = function(a, b) {
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this.Ga = [];
this.g = []
$.f.qd = $.ha;
$.f.mI = function() {
this.g && this.g.length && this.qv()
$.I($.Il, $.qd);
$.f = $.Il.prototype;
$ = null;
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$ = window.NaN;
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return $.n(a) ? (this.Mz = a, this.YG = this.Mz.length - 1, this) : this.Mz
$.f.jE = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.oy = a, this.iE = this.oy.length - 1, this) : this.oy
$.f.RF = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.SF = !!a, this) : this.SF
$.f.TF = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Ru = !!a, this) : this.Ru
$.f.DD = function(a, b, c) { = b || new Hl;
c = !!c;
this.gc = a || "";
this.ty = a.length;
this.j = Jl(this.Mz);
this.g = Jl(this.oy); = 0;
this.bK = == this.ty;
this.b = this.SF ? this.Afa : this.m0;;
Nl(this) && (this.SF ? this.b = this.m0 :;
this.SF = !1;
if (c) this.iM();
else {
for (; Nl(this););;;
if ($.L(, Hl)) return
return null
$.f.iM = function() {
(0, window.clearTimeout)(this.pT);
for (var a = 0, b = Nl(this); b && 500 > a++;) {
if (this.Ld) return;;
b = Nl(this)
b &&;
this.Ld || (b ? (, this.pT = (0, window.setTimeout)(this.iM, 0)) :
$.f.m0 = function(a, b) {, b)
$.f.Afa = $.ha;
$.f.W = function() {
(0, window.clearTimeout)(this.pT);
this.g = this.j = = null;
var SA = $.Il.prototype;
$.H("", function() {
return new $.Il
SA.parse = SA.DD;
SA.rowsSeparator = SA.ZG;
SA.columnsSeparator = SA.jE;
SA.ignoreTrailingSpaces = SA.TF;
SA.ignoreFirstRow = SA.RF;
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left: this.left,
width: this.width,
height: this.height
$.H("anychart.math.rect", $.fm);
var TA = {
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WU: "JFMAMJJASOND".split(""),
gV: "JFMAMJJASOND".split(""),
WN: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
dO: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
$N: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
eO: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
hO: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
jV: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
bO: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
iV: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
m4: "SMTWTFS".split(""),
hV: "SMTWTFS".split(""),
aO: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"],
XN: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"],
KN: ["AM", "PM"],
iD: ["EEEE, MMMM d, y", "MMMM d, y", "MMM d, y", "M/d/yy"],
jD: ["h:mm:ss a zzzz", "h:mm:ss a z", "h:mm:ss a", "h:mm a"],
PN: ["{1} 'at' {0}", "{1} 'at' {0}", "{1}, {0}", "{1}, {0}"],
RN: 6,
C5: [5, 6],
SN: 5
Bm = TA;
Bm = TA;
var rba = /^(-)?P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)D)?(T(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)S)?)?$/;
$.nm.prototype.clone = function() {
return new $.nm(this.ik,, this.Ah,, this.Ji, this.Ig)
var hm = "y",
im = "m",
jm = "d",
km = "h",
lm = "n",
mm = "s";
$.nm.prototype.b = $.ba(3);
$.nm.prototype.add = function(a) {
this.ik += a.ik; +=;
this.Ah += a.Ah; +=;
this.Ji += a.Ji;
this.Ig += a.Ig
$.f = $.tm.prototype;
$.f.qB = Bm.RN;
$.f.rB = Bm.SN;
$.f.clone = function() {
var a = new $.tm(this.b);
a.qB = this.qB;
a.rB = this.rB;
return a
$.f.getFullYear = function() {
return this.b.getFullYear()
$.f.getMonth = function() {
return this.b.getMonth()
$.f.getDate = function() {
return this.b.getDate()
$.f.getTime = function() {
return this.b.getTime()
$.f.getDay = function() {
return this.b.getDay()
$.f.getUTCFullYear = function() {
return this.b.getUTCFullYear()
$.f.getUTCMonth = function() {
return this.b.getUTCMonth()
$.f.getUTCDate = function() {
return this.b.getUTCDate()
$.f.BK = function() {
return this.b.getDay()
$.f.getUTCHours = function() {
return this.b.getUTCHours()
$.f.getUTCMinutes = function() {
return this.b.getUTCMinutes()
$.f.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
return this.b.getTimezoneOffset()
$.f.set = function(a) {
this.b = new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate())
$.f.setFullYear = function(a) {
$.f.setMonth = function(a) {
$.f.setDate = function(a) {
$.f.setTime = function(a) {
$.f.nR = function(a) {
$.f.kba = function(a) {
$.f.jba = function(a) {
$.f.add = function(a) {
if (a.ik || {
var b = this.getMonth() + + 12 * a.ik,
c = this.getFullYear() + Math.floor(b / 12);
b %= 12;
0 > b && (b += 12);
var d = Math.min(gm(c, b), this.getDate());
a.Ah && (b = new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 12), a = new Date(b.getTime() + 864E5 * a.Ah), this.setDate(1), this.setFullYear(a.getFullYear()), this.setMonth(a.getMonth()), this.setDate(a.getDate()), rm(this, a.getDate()))
$.f.CK = function(a) {
return [this.getFullYear(), $.Bc(this.getMonth() + 1, 2), $.Bc(this.getDate(), 2)].join(a ? "-" : "")
$.f.yH = $.ba(5);
$.f.toString = function() {
return this.CK()
$.f.valueOf = function() {
return this.b.valueOf()
$.I($.um, $.tm);
$.f = $.um.prototype;
$.f.getHours = function() {
return this.b.getHours()
$.f.getMinutes = function() {
return this.b.getMinutes()
$.f.getSeconds = function() {
return this.b.getSeconds()
$.f.BK = function() {
return this.b.getUTCDay()
$.f.getUTCHours = function() {
return this.b.getUTCHours()
$.f.getUTCMinutes = function() {
return this.b.getUTCMinutes()
$.f.mR = function() {
return this.b.getUTCSeconds()
$.f.setHours = function(a) {
$.f.setMinutes = function(a) {
$.f.setSeconds = function(a) {
$.f.setMilliseconds = function(a) {
$.f.kZ = function(a) {
$.f.lZ = function(a) {
$.f.mZ = function(a) {
$.f.iba = function(a) {
$.f.add = function(a) {
$, a); && this.kZ(this.b.getUTCHours() +;
a.Ji && this.lZ(this.b.getUTCMinutes() + a.Ji);
a.Ig && this.mZ(this.b.getUTCSeconds() + a.Ig)
$.f.CK = function(a) {
var b = $, a);
return a ? b + " " + $.Bc(this.getHours(), 2) + ":" + $.Bc(this.getMinutes(), 2) + ":" + $.Bc(this.getSeconds(), 2) : b + "T" + $.Bc(this.getHours(), 2) + $.Bc(this.getMinutes(), 2) + $.Bc(this.getSeconds(), 2)
$.f.yH = $.ba(4);
$.f.toString = function() {
return this.CK()
$.f.clone = function() {
var a = new $.um(this.b);
a.qB = this.qB;
a.rB = this.rB;
return a
$.I($.vm, $.um);
$.f = $.vm.prototype;
$.f.clone = function() {
var a = new $.vm(this.b);
a.qB = this.qB;
a.rB = this.rB;
return a
$.f.add = function(a) {
(a.ik || && $, new $.nm(a.ik,;
this.b = new Date(this.b.getTime() + 1E3 * (a.Ig + 60 * (a.Ji + 60 * ( + 24 * a.Ah))))
$.f.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
return 0
$.f.getFullYear = $.um.prototype.getUTCFullYear;
$.f.getMonth = $.um.prototype.getUTCMonth;
$.f.getDate = $.um.prototype.getUTCDate;
$.f.getHours = $.um.prototype.getUTCHours;
$.f.getMinutes = $.um.prototype.getUTCMinutes;
$.f.getSeconds = $.um.prototype.mR;
$.f.getDay = $.um.prototype.BK;
$.f.setFullYear = $.um.prototype.nR;
$.f.setMonth = $.um.prototype.kba;
$.f.setDate = $.um.prototype.jba;
$.f.setHours = $.um.prototype.kZ;
$.f.setMinutes = $.um.prototype.lZ;
$.f.setSeconds = $.um.prototype.mZ;
$.f.setMilliseconds = $.um.prototype.iba;
var On = $.ld && sba();
var Gm = [/^'(?:[^']|'')*('|$)/, /^(?:G+|y+|M+|k+|S+|E+|a+|h+|K+|H+|c+|L+|Q+|d+|m+|s+|v+|V+|w+|z+|Z+)/, /^[^'GyMkSEahKHcLQdmsvVwzZ]+/];
$.Em.prototype.format = function(a, b) {
if (!a) throw Error("The date to format must be non-null.");
var c = b ? 6E4 * (a.getTimezoneOffset() - (b.g - Am(b, a))) : 0,
d = c ? new Date(a.getTime() + c) : a,
e = d;
b && d.getTimezoneOffset() != a.getTimezoneOffset() && (d = new Date(d.getTime() + 6E4 * (d.getTimezoneOffset() - a.getTimezoneOffset())), e = new Date(a.getTime() + (c + (0 < c ? -864E5 : 864E5))));
c = [];
for (var g = 0; g < this.g.length; ++g) {
var h = this.g[g].text;
1 == this.g[g].type ? c.push(uba(this, h, a, d, e, b)) : c.push(h)
return c.join("")
var tba = !1;
$.Jm.prototype.J = function(a) {
var b = [];
Lm(this, a, b);
return b.join("")
var Nm = {
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\",
"/": "\\/",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
"\t": "\\t",
"\x0B": "\\u000b"
xba = /\uffff/.test("ï¿¿") ? /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff]/g : /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/g;
var Um, zba, yba, Fba, Pn, Bo, Un, Tn, Wt, yu, Zn, $n;
$.Rm = 1;
$.Sm = 2;
$.Tm = 3;
Um = 4;
zba = 5;
yba = 6;
$.qn = "center-top right-top right-center right-bottom center-bottom left-bottom left-center left-top".split(" ");
Fba = /^[^<&"\n\r–]*$/;
Pn = "treat_as_array";
Bo = null;
Un = [45, 113, 99, 117, 108, 106, 110, 124, 109, 118, 35, 120, 99, 111, 91, 123, 85];
Tn = null;
Wt = {};
yu = {};
$.Wn = [{
yi: "year",
ke: 31536E6,
mr: !0
}, {
yi: "semester",
ke: 15768E6,
mr: !1
}, {
yi: "quarter",
ke: 7884E6,
mr: !1
}, {
yi: "month",
ke: 24192E5,
mr: !0
}, {
yi: "third-of-month",
ke: 876E6,
mr: !1
}, {
yi: "week",
ke: 6048E5,
mr: !1
}, {
yi: "day",
ke: 864E5,
mr: !0
}, {
yi: "hour",
ke: 36E5,
mr: !0
}, {
yi: "minute",
ke: 6E4,
mr: !0
}, {
yi: "second",
ke: 1E3,
mr: !0
}, {
yi: "millisecond",
ke: 1,
mr: !0
Zn = [1 + Math.cos((.4 - .5) * Math.PI), 1 + Math.cos((.8 - .5) * Math.PI), 1 + Math.cos(.7 * Math.PI), 1 + Math.cos(1.1 * Math.PI), 1 + Math.cos(1.5 * Math.PI)];
$n = [1 + Math.sin((.4 - .5) * Math.PI), 1 + Math.sin((.8 - .5) * Math.PI), 1 + Math.sin(.7 * Math.PI), 1 + Math.sin(1.1 * Math.PI), 1 + Math.sin(1.5 * Math.PI)];
$.H("anychart.utils.printUtilsBoolean", function() {
return Co()
$.H("anychart.utils.xml2json", $.Qn);
$.H("anychart.utils.json2xml", $.Sn);
$.H("anychart.utils.hideTooltips", function(a) {
for (var b in Wt)
if (Wt.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
var c = Wt[b];
c.Ld || c.Bd(a)
$.H("anychart.utils.htmlTableFromCsv", bo);
$.I($.ho, $.of);
$.f = $.ho.prototype;
$.f.Wb = null;
$.f.oL = null;
$.f.gS = null;
$.f.pL = null;
$.f.Eq = -1;
$ = -1;
$.f.uO = !1;
var UA = {
3: 13,
12: 144,
63232: 38,
63233: 40,
63234: 37,
63235: 39,
63236: 112,
63237: 113,
63238: 114,
63239: 115,
63240: 116,
63241: 117,
63242: 118,
63243: 119,
63244: 120,
63245: 121,
63246: 122,
63247: 123,
63248: 44,
63272: 46,
63273: 36,
63275: 35,
63276: 33,
63277: 34,
63289: 144,
63302: 45
VA = {
Up: 38,
Down: 40,
Left: 37,
Right: 39,
Enter: 13,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
"U+007F": 46,
Home: 36,
End: 35,
PageUp: 33,
PageDown: 34,
Insert: 45
ida = $.ld || $.eo || $.td && $.gd("525"),
WA = ud && $.kd;
$.f = $.ho.prototype;
$ = function(a) {
($.td || $.eo) && (17 == this.Eq && !a.ctrlKey || 18 == this.Eq && !a.altKey || ud && 91 == this.Eq && !a.metaKey) && this.AC(); - 1 == this.Eq && (a.ctrlKey && 17 != a.keyCode ? this.Eq = 17 : a.altKey && 18 != a.keyCode ? this.Eq = 18 : a.metaKey && 91 != a.keyCode && (this.Eq = 91));
ida && !Hba(a.keyCode, this.Eq, a.shiftKey, a.ctrlKey, a.altKey, a.metaKey) ? this.handleEvent(a) : ( = go(a.keyCode), WA && (this.uO = a.altKey))
$.f.AC = function() { = this.Eq = -1
$.f.Uba = function(a) {
this.uO = a.altKey
$.f.handleEvent = function(a) {
var b = a.Fi,
c = b.altKey;
if ($.ld && "keypress" == a.type) {
var d =;
var e = 13 != d && 27 != d ? b.keyCode : 0
} else($.td || $.eo) && "keypress" == a.type ? (d =, e = 0 <= b.charCode && 63232 > b.charCode && fo(d) ? b.charCode : 0) : $.vf && !$.td ? (d =, e = fo(d) ? b.keyCode : 0) : (d = b.keyCode ||, e = b.charCode || 0, WA && (c = this.uO), ud && 63 == e && 224 == d && (d = 191));
var g = d = go(d);
d ? 63232 <= d && d in UA ? g = UA[d] : 25 == d && a.shiftKey && (g = 9) : b.keyIdentifier && b.keyIdentifier in VA && (g = VA[b.keyIdentifier]);
a = g == this.Eq;
this.Eq =
b = new io(g, e, a, b);
b.altKey = c;
$ = function() {
return this.Wb
$.f.BF = function(a, b) {
this.pL && this.CF();
this.Wb = a;
this.oL = $.Ed(this.Wb, "keypress", this, b);
this.gS = $.Ed(this.Wb, "keydown",, b, this);
this.pL = $.Ed(this.Wb, "keyup", this.Uba, b, this)
$.f.CF = function() {
this.oL && ($.Pd(this.oL), $.Pd(this.gS), $.Pd(this.pL), this.pL = this.gS = this.oL = null);
this.Wb = null; = this.Eq = -1
$.f.W = function() {
$.I(io, $.vd);
var ko;
$.XA = $.mk.acgraph;
$.cj.prototype.Vv = !1;
$.cj.prototype.Rn = function(a) {
this.Sn || (this.Sn = new rk(this, this.Vv), this.Sn.P($.kl("stageCredits")));
return $.n(a) ? (this.Sn.P(a), this) : this.Sn
$.jo = 0;
ko = [];
$.qo = {};
$.ro = {};
$.to = {};
$.so = {};
$.mk.anychart = $.mk.anychart || {};
$.mk.anychart.fontSize = "13px";
$.mk.anychart.fontColor = "#7c868e";
$.mk.anychart.fontFamily = "'Verdana', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif";
$.mk.anychart.textDirection = "ltr";
var yo = !1,
Ao = null,
Fo = [],
Do = [],
Eo = [],
Ko = {};
$.H("", $.XA);
$.H("anychart.fromJson", $.uo);
$.H("anychart.fromXml", function(a) {
return $.uo($.Qn(a))
$.H("anychart.onDocumentLoad", function(a, b) {
zA || (zA = []);
zA.push([a, b]);
$.Ed($.mk, "load", function() {
for (var a = 0, b = zA.length; a < b; a++) {
var e = zA[a];
zA.length = 0
$.H("anychart.onDocumentReady", function(a, b) {
$.mk.isNodeJS && (yo = !0);
if (yo);
else if (zo || (zo = []), zo.push([a, b]), "complete" === $.vo.readyState)(0, window.setTimeout)(xo, 1);
else {
var c = $.mk;
$.Ed($.vo, ["DOMContentLoaded", "readystatechange"], wo, !1);
$.Ed(c, "load", wo, !1)
$.H("anychart.licenseKey", function(a) {
$.n(a) && (Ao = a);
return Ao
$.H("anychart.theme", function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) {
Fo = a ? $.C(a) ? a : [a] : [];
Do.length = 0;
Eo.length = 0;
for (var b in fl) a = fl[b], a.SA = Math.min(a.SA, 1), a.yG = 0
return Fo
$.H("anychart.appendTheme", function(a) {
$.H("", function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.mk = $.ea = a, $.vo = a.document);
return $.ea
$.H("anychart.getChartById", function(a) {
return Ko[a]
$.H("anychart.area", Ho("anychart.area", "Area chart"));
$.H("anychart.area3d", Ho("anychart.area3d", "3D Area chart"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Bar chart"));
$.H("anychart.vertical", Ho("anychart.vertical", "Bar chart"));
$.H("anychart.bar3d", Ho("anychart.bar3d", "3D Bar chart"));
$.H("anychart.bubble", Ho("anychart.bubble", "Bubble chart"));
$.H("anychart.bullet", Ho("anychart.bullet", "Bullet chart"));
$.H("anychart.cartesian", Ho("anychart.cartesian", "Cartesian chart"));
$.H("anychart.cartesian3d", Ho("anychart.cartesian3d", "3D Cartesian chart"));
$.H("anychart.scatter", Ho("anychart.scatter", "Scatter chart"));
$.H("anychart.column", Ho("anychart.column", "Column chart"));
$.H("anychart.column3d", Ho("anychart.column3d", "3D Column chart"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Box chart"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Financial chart"));
$.H("anychart.funnel", Ho("anychart.funnel", "Funnel chart"));
$.H("anychart.line", Ho("anychart.line", "Line chart"));
$.H("anychart.verticalLine", Ho("anychart.verticalLine", "Vertical Line chart"));
$.H("anychart.verticalArea", Ho("anychart.verticalArea", "Vertical Area chart"));
$.H("anychart.marker", Ho("anychart.marker", "Marker chart"));
$.H("anychart.sunburst", Ho("anychart.sunburst", "Sunburst chart"));
$.H("anychart.pie", Ho("anychart.pie", "Pie chart"));
$.H("anychart.pie3d", Ho("anychart.pie3d", "3D Pie chart"));
$.H("anychart.pyramid", Ho("anychart.pyramid", "Pyramid chart"));
$.H("anychart.radar", Ho("anychart.radar", "Radar chart"));
$.H("anychart.polar", Ho("anychart.polar", "Polar chart"));
$.H("anychart.pert", Ho("anychart.pert", "Pert chart"));
$.H("anychart.sparkline", Ho("anychart.sparkline", "Sparkline chart"));
$.H("anychart.heatMap", Ho("anychart.heatMap", "HeatMap chart"));
$.H("anychart.gauges.circular", Ho("anychart.gauges.circular", "Circular gauge"));
$.H("anychart.gauges.linear", Ho("anychart.gauges.linear", "Linear gauge"));
$.H("anychart.gauges.tank", Ho("anychart.gauges.tank", "Tank gauge"));
$.H("anychart.gauges.thermometer", Ho("anychart.gauges.thermometer", "Thermometer gauge"));
$.H("anychart.gauges.led", Ho("anychart.gauges.led", "LED gauge"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Map"));
$.H("anychart.choropleth", Ho("anychart.choropleth", "Choropleth map"));
$.H("anychart.bubbleMap", Ho("anychart.bubbleMap", "Bubble map"));
$.H("anychart.connector", Ho("anychart.connector", "Connector map"));
$.H("anychart.markerMap", Ho("anychart.markerMap", "Marker map"));
$.H("anychart.seatMap", Ho("anychart.seatMap", "Seat map"));
$.H("anychart.ganttProject", Ho("anychart.ganttProject", "Gantt Project chart"));
$.H("anychart.ganttResource", Ho("anychart.ganttResource", "Gantt Resource chart"));
$.H("anychart.stock", Ho("anychart.stock", "Stock chart"));
$.H("anychart.treeMap", Ho("anychart.treeMap", "TreeMap chart"));
$.H("anychart.pareto", Ho("anychart.pareto", "Pareto chart"));
$.H("anychart.resource", Ho("anychart.resource", "Resource chart"));
$.H("anychart.quadrant", Ho("anychart.quadrant", "Quadrant chart"));
$.H("anychart.venn", Ho("anychart.venn", "Venn chart"));
$.H("anychart.tagCloud", Ho("anychart.tagCloud", "TagCloud chart"));
$.H("anychart.mekko", Ho("anychart.mekko", "Mekko chart"));
$.H("anychart.mosaic", Ho("anychart.mosaic", "Mosaic chart"));
$.H("anychart.barmekko", Ho("anychart.barmekko", "Barmekko chart"));
$.H("anychart.waterfall", Ho("anychart.waterfall", "Waterfall chart"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.background", Ho("anychart.standalones.background", "anychart.standalones.Background"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.colorRange", Ho("anychart.standalones.colorRange", "anychart.standalones.ColorRange"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.dataGrid", Ho("anychart.standalones.dataGrid", "anychart.standalones.DataGrid"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.label", Ho("anychart.standalones.label", "anychart.standalones.Label"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.labelsFactory", Ho("anychart.standalones.labelsFactory", "anychart.standalones.LabelsFactory"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.legend", Ho("anychart.standalones.legend", "anychart.standalones.Legend"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.markersFactory", Ho("anychart.standalones.markersFactory", "anychart.standalones.MarkersFactory"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.projectTimeline", Ho("anychart.standalones.projectTimeline", "anychart.standalones.ProjectTimeline"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.resourceTimeline", Ho("anychart.standalones.resourceTimeline", "anychart.standalones.ResourceTimeline"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.resourceList", Ho("anychart.standalones.resourceList", "anychart.standalones.ResourceList"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.scroller", Ho("anychart.standalones.scroller", "anychart.standalones.scroller"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.table", Ho("anychart.standalones.table", "anychart.standalones.Table"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.title", Ho("anychart.standalones.title", "anychart.standalones.Title"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axes.linear", Ho("anychart.standalones.axes.linear", "anychart.standalones.axes.Linear"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axes.polar", Ho("anychart.standalones.axes.polar", "anychart.standalones.axes.Polar"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axes.radar", Ho("anychart.standalones.axes.radar", "anychart.standalones.axes.Radar"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axes.radial", Ho("anychart.standalones.axes.radial", "anychart.standalones.axes.Radial"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.line", Ho("anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.line", "anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.Line"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.range", Ho("anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.range", "anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.Range"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.text", Ho("anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.text", "anychart.standalones.axisMarkers.Text"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.grids.linear", Ho("anychart.standalones.grids.linear", "anychart.standalones.grids.Linear"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.grids.linear3d", Ho("anychart.standalones.grids.linear3d", "anychart.standalones.grids.Linear3d"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.grids.polar", Ho("anychart.standalones.grids.polar", "anychart.standalones.grids.Polar"));
$.H("anychart.standalones.grids.radar", Ho("anychart.standalones.grids.radar", "anychart.standalones.grids.Radar"));
$.H("anychart.ui.contextMenu", Ho("anychart.ui.contextMenu", "Context Menu", !0));
$.H("anychart.ui.ganttToolbar", Ho("anychart.ui.ganttToolbar", "Gantt toolbar"));
$.H("anychart.ui.preloader", Ho("anychart.ui.preloader", "Preloader"));
$.H("anychart.ui.rangePicker", Ho("anychart.ui.rangePicker", "Range picker"));
$.H("anychart.ui.rangeSelector", Ho("anychart.ui.rangeSelector", "Range selector"));
$.H("anychart.ui.zoom", Ho("anychart.ui.zoom", "Zoom control"));
$.H("anychart.ui.binding.exec", Ho("anychart.ui.binding.exec", "UI binding"));
$.H("anychart.ui.binding.init", Ho("anychart.ui.binding.init", "UI binding"));
$.H("anychart.fromXmlFile", Ho("anychart.fromXmlFile", "Data adapter"));
$.H("anychart.fromJsonFile", Ho("anychart.fromJsonFile", "Data adapter"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Data adapter"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Data adapter"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Data adapter"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Data adapter"));
$.H("", Ho("", "Data adapter"));
var Io = $.cj.prototype;
Io.credits = Io.Rn;
Io.saveAsPNG = Jo("saveAsPng");
Io.saveAsJPG = Jo("saveAsJpg");
Io.saveAsPDF = Jo("saveAsPdf");
Io.saveAsSVG = Jo("saveAsSvg");
Io.saveAsPng = Jo("saveAsPng");
Io.saveAsJpg = Jo("saveAsJpg");
Io.saveAsPdf = Jo("saveAsPdf");
Io.saveAsSvg = Jo("saveAsSvg");
Io.shareAsPng = Jo("shareAsPng");
Io.shareAsJpg = Jo("shareAsJpg");
Io.shareAsPdf = Jo("shareAsPdf");
Io.shareAsSvg = Jo("shareAsSvg");
Io.getPngBase64String = Jo("getPngBase64String");
Io.getJpgBase64String = Jo("getJpgBase64String");
Io.getSvgBase64String = Jo("getSvgBase64String");
Io.getPdfBase64String = Jo("getPdfBase64String");
Io.print = Jo("print");
Io.toSvg = Jo("toSvg");
var Zo, YA = [];
YA[0] = np;
YA[1] = op;
YA[2] = function(a, b, c, d) {
a ? $.lk(405, null, [b + "()", a + "()"], !0) : $.lk(407, null, [b + "()"], !0);
return, a, b, c, d)
YA[3] = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a ? $.lk(405, null, [b + "()", a + "()"], !0) : $.lk(407, null, [b + "()"], !0);
return op.apply(this, arguments)
Zo = YA;
$.ZA = {};
$.ZA.kja = [1, "fill", $.hp];
$.ZA.TU = [1, "fill", $.ep];
$.ZA.C3 = [0, "fill", $.$k];
$.ZA.n4 = [1, "negativeFill", $.ep];
$.ZA.C4 = [1, "risingFill", $.ep];
$.ZA.y3 = [1, "fallingFill", $.ep];
$.ZA.v5 = [1, "stroke", $.gp];
$.ZA.nV = [1, "stroke", dp];
$.ZA.fla = [0, "stroke", $.Yk];
$.ZA.i4 = [1, "lowStroke", dp];
$.ZA.U3 = [1, "highStroke", dp];
$.ZA.p4 = [1, "negativeStroke", dp];
$.ZA.E4 = [1, "risingStroke", dp];
$.ZA.A3 = [1, "fallingStroke", dp];
$.ZA.k4 = [1, "medianStroke", dp];
$.ZA.t5 = [1, "stemStroke", dp];
$.ZA.D5 = [1, "whiskerStroke", dp];
$.ZA.sja = [1, "hatchFill", $.ip];
$.ZA.R3 = [1, "hatchFill", fp];
$.ZA.tja = [0, "hatchFill", $.Zk];
$.ZA.o4 = [1, "negativeHatchFill", fp];
$.ZA.D4 = [1, "risingHatchFill", fp];
$.ZA.z3 = [1, "fallingHatchFill", fp];
$.ZA.E5 = [0, "whiskerWidth", $.sp];
$.ZA.A5 = [0, "type", tp];
$.ZA.l5 = [0, "size", $.Vo];
$.ZA.x5 = [1, "trend", dp];
$.ZA.UU = [1, "grid", dp];
$.ZA.s3 = [1, "emptyFill", $.ep];
$.ZA.t3 = [1, "emptyHatchFill", fp];
$.ZA.I3 = [0, "fontFamily", $.To];
$.ZA.M3 = [0, "fontStyle", $.ek];
$.ZA.N3 = [0, "fontVariant", $.fk];
$.ZA.O3 = [0, "fontWeight", $.Ro];
$.ZA.L3 = [0, "fontSize", function(a) {
return null === a || $.G(a) || $.hn(a) ? a : (0, window.parseFloat)(a)
$.ZA.G3 = [0, "fontColor", Uo];
$.ZA.J3 = [0, "fontOpacity", $.Vo];
$.ZA.H3 = [0, "fontDecoration", $.dk];
$.ZA.n3 = [1, "dummyFill", $.ep];
$.ZA.o3 = [1, "dummyStroke", dp];
$.ZA.v3 = [0, "type", $.Sj];
$.ZA.f4 = [0, "length", $.sp];
$.ZA.l3 = [0, "direction", $.Tj];
$.ZA.u4 = [0, "position", $.Uj];
$.ZA.O4 = [0, "seriesId", $.To];
$.ZA.B3 = [0, "fieldName", $.To];
$.ZA.G5 = [0, "width", $.sp];
$.ZA.S3 = [0, "height", $.sp];
$.ZA.P3 = [0, "format", $.rp];
$.ZA.K3 = [0, "fontPadding", $.sp];
$.ZA.w3 = [0, "explode", $.sp];
$.ZA.P2 = [0, "cursor", Hj];
$.dl = 0;
$.I($.zp, $.of);
$.f = $.zp.prototype;
$.f.xa = 0;
$.f.ta = 0;
$ = 0;
$.f.In = window.NaN;
$.f.hN = 0;
$.f.Ff = function(a) {
return this.ja[a]
$.f.Bg = function(a) {
return $.n(this.ja[a])
$.f.Lw = function(a) {
return this.Ra[a]
$.f.I = function(a) {
return this.Bg(a) ? this.Ff(a) : this.Lw(a)
$.f.check = function() {
return !0
$.f.getCapabilities = function(a) {
return (a = this.Ha[a]) ? a.wb : 0
$.f.lK = function(a) {
return (a = this.Ha[a]) ? a.o$ || 0 : 0
$.f.Au = function(a) {
return (a = this.Ha[a]) ? a.sga || 0 : 0
$.f.rF = function() {
return null
$.f.dx = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.F_ = a, this) : this.F_
$.f.B = function(a, b) {
a &= this.ta;
var c = a &; |= c;
(c || this.dx()) && || 0);
return c
$.f.N = function(a) { &= ~a
$ = function(a) {
return !( & ~(a || 0))
$.f.O = function(a) {
return !!( & a)
$ = function(a, b) {
if (a &= this.xa)
if ((0, window.isNaN)(this.In) || b) {
var c = this.Th();
this.dispatchEvent(new Gp(this, a));
} else this.In |= a
$ = function(a) {
if ((0, window.isNaN)(this.In) || --this.hN) return this;
var b = this.In;
this.In = window.NaN;
a && b &&;
return this
$.f.J = function() {
return {}
$.f.P = function(a) {
for (var b = [!1], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) b.push(arguments[c]);
return this.ia.apply(this, b)
$.f.ia = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
if ($.n(c)) {
for (var d = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) d.push(arguments[e]);
!this.Wd.apply(this, d) && $.F(c) && this.$(c, a);!0)
return this
$.f.$ = function() {};
$.f.Wd = function() {
return !1
$.I(Gp, $.sd);
$.f = Gp.prototype;
$.f.Nga = function() {
return $.W(this, 1)
$.f.Hga = function() {
return $.W(this, 8)
$.f.Iga = function() {
return $.W(this, 16)
$.f.Kga = function() {
return $.W(this, 32)
$.f.Lga = function() {
return $.W(this, 2)
$.f.Mga = function() {
return $.W(this, 4)
$.f = $.zp.prototype;
$.f.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
$.y(a) ? a = a.toLowerCase() : "type" in a && (a.type = String(a.type).toLowerCase());
return $, a)
$ = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Ae = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Cc = function(a, b, c, d) {
return $, String(a).toLowerCase(), b, c, d)
$.f.Dt = function(a) {
return $, a)
$.f.Dj = function(a) {
$.n(a) && (a = String(a).toLowerCase());
return $, a)
var $A = $.zp.prototype;
$A.listen = $;
$A.listenOnce = $A.Ae;
$A.unlisten = $A.Cc;
$A.unlistenByKey = $A.Dt;
$A.removeAllListeners = $A.Dj;
$A.dispose = $A.Hc;
$A = Gp.prototype;
$A.targetNeedsRedraw = $A.Nga;
$A.targetBoundsChanged = $A.Hga;
$A.targetDataChanged = $A.Iga;
$A.targetMetaChanged = $A.Kga;
$A.targetNeedsReapplication = $A.Lga;
$A.targetNeedsRecalculation = $A.Mga;
$.H("anychart.PointState.NORMAL", $.dl);
$.H("anychart.PointState.HOVER", 1);
$.H("anychart.PointState.SELECT", 2);
$.f = $.Hp.prototype;
$ = function(a) {
this.j = a - 1;
return this.advance()
$.f.reset = function() {
this.j = -1;
this.g = void 0;
return this
$.f.advance = function() {
this.g = this.view.Rf(++this.j);
var a = this.Nb();
return !!a && this.j < a
$.f.get = function(a) {
if (!(this.j >= this.Nb())) return this.view.Zk(this.j).tj(this.g, this.j, a)
$.f.wq = function(a) {
return this.get(a)
$ = function() {
return this.j
$.f.Bl = function() {
return this.get("x")
$.f.Nb = function() {
return this.view.Nb()
$.f.o = function(a, b) {
return 1 < arguments.length ? (this.view.o(this.j, a, b), this) : this.view.o(this.j, a)
var aB = $.Hp.prototype; =;
aB.reset = aB.reset;
aB.advance = aB.advance;
aB.get = aB.get;
aB.meta = aB.o;
aB.getIndex =;
aB.getRowsCount = aB.Nb;
$.I($.Ip, $.zp);
$.f = $.Ip.prototype;
$.f.xa = 16;
$.f.ta = 1;
$.f.zn = null;
$.f.dv = null;
$.f.gC = null;
$.f.BU = !1;
$.f.vm = function() {
var a = new $.Ip(this);
$.O(this, a);
return a
$.f.filter = function(a, b) {
var c = new Np(this, a, b);
$.O(this, c);
return c
$.f.sort = function(a, b) {
var c = new Vp(this, a, b);
$.O(this, c);
return c
$.f.concat = function(a) {
$.C(a) && (a = new $.Sp(a));
$.L(a, $.Sp) && (a = a.Oe());
a = new Mp(this, a);
$.O(this, a);
return a
$.f.Rf = function(a, b) {
a = this.zn ? this.zn[a] : a;
return $.n(a) ? this.Gd.Rf.apply(this.Gd, arguments) : a
$ = function(a) {
return this.Rf(a)
$.f.Nb = function() {
return this.zn ? this.zn.length : this.Gd.Nb()
$.f.Zk = function(a) {
this.dv || (this.dv = this.Rs());
return 1 == this.dv.length ? this.dv[0] : this.Gd.Zk(this.zn ? this.zn[a] : a)
$.f.wu = function() {
return this.Gd.wu()
$.f.$L = function(a, b) {
for (var c = this.wu(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) b = c[d].$L(a, b);
return b
$.f.find = function(a, b) {
if (!$.n(a) || !$.n(b)) return -1; || ( = {});[a] || ([a] = {});
if ([a][b]) return[a][b];
for (var c = this.da(), d, e; c.advance();)
if (d =, e = c.get(a),[a][e] = d, e == b) return d;
return -1
$.f.aK = function(a, b, c) {
if (!$.n(a) || !$.n(b)) return null;
this.$D || (this.$D = {});
var d = a + "|" + b;
if (this.$D[d]) return this.$D[d].slice();
if (a > b) {
var e = a;
a = b;
b = e
e = this.da();
var g = [];
for (e.reset(); e.advance();) {
var h =;
var k = c ? h : e.get("x");
k >= a && k <= b && g.push(h)
return this.$D[d] = g
$.f.get = function(a, b) {
if (!(a >= this.Nb())) return this.Zk(a).tj(this.Rf(a), a, b)
$.f.set = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this.Rf(a);
$.n(d) && this.Rf(a, Jba(this.Zk(a), d, b, c));
return this
$.f.da = function() {
return new $.Hp(this)
$.f.ZD = function() {
return null
$.f.OG = function(a) {
this.$D = = null;
$.W(a, 16) && this.B(1, 16)
$.f.o = function(a, b, c) {
if (this.BU) return this.YL.apply(this, arguments);
this.gC || (this.gC = []);
var d = this.gC[a];
d || (this.gC[a] = d = {});
return 2 < arguments.length ? (d[b] = c, this) : d[b]
$.f.YL = function(a, b, c) {
a = this.zn ? this.zn[a] : a;
if (!$.n(a)) throw Error("Index can not be masked by this View");
return 2 < arguments.length ? (this.Gd.o(a, b, c), this) : this.Gd.o(a, b)
$.f.df = function(a) {
this.dv || (this.dv = this.Rs());
for (var b = 0; b < this.dv.length; b++)
if (this.dv[b].df(a)) return !0;
return !1
$.f.NB = function() {
return this.Gd.NB()
$.f.Rs = function() {
return this.Gd.Rs()
$.f.GM = function(a) {
$.L(a, Date) && (a = a.getTime());
if (!$.n(a) || $.B(a) && (0, window.isNaN)(a)) a = null;
return a
$.f.J = function() {
for (var a = [], b = this.da(); b.advance();) a.push(Lp(this,;
return a
var bB = $.Ip.prototype;
bB.derive = bB.vm;
bB.filter = bB.filter;
bB.sort = bB.sort;
bB.concat = bB.concat;
bB.row = bB.Rf;
bB.getRowsCount = bB.Nb;
bB.getIterator = bB.da;
bB.getDataSets = bB.wu;
bB.meta = bB.o;
bB.get = bB.get;
bB.set = bB.set;
bB.find = bB.find;
$.I(Mp, $.Ip);
$.f = Mp.prototype;
$.f.ta = 0;
$.f.Zk = function(a) {
var b = this.Gd.Nb();
return a < b ? this.Gd.Zk(a) : this.b.Zk(a - b)
$.f.Rs = function() {
return $.Ka(this.Gd.Rs(), this.b.Rs())
$.f.NB = function() {
return this.Gd.NB() || this.b.NB()
$.f.wu = function() {
var a = this.Gd.wu(),
b = this.b.wu();
return $.Ka(a, b)
$.f.Rf = function(a, b) {
var c = this.Gd.Nb();
if (a < c) return this.Gd.Rf.apply(this.Gd, arguments);
a -= c;
return this.b.Rf.apply(this.b, arguments)
$.f.Nb = function() {
return this.Gd.Nb() + this.b.Nb()
$.f.OG = function(a) { = null;
$.W(a, 16) &&
$.f.YL = function(a, b, c) {
var d = this.Gd.Nb();
a < d ? d = this.Gd : (a -= d, d = this.b);
return 2 < arguments.length ? (d.o(a, b, c), this) : d.o(a, b)
$.I(Np, $.Ip);
Np.prototype.ZD = function() {
for (var a = [], b = this.Gd.da(); b.advance();) this.g(b.get(this.b)) && a.push(;
return a
$.I($.Pp, $.Ip);
$.f = $.Pp.prototype;
$.f.xa = 16;
$.f.ta = 0;
$ = function(a, b, c) {
var d = $.ja(a);
if ("array" == d) {
if (d = this.j[c])
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
if (d[e] < a.length) {
var g = a[d[e]];
} else "object" == d ? g = Wm(a, c, this.j[c]) : -1 < (0, $.Ca)(Qp, c) && (g = a);
!$.n(g) && -1 < (0, $.Ca)(cB, c) && (g = b);
return g
$.f.Zk = function() {
return this
$.f.Rs = function() {
return [this]
$.f.Rf = function(a, b) {
return this.Gd.Rf.apply(this.Gd, arguments)
$.f.Nb = function() {
return this.Gd.Nb()
$.f.OG = function(a) { = null;
$.W(a, 16) &&
$.f.df = function(a) {
if (this.Gd.df(a)) return !0;
var b, c = cB;
for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++)
if (c[b] == a) return !0;
if (this.Gd.NB())
for (c = Qp, b = 0; b < c.length; b++)
if (c[b] == a) return !0;
if (c = this.j[a])
for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++)
if (this.Gd.df(c[b])) return !0;
return !1
var Rp = {
x: [0, "column", "x"],
value: [1, 0, "value", "y", "close", "heat"],
size: [2, 1],
open: [1],
high: [2],
low: [3, 1],
close: [4],
lowest: [1, "lowest", "low"],
q1: [2],
median: [3],
q3: [4],
highest: [5, "highest", "high"],
outliers: [6],
id: [0],
lat: [0, "lat", "y", "value"],
"long": [1, "long", "lon", "x"],
points: [0],
y: [1, "row", "y"],
heat: [2, "heat", "value"],
category: [2],
isTotal: [2]
Qp = ["value", "close"],
cB = ["x"];
$.Pp.prototype.Aq = function() {
return this.j
var dB = $.Pp.prototype;
$.H("", Rp);
$.H("", Qp);
$.H("", cB);
dB.getRowsCount = dB.Nb;
dB.getIterator = dB.da;
dB.row = dB.Rf;
dB.getMapping = dB.Aq;
$.I($.Sp, $.zp);
$.f = $.Sp.prototype;
$.f.xa = 16;
$.f.lI = 0;
$.f.ts = null;
$.f.fU = !1;
$ = function(a, b) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.jo++, $.y(a) && (a = Yp(a, b)), $.ka(a) ? (this.Xb = Tp(this, a), : this.Xb && 0 < this.Xb.length ? (this.Xb.length = 0, : this.Xb = [], $.mo(), this) : this.Xb
$.f.Oe = function(a) {
a = new $.Pp(this, a);
$.O(this, a);
return a
$.f.Rf = function(a, b) {
var c = this.Xb[a];
1 < arguments.length && ($.jo++, this.Xb[a] = b,, $.mo());
return c
$ = function(a) {
return this.Rf(a)
$.f.e7 = function(a) {
this.Xb.push.apply(this.Xb, Tp(this, arguments));;
return this
$.f.Aca = function(a, b) {
$.Ha(this.Xb, Tp(this, [a])[0], b);;
return this
$.f.remove = function(a) {
Ia(this.Xb, a);;
return this
$.f.Nb = function() {
return this.Xb.length
$.f.Zk = function() {
throw Error("Wrong usage of the data Set");
$.f.Rs = function() {
throw Error("Wrong usage of the data Set");
$.f.df = function(a) {
return $.B(a) ? this.lI > a : !(!this.ts || !this.ts[a.split(".")[0]])
$.f.$L = function(a, b) {
function c(c) {
c in a || (a[c] = b++)
var d;
for (d = 0; d < this.lI; d++) c(d);
if (this.ts)
for (d in this.ts) c(d);
this.fU && c("value");
return b
$.f.NB = function() {
return this.fU
$.f.o = function() {
throw Error("Wrong usage of the data Set");
$.f.wu = function() {
return [this]
var eB = $.Sp.prototype;
$.H("", Up); =;
eB.mapAs = eB.Oe;
eB.row = eB.Rf;
eB.append = eB.e7;
eB.insert = eB.Aca;
eB.remove = eB.remove;
eB.getRowsCount = eB.Nb;
$.I(Vp, $.Ip);
Vp.prototype.ZD = function() {
for (var a = [], b = this.Gd.da(); b.advance();) a.push({
value: b.get(this.b),
$.Ua(a, this.g);
for (b = a.length; b--;) a[b] = a[b].index;
return a
var Xp = /[ \f\n\r\t\v\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\u3031-\u3035\u309b\u309c\u30a0\u30fc\uff70]+/g,
Kba = /[!-#%-*,-/:;?@\[-\]_{}\xa1\xa7\xab\xb6\xb7\xbb\xbf\u037e\u0387\u055a-\u055f\u0589\u058a\u05be\u05c0\u05c3\u05c6\u05f3\u05f4\u0609\u060a\u060c\u060d\u061b\u061e\u061f\u066a-\u066d\u06d4\u0700-\u070d\u07f7-\u07f9\u0830-\u083e\u085e\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0af0\u0df4\u0e4f\u0e5a\u0e5b\u0f04-\u0f12\u0f14\u0f3a-\u0f3d\u0f85\u0fd0-\u0fd4\u0fd9\u0fda\u104a-\u104f\u10fb\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166d\u166e\u169b\u169c\u16eb-\u16ed\u1735\u1736\u17d4-\u17d6\u17d8-\u17da\u1800-\u180a\u1944\u1945\u1a1e\u1a1f\u1aa0-\u1aa6\u1aa8-\u1aad\u1b5a-\u1b60\u1bfc-\u1bff\u1c3b-\u1c3f\u1c7e\u1c7f\u1cc0-\u1cc7\u1cd3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205e\u207d\u207e\u208d\u208e\u2329\u232a\u2768-\u2775\u27c5\u27c6\u27e6-\u27ef\u2983-\u2998\u29d8-\u29db\u29fc\u29fd\u2cf9-\u2cfc\u2cfe\u2cff\u2d70\u2e00-\u2e2e\u2e30-\u2e3b\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301f\u3030\u303d\u30a0\u30fb\ua4fe\ua4ff\ua60d-\ua60f\ua673\ua67e\ua6f2-\ua6f7\ua874-\ua877\ua8ce\ua8cf\ua8f8-\ua8fa\ua92e\ua92f\ua95f\ua9c1-\ua9cd\ua9de\ua9df\uaa5c-\uaa5f\uaade\uaadf\uaaf0\uaaf1\uabeb\ufd3e\ufd3f\ufe10-\ufe19\ufe30-\ufe52\ufe54-\ufe61\ufe63\ufe68\ufe6a\ufe6b\uff01-\uff03\uff05-\uff0a\uff0c-\uff0f\uff1a\uff1b\uff1f\uff20\uff3b-\uff3d\uff3f\uff5b\uff5d\uff5f-\uff65]/g;
$.H("", function(a, b, c) {
if (!a || !$.C(a)) return [];
if ($.n(b)) switch (b = String(b).toLowerCase(), b) {
case "range":
b = 2;
case "ohlc":
b = 4;
b = 1
} else b = 1;
var d;
if (!$.n(c) || (0, window.isNaN)(d = $.on(c, window.NaN, !1))) d = $.C(a[0]) ? Math.floor((a[0].length - 1) / b) : 0;
if ((0, window.isNaN)(d) || 0 >= d) return [];
a = new $.Sp(a);
c = [];
if (1 == b)
for (b = 0; b < d; b++) c.push(a.Oe({
x: [0],
value: [1 + b]
else if (2 == b)
for (b = 0; b < d; b++) c.push(a.Oe({
x: [0],
low: [1 + 2 * b],
high: [2 * b + 2]
else if (4 == b)
for (b = 0; b <
d; b++) c.push(a.Oe({
x: [0],
open: [1 + 4 * b],
high: [4 * b + 2],
low: [4 * b + 3],
close: [4 * b + 4]
return c
$.H("", Wp);
$.H("", Yp);
var Mba = "GyMdkHmsSEDahKzZvQL";
$.H("anychart.format.locales.default.dateTimeLocale", {
eras: ["BC", "AD"],
eraNames: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"],
narrowMonths: "JFMAMJJASOND".split(""),
standaloneNarrowMonths: "JFMAMJJASOND".split(""),
months: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
standaloneMonths: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
shortMonths: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
standaloneShortMonths: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
weekdays: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
standaloneWeekdays: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
shortWeekdays: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
standaloneShortWeekdays: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
narrowWeekdays: "SMTWTFS".split(""),
standaloneNarrowWeekdays: "SMTWTFS".split(""),
shortQuarters: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"],
quarters: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"],
ampms: ["AM", "PM"],
firstDayOfWeek: 0,
weekendRange: [5, 6],
firstWeekCutOffDay: 3,
dateFormat: "y MMM d",
timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss",
dateTimeFormat: "y MMM d 'at' HH:mm:ss",
formats: {
full_year: "yyyy",
full_year_semester: "MMM yyyy",
full_year_quarter: "MMM yyyy",
full_year_month: "MMM yyyy",
full_year_third_of_month: "dd MMM yyyy",
full_year_week: "dd MMM yyyy",
full_year_day: "dd MMM yyyy",
full_year_hour: "HH dd MMM yyyy",
full_year_minute: "dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm",
full_year_second: "dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss",
full_year_millisecond: "dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm:ss.SSS",
timeline_year: ["yyyy",
timeline_year_semester: ["Q yyyy", "Q ''yy"],
timeline_year_quarter: ["QQ yyyy", "QQ ''yy", "Q yyyy", "Q ''yy"],
timeline_year_month: ["MMMM yyyy", "MMM yyyy", "MMM ''yy", "MM ''yy"],
timeline_year_third_of_month: "EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy;EE, dd MMM yyyy;EE, dd MMM yy;dd MMM yyyy;dd MMMM yy;MM.dd.yyyy;MM.dd.yy".split(";"),
timeline_year_week: "dd MMMM yyyy;dd MMM yyyy;dd MMMM yy;dd MMM yy;MM.dd.yyyy;MM.dd.yy".split(";"),
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timeline_year_hour: ["dd MMMM yyyy HH'h'", "dd MMM yyyy HH'h'", "dd MMM yy HH'h'", "MM.dd.yyyy HH'h'", "MM.dd.yy HH'h'"],
timeline_year_minute: ["dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm", "dd MMM yy HH:mm", "MM.dd.yyyy HH:mm", "MM.dd.yy HH:mm"],
timeline_year_second: ["dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", "dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss", "MM.dd.yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MM.dd.yy HH:mm:ss"],
timeline_year_millisecond: ["dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS", "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS", "dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss.SSS", "MM.dd.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS", "MM.dd.yy HH:mm:ss.SSS"],
timeline_semester: ["Q"],
timeline_semester_quarter: ["QQ", "Q"],
timeline_semester_month: ["MMMM", "MMM", "MM"],
timeline_semester_third_of_month: "EEEE, dd MMMM;EE, dd MMM;EE, dd MMM;dd MMM;dd MMMM;MM.dd;MM.dd".split(";"),
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"dd MMM HH:mm", "dd MMM HH:mm", "MM.dd HH:mm", "MM.dd HH:mm"
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"dd MMM", "MM.dd", "MM.dd"
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"dd MMM HH:mm:ss.SSS", "MM.dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", "MM.dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
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"dd MMM HH:mm", "MM.dd HH:mm", "MM.dd HH:mm"
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timeline_third_of_month_hour: ["EEEE, dd HH'h'", "EE, dd HH'h'", "dd HH'h'"],
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"EE, dd HH:mm", "dd HH:mm"
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"EE, dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", "dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
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timeline_day_hour: ["EEEE, dd HH'h'", "EE, dd HH'h'", "dd HH'h'"],
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timeline_hour_second: ["HH:mm:ss"],
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timeline_minute: ["mm''"],
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year: "yyyy",
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semester_hour: "HH",
semester_minute: "HH:mm",
semester_second: "HH:mm:ss",
semester_millisecond: "SSS",
quarter: "MMM",
quarter_month: "MMM",
quarter_third_of_month: "dd",
quarter_week: "dd",
quarter_day: "dd",
quarter_hour: "HH",
quarter_minute: "HH:mm",
quarter_second: "HH:mm:ss",
quarter_millisecond: "SSS",
month: "MMM",
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month_week: "dd",
month_day: "dd",
month_hour: "HH",
month_minute: "HH:mm",
month_second: "HH:mm:ss",
month_millisecond: "SSS",
third_of_month: "dd",
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third_of_month_day: "dd",
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third_of_month_millisecond: "SSS",
week: "dd",
week_day: "dd",
week_hour: "HH",
week_minute: "HH:mm",
week_second: "HH:mm:ss",
week_millisecond: "SSS",
day: "dd",
day_hour: "HH",
day_minute: "HH:mm",
day_second: "HH:mm:ss",
day_millisecond: "SSS",
hour: "HH",
hour_minute: "HH:mm",
hour_second: "HH:mm:ss",
hour_millisecond: "SSS",
minute: "HH:mm",
minute_second: "HH:mm:ss",
minute_millisecond: "SSS",
second: "HH:mm:ss",
second_millisecond: "SSS",
millisecond: "SSS",
charts_year: "yyyy",
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$.H("anychart.format.locales.default.numberLocale", {
decimalsCount: 10,
decimalPoint: ".",
groupsSeparator: "",
scale: !1,
zeroFillDecimals: !1,
scaleSuffixSeparator: "",
useBracketsForNegative: !1
$.H("anychart.format.locales.default.messages", {});
var jda = /^([-]?\d+\.?\d*)(.*?)?$/,
Jq = {
factors: [1E15, 1E12, 1E9, 1E6, 1E3, 1E3, 1, .001, 1E-6, 1E-9],
suffixes: "P T G M K k m u n".split(" ")
Mq = "default",
Lq = null,
jq = window.NaN,
lq = "default",
mq = null,
tq = null,
vq = null,
Hq = 0,
Gq = {},
Nq = {},
Iq = {},
hq = {};
$.H("anychart.format.inputLocale", function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.y(a) || $.F(a) ? Mq = a : Mq = "default");
return Mq
$.H("anychart.format.inputBaseDate", kq);
$.H("anychart.format.inputDateTimeFormat", function(a) {
$.n(a) && ($.y(a) ? Lq = a : Lq = null);
return Lq
$.H("anychart.format.outputLocale", $.An);
$.H("anychart.format.outputTimezone", function(a) {
$.n(a) && (Hq = $.Q(a) || 0);
return Hq
$.H("anychart.format.outputDateFormat", uq);
$.H("anychart.format.outputTimeFormat", wq);
$.H("anychart.format.outputDateTimeFormat", sq);
$.H("anychart.format.parseDateTime", $.yq);
$.H("anychart.format.parseNumber", function(a, b) {
var c = fq(b) || fq(Mq) || fq("default"),
d = 1;
if ($.y(a)) {
c.useBracketsForNegative && "(" == a.charAt(0) && ")" == a.charAt(a.length - 1) && (d = -1, a = a.substring(1, a.length - 1));
a = a.replace(c.decimalPoint, ".");
a = a.replace(new RegExp(zc(c.groupsSeparator), "g"), "");
var e = c.scale;
!0 === e && (e = Jq);
if ($.F(e) && $.C(e.factors) && $.C(e.suffixes)) {
a = a.replace(new RegExp(zc(c.scaleSuffixSeparator), "g"), "");
var g = a.match(jda);
if (!g) return window.NaN;
var h = 1;
a = +g[1];
if (g = g[2]) {
var k = e.factors;
e = e.suffixes;
for (var l = Math.min(k.length, e.length), m = 0; m < l; m++)
if (g == e[m]) {
h = k[m];
a *= h
d *= +a;
return (0, window.isNaN)(d) ? d : $.Pl(d, c.decimalsCount)
$.H("anychart.format.subs", $.ic);
$.H("anychart.format.getMessage", $.zq);
$.H("anychart.format.getDateTimeFormats", $.Cq);
$.H("anychart.format.getDateTimeFormat", $.Bq);
$.H("anychart.format.getIntervalIdentifier", $.Aq);
$.H("", $.Eq);
$.H("anychart.format.time", Fq);
$.H("anychart.format.dateTime", $.Dq);
$.H("anychart.format.number", $.Kq);
$.I($.Pq, $.zp);
$.f = $.Pq.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$ = function(a, b) {
this.qe || (this.qe = []);
var c = this.qe.length;
a >= c && 0 < c && (a %= c);
return $.n(b) ? (this.qe[a] = b,, this) : (c = this.qe[a]) ? c : null
$.f.items = function(a, b) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.C(a) || (a = $.Oa(arguments, 0)), this.qe = (0, $.eb)(a, function(a) {
return $.Xb(a)
}),, this) : this.qe
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.type = "distinct";
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < this.qe.length; c++) b.push($.Rk(this.qe[c]));
a.items = b;
return a
$.f.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.items(c), !0) : $.L(c, $.Pq) ? (this.items(c.items()), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.Pq.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var fB = $.Pq.prototype;
$.H("anychart.palettes.distinctColors", function(a, b) {
var c = new $.Pq;
$.n(a) && c.items.apply(c, arguments);
return c
fB.itemAt =;
fB.items = fB.items;
$.I($.Qq, $.zp);
$.f = $.Qq.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$ = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
this.b || (this.b = []);
var g = this.b.length;
a >= g && 0 < g && (a %= g);
return $.n(b) ? (this.b[a] = $.ac.apply(null, $.Oa(arguments, 1)),, this) : this.b[a] || null
$.f.items = function(a, b) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.C(a) || (a = $.Oa(arguments, 0)), this.b = (0, $.eb)(a, function(a) {
return $, a)
}),, this) : this.b
$.f.J = function() {
for (var a = $, b = [], c = 0; c < this.b.length; c++) b.push($.Rk(this.b[c]));
a.items = b;
return a
$.f.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.items(c), !0) : $.L(c, $.Qq) ? (this.items(c.items()), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.Qq.F.$.call(this, a, b);
$.f.W = function() {
this.b = null;
var gB = $.Qq.prototype;
$.H("anychart.palettes.hatchFills", function(a, b) {
var c = new $.Qq;
c.items.apply(c, $.n(a) ? arguments : $.Kc(Gg));
return c
gB.itemAt =;
gB.items = gB.items;
$.I($.Rq, $.zp);
$.f = $.Rq.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$ = function(a, b) { || ( = []);
var c =;
a >= c && 0 < c && (a %= c);
return $.n(b) ? (c = Rj(b), c !=[a] && ([a] = c,, this) : (c =[a]) || null
$.f.items = function(a, b) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.C(a) || (a = $.Oa(arguments, 0)), = (0, $.eb)(a, function(a) {
return Rj(a)
}),, this) :
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.items = this.items();
return a
$.f.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.items(c), !0) : $.L(c, $.Rq) ? (this.items(c.items()), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.Rq.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var hB = $.Rq.prototype;
$.H("anychart.palettes.markers", function(a, b) {
var c = new $.Rq;
$.n(a) && c.items.apply(c, arguments);
return c
hB.itemAt =;
hB.items = hB.items;
$.I($.Tq, $.zp);
$.f = $.Tq.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$.f.items = function(a, b) {
return $.n(a) ? ($.F(a) && $.C(a.keys) ? this.qe = $.Xb(a).keys : ($.C(a) || (a = $.Oa(arguments, 0)), this.qe = (0, $.eb)(a, function(a) {
return $.Xb(a)
})), Sq(this),, this) : this.qe
$.f.count = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Ua != a && (this.Ua = a, Sq(this),, this) : this.Ua
$ = function(a, b) {
if (!this.qe || 1 > this.qe.length || !this.Ua) return null;
if ($.n(b)) return this.b[a] = b,, this;
a > this.Ua - 1 && (a = this.Ua - 1);
0 > a && (a = 0);
var c = this.b[a];
return c ? c : null
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.type = "range";
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < this.qe.length; c++) b.push($.Rk(this.qe[c]));
a.items = b;
(0, window.isNaN)(this.Ua) || (a.count = this.Ua);
return a
$.f.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.items(c), this.count(c.length), !0) : $.L(c, $.Tq) ? (this.items(c.items()), this.count(c.count()), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.Tq.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var iB = $.Tq.prototype;
$.H("anychart.palettes.rangeColors", function(a, b) {
var c = new $.Tq;
$.n(a) && c.P.apply(c, arguments);
return c
iB.itemAt =;
iB.items = iB.items;
iB.count = iB.count;
$.H("anychart.palettes.defaultPalette", "#64b5f6 #1976d2 #ef6c00 #ffd54f #455a64 #96a6a6 #dd2c00 #00838f #00bfa5 #ffa000".split(" "));
$.H("", "#827717 #c77532 #998675 #6b617b #c69c6d #d29b9b #879872 #16685d #57a7b1 #bdbdbd".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.monochrome", ["#37474f", "#757575", "#90a4ae", "#bdbdbd", "#e1e1e1"]);
$.H("anychart.palettes.provence", "#aa8ab3 #b7cbe2 #cdd18e #938d9c #6f5264 #96246a #519790 #6aabcc #61687d #7b8030".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.morning", "#0288d1 #58abd7 #ffe082 #f8bbd0 #f48fb1 #bbdefb #d4e157 #ff6e40 #03a9f4 #e1bee7".split(" "));
$.H("", "#482311 #8d5932 #d8b597 #f2d1be #9b301c #d81e05 #c5e1a5 #558b2f #ffab00 #e65100".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.wines", "#6f3448 #857600 #f1a122 #a50b01 #400001 #a98b80 #c08081 #86614e #c26364 #615060".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.turquoise", "#80deea #00acc1 #00838f #29b6f6 #0277bd #0277bd #8c9eff #9575cd #ce93d8 #8e24aa".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.pastel", "#90caf9 #80cbc4 #aed581 #e6ee9c #ffcc80 #ffab91 #f8bbd0 #d1c4e9 #9e9e9e #c7b299".split(" "));
$.H("", "#40c4ff #0288d1 #9fa8da #5c6bc0 #7e57c2 #54dbdf #15a9c7 #00897b #304ffe #0179be".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.glamour", "#f8bbd0 #ce93d8 #ab47bc #d81b60 #880e4f #ffd600 #ff6e40 #03a9f4 #5e35b1 #1976d2".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.sea", "#a9e1d4 #54dbdf #15a9c7 #207fbf #c0aca5 #8b8a92 #dbcb8f #dba869 #ffab00 #00897b".split(" "));
$.H("anychart.palettes.v6", "#1D8BD1 #F1683C #2AD62A #DBDC25 #8FBC8B #D2B48C #FAF0E6 #20B2AA #B0C4DE #DDA0DD #9C9AFF #9C3063 #FFFFCE #CEFFFF #630063 #FF8284 #0065CE #CECFFF #000084 #FF00FF #FFFF00 #00FFFF #840084 #840000 #008284 #0000FF #00CFFF #CEFFFF #CEFFCE #FFFF9C #9CCFFF #FF9ACE #CE9AFF #FFCF9C #3165FF #31CFCE #9CCF00 #FFCF00 #FF9A00 #FF6500".split(" "));
var Uq = 1,
Oba = {
g4: 2,
wla: 3
Yq = function() {
var a = {};
a[Uq] = function(a, c) {
a = $.Q(a);
return (c = $.Q(c) - a) ? function(b) {
return ($.Q(b) - a) / c
} : function() {
return 0
a[2] = function(a, c) {
a = $.Tl(Math.abs($.Q(a)));
return (c = $.Tl(Math.abs($.Q(c))) - a) ? function(b) {
return ($.Tl(Math.abs($.Q(b))) - a) / c
} : function() {
return 0
a[3] = function(a, c) {
a = Oq(a);
return (c = Oq(c) - a) ? function(b) {
return (Oq(b) - a) / c
} : function() {
return 0
return a
Zq = function() {
var a = {};
a[Uq] = function(a, c) {
a = $.Q(a);
return (c = $.Q(c) - a) ? function(b) {
return b *
c + a
} : function() {
return a
a[2] = function(a, c) {
var b = $.Q(a),
e = $.Q(c),
g = $.ob(b) || $.ob(e);
a = $.Tl(Math.abs(b));
return (c = $.Tl(Math.abs(e)) - a) ? function(b) {
return Ul(Math.E, b * c + a) * g
} : function() {
return b
a[3] = function(a, c) {
a = Oq(a);
return (c = Oq(c) - a) ? function(b) {
return Math.round(b * c + a)
} : function() {
return a
return a
Vq.prototype.transform = function(a) {
this.g || (this.g = $q(this.K, this.D, this.G, this.j, [], Uq));
return this.g(a)
Vq.prototype.Vc = function(a) {
this.b || (this.b = $q(this.D, this.K, [], Uq, this.G, this.j));
return this.b(a)
}; = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.D = $.Oa(a, 0), this.g = this.b = null, this) : $.Oa(this.D, 0)
$.I(ar, $.zp);
$.f = ar.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$.f.Uo = null;
$.f.Ua = 4;
$.f.Rl = null;
$.f.St = null;
$.f.k8 = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if ($.n(a)) {
if (null === a) var h = null;
else if ($.y(a) && 1 == arguments.length) h = om(a);
else {
if ($.y(a)) switch (a = $.ak(a), b = $.Q(b) || 1, a) {
case "year":
a = "y";
case "semester":
a = "m";
b *= 6;
case "quarter":
a = "m";
b *= 4;
case "month":
a = "m";
case "third-of-month":
a = "d";
b *= 10;
case "week":
a = "d";
b *= 7;
case "day":
a = "d";
case "hour":
a = "h";
case "minute":
a = "n";
case "second":
a = "s";
case "millisecond":
a = "t"
h = new $.nm(a, b, c, d, e, g)
var k;
if (k = h && this.Uo) k =
this.Uo, k = h.ik == k.ik && == && h.Ah == k.Ah && == && h.Ji == k.Ji && h.Ig == k.Ig;
k || !h && !this.Uo || (h ? (this.Ua = window.NaN, this.Uo = h) : (this.Ua = 4, this.Uo = null), this.St = this.Rl = null,;
return this
return pm(this.Uo, !1)
$.f.PQ = function() {
var a = this.b;
return a && (a.ik && "year" || && (!( % 6) && "semester" || !( % 3) && "quarter" || "month") || a.Ah && (!(a.Ah % 7) && "week" || "day") || && "hour" || a.Ji && "minute" || a.Ig && (!(a.Ig % 1) && "second" || "millisecond")) || "millisecond"
$.f.QQ = function() {
var a = this.b;
return a && (a.ik || && (!( % 6) && / 6 || !( % 3) && / 3 || || a.Ah && (!(a.Ah % 7) && a.Ah / 7 || a.Ah) || || a.Ji || a.Ig && (!(a.Ig % 1) && a.Ig || 1E3 * a.Ig)) || 0
$.f.count = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Ua != a && (this.Uo = null, this.Ua = (0, window.isNaN)(a) || 2 > a ? 4 : Math.ceil(+a), this.St = this.Rl = null,, this) : this.Ua
$.f.set = function(a) {
if (this.Rl != a) {
this.Ua = window.NaN;
this.Uo = null;
this.Rl = (0, $.eb)(a, function(a) {
return $.yq(a)
for (var b = this.Rl[0], c = 1, d = 1; d < this.Rl.length; d++) {
var e = this.Rl[d];
e != b && (this.Rl[c++] = e);
b = e
this.Rl.length = a.length ? c : 0;
this.St = null;
return this
$.f.get = function() {
var a =;
return (0, $.Ze)(a, this.Caa, this)
$ = function() {
if (this.Rl) var a = this.Rl;
else this.scale.nb(), a = this.St;
return a || []
$.f.Caa = function(a) {
a = this.scale.transform(a);
return !(0 > a || 1 < a)
$.f.Vz = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.St = null;
if (!this.Rl) {
var e = [],
g = this.Uo,
h = this.Ua;
g && (d - c) / Yn(g) > this.scale.xo() && ($.lk(20, null, [d - c, Yn(g)]), g = null, this.Ua = 4);
g || (g = br(this, a, b, !0));
a = new $.vm(new Date(c));
d = new $.vm(new Date(d));
for (b = 0; 0 >= a.getTime() - d.getTime() && b < this.scale.xo(); a.add(g), b++) e.push(a.getTime());
this.St = e;
this.Ua = h;
this.b = g
$.f.Uz = function(a, b, c, d) {
this.St = null;
var e = [a, b];
if (!this.Rl) {
var g = [],
h = this.Uo,
k = this.Ua;
h && (b - a) / Yn(h) > this.scale.xo() && ($.lk(20, null, [b - a, Yn(h)]), h = null, this.Ua = 4);
h || (h = br(this, a, b, !1));
var l = $.Bn(a, h, 0),
m = new $.vm(new Date(l));
c ? e[0] = l : l < a && m.add(h);
a = new $.vm(new Date(b));
for (b = 0; 0 >= m.getTime() - a.getTime() && b < this.scale.xo(); m.add(h), b++) g.push(m.getTime());
d && (!g.length || g[g.length - 1] < a.getTime()) && g.push(e[1] = m.getTime());
this.St = g;
this.Ua = k;
this.b = h
return e
var Rba = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1E3, 2E3, 5E3, 1E4, 2E4, 3E4, 6E4, 12E4, 3E5, 6E5, 12E5, 18E5, 36E5, 72E5, 108E5, 216E5, 288E5, 432E5, 576E5, 864E5, 1728E5, 6048E5, 864E6, 12096E5, 18144E5, 24192E5, 2628E6, 5256E6, 7884E6, 10512E6, 15768E6, 31536E6, 63072E6],
Pba = [new $.nm(mm, .001), new $.nm(mm, .001), new $.nm(mm, .001), new $.nm(mm, .005), new $.nm(mm, .005), new $.nm(mm, .01), new $.nm(mm, .02), new $.nm(mm, .04), new $.nm(mm, .1), new $.nm(mm, .2), new $.nm(mm, .5), new $.nm(mm, 1), new $.nm(mm, 2), new $.nm(mm, 5), new $.nm(mm, 10), new $.nm(mm, 20),
new $.nm(mm, 30), new $.nm(lm, 1), new $.nm(lm, 1), new $.nm(lm, 5), new $.nm(lm, 10), new $.nm(lm, 20), new $.nm(lm, 30), new $.nm(km, 1), new $.nm(km, 2), new $.nm(km, 2), new $.nm(km, 3), new $.nm(km, 4), new $.nm(km, 8), new $.nm(km, 12), new $.nm(jm, 1), new $.nm(jm, 2), new $.nm(jm, 7), new $.nm(jm, 7), new $.nm(jm, 7), new $.nm(jm, 7), new $.nm(im, 1), new $.nm(im, 1), new $.nm(im, 1), new $.nm(im, 2), new $.nm(im, 4), new $.nm(im, 6)
Qba = [new $.nm(mm, .001), new $.nm(mm, .002), new $.nm(mm, .005), new $.nm(mm, .01), new $.nm(mm, .02), new $.nm(mm,
.05), new $.nm(mm, .1), new $.nm(mm, .2), new $.nm(mm, .5), new $.nm(mm, 1), new $.nm(mm, 2), new $.nm(mm, 5), new $.nm(mm, 10), new $.nm(mm, 20), new $.nm(mm, 30), new $.nm(lm, 1), new $.nm(lm, 2), new $.nm(lm, 5), new $.nm(lm, 10), new $.nm(lm, 20), new $.nm(lm, 30), new $.nm(km, 1), new $.nm(km, 2), new $.nm(km, 3), new $.nm(km, 6), new $.nm(km, 8), new $.nm(km, 12), new $.nm(km, 16), new $.nm(jm, 1), new $.nm(jm, 2), new $.nm(jm, 7), new $.nm(jm, 10), new $.nm(jm, 14), new $.nm(jm, 21), new $.nm(jm, 28), new $.nm(im, 1), new $.nm(im, 2), new $.nm(im, 3), new $.nm(im,
4), new $.nm(im, 6), new $.nm(hm, 1), new $.nm(hm, 2)];
ar.prototype.J = function() {
var a =;
this.Rl ? a.explicit = this.Rl : this.Uo ? a.interval = pm(this.Uo) : (0, window.isNaN)(this.Ua) || (a.count = this.Ua);
return a
ar.prototype.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.set(c), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
ar.prototype.$ = function(a, b) {
ar.F.$.call(this, a, b);
this.Rl = a.explicit || null;
this.Ua = Math.max(2, Math.ceil($.Q(a.count)));
this.Uo = $.y(a.interval) ? om(a.interval) : null;
this.St = null
var jB = ar.prototype;
jB.interval = jB.k8;
jB.count = jB.count;
jB.set = jB.set;
jB.get = jB.get;
jB.getIntervalUnit = jB.PQ;
jB.getIntervalUnitCount = jB.QQ;
var kr, ir, gr, kB;
$.I($.cr, $.zp);
$.f = $.cr.prototype;
$.f.xa = 6;
$.f.Ia = $.ha;
$.f.Lv = function(a, b, c) {
return this.transform(a, c)
$.f.RD = function(a) {
return a
$.f.vj = function(a) {
return $.nn(a)
$.f.Fe = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = !!a, this.WB != a && (this.WB = a, this.aL(),, this) : this.WB
$.f.aL = function() {};
$.f.Yg = function() { || this.Op();;
return this
$.f.dh = function(a) {
return ( = Math.max( - 1, 0)) ? !0 : this.NA(!!a)
$.f.hw = function() {
return !1
$.f.rK = function() {
return 0
$.f.nP = !1;
$.f.Yp = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = this.nP ? $.Cj(BA, a, "none") : "none", this.nU != a && (this.nU = a,, this) : this.nP ? this.nU : "none"
$.f.Cv = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.Cj($ca, a, "direct"), this.mU != a && (this.mU = a, "none" != this.Yp() &&, this) : this.mU
$.f.CC = function(a) {
return Number(a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.type = this.Sa();
a.inverted = this.Fe();
return a
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.cr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
ir = 1;
$.hr = 8;
kB = {};
kB.linear = ir;
kB.log = 2;
kB["date-time"] = 4;
kB.ordinal = $.hr;
kB["linear-color"] = 32;
kB["ordinal-color"] = 16;
gr = kB;
var lB = $.cr.prototype;
lB.inverted = lB.Fe;
lB.startAutoCalc = lB.Yg;
lB.finishAutoCalc = lB.dh;
$.I($.qr, $.cr);
$.f = $.qr.prototype;
$.f.xo = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.on(a, 1E3, !1), this.yp != a && (this.yp = a, this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.yp
$.f.Jh = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) {
a = $.Q(a);
var b = (0, window.isNaN)(a);
if (b != this.Qm || !b && a != this.min) this.Qm = b, this.min = a, this.js = window.NaN, this.Pc = !1, b ? :;
return this
return this.min
$.f.ti = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) {
a = $.Q(a);
var b = (0, window.isNaN)(a);
if (b != this.Pm || !b && a != this.max) this.Pm = b, this.max = a, this.Xp = window.NaN, this.Pc = !1, b ? :;
return this
return this.max
$.f.pO = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = !!a, this.uD != a && (this.uD = a, this.Qm && (this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.uD
$.f.oO = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = !!a, this.tD != a && (this.tD = a, this.Pm && (this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.tD
$.f.cA = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.Q(a), (0, window.isNaN)(a) && (0, window.isNaN)(this.js) || a == this.js || (this.js = a, this.min = window.NaN, this.Qm = !0, this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.js
$.f.bA = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.Q(a), (0, window.isNaN)(a) && (0, window.isNaN)(this.Xp) || a == this.Xp || (this.Xp = a, this.max = window.NaN, this.Pm = !0, this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.Xp
$.f.iv = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = +a || 0, this.CG != a && (this.CG = a, this.Qm && (this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.CG
$.f.gv = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = +a || 0, this.wG != a && (this.wG = a, this.Pm && (this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.wG
$.f.aL = function() {
this.Pc = !1
$.f.Op = function() {
this.fea = this.zy;
this.eea = this.yy;
this.zy = window.Infinity;
this.yy = -window.Infinity;
this.Pc = this.JT = !1
$.f.ld = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) {
var c = +arguments[b];
(0, window.isNaN)(c) && (c = (0, window.parseFloat)(arguments[b]));
(0, window.isNaN)(c) || (this.JT = !0, c < this.zy && (this.zy = c, this.Pc = !1), c > this.yy && (this.yy = c, this.Pc = !1))
return this
$.f.NA = function(a) {
var b = this.fea != this.zy || this.eea != this.yy;
b && (this.Pc = !1, a ||;
return b
$ = function() {
return this.Qm || this.Pm
$.f.transform = function(a) {
return Number(this.cq.transform(a))
$.f.nb = function() {
this.Pc || (this.Pc = !0, this.$P(), this.eH(), this.Bv())
$.f.eH = function() {};
$.f.Bv = function() {
this.cq || (this.cq = new Vq);
var a = this.RH * this.Sv;
a = [-a, this.Sv - a];
this.WB && a.reverse();
$.f.$P = function() {
var a = !this.Qm;
var b = !this.Pm,
c = "percent" == this.Yp();
a && this.ld(this.min);
b && this.ld(this.max);
this.JT || (this.zy = 0, this.yy = c ? 100 : 1);
var d = a ? this.min : this.zy,
e = b ? this.max : this.yy;
!a && d >= this.js && (d = this.js, a = !0);
!b && e <= this.Xp && (e = this.Xp, b = !0);
$.Sl(d, e, 1E-7) && (b ? d-- : a ? e++ : (d -= .5, e += .5));
c && (a = b = !0);
a = this.iy(d, e, !a, !b, this.pH, !0);
this.min = a.min;
this.max = a.max;
this.fw = a.fw || 0
$.f.iy = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
if (c || d) {
var h = b - a;
c && (c = a - h * this.CG, e && 0 >= a * c ? c = 0 : g && (c = $.Ql(c)), a = c);
d && (c = b + h * this.wG, e && 0 >= b * c ? c = 0 : g && (c = $.Ql(c)), b = c)
return {
max: b,
min: a
$.f.Vc = function(a) {
return this.cq.Vc(a)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.maximum = this.Pm ? null : this.max;
a.minimum = this.Qm ? null : this.min;
a.minimumGap = this.iv();
a.maximumGap = this.gv();
a.softMinimum = (0, window.isNaN)(this.js) ? null : this.js;
a.softMaximum = (0, window.isNaN)(this.Xp) ? null : this.Xp;
a.softMaximum = (0, window.isNaN)(this.Xp) ? null : this.Xp;
a.alignMinimum = this.uD;
a.alignMaximum = this.tD;
a.maxTicksCount = this.yp;
return a
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.qr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var mB = $.qr.prototype;
mB.maxTicksCount = mB.xo;
mB.minimum = mB.Jh;
mB.maximum = mB.ti;
mB.extendDataRange = mB.ld;
$.I($.rr, $.qr);
$.f = $.rr.prototype;
$.f.vj = function(a) {
return !$.yq(a)
$.f.Sa = function() {
return "date-time"
$.f.Ia = function(a) {
this.ol || (this.ol = new ar(this), $.O(this, this.ol), $.U(this.ol,, this));
return $.n(a) ? (this.ol.P(a), this) : this.ol
$ = function(a) {
this.fl || (this.fl = new ar(this), $.O(this, this.fl), $.U(this.fl,, this));
return $.n(a) ? (this.fl.P(a), this) : this.fl
$.f.ld = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) $, Oq(arguments[b]));
return this
$.f.Bv = function() {
$.Wq(this.cq, [this.min, this.max]);
Xq(this.cq, 3)
$.f.eH = function() {
var a = this.Ia().Uz(this.min, this.max, this.Qm && this.uD, this.Pm && this.tD);, this.max, a[0], a[1]);
this.Qm && (this.min = a[0]);
this.Pm && (this.max = a[1])
$ = function(a) {
$.W(a, 2) && (this.Pc = !1,
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.ticks = this.Ia().J();
a.minorTicks =;
return a
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.rr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var nB = $.rr.prototype;
$.H("anychart.scales.dateTime", $.nr);
nB.getType = nB.Sa;
nB.ticks = nB.Ia;
nB.minorTicks =;
nB.transform = nB.transform;
nB.inverseTransform = nB.Vc;
nB.extendDataRange = nB.ld;
nB.softMinimum = nB.cA;
nB.softMaximum = nB.bA;
nB.alignMinimum = nB.pO;
nB.alignMaximum = nB.oO;
nB.minimumGap = nB.iv;
nB.maximumGap = nB.gv;
$.I($.sr, $.zp);
$.f = $.sr.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$.f.Ok = window.NaN;
$.f.lg = 4;
$ = 6;
$.f.Nk = null;
$.f.Mk = null;
$.f.Tc = 0;
$.f.Gl = "linear";
$.f.BV = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.b != a && (this.b = a, "logarithmic" != this.Gl &&, this) : this.b
$.f.m8 = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.Ok != a && (a = $.Q(a), 0 >= a ? (this.lg = 4, = 6, this.Ok = window.NaN) : ( = this.lg = window.NaN, this.Ok = +a), this.Mk = this.Nk = null,, this) : this.Ok
$.f.count = function(a, b) {
return $.n(a) ? (this.lg != a && (this.Ok = window.NaN, this.lg = Math.ceil($.Q(a)), = Math.ceil($.Q(b)), 2 <= this.lg || (this.lg = 4), >= this.lg || ( = this.lg), this.Mk = this.Nk = null,, this) : [this.lg,]
$.f.YD = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = +a || 0, this.Tc != a && (this.Tc = a, this.Mk = null, this.Nk ||, this) : this.Tc
$.f.set = function(a) {
$.bb(this.Nk, a) || (this.Ok = = this.lg = window.NaN, this.Nk = $.Oa(a, 0), $.Pa(this.Nk), $.Ua(this.Nk, $.cn), this.Mk = null,;
return this
$.f.get = function() {
var a =;
return (0, $.Ze)(a, function(a) {
a = this.transform(a);
return 0 <= a && 1 >= a
}, this.ra)
$ = function() {
if (this.Nk) var a = this.Nk;
else this.ra.nb(), a = this.Mk;
return a || []
$.f.mode = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = String(a).toLowerCase(), a = "log" == a || "logarithmic" == a ? "logarithmic" : "linear", this.Gl != a && (this.Mk = null, this.Gl = a, this.Nk ||, this) : this.Gl
$.f.Uz = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
this.Nk ? (this.Mk = null, e = [a, b], c && (e[0] = Math.min(a, this.Nk[0] || 0)), d && (e[1] = Math.max(b, this.Nk[this.Nk.length - 1] || 0))) : (a = "logarithmic" == this.Gl ? Sba(this, a, b, e || 10, g || 0, !!c, !!d) : tr(this, a, b, !!c, !!d, this.b, this.Tc), this.Mk = a.Ia, e = a.result);
return e
$.f.Vz = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (this.Nk) this.Mk = null;
else if (this.Mk ? this.Mk.length = 0 : this.Mk = [], !(2 > a.length)) {
b = b || 10;
var g = "logarithmic" == this.Gl,
h = g ? this.d6 : this.l8,
k = a.length - 1,
l = this.Ok,
m = this.lg;
if (!(0, window.isNaN)(this.Ok)) {
var p = a[k];
var q = a[0];
g && (q = $.Tl(q, b), p = $.Tl(p, b));
(p - q) / this.Ok > this.ra.xo() && ($.lk(20, null, [p - q, this.Ok]), this.Ok = window.NaN, this.lg = 4)
$.n(c) ? (q = a[0], p = a[1],, q, p, c, p, this.lg, b, e || 0), q = 1) : q = 0;
$.n(d) && k--;
for (c = q; c <= k - 1; c++) q = a[c], p = a[c + 1],, q, p, q,
p, this.lg, b, e || 0);
$.n(d) && (q = a[k], p = a[k + 1],, q, p, q, d, this.lg, b, e || 0));
this.Ok = l;
this.lg = m
$.f.l8 = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
ur(a, b, vr(this, c, d, e), this.Mk[this.Mk.length - 1], this.Mk)
$.f.d6 = function(a, b, c, d, e, g, h) {
function k(a) {
return 0 > a ? -m(-a + h - 1) : a ? m(a + h - 1) : 0
function l(a) {
return -m(a)
function m(a) {
return Ul(g, a)
var p = $.Tl(Math.abs(c), g),
q = $.Tl(Math.abs(d), g),
r = $.Tl(Math.abs(a), g),
t = $.Tl(Math.abs(b), g);
d *= c;
c = !1;
0 < d ? 0 < a ? k = m : (a = q, q = p, p = a, a = t, t = r, r = a, k = l, c = !0) : (r = -(r - h + 1), t -= h - 1, p = -(p - h + 1), q -= h - 1, d || (b ? r = p = 0 : t = q = 0));
e = ur(r, t, vr(this, p, q, e), window.NaN);
e = (0, $.eb)(e, k);
c && e.reverse();
this.Mk[this.Mk.length - 1] == e[0] && e.shift();
this.Mk = $.Ka(this.Mk, e)
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.mode = this.Gl;
a.base = this.Tc;
a.allowFractional = this.b;
this.Nk ? a.explicit = this.Nk : (this.lg == ? (0, window.isNaN)(this.lg) || (a.count = this.lg) : ((0, window.isNaN)(this.lg) || (a.minCount = this.lg), (0, window.isNaN)( || (a.maxCount =, (0, window.isNaN)(this.Ok) || (a.interval = this.Ok));
return a
$.f.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.set(c), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.sr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
this.Nk = a.explicit || null;
this.lg = $.Q(a.count) || $.Q(a.minCount) || window.NaN; = $.Q(a.count) || $.Q(a.maxCount) || window.NaN;
this.Ok = $.Q(a.interval) || window.NaN;
this.Nk ? this.lg = = this.Ok = window.NaN : this.Ok ? this.lg = = window.NaN : (this.lg = Math.ceil($.Q(this.lg)), = Math.ceil($.Q(, 2 <= this.lg || (this.lg = 4), >= this.lg || ( = this.lg))
var oB = $.sr.prototype;
oB.interval = oB.m8;
oB.allowFractional = oB.BV;
oB.count = oB.count;
oB.base = oB.YD;
oB.set = oB.set;
oB.get = oB.get;
oB.mode = oB.mode;
$.I($.wr, $.qr);
$.f = $.wr.prototype;
$.f.bJ = "none";
$.f.wP = "first-visible";
$.f.Sa = function() {
return "linear"
$.f.CC = function(a, b) {
var c = this.Ia().tj();
return $.Pl(Number(a), Math.max($.Rl($.Ql(c[1] - c[0])), 0) + ((0, window.isNaN)(b) ? 0 : Number(b)))
$.f.Ia = function(a) {
this.ol || (this.ol = this.Rk());
return $.n(a) ? (this.ol.P(a), this) : this.ol
$ = function(a) {
this.fl || (this.fl = this.Rk(), $.V(this.fl), this.fl.count(5),!1));
return $.n(a) ? (this.fl.P(a), this) : this.fl
$.f.vU = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = !!a, a != this.pH && (this.pH = a, this.Qm || this.Pm) && (this.Pc = !1,, this) : this.pH
$.f.Bv = function() {
$.Wq(this.cq, [this.min, this.max])
$.f.eH = function() {
var a = this.Ia().Uz(this.min, this.max, this.Qm && this.min != this.js && this.uD, this.Pm && this.max != this.Xp && this.tD,, this.fw || 0);
(0, window.isNaN)(a[4]) || (this.fw = a[4]);
this.Qm && (this.min = a[0]);
this.Pm && (this.max = a[1]);,, a[2], a[3], this.fw)
$ = function(a) {
$.W(a, 2) && (this.Pc = !1,
$.f.Rk = function() {
var a = new $.sr(this);
$.O(this, a);
$.U(a,, this);
return a
$.f.QA = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) {
a = $.Cj(BA, a, "none");
if (this.bJ != a) {
this.bJ = a;
switch (this.bJ) {
case "none":
this.EI = this.k_;
case "value":
this.EI = this.n_;
case "percent":
this.EI = this.l_
return this
return this.bJ
$.f.hX = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.Zj(a), this.wP != a && (this.wP = a,, this) : this.wP
$.f.RD = function(a, b) {
return this.EI(a, b)
$.f.k_ = function(a) {
return a
$.f.n_ = function(a, b) {
return $.Q(a) - b
$.f.l_ = function(a, b) {
return ($.Q(a) - b) / Math.abs(b || window.NaN) * 100
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
a.ticks = this.Ia().J();
a.minorTicks =;
a.stackMode = this.Yp();
a.stackDirection = this.Cv();
a.stickToZero = this.vU();
a.comparisonMode = this.QA();
return a
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.wr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var pB = $.wr.prototype;
$.H("anychart.scales.linear", $.lr);
pB.transform = pB.transform;
pB.inverseTransform = pB.Vc;
pB.getType = pB.Sa;
pB.ticks = pB.Ia;
pB.minorTicks =;
pB.stackMode = pB.Yp;
pB.stackDirection = pB.Cv;
pB.stickToZero = pB.vU;
pB.softMinimum = pB.cA;
pB.softMaximum = pB.bA;
pB.alignMinimum = pB.pO;
pB.alignMaximum = pB.oO;
pB.minimumGap = pB.iv;
pB.maximumGap = pB.gv;
pB.comparisonMode = pB.QA;
pB.compareWith = pB.hX;
$.I(xr, $.wr);
$.f = xr.prototype;
$.f.oG = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = (0, window.isNaN)(+a) ? : +a, a != && ( = a,, this) :
$.f.Sa = function() {
return "log"
$.f.Bv = function() {;
var a = this.min,
b = this.max,
c = this.oG(),
d = $.Ql($.Tl(Math.abs(a), c)),
e = $.Ql($.Tl(Math.abs(b), c));
var g = a * b;
var h = this.fw;
c = Ul(c, h);
0 < g ? (g = Yq[Uq](d, e), 0 > b ? (a = [a, -c, c, -a], d = [0, g(h), g(h - 2), g(h - 2 - d)]) : (a = [-b, -c, c, b], d = [g(h - 2 - e), g(h - 2), g(h), 1])) : 0 > g ? (e = e - h + d - h + 2, a = [a, -c, c, b], d = [0, (d - h) / e, (d - h + 2) / e, 1]) : (e = e - h + d - h + 1, b ? (a = [-b, -c, c, b], d = [-(e + 1) / e, -1 / e, 1 / e, 1]) : (a = [a, -c, c, -a], d = [0, (e - 1) / e, (e + 1) / e, (e + e + 1) / e]));
h =;
g = Zq[Uq](h[0], h[1]);
d = (0, $.eb)(d, function(a) {
return $.Ql(a)
$.Wq(this.cq, a);, $.eb)(d, g));
Xq(this.cq, [2, Uq, 2])
$.f.iy = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
e = this.oG();
var h = $.Tl(Math.abs(a), e),
k = $.Tl(Math.abs(b), e),
l = Math.min(Math.floor(h), Math.floor(k), 0);
if (c || d) {
var m = a * b;
0 < m ? 0 < a ? c =, h, k, c, d, !1, !1) : (c =, k, h, d, c, !1, !1), d = c.max, c.max = c.min, c.min = d) : 0 > m ? (2 > k - l + h - l && l--, c =, -(h - (l - 1)), k - (l - 1), c, d, !1, !1), c.min = -c.min + l - 1, c.max += l - 1) : b ? (c =, 0, k - (l - 1), !1, d, !1, !1), c.max += l - 1) : (c =, -(h - (l - 1)), 0, c, !1, !1, !1), c.min = -c.min + l - 1);
c = {
max: Ul(e, c.max) * $.ob(b),
min: Ul(e, c.min) * $.ob(a),
fw: l
g && (c.min = $.Ql(c.min), c.max = $.Ql(c.max))
} else c = {
min: a,
max: b,
fw: l
return c
$.f.J = function() {
var a =;
a.logBase = this.oG();
return a
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
xr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
var qB = xr.prototype;
$.H("anychart.scales.log", $.mr);
qB.getType = qB.Sa;
qB.transform = qB.transform;
qB.inverseTransform = qB.Vc;
qB.logBase = qB.oG;
$.I($.yr, $.zp);
$.f = $.yr.prototype;
$.f.xa = 2;
$ = window.NaN;
$.f.qf = null;
$.f.dy = null;
$.f.hp = null;
$.f.$v = null;
$.f.Lj = null;
$.f.ey = 100;
$.f.vI = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.on(a, window.NaN), (0, window.isNaN)(a) || == a || ( = a, this.ey = window.NaN, this.Lj = this.$v = this.hp = this.dy = null,, this) :
$.f.AS = function(a) {
return $.n(a) ? (a = $.on(a, window.NaN), (0, window.isNaN)(a) || this.ey == a || (this.ey = a, = window.NaN, this.Lj = this.$v = this.hp = this.dy = null,, this) : this.ey
$.f.set = function(a) {
$.bb(this.hp, a) || (this.hp = $.Ma(a), this.hp = (0, $.eb)(this.hp, function(a) {
return $.Q(a)
}), $.Ua(this.hp), $.Pa(this.hp), this.hp[0] = 0, this.Lj = this.$v = this.dy = null,;
return this
$.f.names = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) return this.qf != a && (this.qf = a,, this;
a =;
var b;
if (this.qf && this.qf.length < a.length || !this.Lj) {
var c = this.scale.names();
this.Lj = [];
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
var d = $.C(a[b]) ? a[b][0] : a[b];
var e = this.scale.Gw(d);
(0, window.isNaN)(e) ? this.Lj.push(d): this.Lj.push(c[e])
if (this.qf)
for (; this.qf.length < a.length;) this.qf.push(this.Lj[this.qf.length]);
d = this.qf || this.Lj;
c = Math.min(d.length, a.length);
e = [];
for (b = 0; b < c; b++) {
var g = a[b];
if ($.C(g)) {
var h = g[0];
g = g[1]
} else h =
h = this.scale.transform(h, 0);
g = this.scale.transform(g, 1);
0 > h && 0 > g || 1 < h && 1 < g || e.push(d[b])
return e
$.f.get = function() {
return (0, $.Ze)(, function(a) {
if ($.C(a)) {
var b = a[0];
a = a[1]
} else b = a;
b = this.transform(b, 0);
a = this.transform(a, 1);
return !(0 > b && 0 > a || 1 < b && 1 < a)
}, this.scale)
$ = function() {
if (this.dy) return this.dy;
if (this.hp) return this.dy = this.uS(this.hp);
this.$v || (this.$v = this.uS(this.WW()));
return this.$v || []
$.f.WW = function() {
var a = this.scale.values().length;
var b = (0, window.isNaN)( ? Math.ceil(a / this.ey) || 1 :;
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a; d += b) c.push(d);
return c
$.f.uS = function(a) {
var b = a.length || 0,
c = this.scale.values(),
d = c.length;
if (!b || !d) return [];
for (var e = [], g = !1, h = 0; h < b && !g; h++) {
var k = a[h],
l = a[h + 1];
(0, window.isNaN)(l) || l >= d ? (l = d - 1, g = !0) : l--;
e.push(k == l ? c[k] : [c[k], c[l]])
return e
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
this.hp ? a.explicit = this.hp : (0, window.isNaN)(this.ey) ? (0, window.isNaN)( || (a.interval = : a.maxCount = this.ey;
this.qf && (a.names = this.qf);
return a
$.f.Wd = function(a, b) {
var c = arguments[1];
return $.C(c) ? (this.set(c), !0) : $.zp.prototype.Wd.apply(this, arguments)
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.yr.F.$.call(this, a, b);
"explicit" in a ? this.set(a.explicit) : "interval" in a ? this.vI(a.interval) : "maxCount" in a && this.AS(a.maxCount);
this.qf = a.names || null;
this.Lj = this.$v = null
var rB = $.yr.prototype;
rB.interval = rB.vI;
rB.maxCount = rB.AS;
rB.set = rB.set;
rB.get = rB.get;
rB.names = rB.names;
$.I($.Ar, $.cr);
$.f = $.Ar.prototype;
$.f.Sa = function() {
return "ordinal"
$.f.vj = function(a) {
return !$.n(a)
$.f.Ia = function(a) {
this.vb || (this.vb = new $.yr(this), $.O(this, this.vb), $.U(this.vb,, this));
return $.n(a) ? (this.vb.P(a), this) : this.vb
$.f.values = function(a, b) {
if (!$.n(a)) return this.zf;
if (null === a) this.UD || (this.UD = !0,;
else {
this.UD = !1;
var c = $.C(a);
c && a.length ? this.ld.apply(this, a) : this.ld.apply(this, arguments);
this.NA(!0) &&
return this
$.f.names = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) {
if (null === a) this.qf = [];
else if ($.C(a)) this.qf = $.Ma(a);
else {
if (!$.y(a) || this.qf == a) return this;
this.qf = a
this.Um = null;
return this
if ($.C(this.qf)) {
this.Um || (this.Um = $.Ma(this.qf));
if (this.Um.length < this.zf.length)
for (; this.Um.length != this.zf.length;) this.Um.push(this.zf[this.Um.length]);
return this.Um
return this.Lj || []
$.f.hw = function() {
if (! return !1;
for (var a = 1; a < &&[a] ==[0]; a++);
return a !=
$.f.HU = function(a) {
if ($.n(a)) return $.Br(this, a), this.hP = !, this;
if ( != this.zf.length) {
for (var b = a = = 0, c = Math.min(, this.zf.length), d = !1, e = 0; e < c; e++) {
var g = $.Q([e]);
0 <= g ? (a += g, b++, : (d = !0, 0))
if (c < this.zf.length || d)
for (a = 0 < b ? a / b : 1, b = 0; b < this.zf.length; b++)[b] || ([b] = a)
$.f.Gw = function(a) {
a = +this.YC[$.dn(a)];
return (0, window.isNaN)(a) ? window.NaN : a
$.f.Op = function() {
this.M_ = this.zf;
this.zf = [];
this.YC = {};
this.Um = this.Lj = null; = 0;
this.Ix.length = 0
$.f.NA = function(a) {
var b = !$.bb(this.M_, this.zf);
b && (this.vb && $.zr(this.vb), a ||;
return b
$.f.ld = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) {
var c = arguments[b],
d = $.dn(c);
$.n(this.YC[d]) || (this.YC[d] = this.zf.length, this.zf.push(c))
return this
$ = function() {
return this.UD
$.f.rK = function() {
return 1 / this.zf.length * this.Sv
$.f.transform = function(a, b) {
var c = this.Gw(a);
if ((0, window.isNaN)(c)) return window.NaN;
var d;
this.hw() ? d = (b || 0) * $.Cr(this)[c] + this.IH[c] : d = c / this.zf.length + (b || 0) / this.zf.length;
c = (d - this.RH) * this.Sv;
return this.WB ? 1 - c : c
$.f.Vc = function(a) {
a = er(this, a);
if (this.hw()) {
for (var b = 1; b < this.IH.length && !(a <= this.IH[b]); b++);
a = b - 1
} else a = $.hb(Math.ceil(a * this.zf.length) - 1, 0, this.zf.length - 1);
return this.zf[a]
$ = function(a) {
$.W(a, 2) &&
$.f.J = function() {
var a = $;
this.UD || (a.values = this.values());
a.ticks = this.Ia().J();
this.qf.length && (a.names = this.qf);
!this.hP && this.hw() && (a.weights =;
return a
$.f.$ = function(a, b) {
$.Ar.F.$.call(this, a, b);
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