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Created April 23, 2018 10:44
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My DeepStream Configuration
# General
# Each server within a cluster needs a unique name. Set to UUID to have deepstream autogenerate a unique id
serverName: UUID
# Show the deepstream logo on startup (highly recommended)
showLogo: true
# Log messages with this level and above. Valid levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF
logLevel: INFO
# Directory where all plugins reside
libDir: /var/lib/deepstream
# SSL Configuration
sslKey: null
sslCert: null
sslCa: null
# Connection Endpoint Configuration
# to disable, replace configuration with null eg. `http: null`
name: uws
# port for the websocket server
port: 6020
# host for the websocket server
# url path websocket connections connect to
urlPath: /deepstream
# url path for http health-checks, GET requests to this path will return 200 if deepstream is alive
healthCheckPath: /health-check
# the amount of milliseconds between each ping/heartbeat message
heartbeatInterval: 30000
# the amount of milliseconds that writes to sockets are buffered
outgoingBufferTimeout: 0
# Security
# amount of time a connection can remain open while not being logged in
unauthenticatedClientTimeout: 180000
# invalid login attempts before the connection is cut
maxAuthAttempts: 3
# if true, the logs will contain the cleartext username / password of invalid login attempts
logInvalidAuthData: false
# maximum allowed size of an individual message in bytes
maxMessageSize: 1048576
name: http
# port for the http server
port: 8080
# host for the http server
# allow 'authData' parameter in POST requests, if disabled only token and OPEN auth is
# possible
allowAuthData: true
# enable the authentication endpoint for requesting tokens/userData.
# note: a custom authentication handler is required for token generation
enableAuthEndpoint: false
# path for authentication requests
authPath: /auth
# path for POST requests
postPath: /
# path for GET requests
getPath: /
# url path for http health-checks, GET requests to this path will return 200 if deepstream is alive
healthCheckPath: /health-check
# -- CORS --
# if disabled, only requests with an 'Origin' header matching one specified under 'origins'
# below will be permitted and the 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' response header will be
# enabled
allowAllOrigins: true
# a list of allowed origins
- ''
# Logger Configuration
# use either the default logger
name: default
colors: true
# value of logLevel (line 4) will always overwrite this value
logLevel: INFO
# # or the winston logger
# name: winston
# options:
# # specify a list of transports (console, file, time)
# -
# type: console
# options:
# # value of logLevel (line 4) will always overwrite this value
# level: info
# colorize: true
# -
# type: time
# options:
# filename: /var/log/deepstream/deepstream
# # or a custom logger
# path: ./my-custom-logger
# Plugin Configuration
# plugins:
# message:
# name: redis
# options:
# host: ${REDIS_HOST}
# port: 6379
# cache:
# name: redis
# options:
# host: ${REDIS_HOST}
# port: 6379
# storage:
# name: rethinkdb
# options:
# host: localhost
# port: 28015
# Storage options
# a RegExp that matches recordNames. If it matches, the record's data won't be stored in the db
storageExclusion: null
type: file
path: ./users.yml # Path to the user file. Can be json, js or yml
hash: 'md5' # the name of a HMAC digest algorithm
iterations: 100 # the number of times the algorithm should be applied
keyLength: 32 # the length of the resulting key
# # reading users and passwords from a file
# type: file
# options:
# # Path to the user file. Can be json, js or yml
# path: ./users.yml
# # the name of a HMAC digest algorithm
# hash: 'md5'
# # the number of times the algorithm should be applied
# iterations: 100
# # the length of the resulting key
# keyLength: 32
# # getting permissions from a http webhook
# type: http
# options:
# # a post request will be send to this url on every incoming connection
# endpointUrl:
# # any of these will be treated as access granted
# permittedStatusCodes: [ 200 ]
# # if the webhook didn't respond after this amount of milliseconds, the connection will be rejected
# requestTimeout: 2000
# Permissioning
# Only config or custom permissionHandler at the moment
type: config
# Path to the permissionFile. Can be json, js or yml
path: ./permissions.yml
# Amount of times nested cross-references will be loaded. Avoids endless loops
maxRuleIterations: 3
# PermissionResults are cached to increase performance. Lower number means more loading
cacheEvacuationInterval: 60000
# Timeouts (in milliseconds)
# Timeout for client RPC acknownledgement
rpcAckTimeout: 1000
# Timeout for actual RPC provider response
rpcTimeout: 10000
# Maximum time permitted to fetch from cache
cacheRetrievalTimeout: 1000
# Maximum time permitted to fetch from storage
storageRetrievalTimeout: 2000
# Plugin startup timeout – deepstream init will fail if any plugins fail to emit a 'done' event within this timeout
dependencyInitialisationTimeout: 2000
# The amount of time to wait for a provider to acknowledge or reject a listen request
listenResponseTimeout: 500
# The amount of time a lock can be reserved for before it is force released
lockTimeout: 1000
# The amount of time a lock request waits for before it defaults to false
lockRequestTimeout: 1000
# The amount of time a broadcast will wait (to allow broadcast coalescing). -1 means disabled.
broadcastTimeout: 0
# A list of prefixes that, when a record is updated via setData and it matches one of the prefixes
# it will be permissioned and written directly to the cache and storage layers
# storageHotPathPatterns:
# - analytics/
# - metrics/
# Username
# Password hash ( hash options passed within config.yml )
# This hash represents clear text "password" with default options
password: "rCOSZxJrgze2AZdVQh12c6ErDMOG0M+Rx5Yu7S5d91c=GS4SbTQYmoaGwjm2shEobg=="
# Server data is used within your permission handler
someOptional: "auth-data"
# Client data is sent to the client on login
favouriteColor: "red"
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