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Created April 11, 2021 19:11
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Get-EventLog -LogName Security -after (Get-date -hour 0 -minute 0 -second 0) | Where-Object { (4624, 4778) -contains $_.EventID -and $_.Message -match 'logon type:\s+(10)\s' } | % {
(new-object -Type PSObject -Property @{
TimeGenerated = $_.TimeGenerated
ClientIP = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Source Network Address:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*', '$1'
UserName = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Account Name:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*', '$1'
UserDomain = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Account Domain:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*', '$1'
LogonType = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Logon Type:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*', '$1'
} | Sort-Object TimeGenerated -Descending | Select-Object TimeGenerated, ClientIP `
, @{N = 'Username'; E = { '{0}\{1}' -f $_.UserDomain, $_.UserName } } `
, @{N = 'LogType'; E = {
switch ($_.LogonType) {
2 { 'Interactive - local logon' }
3 { 'Network connection to shared folder)' }
4 { 'Batch' }
5 { 'Service' }
7 { 'Unlock (after screensaver)' }
8 { 'NetworkCleartext' }
9 { 'NewCredentials (local impersonation process under existing connection)' }
10 { 'RDP' }
11 { 'CachedInteractive' }
default { "LogType Not Recognised: $($_.LogonType)" }
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