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Last active March 9, 2022 00:52
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-- register line
initial_properties = {
color = "black",
width = "10"
on_touch = function(player, ....) {
}, "minetest:simple_line")
local entity1 = minetest.add_entity(pos1, "minetest:entity1")
local entity2 = minetest.add_entity(pos2, "minetest:entity1")
-- draw the edge between two entities
local line = minetest.add_line(entity1, entity2, "minetest.simple_vector")
-- in an ideal world, after entities with an edge change position, the line redrawn too
-- when one of the entities is deleted, the vector between entities should be removed too.
-- for eample
entity2:remove() --should call line:remove() somewhere in minetest engine
-- change line color and width
color: "red",
width: "11",
-- some useful things
local lines = entity1.get_lines()
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