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Last active July 30, 2019 18:37
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Inherit GameWindow using proxy and Override OnUpdateFrame method.
(ns core
(assembly-load-from "./extern/OpenTK/lib/net20/OpenTK.dll")
(import [System]
[OpenTK.Graphics.ES30 ClearBufferMask]
[OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL GL]
[OpenTK.Input Keyboard Key]
(defn on-update-frame [event]
(let [input (Keyboard/GetState)]
(if (.IsKeyDown input Key/Escape)
(Console/WriteLine "Escape Pressed!"))))
(defn new-window [width height]
(proxy [OpenTK.GameWindow] [width height nil "Mono Chromium BSU"]
(OnUpdateFrame [event]
(on-update-frame event))))
(defn -main []
(Console/WriteLine "Starting OpenTK Window.")
(let [window (new-window 800 600)]
(GL/ClearColor Color/CornflowerBlue)
(GL/Clear ClearBufferMask/ColorBufferBit)
(.SwapBuffers window)
(.Run window 30.0)))
(ns core
(assembly-load-from "./extern/OpenTK/lib/net20/OpenTK.dll")
(import [System]
[OpenTK.Graphics.ES30 ClearBufferMask]
[OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL GL]
[OpenTK.Input Keyboard Key]
(defn on-update-frame [this event]
(let [input (Keyboard/GetState)]
(if (.IsKeyDown input Key/Escape)
(.Exit this))))
(defn new-window [width height]
(proxy [OpenTK.GameWindow] [width height nil "Mono Chromium BSU"]
(OnUpdateFrame [event]
(on-update-frame this event))))
(defn -main []
(Console/WriteLine "Starting OpenTK Window.")
(let [window (new-window 800 600)]
(GL/ClearColor Color/CornflowerBlue)
(GL/Clear ClearBufferMask/ColorBufferBit)
(.SwapBuffers window)
(.Run window 30.0)))
(ns core
(assembly-load-from "./extern/OpenTK/lib/net20/OpenTK.dll")
(import [System]
[OpenTK.Graphics.ES30 ClearBufferMask]
[OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL GL]
(defn new-window [width height]
(proxy [OpenTK.GameWindow] [width height nil "Mono Chromium BSU"]
(OnUpdateFrame [event]
(Console/WriteLine event))))
(defn -main []
(Console/WriteLine "Starting OpenTK Window.")
(let [window (new-window 800 600)]
(GL/ClearColor Color/CornflowerBlue)
(GL/Clear ClearBufferMask/ColorBufferBit)
(.SwapBuffers window)
(.Run window 30.0)))
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