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Common DLL's exports mapped to descriptions and categories via an LLM
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title description category | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TerminateJobObject This function terminates all processes associated with a job- managing processes and threads. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrServerCall2 Facilitates remote procedure calls (RPC) but is not user-invoked. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCSpnW Searches a string for specific characters- providing their index. Involves string manipulation rather than file or network processes. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!UpdateColors Updates the client area of a device context by remapping current colors to the logical palette. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy Implements the AddRef method for interface proxies- managing reference counting in COM. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegEnumKeyW Enumerates subkeys of an open registry key- indicating direct registry manipulation. Registry Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredDeleteA Deletes a credential from the user's credential set- modifying stored authentication data. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualQueryEx Retrieves information about page attributes in a specified process's virtual address space. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoW Resets security information in the security descriptor of a tree of objects- affecting DACL and SACL. Registry Operations | |
WINMM.DLL!joyConfigChanged Reloads joystick configuration from the registry when it changes- involving registry interactions. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptGetCMap Retrieves glyph indexes for Unicode characters in a string- examining font support for character rendering. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!PolyDraw This function draws line segments and Bézier curves using a device context and point arrays. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualAllocEx Reserves and commits memory in a specified process's virtual address space- modifying memory states. Memory Management | |
COMDLG32.DLL!PrintDlgA This function opens a dialog for print options- involving user interface interaction rather than direct file operations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!StgConvertVariantToProperty Converts PROPVARIANT data type to SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE- managing data representation. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetStretchBltMode Sets the bitmap stretching mode for a device context- influencing how bitmaps are rendered. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!EnumDisplaySettingsExA Retrieves information about graphics modes for a display device- including settings stored in the registry. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI8FromStr Converts an OLECHAR string to an 8-byte integer value. Cryptographic Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetRectEmpty This function creates an empty rectangle- primarily used for graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx Retrieves information about the relationships of logical processors and associated hardware. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SendMessageTimeoutA Sends messages to windows while managing the timeout for processing. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetCalendarInfoA Sets locale-specific calendar information for a calendar. Affects user settings- not system defaults. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromBool Converts a Boolean value to a currency value- manipulating data types for automation purposes. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DSA_Create Creates a dynamic structure array for managing various data types efficiently in memory. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!IStream_Size Retrieves the size of a specified stream in bytes. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegCreateUSKeyW Creates or opens a registry subkey in user-specific areas of the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction27 Stub function for COM proxies involved in interface marshaling and communication between components. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!ShellAboutA Displays a ShellAbout dialog box with application information. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!NtQuerySystemTime This function retrieves the current system time- providing system information relevant to system control. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapValidate Validates a specified heap or memory block for consistency- ensuring correct memory management during heap operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetUserObjectSecurity Retrieves security information for a specified user object- relating to access control and permissions. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetNamedPipeHandleState Configures read and blocking modes of named pipes- facilitating inter-process communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IdnToNameprepUnicode Converts internationalized domain names to NamePrep form- relevant for network communication formatting. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayGetUBound Retrieves the upper limit of a specified dimension of a safe array. Memory Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveInReset Stops input on a waveform-audio input device and resets the position- managing audio device state. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient27 This function is a stub for COM proxies used in marshaling interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!GetClipboardOwner Retrieves the window handle that currently owns the clipboard data. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!TabbedTextOutW This function writes text to a specified location within a device context- handling tab expansion for formatting. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LoadCursorFromFileA Creates a cursor using data from a file- thus performing file operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!TabbedTextOutA Writes a character string at a specified location- managing text formatting and tab settings. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngFreeModule Unmaps a memory-mapped file- indicating a function related to memory handling operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleDestroyMenuDescriptor Frees memory allocated for a shared menu descriptor- indicating memory management operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegDeleteValueW Removes a named value from a specified registry key- modifying the registry. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!StgConvertPropertyToVariant Converts SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE to PROPVARIANT- focusing on data type management within software applications. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR8FromR4 Converts a float value to a double value. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SaferiIsExecutableFileType Determines if a specified file has an executable extension for security assessments. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!GetMenuPosFromID Determines the position of a menu item given its ID- relating to UI menu interactions. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SaferComputeTokenFromLevel This function restricts access tokens based on specified criteria- enhancing security measures for token management. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32.DLL!EngDeletePath Deletes a path allocated by EngCreatePath- indicating a manipulation of graphics paths for display devices. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule Registers a custom runtime exception handler for Windows Error Reporting to manage crash events. Process and Thread Management | |
COMDLG32.DLL!ReplaceTextA Facilitates user-driven find and replace operations via a dialog box interface. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!PropStgNameToFmtId Converts property set names to format identifiers for structured storage management. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiInGetID Retrieves the device identifier for a MIDI input device. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!EnumServicesStatusExW Enumerates services in the service control manager database- providing service names and statuses. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveBlanksW This function removes spaces from strings- typically used in file path manipulations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetVolumeLabelA Sets the label of a file system volume- affecting file system operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI8FromDec Converts a decimal value to an 8-byte integer- primarily handling data representation. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GdiComment Copies a comment from a buffer into an enhanced-format metafile- related to drawing operations. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHCreateProcessAsUserW Creates a new process in the security context of a specified user. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrNCatW Appends characters from one string to another- related to string manipulation. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!ConvertStringSidToSidW Converts a string-format security identifier (SID) into a valid- functional SID for access control. Registry Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!IUnknown_QueryService Retrieves a service interface from a COM object- facilitating service communication. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExA Registers a control handler for a service to manage control requests. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlApplySchemeW Determines a URL scheme and returns a modified URL with the appropriate prefix. Network Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILAppendID This function modifies ITEMIDLIST structures by appending or prepending SHITEMID structures. File Operations | |
IHolder::FreeResource Frees a previously allocated resource- returning it to the inventory for further use. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromR4 Converts a float to a Boolean value- focusing on value conversion rather than direct file or memory operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemDirectoryA Retrieves the path of the system directory- providing essential system information. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqEpExA Registers a protocol sequence and endpoint for remote procedure calls in the RPC runtime library. Network Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILIsEqual Compares two ITEMIDLIST structures for equality based on binary data. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CreateDialogParamW Creates a modeless dialog box from a template. It manages dialog box visibility and initializes controls. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegGetBoolValueFromHKCUHKLM Evaluates a registry key value to determine existence and state. Registry Operations | |
MSIHND.DLL!DllUnregisterServer Instructs a server to remove registry entries created by DllRegisterServer. Registry Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!DAD_SetDragImage Sets a drag image for user interface operations during drag-and-drop actions. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!DrawEscape Provides drawing capabilities to video displays not available through GDI. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW This function converts a security descriptor to a string format for storage or transmission. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptBreak Retrieves information for determining line breaks in Unicode text. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SearchPathA Searches for a specified file in a specified path- optionally using system paths or registry settings. File Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner Retrieves owner information from a security descriptor- essential for managing access controls. Registry Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!FreeAddrInfoW Frees dynamically allocated address information from GetAddrInfoW- managing memory for network operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoCancelCall Cancels an outbound DCOM call on a specified thread- affecting process behavior. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetKeyNameTextA Retrieves the name of a key based on keyboard input- crucial for input processing. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCInstallProviderAndChains64_32 Installs transport providers and their protocol chains in Winsock configuration databases for 32 and 64-bit systems. Network Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!CloseDriver Closes an installable driver- managing driver instances and resources. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetGlyphOutlineW Retrieves outlines or bitmaps of characters in a TrueType font- requiring a device context handle. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptString_pcOutChars The function returns a pointer to the length of a string- related to memory management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!EndPaint Marks the end of painting in a window; relates to GUI operations. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!EngCreateClip Creates a CLIPOBJ structure for GDI to access frame buffers in graphics operations. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHFreeShared Frees shared memory allocated by any process- facilitating memory management across process boundaries. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CStdStubBuffer2_CountRefs Counts the number of server objects connected to the RPC stub- indicating process management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI1FromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to a char- involving data type conversion. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!LoadImageW Loads images like icons or bitmaps from files or resources in memory. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!FlatSB_SetScrollRange Alters the range of a scroll bar- related to window interface control. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!QueryServiceLockStatusA Retrieves lock status of the service control manager database to manage service lock access. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FreeUserPhysicalPages Frees previously allocated physical memory pages- managing memory resources within processes. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtSetAuthorizationFn Establishes an authorization function for managing remote calls- thus controlling access to server functions. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType Retrieves initialization type for threads created in a process- affecting threading behavior. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrStubGetBuffer Retrieves a buffer from the RPC channel- facilitating remote procedure calls. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrComplexStructUnmarshall This function unmarshals data from a network buffer into memory- involving network data handling. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI8FromI2 Converts a short integer to an unsigned 8-byte integer for data type management. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_Create Creates a dynamic pointer array- managing memory allocation for pointers. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!StartTraceA The StartTrace function initiates an event tracing session for logging events. System Information and Control | |
VERTDLL.DLL!NtOpenFile Opens an existing file- device- directory- or volume- providing a handle for file operations. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSmClientFree Frees memory allocated from a client stub- managing memory in RPC environments. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetCharacterPlacementA Retrieves character string information such as widths and positioning in rendering glyphs. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!FileEncryptionStatusA Retrieves the encryption status of a specified file. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!AppendMenuW Appends a new item to a menu- adjusting content and behavior. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptXtoCP Converts an x offset to a character position in a logical character cluster. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegCreateKeyExA Creates or opens a specified registry key- performing registry operations. Registry Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredFindBestCredentialA Searches for generic credentials associated with the current logon session in the Credential Management database. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArraySetIID Sets the GUID of the interface for a safe array- influencing how data is handled. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!MessageBoxIndirectA Creates and displays a message box for user interaction with defined text and buttons. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReadFile Reads data from specified files or I/O devices- allowing synchronous and asynchronous operations. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetLineControlsW This function retrieves controls associated with audio lines- categorizing it under System Information and Control. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNumaAvailableMemoryNode Retrieves the amount of available memory in a specified NUMA node. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!CreateIconFromResource Generates an icon or cursor from resource bits- enabling graphical manipulation in applications. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!AbortSystemShutdownA Stops a system shutdown that has been initiated on the local or remote computer. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction17 This function serves as a stub for COM proxies- facilitating communication in distributed applications. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HBITMAP_UserMarshal64 Marshals HBITMAP objects into an RPC buffer for remote procedure calls. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!DialogBoxParamW Creates a modal dialog box- managing user input and interface elements. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDurationFormatEx Formats a duration of time as a string for a specified locale. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!FlatSB_SetScrollProp Sets properties for a flat scroll bar- affecting its visual representation and dimensions. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqExA Registers a protocol sequence for receiving RPC calls- specifically for network communication. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleLoad Loads objects into memory from a specified storage object- making it crucial for managing object state. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrServerCallAll Facilitates remote procedure calls (RPC) between clients and servers in a networked environment. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetCharWidth32A Retrieves character widths from a font for display in logical coordinates. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CopyFileExW This function copies an existing file and allows monitoring its progress- thus handling file operations directly. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqIfExA Registers a protocol sequence for receiving remote procedure calls- enabling network communication. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrFromI8 Converts an 8-byte unsigned integer to a BSTR- focusing on data type conversion. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetMetaFileBitsEx Retrieves contents of a Windows-format metafile and copies them to a specified buffer. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CreateIconIndirect This function creates icons from an ICONINFO structure- manipulating graphical resources. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInterfaceGroupCreateA Creates an RPC server interface group for managing server application interfaces and endpoints. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime Retrieves the current system date and time with high precision in UTC format. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrFromI2 Converts a short value to a BSTR value for use in automation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!BroadcastSystemMessageA Sends a message to specified system components or applications- enabling inter-process communication. Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA Converts string-format security descriptors into valid security descriptors for access controls. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!EnumDisplayDevicesA Retrieves information about display devices in the current session- related to hardware and system information. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!ControlServiceExW Sends control codes to manage the state of Windows services. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromUI4 Converts unsigned long values to long values- primarily for data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlGetPartA Extracts specific components from a URL (like hostname or port). Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!DuplicateEncryptionInfoFile Copies EFS metadata from one file or directory to another- requiring file operations for destination setup. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindResourceExW Locates a specified resource within a module based on type- name- and language. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GdiTransparentBlt Transfers pixel data between device contexts with transparency handling. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrConformantStringMarshall This function marshals data specifically for network communication in RPC. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNextFileNameW Enumerates hard links to a file using a handle- related to file management operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateRemoteThreadEx Creates a thread within another process's address space- allowing for code execution and potential thread control. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarAbs Computes the absolute value of a variant- dealing with data types rather than system resources. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Remove Removes an image from an image list- manipulating the collection of images in memory. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!IsZoomed Checks if a specific window is maximized or not. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetWindowContextHelpId Associates a Help context identifier with a window- related to UI context management. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoMarshalHresult Marshals an HRESULT to a stream for inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateIoCompletionPort Creates an I/O completion port for asynchronous I/O operation notifications. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks Waits for work callbacks to complete- managing thread pool operations effectively. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromI2 Converts a short value to an unsigned char value- affecting data representation. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHSetInstanceExplorer Allows components to extend the lifetime of their host process- especially in shell environments. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SoundSentry Triggers a visual signal for a sound playing- relating it to system notifications. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BackupRead Reads data from a file or directory- including security information- to facilitate backups. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx This function searches for and retrieves icon or cursor resource identifiers based on display device compatibility. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!EventWriteEx Writes an ETW event- providing metadata for tracing and monitoring system events. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstFileTransactedA This function searches for files in a directory as a transacted operation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReleaseSRWLockShared Releases a slim reader/writer lock that was acquired- managing access to shared data. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CompareStringEx Compares two Unicode strings with optional locale-specific settings- impacting how string equality is evaluated. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!UuidToStringA Converts a UUID to an ANSI string- performing a string representation operation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcpynA Copies characters from a source string to a buffer- potentially leading to buffer overflow risks. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AccessCheckByTypeResultList Determines if a security descriptor grants specific access rights to a client identified by an access token. Registry Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAConnect Establishes a connection to another socket application- facilitating network communication. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoFreeUnusedLibraries Unloads DLLs not in use- related to managing DLLs and COM object resources. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadToken Assigns an impersonation token to a thread- impacting its security context. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!StartServiceW This function starts a specified service- managing system services. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW Generates an audit message in the security event log related to privilege usage. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreate This function creates an embedded object identified by a CLSID- indicating it manages file-like operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCurrencyFormatA Formats number strings as currency based on specified locale identifiers. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetCachedSigningLevel Sets the cached signing level for source files- impacting file security operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!ShowScrollBar This function manages the visibility of scroll bars in a window or control. System Information and Control | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptEncrypt Encrypts data using a specified encryption algorithm with a provided key handle. Cryptographic Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!RegQueryMultipleValuesW Retrieves types and data for multiple value names associated with a registry key. Registry Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!AddFontResourceW Adds a font resource to the system font table for use in applications. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetUserDefaultLocaleName Retrieves the user default locale name for internationalization purposes. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DSA_DeleteAllItems Deletes all items from a dynamic structure array. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetKeyState Retrieves the current status of a specific virtual key on the keyboard. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateItemFromParsingName This function creates a Shell item from a parsing name- relating to file system structure. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHGetDataFromIDListA Retrieves extended property data from a relative identifier list associated with objects in the filesystem. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CallWindowProcA Passes messages to window procedures- facilitating window procedure management and subclassing. Hooking and Interception | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlCombineW Combines a base URL with a relative URL- processing them into a canonical form. Network Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AddAccessDeniedAceEx Adds an access-denied ACE to a DACL for controlling access to objects. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromDate Converts a date value to an unsigned short value. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegEnumValueW Enumerates values for a specified open registry key- essential for registry operations. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!Ndr64AsyncServerCallAll This function is used in Remote Procedure Calls- involving network communication between applications. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleIsCurrentClipboard Checks if a specified data object is still on the clipboard. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex Retrieves the icon index from the system image list for a folder item. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CreateDialogIndirectParamA This function creates a dialog box- managing visual components and interactions. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryDosDeviceA Retrieves information about MS-DOS device names- which involves querying file system structure. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CharPrevExA Retrieves the pointer to the previous character in a string based on code-page settings. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetGlyphIndicesW Converts a string to an array of glyph indices- used for font representation and manipulation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetTouchInputInfo Retrieves information about touch inputs from a handle- indicating operations related to input management. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SwitchDesktop Activates a specified desktop to receive user input- involving interactions with the window station and desktop. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegSetUSValueW Sets a registry key value in user-specific HKCU or HKLM subtrees. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayCreateVectorEx Creates a one-dimensional safe array- managing memory for specified data types and bounds. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserFree Frees resources allocated on the server side during RPC calls. Memory Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmTaskCreate The mmTaskCreate function is used for creating multimedia tasks. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsValidLocale Determines if a specified locale is installed or supported on the operating system. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!DAD_DragMove Moves the drag image during drag-and-drop operations using specified coordinates. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CStdAsyncStubBuffer_AddRef Implements IRpcStubBuffer::AddRef for reference counting in RPC stubs. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetClipboardViewer This function manages clipboard viewer windows- facilitating communication on clipboard content changes. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DiscardVirtualMemory This function discards memory contents without decommitting it- impacting memory management. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDurationFormat Formats time durations based on locale-specific identifiers- relating to internationalization. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder Changes the order of Winsock namespace providers for name resolution priority. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaLookupNames Retrieves security identifiers (SIDs) for specified user or group names- aiding in identity management and access control. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetObject Converts a display name into a moniker and binds to the identified object. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarFormat Formats a variant into a string using a specified format- manipulating representation based on locale. System Information and Control | |
WINMM.DLL!joyGetThreshold Queries the movement threshold of a joystick- measuring user input thresholds for device interaction. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName Retrieves a property store for an item based on its path- facilitating data access. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalGetAtomNameW Retrieves the character string associated with a specified global atom for inter-process communication. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessDefaultCpuSets Assigns default CPU Sets for process threads- impacting their execution on specific CPU cores. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHShellFolderView_Message Sends messages to the shell's default IFolderView implementation- influencing shell view behavior. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!BSTR_UserSize Calculates the wire size for the BSTR object- involving memory calculation for proper alignment during RPC. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AddMandatoryAce This function modifies a system access control list (SACL) by adding an access control entry (ACE). Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegEnumUSKeyA Enumerates subkeys of a registry subkey in user-specific registry hives. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CLIPFORMAT_UserFree64 Frees resources on the server side during Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetModuleHandleExA Retrieves a module handle and modifies the reference count for loaded modules. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!IsTextUnicode Determines if a buffer is likely to contain Unicode text by analyzing its content. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!DragFinish Releases memory allocated for transferring file names during drag-and-drop operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!CreateWindowExA Creates a window and manages its properties like styles and position. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Process32FirstW Retrieves information about the first process in a system snapshot. Process and Thread Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv4StringToAddressW Converts a string-based IPv4 address to binary format for network operations. Network Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!GetMUILanguage Retrieves the language currently used by common controls for the specified process. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayLock Increments a lock count for an array- managing access to shared data. Memory Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3 Determines if a name can be used to create a valid FAT file. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadId Retrieves the identifier of a specified thread- essential for thread management in applications. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterPointerDeviceNotifications This function registers a window to receive notifications related to pointer device events. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAEnumProtocolsA Retrieves information about available transport protocols installed on a local machine. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!AddFontResourceExW This function adds a font resource to the system- enabling font management within applications. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!StgOpenStorage Opens an existing root storage object in the file system for accessing structured storage. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IsWindowArranged Determines if a specified window is in an arranged state (snapped). System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CancelIoEx Cancels outstanding I/O operations for a specified file handle in the current process. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction4 Stub function for COM proxies that helps marshal interfaces in inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateUmsThreadContext Creates a user-mode scheduling thread context representing a UMS worker thread. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!STGMEDIUM_UserSize Calculates the size of the STGMEDIUM object for remote procedure calls (RPC). Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessAffinityMask Sets a processor affinity mask for the threads of the specified process. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize Calculates buffer size needed for marshalling interface pointers- involved in RPC operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!ChangeDisplaySettingsW Changes the graphics mode of the default display device- affecting graphical settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumResourceTypesW Enumerates resource types within a binary module- interacting with resource management. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!GetCertificateSize Retrieves the size of a driver's certificate chain- crucial for maintaining secure communications. Cryptographic Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!EncryptionDisable Disables or enables encryption for specified directories and files- affecting file access permissions. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioRenameW The mmioRenameW function renames a specified file. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadInformation Retrieves specified information about a thread- including memory priority and CPU priority. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HACCEL_UserSize This function calculates the size of the HACCEL object for RPC- indicating memory operations. Memory Management | |
ITraceRelogger::ProcessTrace Delivers events from trace streams to the consumer. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerPenInfoHistory Retrieves pen input history from coalesced pointer messages for a specified pen pointer. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI1FromDisp Converts an IDispatch instance's property to a char value- affecting automation scripting. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarImp Performs bitwise implication on variants- focusing on their integer values. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerInfoHistory Retrieves information about individual input pointers coalesced into a message- reflecting input history. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHDefExtractIconA Extracts an icon from a specified file- primarily dealing with file-related operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DlgDirSelectExW Retrieves the selection from a list box- indicating file or directory name selection. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!TranslateAcceleratorA Processes and translates accelerator keys- converting key messages to command messages for window procedures. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!OleGetAutoConvert This function retrieves CLSID conversion information from the registry- indicating it involves registry interactions. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!HBITMAP_UserFree Frees resources on the server side- primarily involved in memory management during RPC calls. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCSpnIA Searches for character occurrences in a string; related to string manipulation. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!PaintDesktop Fills the device context with the desktop wallpaper or pattern for display. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SaveDC Saves the current state of a device context for later restoration- related to graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyMulI8 Multiplies a currency value with a 64-bit integer- managing data types and basic computation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LPSAFEARRAY_UserMarshal Marshals data from SAFEARRAY to RPC buffer- facilitating remote procedure call data management. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathCompactPathExW Truncates file paths to fit within a specified character limit- impacting file operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LockFileEx Locks specified file for exclusive or shared access- managing concurrent file operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI8FromI8 Converts 8-byte integers between signed and unsigned formats- relating to data manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SleepEx Suspends the thread until a specified condition is met- affecting thread scheduling. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A Validates if a name can create a file on a FAT file system. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHGetIconOverlayIndexA Retrieves the overlay icon index for a file in the system image list. File Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHCreateStreamOnFileW Opens or creates a file and retrieves a stream for reading or writing. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ExtFloodFill This function fills an area on the display surface using a specified color and boundary type. Graphics Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SetServiceBits Registers a service type with the service control manager- managing system service information. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileAttributesTransactedW Retrieves file system attributes of files or directories within a transaction. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateFiber Allocates a fiber object and sets up execution- related to thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHDeleteEmptyKeyW Deletes an empty registry key specified by the user. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateFromDataEx Creates objects in OLE containers with support for multiple caching formats. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetWinMetaFileBits Converts enhanced metafile records to Windows-format records and writes them to a specified buffer. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessPriorityBoost This function enables or disables the priority boosting of threads in a specified process. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateThreadpoolWork This function creates a work object for managing concurrent thread execution. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetDefaultCommConfigA Sets configuration for a communications device- managing device properties. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HACCEL_UserSize64 Calculates the wire size of HACCEL objects for RPC communication. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetDeviceGammaRamp Adjusts the gamma ramp for direct color display boards- impacting visual output. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSidLengthRequired This function calculates the required buffer size for a Security Identifier (SID)- relating to system security. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAGetServiceClassInfoA Retrieves service class information from a specified namespace provider using Windows Sockets API. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFinalPathNameByHandleA Retrieves the final path of a specified file or directory identified by a handle. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!ShellAboutW This function displays a dialog box about an application- primarily for informational purposes. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ImpersonateLoggedOnUser Allows a thread to impersonate the security context of a logged-on user via a token handle. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetTextExtentPoint32A Computes the width and height of a specified text string- related to rendering graphics. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!ScrollWindow The ScrollWindow function manages the viewing area of a window by scrolling its contents. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LogonUserExW This function logs a user onto the local computer- managing user sessions and tokens. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoInvalidateRemoteMachineBindings Flushing cached RPC binding handles for remote computers involves system-level operations and management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MoveFileTransactedA Moves files or directories as a transacted operation- managing file locations and operations within transactions. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterClipboardFormatW Registers a new clipboard format for use in data exchange. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!UnRegisterTypeLib Removes type library information from the system registry for application uninstallation. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcEpRegisterNoReplaceW This function adds server-address information to the local endpoint-map database for RPC. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!XLATEOBJ_piVector This function retrieves a translation vector for converting source indices- related to display device operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OleTranslateColor Converts an OLE_COLOR to a COLORREF- primarily dealing with color conversion. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcatW Appends one string to another- manipulating string buffers. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateThreadpoolIo Creates an I/O completion object for handling asynchronous file operations. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapUnlock Releases ownership of a critical section object associated with a heap. Matches the action of HeapLock. Memory Management | |
GDI32.DLL!FONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile Retrieves a user-mode pointer to a view of a font file- indicating file access. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegConnectRegistryA Connects to a predefined registry key on a remote computer- requiring access to registry operations. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrSimpleTypeUnmarshall This function unmarshalls data from memory for RPC communication. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetDialogDpiChangeBehavior Returns DPI change flags for a dialog- relating to its previous settings. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage Converts OLE 1 objects to OLE 2 structured storage objects. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RemoveDirectoryTransactedW Deletes an existing empty directory using a transaction mechanism for safe file operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetShellWindow Retrieves a handle to the Shell's desktop window- useful for window management in applications. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!LoadImageA Loads various types of images (icons- cursors- bitmaps) into memory- impacting how they are accessed. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILCloneFirst Clones SHITEMID structure from an ITEMIDLIST- focusing on shell object management. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!FreeEncryptionCertificateHashList Frees a certificate hash list related to file encryption. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualUnlock Unlocks pages in virtual memory to allow system page swapping. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!WindowFromPhysicalPoint Retrieves a handle to the window at a specified physical point on the screen. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetDevCapsW Queries a mixer device to determine its capabilities and configurations. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetKernelObjectSecurity Retrieves the security descriptor of a kernel object- detailing its access controls. Registry Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DrawInsert Draws an icon in a drag list box's parent window- facilitating user interface interaction. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSidW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure for access control- relating to security identifiers. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW Determines if the current directory should be included in the executable's search path. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA This function modifies firmware environment variables by setting attributes for storage and access. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetLayout Changes the layout of a device context for managing graphical output direction. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!HashData This function hashes an array of data- facilitating data integrity and security. Cryptographic Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetStockIconInfo Retrieves information about system-defined Shell icons- including their handles and locations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!WriteFmtUserTypeStg This function writes a clipboard format and user type to a storage object- thus managing file data. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCSpnA Searches a string for specified characters- focusing on character processing. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!EnumDesktopWindows Enumerates top-level windows on a specified desktop using a callback function. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MultiByteToWideChar Converts a multibyte string to a UTF-16 string- affecting character encoding processes. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!ParseURLA Parses a given URL into its components- providing structured output for URL analysis. System Information and Control | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptDuplicateHash Duplicates a hash handle and its state for cryptographic use. Cryptographic Operations | |
IGPMGPO::GetSecurityInfo Retrieves permissions for Group Policy Objects (GPO)- focusing on security settings. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!BringWindowToTop Activates and manages the Z order of windows on the desktop. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!StretchDIBits This function manipulates pixel data in images- thereby performing graphics-related operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLE32.DLL!HMENU_UserMarshal Marshals a HMENU into the RPC buffer for remote procedure calls. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VerLanguageNameW Retrieves language description based on binary language identifier. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfIncrementULongLongCounterValue Increments an 8-byte unsigned integer counter value utilized by performance providers. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LCMapStringEx Maps character strings to another format or generates sort keys based on locale-specific transformations. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!ModifyMenuA Changes properties of an existing menu item- including its appearance and behavior. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetAce Retrieves a pointer to an access control entry (ACE) from an access control list (ACL). Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromUdate Converts MS-DOS formatted dates to variant format for use in applications. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!RectVisible Determines if part of a rectangle is within the clipping region of a device context. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerDeviceProperties Retrieves properties of pointer devices not included in the standard structure. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtInqStats This function retrieves statistics about remote procedure calls- focusing on network interactions. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateThreadpool Allocates a pool of threads for executing callbacks efficiently. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetOEMCP Returns the OEM code page identifier- providing system information related to character encoding. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LoadRegTypeLib Utilizes registry information to load a type library based on versioning. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtWaitServerListen This function performs waiting operations associated with remote procedure call (RPC) server listening. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IsHungAppWindow Determines if a specified application is not responding to input- indicating process state. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditComputeEffectivePolicyBySid Computes the effective audit policy for security principals based on system and per-user settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapCreate Creates a private heap for memory allocation in the calling process- reserving virtual address space. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoRegisterMessageFilter Registers an IMessageFilter interface for handling message concurrency on threads. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualQuery Retrieves information about a range of pages in the calling process's virtual address space. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleSaveToStream Saves an object to a specified stream using the IPersistStream interface. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarIdiv Converts two variants to integers and performs division- indicating numerical computation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromUI2 Converts an unsigned short value to a date value- focusing on data transformation rather than direct system manipulation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PssWalkSnapshot Returns information on process snapshot data- advancing the walk marker for sequential access. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateEventExW Creates or opens an event object for synchronization. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetUserObjectInformationW Retrieves information about window stations or desktop objects- providing details like flags- names- and types. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CloseClipboard Closes the clipboard for data exchange between applications. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegDeleteKeyTransactedA Deletes a registry subkey and its values as a transacted operation. Registry Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutGetPlaybackRate Retrieves the current playback rate for a waveform-audio output device. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetStockObject Retrieves a handle to stock graphics objects like pens and brushes for rendering. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredEnumerateW Enumerates user credentials from the credential set associated with the logon session. Registry Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiStreamProperty Sets or retrieves properties of a MIDI data stream tied to a MIDI output device. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarNumFromParseNum Converts parsed numerical results into a variant type- facilitating data type handling. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!DecryptFileW This function is used to decrypt encrypted files or directories. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyMulI4 This function performs arithmetic multiplication on data types- related to variant operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!OpenDesktopW Opens a specified desktop object for access and interaction. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetMessageExtraInfo Sets extra message information for the current thread's message queue. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegRestoreKeyW Restores registry information from a file- overwriting specified key and subkeys- manipulating registry data. Registry Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHHandleUpdateImage Handles the SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE Shell change notification- indicating changes in the system image list. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILFindLastID Retrieves the last SHITEMID in an ITEMIDLIST- facilitating shell item management. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrConformantStringBufferSize Calculates buffer size for marshaling conformant strings in RPC. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateJobObjectW Creates or opens a job object for managing groups of processes. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindSuffixArrayA Determines if a filename has a specific suffix- thus involves file name validation. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingReset Resets a binding handle for remote procedure calls- affecting server instance association. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayGetRecordInfo Retrieves the IRecordInfo interface from a safe array for user-defined types (UDT). Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DrawStatusTextW Draws specified text with style in a status window. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetWindowsHookExA Installs an application-defined hook procedure to monitor system events- potentially involving DLL injection. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
IRichEditOleCallback::DeleteObject Notifies that an object is being deleted from rich edit control but may not be released. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetTextJustification Adjusts space added to break characters in text for justified output in graphics contexts. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!InternalGetWindowText Copies the text from a window's title bar into a buffer. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemFirmwareTable Retrieves firmware tables from the system for information on hardware configuration. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrProxyInitialize Initializes the proxy for an object method in RPC communications. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetDefaultDllDirectories This function specifies directories for searching DLLs when loaded- thus managing DLL loading behavior. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!HWND_UserMarshal64 This function is responsible for marshalling HWND structures during inter-process communication. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WSOCK32.DLL!inet_addr Converts a string containing an IPv4 address to a format suitable for networking operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptStringOut Displays a string with optional highlighting- related to rendering text on the screen. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredIsMarshaledCredentialW Determines if a username string is a marshaled credential- relating to security and credential management. Cryptographic Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCat Concatenates two variants and returns the result. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCPInfoExW Retrieves information about installed or available code pages for internationalization purposes. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathMatchSpecExA Matches file names against specified patterns in a given path. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OleLoadPictureFile This function creates an IPictureDisp object from a picture file- indicating file operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!ExitWindowsEx Initiates system shutdown or logoff while managing running processes. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetClipCursor Retrieves the screen coordinates for the area confining the cursor- indicating its position. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetEnhMetaFileW Creates a handle for enhanced metafiles stored in a file- involving file operations. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInqDefaultPrincNameA This function retrieves the default principal name for an authentication service used in RPC. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!FreePropVariantArray Frees memory used by an array of PROPVARIANT structures. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!FreeSid Frees a previously allocated security identifier- managing security-related memory allocations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals HPALETTE from RPC buffer- handling data for remote procedure calls. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRChrA This function searches a string for a specified character- indicating its involvement in string manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumDateFormatsExEx This function enumerates date formats based on locale- affecting system information and formatting. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegOverridePredefKey Maps a predefined registry key to a new registry key- affecting only the calling process. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleQueryLinkFromData Determines if an OLE linked object can be created from clipboard data. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathSetDlgItemPathW This function sets the text of a dialog control using a specified path- related to UI operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromI1 This function converts a char value to a Boolean output- focusing on value handling. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSASetServiceW Registers or removes a service instance from the registry in various namespaces. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetThreadDpiHostingBehavior Retrieves the DPI hosting behavior of the current thread for display scaling. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize Calculates the wire size of the SAFEARRAY object for RPC data transfer. Memory Management | |
WSOCK32.DLL!getpeername Retrieves the address of the peer connected to a socket. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueueUserAPC Queues an asynchronous procedure call to a specified thread- enabling deferred execution of functions. Process and Thread Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutPrepareHeader Prepares waveform-audio data for playback by handling audio device and data structure. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!TextOutA Writes a character string to a specified location using the currently selected font and colors. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!IUnknown_Set Manages COM interface pointers by releasing- assigning- and reference counting interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SECHOST.DLL!ChangeServiceConfigW Changes configuration parameters of a service in the service control manager. System Information and Control | |
IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::InvalidateRect Invalidates a rectangle of an object's in-place image- affecting the visual representation on the screen. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TerminateThread This function forcibly terminates a thread- directly managing thread execution and state. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetOldestEventLogRecord Retrieves the oldest record number from an event log. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromI4 Converts a long integer into a date value- involving type conversion. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!SkipPointerFrameMessages Discards unprocessed pointer input messages from the same frame- managing user input efficiently. Process and Thread Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!auxOutMessage Sends messages to auxiliary output devices- performing error checking on device identifiers. Network Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ShellExecuteExW Executes a specified file or command. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetSystemPaletteUse Specifies the usage of system palette in response to graphical display requirements. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoDisconnectContext Disconnects proxy connections for interface pointers in the current context- managing object disconnections. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!EnumPropsExW Enumerates properties of a window by invoking a callback function for each property found. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoTreatAsClass Establishes or removes an emulation for COM objects- modifying registry entries. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSecurityDescriptorGroup Retrieves primary group information from a security descriptor- essential for access control management. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DestroyIcon Frees memory occupied by an icon- categorized under memory management. Memory Management | |
GDI32.DLL!PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines This function enumerates line segments- involving graphics device interface (GDI) operations related to rendering. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetFileBandwidthReservation Reserves bandwidth for file stream I/O requests- managing file operations efficiently. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx Unloads DLLs no longer in use- managing memory for components in a thread-safe manner. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetKeyboardType Retrieves information about the current keyboard's type and subtype. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!StrokeAndFillPath This function performs operations on graphical paths- specifically stroking and filling- which relate to memory and device context handling. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveBackslashW This function modifies a path string by removing its trailing backslash- classifying it under file operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromStr Converts an OLECHAR string to an unsigned char string- manipulating data types. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrCStdStubBuffer_Release This function implements reference counting for RPC stubs- influencing process and thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayPtrOfIndex Retrieves a pointer to an element of a SafeArray- a memory management operation for arrays. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromI4 Converts a long value to an unsigned char value- performing data type transformation. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!StartDocW Starts a print job by preparing the printing device context and defining document information. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv4AddressToStringExA Converts an IPv4 address and port number to a string in standard Internet format. Network Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!EngBitBlt EngBitBlt performs bit-block transfers between surfaces; it manages graphical output operations. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemDefaultLangID Retrieves the language identifier for the system locale affecting language settings across applications. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrDllGetClassObject Retrieves class objects related to RPC proxies or stubs. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHObjectProperties Invokes Properties context menu command on Shell objects- accessing file or printer properties. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GdiGradientFill Fills rectangle and triangle structures in a device context using gradient colors. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!ExtractIconExW Extracts icon handles from executable files- DLLs- or icon files. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlInitString Initializes a counted string to prepare for string operations- essential for memory management. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegUnLoadKeyA Unloads a specified registry key and its subkeys from the registry. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowModuleFileNameW Retrieves the full path and file name of the module for a specific window handle. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!EngCheckAbort Determines if a print job should be terminated based on input from a printer graphics DLL. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveArgsA Removes arguments from a given path- simplifying the file path for further operations. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!InetPtonW Converts IPv4 or IPv6 addresses from text to numeric binary form. Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log for privilege usage attempts. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction19 This function acts as a stub for COM proxies facilitating remote procedure calls. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetCharABCWidthsFloatA Retrieves widths of characters from a specified font- manipulating displayed text information. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiDisconnect Disconnects a MIDI input device from an output device- modifying device connections. File Operations | |
IDCompositionTexture::SetColorSpace Informs the system of the color space for texture mapping. System Information and Control | |
IDirect3DDevice9::SetPaletteEntries This function modifies the palette entries for a Direct3D device. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateNamedPipeA Creates a named pipe for inter-process communication- enabling data exchange between server and client processes. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient32 Stub function facilitating the use of COM proxies for interface marshaling. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLE32.DLL!CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler Creates an object for context-dependent marshaling between threads within the same process. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!WriteClassStg This function writes a class identifier (CLSID) to a storage object. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!BSTR_UserMarshal64 Marshals a BSTR object into the RPC buffer for remote procedure calls. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindActCtxSectionStringA Retrieves information on a string in the current activation context. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAEnumNetworkEvents This function detects network events associated with a specific socket. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to an unsigned long- primarily dealing with data type conversions. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterDeviceNotificationW Registers device notifications for a window or service to receive device-related events. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AcquireSRWLockShared Acquires a slim reader/writer lock- controlling access to shared resources among threads. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!DdeGetLastError Retrieves the last error code from DDEML functions- indicating failure in data exchange operations. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindNextComponentA Parses a file path- extracting segments based on backslashes- relevant to file handling. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCWriteProviderOrder This function reorders transport providers- influencing network protocol selection and prioritization. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteProfileStringW Copies a string into the Win.ini file- tying it to application settings. Registry Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!listen The listen function prepares a socket to accept incoming connections- establishing network communication capability. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CharUpperBuffW Converts characters in a buffer to uppercase- operating directly on memory. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc This function creates an enumeration of clipboard format objects- related to file operations for data exchange. File Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHUnicodeToUnicode Copies a Unicode string while ensuring buffer overflow precautions are taken. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHRegGetValueA Retrieves a registry value from specified keys and subkeys in the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation Modifies Policy object information regarding trusted domains- including domain names and passwords. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadPreferredUILanguages Retrieves preferred UI languages for the current thread- related to user interface language management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegGetKeySecurity Retrieves the security descriptor for a specified registry key- providing information about its access permissions. Registry Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHAnsiToUnicode Converts strings from ANSI to Unicode- affecting data representation in memory. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW Retrieves a volume GUID path for a specified volume mount point. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathGetArgsA Extracts command line arguments from a given path string. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHFileOperationA Handles copying- moving- renaming- or deleting file system objects. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetWinEventHook Registers a callback function to receive notifications for specified events on specific processes or threads. Hooking and Interception | |
USER32.DLL!GetProcessDefaultLayout Retrieves the default layout for window creation- affecting how windows display text and graphics. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HACCEL_UserFree64 This function frees resources managed on the server side- indicating memory resource management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!FlashWindow Flashes the specified window to get user attention without changing its active state. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindFileNameA This function searches for a file name within a given path. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleGetClipboardWithEnterpriseInfo Retrieves an IDataObject from the OLE Clipboard with enterprise info- facilitating policy application for clipboard data. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoTaskMemRealloc Changes the size of a previously allocated block of task memory- managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualAlloc Reserves and commits memory in the virtual address space of a process. Memory Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA Converts IPv6 address string to binary format- facilitating network communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetUserDefaultLangID Returns the language identifier for the current user's Region Format setting. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DestroyWindow Destroys the specified window and its associated resources. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DSA_InsertItem Inserts an item into a dynamic structure array- which involves memory allocation and manipulation. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!FlatSB_GetScrollPos Retrieves the current thumb position in a flat scroll bar- focusing on UI controls. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredEnumerateA Enumerates user credentials associated with a logon session- allowing access to stored credentials. Registry Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!NtSetInformationKey This function sets information for a specific registry key in the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserMarshal Marshals a graphical device context (HDC) for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!WhichPlatform Retrieves the type of Shell32.dll indicating platform specifics. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!AuditLookupCategoryGuidFromCategoryId Retrieves a GUID structure representing an audit-policy category. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHFlushSFCache Flushes the special folder cache to ensure updated paths are used instead of cached values. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MapUserPhysicalPages Maps physical memory pages for a specified address in an AWE region. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoAllowSetForegroundWindow This function transfers foreground privilege between processes- affecting window focus behavior. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum Configures minimum threads in a thread pool for processing callbacks. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!wnsprintfA Formats a string using variable-length arguments; can lead to potential buffer overruns. Memory Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!FreeAddrInfoExW Frees dynamically allocated address information structures from GetAddrInfoEx- releasing resources. Network Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 Converts system time to seconds since January 1- 1970. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!MessageBeep Plays a waveform sound based on registry entries or defaults to a simple beep. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma Allocates physical memory pages for a process in a specified NUMA node. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateShellItemArray Creates a Shell item array object for managing collections of Shell items. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateThreadpoolTimer Creates a timer object that manages callback execution on expiration. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx Disables handle caching for predefined registry handles to ensure updated access is performed. Registry Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!STROBJ_vEnumStart This function defines the data structure for GDI output during subsequent enumerations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateProcessAsUserW This function creates a new process with a specified user's security context. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SaferRecordEventLogEntry This function saves messages related to security violations to the event log. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHInvokePrinterCommandA Executes specific commands on printer objects- handling tasks like opening- modifying properties- or installing printers. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList Removes an item from a singly linked list while ensuring thread safety on a multiprocessor system. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegQueryInfoKeyW Retrieves information about a specified registry key- including subkeys and value names. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnterCriticalSection Manages thread access to shared resources by enforcing mutual exclusion through critical sections. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetBinaryTypeA Determines if a file is an executable and identifies its subsystem type. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrToIntExA Converts a string representation of numbers to an integer- dealing with decimal and hexadecimal formats. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInqDefaultPrincNameW This function retrieves the default principal name for an authentication service during RPC calls. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!PifMgr_SetProperties This function assigns values to data in a .pif file- modifying application properties. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetSystemPowerState Shuts down system power- suspending operations based on provided parameters. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AreAnyAccessesGranted Tests if requested access rights are granted based on an access mask. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LocalReAlloc Changes the size or attributes of a specified local memory object- impacting memory management. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Draw Draws images from an image list to a specified device context- primarily for graphical operations. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlGetPartW Parses a URL string and retrieves specified components- facilitating URL handling in network applications. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingUnbind Unbinds a binding handle from an RPC server- affecting network connectivity. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Module32Next Retrieves information about the next module associated with a specific process or thread. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHReleaseThreadRef This function releases a thread reference- indicating it manages threads. Process and Thread Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!SetAddrInfoExW Registers or deregisters names and addresses with a namespace provider- enabling networking configurations. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcImpersonateClient This function allows a server thread to impersonate a client for processing remote procedure calls. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WerRegisterExcludedMemoryBlock Excludes specified memory blocks from Windows Error Reporting- preventing unnecessary data from being included in error reports. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!CloseEventLog Closes an event log identified by a handle- managing log resource usage. File Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHEnumKeyExW This function enumerates subkeys of an open registry key. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleA This function checks access rights against a security descriptor and generates audit messages accordingly. Security Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SetNamedSecurityInfoW Sets security information in the descriptor of a specified object- affecting its access controls. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!InsertMenuItemA Inserts a new menu item at a specified position within a menu- controlling menu structure. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PackageFamilyNameFromFullName Retrieves the package family name from a full package name for application management. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassInfoExW Retrieves information about a window class and its associated icon handle. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSAUnhookBlockingHook The function involves managing network calls for GUI applications- hence related to network operations. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx Retrieves the processor mask for a NUMA node- indicating processor allocation. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetGlyphIndicesA This function translates a string into glyph indices- related to font and graphic operations. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!RemoveFontResourceW Removes specified fonts from the system font table. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiOutGetVolume Retrieves the current volume setting of a MIDI output device. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyAbs Retrieves the absolute value of a currency variant- manipulating data types. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CStdAsyncStubBuffer_QueryInterface Implements the IRpcStubBuffer::QueryInterface for COM- handling interface queries for RPC stubs. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadPriority This function modifies the priority value of a thread- impacting its CPU scheduling behavior. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!wsprintfW Formats and writes data to a buffer- making it a file operation related to text output. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromI2 Converts short values to unsigned long- primarily handling data type transformations. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!SetICMMode Controls image color management state for a device context- enabling or disabling color corrections. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrChrNW Searches for a character in a string- returning the first occurrence. Primarily involved in string manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForDebugEvent Waits for debugging events in a process; crucial for process management during debugging. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DefSubclassProc This function manages window messages and calls original procedures- fitting process and thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsDebuggerPresent This function checks if the current process is under a debugger's control- affecting application behavior. System Information and Control | |
GraphicsPathIterator::Rewind Resets the iterator to the start of the associated path- allowing for re-traversal of geometric figures. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Module32FirstW Retrieves information about the first module of a specific process- utilizing process management capabilities. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SaferSetPolicyInformation This function sets global security policy controls- affecting system-wide or user-specific settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitializeCriticalSection Initializes a critical section object for thread synchronization within a process. Process and Thread Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetPathFromIDListW Converts an item identifier list to a filesystem path. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCUnInstallNameSpace This function uninstalls a name-space provider in Winsock- influencing network configurations. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!PostMessageA Posts a message to the message queue for a specified window- facilitating inter-thread communication. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!DeleteAce Deletes an access control entry (ACE) from an access control list (ACL)- managing security permissions. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoUnmarshalHresult Unmarshals an HRESULT type from a specified stream- facilitating data retrieval. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcNetworkInqProtseqsA Returns supported protocol sequences for RPC communication- ensuring proper network operations. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCmpNCW Compares characters of two strings with case sensitivity. It is primarily used for string comparison. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!CreateProcessWithTokenW Creates a new process under a specified security token- allowing process management in different user contexts. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegGetUSValueW Retrieves a value from a user-specific registry subtree- requiring access to the registry data. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromI2 Converts a short integer to a currency type value. Cryptographic Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DSA_EnumCallback Iterates through a dynamic structure array and calls a callback function on each item. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCDeinstallProvider32 This function removes a specified 32-bit transport provider from the system registry. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaDeleteTrustedDomain This function removes a trusted domain from the system's list- interacting with Policy and TrustedDomain objects. Registry Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveInStart This function initiates input from a waveform-audio input device- categorizing it under multimedia operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CreateMDIWindowA Creates an MDI child window as part of a multiple-document interface. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHRegSetPathW Sets a file path value in the registry- utilizing environment variable strings. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetInheritanceSourceW Retrieves source information about inherited access control entries in an access control list. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SetSecurityDescriptorControl Modifies control bits of a security descriptor- relating to access control and permissions. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PlgBlt Transfers bitmap data from a source rectangle to a destination parallelogram in device contexts. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!OpenClipboard Opens and locks the clipboard for access by a specific application. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetMetaFileW Creates a handle for metafiles; involves file operations for accessing metafile data. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!UnregisterClassW Unregisters a window class and frees associated memory. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathCompactPathExA Truncates a file path to fit a character limit- modifying the output string representation. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleSetClipboard Places a pointer to a data object onto the clipboard for access by other applications. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RtlRaiseException Raises a software exception and captures the machine state of the current thread. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredIsProtectedW Checks if specified credentials are encrypted using the CredProtect function. Cryptographic Operations | |
RTMPAL.DLL!EventRegister Registers an ETW event provider- creating a handle for writing ETW events. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfSetULongLongCounterValue Updates an 8-byte unsigned integer counter for performance monitoring. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrFromTimeIntervalA Converts a time interval from milliseconds to a string representation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumResourceTypesExW Enumerates resource types in binary modules; aids in managing and accessing module resources. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAWaitForMultipleEvents This function waits for the specified event handles- which involves network operations for asynchronous I/O. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!DPtoLP Converts device coordinates to logical coordinates based on device context- viewport- and transformations. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSASetServiceA Registers or removes a networking service instance in specified namespaces. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrFormatKBSizeW Converts numeric values to kilobyte size strings for display purposes. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Replace Replaces an image in an image list- manipulating UI resources in memory. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ReportEventW Logs an entry to the event log associated with a specific source handle. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHTestTokenMembership Tests if a given token belongs to a local group by checking membership. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!Rectangle Draws a rectangle using device contexts; related to graphics rendering rather than file or network operations. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredMarshalCredentialW This function transforms credentials into a marshaled text string for API usage. Cryptographic Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!HGLOBAL_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals a HGLOBAL object from an RPC buffer for inter-process communication. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteFileTransactedW Deletes a file as part of a transaction. It directly manipulates file systems. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetBinaryTypeW Determines if a file is an executable and identifies its subsystem type. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv4AddressToStringA Converts an IPv4 address to a string in dotted-decimal format- related to network operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GdiSetBatchLimit Sets the maximum number of GDI function calls to be accumulated in a thread's current batch. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TransactNamedPipe Combines reading and writing operations on a named pipe into a single function call. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegEnumUSKeyW This function enumerates subkeys in a user-specific registry subtree. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW Generates an audit message for security events when private object handles are deleted. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetDCPenColor Sets the pen color in a device context- related to graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumSystemGeoNames Enumerates geographical location codes for international standards- interacting with system resources for location identification. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetEnvironmentStringsW Sets the environment strings for the current process- managing process-specific environment variables. Process and Thread Management | |
IWiaLogEx::Log This method logs information- potentially related to system events or operations. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRootW Determines if a given path string refers to the volume's root. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqIfExW This function registers a protocol sequence for remote procedure calls- involving network communication endpoints. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSsDestroyClientContext Destroys a context handle associated with RPC without contacting the server- freeing client resources. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SwitchToFiber Schedules a different fiber for execution- managing execution context. Process and Thread Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHChangeNotify Notifies the system of changes that may affect the Shell- such as file operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!BSTR_UserSize64 Determines the memory size required for a BSTR object in RPC operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive Acquires a slim reader/writer lock- managing thread synchronization. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!ControlTraceW This function controls event tracing sessions- including stopping- flushing- and querying information. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteFileGather Retrieves data from multiple buffers and asynchronously writes it to a specified file. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCInstallNameSpace Installs a namespace provider for Winsock supporting DLLs. Requires administrative privileges for operation. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlApplySchemeA Determines and applies a scheme prefix to a URL string. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegOpenKeyExW Opens a specified registry key- allowing access to its values and settings. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetMouseMovePointsEx Retrieves previous mouse coordinates history for processing user input. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReOpenFile Reopens a file with new access rights and sharing modes. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!auxGetDevCapsW Retrieves capabilities of an auxiliary output device- indicating device functionality. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathCommonPrefixW Compares two file paths to find a shared common prefix- thus dealing with file system operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CloseThreadpoolWork Releases and cleans up resources associated with a thread pool work object. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!OpenEncryptedFileRawA Opens an encrypted file for backup or restoration- managing file access to encrypted content. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutGetVolume Retrieves the volume level of a waveform-audio output device. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualFree Releases or decommits memory within a process's virtual address space. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetUserDefaultGeoName Returns the default geographical location code of the user- pertinent for localization and internationalization. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetNearestPaletteIndex This function retrieves the index of a color from a logical palette- relating to graphical color operations. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlGrowFunctionTable Reports an increase in size of a dynamic function table- related to process and memory management. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcExceptionFilter Determines if an exception during RPC calls is fatal or non-fatal to manage error handling. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetUmsThreadInformation Sets context information for a user-mode scheduling worker thread specific to the application. Process and Thread Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioAscend This function ascends out of a chunk in a RIFF file- involving file manipulation. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHDefExtractIconW Extracts an icon from a specified file for use in applications. File Operations | |
WMI.DLL!GetTraceEnableFlags Retrieves enable flags for event tracing- indicating which event categories to trace. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback This function manages thread associations for callback execution- affecting thread management in thread pools. Process and Thread Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiStreamPosition Retrieves the current position in a MIDI stream- relevant for media control operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDiskFreeSpaceExA Retrieves information about available disk space on a volume. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileMUIPath Retrieves the path to language-specific resource files for a given file. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!ClipCursor Confines the cursor's movement to a specified screen area- affecting user input control. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutWrite The function sends audio data to a waveform output device- indicating a multimedia-related operation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetTempPath2A Retrieves the path for temporary files based on process privileges. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetThreadDesktop Assigns a specified desktop to the calling thread affecting desktop operations and access rights. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences Retrieves screen auto-rotation preferences for the current process- affecting display behavior based on user settings. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcAsyncGetCallStatus Determines the status of an asynchronous remote procedure call. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualProtectEx Changes memory protection for pages in the virtual address space of a specified process. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetLayout Retrieves the layout of a device context to determine text and graphics order. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!CopySid Copies a security identifier (SID) to a buffer- which is part of security management. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetCursorPos Moves the screen cursor to specified coordinates on the desktop. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!EnableMouseInPointer Enables the mouse to function as a pointer device- impacting input handling. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateFromFile Creates an embedded object from a specified file- involving file operations for initialization. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveArgsW This function removes command-line arguments from a specified file path- strictly related to file handling. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RtlDeleteFunctionTable Removes a dynamic function table from the list used for stack unwinding. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CloseThreadpoolTimer Releases a timer object in a thread pool- managing resources associated with asynchronous callbacks. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GdiFlush GdiFlush flushes the batch of GDI drawing functions for the current thread. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProfileIntA Retrieves an integer from a key in the Win.ini file- accessing configuration settings. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FileTimeToDosDateTime Converts file time to MS-DOS date and time values. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetMetaRgn Intersects and saves the combined clipping region for a device context. System Information and Control | |
ID2D1ColorContext::GetColorSpace Retrieves the color space of the color context's ICC profile. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromDisp Converts an IDispatch instance's default property to an unsigned long- focusing on data handling. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromStr Converts an OLECHAR string to an unsigned short- relevant for data type management. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromI4 Converts a long integer to a float value for use in applications. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegLoadKeyW Loads registry hive data into a specified subkey under HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateLinkEx Extends OLE functionality for creating links to objects within storage containers. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDllDirectoryW Retrieves the DLL search path specific to the application- aiding in dynamic linking. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegSetValueExA This function sets a specified value's data under a registry key. Registry Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHILCreateFromPath Converts a file path to an item identifier list (PIDL) for use in the Windows shell. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetPolyFillMode Retrieves the current polygon fill mode for rendering graphics. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CompareStringOrdinal Compares two Unicode strings for binary equivalence. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetDllDirectoryA Modifies the DLL search path for applications- impacting subsequent DLL loading operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILCombine Combines two ITEMIDLIST structures to form a single identifier list. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_SetIconSize Sets dimensions for images in an image list- affecting how images are displayed. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!IStream_Write This function writes data to a specified stream- indicating file operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowRgn This function retrieves the window region- which affects drawing within a window. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InstallELAMCertificateInfo Installs certificate information for anti-malware services- focusing on security and access control. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterTouchHitTestingWindow Registers a window to process touch input notifications related to hit testing. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveExtensionW Removes the file extension from a specified path- relating to file management operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!UnpackDDElParam Unpacks lParam from a DDE message- facilitating data exchange between applications. Network Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart Sets parameters for enumerating rectangles in a clip region- primarily related to drawing operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI2FromDisp Converts IDispatch instance property to short value- involving type conversion. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MapViewOfFile Maps a view of a file into the calling process's address space- involving memory operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FoldStringA Transforms one Unicode string to another using specified flags- dealing with string mapping. Cryptographic Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSAAsyncGetProtoByName Asynchronously retrieves protocol info based on a protocol name- facilitating network operations. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHGetFileInfoA Retrieves information about a file system object- primarily used for file metadata and attributes retrieval. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ReportEventA Logs an event to the specified event log- recording information such as type and category. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetClipboardSequenceNumber Retrieves clipboard sequence number- indicating clipboard activity for the current window station. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CreateClassMoniker This function creates a class moniker that binds to a specific class- facilitating object instantiation. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCSetProviderInfo32 This function sets information for a layered service provider- influencing network behavior and categorization. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetOutlineTextMetricsA Retrieves text metrics for TrueType fonts- focusing on graphical device interface details. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OleSavePictureFile Saves a picture object to a specified file on disk. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CharPrevW Retrieves a pointer to the preceding character in a string- essential for string manipulation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!CountClipboardFormats Retrieves the number of different data formats currently on the clipboard. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!NormalizeString Normalizes text strings according to Unicode standards- focusing on character representation and format. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateItemFromRelativeName Initializes a Shell item from a relative name- involving file system item creation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ProcessIdToSessionId Retrieves the session associated with a specified process- indicating a management function for process sessions. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromUI4 Converts an unsigned long value to a currency value- impacting data type conversion. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VariantCopyInd Copies a source variant to a destination variant- managing memory. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!MaskBlt Combines color data from source and destination bitmaps using masks- primarily for graphics operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngCreatePalette Creates an RGB palette by requesting GDI to do so. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ResizePalette This function alters the size of a logical palette for graphical operations. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems This function opens a folder in Explorer and pre-selects specified items. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassWord Retrieves a value from extra class memory for a specified window class. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_DragShowNolock This function shows or hides images during a drag-and-drop operation in the UI. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalUnlock Decrements the lock count for a movable memory object- indicating memory management operation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!RevokeActiveObject Ends an object's active status- managing its lifecycle in automation. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayGetLBound Retrieves the lower bound index for a specified dimension of a safe array. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumLanguageGroupLocalesA Enumerates locales in a specific language group using a callback function. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromI4 Converts a long value to a currency value- involved in data type conversion. Memory Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!ProcessSocketNotifications Enables retrieval of socket state notifications via an I/O completion port. Network Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioClose Closes a file opened by mmioOpen- managing file operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemCpuSetInformation Queries available CPU Sets on the system and their current state. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!Polyline Draws line segments connecting specified points in a device context. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ExtCreatePen Creates a logical cosmetic or geometric pen with specified style and attributes. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
CHOOSECOLORW Structure for initializing the color dialog box and retrieving user-selected colors. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetUserObjectInformationW Sets information about window station or desktop objects- influencing their behavior and properties. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrFromI4 Converts a long value to a BSTR value. Memory Management | |
VERTDLL.DLL!RtlNtStatusToDosError Converts NTSTATUS to system error codes for handling Windows errors. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!CStdStubBuffer_AddRef Implements the IRpcStubBuffer::AddRef method for reference counting operations in RPC. Process and Thread Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutReset Stops playback on a waveform-audio output device and resets playback position- managing audio processes. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerFrameInfoHistory Retrieves a history of pointer input frames for specified pointers in the context of user input messages. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PathToRegion Converts a closed path into a region in a device context for graphical operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW Creates a symbolic link as part of a transaction- affecting file system management. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SelectObject Selects an object into a device context- affecting how graphics are rendered. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHCreateShellFolderViewEx Creates a Shell folder view object- pertinent to the user interface. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegisterBadMemoryNotification This function registers a callback for notifications about bad memory pages- indicating memory management functions. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCmpNA Compares two strings for equality- used for string manipulation in software. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ReadEventLogA Reads specified entries from an event log in chronological or reverse order. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate Creates a decoding handle for incremental serialization- managing memory for data processing. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LocalFlags Retrieves information about a local memory object- including allocation values and lock counts. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArraySetRecordInfo Sets record information within a safe array- affecting in-memory data structures. Memory Management | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber Asynchronously retrieves protocol information using a protocol number- involving network communication. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarMod This function handles and manipulates data types- specifically variants in calculation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromUI8 Converts an 8-byte unsigned integer to a byte value- affecting data representation. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateStaticFromData Creates a static OLE object from a data transfer object without native data. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!IsGUIThread Checks if the calling thread is a GUI thread- can convert it if necessary. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OleLoadPictureEx Initializes a picture object from a stream- related to graphics handling in COM. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!CallWindowProcW Passes messages to window procedures- facilitating message handling and window subclassing processes. Hooking and Interception | |
USER32.DLL!DdeAccessData Provides access to data within a DDE object for read and write operations. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists Creates a Shell item array from ITEMIDLIST structures- essential for file system management. File Operations | |
ITargetInfo::LoadModule This function loads a module from a specified offline location. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromI8 Converts an 8-byte integer to an unsigned short- relating to type conversion rather than direct data manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetSystemFileCacheSize Limits the size of the working set for the file system cache- affecting memory usage. Memory Management | |
IMDSPDevice3::DeviceIoControl This method calls device I/O control- allowing communication with device drivers. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetCharABCWidthsI Retrieves widths of glyphs from the current TrueType font for display purposes. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!I_RpcExceptionFilter This function determines if an exception is fatal- relating to process exception handling. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32.DLL!XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette This function retrieves RGB colors or bitfields from a specific palette- relating to color information retrieval. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromUI2 Converts an unsigned short to a Boolean value- involved in data type handling. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo Retrieves a pointer to IRecordInfo from type information- indicating control and information handling. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsA Retrieves security information from a self-relative security descriptor including owner and group details. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!HWND_UserUnmarshal This function is likely involved in the marshaling of HWND handles across process boundaries. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCommTimeouts Retrieves time-out parameters for read and write operations on communications devices. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetComputerNameExW Changes the local computer's NetBIOS or DNS name. Requires administrator privileges. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromDec Converts a decimal value to a long value primarily for data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathGetCharTypeA Determines the type of character in a file path- assisting in file-related operations. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction3 Stub function facilitating COM proxy operations for interface marshaling. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetStartupInfoW Retrieves startup information for the calling process- related to process creation. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegQueryValueW Retrieves data from a specified registry key- which is essential for accessing system configuration settings. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetWinMetaFileBits Converts a Windows metafile to an enhanced format and stores it in memory. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDiskFreeSpaceW Retrieves information about free disk space- including clusters and sectors. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysReAllocString Reallocates memory for strings- managing memory for dynamic allocation tasks. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PowerClearRequest Decrements power request counts for specified types- managing system power states. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!DoEnvironmentSubstA Parses an input string for environment variable references and expands them to their values. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfCreateInstance Creates an instance of a counter set for performance monitoring. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcmpiW Compares two Unicode character strings in a case-insensitive manner. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ExecuteUmsThread This function runs a specified user-mode scheduling worker thread- managing its execution context. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR8FromI4 Converts a long value to a double value- involving type coercion. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredWriteW Creates or modifies user credentials in the credential set. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoRegisterInitializeSpy Registers an IInitializeSpy implementation for handling COM apartment initialization and cleanup. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateMemoryResourceNotification Creates a memory resource notification object to manage memory usage based on system conditions. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLocalTime Retrieves the current local date and time. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!sendto This function is used to send data to a specified network address via a socket. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!EnumThreadWindows Enumerates all nonchild windows associated with a thread- requiring a callback function for processing. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSecurityDescriptorLength Returns the length of a valid security descriptor structure. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredIsProtectedA Determines if specified credentials are encrypted by previous security function calls. Cryptographic Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegDeleteKeyA Deletes a specified subkey and its values from the Windows Registry. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CreateAcceleratorTableW Creates an accelerator table for keyboard shortcuts. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCurrencyFormatW Formats a number string as a currency string based on the specified locale identifier. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetApplicationRecoveryCallback Retrieves a callback routine for process recovery- indicating process management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI8FromR4 Converts a float to an 8-byte integer- involving type conversion and memory usage. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveBackslashA Removes a trailing backslash from a specified file path. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromDate Converts a date to a long value- relating to data manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNextStreamW Continues searching for streams in a file- complementing FindFirstStreamW to handle file streams. File Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetSetSettings This function sets or retrieves Shell state settings related to user interface configuration. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromDisp Converts IDispatch instance properties to currency values- relating to data manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDiskFreeSpaceA Retrieves disk information- including free space data for the specified disk. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetCoalescableTimer Creates and manages a timer for specific time-out value with coalescing option. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!ToAsciiEx Translates virtual-key codes to characters based on keyboard state and layout. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegDeleteUSValueW This function deletes a registry subkey value- indicating operations on the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowLongW Retrieves information about a specific window- including styles and associated data. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetEndOfFile This function changes a file's size to the current position of the file pointer. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime Converts local time to UTC- affecting system time calculations. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!OpenSCManagerW Establishes a connection to the service control manager for managing services. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PlayEnhMetaFileRecord Plays enhanced metafile records by executing GDI functions- facilitating graphics operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassNameA Retrieves the class name of a specified window- related to window management. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_SetPtr Assigns a value to an item in a dynamic pointer array- managing memory allocation as needed. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetSysColorBrush Retrieves a logical brush handle for painting with system colors. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetHandleCount This function modifies the number of file handles a process can use- thus categorized under File Operations. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SaferGetLevelInformation Retrieves information about a policy level- including identifiers and descriptions. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiOutGetNumDevs This function retrieves the number of MIDI output devices- providing system information about multimedia devices. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVersionExA Retrieves the version of the operating system; determines system information for compatibility. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoSetMessageDispatcher Registers/unregisters a thread-specific message dispatcher for dealing with window messages in COM APIs. Hooking and Interception | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateDCA Creates a device context for a specific output device- facilitating graphic operations. System Information and Control | |
IDXGIObject::GetParent Retrieves the parent object of the current DXGI object. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarFormatDateTime Formats a variant containing date and time information into a string representation. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarFormatPercent Formats a variant containing percentage values into a string format using specified parameters. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!EqualRect Compares two rectangle coordinates to determine equality. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromI1 Converts a char value to a currency value- performing a type conversion operation. Cryptographic Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DSA_DeleteItem Deletes an item from a dynamic structure array in memory. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegCopyTreeA Copies a registry key and its subkeys to a destination- affecting registry structure. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TerminateProcess This function unconditionally terminates a specified process and its threads. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualAllocExNuma Allocates or reserves memory in a specified process's virtual address space- with NUMA node support. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetActiveProcessorGroupCount Returns the number of active processor groups in the system. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlInitializeSListHead Initializes the head of a singly linked list for system use- related to memory management structures. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarPow Computes the power of two variant values and returns the result. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSAAsyncGetHostByName Asynchronously retrieves host information corresponding to a host name- involving network queries. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayAllocDescriptor Allocates memory for a safe array descriptor- requiring memory management for array structures. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI2FromI4 Converts long values to short values; primarily related to data type conversion. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadEnabledXStateFeatures This function retrieves XState features enabled for the current thread. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetKeyboardLayoutNameA Retrieves the name of the active keyboard layout for the calling thread. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromUI4 Converts an unsigned long value to a Boolean- which involves type conversion. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcProtseqVectorFreeA Frees memory allocated for a vector of protocol sequences used in RPC communication. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to a float- handling data types. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowTextA Retrieves text from a specified window's title bar or control into a buffer. System Information and Control | |
COMDLG32.DLL!GetOpenFileNameW Creates an Open dialog box for users to select files. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LoadIconW Loads an icon resource from an executable file or DLL- returning a handle to the icon. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarEqv Performs bitwise equivalence on two variants- involved in data comparison and manipulation. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlEscapeW Converts unsafe characters in a URL into escape sequences for safe transport across the Internet. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetWindowsDirectoryW Retrieves the path of the Windows directory for system information purposes. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetEnvironmentStrings This function retrieves environment variables specific to the current process. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerClose Closes the specified mixer device- invalidating its handle. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHDeleteKeyA Deletes a registry subkey and its values- affecting system settings. Registry Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetKnownFolderIDList Retrieves the path of known folders as an ITEMIDLIST structure- accessing folder locations based on user context. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileInformationByHandleEx Retrieves detailed information about a specified file using its handle. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcNsBindingInqEntryNameW Returns the entry name associated with a binding handle from the RPC name service database. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetClassLongPtrA Replaces values in extra class memory or WNDCLASSEX structure- affecting window procedures. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateDirectoryW This function creates a new directory in the file system. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetAltTabInfoW Retrieves status information for the application-switching window- reflecting system user interface states. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreatePrivateNamespaceA This function creates a private namespace that isolates objects for protection and management. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!LsaFreeMemory Frees memory allocated by LSA functions- thus managing memory resources effectively. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualLock Locks a region of virtual memory into physical memory to prevent page faults. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrCmp Compares two BSTR string variants for equality or order. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstFileExW Searches for files or subdirectories in a directory based on specified attributes. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysAllocStringLen Allocates memory for a string and handles string manipulation. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcNetworkInqProtseqsW Returns supported protocol sequences for RPC- essential in managing network communication. Network Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSASend Sends data on a connected socket- allowing for multiple buffer operations and overlapped I/O. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadErrorMode Retrieves the error mode of the calling thread- affecting its error handling behavior. System Information and Control | |
COMDLG32.DLL!GetSaveFileNameW Creates a Save dialog for user to specify a file’s name and location. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetKBCodePage Retrieves the current OEM code page identifier for the system. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSsDisableAllocate Frees resources and memory within the RPC stub memory management environment. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathStripToRootA This function removes all elements in a file path except for the root information- dealing with file manipulation. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!CDefFolderMenu_Create2 Creates a context menu for file folder objects- impacting file operation functionalities. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSALookupServiceBeginA Initiates a client query for network service name resolution using Winsock. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CompareStringA Compares two character strings based on locale- affecting application security via string validation issues. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILSaveToStream Saves ITEMIDLIST structure data to a stream- involving input/output operations. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegEnableReflectionKey Restores registry reflection for a specified disabled key- impacting registry operations. Registry Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_GetDragImage Retrieves a temporary image list for drag operations along with drag position information. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSASetEvent Sets the state of an event object to signaled for managing asynchronous network operations. Network Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredWriteDomainCredentialsW This function writes domain credentials to the user's credential set. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindExtensionW Searches a given file path for its extension. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetGraphicsMode Sets the graphics mode for a specified device context- impacting drawing and text behavior. System Information and Control | |
IImageList::GetBkColor Retrieves the background color for an image list used in UI controls. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!DragQueryPoint Retrieves mouse pointer position during file drop- relevant to drag-and-drop file operations. File Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!IsValidSid Validates a security identifier (SID) to ensure it meets certain criteria for security purposes. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!InjectSyntheticPointerInput Simulates pointer input for touch or pen devices in user interface. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleRegEnumVerbs Enumerates registered verbs for a specified class- primarily interacting with the COM object registry. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW Translates device-definition strings into device-control block codes for communication devices. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalFree Frees global memory objects and invalidates their handles- managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromI1 Converts a char to an unsigned char- focusing on type conversion within data processing. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDateFormatA Formats a date string based on locale identifiers. It deals with date string representation rather than file or system manipulation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!timeBeginPeriod Requests a minimum resolution for periodic timers- affecting timer accuracy and system performance. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHUpdateImageW Notifies Shell of an updated image in the system image list. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutBreakLoop This function controls playback of audio- managing the output loop for audio devices. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetSystemCursor Customizes the system cursors by replacing them with new cursor content. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrSimpleStructBufferSize This function calculates buffer sizes for data marshaling in RPC- which is related to memory management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!TranslateMDISysAccel Translates keystrokes into system commands for MDI windows- focusing on user input processing. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!ShutdownBlockReasonCreate Blocks system shutdown and provides a reason for the block to the user. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!CreatePropertySheetPageW This function creates a property sheet page for user interface management. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4CmpR8 Compares two numerical variants to determine their relative values. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetFileShortNameA Sets a short name for a specified file on NTFS volumes. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegCreateKeyTransactedW Creates or opens a specified registry key and associates it with a transaction. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryIoRateControlInformationJobObject Retrieves I/O rate control information for a job object- related to resource management. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!NtQuerySystemInformation Retrieves various types of information about system performance- processes- and system integrity. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadpoolTimerEx Configures a thread pool timer object- managing thread execution timing. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!PropertySheetW Creates a property sheet and adds defined pages- managing user interaction within GUI applications. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHFind_InitMenuPopup Retrieves the IContextMenu instance for the submenu options in the Start menu. System Information and Control | |
COMDLG32.DLL!GetSaveFileNameA Creates a dialog for users to specify files to save- involving file selection operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptGetFontProperties Retrieves font cache information related to glyphs- affecting text rendering in applications. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!EngMarkBandingSurface This function marks a surface for banding- relating to display and graphics management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory Retrieves the physical RAM installed on the system from SMBIOS firmware tables. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingSetAuthInfoA This function sets authentication and authorization information for RPC binding handles. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!_lcreat Creates or opens a specified file- or truncates it if it already exists. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient14 This is a stub function designed for COM proxies within the RPC infrastructure. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLE32.DLL!STGMEDIUM_UserFree64 Frees server-side resources during an RPC call- managing memory effectively. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegisterWaitForSingleObject Waits on an object until it is signaled or a timeout elapses. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!MSChapSrvChangePassword This function changes the password for a user account. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MulDiv Multiplies and divides integers- primarily for calculations and value manipulation in memory. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfIncrementULongCounterValue Increments a performance counter value- linked to system performance metrics. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!DeleteService Marks a service for deletion from the service control manager database and affects registry entries. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IsWow64Message Determines if a message is from a WOW64 process- aiding 64-bit app development. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ReadEncryptedFileRaw This function backs up encrypted files without decrypting them- facilitating secure file operations. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutClose Closes an audio output device handle- ensuring all buffers are finished. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateColorSpaceA Creates a logical color space handle for managing color profiles. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!PackDDElParam This function packs a DDE lParam for process communication- categorizing it under networking operations via DDE. Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!NotifyChangeEventLog Notifies when an event is logged- utilizing event handling within the system. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHBrowseForFolderA Allows user selection of a Shell folder through a dialog box interface. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetSystemTime Sets the system's date and time- affecting system clock settings. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!setsockopt The setsockopt function modifies socket options for network operations. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathAddExtensionW Appends a file name extension to a specified path string. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SetEntriesInAclA Creates or modifies an access control list (ACL) to manage permissions for user access. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowLongA Retrieves information about a specified window's properties or processes- including handle and style. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysFreeString Deallocates a previously allocated string- managing memory effectively. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!OemToCharW Translates OEM-defined characters to ANSI or wide-character string. Involves string manipulation- hence categorized under File Operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CheckMenuItem Sets the check-mark state of a menu item. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathAddBackslashW Modifies a file path string by adding a trailing backslash to ensure correct path syntax. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CharLowerBuffA Converts uppercase characters in a buffer to lowercase in-place. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetGeoInfoA Retrieves geographical information based on specified location and type. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!NtCreateFile This function facilitates creating or opening files and directories. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection Enables or disables file system redirection for the calling thread- affecting file operations performed. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromDisp Converts an IDispatch instance property to a float value which involves type conversion. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyAdd This function performs arithmetic operations on currency data types- hence it involves mathematical operations. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!FlattenPath Transforms curves in a path into lines within a device context. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSsEnableAllocate Establishes the stub memory-management environment necessary for RPC operations. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayDestroy Destroys an array descriptor and its data- managing memory allocation and deallocation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI2FromI8 Converts an 8-byte integer to a short value- involving data type management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT for the current thread- relevant for managing display DPI settings. Process and Thread Management | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptGetUserKey Retrieves a handle for a user's public/private key pairs- essential for cryptographic operations. Cryptographic Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetTrusteeFormA Retrieves trustee name indicating its form (name string or SID) from the TRUSTEE structure. Registry Operations | |
ID2D1StrokeStyle::GetMiterLimit Retrieves the limit on miter length ratio in stroke styles- relating to drawing operations. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetInstanceExplorer Retrieves an interface to prevent host processes from closing prematurely- supporting Shell extensions and other components. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromUI8 Converts an 8-byte integer to a Boolean value- linking to memory handling. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_SetDragCursorImage Creates a new drag image for UI operations involving drag-and-drop functionality. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetMachineTypeAttributes Checks support for a specified architecture on the system regarding compatibility and emulation layers. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SendDlgItemMessageA Sends a message to a specific control in a dialog box interface. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!CallNextHookEx Passes hook information to the next hook in the chain- commonly used for monitoring input events. Hooking and Interception | |
USER32.DLL!IsCharAlphaW Determines whether a character is alphabetical- based on user language settings. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHEmptyRecycleBinA Empties the Recycle Bin- performing file deletion operations on specified drives. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProfileStringA Retrieves strings associated with keys from the Win.ini file for applications. Registry Operations | |
COMDLG32.DLL!GetFileTitleA Retrieves the name of the specified file- indicating operations related to file handling. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegGetBoolUSValueA Retrieves Boolean values from user-specific registry subkeys. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromUI8 Converts an unsigned 64-bit integer to a long- handling data type variations. Memory Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetLineInfoW Retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAProviderCompleteAsyncCall Notifies completion status of an asynchronous call to a namespace provider in the Winsock API. Network Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx32 Retrieves information about available 32-bit namespace providers- essential for network operations. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient30 This function acts as a stub for COM proxy infrastructure- facilitating communication between client and server components. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetActiveProcessorCount Retrieves the count of active processors- providing system information about CPU availability. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindNextComponentW Parses a path string and retrieves the subsequent path component after the first backslash. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DdeDisconnectList Terminates all conversations associated with a conversation list- impacting inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PolyTextOutA Draws multiple strings in a specified device context using selected font and colors. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveInGetID This function retrieves the device identifier for a waveform-audio input device. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CopyFileTransactedW This function copies files as a transacted operation- allowing for both progress notifications and cancellation. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarMonthName Returns a localized month name based on input parameters. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassInfoW Retrieves information about a window class in a Windows application. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CopyAcceleratorTableW Copies accelerator-table data based on a handle- manipulating menu operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!GetRawInputDeviceList Enumerates raw input devices- such as mice and keyboards- attached to the system. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPackagePathByFullName Retrieves the file path of a specified package- involving memory allocation and data handling for paths. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetAtomNameA Retrieves the character string associated with a local atom- pertinent to data exchange between applications. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DSA_DestroyCallback This function iterates and frees elements in a dynamic structure array- managing memory usage. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!IsValidSecurityDescriptor This function validates the components of a security descriptor for access control management. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction20 Stub function supporting COM proxy infrastructure for marshaling interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
COMCTL32.DLL!UninitializeFlatSB This function uninitializes scroll bars for a window- affecting UI controls in the application. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayGetIID Retrieves the GUID of the interface within a safe array- related to automation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AppPolicyGetWindowingModel Retrieves windowing model details for a process- impacting notification registrations. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterHotKey Defines a system-wide hot key and associates it with a window or thread for input management. Hooking and Interception | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!BSTR_UserMarshal Marshals BSTR objects into RPC buffers for communication between applications. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!UuidIsNil This function checks if a UUID is nil-valued- indicating it relates to managing system identifiers. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!closesocket Closes an existing socket- releasing the associated resources and terminating network communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW Retrieves the client computer name for a specified named pipe- indicating communication over IPC. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile Opens a wrapper object on a temporary file for asynchronous data management. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegSetValueW Sets the data for a specified registry key value- manipulating the Windows registry directly. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetTitleBarInfo Retrieves information about a window's title bar- specifically related to its graphical properties and state. System Information and Control | |
WINMM.DLL!joyReleaseCapture This function manages joystick capture by releasing a specified joystick- hence categorized under Process and Thread Management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarParseNumFromStr Parses a string to create a number description- involving data manipulation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI8FromCy Converts a currency value to an unsigned integer- involving type conversion operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterWindowMessageA Registers a unique window message to be used for inter-application communication. Hooking and Interception | |
USER32.DLL!SendMessageA Sends messages to windows and processes them- allowing inter-thread communication. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateJobObjectA Creates or opens a job object for process management. Process and Thread Management | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptGetHashParam Retrieves data governing operations of a hash object- including hash values and sizes. Cryptographic Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCWriteProviderOrder32 This function reorders 32-bit transport providers affecting protocol selection. Network Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateDataObject Creates a data object intended for clipboard operations related to file management. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VariantTimeToDosDateTime Converts variant time to MS-DOS date and time values- indicating relationship with date/time formatting. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext This function sets the DPI awareness context for the current process. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcGetAuthorizationContextForClient This function retrieves the authorization context for an RPC client- used in authentication. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ConvertStringSidToSidA Converts a string-format security identifier (SID) into a functional SID for security management. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!EqualSid Compares two security identifiers (SIDs) for equality. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW This function retrieves section names from an initialization file- which involves reading file-related data. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromCy Converts a currency value to an unsigned char value- indicating a value transformation process. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!IUnknown_SetSite Sets an object's site by invoking its IObjectWithSite::SetSite method- controlling object hosting. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysReAllocStringLen Allocates and reinitializes BSTR- managing memory for string operations. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathCommonPrefixA Compares two file paths to find a common prefix- facilitating file operations and management. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcpyA Copies a string to a buffer- potentially causing buffer overruns. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalHandle Retrieves a handle for a global memory block pointer- associating it with memory management operations. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!GetAcceptLanguagesW Retrieves user language preferences for websites- influencing HTTP request headers. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor Adds a security identifier (SID) to a boundary descriptor- controlling access levels and security. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!UnrealizeObject Resets the origin of graphics objects; related to graphical interface management. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiInPrepareHeader Prepares a buffer for MIDI input data before sending it to a device driver. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegSetValueA Sets the data for a specific registry key value- indicating modification of registry data. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromDisp Converts IDispatch instance property to an unsigned char value. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetSystemTimeAdjustment Enables or disables periodic adjustments to the system's time-of-day clock for synchronization with external sources. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHEnumValueA Enumerates values of a specified open registry key. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetComputerNameA Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer from system settings at startup. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!FmtIdToPropStgName Converts a property set format identifier to its corresponding storage or stream name. Registry Operations | |
IStreamAsync::CancelIo This function cancels all pending I/O operations- categorizing it under file operations. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcObjectInqType Returns the type UUID of an object for RPC operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVersionExW Retrieves the version of the operating system- which is a system information function. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient15 Stub function for COM proxies- facilitating marshaling in proxy DLLs. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHAddToRecentDocs Notifies the system about accessed items for recent usage tracking. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromI2 Converts a short value to an unsigned short value- involved in data type conversion. Memory Management | |
GDI32.DLL!EngAssociateSurface This function associates a surface with a specific device- enabling proper handling of graphics operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!AssocCreate Retrieves a pointer to an IQueryAssociations object for file association queries. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromUI8 Converts an unsigned 8-byte value to a date- which involves data transformation. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetNextDlgTabItem Retrieves the handle of the next or previous control in a dialog box. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!LoadBitmapA Loads a bitmap resource from an executable file- related to GDI operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarFix Converts a variant to its integer portion- manipulating data types. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptApplyLogicalWidth Adjusts glyph widths for text rendering in applications- focusing on logical typography principles. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!StgIsStorageILockBytes This function checks if a byte array contains a storage object- indicating file operation behavior. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Heap32ListNext Retrieves information about heap allocations from a process- facilitating memory management. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInterfaceGroupCreateW Creates an RPC server interface group which allows for managing service interfaces and endpoints. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterPointerInputTargetEx This function deals with registering input targets for pointer events- related to user input management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumCalendarInfoExW Enumerates calendar information for a specified locale- relying on locale identifier and calendar type. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetMapperFlags Alters the font mapping algorithm in GDI for logical and physical fonts. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegQueryValueExA Retrieves data and type for a specified registry value- accessing registry keys. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoFileTimeNow Returns the current time as a FILETIME structure for compatibility with 16-bit Windows. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetCallContext Retrieves contextual information about the current call on the thread- primarily for security purposes. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!ReuseDDElParam Reuses a packed DDE lParam parameter to optimize memory allocation during Dynamic Data Exchange operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserUnmarshal64 Unmarshals a HDC object from the RPC buffer- indicating data processing. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryInformationJobObject Retrieves limit and job state information from a job object- helping manage process resources. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!STGMEDIUM_UserMarshal This function marshals data for remote procedure calls (RPC) involving COM objects- indicating network operation. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!RestartDialog Displays a dialog prompting user to restart Windows- calling ExitWindowsEx for shutdown operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegGetValueW Retrieves type and data from a specified registry value- involving registry access operations. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!FindWindowA Retrieves a handle to a top-level window based on its class and name. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteUmsThreadContext Deletes a UMS thread context for terminated threads- managing thread lifecycle. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromR4 Converts float values to currency- involving data type conversion. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!GetServiceKeyNameW Retrieves the service name from the service control manager- used in registry operations. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCatBuffA Appends characters from one string to another- primarily used for string manipulation. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!CStdStubBuffer_Invoke Implements the IRpcStubBuffer::Invoke method for RPC- managing communication between client and server. Network Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSARecvFrom Receives a datagram from a socket and retrieves its source address- involved in network operations. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHRemoveLocalizedName This function removes localized names- directly interacting with file properties in Shell folders. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PackageFamilyNameFromId Retrieves the package family name using a specified package identifier for application management. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoIsOle1Class Determines if the specified CLSID is an OLE 1 object- related to OLE compatibility. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNLSStringEx This function locates a Unicode string within another string- emphasizing locale-specific searching. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ImpersonateNamedPipeClient Allows server to impersonate a named pipe client- affecting security context. Process and Thread Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCSetApplicationCategory This function sets categories for Layered Service Providers associated with an application- influencing network behavior. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetSubMenu This function retrieves a handle to menus in the user interface- related to user interaction with menus. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromDisp Converts an IDispatch instance's property to a long- hence relating to data manipulation. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Merge Combines two images into a new image list- focusing on image manipulation operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_GetImageInfo Retrieves information about an image- allowing for manipulation of image bitmaps. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaSetForestTrustInformation This function sets forest trust details for a TrustedDomain object in the Local Security Authority. Registry Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!OpenSCManagerA Establishes a connection to the service control manager- enabling access to service-related databases. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileType Retrieves and categorizes the file type for specified file handles. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SubmitIoRing Submits entries to the kernel’s I/O queue and manages operation completion. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetMetaFileBitsEx Creates a memory-based Windows-format metafile from supplied data. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Wow64GetThreadContext Retrieves the context of a specified WOW64 thread- essential for debugging and thread analysis. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to a date value- primarily for data type manipulation in applications. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW Retrieves access control entries from an access control list. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!ParseURLW Parses a URL string and extracts components like protocol and suffix. Network Operations | |
COMDLG32.DLL!CommDlgExtendedError Returns error codes related to common dialog box functions. Indicates issues such as dialog initialization failures. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HPALETTE_UserFree This function frees resources used by RPC- indicating involvement in memory management. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction8 Stub function for COM proxies- facilitating marshaling of interfaces in distributed applications. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteProfileStringA This function writes a string to a section of the Win.ini file. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarSub Subtracts two variants- primarily numerical or string-based. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FreeEnvironmentStringsA Frees allocated environment strings obtained from GetEnvironmentStrings- managing memory for environment variables. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LocalAlloc Allocates bytes from the heap for memory management purposes. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!EnumClipboardFormats Enumerates data formats available on the clipboard- requiring clipboard access for enumeration. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetStandardMarshal Creates a marshaling object for interfaces- enabling communication between processes. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Sleep Suspends the execution of the current thread for a specified time interval. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathUndecorateW This function modifies and cleans up a file path by removing decorations- related to file manipulations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!ClearCustData Releases memory used for custom data- indicating a focus on managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowTextLengthA Retrieves the length of a window's title bar text- indicating operations related to window properties. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!IsTokenRestricted Validates if an access token has restricted security identifiers (SIDs)- impacting process permissions. Security Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!OpenDriver Opens and initializes an installable driver instance- interacting with the system's multimedia capabilities. Process and Thread Management | |
SHFOLDER.DLL!SHGetFolderPathW Retrieves the path of a folder based on its CSIDL value- indicating file location operations. File Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName Creates a unique filename based on an existing filename- managing file-related operations. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiStreamOpen Opens a MIDI stream for output- managing device interaction and callback mechanisms. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegSetValueExW Sets data and type for a specified value under a registry key. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegDeleteValueA Removes a named value from the specified registry key. Registry Operations | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptGenRandom This function generates cryptographically random bytes for secure applications. Cryptographic Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterRawInputDevices Registers devices for raw input data- enabling applications to process input events. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetViewportOrgEx Maps a device point to the graphical window origin for drawing contexts- affecting visual representation. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate This function creates and initializes an encoding handle for buffer serialization operations. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlEthernetAddressToStringW Converts binary Ethernet addresses to string representation- specifically for MAC addresses. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetMenuContextHelpId Retrieves Help context identifier for a specified menu. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNextVolumeMountPointA Continues a search for mounted folders- highlighting file system operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetCurrentInputMessageSource Retrieves the source of the input message- indicating device type and ID for input management. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!ToAscii Translates virtual-key codes to characters based on keyboard state and layout. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!RestoreDC Restores a device context to a previous state- managing graphical context settings. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterForTooltipDismissNotification Registers or unregisters windows for tooltip dismissal notifications via system messages. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DdePostAdvise Sends an XTYP_ADVREQ transaction to a DDE callback for active clients. System Information and Control | |
WER.DLL!GetThreadWaitChain This function retrieves the wait chain for specified threads- indicating thread management and synchronization. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetDlgItemInt Updates a control's text in a dialog box with an integer- manipulating UI elements. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowPlacement Retrieves show state and positioning of a specified window. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrConformantArrayBufferSize This function calculates buffer sizes needed for RPC conformant arrays- relating to memory layout. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtStatsVectorFree Frees a statistics vector- managing allocated memory resources. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA Retrieves the path of the shared Windows directory on a multi-user system. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction18 Stub function for COM proxies enabling interfacing. Involves marshaling which relates to process management. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32.DLL!EngGradientFill This function shades specified primitives- indicating surface operations rather than direct file or network management. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!PerfEnumerateCounterSetInstances Retrieves names and identifiers of active instances of a counter set on a system. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCGetProviderInfo32 Retrieves information about a 32-bit layered service provider through Winsock- indicating network-related operations. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateDirectoryExA Creates a new directory with specified attributes- inheriting from a template directory. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FoldStringW Maps a Unicode string to another based on specified transformations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!TileWindows Arranges child windows of a parent window in a tiled format. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumSystemGeoID Enumerates geographical location identifiers available on the operating system. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CreateIcon Creates an icon from specified parameters- managing graphical resources. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrPBrkA Searches for a character in a string- primarily dealing with string operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetStagedPackagePathByFullName Retrieves the path of a staged package using its full name. File Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateDirectory Creates a new file system folder at the specified path. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!EvaluateProximityToRect Evaluates rectangle proximity for touch input to determine likely target control. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PolyBezierTo This function draws Bézier curves- involving graphical output operations using the Windows GDI. File Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHChangeNotifyRegisterThread Registers or deregisters a thread for asynchronous notifications about changes in the shell. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!EventAccessQuery Retrieves permissions for controllers or providers- accessing security descriptors from the registry. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup Creates a cleanup group for managing thread pool callbacks. Primarily involves process and thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegDeleteKeyExW Deletes a subkey and its values from the registry- altering system configuration. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetUmsSystemThreadInformation Queries thread types related to user-mode scheduling (UMS) for thread management purposes. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient18 Stub function for COM proxies used in marshaling interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHFormatDrive Opens the Shell's Format dialog box to format a specified drive. File Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetFileSecurityW Obtains security information about a file or directory- including descriptors- permissions- and access rights. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrAsyncServerCall Facilitates asynchronous server calls in RPC- focusing on communication between processes. Network Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW Checks security descriptors to determine access rights for impersonated clients and generates audit messages. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW Enumerates locales in a specified language group and uses a callback for processing. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcStringBindingComposeA Creates a string binding handle for RPC communications using object UUIDs and network parameters. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!DeleteEnhMetaFile Deletes an enhanced-format metafile or its handle- indicating file deletion operation. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW Retrieves information about a specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree. Registry Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHDeleteValueW Deletes a named value from the specified registry key. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrOleAllocate Allocates memory for an object interface- functioning as a wrapper for CoTaskMemAlloc. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleQueryCreateFromData Checks data object formats for embedding or static object creation in OLE. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!UnlockFileEx Unlocks a region in a specified file- managing file access regions. File Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!EngDeleteClip Deletes a CLIPOBJ structure- managing graphic object resources. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LocalFree Frees local memory objects and invalidates their handles- managing memory resources. Memory Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!GetAddrInfoExOverlappedResult This function retrieves the result of an asynchronous network operation- specifically for address information resolution. Network Operations | |
COMDLG32.DLL!PrintDlgExW A function that displays the print dialog box for printing operations. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioWrite This function writes bytes to an open file- indicating it performs file operations. File Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!select The select function checks the status of one or more sockets for read- write- or error conditions. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA Retrieves a volume GUID path associated with a specified volume mount point. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal64 Unmarshals a SAFEARRAY object from an RPC buffer- involving memory manipulation for data structure integrity. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!FindWindowW Retrieves a handle to a top-level window based on class and window name. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetMenuContextHelpId Associates a Help context identifier with a menu for user assistance. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHSetLocalizedName This function sets a localized name for a file- affecting how it is displayed in the Shell. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtInqIfIds Retrieves interface identifiers from a server to facilitate remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CheckColorsInGamut This function checks if RGB triples fit within a device's color gamut. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Thread32Next Retrieves information about threads in a process from a system memory snapshot. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHAutoComplete Configures AutoComplete for edit controls to assist in URL and file path input. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PaintRgn This function fills a specified region using the device context's current brush- related to graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DisableThreadProfiling This function disables thread profiling- indicating it manages the performance profiling of threads. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromDec Converts a decimal value to a Boolean value- handling input and output parameters. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoReleaseServerProcess Decrements the per-process reference count- managing server process lifecycle. Process and Thread Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCGetProviderPath32 Retrieves the DLL path for a 32-bit network provider- facilitating provider management in network operations. Network Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmGetCurrentTask This function is related to multimedia- but is deprecated and does not perform valid operations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetMalloc Retrieves a pointer to the default OLE task memory allocator for managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLocaleInfoW Retrieves locale information based on a specified identifier- primarily for internationalization purposes. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetDIBColorTable Retrieves RGB color values from a DIB section bitmap's color table- primarily for graphical operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromStr Converts an OLECHAR string to a Boolean value- primarily focusing on data type conversion. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathQuoteSpacesA This function modifies file paths to ensure they can be handled correctly by applications. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!QISearch Implements the COM IUnknown::QueryInterface method to retrieve interface pointers. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo This function retrieves information about a trusted domain from the Local Security Authority (LSA). System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteFiber Deletes an existing fiber and its associated data- affecting thread termination. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HMENU_UserUnmarshal64 This function unmarshals a HMENU object from an RPC buffer- indicating data transfer and object manipulation. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetServiceKeyNameA Retrieves the service name associated with a specified service display name. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution Records National Language Support digit substitution settings in a structure for later use. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalSize Retrieves the size of a specified global memory object in bytes- indicating memory management function. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetSystemDpiForProcess Retrieves the system DPI for a specified process to manage DPI compatibility issues. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDecCmpR8 Compares decimal and double types to determine their relational stance. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetEnhMetaFileBits Retrieves enhanced-format metafile contents into a buffer- involving memory manipulation. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!CreateServiceA This function creates a service object in the service control manager database. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateEx Extends object creation functionality- managing multiple presentation formats and caching data efficiently. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerListen Signals the RPC runtime to listen for remote procedure calls- indicating network operation. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Process32First Retrieves information about the first process from a system snapshot- related to process management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback Registers an application instance for recovery upon failure- allowing callback execution to handle errors. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetCursorInfo Retrieves information about the global cursor- providing details necessary for UI management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstVolumeMountPointW Retrieves names of mounted folders on volumes- facilitating file system operations. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Duplicate Creates a duplicate of an image list- managing graphic resources for UI elements. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrPointerFree This function frees previously allocated memory- categorizing it under Memory Management. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!IUnknown_AtomicRelease Releases a COM pointer and sets it to NULL- managing object lifetimes. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHEmptyRecycleBinW Empties the Recycle Bin on specified drives- managing file deletion operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetUILanguageInfo Retrieves information about an installed UI language including attributes like installation and licensing status. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!socket Creates a socket bound to a specific transport service provider for network communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WerUnregisterExcludedMemoryBlock This function manages memory block registration status for Windows Error Reporting. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoInitializeSecurity This function registers security and sets default values for process-level security in COM. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegSaveKeyExW Saves a registry key and all subkeys to a file- modifying registry data. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!LineDDA This function calculates the pixels for drawing a line- involving graphical data manipulation. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetFileSecurityA Retrieves security information about a file or directory- related to access rights and privileges. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryFullProcessImageNameW Retrieves the full executable name of a specified process. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateFontA This function creates a logical font for drawing text- categorized under system information and control. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW Sets authentication and authorization info for remote procedure calls using a binding handle. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DlgDirSelectExA Retrieves the current selection from a single-selection list box related to directory or filename. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LogonUserW Attempts to log a user onto the local computer and returns a user token for impersonation. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapFree Frees a memory block allocated from a heap using HeapAlloc or HeapReAlloc. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!QueryServiceObjectSecurity Retrieves the security descriptor for a service object- involving access permissions and control. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!RegisterActiveObject Registers an object as the active object for its class- impacting object lifecycle management. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!LsaLookupSids2 Looks up names corresponding to security identifiers (SIDs) for access control purposes. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCurrentActCtx Returns the handle to the active activation context of the calling thread. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!DdeAbandonTransaction Releases resources from an asynchronous transaction in DDE communication. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!DdeInitializeA Registers an application with DDEML- enabling it to handle DDE transactions. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateBoundaryDescriptorW This function creates a boundary descriptor for managing security contexts and isolation. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!PATHOBJ_bEnum Retrieves the next PATHDATA record- enumerating curves in a specified path. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!MessageBoxExW Displays a message box with application-defined message and title- allowing user interactions for decision-making. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsProcessInJob Determines if a process is part of a job- relating to process management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!InitializeAcl This function initializes an Access Control List (ACL) structure- needed for security and permissions. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegRenameKey Changes the name of a specified registry key. Registry Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHPropStgWriteMultiple This function writes multiple properties to a property store- indicating file operation capabilities. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetFileAttributesTransactedA Sets file or directory attributes as part of a transaction. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SubmitThreadpoolWork Posts a work object to the thread pool for asynchronous processing. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetDCBrushColor Sets the brush color in a device context for drawing operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarMul Multiplies two variant data types and returns the result. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitializeContext Initializes a CONTEXT structure with necessary size and alignment for later use in thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromCy Converts currency values to unsigned short values for use in COM automation. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals a HDC object from the RPC buffer- indicative of inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RemoveDirectoryW Deletes an existing empty directory specified by the path. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SwapMouseButton Reverses mouse button functions- manipulating system input settings affecting mouse behavior. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerMessage Sends a custom message directly to a mixer driver for multimedia processing. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HACCEL_UserMarshal Marshals a HACCEL for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) purposes. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindVolumeClose Closes a volume search handle used for locating volumes in the file system. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!CStdStubBuffer_Connect Connects server objects to COM stubs for remote procedure calls (RPC). Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CopyIcon Copies an icon from another module to the current module- manipulating graphical resources. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateItemInKnownFolder This function creates a Shell item for a file in a known folder- performing file system operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SendMessageCallbackA Sends a message to a window and processes response through a callback function. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreatePen Creates a logical pen for drawing operations; categorized under graphic functions using Device Context. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAHtonl Converts a u_long from host byte order to network byte order for socket communications. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsBadWritePtr Checks if a process can write to specified memory- assessing memory access rights. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!IsWindowEnabled Checks if a window can receive mouse and keyboard input- impacting user interaction with the interface. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!InsertMenuA Inserts a new menu item into a menu- affecting the layout of existing items. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetCurrentLogicalThreadId Returns the logical thread identifier of the current physical thread in a COM application. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_GetPtr Retrieves an item from a dynamic pointer array- handling data structures. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassLongPtrA Retrieves values from the WNDCLASSEX structure for specific windows. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateActCtxA Creates an activation context for managing side-by-side assemblies. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ExcludeClipRect Creates a new clipping region by excluding a specified rectangle from the current clipping region. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoImpersonateClient Enables server to impersonate client for current call duration- enhancing security and access control. Process and Thread Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHUpdateImageA Notifies the Shell of changes to an image in the system image list. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitializeEnclave Initializes an enclave with specific data for secure execution in a specified process. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SaferCreateLevel Opens a SAFER_LEVEL_HANDLE- managing software execution permissions based on specified security levels. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInqBindingHandle Obtains binding handles for RPC calls- indicating it manages network operations for request handling. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsLFNFileSpecA Determines if a file name is in long format- used for file specification validation. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize64 Calculates the size of a SAFEARRAY for remote procedure calls- handling its data and alignment. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AppPolicyGetClrCompat Retrieves application type of a process for reflection and object agility decisions. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetObjectType Returns the type of a cluster object- providing information for system control and management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDefaultCommConfigW Retrieves default configuration for communications devices- facilitating file and device management. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FileTimeToSystemTime Converts file time to system time format- facilitating time management operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddDllDirectory Adds a directory to the process DLL search path- affecting DLL loading behavior. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExA This function sets authentication and authorization details for remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!htonl Converts a u_long from host to TCP/IP network byte order (big-endian). Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCalendarInfoW Retrieves calendar information based on locale identifier for localization purposes. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA Retrieves information about a registry subkey in user-specific subtrees. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetWindowsDirectoryA Retrieves the path of the Windows directory- providing information about system file locations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VariantChangeType Converts one variant data type to another- handling coercions between fundamental types. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!MessageBoxIndirectW Creates and manages a modal message box for user interaction. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!GetAltMonthNames Retrieves alternate month names based on locale- assisting localization. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddResourceAttributeAce Adds an access control entry to a system access control list for resource management. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterWindowMessageW Allows the registration of a unique window message identifier for inter-application communication. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!LoadMenuW Loads a menu resource from an executable file associated with an application instance. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PeekNamedPipe Reads data from a named or anonymous pipe without removing it- providing information about available data. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqIfW Configures the RPC runtime to use specified protocol sequences for receiving remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalMemoryStatusEx Retrieves information on physical and virtual memory usage in the system. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemTimeAdjustment Determines periodic time adjustments for the system clock- enabling synchronization with external time sources. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqEpA This function registers a protocol sequence and endpoint for remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindOnPathA Searches for a specified file in standard directories and specified paths. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindAtomW Searches the atom table for a string and retrieves the corresponding atom- facilitating data exchange. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetScrollRange Retrieves the minimum and maximum scroll box positions for a specified scroll bar. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetHandleInformation This function retrieves properties related to handles of system objects- impacting process and thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrDllUnregisterProxy This function removes registry entries related to proxy interfaces- thus modifying registry data. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsSameRootA Compares two paths to check for a common root component. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetAltTabInfoA Retrieves information about the application-switching window- affecting user interface visibility and interaction. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW This function checks access permissions based on security descriptors and client impersonation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId Retrieves session identifier for the active console- pertains to system session management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteFileW Deletes an existing file from the file system. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumCalendarInfoExA Enumerates calendar information based on locale identifiers- categorizing it under System Information and Control. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptGetProperties Retrieves information about current scripts for internationalization. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DrawCaption Draws a window caption based on provided parameters; involves rendering graphical elements. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetDIBits Sets pixel colors for a compatible bitmap using data from a device-independent bitmap (DIB). File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FlsSetValue Stores a value in fiber local storage specific to the calling fiber- pertaining to thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!Shell_NotifyIconGetRect Retrieves screen coordinates for a notification icon's bounding rectangle. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!IsCharAlphaNumericW Checks if a character is alphanumeric based on the user's language settings. System Information and Control | |
WMI.DLL!EnableTrace Configures how an ETW event provider logs events to a trace session. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfDecrementULongCounterValue Decrements a performance counter value- managing system performance metrics. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!gethostbyaddr Retrieves host information from a network address- indicating network operation. Network Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW Converts IPv6 address strings to their binary form for network operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateDIBPatternBrushPt This function creates a logical brush associated with a device-independent bitmap pattern. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OleCreatePropertyFrameIndirect Creates a property frame dialog box for editing properties- but does not directly manipulate files- processes- or memory. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree Frees resources associated with RPC calls- managing memory cleanup for safe arrays. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrClientCall3 This function is related to Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)- facilitating communication across networked systems. Network Operations | |
SHFOLDER.DLL!SHGetFolderPathA Retrieves a path for a specified folder based on a CSIDL value. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!MessageBoxA Displays a modal dialog box for user interaction- indicating system status or errors. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHFormatDateTimeA Converts a FILETIME structure to a string representation of date and time. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ExpandEnvironmentStringsW Expands environment variable strings based on current user values- used for system configuration. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlAddGrowableFunctionTable Manages dynamic function tables for memory- facilitating exception handling and stack backtracing. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPackagePath Retrieves the file path of a specified package in the system. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrSpnA Computes the substring length that matches specified characters in a buffer. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_SetImageCount Resizes an existing image list- affecting its contents and operational limits. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetWindowExtEx Retrieves the x-extent and y-extent of a window for the specified device context. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalReAlloc Changes the size or attributes of a global memory object. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaOpenTrustedDomainByName Opens the LSA policy handle of a remote trusted domain for querying or managing its policy. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DefDlgProcA Processes window messages for dialog boxes; handles default message processing. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!OemToCharA Translates OEM-defined character set strings to ANSI or wide-character strings. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRootA Determines if a provided path string points to the volume's root. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CreateAntiMoniker Creates and returns a new anti-moniker- used in the context of COM moniker manipulation. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LHashValOfNameSysA Computes a hash value for a given name- useful for identifying and validating data. Cryptographic Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayRedim Changes the dimensions of a safe array- affecting memory allocation and deallocation. Memory Management | |
WMI.DLL!TraceEvent Sends structured events to an event tracing session- primarily for system logging and monitoring purposes. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetKeyboardLayoutList Retrieves input locale identifiers- providing information about keyboard layouts and input methods. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!IsInternetESCEnabled Checks if Internet Explorer runs in Enhanced Security Configuration- impacting browsing behavior. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!getnameinfo Resolves a network address into a host name and service name- performing name resolution. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromR8 Converts a double value to a Boolean value- focusing on type management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetMonitorInfoW Retrieves information about a display monitor's characteristics. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHEnumValueW This function enumerates values from a specified registry key. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetInstanceFromFile Initializes a new object from a file by loading it using IPersistFile::Load. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IsWindowVisible Determines the visibility state of a specified window by checking its WS_VISIBLE style bit. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetComputerNameExW Retrieves the NetBIOS or DNS names associated with the local computer. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction21 Stub function for implementing COM proxies- essential for interface marshaling in RPC communication. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingCreateW Creates a new RPC binding handle based on a provided template- essential for network communication. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetClipboardFormatNameA Retrieves the name of a clipboard format- indicating data handling from the clipboard. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LookupPrivilegeValueA Retrieves a locally unique identifier (LUID) for specified privilege names for access control. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateDirectoryExW Creates a new file system folder- specifying path and optional security attributes. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCGetProviderInfo Retrieves data associated with a layered service provider for Winsock. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromR4 Converts float to long; manages type conversion and variable structures. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetMenuBarInfo Retrieves information about a specified menu bar in a window. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!HWND_UserMarshal This function is related to marshalling window handles- which implies manipulations of windows in the system. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetDIBColorTable Sets RGB color values in a DIB's color table within a device context. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateFileMappingW Creates or opens a file mapping object for a specified file- involving memory management operations. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHBrowseForFolderW Displays a dialog for the user to select a folder- dealing directly with file system navigation. File Operations | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptSetHashParam Customizes hash object operations- adjusting its contents and selecting hashing algorithms. Cryptographic Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetDisplayConfig Modifies display topology and modes- indicating control over display settings and configurations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction25 Stub function for COM proxies; facilitates communication between client and server in COM infrastructure. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrChrIA Searches for the first occurrence of a character in a string; involves string manipulation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNextFileA Continues a file search initiated by FindFirstFile- providing the next file's data. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateMutexExA Creates or opens a mutex object for synchronization between threads or processes. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MoveFileExW Moves files or directories with various options- especially managing file state during reboot. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PackageFullNameFromId Retrieves the full name of a package using its identifier to manage app identities. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReplaceFileW Replaces one file with another- supporting backup creation- falling under file manipulation operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EnumFontFamiliesExA Enumerates uniquely-named fonts based on specified characteristics in the LOGFONT structure. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!DecryptFileA This function decrypts an encrypted file or directory- requiring specific file access rights. File Operations | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptGetKeyParam Retrieves parameters related to cryptographic key operations like length and algorithm identifier. Cryptographic Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetScrollRange Modifies the minimum and maximum positions of a scroll bar- affecting user interface control. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadSelectorEntry Retrieves a descriptor table entry for a specified selector and thread- related to thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetClipboardViewer Retrieves the handle to the clipboard viewer chain's first window- impacting data exchange operations. Hooking and Interception | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHShowManageLibraryUI This function shows a management dialog for libraries- enabling organization of library folders and settings. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetLogColorSpaceW Retrieves color space definition from a specified handle. Related to graphical output management. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromUI8 Converts an 8-byte unsigned integer to an unsigned long value. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerTouchInfoHistory Retrieves coalesced touch input information for a specified pointer- indicating input handling. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromUI2 Converts an unsigned short value to an unsigned long value- involving data type conversion. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers Signals the Shell to load icon overlay identifiers during subsequent operations. Registry Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAStringToAddressW Converts a network address from text to numeric format for socket functions. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadDescription Retrieves the description assigned to a thread- relevant for managing threads. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!SetConvertStg This function indicates if an object should convert to a new class when opened. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromDate Converts a date to an unsigned long- indicating operations on data types. Memory Management | |
ISettingsItem::GetPath Retrieves the path for a settings item- useful for file-related operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DdeQueryConvInfo Retrieves information about a DDE transaction and conversation details. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsFileSpecW This function checks for path-delimiting characters in a provided path string. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ExitProcess Ends the calling process and all its threads- managing process termination. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegOpenKeyTransactedA Opens a registry key and associates it with a transaction- thus altering registry operations. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DialogBoxIndirectParamA Creates a modal dialog box from a template in memory and manages its lifecycle. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_EndDrag Ends a drag operation- signaling the end of a user-initiated action involving UI elements. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsEnclaveTypeSupported Checks if the specified enclave type is supported by the system. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutUnprepareHeader Cleans up preparation of audio data buffers after device driver usage- facilitating proper resource management. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegisterEventSourceW Retrieves a handle to a specified event log- enabling event logging functions. Registry Operations | |
IShellMenu::GetMenu Retrieves menu information previously set- allowing interaction with the user interface. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemInfo Retrieves information about the current system- such as processor architecture and number of processors. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!wvsprintfW Writes formatted data to a specified buffer from a list of arguments- affecting memory handling. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadContext Sets the execution context of a specified thread- controlling its behavior and state. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlIsA Tests if a specified URL is of a certain type- including file URLs. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileSize Retrieves the size of a file in bytes. File Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHCreateThreadRef This function creates a reference to a COM object for the current thread- managing threading operations. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains Retrieves names and SIDs of trusted domains for authentication. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRelativeA Determines if a given path is relative or absolute. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserMarshal64 Marshals a HDC object into an RPC buffer for remote procedure calls. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!GetUserObjectInformationA Retrieves information about window station or desktop objects- including security and attributes. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext This function sets the DPI awareness for the current thread. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHAddDefaultPropertiesByExt Adds default properties to a file's property store based on its extension. Registry Operations | |
IOleDocumentView::SetRect Adjusts viewport dimensions for a document view- influencing window layout. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessShutdownParameters Retrieves shutdown parameters for the currently calling process- including priority level and flags. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!CharToOemBuffW Translates characters in a string to the OEM character set- affecting string data representation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessGroupAffinity Retrieves processor group affinity for a specified process- related to managing process execution on multi-processor systems. Process and Thread Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlFreeUnicodeString Frees memory allocated for a Unicode string buffer- indicating memory management operations. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayAllocDescriptorEx Creates a safe array descriptor for variant types without memory allocation for data. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetTapeParameters Retrieves information regarding tape devices and media- involving device handles and buffer management. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IsCharAlphaNumericA Checks if a character is alphanumeric- categorized under System Information and Control for language-based character verification. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCpyW Copies strings- with potential for buffer overruns leading to vulnerabilities. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CompareStringW Compares two character strings for specified locales- affecting how strings are evaluated for security. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateDiscardableBitmap Creates a compatible bitmap for use in graphics operations. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!TreeSetNamedSecurityInfoW Sets security information in the security descriptor for a tree of objects- modifying access control settings. Registry Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetLineControlsA Retrieves controls associated with an audio line for configuration or management. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioRenameA The mmioRename function renames a specified file- performing file operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamilyName Retrieves package name and publisher ID for a specific package family- addressing app management. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerSubscribeForNotification This function subscribes the server to receive notifications from RPC- facilitating communication regarding call status. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrStrA Searches for a substring in a string- relevant for string manipulation in file names. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateThread Creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VirtualProtect Changes memory protection settings in the virtual address space of the process. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SuspendThread Suspends the specified thread- halting its execution until resumed- indicating its role in thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!STGMEDIUM_UserFree Frees resources on the server side for RPC calls- managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PtVisible This function checks if a point is within a clipping region of a device context- relating to graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingFromStringBindingA Creates a server binding handle from a string- facilitating network communication in RPC. Network Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Write Writes an image list to a stream- manipulating image data storage. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNextUmsListItem Returns the next user-mode scheduling thread context in a specified list of thread contexts. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WerGetFlags Retrieves fault reporting settings for a specified process- affecting how errors are reported. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!MesInqProcEncodingId This function retrieves the identity of an encoding or decoding operation for data serialization. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetIconInfoExA Retrieves information about icons or cursors and their bitmap representations. System Information and Control | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptAcquireContextW Acquires a handle to a key container for cryptographic operations. Cryptographic Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!MkParseDisplayName Converts a string into a moniker for identifying an object- related to binding operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromI2 Converts a short value to a date value- focusing on data type transformation and manipulation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!ScrollWindowEx This function modifies the display of a window's contents- influencing visual representation rather than direct file or system changes. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAInstallServiceClassA Registers a service class schema within a namespace for Windows Sockets. Network Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredFree This function frees a memory buffer used by credential management- involving memory allocation management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!IsIconic Checks if a specified window is minimized. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush Retrieves a pointer to a driver's brush realization for drawing operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!PrintWindow Copies a visual window to a device context- typically for output to a printer. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcStringBindingParseW Parses a string binding to extract components including protocol sequence and network address. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcProtseqVectorFreeW Frees memory allocated for protocol sequence vector in RPC context. Memory Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlFirstEntrySList Retrieves the first entry in a synchronized singly linked list. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution Updates structures for digit substitution policies in scripts without performing actual substitutions. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!BeginPath Opens a path bracket in a specified device context for drawing operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA Creates a symbolic link as a transacted operation- allowing for file and directory management. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetMenuItemBitmaps Associates bitmaps with menu items to visually indicate their state. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrFormatByteSize64A Converts numeric values to string representations of size in bytes- kilobytes- megabytes- or gigabytes. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioStringToFOURCCW Converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code for multimedia. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!IntersectClipRect Creates a clipping region based on the intersection of the current region and a specified rectangle. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRStrIA Searches for a substring within a string- returning the position of its last occurrence. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromCy Converts a currency value to a Boolean value for data transformation. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName Sets values for a TrustedDomain object- managing security policy configurations. Registry Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutSetVolume Sets the volume level of a waveform-audio output device- affecting audio file operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LeaveCriticalSection Releases ownership of a critical section for synchronization among threads. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoCreateGuid Creates a globally unique identifier (GUID) for CLSIDs and interface identifiers. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptPlace Generates glyph advance width and offsets- related to text rendering and layout. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!WriteClassStm Writes a CLSID to a stream for storage- representing a file operation in the structured storage context. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleDuplicateData Duplicates specified data from one handle to another- typically for data transfer operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CLSIDFromProgIDEx Retrieves CLSID from ProgID; triggers installations affecting registry and COM management. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EnumFontFamiliesW This function enumerates available fonts on a specified device- involving font retrieval and processing. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!RemoveMenu Deletes a menu item from a specified menu without destroying the menu handle. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CreateWindowStationW Creates a window station object related to the calling process within the current session. Process and Thread Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHGetThreadRef Retrieves per-thread object reference- indicating thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!EndDeferWindowPos Updates the position and size of multiple windows in a screen-refresh cycle. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CopyFileExA Copies an existing file to a new location with progress reporting through a callback function. File Operations | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptSetProvParam Customizes cryptographic service provider operations- including setting security descriptors for access control to key containers. Cryptographic Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditEnumerateSubCategories This function enumerates audit-policy subcategories for security monitoring. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!SetTraceCallback Specifies a function to process events for a specified event trace class. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!DriverCallback Sends a message to a window or calls a callback function- crucial for driver communications. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetLastActivePopup Determines the most recently active pop-up window owned by a specified window. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!BindMoniker Retrieves a pointer to an interface on an object using its moniker- initiating object activation if necessary. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!BuildExplicitAccessWithNameW Initializes an EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure for setting access permissions for a specified trustee. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowLongPtrA Retrieves information and values from a specified window's attributes- useful for UI management. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetTextAlign Sets text alignment flags for a device context influencing text positioning. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDecRound This function rounds a decimal variant- focusing on numerical manipulation rather than file or system operations. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegCreateKeyW Creates or opens a specified Windows registry key. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!BitBlt Transfers pixel data between device contexts- manipulating graphic content. File Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHSetValueW This function sets the value of a specified registry key. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcNetworkIsProtseqValidA Checks if a protocol sequence is supported for remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!ReadCabinetState Retrieves configuration data from the registry and populates a CABINETSTATE structure. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrInterfacePointerMarshall Marshals interface pointers into a network buffer for RPC communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TlsAlloc Allocates a TLS index for threads to store values specific to each thread's context. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateDirectoryExW Creates a new directory with attributes from a specified template directory. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessVersion Retrieves version numbers for processes- indicating system compatibility. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForSingleObject Waits for a specified object to be signaled- affecting synchronization of processes and threads. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcRevertContainerImpersonation Reverts to the original security context- relevant for controlling access and permissions in RPC. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteFileEx Asynchronously writes data to a file or I/O device- allowing for completion routine callbacks. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!FlatSB_GetScrollInfo Retrieves information for a flat scroll bar- part of UI control management. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!PostThreadMessageW Posts a message to a specified thread's message queue- facilitating inter-thread communication. Process and Thread Management | |
IADsAccessControlList::AddAce Adds an access control entry to a security descriptor's access control list for permissions management. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForDebugEventEx This function waits for debugging events- crucial in managing and controlling process debugging. Process and Thread Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!GetAddrInfoExA Resolves host names to addresses using specified namespace- involving network protocol operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!StrokePath Renders a specified path using the current pen in a device context. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetBitmapDimensionEx Retrieves dimensions of a compatible bitmap set by the SetBitmapDimensionEx function. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DdeInitializeW Registers applications with the DDEML- enabling Dynamic Data Exchange functionality. Process and Thread Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetFileInfoW Retrieves various information about an object in the file system- focusing on file attributes and metadata. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrStrW Finds a substring within a string- encoding-aware for Unicode and ANSI. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessWorkingSetSize Sets minimum and maximum working set sizes for a specified process- affecting its memory management. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromDec Converts a decimal value to an unsigned char- indicative of data manipulation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetDpiForSystem Returns the system DPI value- providing information about the display context. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!STGMEDIUM_UserUnmarshal64 This function unmarshals a STGMEDIUM object from an RPC buffer- relating to inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PrepareTape Prepares a tape for access- including loading- locking- and unloading operations. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHSetUnreadMailCountW Updates the unread message count in the user's registry for a specified email account. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateEventExA Creates or opens an event object for synchronization between threads or processes. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CStdStubBuffer2_QueryInterface Implements a method for querying COM interfaces- mainly used in Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!UpdateResourceA Adds- deletes- or modifies resources like icons or menus in PE files. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetBitmapBits This function copies bitmap data into a buffer- handling file-type data within memory. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingToStringBindingA Converts a binding handle to its string representation- indicating network-related function. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateFontIndirectA This function creates a logical font- categorizing it under system graphic operations. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions Retrieves dimensions for the default check-mark bitmap used in menus in Windows applications. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingCopy Copies binding information to create a new binding handle- essential for reliable inter-thread communication. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GrayStringA Renders gray text on the screen using GDI- manipulating the device context and bitmap. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSsDontSerializeContext This function controls serialization behavior for RPC calls- impacting process context management. Process and Thread Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSARecv This function receives data from a connected socket- involving network communication operations. Network Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioSetInfo Updates information about a file accessed via buffered I/O- thus managing file-related data. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateFontIndirectExW Creates a logical font for use in a device context based on specified characteristics. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!OpenEncryptedFileRawW Opens an encrypted file for backup or restore- maintaining file encryption during the process. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!IUnknown_GetWindow Retrieves a window handle from a COM object- involving querying various interfaces. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumTimeFormatsEx This function enumerates time formats based on locale- interacting with system localization settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddAtomA Adds a string to the local atom table- managing string identifiers. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VariantChangeTypeEx Converts a variant from one type to another- using a locale identifier (LCID). Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!TraceMessageVa Sends message-based events to an event tracing session using variable arguments. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteTimerQueue Deletes a timer queue- canceling and removing any pending timers. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayCopy Creates a copy of a safe array- managing memory references of data types within. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteProcessMemory Writes data to memory in a specified process- requiring write access. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LZCopy Copies a source file to a destination file- handling both compressed and uncompressed formats. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CallNamedPipeW Connects to and communicates with a named message pipe for sending and receiving data. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DeferWindowPos Updates the position and size of multiple windows through a position structure. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SetSecurityDescriptorSacl Modifies a system access control list (SACL) within a security descriptor. Registry Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAIoctl This function controls the mode of a socket- managing input and output settings for network communication. Network Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSACleanup Terminates the use of the Winsock DLL- cleaning up resources related to network operations. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DlgDirListW Replaces contents of a list box with names of subdirectories and files in a specified directory. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FormatMessageW Formats a message string from message definitions and outputs a formatted message. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSAAsyncGetServByName Asynchronously retrieves service information corresponding to a service name and port number. Network Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarAdd This function sums two variants- focusing on data operations rather than file- network- or hardware management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateNamedPipeW Creates a named pipe instance for process communication and returns a handle for ongoing operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!CLIPOBJ_bEnum This function enumerates rectangles from a clip region- involving operations on drawing and display. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateHatchBrush This function creates a logical brush with a specified hatch pattern for graphical rendering. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoRegisterChannelHook This function registers a channel hook- allowing interception of events. Hooking and Interception | |
USER32.DLL!CreateDesktopW Creates a new desktop associated with the current window station for the calling process- thus managing desktop resources. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction13 A stub function for COM proxies facilitating interface marshaling in RPC. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Thread32First Retrieves information about the first thread from a process snapshot- managing threads. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHSetDefaultProperties This function applies default properties to a Shell item- indicating it modifies file item attributes. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!QueryTraceA Retrieves property settings and statistics for a specified event tracing session. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetPolyFillMode Sets the polygon fill mode for filling polygons in graphics device interface operations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HBITMAP_UserSize64 Calculates wire size of HBITMAP for RPC- managing data marshaling. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptStringValidate Validates a SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS structure for invalid sequences in strings. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv6AddressToStringW Converts an IPv6 address to its standard string representation. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrConvert Converts network buffer representations between sender and receiver- facilitating data interoperability in RPC. Network Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutMessage Sends messages to waveform-audio output device drivers to control audio playback. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetClassWord Modifies a 16-bit value in window class extra memory- associated with specific window. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptTextOut Displays text in specified script shape- involving drawing operations on a device context. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!DrawTextExW Draws formatted text in a specified rectangle using different alignment and formatting options. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadpoolWait Sets wait objects for callbacks after handles become signaled- managing threading efficiently. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditQuerySystemPolicy Retrieves system audit policy for specified subcategories- impacting system security controls. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromI1 Converts a char value to a float value- involving data type conversion. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Initializes a critical section object for synchronizing access among threads. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsDirectoryW Verifies if a given path points to a valid directory. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI1FromR4 Converts a float to a char- involving type conversion processes. Memory Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCUnInstallNameSpace32 Uninstalls a specific 32-bit namespace provider in network settings. Network Operations | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptDecrypt Decrypts data previously encrypted using CryptEncrypt- requiring cryptographic operations on data. Cryptographic Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!InitiateShutdownA Initiates a shutdown of the specified computer and manages application restarts. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetSystemMetrics Retrieves system metrics or configuration settings- such as window size and screen dimensions. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!OpenJobObjectW This function opens an existing job object- managing access to processes grouped within a job. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MoveFileExA Moves an existing file or directory with various options- handling both immediate and delayed operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromR8 Converts double values to long- involving memory and data type operations. Memory Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCEnumProtocols Retrieves information about installed transport protocols on local computer- defining network-related operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptGetFontAlternateGlyphs Retrieves alternate glyphs for a character based on OpenType features; does not manipulate files or processes. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetComboBoxInfo Retrieves information about a combo box by its handle- providing structural details. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindActCtxSectionStringW Retrieves string information from the current activation context for side-by-side assemblies. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!DAD_ShowDragImage This function controls the visibility of a drag-and-drop image- affecting UI behavior. System Information and Control | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptCreateHash This function initiates hashing and creates a handle for a cryptographic hash object. Cryptographic Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PssQuerySnapshot Queries a snapshot of processes- retrieving specific information about them. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetTapeStatus This function checks the readiness of a tape device for processing commands. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HPALETTE_UserSize64 Calculates wire size and handles data for HPALETTE object- related to memory/serialization operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!IIDFromString Converts a string representation of an interface identifier (IID) back into the original IID format. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumTimeFormatsW Lists available time formats for a specified locale- crucial for localization tasks. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfStartProviderEx Registers a performance provider- facilitating performance monitoring capabilities. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapSetInformation This function enables various features for heaps- significantly affecting memory management. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathCombineW Concatenates two path strings into one valid path. This is categorized as File Operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromDec Converts a decimal value to a float- facilitating type conversion operations in applications. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetMenuItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a specified menu item in a window. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CheckRadioButton Checks a specified radio button in a group and updates the UI. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW Converts string representation of IPv4 address and port to binary format- facilitating network operations. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!TrackPopupMenu Displays and tracks a shortcut menu based on user selection. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHSetThreadRef This function stores a reference for a COM object to manage the thread's lifetime effectively. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!ControlService Sends control commands to a service for management purposes. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CLSIDFromString Converts a string representation of a CLSID back to the CLSID format. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAResetEvent Resets the state of a specified event object to nonsignaled in the Winsock API. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetFileAttributesTransactedW Sets attributes for a file or directory in a transacted manner- indicating file operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SelectClipPath This function selects a path as a clipping region- focusing on graphical operations within device contexts. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlIsW Tests whether a URL conforms to a specific type- such as file or directory. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WritePrivateProfileStructW Writes data to a specified key in an initialization file- modifying file contents directly. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlEthernetStringToAddressW Converts a string representation of a MAC address to binary format. Network Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetSpecialFolderPathA Retrieves the path of a special folder based on CSIDL- allowing file system access. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetTempFileNameA Generates a name for a temporary file and optionally creates an empty file. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!TrackPopupMenuEx Displays a shortcut menu and tracks selection at a specified location on the screen. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!RemovePropA Removes an entry from a window's property list- affecting window management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDecFromCy Converts a currency value to a decimal value- relating to numerical data manipulation. Memory Management | |
IShellMenu::SetMenu Appends a static menu to the menu band- modifying UI elements. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptIsComplex Determines if a Unicode string needs complex script processing for display. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditQuerySecurity Retrieves a security descriptor that controls access to audit policy- confirming access privileges. Registry Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject This function creates a Shell item array for use in Shell extensions- primarily handling file operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!OpenWindowStationA Opens a specified window station and handles access rights. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ResolveLocaleName Resolves locale names for language and region- related to system settings and internationalization. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteProcThreadAttributeList This function deletes attributes for process and thread creation- impacting thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LockResource Retrieves a pointer to a resource in memory without locking- just access. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcpyW Copies a string to a buffer- potentially leading to buffer overflows if mishandled. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPrivateProfileStructA Retrieves data from an initialization file or registry based on specified section and key. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW This function checks access rights against a security descriptor for the impersonated client. System Information and Control | |
WSOCK32.DLL!recvfrom Receives a datagram and stores the source address- enabling network communication. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegCloseUSKey Closes a handle to a user-specific registry subkey- managing registry operations. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI2FromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to a short- facilitating data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetID Retrieves device identifier for a specified audio mixer device- thus involving system resource identification. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessIdOfThread Retrieves the identifier of the process associated with a specified thread. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitCommEvent Monitors specified events for a communications device and waits for their occurrence. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DnsHostnameToComputerNameA Converts DNS-style host names to NetBIOS names- facilitating network identification of computers. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapQueryInformation Retrieves information about the specified heap- including features like low-fragmentation heap support. Memory Management | |
IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::SetCapture Captures mouse messages for an in-place windowless object by dispatching inputs regardless of cursor position. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumUILanguagesA Enumerates available user interface languages and calls a callback function for each- related to localization tools. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetClassLongPtrW Modifies properties of a window class like styles and procedures in class memory. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BackupWrite Restores a file or directory from backup- involving reading and writing operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MapViewOfFileEx Maps a view of a file mapping into the calling process's address space- managing memory regions. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!RestartDialogEx Displays a dialog prompting for system restart- invoking shutdown operations. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA Generates audit messages for access attempts to objects- indicating access permissions and creation. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!Ellipse Creates a D2D1_ELLIPSE structure for graphical representations. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!EngFillPath This function fills a graphical path on a device surface- which pertains to rendering operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW Retrieves firmware environment variable values- involving system-level control and interaction with UEFI. System Information and Control | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptDestroyKey Releases a cryptographic key handle- managing memory used by the key. Cryptographic Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RtlIsEcCode Determines if code is compatible with ARM emulation- essential for system compatibility checks. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetScrollPos Retrieves the current position of a scroll box in a scroll bar- relating to GUI elements. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RtlCaptureStackBackTrace Captures stack back trace information for debugging. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrSimpleStructMarshall Marshals a structure into a network buffer for remote procedure calls (RPC). Network Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA Connects the main thread to the service control manager for processing service requests. Process and Thread Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA Retrieves information on available namespace providers for network operations. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetCharWidth32W Retrieves widths of consecutive characters in the current font- managing graphical data representation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RtlCaptureContext This function retrieves a context record- capturing the state of the caller's execution. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetUpdateRect Retrieves coordinates of the update region of a window- primarily for graphical updates. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!WriteEncryptedFileRaw Restores encrypted files- maintaining their encrypted state through callback functions. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateDIBitmap This function creates a bitmap from a DIB- managing graphic data for display. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DrawStateW DrawStateW is used to display images with visual effects- primarily for rendering UI states. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup Closes a specified cleanup group- managing thread pool resources effectively. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysStringByteLen Returns the length of a BSTR in bytes- aiding in memory management and string operations. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!CreateErrorInfo Creates a generic error object for reporting errors in COM automation. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!LookupIconIdFromDirectory Searches for the best fitting icon or cursor based on display- dealing with resource data. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetCallerTID Retrieves the caller's thread ID indicating which thread in COM is active. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_Create Creates a new image list for managing image resources in applications. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EnumFontsW This function enumerates available fonts on a specified device context. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!QueryServiceStatusEx Retrieves the current status of a specified service from the service control manager. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiOutMessage This function sends messages to MIDI device drivers- categorizing it under Network Operations for driver communication. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!ChildWindowFromPointEx Identifies child windows under a point in a parent window- dealing with UI elements. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!MapViewOfFileFromApp Maps a file mapping into the app's address space- facilitating controlled file memory access. Memory Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiOutShortMsg Sends a short MIDI message to a MIDI output device. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPrivateProfileStringW Retrieves a string from an initialization file- performing read operations necessary for file configurations. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient23 Stub function for COM proxies used in marshalling interfaces and processing remote procedure calls. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WS2_32.DLL!SetAddrInfoExA Registers or deregisters names and addresses with namespace providers- facilitating network communication. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHQueryUserNotificationState This function checks user notification conditions to decide on sending notifications. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!EventAccessRemove Removes permissions for a specified provider/session in the registry. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHSkipJunction Checks if a bind context is safe for component binding to prevent recursive loops. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromR8 Converts a double to a float- indicating type conversion within memory operations. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!ScrollDC Scrolls a rectangle of bits in a device context- impacting graphical output. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_Grow Changes the number of pointers in a dynamic pointer array- which involves managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHAllocShared Allocates a handle for sharing a memory block between processes. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WideCharToMultiByte Converts UTF-16 strings to multibyte character strings for encoding compatibility. Cryptographic Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCEnumProtocols32 This function retrieves information about installed transport protocols- indicating network-related functionality. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHSendMessageBroadcastA Sends messages to all top-level windows across the system for communication. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetTextFaceA Retrieves the typeface name of the selected font in a device context. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ILClone This function clones an ITEMIDLIST structure. It manipulates identifier data for file operations. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!GetAddrInfoW Resolves a host name to an address responding to DNS queries making it a key Network Operation. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrFromTimeIntervalW Converts a time interval in milliseconds to a string format. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!SetNamedSecurityInfoA Modifies security information in the security descriptor of specified objects- like files or registry keys. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!UuidToStringW Converts a UUID to a null-terminated string and allocates memory for it. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSmAllocate Allocates memory within the RPC environment- managing dynamic memory allocation. Memory Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveOutSetPitch Sets the pitch for a waveform-audio output device- adjusting audio playback without affecting sample rates. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ImpersonateSelf Obtains an access token for impersonating the calling process's security context- enabling privilege management. Process and Thread Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHOpenRegStream2W Opens a registry value and provides a stream for reading or writing. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindPackagesByPackageFamily Retrieves package information based on family name- focusing on app management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsValidLocaleName Validates if a specified locale name is supported on the operating system. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptItemizeOpenType Breaks a Unicode string into shapeable items for OpenType processing. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegWriteUSValueA This function writes a value to a user-specific registry subkey in HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Registry Operations | |
ITfMessagePump::PeekMessageA Retrieves messages from the message queue for the current thread's window- managing event handling. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNLSVersion Retrieves NLS capability version information for a specified locale- affecting locale-based operations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient13 A stub function for COM proxies facilitating interface marshaling. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromR4 Converts a float to an unsigned char- involving data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TryAcquireSRWLockShared Acquires a slim reader/writer lock in shared mode for synchronization among threads. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumSystemLocalesA This function enumerates locale identifiers supported by the OS- related to internationalization. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessDynamicEnforcedCetCompatibleRanges Sets dynamic enforced CETCOMPAT ranges which affects how the process operates. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHPathPrepareForWriteA This function checks if a specified path exists and prepares it for writing operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumDateFormatsA Enumerates date formats for a specified locale- focusing on internationalization. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsSystemFolderA Determines if a folder has attributes that qualify it as a system folder. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddAtomW Adds a string to the local atom table- returning a unique identifier. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!UnregisterWait Cancels a registered wait operation- managing the lifecycle of wait objects. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction11 Stub function for COM proxies- facilitating communication between interfaces in a proxy DLL context. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAGetQOSByName Initializes a QOS structure based on a named template or retrieves available template names. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!WaitMessage Suspends the thread until a new message arrives in the message queue. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!AdjustTokenGroups Enables or disables groups in an access token- requiring specific permissions. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!AddFontResourceExA This function adds a font resource from a file to the system for local use. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseAllProtseqs This function enables the use of all supported protocols for remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegDeleteKeyTransactedW Deletes a registry subkey and its values as a transacted operation. Registry Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHSetValueA This function sets the value of a registry key. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerDeviceCursors Retrieves information about cursor IDs mapped to pointers- related to input devices. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent Determines if a process is being debugged- indicating active process control. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!PerfCloseQueryHandle Closes a performance query handle opened by PerfOpenQueryHandle. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCSetProviderInfo Sets information class data for a layered service provider- affecting its behavior in network operations. Network Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHRegGetPathW This function retrieves file paths from the registry- indicating registry access for file operations. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateDefaultHandler Creates a new instance of the default embedding handler for local server initialization. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to an unsigned short- related to data type conversion. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegEnumKeyExA Enumerates subkeys of a specified open registry key- thus interacting with the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrComplexStructBufferSize This function calculates buffer sizes for complex structures used in RPC- indicating usage in memory manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LCMapStringW Maps input character strings or generates sort keys for specified locales. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RemoveDirectoryA Deletes an existing empty directory- requiring delete access for the specified directory path. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVolumePathNameA Retrieves the volume mount point for a specified file path. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI8FromUI4 Converts an unsigned long to an 8-byte integer- related to data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtEpEltInqNextW This function retrieves elements from an endpoint map- facilitating remote procedure call (RPC) management. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BeginUpdateResourceA Retrieves a handle for updating resources in a binary module. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!UnregisterApplicationRecoveryCallback Removes an application's instance from the recovery list- affecting recovery mechanisms. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!MapDialogRect Converts dialog box units to screen pixels- affecting layout and positioning within dialog boxes. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRetToStrW Converts a STRRET structure to an allocated string containing the display name. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileAttributesA Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetManagedApplications Retrieves a list of applications for Add/Remove Programs in a user context. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoRevokeInitializeSpy Revokes a registered implementation of the IInitializeSpy interface for COM object initialization tracking. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!InitializeSecurityDescriptor Initializes a new security descriptor for access control in Windows security management. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcErrorStartEnumeration Initiates enumeration of extended error information related to RPC errors. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!AuditSetGlobalSaclA Sets a global System Access Control List (SACL) for audit messages- impacting security and access control. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!FloodFill Fills an area of the display surface with the current brush based on color parameters. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!BSTR_UserUnmarshal Unmarshals a BSTR object from an RPC buffer- involving memory handling for data transmission. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteProfileSectionA Replaces contents in Win.ini with specified keys/values- effectively modifying file data. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetMapMode Configures the mapping mode of a device context- affecting graphical rendering units. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetMenuItemInfoA Modifies properties of a specified menu item in a menu. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks Waits for I/O completion callbacks- relevant in managing I/O operations in multithreaded environments. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessShutdownParameters Sets shutdown order and parameters for the calling process during system shutdown sequences. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl Retrieves resource manager control bits from a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream Unmarshals a buffer containing an interface pointer and manages its release between threads. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!OOBEComplete This function checks if the Windows Out-Of-Box Experience (OOBE) is completed- relating to system state. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DefMDIChildProcA This function processes window messages for MDI child windows- handling specific message types. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRChrW Searches for the last occurrence of a character in a string. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetExitCodeProcess Retrieves the termination status of a specified process- indicating process management oversight. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddRefActCtx Increments the reference count of an activation context to manage access by multiple clients. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle to indicate focus- related to user interface graphics. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrContextHandleSize This function determines the size of an RPC context handle- related to memory management in RPC. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight Enumerates accounts with a specific privilege in the LSA database- accessing security policy information. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CharPrevA Retrieves the pointer to the preceding character in a string- managing character encoding. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction26 This function serves COM proxies for interface marshaling in RPC- related to system communication processes. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx Allocates and initializes a security descriptor for a new object- related to object access control. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!InitializeTouchInjection Configures touch injection context for an application to control touch input simulation. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!wvnsprintfA Formats a string using a list of arguments; related to output management rather than direct file or memory operations. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CloseWindow Minimizes the specified window without destroying it. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!PathResolve Converts a relative path to a fully qualified path name- involving file path resolution. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI8FromUI2 Converts an unsigned short to an 8-byte integer. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalAddAtomExW Adds a string to the global atom table- returns a unique identifier. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VerLanguageNameA Retrieves a language description string based on a binary language identifier- relevant to system localization efforts. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsUNCServerShareW Validates if a string conforms to a UNC share path format. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ZombifyActCtx Deactivates a specified activation context without deallocating it- relevant for managing program contexts. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHDoDragDrop Executes drag-and-drop operations- handling data transfer and effects between different sources. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI1FromUI8 Converts an 8-byte unsigned integer to a char value- but does not involve file or network operations. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!DragQueryFileA Retrieves names of files from a drop operation- indicating file operation capabilities. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!DescribePixelFormat This function retrieves pixel format information for a device context- setting its descriptor structure. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Module32NextW Retrieves information about the next module associated with a process or thread. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetWaitableTimerEx Activates a waitable timer- allowing for scheduled execution in a thread as per specified timing parameters. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!ILCreateFromPathA Retrieves the ITEMIDLIST structure associated with a specified file path. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ExitThread Ends the calling thread- ensuring proper termination of thread resources. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrToIntW Converts a string representation of a decimal value to an integer. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!TlsFree Releases a thread local storage (TLS) index for reuse- impacting thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDateFormatW Formats a date string based on a specified locale identifier. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfDeleteInstance This function deletes performance counter instances- managing system performance data effectively. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalFindAtomW Retrieves a global atom associated with a specified character string from the global atom table. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadDescription This function assigns a description to a thread- impacting management of thread-related information. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterClassW Registers a window class to be used in window creation functions. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCyFromStr Converts an OLECHAR string to a currency value- involving data manipulation and conversion. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterClassExA Registers a window class for user interface elements which is crucial for creating windows. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNumaProximityNodeEx Retrieves the NUMA node number for a given proximity identifier- relating to system memory management. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingInqAuthClientW Retrieves authenticated client's principal name and authorization attributes in remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateIoRing Creates an I/O ring for submission/completion queues- handling I/O operations efficiently. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR8Round This function rounds a variant double to specified decimal places- dealing primarily with data processing. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance Allocates and initializes a security descriptor for a private object- controlling access and inheritance. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CopyContext Copies data from one context structure to another- managing processor context details. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetTextFaceW Retrieves the typeface name from a device context for font rendering purposes. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EnumFontsA Enumerates fonts available on a specified device- retrieving information for each font. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetRegisteredRawInputDevices Retrieves information about raw input devices- thus managing device inputs for the current application. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromI1 Converts a char to an unsigned long- relates to variable type conversion. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!Shell_GetImageLists Retrieves system image lists for large and small icons- impacting the display of files. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx Sets the ideal processor for a specified thread- influencing how threads are scheduled. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHCloneSpecialIDList Retrieves a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure for a special folder- optionally creating it. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetDriveTypeA Determines the type of disk drive (removable- fixed- etc.) based on its path. File Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW Registers a control handler for a service to respond to control requests. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetWindowsAccountDomainSid This function retrieves a domain SID from a given security identifier (SID). Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemPowerStatus Retrieves the system's power status including battery details and AC/DC status. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CharLowerBuffW Converts uppercase characters to lowercase in a specified buffer- modifying content in place. Memory Management | |
GDI32.DLL!ExtCreateRegion This function creates a graphical region using specified transformation and region data- relating to graphics handling. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcErrorLoadErrorInfo Converts a BLOB from RpcErrorSaveErrorInfo into extended error information. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromR8 Converts a double to an unsigned long value during data manipulation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SystemTimeToVariantTime Converts a system time structure into a VARIANT time representation for easier manipulation. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DdeAddData This function adds data to a DDE object- manipulating its content directly. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Beep Generates sound tones using system speaker; performs an alertable wait and does not return until the sound finishes. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPriorityClass Retrieves the priority class of a specified process- influencing thread scheduling. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterClassA Registers a window class for creating windows- pivotal for GUI operations. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetSystemMenu Accesses and modifies the window's system menu- enabling GUI menu operations. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorA Converts a security descriptor into a string format for storage or transmission. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetDevCapsA Queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrFromUI2 Converts an unsigned short value to a BSTR value for data manipulation. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrComplexArrayUnmarshall Unmarshals data from a network buffer into memory- indicating network communication and memory manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteFileTransactedA Deletes an existing file within a transaction- allowing for controlled file operations. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_AddIcon Adds an icon or cursor to an image list for UI management. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingInqAuthClientExW Retrieves information about the client of a remote procedure call- including authentication details. Network Operations | |
SHCORE.DLL!GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Retrieves the explicit Application User Model ID for the current process to manage application identity. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumResourceNamesExA Enumerates resources of a specified type associated with a binary module. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptStringGetOrder Maps character positions to glyph positions- relevant for text rendering. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathQuoteSpacesW Encloses a path in quotes if it contains spaces for proper path handling. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!wnsprintfW Formats a string using a variable-length argument list- primarily for generating output strings. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditFree This function frees memory allocated for audit functions- thus categorized under Memory Management. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHGetValueA This function retrieves a value from the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!CreatePrivateObjectSecurity Initializes a security descriptor for a new private object. Relates to access control and security. Registry Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!FlatSB_SetScrollPos Adjusts the position of a flat scroll bar- affecting user interface behavior. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerGetNumDevs Retrieves the number of audio mixer devices in the system. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CreateMenu Creates an empty menu that can be populated- involving resource management. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!HACCEL_UserFree Frees resources associated with RPC calls- managing memory allocation and deallocation. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW Generates audit messages upon object deletion; related to security operations. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathUnmakeSystemFolderA Removes system folder attributes from an existing folder in the file system. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetSystemPaletteEntries Retrieves entries from the system palette associated with a specified device context. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!IsCharUpperA Determines if a character is uppercase based on user language settings. System Information and Control | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlEthernetStringToAddressA Converts a string representation of an Ethernet MAC address to binary format. Network Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv6AddressToStringA Converts an IPv6 address to a string format for networking. Network Operations | |
WMI.DLL!UnregisterTraceGuids Unregisters an ETW event trace provider- managing event tracing registrations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DisconnectNamedPipe Disconnects the server end of a named pipe instance from a client process- managing inter-process communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegCreateKeyExW Creates or opens a specified registry key- allowing for registry modifications. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!wvnsprintfW Formats a string using a list of arguments- returning the result as a formatted string. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_Sort Sorts items in a Dynamic Pointer Array- manipulating data structure organization. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcBindingInqObject This function retrieves the UUID associated with a binding handle- facilitating remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReleaseSemaphore Increases the count of a semaphore object- managing access to shared resources among threads. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!ValidateRgn Validates the client area of a window by modifying its update region. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI1FromStr Converts OLECHAR strings to char values- involving type conversion and locale handling. Cryptographic Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx Waits for multiple objects to be signaled; involved in thread synchronization efforts. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InterlockedFlushSList Removes items from a singly linked list with synchronized access in a multiprocessor system. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetInformationJobObject Adjusts attributes and limitations for a job object in process management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BeginUpdateResourceW Retrieves a handle for adding- deleting- or replacing resources in a binary module. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassLongA Retrieves a 32-bit value from the WNDCLASSEX structure for a specified window handle. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx Waits for specified objects to be signaled or input events to occur. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AcquireSRWLockExclusive Acquires a slim reader/writer lock in exclusive mode- facilitating synchronization in multi-threaded applications. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileMUIInfo Retrieves resource-related information about a file- including type and language of resources. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAGetServiceClassInfoW Retrieves service class information from a specified namespace provider for network service classification and management. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!VerifyVersionInfoA Compares OS version requirements with the current system version- thus providing system information and control. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioRead This function reads bytes from an opened file- indicating it performs file operations. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetInstanceFromIStorage Initializes a COM object from a storage object- requiring file access for loading. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!HGLOBAL_UserSize Calculates the size and data of an HGLOBAL object for wire transfer in RPC. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserSize This function calculates the size of the HDC object for remote procedure calls (RPC)- focusing on serialization. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsFileSpecA Checks for path-delimiting characters in a string- confirming it as a file specification. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder32 Changes the order of Winsock 2 namespace providers in a catalog- impacting name resolution priority. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReadDirectoryChangesExW Monitors directory changes and retrieves notifications about file and directory modifications. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!MoveWindow Changes the position and dimensions of a specified window on the screen. Process and Thread Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHQueryValueExW Queries a specific value in a registry key. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromI1 Converts a char value to a date value- not directly involved in file or network operations. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlGetLocationA Retrieves a location segment from a URL- indicating it handles data from network resources. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateTimerQueueTimer This function creates a timer-queue timer that calls a specified callback function upon expiration. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseAllProtseqsEx Registers all supported protocol sequences for receiving remote procedure calls via RPC runtime library. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsProcessCritical Determines if a process is critical- affecting process and thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SHCoCreateInstance Creates COM objects implemented in Shell32.dll- facilitating component interaction. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstChangeNotificationA Creates a notification handle for tracking changes in a specified directory. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarXor Performs logical exclusion on two variants- facilitating variant data operations. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetArcDirection Retrieves the current arc direction for a device context; used in graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegLoadKeyA Loads a registry hive into a subkey under HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Registry Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSASendMsg Sends data and control information through connected or unconnected sockets. Involves network operations for data transmission. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoSetCancelObject Registers or unregisters a cancel object for managing cancel operations in the current thread. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!TreeSetNamedSecurityInfoA Updates security information for a specified tree of objects- affecting files and registry keys. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LZInit Allocates memory for decompressing files and initializes data structures. It works with file handles. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!OperationStart Notifies the system of an upcoming operation- primarily related to file access tracking for optimization. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumSystemCodePagesW This function enumerates code pages installed or supported by the OS- handling locale-specific data. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!InitCommonControlsEx Loads common control classes from a dynamic-link library for user interface elements. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHChangeNotification_Lock Locks shared memory for Shell change notifications- allowing controlled access to data changes. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrStubForwardingFunction This function forwards calls to server-side object methods in DCOM interfaces- facilitating remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WriteTapemark Writes filemarks and setmarks to a tape device- managing tape partitions. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!HWND_UserSize64 This function manages the size of window handles- relating to memory allocation and management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!CopyAcceleratorTableA Copies accelerator table data or determines its size based on a handle. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetForegroundWindow Retrieves a handle to the active window being used by the user. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetStdHandleEx Sets the handle for input- output- or error streams- controlling process I/O behavior. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!UnregisterPowerSettingNotification This function unregisters a power setting notification- indicating it deals with system settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsThreadAFiber This function checks if the current thread is a fiber- thus it categorizes under Thread Management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrlenA This function measures the length of a string- indicating string manipulation capabilities. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction23 This function is used for COM proxy implementation- primarily related to marshaling data across process boundaries. Process and Thread Management | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptEnumProviderTypesA Enumerates cryptographic service provider types available on the computer. Cryptographic Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!LineTo This function draws a line in a device context- which involves graphical rendering. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW Generates audit messages for access attempts to objects- relevant for security monitoring. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetPrivateObjectSecurity Retrieves information from a private object's security descriptor- influencing access control. Registry Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrUserMarshalMarshall This function marshals data for RPC- indicating its role in data communication rather than direct file or memory handling. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!ArrangeIconicWindows Arranges minimized child windows of a specified parent window. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHCreateThread This function creates a new thread in the calling process. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!CredReadA Reads a credential from the user's credential set associated with the logon session. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadIdealProcessor This function sets a preferred processor for scheduling threads. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIf Configures RPC to use multiple protocol sequences for handling remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCInstallNameSpace32 Installs a 32-bit Winsock namespace provider for network operations compatibility on 64-bit systems. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerRegisterIf2 Registers an interface with the RPC run-time library- enabling network communication. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetForegroundWindow Activates a specified window and brings its thread to the foreground for user interaction. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!QueryServiceConfigW Retrieves configuration parameters of a specified service- which can include information stored in the registry. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ChoosePixelFormat Matches pixel format specifications to those supported by a device context for graphics rendering. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrAsyncClientCall This function facilitates remote procedure calls asynchronously- indicating network communication is involved. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindAtomA Searches for a string in the local atom table and retrieves the associated atom identifier. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!MSChapSrvChangePassword2 Changes a user's password while supporting mutual encryption for security. Cryptographic Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngCreateBitmap This function creates and manages a bitmap for graphical display. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoCreateInstanceEx Creates an instance of a specific COM class on a local or remote computer. Process and Thread Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!NotifyServiceStatusChangeA Receives notifications about service status changes or actions- categorizing it under system information and control. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW This function deletes an empty user-specific registry subkey. Registry Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!EnumDependentServicesW Retrieves dependent service names and statuses based on specified service state. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSecurityDescriptorSacl Retrieves a pointer to the system access control list (SACL) in a specified security descriptor. Security Operations | |
WKSPBROKERAX.DLL!DllInstall Manages DLL installation and setup- potentially modifying the registry. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OaEnablePerUserTLibRegistration Enables the RegisterTypeLib function to override registry mappings- affecting per-user registry access. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LogicalToPhysicalPointForPerMonitorDPI Converts logical coordinates to physical ones considering DPI awareness for accurate window positioning. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarCySub This function performs arithmetic on currency variants- indicating it handles data types rather than file or network tasks. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!SetServiceObjectSecurity Sets security descriptor for a service object- adjusting access controls and privileges. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegSaveKeyW Saves a specified registry key and its subkeys to a file- thus performing registry backup. Registry Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!EngPlgBlt EngPlgBlt performs a rotate bit-block transfer in graphics operations. File Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!getservbyname Retrieves service information based on a service name and protocol- essential for network operations. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessPreferredUILanguages Retrieves the preferred UI languages for the current process- related to internationalization. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR8FromI2 Converts short values to double- facilitating type conversion operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoRegisterSurrogate Registers a surrogate process via ISurrogate interface- involved in process management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!RegSetKeyValueA Sets data for a specified value in a registry key and subkey. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateBitmapIndirect Creates a bitmap with specified dimensions; relates to graphical asset management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterShellHookWindow Registers a window to receive shell-related messages for event notifications. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNEL32.DLL!OpenProcessToken Opens the access token associated with a specified process for permission management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW Logs audit messages for privilege access attempts in the security event log. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!WaitForInputIdle Blocks until a process is idle or a timeout occurs. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsProcessorFeaturePresent Checks if a specific processor feature is supported on the current computer. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WerRegisterMemoryBlock Registers a memory block for Windows Error Reporting to include in crash dump files. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVolumeInformationA Retrieves file system and volume information for the specified root directory- indicating file and volume properties. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowInfo Retrieves information about a specified window- enabling interactions with window properties. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes Opens an asynchronous storage object using a byte-array wrapper for file storage operations. File Operations | |
MSIHND.DLL!DllRegisterServer Instructs the server to create registry entries for supported classes- affecting registry settings. Registry Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mixerOpen Opens a specified mixer device- ensuring it remains active until the handle is closed. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BuildIoRingRegisterFileHandles Registers file handles for I/O ring operations- facilitating efficient I/O completion management. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAHtons Converts a 16-bit number from host byte order to network byte order for socket communication. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DdeKeepStringHandle This function manages the usage count of string handles in Dynamic Data Exchange. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryPerformanceFrequency Retrieves the frequency of the performance counter for timing operations. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSASocketW Creates a socket bound to a specific transport-service provider for network communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CloseThreadpoolWait Releases a specified wait object associated with thread pool management. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32.DLL!EngTextOut Renders glyphs on a surface using specific parameters for positions and pixel operations. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!CharToOemBuffA Converts characters from a standard string to an OEM-defined set- related to string handling. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!OemKeyScan Maps OEMASCII codes to OEM scan codes; simulates keyboard input for OEM text. Hooking and Interception | |
USER32.DLL!SetClassLongW Modifies properties of a window class- affecting its behavior and characteristics. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiInUnprepareHeader Cleans up MIDI header preparation for audio data buffers. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity Deletes a private object's security descriptor- impacting access control settings. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes This function opens a storage object using a byte array instead of a disk file. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngCreateSemaphore Creates a semaphore object used for synchronizing access to resources. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!PostQuitMessage Signals a thread to terminate by posting a WM_QUIT message- managing process behavior. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRChrIA Searches for the last occurrence of a character in a string- demonstrating string handling. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerCursorId Retrieves the cursor identifier for a specified pointer- dealing with input devices. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegisterEventSourceA This function retrieves a handle for event log registration- making it related to system event management. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl Modifies a discretionary access control list (DACL) within a security descriptor- impacting access permissions. Registry Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv6StringToAddressW Converts a string representation of an IPv6 address to a binary IPv6 address. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetColorAdjustment Retrieves color adjustment values for a specified device context- manipulating graphical display settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetModuleHandleA Retrieves a handle for a loaded module- facilitating DLL operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!VkKeyScanA Translates a character to a virtual-key code for the current keyboard- affecting input handling. Hooking and Interception | |
GDI32.DLL!OffsetRgn Moves a graphical region by specified offsets- manipulating its position. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!SetProcessDefaultLayout Changes the default window layout for the current process specializing in text directions. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!LsaQueryInformationPolicy Retrieves information about a Policy object- including domain and auditing data. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!CreatePopupMenu This function creates a menu for user interface operations but does not manage files- threads- or memory. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RegOpenKeyA Opens a specified registry key in the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrPBrkW Searches a string for a character in a specified buffer- focusing on string manipulation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetProcessDynamicEHContinuationTargets Sets dynamic exception handling targets for process execution context management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateEmbeddingHelper Creates an OLE embedding helper object to manage OLE object interactions. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat This function retrieves pixel format information for an enhanced metafile- relating to graphical data representations. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrPointerBufferSize Computes needed buffer size for pointers- essential for managing memory in RPC operations. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!CheckTokenMembership Determines if a specified SID is enabled in an access token for security checks. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateDirectoryTransactedW Creates a new directory as part of a transaction- involving file operations. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmTaskSignal The function is deprecated and pertains to multimedia task signaling. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrIsIntlEqualW Compares two strings for equality- determining if they match based on specified character count. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapDestroy Releases and invalidates a heap object- managing memory allocation. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptGetFontFeatureTags Retrieves typographic feature tags from a font in a device context for OpenType processing. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!EvaluateProximityToPolygon Evaluates the touch target of polygons based on input parameters and returns an adjusted point. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!ExtEscape Allows applications to access printer capabilities- enabling advanced printing operations. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!IStream_Read Reads bytes from a specified stream- indicating successful read operations. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CLIPFORMAT_UserSize64 Calculates wire size- handle- and data for CLIPFORMAT object; involves data manipulation for remote procedure calls. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowDisplayAffinity Retrieves display affinity setting for a window from any process- related to window content protection. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrFromBool Converts a Boolean value to a BSTR value- relating to data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInterfaceGroupDeactivate Used to unregister interfaces and endpoints from RPC- managing client activity during shutdown. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateRoundRectRgn Creates a rectangular region with rounded corners- which is a graphical operation. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetWindowLongA Changes attributes of a window- including subclassing or messaging- affecting window properties. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!waveInUnprepareHeader Cleans up preparation of buffers used for audio input from hardware. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!PropVariantCopy This function creates a copy of a PROPVARIANT structure- dealing with structured data operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindStringOrdinal This function performs a non-linguistic comparison to locate one Unicode string in another. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetCancelObject Retrieves a call control interface related to pending COM method calls- enabling cancellation of those calls. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ShowHideMenuCtl Modifies menu item attributes and controls visibility in a GUI context. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message when a private object handle is deleted- hence involved with security control. System Information and Control | |
PRINTDLGW Represents user selections in the Print Dialog Box and controls its initialization. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VARIANT_UserMarshal Marshals a VARIANT object into an RPC buffer for remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetStringTypeExW Retrieves character type information for a given string- affecting Unicode handling and internationalization. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcErrorClearInformation This function clears extended error information on the current thread to manage RPC error states. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteSynchronizationBarrier This function releases a synchronization barrier when it is no longer needed. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsUNCServerShareA Validates if a string is a valid UNC share path format. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetUmsCompletionListEvent Retrieves a handle to an event associated with a user-mode scheduling completion list. Process and Thread Management | |
IClockVectorElement::GetTickCount Retrieves the upper bound on tick counts in a clock vector element. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient24 Stub function supporting COM proxy operations for marshaling interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SECHOST.DLL!ChangeServiceConfig2W Changes configuration parameters of a service in the service control manager database. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHFileOperationW This function performs operations like copying- moving- renaming- or deleting file system objects. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemDefaultUILanguage Retrieves system default UI language identifier; categorized under System Information for its role in language management. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!FlatSB_GetScrollRange Retrieves the scroll range values of a flat scroll bar associated with a window. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiInReset This function stops input on a MIDI input device and handles MIDI data processing. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcIfInqId This function queries interface identification from specifications- indicating it involves system information related to RPC interfaces. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!OpenServiceA Opens an existing service and retrieves a handle for further operations. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32.DLL!CreateScalableFontResourceW Creates a font resource file for a scalable font- managing font resources. File Operations | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioOpenW Opens a file for buffered or unbuffered I/O- creating or deleting files. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadUILanguage Changes the user interface language for the current thread- affecting how the application displays text. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiConnect Connects MIDI input devices to output or thru devices for data transfer. Network Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!CreateMappedBitmap Creates a bitmap for UI components like toolbars using specified resources and color mapping. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterSuspendResumeNotification Registers for notifications about system suspend or resume events- impacting process state management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PssWalkMarkerSeekToBeginning Resets a walk marker for iterating over process snapshots. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowFeedbackSetting Retrieves window feedback configuration- indicating user interaction and visual feedback settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateEnclave Creates an isolated region for code and data within an application’s address space. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!ChangeServiceConfigA Changes service configuration parameters in the service control manager database. System Information and Control | |
COMDLG32.DLL!ChooseColorA Initializes a dialog box for selecting colors- not related to file or network operations. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!AddFontMemResourceEx Adds a font resource from memory to the system for use in applications. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateLink Creates a linked OLE compound-document object- integrating multiple data sources. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetInheritanceSourceA Retrieves the source of inherited access control entries in an ACL. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!PerfQueryCounterData Retrieves performance counter values based on query specifications- involving system performance monitoring. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBoolFromDate Converts a date value to a Boolean- involves data type operations. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!InitializeSid Initializes a security identifier (SID)- which is crucial for access control. Registry Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptLayout Converts embedding levels to visual/logical positions for text rendering. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!VkKeyScanExW Translates characters to virtual-key codes based on the keyboard layout and input locale. Hooking and Interception | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SwitchToThread Causes the calling thread to yield execution to another ready thread on the current processor. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!UnhookWindowsHookEx Removes a previously set hook procedure in order to stop intercepting events. Hooking and Interception | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSALookupServiceBeginW Initiates a client query for network services using parameters defined in a WSAQUERYSET structure. Network Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!RegLoadAppKeyW Loads a registry hive as an application hive- providing access rights for registry manipulation. Registry Operations | |
Bitmap::SetPixel Sets the color of a specific pixel in a bitmap image. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!OpenIcon Restores a minimized window to its original state and activates it. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateActCtxW Creates an activation context for managing side-by-side assemblies. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoFileTimeToDosDateTime Converts FILETIME to MS-DOS date and time values for compatibility with older Windows systems. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerDeviceRects Retrieves physical range data for pointer devices and displays- focusing on input device configurations. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!StopTraceA Stops a specified event tracing session using a handle or instance name. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BackupSeek Seeks forward in a data stream for backup operations- modifying file cursor position. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FatalAppExitW Terminates the application and displays a message box- indicating it's related to process termination. Process and Thread Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHSetFolderPathA Assigns a new path to a system folder identified by its CSIDL. Registry Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!CombineRgn Combines two regions into a third- specifying the mode of combination. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!WindowFromPoint Retrieves a handle to the window that contains a specified point on the screen. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerRegisterIf3 Registers an interface with the RPC run-time library for communication between processes. Network Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout Sets the timeout duration for cancel commands in RPC calls. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!EnumServicesStatusExA Enumerates services and their statuses in the service control manager database. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetPrivateProfileStringA Retrieves a string from an initialization file section- accessing file content. File Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!STROBJ_dwGetCodePage Retrieves the code page for a STROBJ structure- related to graphical output and text rendering. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IsNativeVhdBoot This function checks if the operating system was booted from a VHD container. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHGetInverseCMAP Retrieves a color mapping table for the halftone palette- indicating color approximation. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHBindToFolderIDListParentEx Binds to a Shell folder- allowing specification of a context for file operations. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_GetImageCount This function retrieves the number of images in an image list- thus related to UI management rather than security. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!IsMenu This function checks if a provided handle is associated with a menu. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!GetHostNameW This function retrieves the local computer's hostname- which involves network-related information retrieval. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DisableProcessWindowsGhosting Disables window ghosting for a GUI process- enhancing control over unresponsive applications. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!NotifyWinEvent Signals system of predefined events and triggers registered client hook functions. Hooking and Interception | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHSetFolderPathW Updates the path of a system folder identified by its CSIDL- affecting file management aspects. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DrawTextA The function is used for rendering formatted text within a specified rectangle on a device context. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient28 Stub function for COM proxies aiding in interface marshaling between client and server. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateFileA Creates or opens files- devices- or communications resources- enabling various I/O operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!HWND_UserSize Computes the required size of a HWND object for serialization. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!IsClipboardFormatAvailable Checks if the clipboard has data in a specific format- enabling interactions like Paste. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCompressedFileSizeW Retrieves the disk storage size of a specified file- accounting for compression. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteTimerQueueEx This function deletes a timer queue and cancels pending timers- thus managing thread pool resources. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetLocalManagedApplications Retrieves a list of managed applications on a computer or for a specific user. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetRawInputData Retrieves raw input data from specified devices like keyboard and mouse. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime Converts UTC time to local time based on specified time zone- involving system time management. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetTrusteeTypeW Retrieves the type of trustee from a TRUSTEE structure- related to access control and permissions. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AddScopedPolicyIDAce This function modifies an access control list- affecting resource access permissions. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLongPathNameW Converts specified file paths to their long form- aiding in file operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromDec Converts a decimal value to a date value- involving data type transformation. Cryptographic Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHGetPathFromIDListA Converts an item identifier list to a file system path- indicating a file operation. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDecFromUI1 Converts an unsigned char to a decimal value- indicating value transformation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayUnaccessData This function decrements the lock count for a SafeArray- managing memory access. Memory Management | |
GDI32.DLL!EngLockSurface This function creates a user object for a surface- enabling driver access to graphics resources. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DisableThreadLibraryCalls Disables DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH notifications- optimizing thread management in DLLs. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!AssocQueryStringA Retrieves file or protocol association-related strings from the registry. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDecFromUI2 Converts an unsigned short value to a decimal value- dealing primarily with data formatting. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathAddExtensionA Adds a file name extension to a path string- making it a file operation. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!HiliteMenuItem Adds or removes highlighting from a menu item in a window's menu bar. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!RemoveFontResourceExA This function removes font resources from the system font table- directly altering system file resources. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptPositionSingleGlyph Positions individual glyphs and adjusts their widths and offsets in text rendering for visual alignment. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!_lwrite Writes data to a specified file handle- facilitating file operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileTime Retrieves creation- last accessed- and last modified dates of a file. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!RoGetAgileReference Creates an agile reference for a specified object interface- allowing inter-apartment communication. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngUnicodeToMultiByteN Converts a Unicode string to an ANSI string using the current code page. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI1FromBool Converts a Boolean value to an unsigned char value- focusing on data type transformation. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfSetULongCounterValue Updates a performance counter value; it manages performance-related data metrics. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FlushInstructionCache This function flushes the instruction cache of a specified process- relevant for managing process execution. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences Sets screen auto-rotation preferences for the current process. Affects display settings rather than file or network operations. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!GetConvertStg Retrieves the convert bit for a specified storage object- indicating conversion support. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RemoveSecureMemoryCacheCallback Unregisters a callback function related to secure memory caching operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstStreamTransactedW Opens a search handle for enumerating streams in a file- categorized under file operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LoadIconA Loads an icon resource from an executable- relating to GUI and resource management. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRenameExtensionA This function modifies a file name by changing its extension- hence it involves file manipulation. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!UpdateICMRegKeyA Manages color profiles and Color Management Modules in the system- affecting system registry settings. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetDCEx Retrieves a handle to a device context for a window or the entire screen. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLongPathNameA Converts a short file path to its long format- facilitating file operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!StretchBlt This function copies and modifies bitmap data between device contexts- involving graphical operations. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryThreadProfiling Checks if thread profiling is enabled- relating to thread performance monitoring. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetLastErrorEx This function sets the last-error code- which is part of system error handling. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetKeyboardState Alters the keyboard input state for the calling thread's keyboard state table. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CopyFile2 This function copies an existing file to a new file- indicating progress- thus related to file operations. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaGetAppliedCAPIDs Retrieves identifiers for central access policies applied on a specific computer- reflecting security controls. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!DAD_DragLeave Unlocks a specified window during drag-and-drop operations in the Windows Shell. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI4FromUI1 Converts unsigned char to long; primarily handles type conversion in automation. Memory Management | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptAcquireContextA Acquires a handle to a key container in a cryptographic service provider- facilitating encryption operations. Cryptographic Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!PifMgr_CloseProperties Closes application properties previously opened- managing their state and resources. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessIoCounters Retrieves information about I/O operations performed by a specified process. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProfileIntW Retrieves an integer from the Win.ini file or the registry based on app and key names. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrCat Concatenates BSTR strings- manipulating memory representations of these strings in the process. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindExtensionA Searches a file path to find the file extension. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BuildIoRingRegisterBuffers Registers buffers for future I/O ring operations- facilitating efficient file-related I/O tasks. File Operations | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_EnumCallback Iterates over a Dynamic Pointer Array and applies a callback function to each element. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetWorldTransform Used to apply transformations to graphical output in device contexts. Graphics Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!OpenEventLogW Opens a handle to the specified event log for reading or writing events. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIfEx This function registers protocol sequences for remote procedure calls- involving network configurations. Network Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathFindOnPathW Searches for a specified file in standard directories and those provided. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSALookupServiceNextW Retrieves service information from a previously initiated service inquiry- enhancing network operations functionality. Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetEffectiveRightsFromAclA Retrieves effective access rights from an ACL structure for a specified trustee- managing security settings. Registry Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SetSecurityAccessMask This function creates an access mask for object security- influencing permissions and security settings. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetNextDlgGroupItem Retrieves a handle to controls in a dialog box- managing user interface elements. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoInstall Installs COM server applications- managing component registrations in the system. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!EngCopyBits Translates between raster surfaces and bitmaps- performing graphical data operations. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DebugActiveProcess Attaches a debugger to an active process- facilitating process inspection and manipulation. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!DispatchMessageA Dispatches messages to a window procedure- crucial for message handling in GUI applications. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!UpdateLayeredWindow Updates the appearance and properties of a layered window on the screen- affecting its visual attributes. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_LoadImageA Loads an image from a specified file or resource into an image list. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDecFromBool Converts a Boolean value to a decimal value. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegRestoreKeyA Restores registry information from a specified file to a specific key- manipulating registry data. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetKeyboardLayout Retrieves the active input locale identifier for keyboard layout management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks Waits for timer callback completions and can cancel pending callbacks- relating to multitasking execution control. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDiv This function performs arithmetic operations on variants- classifying it under Memory Management for variant handling. Memory Management | |
WSOCK32.DLL!accept Accepts incoming connection requests on a socket- establishing a network connection. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetROP2 Retrieves the foreground mix mode of a device context for color combination in GDI operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapCompact Returns the size of the largest committed free block in the memory heap and coalesces adjacent free blocks. Memory Management | |
SECHOST.DLL!LsaStorePrivateData Stores private data securely by encrypting it- primarily for LSA secrets management. Cryptographic Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetNamedPipeHandleStateW Retrieves information about a specified named pipe- helping manage communication between processes. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VARIANT_UserUnmarshal64 Unmarshals a VARIANT object from an RPC buffer- manipulating data representation. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathRemoveFileSpecW This function modifies file paths by removing file names- classifying it under File Operations. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndNameW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure for access control with specified object and trustee names. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCmpICA Compares two strings while ignoring case- focusing on collating rules. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsContentTypeA Compares a file's content type with a specified type to determine file characteristics. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayGetVartype Retrieves the VARTYPE from a safe array- indicating data type management. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngDeletePalette This function requests the deletion of a palette- a graphical resource used for color management. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngCreateDeviceBitmap Creates a handle for a device bitmap for graphical device interface (GDI) operations. Memory Management | |
IWMReaderStreamClock::SetTimer Sets a timer on the clock to notify callbacks at specified intervals. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!OffsetViewportOrgEx Modifies the viewport origin in a device context by applying specified horizontal and vertical offsets. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSAConnectByList Establishes a connection to a list of endpoint addresses using the Winsock interface. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!HDC_UserSize64 This function calculates the size of the HDC object for RPC operations. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FileTimeToLocalFileTime Converts UTC-based file time to local time format for accurate time representation. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetVolumePathNameW Retrieves the volume mount point where the specified path is mounted. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LoadMenuIndirectA Loads a specified menu template into memory- facilitating menu management within applications. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHUnlockShared Unlocks memory that was previously locked- facilitating memory management operations. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcStringBindingComposeW This function creates a string binding handle for remote procedure calls. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetFontData Retrieves font metric data for TrueType fonts- primarily involving file operations related to font data retrieval. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrStubInitialize Sets up message fields for RPC before unmarshalling- involved in network communication. Network Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!LsaAddAccountRights This function assigns privileges to an account- impacting security policies and user permissions. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI4FromI8 Converts an 8-byte integer to an unsigned long. Relevant to data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!DestroyCaret Destroys the caret and removes it from the screen- managing UI resources. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFullPathNameW This function retrieves the full path and file name of a specified file. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetUnpredictedMessagePos Retrieves pointer data prior to touch prediction processing for input handling. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!PathMakeUniqueName Creates a unique file name based on provided templates to avoid name collisions. File Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHBindToFolderIDListParent Binds to a parent folder in the Shell namespace- manipulating folder structures. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayCreateEx Creates a safe array descriptor for specified data types and dimensions. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns Unloads a specified DLL upon completion of a callback- involved in DLL management. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
USER32.DLL!LoadMenuIndirectW Loads a menu template into memory- allowing the creation of menu handles. Process and Thread Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlCharToInteger Converts a character string to an integer- facilitating data manipulation. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCmpNICW Compares characters of two strings for equality- useful for determining matches in file names or paths. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtStopServerListening Directs a server to halt listening for remote procedure calls- managing remote server communications. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CompareFileTime Compares two file times to determine chronological order. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHRegOpenUSKeyA This function opens a registry subkey specific to a user- indicating direct interactions with the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetDpiAwarenessContextForProcess Retrieves a DPI awareness context for a specified process- affecting its display settings. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WritePrivateProfileSectionA Writes key names and values to a specified section in an initialization file- involving file operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EnumFontFamiliesExW This function enumerates uniquely-named fonts based on specified characteristics in the LOGFONT structure. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!ImageList_DragLeave Unlocks a window and hides the drag image during file operations. File Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath Creates a PATHOBJ structure outlining a clip region for graphical operations. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!CreateTypeLib2 It creates a type library file- indicating file creation operations. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoWaitForMultipleObjects Waits for multiple kernel objects to be signaled; related to process synchronization. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ParseApplicationUserModelId Deconstructs application user model ID into its component parts for application identification. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathMatchSpecA This function checks if a file path matches a specified wildcard pattern. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcmpiA Compares two strings in a case-insensitive manner. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!DceErrorInqTextA Retrieves the message text corresponding to a given RPC status code. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SafeArrayCopyData Copies data between safe arrays- managing resources in the target array. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptPlaceOpenType Generates glyphs and visual attributes for Unicode text- leveraging OpenType information and equivalents for text placement. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleIsRunning Checks if a COM object is currently running- indicating process management status. Process and Thread Management | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiOutGetErrorTextW Retrieves a textual description for a specified error code related to MIDI output. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW Enumerates user accounts with unread email- accessing user-specific data via registry keys. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LoadLibraryExA Loads a specified module into the calling process's address space- allowing for DLL manipulation and management. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcAddress Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from a DLL module- enabling dynamic linking. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!PerfDecrementULongLongCounterValue Decrements an 8-byte unsigned integer counter for performance monitoring. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateFileMappingFromApp Creates or opens a file mapping object for a specified file- enabling memory management through mapped views. Memory Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsLFNFileSpecW Determines if a file name exceeds the 8.3 character limit- assessing file naming conventions. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumUILanguagesW Enumerates available user interface languages and calls a callback function for each. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessHeaps Retrieves handles to active heaps in the calling process- aiding in memory management and tracking. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHRegGetIntW Reads a numeric string from the registry and converts it to an integer. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!OleCreateFromFileEx This function initializes objects from files- managing multiple presentation formats- thus involving file operations. File Operations | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInterfaceGroupInqBindings Returns binding handles for remote procedure calls- facilitating network communication for server applications. Network Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!CredRenameA Renames a credential in the user's credential set associated with the current logon session. Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!StgCreateStorageEx Creates a new storage object- managing access modes- and file permissions. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarBstrFromI1 Converts a char value to a BSTR value for use in automation. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!AppendMenuA Appends a new item to menus in Windows- controlling their content and behavior. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!OleIconToCursor Converts an icon to a cursor and manages cursor resources. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!OpenPrivateNamespaceW Opens a private namespace for resource isolation in Windows. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetCaretPos Retrieves the position of the caret in the client area of a window. System Information and Control | |
COMDLG32.DLL!GetOpenFileNameA Creates an Open dialog for user to specify files to open. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DebugBreak Triggers a breakpoint exception in the current process to aid in debugging. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!RemovePropW Removes an entry from a window's property list- indicating modifications to window properties. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegNotifyChangeKeyValue Notifies the caller of changes to a specified registry key's attributes or contents. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR8FromI8 Converts an 8-byte integer to a double value- involved in data manipulation. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR8FromUI2 Converts an unsigned short to a double- involved in data type handling. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!LoadAcceleratorsA Loads an accelerator table from a specified executable module. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHParseDisplayName Converts a display name into an identifier list for Shell namespace objects. File Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!StartServiceA This function starts a service by interacting with the service control manager. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCurrentPackageId Retrieves the package identifier for the calling process- providing identification for running applications. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!RemoveUsersFromEncryptedFile This function removes specified certificate hashes from a file- indicating operations on file security. File Operations | |
WMI.DLL!GetTraceEnableLevel Retrieves the event tracing level specified by the trace controller for event generation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumResourceNamesA Enumerates resource names of a specified type within a binary module- accessing these resources. File Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient22 This function is for COM proxies- enabling communication between software components. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysReleaseString Decreases reference count for a string- facilitating memory management. Memory Management | |
USER32.DLL!FreeDDElParam Frees memory used by lParam from a posted DDE message- indicating memory management. Memory Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DrawStatusTextA This function is used to draw text in a status window- primarily for UI operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod This function retrieves the method used to end a process- indicating control over process management. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstFileNameW Enumerates hard links to a specified file- requiring file system access. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetBitmapDimensionEx This function sets dimensions for a bitmap- affecting its properties within applications. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate Creates and initializes an encoding handle for incremental serialization. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteBoundaryDescriptor Deletes a specified boundary descriptor- managing namespace boundaries for processes. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetClassNameW Retrieves the class name of a specified window- allowing identification of window types. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EngGetCurrentCodePage Returns the system's default code pages for character translation. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHAnsiToAnsi Converts an ANSI string to Unicode while managing memory buffers. Memory Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!FlushTraceA This function flushes buffered events in an event tracing session ensuring timely delivery. System Information and Control | |
Graphics::FillPath Fills the interior of a path using a brush- related to graphical operations. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoDecrementMTAUsage Releases increment in Multi-Threaded Apartment usage- managing resources as threads are utilized. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!CreateDesktopExA Creates a new desktop associated with the current window station of the calling process. Process and Thread Management | |
COMCTL32.DLL!CreateUpDownControl Creates an up-down control- which involves manipulating GUI elements. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoCreateInstance Creates a single- default-initialized object of a specified class using a CLSID. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RemoveVectoredContinueHandler Unregisters a vectored continue handler for error handling. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetWindowFeedbackSetting Configures feedback settings for a window- influencing user input responses. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!SysAllocString Allocates a new string and copies a given string into a BSTR. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromStr Converts a string to a float value- requiring locale settings and flags for operation. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SetThreadPreferredUILanguages Sets thread-specific UI language preferences- facilitating multilingual user interface management. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CreateObjrefMoniker This function creates an OBJREF moniker- facilitating object reference management across client-server interactions. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_Destroy Frees memory allocated for a Dynamic Pointer Array- managing memory resources. Memory Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SetTokenInformation Sets various types of information for a specified access token- altering security attributes. Registry Operations | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptReleaseContext Releases a cryptographic service provider (CSP) handle- managing cryptographic resources. Cryptographic Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LockServiceDatabase Requests ownership of the service control manager database lock to serialize access to services. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFullPathNameTransactedW Retrieves the full path and file name of a specified file using a transaction. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetDlgItem Retrieves a handle to a control in a dialog box- managing UI elements within the window hierarchy. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSidSubAuthorityCount Retrieves a pointer to the subauthority count in a SID structure. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!ImpersonateDdeClientWindow Allows a DDE server to adopt a client's security context- crucial for protecting sensitive data. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!GetNamedSecurityInfoW Retrieves a security descriptor for a specified object- which involves accessing security settings. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalFlags This function retrieves information about global memory objects- indicating memory management operations. Memory Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarAnd Performs a bitwise And operation on variants- utilizing data transformation rather than direct memory manipulation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateSymbolicLinkA Creates a symbolic link to a file or directory- modifying filesystem structure. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegOpenKeyExA Opens the specified registry key- allowing access to registry-based configuration. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!RegisterClassExW Registers a window class for use in creating and managing windows. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!AuditLookupCategoryNameA Retrieves the display name for a specified audit-policy category based on a GUID. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!GetSecurityDescriptorControl Retrieves control and revision information of a security descriptor for access control. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!UrlUnescapeW Converts escape sequences in URLs to ordinaru characters- facilitating safer URL handling. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitNamedPipeA Waits for a named pipe to be available for connection- managing inter-process communication. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLogicalDrives Retrieves a bitmask of currently available disk drives- allowing file operations to determine drive accessibility. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA Retrieves the value of firmware environment variables- reading system state information. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHCreateDefaultContextMenu Creates a default context menu for the Windows Shell- merging context menu handlers. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitAtomTable Initializes the atom table and its hash buckets- impacting memory usage directly. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CallNamedPipeA Connects to a message-type pipe- waits for availability- and handles reading and writing operations. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHGetDataFromIDListW This function retrieves extended property data from a relative identifier list- involving file system operations. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!BuildTrusteeWithSidW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with a given security identifier (SID). Registry Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction22 Stub function used in COM proxies for marshaling interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!midiOutGetDevCapsW Queries capabilities of a specific MIDI output device using its identifier. System Information and Control | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHCreateItemFromIDList Initializes a Shell item object from a PIDL for interfacing with the Windows shell. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemTimes Retrieves system timing information- including user and kernel mode times across all processors. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!EngLineTo Draws a line on a rendering surface using specified coordinates- involving graphic operations. System Information and Control | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!ClearEventLogW Clears specified event log and optionally saves a backup- manipulating event log data. Registry Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!IntlStrEqWorkerW Compares characters in two localized strings for equality- considering locale-specific rules. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcMgmtInqServerPrincNameA Retrieves a server's principal name for a specified authentication service. Network Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHPathPrepareForWriteW Verifies if a path exists and prepares it for writing- prompting user interactions. File Operations | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!SetPrivateObjectSecurity This function modifies a private object's security descriptor- managing its access control policies. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalAddAtomA Adds a string to the global atom table- identifying it with a unique atom value. Memory Management | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!PathIsExe This function checks if a file is an executable based on the file extension. File Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!EventAccessControl Adds or modifies permissions for event tracing providers or sessions based on security identifiers. Registry Operations | |
IMalloc::Realloc Changes the size of a previously allocated block of memory- modifying its allocation. Memory Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!ExtractAssociatedIconA Retrieves an icon handle from a file or associated executable resource. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!OpenPackageInfoByFullName Opens and retrieves information about a specified software package by its full name. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FormatMessageA Formats a message string with options for source and arguments; relates to message handling. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcErrorResetEnumeration Resets an enumeration cursor for RPC extended error information retrieval. System Information and Control | |
GDI32.DLL!RectInRegion Determines if a rectangle intersects with a specified region- relating to graphical interface operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateFiberEx Allocates a fiber object and assigns it a stack- configuring execution for multi-thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetTextExtentPointI Computes dimensions of glyph indices- primarily related to graphics and rendering. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DdeGetData Copies data from a DDE object to a designated local buffer. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetThreadContext Retrieves the context of a specified thread for debugging or inspection purposes. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetLocaleInfoA Retrieves locale information based on an identifier for internationalization. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!IsCharSpaceW Determines if a character is a space- mainly for string handling. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteTimerQueueTimer Removes a timer from the queue- managing timer callback execution and lifecycle. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!OleGetIconOfFile Retrieves a handle to a metafile containing an icon for a specified file. File Operations | |
COMDLG32.DLL!ReplaceTextW Creates a dialog for user input on find and replace operations. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!ValidateRect Validates a rectangle within a window by modifying its update region. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction14 Stub function used in COM proxies for interface marshaling. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!MsgWaitForMultipleObjects Waits for multiple objects to be signaled or a timeout. Manages process synchronization and input events. Process and Thread Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!UuidFromStringA Converts a string representation of a UUID into its binary form. Cryptographic Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!CreateRectRgn Creates a rectangular region for graphical context in GDI. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!RemoveFontMemResourceEx Removes fonts added from memory- typically related to font management operations in applications. Memory Management | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSALookupServiceEnd Frees the handle after service lookup; essential for maintaining network operations. Network Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetFolderLocation Retrieves the path of a folder based on CSIDL values- hence it involves file operations. File Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromUdateEx Converts MS-DOS date format to a variant format- closely related to memory handling for date structures. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx Retrieves the processor group and number for the running thread. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!ExtractIconA Retrieves a handle to an icon from a specified executable- DLL- or icon file. File Operations | |
WS2_32.DLL!WSCInstallNameSpaceEx Installs a namespace provider- managing its identifiers and loading paths for network operations. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ConvertThreadToFiber Converts a thread into a fiber for scheduling other fibers. Process and Thread Management | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray This function adds pages to property sheet extensions- categorizing it under system operations for UI management. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetWindowModuleFileNameA Retrieves the full path of the module associated with a window handle. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoGetApartmentType Retrieves the current apartment type which is crucial for thread management in COM. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HPALETTE_UserMarshal64 Marshals an HPALETTE object into an RPC buffer for inter-process communication. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Retrieves the location of special folders in the shell namespace. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString Converts Unicode strings to ANSI format- involving buffer manipulation and memory allocation. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream Marshals an interface pointer between threads- managing inter-thread communication within the same process. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerInfo Retrieves information for a pointer associated with the current message. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetGuiResources Retrieves count of GUI object handles used by a process- relevant for monitoring system resources. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!EnableScrollBar This function enables or disables scroll bar arrows in a specified window. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditSetSecurity Modifies a security descriptor specifying access to audit policy elements. Registry Operations | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromDec Converts a decimal value to an unsigned short type for automation tasks. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateSemaphoreExW Creates or opens a semaphore for thread synchronization and interprocess communication. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree64 Frees resources on the server side during RPC calls. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!PulseEvent Sets an event object's state and releases waiting threads- used for synchronization purposes. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!SystemTimeToFileTime Converts system time based on UTC to file time format for file operations. File Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetArcDirection Sets the drawing direction for graphical functions but does not perform file or network operations. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!UuidCreateSequential This function creates a new UUID- ensuring it's unique to the system or globally unique if possible. Cryptographic Operations | |
USER32.DLL!EnumDisplayDevicesW Retrieves information about display devices in the current session- used for system display management. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetAbortProc Allows an application to define a function for canceling print jobs during spooling. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32.DLL!EngStrokePath Requests GDI to stroke a specified path- relating to graphics operations on a device surface. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!UmsThreadYield Yields control to the UMS scheduler thread running with the calling worker thread. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!NotifyBootConfigStatus Reports boot status and manages last-known good configuration. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!DeleteFileA Deletes an existing file specified by the path. File Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!AuditQueryGlobalSaclW Retrieves a global system access control list for audit messages- requiring specific security privileges. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FlushFileBuffers Flushes and writes buffered data to a specified file- ensuring all data is updated. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!HeapSummary Summarizes the specified heap's status- providing insights into memory usage and fragmentation. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CloseIoRing Closes an **HIORING** handle- releasing resources associated with I/O operations. Process and Thread Management | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlConvertDeviceFamilyInfoToString This function retrieves information about the device family- providing system information. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetTabbedTextExtentA Computes the width and height of a character string with tab stops based on the selected font. System Information and Control | |
WINMMBASE.DLL!mmioCreateChunk This function creates chunks in RIFF files- manipulating file structure and position. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetSystemDefaultLocaleName Retrieves the system default locale name for localization purposes. System Information and Control | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcSmGetThreadHandle This function returns a thread handle for managing memory within a stub environment. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA Translates device strings into control block codes for communication devices. Involves managing communication settings. System Information and Control | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarR4FromUI4 Converts an unsigned long value to a float- involving data type manipulation. Memory Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetTextCharacterExtra This function retrieves intercharacter spacing for a device context- related to text rendering operations. System Information and Control | |
KERNELBASE.DLL!ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity Converts a security descriptor and its ACLs for automatic propagation of inheritable ACEs. Registry Operations | |
USER32.DLL!GetPointerFramePenInfoHistory Retrieves pen-based input frame information for specified pointers associated with the current message. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateFileMappingNumaW Creates or opens a file mapping object potentially relating to memory management and NUMA nodes. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AllocateUserPhysicalPages Allocates physical memory pages for mapping within a process's AWE region. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!HMENU_UserUnmarshal This function unmarshals a HMENU object from an RPC buffer- facilitating inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction6 This function is a stub for COM proxies and is involved in marshaling interfaces. Process and Thread Management | |
OLE32.DLL!ObjectStublessClient11 Stub function facilitating communication between COM proxies for marshaling interfaces. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerInqCallAttributesA Obtains client security context attributes during RPC server calls. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!StgSetTimes Sets creation- access- and modification times of a file- aligning with file handling operations. File Operations | |
COMDLG32.DLL!PrintDlgExA Initializes the Print property sheet and returns user selections from the printing dialog. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!UnregisterDeviceNotification Closes a device notification handle- managing device notifications. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PolyPolyline This function is primarily concerned with drawing graphics- categorizing it under process and thread management for rendering operations. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SystemParametersInfoA Retrieves or sets system-wide parameters affecting user interface behaviors. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!ReplaceFileA Replaces one file with another- optionally creating a backup- focusing on file management. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GlobalMemoryStatus Retrieves information about current physical and virtual memory usage of the system. Memory Management | |
WSOCK32.DLL!WSASetLastError This function sets the error code for the current thread in Winsock operations. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IntersectRect Calculates the intersection of two rectangles and modifies the destination rectangle accordingly. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetFileAttributesExW Retrieves attributes for a specified file or directory- essential for file management operations. File Operations | |
WINDOWS.STORAGE.DLL!ShellExecuteW Executes specified operations on files- such as open or print- therefore involving file interactions. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!AppPolicyGetMediaFoundationCodecLoading Determines if a process can load third-party plugins- affecting its operational policy. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RemoveDllDirectory This function removes a directory from the DLL search path- affecting how DLLs are loaded. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
OLE32.DLL!OleRegGetUserType Retrieves the user type of a specified CLSID from the registry. Registry Operations | |
IShellFolder::EnumObjects Returns an enumerator for the contents of a folder- allowing traversal of folder items. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!PifMgr_GetProperties Retrieves data blocks from a .pif file- interfacing with application properties. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!LoadMenuA Loads menu resources from executable files- dealing with application-specific UI elements. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LCIDToLocaleName Converts a locale identifier to a locale name for internationalization purposes. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW Converts a string-format security descriptor to a valid security descriptor- managing access control settings. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!NdrProxyForwardingFunction32 This function serves as a stub for COM proxies- facilitating inter-process communication. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FlsGetValue Retrieves value from a fiber's local storage slot- related to thread management. Process and Thread Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHCreateThreadWithHandle Creates a new thread and returns its handle for management. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarUI2FromUI8 Converts an 8-byte unsigned integer to an unsigned short value. Memory Management | |
RTMPAL.DLL!EventUnregister This function unregisters an ETW event provider- managing event tracking subscriptions within a system. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!AreDpiAwarenessContextsEqual Compares DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT values for identity- indirectly related to user interface management. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetTopWindow Retrieves a handle to the top child window in the Z order of a specified parent window. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!Module32First Retrieves information about the first module associated with a process for module enumeration. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!LoadCursorFromFileW Creates a cursor from a file- indicating file operation for cursor data. File Operations | |
USER32.DLL!DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo Retrieves display configuration information about a device- including names and preferred modes. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrDupW Duplicates a string and allocates memory for it. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!StringFromCLSID Converts CLSIDs into strings- aiding in COM object identification and management. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LoadResource Retrieves a handle to access resource data in memory. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!RegLoadMUIStringW Loads specified strings from the registry key- accessing configuration data. Registry Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNextFileW Continues a file search from a previous FindFirstFile call- handling file enumeration. File Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!CreateProcessWithLogonW Creates a new process in a specified security context- controlling execution parameters. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!SetClipboardData Places data on the clipboard in specified format- enabling interaction with clipboard operations. File Operations | |
NTDLL.DLL!RtlIpv4StringToAddressA Converts string representation of IPv4 to binary format suitable for network operations. Network Operations | |
WER.DLL!CloseThreadWaitChainSession Closes a Wait Chain Traversal session and cancels outstanding operations. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetDeviceGammaRamp Retrieves the current gamma ramp values from a display device's driver. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoRevokeClassObject Revokes a class object registration- primarily used in COM to manage object lifecycle. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcServerUseProtseqIfA Registers a protocol sequence for receiving remote procedure calls over a specified interface. Network Operations | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!PlayMetaFile Displays a Windows-format metafile picture on a specified device context. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FormatApplicationUserModelId Constructs an application user model ID using package family name and app ID. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindNextChangeNotification Signals when a change notification handle detects a file system change. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!WaitNamedPipeW Waits for an instance of a named pipe to become available for connection. Network Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!IdnToUnicode Converts Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names to Unicode UTF-16. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!IsWindowUnicode Determines if a window is Unicode or ANSI for message translation. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!SHIsLowMemoryMachine Determines if the system has low memory resources based on machine type. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DdeQueryStringA Copies text associated with a string handle into a buffer- primarily for data exchange. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!StgCreatePropSetStg Creates a property set storage object- managing structured storage rather than direct file handling. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!QueryActCtxSettingsW This function queries the activation context attributes- relevant to system settings and configuration. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!InitializeFlatSB Initializes flat scroll bars for a window- affecting UI controls and their representation. System Information and Control | |
COMCTL32.DLL!DPA_CreateEx Creates a dynamic pointer array- allocating memory- hence related to memory management. Memory Management | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHDeleteEmptyKeyA Deletes an empty registry key- thus performing an operation on the Windows registry. Registry Operations | |
WSOCK32.DLL!htons Converts a 16-bit number from host byte order to TCP/IP network byte order (big-endian). Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!CharToOemA Converts a string to the OEM-defined character set for proper text representation. Memory Management | |
OLE32.DLL!IsAccelerator Determines if a keystroke matches an accelerator in the accelerator table. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!DdeUninitialize Frees resources from the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library- halting communications related to the application instance. Process and Thread Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetStringTypeW Retrieves character type information for a specified Unicode string- analyzing character attributes. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ScriptStringXtoCP Converts x coordinates to character positions- focusing on string analysis and rendering in applications. System Information and Control | |
SECHOST.DLL!ControlServiceExA Sends control codes to manipulate the state of a Windows Service. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!ExtTextOutA The function draws text in a device context- handling character positioning and clipping options. System Information and Control | |
IAzClientContext::AccessCheck Checks if the current client can perform specified operations- related to permission management. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetTextMetricsW Fills a buffer with metrics for the currently selected font from a device context. System Information and Control | |
WS2_32.DLL!GetAddrInfoExW Provides protocol-independent name resolution and optional namespace provider handling for network queries. Network Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CStdAsyncStubBuffer2_Connect Connects the server object to the stub- facilitating RPC communication. Network Operations | |
USER32.DLL!SetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior Modifies DPI scaling behavior of a dialog's child window- affecting its display properties. System Information and Control | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHOpenWithDialog Displays the Open With dialog box for selecting programs to open files. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRChrIW Searches for the last occurrence of a character in a string. System Information and Control | |
SHCORE.DLL!SHEnumKeyExA This function enumerates the subkeys of an open registry key- thus interacting with Windows Registry. Registry Operations | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName This function retrieves information about a trusted domain- requiring a policy handle and domain name. System Information and Control | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrCmpNICA Compares a specified number of characters from two strings- focusing on collation rules. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!EnumEnhMetaFile Enumerates records in an enhanced metafile- handling graphical data and context. System Information and Control | |
OLE32.DLL!CoReleaseMarshalData Destroys a previously marshaled data packet by releasing its reference- ensuring proper COM object management. Memory Management | |
RPCRT4.DLL!NdrConformantArrayUnmarshall Unmarshals a conformant array and may allocate memory during RPC processes. Memory Management | |
FLIGHTSETTINGS.DLL!DllGetClassObject Retrieves the class object for COM objects from a DLL- facilitating object creation and interaction. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
RPCRT4.DLL!RpcCancelThread Cancels a thread associated with RPC- managing its execution and control. Process and Thread Management | |
USER32.DLL!GetGestureConfig Retrieves gesture configuration for a window- controlling user interaction features. System Information and Control | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!GetCharWidthA Retrieves character widths from a font in a specified range using a device context. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumResourceNamesExW This function enumerates resources in a binary module- manipulating resources rather than files or threads. DLL Injection and Manipulation | |
CRYPTSP.DLL!CryptContextAddRef Increases reference count for a cryptographic service provider handle- managing its lifecycle in memory. Cryptographic Operations | |
OLE32.DLL!CoTaskMemAlloc Allocates a block of memory similar to IMalloc::Alloc. Memory Management | |
GDI32.DLL!FONTOBJ_pifi Retrieves the pointer to the IFIMETRICS structure for a specified font. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitializeSListHead Initializes the head of a singly linked list for system use. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!CreateMutexA Creates or opens a mutex- used for synchronization between threads or processes. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarI1FromBool Converts a Boolean value to a char value- which is related to data type conversion. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!EnumSystemLanguageGroupsA Enumerates installed or supported language groups on the OS- related to system localization. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!SetScrollPos Sets the position of the scroll box in a scroll bar- managing visual aspects of application controls. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!GetProcessTimes Retrieves timing information for a specified process- including creation- exit- kernel- and user execution times. Process and Thread Management | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!StrRetToStrA Converts STRRET structures to allocated strings for display names. Utilizes memory allocation functions. Memory Management | |
KERNEL32.DLL!InitOnceBeginInitialize Starts a one-time initialization process- enabling synchronization and execution management between threads. Process and Thread Management | |
GDI32FULL.DLL!SetEnhMetaFileBits This function creates memory-based enhanced metafiles- involving storage and manipulation of graphical data. File Operations | |
SHELL32.DLL!SHLimitInputEdit Restricts valid characters for an edit control to improve input validation. System Information and Control | |
USER32.DLL!GetLayeredWindowAttributes Retrieves opacity- transparency color key- and layering flags of a layered window. System Information and Control | |
IWMDMStorageControl::Rename This method renames current storage- representing an operation on file names. File Operations | |
GDI32.DLL!FONTOBJ_pfdg Retrieves a pointer to the FD_GLYPHSET structure for a specified font. System Information and Control | |
KERNEL32.DLL!FindFirstVolumeMountPointA Retrieves the name of a mounted folder on the specified volume and begins scanning. File Operations | |
KERNEL32.DLL!LockFile This function locks a specified file for exclusive access- allowing controlled file operations. File Operations | |
SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRelativeW This function checks if a given path is relative to the current directory. File Operations | |
SECHOST.DLL!StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW Connects a service process to the service control manager for handling control requests. Process and Thread Management | |
OLEAUT32.DLL!VarDateFromR4 Converts a float value to a date value- relating to data manipulation. Memory Management | |
ID3D12CommandQueue::Signal Updates a fence value from the GPU side to manage synchronization in command queues. Process and Thread Management | |
ADVAPI32.DLL!BackupEventLogA Saves the specified event log to a backup file without clearing it. File Operatio |