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Created March 27, 2019 19:52
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benchmark in proximal operators, osqp vs qpdas
using ProximalOperators, Random
# Number of variables
n = 1000
# Number of halfspaces
mi = 50 # Inequalities with C
me = 50 # Equalities with A
# One point in polytope
x0 = randn(n)
# Create polytope containing x0
# Inequality
C = Matrix{Float64}(undef, mi, n)
d = randn(mi)
# Make sure x0 is in polytope by setting sign of inequality, random C part
for i = 1:mi
v = randn(n)
b = randn()
if v'x0 <= b
C[i,:] .= v
C[i,:] .= -v
d[i] = b
# Create equality
A = randn(me, n)
b = A*x0
l = [b;fill(-Inf, mi)]
u = [b;d]
AC = [A;C]
# Precompile
polyOSQP = IndPolyhedral(l, AC, u; solver=:osqp)
polyQPDAS = IndPolyhedral(l, AC, u; solver=:qpdas)
x = randn(n)
y = similar(x0)
prox!(y, polyOSQP, x)
prox!(y, polyQPDAS, x)
# Run tests
println("Setup OSQP")
@time polyOSQP = IndPolyhedral(l, AC, u; solver=:osqp)
println("Setup QPDAS")
@time polyQPDAS = IndPolyhedral(l, AC, u; solver=:qpdas)
x = randn(n)
y = similar(x0)
println("First prox OSQP:")
@time prox!(y, polyOSQP, x)
x = randn(n)
println("First prox QPDAS:")
@time prox!(y, polyQPDAS, x)
N = 100
xs = randn(n, N)
x = xs[:,1]
println("100 prox! OSQP:")
@time for i = 1:100
# Project from here
x .= xs[:,i]
prox!(y, polyOSQP, x)
N = 100
xs = randn(n, N)
x = xs[:,1]
println("100 prox! QPDAS:")
@time for i = 1:100
# Project from here
x .= xs[:,i]
prox!(y, polyQPDAS, x)
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