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Last active January 22, 2016 02:54
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eval with function constant

In ClojureScript, evaluating a list that is the application of a function value to an argument.

$ build/Release/planck
cljs.user=> (ns foo.core)
foo.core=> (require '[planck.core :refer [eval]])
foo.core=> (defn square [x] (* x x))
foo.core=> (def do-this (list square 3))
foo.core=> (eval do-this)
foo.core=> do-this
(#object[foo$core$square "function foo$core$square(x){
return (x * x);
}"] 3)

To do this requires this hack:

(defmethod comp/emit-constant (type (fn []))
  (print (s/replace (.-name x) #"\$" ".")))

Here is another example:

foo.core=> ((eval (eval +)) 2 3)

But, the hack fails for lambdas:

cljs.user=> (def addition-list (list (fn [a b] (+ a b)) 1 2))
cljs.user=> (eval addition-list)
Unexpected token '.'
	 cljs$js$eval_STAR_ (cljs/js.cljs:1196:379)
	 cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4 (cljs/js.cljs:1274:26)
	 planck$core$eval (planck/core.cljs:1277:54)

The general problem is: Given a function value (a JavaScript object), what do you emit in JavaScript that will evaluate back to the same object?

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