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Last active April 8, 2018 09:17
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Keywords in ClojureScript React Native Hiccup

Instead of using vars in React Native Hiccup, it would be interesting to use keywords.

Consider the way things are currently done:

(def ReactNative (js/require "react-native"))
(def text (r/adapt-react-class (.-Text ReactNative)))

(defn greeting []
  [text "Hello"])

It would be nice to use :text instead:

(defn greeting []
  [:text "Hello"])

This might make it a little easer to treat and test views as data.

The namespace below shows an abuse of reagent.impl.template/tag-name-cache to achieve this via

(defn register-tag [k v]
  (gobj/set reagent.impl.template/tag-name-cache k v))

in the main namespace generated via re-natal. The revisions involve the register-tag function and its use, along with revising the Hiccup in app-root to use keywords.

(ns hiccup-tags.ios.core
(:require [goog.object :as gobj]
[reagent.core :as r :refer [atom]]
[re-frame.core :refer [subscribe dispatch dispatch-sync]]
(def ReactNative (js/require "react-native"))
(def app-registry (.-AppRegistry ReactNative))
(defn register-tag [k v]
(gobj/set reagent.impl.template/tag-name-cache k v))
(def tag->class
{:text (.-Text ReactNative)
:view (.-View ReactNative)
:image (.-Image ReactNative)
:touchable-highlight (.-TouchableHighlight ReactNative)})
(defn register-tags []
(doseq [[kw c] tag->class]
(register-tag (name kw) (r/adapt-react-class c))))
(def logo-img (js/require "./images/cljs.png"))
(defn alert [title]
(.alert (.-Alert ReactNative) title))
(defn app-root []
(let [greeting (subscribe [:get-greeting])]
(fn []
[:view {:style {:flex-direction "column" :margin 40 :align-items "center"}}
[:text {:style {:font-size 30 :font-weight "100" :margin-bottom 20 :text-align "center"}} @greeting]
[:image {:source logo-img
:style {:width 80 :height 80 :margin-bottom 30}}]
[:touchable-highlight {:style {:background-color "#999" :padding 10 :border-radius 5}
:on-press #(alert "HELLO!")}
[:text {:style {:color "white" :text-align "center" :font-weight "bold"}} "press me"]]])))
(defn init []
(dispatch-sync [:initialize-db])
(.registerComponent app-registry "HiccupTags" #(r/reactify-component app-root)))
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