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Created December 11, 2016 16:04
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Simple script attempting to detect the media type for a matlab script using Apache Tika
// Matlab script taken from
import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata
import org.apache.tika.mime.*
def f = File.createTempFile("matlab", ".m", new File("."))
f.text = """function b=wtsgaus(p,N)
% wtsgaus: weights for gaussian filter with specified frequency response
% b=wtsgaus(p,N);
% Last revised 2003-3-14
% Weights for gaussian filter with specified frequency response
% Specify te wavelength for the 0.50 respons, and the length of series, get
% the coefficients, or weights
%*** INPUT
% p (1 x 1)i period (years) at which filter is to have amp frequency response of 0.5
% N (1 x 1)i length of the time series (number of observations)
% b (1 x n)r computed weights
% WMO 1966, p. 47
%*** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- stats
%*** NOTES
% Amplitude of frequency response drops to 0.50 at a wavelength of
% about 6 standard deviations of the appropriate guassian curve
% N is used as an input to restict the possible filter size (number of weights) to no larger than the sample length
if p>N;
error(['Desired 50% period ' num2str(p) ' is greater than the sample length ' int2str(N)]);
% Check that period of 50% response at least 5 yr
if p<5;
error('Period of 50% response must be at least 5 yr');
sigma=p/6; % Gaussian curve should have this standard deviation
bkeep = b>=0.05*bmax; % keep weights at least 5% as big as central weight
b=b/sum(b); % force weights to sum to one"""
def sherlock = new MimeTypes()
def metadata = new Metadata()
String type
f.withInputStream { is ->
type = sherlock.detect(is, metadata).toString()
try {
assert type == "application/x-matlab-data"
} catch (AssertionError ignored) {
println "script detected as $type"
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mglont commented Dec 11, 2016

'application/x-matlab' should probably be the expected type, but the detected type is 'text/plain'

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