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Created July 11, 2015 09:40
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[b2evolution] Enable/Disable categories links in Universial Items Widget (i7)
* This file implements the xyz Widget class.
* This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
* See also {@link}.
* @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
* @copyright (c)2003-2015 by Francois Planque - {@link}
* @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
load_class( 'widgets/model/_widget.class.php', 'ComponentWidget' );
* ComponentWidget Class
* A ComponentWidget is a displayable entity that can be placed into a Container on a web page.
* @package evocore
class coll_item_list_Widget extends ComponentWidget
* Constructor
function coll_item_list_Widget( $db_row = NULL )
// Call parent constructor:
parent::ComponentWidget( $db_row, 'core', 'coll_item_list' );
* Get definitions for editable params
* @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
* @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_param_definitions( $params )
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );
* @var ItemTypeCache
$ItemTypeCache = & get_ItemTypeCache();
$item_type_options =
'#' => T_('Default'),
'' => T_('All'),
) + $ItemTypeCache->get_option_array() ;
$r = array_merge( array(
'title' => array(
'label' => T_('Block title'),
'note' => T_('Title to display in your skin.'),
'size' => 60,
'defaultvalue' => T_('Items'),
'title_link' => array(
'label' => T_('Link to blog'),
'note' => T_('Link the block title to the blog?'),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => false,
'item_visibility' => array(
'label' => T_('Item visibility'),
'note' => T_('What post statuses should be included in the list?'),
'type' => 'radio',
'field_lines' => true,
'options' => array(
array( 'public', T_('show public posts') ),
array( 'all', T_('show all posts the current user is allowed to see') ) ),
'defaultvalue' => 'all',
'item_type' => array(
'label' => T_('Post type'),
'note' => T_('What kind of items do you want to list?'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => $item_type_options,
'defaultvalue' => '#',
'follow_mainlist' => array(
'label' => T_('Follow Main List'),
'note' => T_('Do you want to restrict to contents related to what is displayed in the main area?'),
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array( array ('no', T_('No') ),
array ('tags', T_('By tags') ) ), // may be extended
'defaultvalue' => 'no',
'blog_ID' => array(
'label' => T_('Collections'),
'note' => T_('List collection IDs separated by \',\', \'*\' for all collections, \'-\' for current collection without aggregation or leave empty for current collection including aggregation.'),
'size' => 4,
'type' => 'text',
'valid_pattern' => array( 'pattern' => '/^(\d+(,\d+)*|-|\*)?$/',
'error' => T_('Invalid list of Collection IDs.') ),
'defaultvalue' => '',
'cat_IDs' => array(
'label' => T_('Categories'),
'note' => T_('List category IDs separated by ,'),
'size' => 15,
'type' => 'text',
'valid_pattern' => array( 'pattern' => '/^(\d+(,\d+)*|-|\*)?$/',
'error' => T_('Invalid list of Category IDs.') ),
'item_group_by' => array(
'label' => T_('Group by'),
'note' => T_('Do you want to group the Items?'),
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array( array( 'none', T_('None') ),
array( 'chapter', T_('By category/chapter') ) ),
'defaultvalue' => 'none',
'order_by' => array(
'label' => T_('Order by'),
'note' => T_('How to sort the items'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => get_available_sort_options(),
'defaultvalue' => 'datestart',
'order_dir' => array(
'label' => T_('Direction'),
'note' => T_('How to sort the items'),
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array( array( 'ASC', T_('Ascending') ),
array( 'DESC', T_('Descending') ) ),
'defaultvalue' => 'DESC',
'limit' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Max items' ),
'note' => T_( 'Maximum number of items to display.' ),
'size' => 4,
'defaultvalue' => 20,
'disp_title' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Titles' ),
'note' => T_( 'Display title.' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => true,
'item_title_link_type' => array(
'label' => /* TRANS: Where should titles be linked to? */ T_('Link titles to'),
'note' => T_('Where should titles be linked to?'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'auto' => T_('Automatic'),
'permalink' => T_('Item permalink'),
'linkto_url' => T_('Item URL'),
'none' => T_('Nowhere'),
'defaultvalue' => 'permalink',
'chapter_link' => array(
'label' => T_('Link categories'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => false,
'attached_pics' => array(
'label' => T_('Attached pictures'),
'note' => '',
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array(
array( 'none', T_('None') ),
array( 'first', T_('Display first picture') ),
array( 'all', T_('Display all pictures') ) ),
'defaultvalue' => 'none',
'thumb_size' => array(
'label' => T_('Image size'),
'note' => T_('Cropping and sizing of thumbnails'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => get_available_thumb_sizes(),
'defaultvalue' => 'crop-80x80',
'disp_first_image' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Order' ),
'note' => T_( 'Display first image separately and before title.' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => false,
'item_pic_link_type' => array(
'label' => T_('Link pictures'),
'note' => T_('Where should pictures be linked to?'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'auto' => T_('Automatic'),
'permalink' => T_('Item permalink'),
'linkto_url' => T_('Item URL'),
'none' => T_('Nowhere'),
'defaultvalue' => 'auto',
'disp_excerpt' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Excerpt' ),
'note' => T_( 'Display excerpt for each item.' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => false,
'disp_teaser' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Content teaser' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => false,
'note' => T_( 'Display content teaser for each item.' ),
'disp_teaser_maxwords' => array(
'label' => T_( 'Max Words' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'defaultvalue' => 20,
'note' => T_( 'Max number of words for the teasers.' ),
), parent::get_param_definitions( $params ) );
if( isset( $r['allow_blockcache'] ) )
{ // Disable "allow blockcache" because this widget uses the selected items
$r['allow_blockcache']['defaultvalue'] = false;
$r['allow_blockcache']['disabled'] = 'disabled';
$r['allow_blockcache']['note'] = T_('This widget cannot be cached in the block cache.');
return $r;
* Get help URL
* @return string URL
function get_help_url()
return get_manual_url( 'universal-item-list-widget' );
* Get name of widget
function get_name()
return T_('Universal Item list');
* Get a very short desc. Used in the widget list.
function get_short_desc()
return format_to_output($this->disp_params['title']);
* Get short description
function get_desc()
return T_('Can list Items (Posts/Pages/Links...) in a variety of ways.');
* Display the widget!
* @param array MUST contain at least the basic display params
function display( $params )
* @var ItemList2
global $MainList;
global $BlogCache, $Blog;
global $Item, $Settings;
$this->init_display( $params );
$blog_ID = intval( $this->disp_params['blog_ID'] );
$listBlog = ( $blog_ID ? $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog_ID, false ) : $Blog );
if( empty( $listBlog ) )
echo $this->disp_params['block_start'];
echo $this->disp_params['block_body_start'];
echo T_('The requested Blog doesn\'t exist any more!');
echo $this->disp_params['block_body_end'];
echo $this->disp_params['block_end'];
// Define default template params that can be rewritten by skin
$this->disp_params = array_merge( array(
'item_first_image_before' => '<div class="item_first_image">',
'item_first_image_after' => '</div>',
'item_title_before' => '<div class="item_title">',
'item_title_after' => '</div>',
'item_title_single_before' => '',
'item_title_single_after' => '',
'item_excerpt_before' => '<div class="item_excerpt">',
'item_excerpt_after' => '</div>',
'item_content_before' => '<div class="item_content">',
'item_content_after' => '</div>',
'item_images_before' => '<div class="item_images">',
'item_images_after' => '</div>',
), $this->disp_params );
// Create ItemList
// Note: we pass a widget specific prefix in order to make sure to never interfere with the mainlist
$limit = intval( $this->disp_params['limit'] );
if( $this->disp_params['disp_teaser'] )
{ // We want to show some of the post content, we need to load more info: use ItemList2
$ItemList = new ItemList2( $listBlog, $listBlog->get_timestamp_min(), $listBlog->get_timestamp_max(), $limit, 'ItemCache', $this->code.'_' );
{ // no excerpts, use ItemListLight
load_class( 'items/model/_itemlistlight.class.php', 'ItemListLight' );
$ItemList = new ItemListLight( $listBlog, $listBlog->get_timestamp_min(), $listBlog->get_timestamp_max(), $limit, 'ItemCacheLight', $this->code.'_' );
$cat_array = sanitize_id_list( $this->disp_params['cat_IDs'], true );
// Filter list:
$filters = array(
'cat_array' => $cat_array, // Restrict to selected categories
'orderby' => $this->disp_params['order_by'],
'order' => $this->disp_params['order_dir'],
'unit' => 'posts', // We want to advertise all items (not just a page or a day)
'coll_IDs' => $this->disp_params['blog_ID'],
if( $this->disp_params['item_visibility'] == 'public' )
{ // Get only the public items
$filters['visibility_array'] = array( 'published' );
if( isset( $this->disp_params['page'] ) )
$filters['page'] = $this->disp_params['page'];
if( $this->disp_params['item_type'] != '#' )
{ // Not "default", restrict to a specific type (or '' for all)
$filters['types'] = $this->disp_params['item_type'];
if( $this->disp_params['follow_mainlist'] == 'tags' )
{ // Restrict to Item tagged with some tag used in the Mainlist:
if( ! isset($MainList) )
{ // Nothing to follow, don't display anything
return false;
$all_tags = $MainList->get_all_tags();
if( empty($all_tags) )
{ // Nothing to follow, don't display anything
return false;
$filters['tags'] = implode( ',', $all_tags );
if( !empty($Item) )
{ // Exclude current Item
$filters['post_ID'] = '-'.$Item->ID;
// fp> TODO: in addition to just filtering, offer ordering in a way where the posts with the most matching tags come first
$chapter_mode = false;
if( $this->disp_params['item_group_by'] == 'chapter' )
{ // Group by chapter:
$chapter_mode = true;
# This is the list of categories to restrict the linkblog to (cats will be displayed recursively)
# Example: $linkblog_cat = '4,6,7';
$linkblog_cat = '';
# This is the array if categories to restrict the linkblog to (non recursive)
# Example: $linkblog_catsel = array( 4, 6, 7 );
$linkblog_catsel = array(); // $cat_array;
// Compile cat array stuff:
$linkblog_cat_array = array();
$linkblog_cat_modifier = '';
compile_cat_array( $linkblog_cat, $linkblog_catsel, /* by ref */ $linkblog_cat_array, /* by ref */ $linkblog_cat_modifier, $listBlog->ID );
$filters['cat_array'] = $linkblog_cat_array;
$filters['cat_modifier'] = $linkblog_cat_modifier;
$ItemList->set_filters( $filters, false ); // we don't want to memorize these params
// Run the query:
if( ! $ItemList->result_num_rows )
{ // Nothing to display:
// Check if the widget displays only single title
$this->disp_params['disp_only_title'] = ! (
( $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] != 'none' && $this->disp_params['disp_first_image'] ) || // display first image
( $this->disp_params['disp_excerpt'] ) || // display excerpt
( $this->disp_params['disp_teaser'] ) || // display teaser
( $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] == 'all' || ( $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] == 'first' && ! $this->disp_params['disp_first_image'] ) ) // display other images
// Start to capture display content here in order to solve the issue to don't display empty widget
// This variable used to display widget. Will be set to true when content is displayed
$content_is_displayed = false;
if( !$this->disp_params['disp_title'] && in_array( $this->disp_params[ 'attached_pics' ], array( 'first', 'all' ) ) )
{ // Don't display bullets when we show only the pictures
$block_css_class = 'nobullets';
if( empty( $block_css_class ) )
echo $this->disp_params['block_start'];
{ // Additional class for widget block
echo preg_replace( '/ class="([^"]+)"/', ' class="$1 '.$block_css_class.'"', $this->disp_params['block_start'] );
$title = sprintf( ( $this->disp_params[ 'title_link' ] ? '<a href="'.$listBlog->gen_blogurl().'" rel="nofollow">%s</a>' : '%s' ), $this->disp_params[ 'title' ] );
$this->disp_title( $title );
echo $this->disp_params['block_body_start'];
if( $chapter_mode )
{ // List grouped by chapter/category:
$items_map_by_chapter = array();
$chapters_of_loaded_items = array();
$group_by_blogs = false;
$prev_chapter_blog_ID = NULL;
while( $iterator_Item = & $ItemList->get_item() )
{ // Display contents of the Item depending on widget params:
$Chapter = & $iterator_Item->get_main_Chapter();
if( ! isset( $items_map_by_chapter[$Chapter->ID] ) )
$items_map_by_chapter[$Chapter->ID] = array();
$chapters_of_loaded_items[] = $Chapter;
$items_map_by_chapter[$Chapter->ID][] = $iterator_Item;
// Group by blogs if there are chapters from multiple blogs
if( ! $group_by_blogs && ( $Chapter->blog_ID != $prev_chapter_blog_ID ) )
{ // group by blogs is not decided yet
$group_by_blogs = ( $prev_chapter_blog_ID != NULL );
$prev_chapter_blog_ID = $Chapter->blog_ID;
usort( $chapters_of_loaded_items, 'Chapter::compare_chapters' );
$displayed_blog_ID = NULL;
if( $group_by_blogs && isset( $this->disp_params['collist_start'] ) )
{ // Start list of blogs
echo $this->disp_params['collist_start'];
{ // Display list start, all chapters are in the same group ( not grouped by blogs )
echo $this->disp_params['list_start'];
foreach( $chapters_of_loaded_items as $Chapter )
if( $group_by_blogs && $displayed_blog_ID != $Chapter->blog_ID )
if( $displayed_blog_ID != NULL )
{ // Display the end of the previous blog's chapter list
echo $this->disp_params['list_end'];
echo $this->disp_params['coll_start'].$Chapter->Blog->get('shortname'). $this->disp_params['coll_end'];
// Display start of blog's chapter list
echo $this->disp_params['list_start'];
$displayed_blog_ID = $Chapter->blog_ID;
$content_is_displayed = $this->disp_chapter( $Chapter, $items_map_by_chapter ) || $content_is_displayed;
if( $content_is_displayed )
{ // End of a chapter list - if some content was displayed this is always required
echo $this->disp_params['list_end'];
if( $group_by_blogs && isset( $this->disp_params['collist_end'] ) )
{ // End of blog list
echo $this->disp_params['collist_end'];
{ // Plain list:
echo $this->disp_params['list_start'];
* @var ItemLight (or Item)
while( $Item = & $ItemList->get_item() )
{ // Display contents of the Item depending on widget params:
$content_is_displayed = $this->disp_contents( $Item ) || $content_is_displayed;
if( isset( $this->disp_params['page'] ) )
if( empty( $this->disp_params['pagination'] ) )
$this->disp_params['pagination'] = array();
$ItemList->page_links( $this->disp_params['pagination'] );
echo $this->disp_params['list_end'];
echo $this->disp_params['block_body_end'];
echo $this->disp_params['block_end'];
if( $content_is_displayed )
{ // Some content is displayed, Print out widget
{ // No content, Don't display widget
* Display a chapter with all of its loaded items
* @param Chapter
* @param array Items map by Chapter
* @return boolean true if content was displayed, false otherwise
function disp_chapter( $Chapter, & $items_map_by_chapter )
$content_is_displayed = false;
if( isset( $items_map_by_chapter[$Chapter->ID] ) && ( count( $items_map_by_chapter[$Chapter->ID] ) > 0 ) )
{ // Display Chapter only if it has some items
echo $this->disp_params['item_start'];
if ( $this->disp_params['chapter_link'] )
echo '<a href="'.$Chapter->get_permanent_url().'">'.$Chapter->get('name').'</a>';
echo $Chapter->get('name');
//echo '<a href="'.$Chapter->get_permanent_url().'">'.$Chapter->get('name').'</a>';
echo $this->disp_params['item_end'];
echo $this->disp_params['group_start'];
foreach( $items_map_by_chapter[$Chapter->ID] as $iterator_Item )
{ // Display contents of the Item depending on widget params:
$content_is_displayed = $this->disp_contents( $iterator_Item, true ) || $content_is_displayed;
// Close cat group
echo $this->disp_params['group_end'];
return $content_is_displayed;
* Support function for above
* @param Item
* @param boolean set to true if Items are displayed grouped by chapters, false otherwise
* @return boolean TRUE - if content is displayed
function disp_contents( & $disp_Item, $chapter_mode = false )
global $disp, $Item;
// Set this var to TRUE when some content(title, excerpt or picture) is displayed
$content_is_displayed = false;
// Set a 'group_' prefix for param keys if the items are grouped by chapters
$disp_param_prefix = $chapter_mode ? 'group_' : '';
// Is this the current item?
if( !empty($Item) && $disp_Item->ID == $Item->ID )
{ // The current page is currently displaying the Item this link is pointing to
// Let's display it as selected
$link_class = $this->disp_params['link_selected_class'];
{ // Default link class
$link_class = $this->disp_params['link_default_class'];
if( $link_class == $this->disp_params['link_selected_class'] )
echo $this->disp_params[$disp_param_prefix.'item_selected_start'];
echo $this->disp_params[$disp_param_prefix.'item_start'];
if( $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] != 'none' && $this->disp_params['disp_first_image'] )
{ // Display first image before title
$this->disp_images( array(
'before' => $this->disp_params['item_first_image_before'],
'after' => $this->disp_params['item_first_image_after'],
'Item' => $disp_Item,
), $content_is_displayed );
if( $this->disp_params['disp_title'] )
{ // Display title
$disp_Item->title( array(
'before' => $this->disp_params['disp_only_title'] ? $this->disp_params['item_title_single_before'] : $this->disp_params['item_title_before'],
'after' => $this->disp_params['disp_only_title'] ? $this->disp_params['item_title_single_after'] : $this->disp_params['item_title_after'],
'link_type' => $this->disp_params['item_title_link_type'],
'link_class' => $link_class,
) );
$content_is_displayed = true;
if( $this->disp_params['disp_excerpt'] )
{ // Display excerpt
$excerpt = $disp_Item->dget( 'excerpt', 'htmlbody' );
if( !empty($excerpt) )
{ // Note: Excerpts are plain text -- no html (at least for now)
echo $this->disp_params['item_excerpt_before'].$excerpt.$this->disp_params['item_excerpt_after'];
$content_is_displayed = true;
if( $this->disp_params['disp_teaser'] )
{ // we want to show some or all of the post content
$content = $disp_Item->get_content_teaser( 1, false, 'htmlbody' );
if( $words = $this->disp_params['disp_teaser_maxwords'] )
{ // limit number of words
$content = strmaxwords( $content, $words, array(
'continued_link' => $disp_Item->get_permanent_url(),
'continued_text' => '&hellip;',
) );
echo $this->disp_params['item_content_before'].$content.$this->disp_params['item_content_after'];
$content_is_displayed = true;
/* fp> does that really make sense?
we're no longer in a linkblog/linkroll use case here, are we?
$disp_Item->more_link( array(
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'link_text' => T_('more').' &raquo;',
) );
if( $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] == 'all' ||
( $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] == 'first' && ! $this->disp_params['disp_first_image'] ) )
{ // Display attached pictures
$picture_limit = $this->disp_params['attached_pics'] == 'first' ? 1 : 1000;
$this->disp_images( array(
'before' => $this->disp_params['item_images_before'],
'after' => $this->disp_params['item_images_after'],
'Item' => $disp_Item,
'start' => ( $this->disp_params['disp_first_image'] ? 2 : 1 ), // Skip first image if it is displayed on top
'limit' => $picture_limit,
), $content_is_displayed );
if( $link_class == $this->disp_params['link_selected_class'] )
echo $this->disp_params[$disp_param_prefix.'item_selected_end'];
echo $this->disp_params[$disp_param_prefix.'item_end'];
return $content_is_displayed;
* Display images of the selected item
* @param array Params
* @param boolean Changed by reference when content is displayed
function disp_images( $params = array(), & $content_is_displayed )
$params = array_merge( array(
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'Item' => NULL,
'start' => 1,
'limit' => 1,
), $params );
$disp_Item = & $params['Item'];
$LinkOwner = new LinkItem( $disp_Item );
$images = '';
if( $FileList = $LinkOwner->get_attachment_FileList( $params['limit'], NULL, 'image' ) )
{ // Get list of attached files
$image_num = 1;
while( $File = & $FileList->get_next() )
if( $File->is_image() )
{ // Get only images
if( $image_num < $params['start'] )
{ // Skip these first images
switch( $this->disp_params[ 'item_pic_link_type' ] )
{ // Set url for picture link
case 'none':
$pic_url = NULL;
case 'permalink':
$pic_url = $disp_Item->get_permanent_url();
case 'linkto_url':
$pic_url = $disp_Item->url;
case 'auto':
$pic_url = ( empty( $disp_Item->url ) ? $disp_Item->get_permanent_url() : $disp_Item->url );
// Print attached picture
$images .= $File->get_tag( '', '', '', '', $this->disp_params['thumb_size'], $pic_url );
$content_is_displayed = true;
if( ! empty( $images ) )
{ // Print out images only when at least one exists
echo $params['before'];
echo $images;
echo $params['after'];
* Maybe be overriden by some widgets, depending on what THEY depend on..
* @return array of keys this widget depends on
function get_cache_keys()
global $Blog;
$blog_ID = intval( $this->disp_params['blog_ID'] );
return array(
'wi_ID' => $this->ID, // Have the widget settings changed ?
'set_coll_ID' => $Blog->ID, // Have the settings of the blog changed ? (ex: new skin)
'cont_coll_ID' => empty( $blog_ID ) ? $Blog->ID : $blog_ID, // Has the content of the displayed blog changed ?
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