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equire 'url)
(re-search-backward "^Location: \\(.*\\)$")
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))
(define-key global-map [(control f3)] 'cscope-set-initial-directory)
(re-search-backward "^Location: \\(.*\\)$")
rhel 5.1
10% I/O hit
P: 9668, I: 1000, Min: 9922, Max: 10033, Avg: 9999.77, Dev: 0.0% (2.97), Steal pct: 0.0%
P: 9666, I: 1000, Min: 8993, Max: 11427, Avg: 9999.77, Dev: 0.6% (56.95), Steal pct: 0.0%
P: 9667, I: 1000, Min: 9922, Max: 10022, Avg: 9999.77, Dev: 0.0% (2.83), Steal pct: 0.0%
P: 9668, I: 1000, Min: 7998, Max: 12373, Avg: 10000.14, Dev: 1.0% (98.43), Steal pct: 0.0%
P: 9666, I: 1000, Min: 7299, Max: 12702, Avg: 9999.35, Dev: 1.2% (121.69), Steal pct: 0.0%
P: 9667, I: 1000, Min: 9924, Max: 10032, Avg: 9999.77, Dev: 0.0% (3.17), Steal pct: 0.0%
;; Load a custom configuration directory