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Last active July 25, 2016 00:21
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(ns foop2.bind
(:refer-clojure :exclude [binding bound-fn])
(:require [javelin.core :as j]))
(def ^:dynamic *bindings* #{})
(defmacro binding [bindings & body]
(let [syms (set (map first (partition 2 bindings)))]
(clojure.core/binding [*bindings* (into *bindings* syms)]
(j/macroexpand-all* &env `(clojure.core/binding [~@bindings] ~@body)))))
(defmacro bound-fn [args & body]
(let [bind (comp flatten (partial map list))
syms (take (count *bindings*) (repeatedly gensym))]
`(let [~@(bind syms *bindings*)]
(fn [~@args] (binding [~@(bind *bindings* syms)] ~@body)))))
(ns+ foop2.core
(:page "index.html")
[foop2.bind :as bind]
[hoplon.core :refer :all]
[javelin.core :refer :all]))
(def ^:dynamic *state* nil)
(bind/binding [*state* (cell 100)]
(div :click (bind/bound-fn [_] (swap! *state* inc)) *state*))))
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