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Michael Cullum michaelcullum

View GitHub Profile

Candidates Standing for Election

Brief descriptions are just designed to help jog memory, not provide comprehensive descriptions. Please read nomination topics.

Name Proposer Twitter Handle Brief Description of Projects/Companies Link to nomination topic
Beau Simensen Chris Tankersley simensen Sculpin, Silex, SensioLabs US Link
Cees-Jan Kiewiet Michiel Rook wyrihaximus ReactPHP, Async Interop Link
Chris Tankersley Korvin Szanto           [dragon
michaelcullum / contact.html.twig
Created August 23, 2013 16:31
Contact Form for Silex
{% extends layout %}
{% block body %}
<div id="main">
<h2>Contact me</h2>
<p>For queries about anything on this website, or for job quotations, please contact me using the contact form below or via <a href="">email</a>.</p>
<form action="#" method="post">
{{ form_start(form) }}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
michaelcullum /
Last active January 5, 2017 02:00
A quick and dirty script to set up multiple PHP CLI servers

CLI Servers Script

This script creates a series of web servers defined in a config file on different ports.


  • Copy from below to the root directory in which you have all your php projects (e.g. /var/www/ or ~/code/)
  • In that directory run mkdir logs
  • Create a file in that directory called config and add configuration for each web server as detailed below and exemplified in the config file in this gist.
  • Run sh when you wish to start your web servers. They will run in the background until their processes are killed (by using kill or a reboot).

Config file

# The real stuff
RewriteEngine On
# Redirect to HTTPS
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am michaelcullum on github.
  • I am michaelcullum ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASD1BX1Rj-dltDjuAeaWAtiXWbqneIwGCJMtQ_KrO3w9XQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

michaelcullum /
Last active August 11, 2016 23:55
Formal List of Candidates for FIG Secretary August 2016

Candidates Standing for Election

Name Proposer Confirmed by nominee Confirmed by secretary Link to nomination topic
Jonathan Reinink Jordi Boggiano Link
Samantha Quiñones Matthew Weier O'Phinney Link
Matt Trask Graham Daniels Link
Phil Sturgeon Jordi Boggiano Link
Paul M Jones Nate Abele
namespace AppBundle\Form\Type;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\{TextType, DateType, IntegerType, CheckboxType};
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType;
class FoobarType extends AbstractType
michaelcullum /
Last active February 7, 2016 22:28
FIG Access
  • cache - Larry (PSR-6 WG), Robert (PSR-6 WG), Paul D (PSR-6 WG), Jordi (Packagist)
  • cache-utils - Larry (PSR-6 WG), Robert (PSR-6 WG), Paul D (PSR-6 WG), Jordi (Packagist)
  • http-message - Matthew (PSR-7 WG)
  • - Paul D, Jonathan Reninink (As website team)
  • fig-standards - Korvin (PSR-9, PSR-12 WG), Alexander (PSR-12 WG), Larry (PSR-8, PSR-10, PSR-13 WG), Lukas (PSR-9, PSR-10 WG), Mike (PSR-5), PMJ (PSR-11), Matthew (PSR-13 WG), Evert (PSR-13 WG), Jeremy (PSR-11 WG).
  • log - Jordi (PSR-3 WG)

Owners (Access to all): Michael, Joe, Paul D and Paul MJ

Lots of people have access to fig-standards but the master branch is protected from deletion or force pushes and nobody but owners have admin.

Michael@MICHAEL-MAIN /c/wamp/ (master)
$ php -r "var_dump(version_compare('3.1.0-dev', '3.1-a1', '<'));"
Michael@MICHAEL-MAIN /c/wamp/ (master)
$ php -r "var_dump(version_compare('3.1.0-dev', '3.1.0-a1', '<'));"
Michael@MICHAEL-MAIN /c/wamp/ (master)
$ php -r "var_dump(version_compare('3.1.0', '3.1.0-a1', '<'));"
michaelcullum / gist:6126565
Last active December 20, 2015 11:49
Voting Time IRC Log
<MichaelC> can you vote if you join in the middle of a voting period? You can I think?
<Crell> I don't know that we have an existing rule on that front. I'd think the membership as of when the vote is called is what matters.
<Crell> Although Typo3 changed reps mid-vote, not changed its membership, so Karsten should be able to vote on open votes right now.
<MichaelC> yeah
<MichaelC> if Abbas gets through can he vote on Beau though. ;)
<Crell> No, Beau's vote started before Abbas was a member.
<Crell> Or am I confused about who you mean... That's the OWASP guy, right?
<MichaelC> but Abbas' vote will finish before Beaus'
<Crell> But OWASP won't be a member as of when Beau's vote began.
<MichaelC> oh