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Created May 15, 2013 13:30
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require 'formula'
class Wireshark < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '0f51ed901b5e07cceb1373f3368f739be8f1e827'
option 'with-x', 'Include X11 support'
option 'with-qt', 'Use QT for GUI instead of GTK+'
option 'with-ssl', 'Enable SSL support'
option 'with-python', 'Enable experimental Python bindings'
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on 'c-ares' => :optional
depends_on 'pcre' => :optional
depends_on 'glib'
if build.with? 'x'
depends_on :x11
depends_on 'gtk+'
if build.with? 'ssl'
depends_on 'gnutls2'
depends_on 'libgcrypt'
depends_on 'qt' => :optional
def install
args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}"]
# Optionally enable experimental python bindings; is known to cause
# some runtime issues, e.g.
# "dlsym(0x8fe467fc, py_create_dissector_handle): symbol not found"
args << '--without-python' unless build.with? 'python'
# actually just disables the GTK GUI
args << '--disable-wireshark' unless build.with? 'x'
args << '--disable-gtktest' if build.with? 'x'
if build.with? 'ssl'
args << '--with-gnutls'
args << '--with-ssl'
args << '--with-qt' if build.with? 'qt'
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
ENV.deparallelize # parallel install fails
system "make install"
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
If your list of available capture interfaces is empty
(default OS X behavior), try the following commands:
curl -o ChmodBPF.tar.gz
tar zxvf ChmodBPF.tar.gz
open ChmodBPF/Install\\
This adds a launch daemon that changes the permissions of your BPF
devices so that all users in the 'admin' group - all users with
'Allow user to administer this computer' turned on - have both read
and write access to those devices.
See bug report:
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