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michalmarczyk / thread_and.clj
Created July 12, 2013 21:50
Short-circuiting logical conjunction of several futures' results in core.async
(defn thread-and
"Call each of the fs on a separate thread. Return logical
conjunction of the results. Short-circuit (and cancel the calls
to remaining fs) on first falsey value returned."
[& fs]
(let [futs-and-cs
(doall (for [f fs]
(let [c (chan)]
[(future (>!! c (f))) c])))]
(loop [futs-and-cs futs-and-cs]
michalmarczyk / producer_consumer.clj
Created July 12, 2013 01:25
Single consumer, multiple producers in core.async
(use 'clojure.core.async)
(def output (atom []))
(defn producer [ctrl k]
(go (loop [i 0]
(when-let [c (<! ctrl)]
(>! c [k i])
(>! ctrl c)
(recur (inc i))))))
;; for now, consumer starts producer
;; -- must make sure that output chan already on comm-chan before producer starts
(defn producer [comm-chan]
(go (loop []
(if-let [c (<! comm-chan)]
(>! c (rand))
(>! comm-chan c)
;; [1 2 3] -> [1 [2 [3]]]
(defn f [xs]
(if (next xs)
[(first xs) (vec (f (next xs)))]
(vec xs)))
(defn g [v]
(reduce (fn [acc x]
[x acc])
michalmarczyk / same_fringe.clj
Last active December 19, 2015 10:09
Same Fringe with core.async
(defn same-fringe
[t1 t2]
(letfn [(walk [t c]
(go (if (seq? t)
(doseq [t' t]
(<! (walk t' c)))
(>! c t))))]
(let [c1 (chan)
c2 (chan)]
michalmarczyk / timings.cljs
Created May 4, 2012 23:53
Benchmarks for CLJS protocol dispatch
(ns timings)
(defn -main []
(println ";;; satisfies?")
(println "(satisfies? ISeq (list 1 2 3))")
(let [coll (list 1 2 3)] (time (dotimes [_ 10000000] (satisfies? ISeq coll))))
(println "(satisfies? ISeq [1 2 3])")
(let [coll [1 2 3]] (time (dotimes [_ 10000000] (satisfies? ISeq coll))))
michalmarczyk / merge-sorted.clj
Created May 1, 2012 03:28
Multiway merge of sorted sequences
(defn merge-sorted [comparator & xss]
(let [xss (into-array Object (remove empty? xss))
pq (java.util.PriorityQueue.
(count xss) #(comparator (val %1) (val %2)))]
(dotimes [i (count xss)]
(let [xs (aget xss i)]
(.add pq (pair i (first xs)))
(aset xss i (next xs))))
((fn go []
michalmarczyk / phm.js
Created April 30, 2012 05:35
ClojureScript perf tests (large map conversion threshold)
function c(a){throw a;}var g=!0,k=null,l=!1;function aa(){return function(a){return a}}function m(a){return function(){return this[a]}}function n(a){return function(){return a}}var o,ba=this;
function q(a){var b=typeof a;if("object"==b)if(a){if(a instanceof Array)return"array";if(a instanceof Object)return b;var;if("[object Window]"==d)return"object";if("[object Array]"==d||"number"==typeof a.length&&"undefined"!=typeof a.splice&&"undefined"!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice"))return"array";if("[object Function]"==d||"undefined"!=typeof"undefined"!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))return"function"}else return"null";
else if("function"==b&&"undefined"==typeof"object";return b}function r(a){return void 0!==a}function ca(a){return"string"==typeof a}function da(a){return a[ea]||(a[ea]=++fa)}var ea="closure_uid_"+Math.floor(2147483648*Math.random()).toString(36),fa=0;function s(a,b){var d=a.split(
michalmarczyk / phm.js
Created April 29, 2012 02:35
ClojureScript map impl perf tests
function c(a){throw a;}var g=!0,k=null,l=!1;function aa(){return function(a){return a}}function m(a){return function(){return this[a]}}function n(a){return function(){return a}}var o,ba=this;
function q(a){var b=typeof a;if("object"==b)if(a){if(a instanceof Array)return"array";if(a instanceof Object)return b;var;if("[object Window]"==d)return"object";if("[object Array]"==d||"number"==typeof a.length&&"undefined"!=typeof a.splice&&"undefined"!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice"))return"array";if("[object Function]"==d||"undefined"!=typeof"undefined"!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))return"function"}else return"null";
else if("function"==b&&"undefined"==typeof"object";return b}function s(a){return void 0!==a}function ca(a){return"string"==typeof a}function da(a){return a[ea]||(a[ea]=++fa)}var ea="closure_uid_"+Math.floor(2147483648*Math.random()).toString(36),fa=0;function t(a,b){var d=a.split(
michalmarczyk / new-trace-ns.clj
Created February 17, 2012 00:46
Mass tracing utilities for Clojure
;;; See the inspirational SO question:
;;; My old Gist with my first take on this:
;;; Don Jackson's Gist based on the above:
;;; Licence: EPLv1, the same as Clojure
(in-ns '
(defn trace-var
"If the specified Var holds an IFn and is not marked as a macro, its