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micho / nginx.conf
Last active September 29, 2023 16:38 — forked from unixcharles/nginx.conf
nginx config for http/https proxy to localhost:3000
First, install nginx for mac with "brew install nginx".
Then follow homebrew's instructions to know where the config file is.
1. To use https you will need a self-signed certificate:
2. Copy it somewhere (use full path in the example below for server.* files)
3. sudo nginx -s reload
4. Access https://localhost/
Edit /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
micho / gist:728639
Created December 5, 2010 00:40
Throttle and debounce examples
// Run the function as soon as it's called, but prevent further calls during `delay` ms
// Example: function.throttle(200) will only run function() once every 200 ms.
// Useful, for example, to avoid constant processing while typing in a live search box.
Function.prototype.throttle = function(delay) {
var fn = this
return function() {
var now = (new Date).getTime()
if (!fn.lastExecuted || fn.lastExecuted + delay < now) {
fn.lastExecuted = now
fn.apply(fn, arguments)
micho / gist:1733598
Created February 3, 2012 23:17
Prevent stupid Mac scroll
* Show a notice when Mac's stupid scroll happens
Global.preventStupidMacScroll = function () {
var self = this,
broken_browser = navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/),
hide = Teambox.models.user.get('settings').hide_scroll_notice;
if (!broken_browser || hide) {
micho / support_helper
Last active June 26, 2016 03:45
Support helper for Teambox, so we can query users
$(document).on("click", ".comment a", function(e) {
if ($(this).text().indexOf("@") !== -1) {
var email = $(this).text();
(new Teambox.Views.Dialog({
header: "User " + email + ". <a href='/become/" + email + "'>Become</a>"
, content: "<iframe src='/reports/users/" + email + "' style='width: 100%; height: 800px;'></iframe>"
micho / gist:6135657
Created August 1, 2013 21:47
Votes.js, add a voting count to Teambox
* Adds a Like button to tasks, so users can like them.
* By default there are no votes enabled in the project. To enable:
* project.metadata('apps').set({ votes: true });
* project.metadata('apps').save();
micho / Array#occurrences
Last active December 17, 2015 20:39
Count occurrences
class Array
# Takes %(apple apple strawberry orange orange apple) and returns { apple: 3, orange: 2, strawberry: 1 }
def occurrences
r = {}
group_by {|i| i}.each{|k,v| r[k] = v.count}
sorted = {}
r.sort_by {|k,v| -v}.each {|i| sorted[i[0]] = i[1] }
micho / Organization activity rates and variation.rb
Last active December 16, 2015 08:08
Describes activity rates by organization with subscription.
# Possible anomaly: If the org was created long ago but only active recently, project_recent will always be low
# Proposed solution: Build a semirecent_activity field and use that for projections, which will track 6-12 months
def days_ago(o); ( - o.created_at) /; end
def projected_recent(o); (o.total_activities / days_ago(o)).to_i * 14; end
# Get active subscriptions with a chargify id (to exclude cancelations and manual subscriptions)
ss = Subscription.where(state: nil).reject { |s| s.payment_gateway_id.nil? }; 0
# Get orgs. Tweak the filters to restrict your results list
oo = { |s| Organization.find_by_subscription_id }.compact; 0
~/code/rabl[master]: rake test:setup test:full
*** Setting up for padrino_test tests ***
The source :rubygems is deprecated because HTTP requests are insecure.
Please change your source to '' if possible, or '' if not.
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake (10.0.4)
Using i18n (0.6.4)
Using multi_json (1.7.2)
Using activesupport (3.2.12)
micho / gist:4040725
Created November 8, 2012 18:51
Teambox.views.sidebar.apps_list.addApp("talker2", "New Group Chat", "#", "key");
$("#talker2_link a").click(function (e) {
if ( {
$(".content_wrap").css("bottom", "0px"); = false;
} else {
var height = 250;
micho / personal_notes.js
Created October 19, 2012 11:56
Load personal notes if present
// Load personal notes as a sidebar item
// find personal project
var project = Teambox.collections.projects.detect(function (p) { return p.get('permalink') === 'tb-personal-project-' + });
if (project) {
"project_" + project.get('permalink') + "_pages",
"Personal notes",
"#!/projects/" + project.get('permalink') + "/pages",