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Last active December 20, 2021 15:25
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Quickly squash n git commits into the n+1th
# Script to quickly squash the last n commits in your current git branch into the n+1th.
# The n+1th commit message is re-used, the others are discarded
# user input
if [[ -z $COUNT ]] ; then
printf "Usage: [NUMBER]\nThis will squash the specified number of commits into the one right before.\n"
printf "Example: \" 3\" will squash the newest 3 commits into the fourth."
exit 1
# Find information from git
TARGET_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD~$(($COUNT)))
TARGET_MESSAGE=$(git show --pretty=format:%s -s $TARGET_SHA)
FIXED_MESSAGE=$(sed '1 s/"//gp' <<< "$TARGET_MESSAGE")
# Ask for user confirmation
COMMITS_TO_SQUASH=$(git log -$COUNT --oneline)
COMMIT_TO_SQUASH_INTO=$(git show --oneline -s $TARGET_SHA)
printf "\nDo you want to squash these commits:\n%s" "$COMMITS_TO_SQUASH"
printf "\ninto:\n%s" "$COMMIT_TO_SQUASH_INTO"
read -r -p "(y/n)"
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Aborted!"
exit 1
# squash
git reset --soft HEAD~$COUNT && git commit -m "FIXED_MESSAGE"
echo "Done."
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