# The following function calculates the probabilities of drawing a pair or a tris in a Texas Hold'em game with 2 players and the dealer

pairs_and_tris <- function(n)
    # This function searches for all the pairs in 100 hands and returns the number of pairs found
    find_pairs <- function()
        pair = 0
        for(i in 1:100){
            if((player1[i,1] == player1[i,2]) | (is.element(player1[i,1],dealer[i,])) | (is.element(player1[i,2],dealer[i,])))
                pair = pair + 1
    # This function searches for all the tris in 100 hands and returns the number of tris found
    find_tris <- function()
        tris = 0
        for(i in 1:100)
            test = 0
            if((is.element(player1[i,1],dealer[i,]) | is.element(player1[i,2],dealer[i,])) && (player1[i,1] == player1[i,2]))
                tris = tris + 1
            for(b in 2 : 5){
                if(dealer[i,b] == dealer[i,b-1])
                    dealer_pair = T
                    test = dealer[i,b]
                    if(is.element(test,player1[i,]) && dealer_pair)
                        tris = tris + 1
    # This function searches for all the pokers in 100 hands and returns the number of pokers found
    find_poker <- function()
        poker = 0
        for(i in 1:100)
            test = 0
            dealer_pair = 0
            test2 = 0
            dealer_tris = 0
            for(b in 2 : 5)
                test = 0
                if(dealer[i,b] == dealer[i,b-1])
                    dealer_pair = T
                    test = dealer[i,b]
                    dealer_pair = F
                if((player1[i,1] == player1[i,2]) && (dealer_pair) && (player1[i,1] == test))
                    poker = poker + 1
            for(b in 3 : 5)
                test2 = 0
                dealer_tris = 0
                if((dealer[i,b] == dealer[i,b-1]) && (dealer[i,b-1] == dealer[i,b-2]))
                    dealer_tris = T
                    test2 = dealer[i,b]
                    dealer_tris = F
                if(dealer_tris && ((player1[i,1] == test2) | (player1[i,2] == test2)))
                    poker = poker + 1
    # The code below calculates probabilties of pairs and tris for each of the n 100 texas holdem hands simulation
    # The vector help_vector is used to build the matrix risultati_p1 where all the pairs and tris will be stored
    help_vector <- c(0,0,0)
    results_p1 <- matrix(help_vector,ncol=3)
    colnames(results_p1) = c("Pairs per 100 hands","Tris per 100 hands","Poker per 100 hands")
    for(i in 1:n)
        player1Hands <- c(0,0) 
        player1 <- matrix(player1Hands,ncol=2)
        player2Hands <- c(0,0) 
        player2 <- matrix(player2Hands,ncol=2)
        dealerst <- c(0,0,0,0,0) 
        dealer <- matrix(dealerst,ncol=5)
        # The code below simulates 100 texas hold'em hands
        for(i in 1:100)
            first_round <- hand()
            p1_h <- c(first_round[[1]][1],first_round[[1]][2])
            player1 <- rbind(player1,p1_h)
            p2_h <- c(first_round[[2]][1],first_round[[2]][2])
            player2 <- rbind(player2,p2_h)
            deal_h <- c(first_round[[3]][1],first_round[[3]][2],first_round[[3]][3],first_round[[3]][4],first_round[[3]][5])
            dealer <- rbind(dealer,deal_h)
        player1 <- player1[-1,]
        player2 <- player2[-1,]
        dealer <- dealer[-1,]
        pairs <- find_pairs()
        tris <- find_tris()
        poker <- find_poker()
        results__p1 <- c(pairs,tris,poker)
        results_p1 <- rbind(results_p1,results__p1)
    results_p1 <- results_p1[-1,]
    # Results for each 100 hand are shown
    # Final result is printed
    string_to_print <- paste("Given a Texas Hold'em game and two players, here are probabilities for p1 in",n*100,"hands:",sep=" ")
    # Please note that probabilites are calculated as average of pairs and tris found
    mean_scores = c(mean(results_p1[,1]),mean(results_p1[,2]),mean(results_p1[,3]))
    names(mean_scores) = c("Probability of a pair,","Probability of a tris","Probabilty of a poker")