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Last active February 17, 2017 11:18
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#Requires -Version 4.0
Gets the Firewall State for for a local, remote or a piped list of machines
Will require PowerShell 4.0 or later
Gets Public, Private and Domain Profiles
Gets the firewall state for all domain controllers
Get-ADDomainController -filter * | Get-FirewallState
The host to query
Author: Based on
I added pipeline support and the inclusion of the hostname in the results
Function Get-FirewallState
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Try {
$FirewallBlock = {
$content = netsh advfirewall show allprofiles
If ($domprofile = $content | Select-String 'Domain Profile' -Context 2 | Out-String)
{ $domainpro = ($domprofile.Substring($domprofile.Length - 9)).Trim()}
Else { $domainpro = $null }
If ($priprofile = $content | Select-String 'Private Profile' -Context 2 | Out-String)
{ $privatepro = ($priprofile.Substring($priprofile.Length - 9)).Trim()}
Else { $privatepro = $null }
If ($pubprofile = $content | Select-String 'Public Profile' -Context 2 | Out-String)
{ $publicpro = ($pubprofile.Substring($pubprofile.Length - 9)).Trim()}
Else { $publicpro = $null }
$FirewallObject = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -inputObject $FirewallObject -memberType NoteProperty -name "FirewallDomain" -value $domainpro
Add-Member -inputObject $FirewallObject -memberType NoteProperty -name "FirewallPrivate" -value $privatepro
Add-Member -inputObject $FirewallObject -memberType NoteProperty -name "FirewallPublic" -value $publicpro
Invoke-Command -computerName $HOSTNAME -command $FirewallBlock | Select-Object @{N="Hostname";E={$hostname}},FirewallDomain, FirewallPrivate, FirewallPublic
Write-Host ($_.Exception.Message -split ' For')[0] -ForegroundColor Red
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